Minutes-PC 1982/02/08Ctvic Center Anshetm~ C~lifornia february q~ 19A~ REGULAR MEETiNG OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINR COMMISSiQN aEGULAR The regular meeting of the Anahelm Ctty Pianninq CaMntsslon MEETING wes called to ordar by Chelrman Bushore at 10t~0 a.m.~ February S~ 1982, in th e Council Chamber~ a quorum being present~ snd the Cammlaslon revl ewed plens of the (tems on tod~y~s agend~. Rece~ss 11:00 a.m. Reconvene: 1:30 p.m, f or publlc testimony. PRESEN7 Chatrman Bushore Commisstoners: Barnes, Bouas~ Fry~ Herbst~ Kinq~ Mc9urney ABSENT Comrntsaloners: None A~SO PaESENT Annika Santaiahti Asslstsnt Director for Zonlnq JaGk Whlte Asslstant City Atterney Jsy Titux Office En9lneer Paul Singer Tr~ffic Engineer Pemela L~~cedo Assoclate Planner Dean Shrrer Assistant Pl~nner Edlth Herris Plsnninq Ccxrr~ission Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAC l.ED sY - Commissloner Fry, APPR4VAL Of MINUTES - Can~nis~!~~er King offered e motion~ seconded by Commissioner c urney an. N GARRIED~ that the minutes of c~a January 25, IQA2~ n-eeting be approved as suMnitted. ITEM N0. 1: EIR NEGATIVE DECLARAT~ON RECLASSIFICATION N0. 81-82-13 WAIVER QF A~'~tnl -C~'~~r3'r. H . o PUBLIC HEAR!N~. OWNER: ERWtN N. 1+, AND 1~tERA P. KERSTEN~ 1c~7 !ne Ob~ero Avenue. P. 0. 9ox 5-736. Guad~laJa~a~ JAI,~ Mex~-~ and ORANGE COUNTY F~OOD CONTRAL DiSTRlCT~ c/o County of Orange EnvirQnmental Agency~ ~;~~~sion of Regulatipn~ P. 0. Box 4048, Sants Ana, CA g2702. Property described ae a rectangulsrly-shaped parcel ot l~nd consisting of approxlmately 260 feet on the south stde of C~escent Avenue. approxlmately 33~ teet v+eat of the centerllne of Braokhurst Street. AECLASStFICATiON R~QUEST: RS-A•43,000 TO R-l-3000. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST: TO PERMtT A 1-LOT~ 3~•UNIT~ 4S-FOAT KICH~ CONDAMINII.l-1 SU8DIV1510N WiTH WAtVERS OF: (a) MINlMUM BUILQING SITE AREp~ (b) MAXiMi~M STRUCTUfIAI HEIGHT. (c) MINIMUM LANDSCAPEQ SETBACK~ (d) MINIMUM SIDE YARI~ SETBACK, (e) MiNlMUM RECREATION/LEiSURE AREA AND (1`) REQUtRED TYPE OF PARKiNG 5PF,CE5. TENTATIVE NAP REQUEST: TO CONSTRUCT A 1-LOT, 39-UNIT, ~S-F04T NIGH~ COHDOMIN1lIM SU801VISION. 82-63 ziaiaz ; MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINR COMNISSION~ February A~ iqA2 a2'hl~ SubJect peition wes continued f~an the rneetinqs of Janua~y 11~ snd 25~ 1492. It w~s noted the petitioner hAS requested that subjec! petitlon be cantinued to the meettng ~f FebruarY 22, 1982, ACTION: Commtss~loner Kingf ~~entionedtltem be~c~ntlnuedcto the'regularlysscheduled A~'f'I'aN CARaIED~ that the meeting of February 22 1902~ at tha request of the petltloner. ITE~ 2S E~,~ T~GORICAL EXEMPTION•CLASS 5~ AN~ AaIANCE Nn. 3254: P~BLIC HEARING. 0'~ER: 1dEST SNORES DEVELOP~~ENT~ INC.~ 1~38 North Tustin, SulAeAzS~j. Orange~ CA ~266,. AGENT: PAUI ENIiNE~ 3~5 South Old 8ridge Road~ Anahetm, C PropertY descriaed as eR Irregularty-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxim~telY .76 acre~ t20 South Mohter Orive. Pro~ertY pr~sentlY classified qS-HS- 22~000(SC) ~Residentiel• Single•Family Hlll~ide•Scenic Corridor Overley) ione. VARIANCE REOUEST: WAIVER OF MINIMUM LOT AREA TO ESTABLISN A 2~LOT SUBDIVISION. There wss one persan Indicating hi~ P~esence in oppositi~n to subJect r~quest~ and although the steff ~eport was not read~ it is referred to and n+ade a part of the minutes. Paul Ehline~ agent, explsined there are i~,'1~~-square foot lats acr~ss the s:reet and presented a petitlon contalning app~oximately 3n slgnatures of people in the nelghborhood who support the pro}ect. F+~rrell Weber~ 4~0 Vla Vista, Aneheim~ stated he is a memher of the Sant~ Ana C~nYon Property Owners Assoctatton and lives about 1 mile fran the proposed development a~d does oppose division of the lots as set torth. He ~dinted out the existing structure and t~e Rroposed lot spltt on the exhibit and noted the existina ~tructure wouid be ~pproximatelY 1Q feet fran the property lina of th~ proposed lot and explalned the entire parcei is .76 acre and there are a number of lots In the Mohier arive aree whEch are substsntlally targer. He stated the Santa Ana Canyon Property 0-^ ers Assocta~ion had a spectsl n+ceting and s resolutlon was ~sssed Indlcattnq they dre oppostng this smsil 1G~000-square faot lot which is eppr.~xt~natetY 6.c10o square feet less then requlred, He prRSanted photographs of the s~ea and of the lot wh~ch would be on the carner of Mohler Qrive and Del Glorgio and noted th~s elen+entsry snd iunlor hlgh school is served by those streetY a~nd the traffic is quite extensi~re In the mornfngs and if the driveways are onto Mohle~ Orive. it wlit create additiona) problems. Mr. Weber presonte:i petittons co~tatning ~pproximately 62 signatures of persons opposing the proJect ahlch were circulated by mem~ers of the Sants Ane Csnyon Prop~rties Assoclatlon (Mr. Weber indtcated there were spproxin+at ly 8n s9gnatures on the petlt~oR). He atated they fenl the 14~004-square foot lat 1~ totelly inco~sistent with the nelghbortiood and would net enhance the camiuntty. although the 2/8/82 ~ . . _~_......._.......~._. .._ ....... . .._...e......a..... .......-.,.~....-...,.,. y -....-.,...~.~...... « 9 I- ~ . 7 r r ! + M~NUTES~ ANAHElM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION~ Februery 8~ ~~A2 92•6S ~ ~ petttloner did bulld a b~autiful hom~ on the other parcel~ and they feel the fot ~ shouid remaln as one. ~ ~ Mr. Ehltne explalnsd the d~iveNay situstlon was dis wssed with the traffic englnee~ ' •nd they ar~ provfding an on-slte turn•around ares. THE PUBLIC HEARIN~ WAS CLOSED. Conrnlssloner King refe~red to the Traffic Engtneer's recan~nendatlon thst eu~b~ sldewalks and gutte~s be Installed on Mohier Drtve adJecent to the suh)ect Rrope~ty. Mr. Ehline repllad they would be ~ytlling to compiy as long as the ImpPOV~mer,ts were ~ done in gnad taste and would blend In with the countrY ~ural look such as usiny ~Iver ~; rock, otc. Chalrman Bushore stated he feeis becaus~ of the 10~OA0-square foot lots -^i..ss the atreet and the unusual shape and topogr+~p!~y and thn unusua~ dedl~~tlon that the varience would be Justifted. Co~miisslonar Nerbst ~sked if any additlonai dedlcatlon wili be required and Jay Titua. Office Englneer~ replied the dedicatton Is existing and there woutd be no need 1`or addittonal dedicattan, Commiasion~r He~bst stated he felt a lot of thls property hAd been dedicated for the beneflt of everyone In the ares ta provlde the street widenfng~ etc. and stated he dld ~ot feei this 14,020-square fpot lot would be detrimencal to the area. Comnissianer McBurney ag~eed and stated thts p~~pertY has lost a lot tn rlght-of-way for imprc~vements and if It had been kept in the r~ral area, t'~ere would hav~e been enough srea to conform Co the 1/2-ecre parceis and indicated he f~lt that would be the hardshtp and he would support the request. Comrr;issloner Herbst stated he was nnt concerned about setting a precedcnt because if there were sny other prope~ties whtc~ hsd h~d thls much tiake~ away for dedication~ the Commission could review It on an tndivldual basts. It waa rtated the Planntng Uirector or hls authorizrd representattve has determined that the proposed p~oJect falls within the det~nttion of Categorlcel Exempetons. Class 5, as dcflnGd tn paragraph 2 of the Ctty af Ansheim Envlronment+~l Impact Report Guideiines and ts~ therefo~e~ categor{cally exempt from the requlrement to prepare an E IR. ACTION: Commissioner Nerbat offered Resolution No. P~Q2-i1 and moved for its passage an~ac~optta~ that the Anaheim City Planning Can~nlssio. ioes hereby qrant Vs~tanc~ No. 3254 on the bests of the irregulsr shape and downh111 sloping topography of subJect property and also on the besls that ths stze has been cantr~ined by an existing stfeet ettg nnent (curvature of Mohler D~ive) and an exlsttng storm drain bordering the p~operty on th~ 3outheast and de~lal would deprive subJect property of privileges r/8/82 4 ~. ; MINUTE5, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, February a, 19g2 82-66 enjoyed by other proNerties i~ the seme zone and viclnity and subJect to Interdepartmental Committe!~ r~commendatians. On roll cell, the foregoing resolutian «as passed by the followinn voce: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BOIIAS~ BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST~ KING, NC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE Jack White, Assistant City Attorney~ presen'ed the written right to appeal the Planning Comnlssian's decision w(thin 22 days to the City Council, ITEM N0. 3: EIR NEGATIVf O~CLARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ~10. 22 RUBLIC HEARING. QWNER: EL4ERT L. AND LIDA L. SMITH~ 12921 Wheeler Place. Santa M a, CA 92105. AGENT; BUOGET RENT-A-CAR OF ORANCE COUNTY~ 4040 Campus Drtve~ Newport Beach~ CA 92660. Property desc~ibed as a rettangularty-shaped pa~cel of land corisisting of approximately ~.5 acrP~ 1400 South Harbor Raulevard. Property pres%:ntly cl.issified RS-A-43,000 (Residential~ Agricultural) Zone, CONDITIONAI U5E REQUEST: TO RETAIN AN AUTONOBi~E RENTA~ AGENCY There was no one indicating thei• presence in opposition to sut;ect request~ and although the staff repor•t was noc reaA,it is referred to and made a part of ~he minutes. John Mtch, 2651 West ~.incoln~ representing Budget Rent-A-CAr, stated they c:a not want to comply with closing of the westeriy driveway on Manchester and the nartherly driveway on Harbor and replacing them with standard curbs, gutters and sidewalks at 'his rime because they have been unabie t~ get an extended I~ase on the prop~rty. Ne exalained the driveways have 5eer clossd temporarily since last year. He stated hr. thought it is tl~e ow~-er's responsibility to meet the city's requiremcnts. THE PUBLIC HEARING b1AS CLOSED. Responding to Chairrn,~n Bushore, Mr. Mich sta~ed tne{r lease ~xpires December 18, 19a2, and expl~lned they h~ve ~ried to get ~ lon5-t~;m lease. Chair:-~an Bushore stated the use was allo..d for a six-rrbnth period originally and he t!~ought '.t would be unrealistic to req~ire that t6~_ driveways be ctosed~ but t~ey musi be closed a' some pui.;c ai•d aliowing a cond _ion~l use permit would be eliowing the driveways to main. He suggested tying the conditional u5e permit to the period of thr leasc ~ arhPn it is renegotiate~, the situation can be rectified and the driveways ~ used at that time. Co~missioner NtBurney ~sked what Che petitioner wouid consider a tong-tarm isase v+hr~el,y he ~w~uld be in a pasition to cl~se the driveway. Mr. Mich replied i~e would consider 3 to 5 yeers e long te~m pr.r~ad. 2/8/$2 MINUTES~ ANAHEIN CITY PLANNIN~ COMMISSIGN~ Febru~ry 9~ 1982 92-67 Jack White~ Assistant City Attarney. stated e cenditlonai usa pe~mit stays with the property and nat wtth a particuler lessee; that this parttcutar lease was apparently executed prlor to epplying for ~ conditiona) usa permit. Ne suqqestQd tf tht Commisalon wtshes to not ~equlre that the driveways be closed ~t this time, thet the permit be grsnthd for • perlod of one Year and if the lessee and the owner want to negattate a new leese. they w111 both be on notice thet thts will be requl~ed and whsn they reapply for a permit or extensian~ tha herqalnfnq positlen betwe~n the two could be affected by this particuiar requlrement. Ne stated he dtd not think tt would be feir that the city would have to qo withnut ~hraintn~ these improvert+ents simpiy because of an on-going year-to-year 1~ een the own~r and tenant. He suggested the permit could be slmply grsnted i imlted p~rlod of ttme cotermtn o~~s witl~ the term ot the lease which wouid ~llow tha~ t he revlRwed at thet tlme. He stated he was not sure the Commisslon would w~nt to ~llow an extenslon if thts ls a ~equtrrment whlch they fee) Is necessary and if tt Is walved~ It will he bec~use the leasa was entered into before p~rmits were ohtalned end It may b~ that a new applicatl~~n sh~utd be submitted when this permlt expires. Chairm~n Bushor~ asked if thst parttcular requlrement could be walved for on~ year snd if the petitloner asks for ~n ext~nslan~ the drive~ays he r.,•~utre~ ~t th~t time. ACTIQN: Chafrman Bushore offered a motton. sec~nded by Canmis:ionar Rouas and MOTION ~D~ that the Anahelm Ctty Planntng Commission has revie~~d the proposel to retatn an automobile rentat agency on a rectangeila~iy-shaped p~rcei of land consisttng of approximately 0.5 ecre~ lxated at the southeast corn~r ~f Manchester Avenue and Her~~ Boulev~rd app~oxlmatelY (14~A South karho~ 8oulrvard)~ and d~cs hereby approve the Negative Oecl~ratlon `rom the requlrement to qrepare an envlr~nmental Impact report on ttie basls that there would be no sfgnlficent individua) or cumulattve adve~se envlronmental tmpact due to the approvsl of this Negative Deciarstlon since the Anahelm Genera) Plan design~tes the suhJRC~ proparty fo~ canrnerctal recreatton land uses conn~ensurate with xhe proposal; that no sensltiye envlronmental Im~~ts are Envolved tn the proposal; that the tnitisi Study submitted by the oetitioner indtcates no significant Individual or cwnulatlve edversr environmental Impacts: and that the Necatlve Decla~atlon substantlatina the foreqoing findtngs Is on fI1Q tn the City of Anaheim Pisnnlnq Departr+~nt. Chatrmsn Bushore offe~~d Resolutlon No. PC82-12 and moved fnr Its pasaege and sdoptton that the Anahelm Ctty Pianning Cc~mmisslon does herehy qrant Condttfo~al l)se P.rmit No. 2293 for a perlod of one vear snd tf there (s a request for an extenslon of time, It woutd be subj~ct to th• westerly driv~wav on Manchester Avenue and the northerly drtveway on Ha~bo~ ~oulevard heing +noved and repiaced wtth the stsndard curb~ gutter and sldew~lk and In compltence with Sections 1$.~3.n3~; .f1s1; .~32; •03~; .~34 and .035, Titl~ 18 of thN Anahetm Municipai Code and subJect to Interdepartmentsl Caemittee recortrnendations. On roll catl, the foregotng resolutlon was passed hy the fo~lowin~ v~te: AYES: COMMISStONERS: BARNES, BOUnS~ BUSH~RE~ FRY~ HER9ST~ KINr,~ Mc9URNEY NOES: COMMISSIONfRS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 2/8/$2 r MINUTES~ ANAMEIM CITY PLANNING C4MMISSION~ Februa ryr 8, 1~8? QZ~n~ ITE` M N0. 4s Eia CATEGORICAL EXEMPTiON-CLA55 14 AND COh~)ITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2297t PUBIIC HEARING. OI~M ER: tRINI~Y LUTHERAN CHURCH INC., 420 Fernhill Lane, Anah~lm~ CA 9280). AGENT: DENNIS G. QRR~ 1bA E~~~ M~In Street~ Sutt~ 12~~ lustin, CA 9268Q. Property deacribed as an irregularly•shaped parcel of tand con~isting of approxtmately 4.0 acrss~ ~1Q1 East Noh) Rsnch Roed. P~opertY presently ~lassifted ~S•HS-10~000(SC) (Residentlai~ Slnqle•Famlly Corridor Overl~y~ 2o~e. CQNDITONAL USE RFQUEST: TO PERMIT A LIB4ARY A~DITION TO AN EXISTINR CNURCH FACILITY. There wss no o~e tndlcating th~ir presence In oppositlan to subject rea-~est~ and although the staff repo~t was not read~ It ts referr~d to ~nd made a part of thc minutes. Qennis Or~, agent, was present to snswer any questtons. TNE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. It was noted the Pianning Dtrector or his euthortzed repreaenistiva h~s determined ` that the proposed project fa11s wlthin the deftnleion of Categoricnl Exemptions~ ~, Class 14~ as ~pflned tn the State EIR Guld~ll~rs ~nd Is ttierefor~~ categorically ', ; exempt from the requ 1 rdnertt to pret~are ~n E I R. ~F ACTION: C~nwnissioner Barnes offe~ed Ras~lutton No. PC82-13 and movad for tts passage an a op:lon that the Anahetm Ctty Ptanning Commission does hereby q~a~t Co~dttiona~ Use Pe~mtt No. 2297 ln :.ompitance with Sections 1R.~3.n;~; ,~j1; ,~32; .~3'i; .~3h and .035~ Title t$ of tha Anahelm M~nicipal Code and subJQCt to Interdepa~trnental Committee recammendstlons. On roll call~ the foregoing res4lution was passed by the followin9 vote: AYES; COMMiSSI0NER5: BARNES, BOUAS~ BUS-~~RE~ FRY~ HERBST~ KINr~ McBURyEY NOES; COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE ITEM N0. 5: ENVIRONM_F.NTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 113 (PREVIOUSLY APpROVE~ . . Q~• ACT NO pUBLIC HEARIN~. n1~NER; SUNSET HOMES OF CALIFdRNIA~ iNC.~ 1749 E~st Katella~ Oranqe, CA 92633. AGEN7: GERALD ftEWERS~ 1~771 Pisza D~.~ Suite A~ Tustin~ CA 926g~. Prope~ty described as an irregularly•shaped parcel of l~nd consisting of approximAtely S.8 gross acres tocated at :he northeast corner of La Psima Avenue snd Romneya Orfve. havtng ~pproximste frcrntaqes of 406 feet on the north stde of La Palma Avenue and 739 fe~~ on t~e east ~ide of Romheys Drive. 2/8/S2 ~INUTES~ ANAHEi~ C~TY PL~NNINO COMMISS1pN~ Feb~uary B~ 19A? $p.Fq RECLASy1FIr.ATi~~r~ REQUF.ST: RS•A-43~00o TO RM-3o0~. VARIANCE REQUEST: WAIVERS OF MAXIMUM STRUCTURAL HEIrf~T~ MINIMUM LANDSCAPED SE'~t,,~CK ANO N;XIMUM FENCE NEIGHT. TENTATiVE 7RACT REQUEST; TO ESTABLISH A 3-LOT~ 64-UNIT CON~OMINIUM SUBDiVISION. There wes one person indicating his pre~ence in opposttlon to eu~)ect request~ and altho~~h the s~aff report was nat re~d~ tt ls referred to an~i made a pert of the minute~. Frank Hughes~ We111nqton Group~ 14771 Plaza ~rive~ Sutte A~ Tustin~ eqent, explalned the General Plan Amendment for this propertY was qranted on OCCember 1~+~ 1~81~ and that he has read the staff repo~t a~d feels they hAVe dAne th~ir homework and have wnrked ex~ensfvely with staff in trying to prescnt a plan whtch c~n be supported. He stated they have resched a Memorandum of Understandlno relative to certeln Issues of concern with the Anaheim Shorec Owners Associatton~ Inciuding th~ boundary condttlons~ proJect naming and encroaching utflittes. He stated th~y have thoroughiy researchad the market and tried to design a p~oJect that wouid be wetl recefved, both from a sita design and Inte~tor des(gn basts and tt wiil address the segm~nt of the msrket that badiy needs thts type hausing. Hc stated they have retalned a very capabie archttect and local englneering flrm to carry out the plenned obJectlves as seen by thc Planntng Commlssion and City Cauncll in 197~+. He polnted out the exhlbtts ritsptayed and stated there is a single entrance In accordance wfth the Trafflc E~gineer's recomm~ndatlons off Romneya and noted the~e are townhouse units around the perlmeter along la Palma and Romneya with fiats-over_flats unlta in the interior for a total of 54 unlts. He explalned 160 parking spaces are ~equtred and 113 spaces are provided. Fie stated me~y people In the sree +vere concerned how condomintums would affect the area and stated they did preparr_ statistlcsl analysis and are addressing the quality rather than the quanttty of the pl~n. He compe~ed the proposed building coverage (31$) with the exlsting An~helm Shores +on,.-s ta the east (44$) and stated the open space ts G~$ of the land area and the adjacent Anahetm Shores Pro,ject has ;2$ open space. M. J. Engle, 1i81 North Catalpa~ stated he has been a res(dent of the tract to the w~st for 25 years and is opposed beca~~se as tt is now, it Is delfghtful~ snd he did not think this proJett would ~nhance the area; however~ he recoqntzes thOs is a fste of all undevelaped ta~rltory but would llke to be assured this low•rnedium donslty proposed is the flnai proposa) snd the owner w111 not be cdnlnq back and sayinq he has a hardship ~nd want ta change the density to twice the intenslty. Chalrman 8ushore stated nothing in this itfe is t~ta'ly guarante~ed and if this pra,ject is not built and the land sets there for 10 years~ he coutd atsure hi~r th~ere would be ~equests for other uses and tt could be ca+merclal~ etc. Mr. Engle Indicated he Is not asking for a guarantee but is concerneA the pettttoner would cane back In six months and want a higher density and asked whet would be the ~ext highest category of roning. zlRie2 MINUTES~ ANANEIh CITY PIANNING COMMI4SION~ February 8~ 1982 A2'7~ Commisslon~r Nerbst st~ted if onythinq n~w Is submitted~ there would be enother public he~ring; and that the propertY owner ha' the right to request wh~tever he wish~s and the Plannin9 Cannisslon also h~s tha right to deny It. Dean Sherer~ Assistant Plsnne~~ st~tsd Lhe st~ff report (ndic~tes an P~ge 5-A that the Citv Counci) recen~lY adopted G~~i~~~i Plsn Amendment No. 1~1 whfch ch~nged the land use ~e:ign~tion f~om ca+rnercial to iow-medlur density ~e~idcntlal us~s whtch pe~mlti 18 units per a~re and that this proposai ts tor 14-1/2 units Arr ec~e whtch is RM-30Q0 zone and It Is ~ little bit lower thsn the m~ximum dll~wed. Fk ststed if tho develop~r wishes to develop st a hlqher densitv~ ~~e would hava to c~e back to the Planning Commtsston with a new tr~ct mAp and a posgible Reneral Plan Amendment for redealgnatlon and In any evenk there woutd be anothe~ public hesring. Ne axplained the RM-120A zone would pe~mit 36 untts per acre which would bQ the maximun density and that would mean apartments. THE PU9LIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. Commtssloner McBurney com~lim~nted th~ d~velope~ an providinq rnore then ~equlred pe rkt ng. Commissloner Barnas comalimented the developers and Indicated she thought this was a nice p~oJect. She stated she wanted to assure M-. Eng1e that she did not think she would be fn favor of increased density and poin•ad out the pe titioner is raquesting vsrisnces and they are no~ unreason~bla~ but she :.nuid not ~~nt ta see s pro)ect with any more vartanc~s. It was noted Environmental Impact aeport No. 113 was prevlouslY certlfied by the C{ty Councl) on Marth 1G~ 197ti~ in coroJunctlon wtth the approval of the AnehelM Shores Planned Community. ACTION: Commissianer K~ng offered Resoluttan No. PC82-14 and moved tor its passage a~nc a~uptton that the Annhelm Clty Plenning Commission does hereby qrent Reclassificatlon No. 81•d2-12 suhJect to Interdepartn~ental Cammittee reca+r~enAatlons. On rolj call, the fo~egoing resotution was qassed by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BAaNES~ BOUAS~ BUSHORE. FRY, HER9ST~ KIN~, McBURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMfSS10N~RS: kONE Commisslonar Ktng offered Rasolutlon No. PC82-1S and moved for it~ passage and adoption that the 4nsheim City Planning Canmisston does here5y grsnt Varidnce No. ;2y2 0~ the bagis that denlsi wouid ~~prive subject p~~'~ty o~ privtleges en~oyed by proper;tes In ti~e ssme area and due to the lxa~~on and 3urrounding,, the 2-story structurzs with windows wiil not tmpact the residences due to the separation nfforded by la Palma Avenue which is a primary arterlat hlghr+ay and subJect to Interdepartmental Committee recannendattons. On roil call, the foregolnq resolution w~s passed by tha foltowing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BAilNES~ BOUAS, BUSHORE~ FRY, HEaBST~ KING, McBURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NOWE 2/8/82 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHEtM CITY PLANNING C4MMISSI~)N~ Februarv 8~ 1~82 A~-71 Commis=lone~ Kl~g off~r~d a motlon~ s~cond~d by Cammtssion~r Bouaa and t'flTION CAARIED, th~t the Anahetm Cfty Pl~nntn9 Cammisalon do~s h~reby find that the p~oposad eubdivision togeth~r with its design ~nd Improvement~ Is conatatsnt wtth Anaheim~s Cen~ral Plan pursuant to Govornment Code Sactlan 6F~W73.5; and does, th~re~~~e, apn rove Tentative Mep of T~act No. 117ti0 for a three-lot. ~~+-unlt cand~++tnun~ suhdivtslon, subJ~ct to the followfng condttlons: t. That the apprAVel of Tentetive Man of Tract No. 117~+'1 Is qrented sub~ect to the approvat of Reciassific~tion No. 81-'~2-12. 2. That the approva) of lintatlve yap of Trect No. 11~h~1 1s gra~ted sublect t~ the approval of Va~lance No. 3252. 3. That should thts subdivl~ton be dev~loned as more tha~ one subdivislon, eech subdivislon thereof sha11 be submitted In t~ntative form 'or ~an~oval, 4. Thet all lots wlthtn this trsct shall he served by under~rnund utllttles. 5. That the origtnal documents ~f ~he covenants~ r~n~ifrt~ns~ and restrictinns. and a letter addressed to developer's title cmm~anv a~athorizlnq recordatton thereof~ shail be submitted ta the City Attorney's nff-~~ a~d dpp,•oved hy the City Attor~ey's Office~ Puhl ic !!tl l itirs ne~ert~nt~ Bui lding Divlslen, end the Engineerinq ~tvlslon pr~or te fiinal tract mAn ~ppr'evai. Sald documents~ as appr~ved. shali he f11ed and ~~c~rded in the OfflcG of th~ Orange County Record~r. 6. That street names shail he epprov~d hy th~n Citv plannino Depa ~tment orler to approvai of a final tract map. 7. That trash storage areas sh~11 be ~~evided Ir; acGOrd~nee with anaroved oi~ns on file with the Office of the Executive Olrector of Puhlic Works. 8. That flre hydrants shali be Installed and cha~rqed as requlred and determined to be necassary by the Chlef of the Fire Dapartrr~nt pr!or ta cc+mmencement of structurel framtng. 9. That d~alnage of subJect prop~rty shall be dtspoaa~ of in a manner satisfactory to the Cicy Engineer. 10. That the owner of subJect property shal) vay to the City of Anahetm the aRpropriate park and recreatton In~lieu fees as decermined to be approprlat~ by the City Council~ satd foes ta be pald at the ti~ the buildtng permit is isgued. 11. That all prlvate streets shatl be developed in accnrdance with Lhe City of Anahetm's Standard Detail No. 122 fo~ private strsrts~ includtnq Inatallatton of street nan+e signs. Plens f~r the private st~eet ifqhting, aa r~quired by the stundard detai), shsll be suhmitted to the Butidinq Olvlston tor approvst and tnciusion Nith the bulldtn~ plans prl~r to the, iss~cahce of bulldtnp ~-ermiis. (Private strrets are these whtch provide prin-ary accass a~d/or ct~culation withfn the proJect. 2/8/~2 ~ t 'r MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C OHMISStON. Febru~ry 9~ 1982 g2'72 12. If parnNnent street name stg ns hsve not been instelied~ te~~er~~Y street name signs sha11 be ins telled ~rior to •ny occuRsncv. 13. That the own~r(s~ of s u bJect p~ope~ty sha11 pay th~ trsffic sign~l •asRSSment f~e (Ordina~ee No. 33~6) In an anaunt as dete~mined by the City Council~ tor each new dwelling unit prlor to the Istuanc~ o~ a hulldtng permit. 1 t+. Tha t the ent ~ance secur t ty qate sha 11 be cont ~ol l ed by a numer I c+~ 1 Requ~nce reader. 15. P~lo~ to Issuance of building permits, the aaplicant sha11 orexent evicience ssttsfectory to the ChFaf 8 ullding Inspector that the untts wil) he In conformence with Nols~ Insul~tion Standards spectfied In thP CaltforniA Adminlstratiye Code. T~t~e ~5• 16. P~tor to IssuAnce of b ulidtng p~rn+its~ the apnilcant shall ~resent ~vidence satisfactory to the Chiaf Sullding Inspector thAt the ~roQOS~d p~olect Is in conformance wlth Coune il Po11cY Numher S-+2~ Saund Attenuation in Resldenti~l Projects. N0. !~: ENVIRONNENTAI IMPACT REPORT N0. 215 NA{~!E^ OF C~f1f R~Q~)IRE-~ENT AND PUBLIC HEARING. 01~M ER: CITY O f ANANEIM, 2n0 S. Anehelm Baulevara, Anahetm~ CA 92805. AGENT: C-D INYESTMENT CAMPANY~ 9°il ~lest Pica 8oulevard, Sulte BSi~ Los Angel~s~ CA 90~35. Property d~scrtbed ss an Irr~gul~rly-sha~ec~ parc~l of ta~d conafsttng of epproximately 1z.7 ac ~es~ having approxim~t~ frontaqes ot 275 feet en the south stde of Katetla Avenua and ~3~ '~eet on the nerth sl~l~ c+f Conventlen Wey. CONQ i T I ONAL USE REQ'JEST : TO PEAN 1 T AN 11 •5'roar ~ 1~~^F!1QT N 1 ~H ~ 1~+~'1-aQ~'1 N~Tf.I AN~ ACCESSORY USES W I TH QN-SALE ALGnHOL 1 C BEVERArES W 1 TH WA IVE't OF M I N I M~~~ NUMAER AN!1 TYPE OF PARKiNG SPACES. There wer~ appro;.tmately fifteen persons lndicating their pr~sPnce at the puhlic heartng~ and aith~ugh the+ staf t report was not rdad~ tt is referred to and made a Dart of the Mtnutes. Chairman Bu~hore explalned thfs niatter was continuad fran+ th~ January ?.S, 1~82. Pianning Cort+misslon meeting 1~ order for the Conxnisslon to ehsorh ttie infern+ation they had ~ecelved and to get :ddlttonal responses to the cwn++ents hrouqht up st that publlc hearing. Jack 1~Ih1*'o Assistant CitY Attorney~ explatned two letter~ of oppositlon were recelved and revtewed by the C ommFsslon. Ccxn~nissloner Herbst stated he thought the proJect w~s a geod prelect and has been very weit concelved and wllt be s conve~ntton hotel located ad~acent to the Convention 2/A/~2 . .. ... ... . .. .~..... ~ ~ Y NINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONMISSION, Fahruary A~ 19R2 P2-73 Center~ if approved. He st~ted most pe~ale hav~ he~n concerne~ ~baut th~ earking but ho felt considering ! he double uses Invoived in the oper~tlan of this hotel wtth ~estaurants. convent i on~, etc.. that st+~f t ha~ cens idered ear,~~ ~~~e on t ts ~vn m~er I t and each u~e h+~s bee n edded to the total; that many hotels have he~n aTlow~d w~ivers of 25$ snd this ~eq uest is for only 5 t~ 1~$; that there wllt he s ane tand~+n pdrking but he has looked et ~tha r areas and tf the tan~'m pa~klnq 1~ ~:ontroll~d in the manna~ In whlch Msrriatt ~epresentative~ hsve indtcated for I~rn~ events at either the Convention Csnte r or their oam Conventfon Cente~~ It can ~+e handl~d ~roperiy. He stated In New Yo~k c a ~s a re parked 4 ~r ; de~p and it ~rke. He Si~ItP~ If chts parking walver Is allowed. he felt the maximuM ~arkina wouid only be needed ~bout 10~ of ti~e timo when the Fx~tel is running at m~ximum with ~11 uer.s t~nd 4~?, of the time the pa~kln~g stalls would nat he utiilaed and he cauld nnt se~ ~orctnq the p~titioner to provtde ~paces to be usad for that amount af tirt-e. He st~~ted aiso the t+etlttoner has ag~eed that throu gh a covenant with the city~ If edAlttonal ~~~aces are needed, an additlonal two stori~s coutd be adaed to thG structure. 'le Indicat~d he hes nr~ problem with the pe r king whet~oever. Commlssloner Boua~s stated the ~espo~srts recelvrd to the EIR after the p~~hl ic heArlnq satisfted har questtons and statad she thou~ht thls was a c~o~i pro~ect. Commissioner Ktng stataJ `~e agreed with Commisstoner Herbst's cc~m~nts. Commtssi~ner Frv st a ted h~ had no ~eddttl~nal conM+encs to make. Commissloner McOurney stated he has read Che matcrials s+ihmitted an~i fett Ultresystems should be congratulated because Chey ~Id answer alt th~ questi~ns hs had and als~ he felt the opposltlon's c~ncerns h~d b~en rnsw~red. Con~ri~sloner Barnes stated she thouqht the EIR is ade~uaxe and aAr~rr.sses all the concerns~ especlsllY wit-+ t--e addittnnai resp~nses and other m~terl~nls submlteed a~d falt Lhey are mar~e than adequate. Chalrman Bushore st a t~A he felt the Commisston had, as ~ whole~ looked far in depth into the EfR and the y need to keep fn mind what an EIR d~es, and whAt ft ts meant to do and staced he fe1 t tfiis EIR trled tc~ take Into conslderatton all possibllftles and potentlal mltlgattan s of those matters. He stated h~ felt st~ff had taken tnto conslderstlon all mi tig~tlons rrhtch could posslhiy ht knc~m and hsve incorporated those into t!~e rec oee~mendstlon, should this pro)ec: be apprbved. He ~tsted the Commisslen Is aiso coneidering a canditional use permit which means if there Is ~ probldn In the futu re snd It (s found there is an adverge aff~~t on 4he ~rea, the CommisslAn c~n revies,r the permit end t~ke care of the oreblems and tf this is approved~ tt is ded~sed to be final but there are ways to correcL prabl~ns in the future. Chairman Bushore st a ted the Commissiort did receive a letter fr~n the ~ffice of Mariene Fox and It .+ili t~ incorporat~d into the approprlete data anci the Cemmission haa taken It into c4nside rstton. Ne stated there are sev:ral lte+ns n~snttoned in th~t letter arhlch sre a i/ttle bit beyond th~ puroose of thts ha~ring a~A the Ca+rnlssion 2/R/R2 ~..~~. MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY P~ANNING COMMISSION, Februsry 9, 1992 ~p.7h has nolhing to do with the oplnlon that there a~e hiqhiv unusual an~f favorahle t~eatmonta by the clty; that the CcNnmfsst~nors a~e l~nd nlenners; that the mentl~n re9arding deter'm~netion o1' the =oninq Is beyond the tammisslon's Jurisdictinn; th~t the Commis~lonera are no t lewyers and if th~ Ctty Attorneys ~ay this use Is withtn the cede, the Ccmmisslon w111 accept that opinton; that the cnnrnent was made that econ~xnic Impecte were na t sdequately discussed tn the EIR and noted this Canml~~lon is not one of ~:t~~romics and Is one ot land plenninc~ and thel~ nan+es wlll n~t apn~ar on a~y future a~greements between the Hilton and the city or any othar hateis and tha cltY; thrt nAgotlatinns for thts hotel have been going on for over a yea~ and everyone has taken as mu ch as possible Inta constderAtlon. t~e referred alse to e letter ffom Pht 1'ip Schwartze. from P!~t lip B~andt Reddick, reqardinq the ~ifsposition nf Conventlon Way-publie versus privete-and noted that is n~t withtn the Plsnnlnq Commisslen's Jurtsdiction; that televlalon rece~ptlon was dlsc~~sse~! and ha~ he~en edequate:ly taken care o f the same as reQulred for the Marriott ~nd aiso the water pressur~ l5sue has been ade~quately discussed. He stated all thest thinqs have h~en takrn into con~ideretio n and the condltlonal use pe~mit is ttie tool to t~kR cer~ of the prohtem. He stated the purpose of ttils hearin~ was tn take a close look at th~ fects and make a determination and he thought after two ~~eeks the Planninq Commisslon (s ready ta make that d etorminatl~n. ACTION: Commissloner Herhst offerPd a motlon~ seconded hy Commissl~ner Kinq ~nd h1~N CARRIED (Chalrman Bu~hore abstalntnq), that after censiderin~ ~IR No. 251 for the proposed d~velopmen t of a 16~~-room conventlon hc~tel wtth ancI11A ry uses and revlewing evldenca~ hoth written and or~l~ ta sunplement Drs~t EIa N~. ?.;1, th~ Planning Commisslon finds: (i) Draft EIR N~. 2~1 Is in con-pllance with th~ fallf~rnta Envlronmentat Quallty Act and City and St~t~ EIR GuldelTnes. (2) The fot lorv(nq envl ro~n+~ntel imnects have ~+een tdent 1 f 1ed t~s being assaclated wltli the prnpased project: (a) Ther~ will be temporAry tnconvenienc~ to sur~~~ndinq prop~rtles as ~ result ~f notse~ du~t~ llqht snA trucks durin q constructlon. (b) The profect will cause ~n incrementai Inc~ease in alr pollutian. (c) Ther~ will be addltlonel visual and notse intruslon to surroundl~~ land uses adJacent ta the p~oject. (d) The proJect may contrtbute to the need for addttlona) sewa g~e treatment plant capecity In the future. (e) The increased n~ber of hotei empinyees msy c~use furt her pressurr. on the suppiy ~f low and noderat~ (ncoR+e housing In the a~ea. (f) The proJect Nill generate suhsts~ttal incroases tn volunies to the extsting trafffc cc~ntrel system. 2/9/82 ~ MINUTES~ ANAHElM CITY PLANNING C4MrISSION, Fehrua~y A~ 1A~1 82•75 (g) The proJect wlil Incramentaily decreASe water m~in pressure during periads of psek den~nd. (h) Cumulstive trafflc from the ettrectlons sur~oundin~ the proJact area ~ould severly impact the Fl~n Dep~rtn+Rnt response t irnR. (i) The currnnt level of police service is exnacted te decre~se~ though an inc~ease tn m~npow~r +rould not be necessery. (;) The follov~ing mitigatlon mea~ures will he employed to rec~uce these environmental impscts: (a) Canpllance wtth city codes~ policles~ end procedures. (b) An on-site secondary water system shatl ba r~view~d and epproved by the city. (C) The developer w111 work with the city to const~uct the nae~essary se+w~r l in~ Improvements. (d) Tha Intersectton of Harbor Boul~v~~d/Katella Avenue will be Improved to lnclude turn ta~ne sto~nqe fACllitles~ signinq~ chan~~ltzation and parktn~ romoval on Kstella Avenue. (e) The Clty wlll pursu~ ftnanctng lmorovements at the Harbor/Ball tnter~ectton wlth the state~ pr~v~t* develapers and the city's Signal Asscsr^~ent Fund. (f) The city will continue to pursue mass trens~t imp~ovements with the Orang~ County Tr~nsft Dlstrict In orde~ to malntaln accepteble trafftc conditTons In Anahelrn's Commerclal-Recrestion Ar~a. (g) The hotel's parking actfvity wil) be vl~uAlly monttored by the citY to assure th+~t changes tn use charecterlstics and/or hote) operatl~ns do net create psrkl~q deficienties for the hutet patrons. The devalaper w111 covenant in the lee~e agreNment to provide addltlonal park{ng in the event such parktnq deficlencies arise as a resuit Qf thr. hotet parkinq wetver ~nd/ar use of tandem parking. (h) As a part of final design of the prnject. a ca+-prehonsive program of gulde sfgninq wtll be Included as approv~d by the Clty's Traffic Engineer. (i) A parkina secarity and cantro! proqr~rn, to be aoproved by the Clty Police Depertment, sh~ll he Instituted for the ope~at(on of the parking structures. (,j) Al1 taxi, bus ~nd truck loedinq and unloa~lfng areas shal) be subJect to review and approval of the Ctty Tratfic Engineer. (k) A construction truck raut(nc pl~~ identtfylnq the rautes to be used during peak dnd non-peak trafftc c~ndttlons 218/~2 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C~NMISSION~ Feh~uary R~ i^9~ 9~'~~ ~hai) be submitted to the Glty Tre~fic f.ngln~~~ tor review and aaproval. (1) A detalled trsffic ~nd pa~king oper~tlons plan sha11 bQ developed snd spproved prtor to constructlon. Sald plens ~hal! address locatlon of ccK+structl~n fencing~ hau) routes~ perking sccess~ trsffic restrictions~ temporary modian accass ~nd lane closures. mc~diticatlon ot bus routes. emorgencv ~cr,ess~ end locette~ of fl~gn~en snd constructlon signing and n~rkin~s. (m) The hotel wili be developed In cdn~itnnce wtth ~nerqy consorvatlon measures ss set torth in Tttle 2u of the Cellfornla Administratlv~ Cod4. (r~) Implemr.ntation af a doubte-shift werk perled tor constructton of the Canventlon Center replacen+ent parking structure. (o) An emerqency access plen wtll !~e submitte~i for r~vlew and anP~oval by the Citv Ft~e Marshal#. (p) The Clty of A~ahetm and Nilton Note) Corpnretton will prepere and ~c)opt an a~resslve n-a~ket p1~n For the proposed project and Anafieim Conventlon Conter. Therefer~~ the P1Anning Ccxnmisslon hereby certifles that EIR No. 251 has he~n compl~ted in compltance wtth CEQA and State EIR Guldeilnes an~i that the PlAnninq Commisston h~s raviewed and constdered th~ Infc+rmetlon cc~ntalned thereln nrior to spprovel of the p~o~ect ~nd adopts the follc~wlnq Statement ort Ov~rrldin~ Consideretlons: 1. The epprov~l of Condttlonal Us~e Perr~ik No. 2298 and waTver of of~- stre~t parking requlrements f~r the propaRed devetopment of a 1FQ0-room hotel w~ith ancillary uses could result In the significant environmentat Impacts which have been icientlflec~ sbove and which may be reduced to an acceptsble 1ev~1 by the mit~4atlon measures herelnsbove indlcated. 2. That the Planning Ccxnmission of the Ctty ot Anahelr~ does her~hy further find that tha specific economlc~ socisl or ~th~r consid~rations as set forth hereafter make in~e~sTble furthtr mitigatlan measures or proJect alternativr.s ldr~ntifled in the Final Eltt for the following siq~ifica~t envfronma~trl effects: a. Increased traffic congestlan on nearby streets and hiqhways. b. lncreased noise and air poiiution r~AUlting frc~n+ the increased traffic. c. increase~ requlrem~ants for wa~er~ electricity~ s~aqe and solid waste dtspasal faclittles. d. Increased requlrem~nts f~r aff~rdahle housing ana public servtces for employess of the facil{ttes. 2/A/~2 'Y . 1 ~ MINUTES~ ANAMEIM CITY PLANNlNG CON~MISSION~ February 9~ 14A2 A7.•77 e. Tempor~ry dlsruptlon to the sur~ounding ar~e c~used by c~nstructlo~ activlty du~ing sn spproximate ~-yeer p~rlod. f. Proposed st~ucturs~s will pernwnently ohstruct vlews fran surroundin~ land uaes. g. Proposed structure:s will perlod~e~11Y cast shedew~ ont~ su rround i~g 1 and ~,ses. h. Adequete fu~ding to improve the Intersection of Harhe~ Baulnvard/ Ball R.oed tannot be guarenteed. i. Pe~lodic incress~~s In demand for parkina At the An~h~in+ Converotion Canter wi 1 1 not be fu1 1y rn~t. j. Tempo~ery d~op In occupancy to hotel/metel f~cllttles ~~rving the Anaheim Camn~rclal-Re~reatton Are~. 3. That tha Pianntng C~xnnission of the: Cfty of Anaheim has ha)~ncr~1 the beneftLs Af the pr~poseA prol~ct aQeingt its unav~idehie environm~nt.ei risks tn d.r.t~rminat(ng wheth-~-r t~ a~ppr~v~ ~ald project. The Planning Commisston of the City of Anahe~trn do~s h~reby furthAr find~ determine and sta~te~ pu~suant to th~ provisions of Sect(on 1SOao of th~ Stat~ Gutaelines~ that the occurrence of those certain stc~niftGant envir~nmental effects identtfted In the Final EIR and set forth ahove wiit be permitte~t wlthout further r~ltlgatton due ta the folloMring overridlnq consideratlans: a. The proJect wtll result tn the fotlc~wing suhstantt~l ecenomfc end socfsi b~nefits t~ the Citv of Anahelm ar~i su~rounding area: (a) The clty's net revenue for the new 1~n~~-rcxxns Is astimated at 56.~W~1.27~ annually. (2) The proJect wilt create additlonal ~rt~p~nynMnt fer 786 people ~ond addttional tourlst trade. (3) Ma)or rity revenues proJect~d Lo be g~r~n~r~ted by this project Inciude annuai ground l~as~ ~y~yments ~f spp~oxtmately 51~57~,non; annual trs•~slent occupantiy tax of app~oxirr+ately S3~252.~+13; and anr~ual sales tax of approxtmately S221~ 767 (ali do11~r value representatlon for Ftrst year of futl hot~l opers~lon ss r.-etasured ln 1.987 dol lars. ) (4) Tha cfty wt1) attaln s hotel with A fuli r~nge Af snclltary faciiftles to serve ~s L•he prOncipat h~st fscitity for the An~heln Convention Center. b. Each cf the feaslble alternatives ta the nro;ect. except far doubT~~shift canst~ucttors ~f parking structure~ wcwl~d produc~ significantly iess econanic and soct+~l bene~'its to the City of AnahelM than will be produced by the pro~osad protect~ to w) t: 2/~3/$2 < < MINUTES~ ANAHElM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION~ February 9~ 1~~2 (1) The ~o-proJect altarnativ~ would remove thi¢ potenttsl r~venue saurce ot S6 mi111on an~ually to the CttY of Anahaim ~nd would ailow a hiqh•occupancv rate to presist In the Anah~im Conmerciel-Rec~eation A~~a whic~ cnuld negatively Im~act tha scheduling of evnnta at the Anahelm Conventlon Center. (2) The alternetive site off~red ~t the ~nah~l~ Conv~nti~n Center could potent1e11Y produce the sa~e revenu~ es the proposed proJect. Primary dis~dvent~~ges retete t~ access. the sit~'a r~lationship to s~rroundinq lend uses~ and the fACt that thts l~cetic~n would hlock the most logical slte ~or ~ny furthe~ axpanston of the convenclon ~xhiblt s~ace. (3) The W~ather Corpor~tion had offere~l the city a F-~cr~ parcel of land n~er the Disneyland Notel as an alt~rnatiwe to preceading with the pro~s~d pro~rct. Thc cttM zould seil tha parc~l f~~ ~peroxin+otely Sl~ mllllan_ The primary dtsedvantr~e to that s~ternative is t~+w~ such actlon wauld not he as econcxntcally vlabl~ to t+~ ,-tty Frs securing the propose~l projact and a S6 m11 4~+- ~nnuat rev~nue strram. Without disposln~ of th~ ~p~.~~-~, ~tnr. c i tv cou id tease the land to a h~nt~ 1 drs~il~~er. ''='he prtma~y disarlvantaqes ta sach actfon r~:r~~±*- r~ ~t~'!e length af tlme which would be Involved ln ~~=~r'~+~ n~ew pro)ect, loss of a~onventl~n Cent~±r ~--~~: a,~ci reguittng ground-lease psynients. petr.nttai `~ <~~` the Nllten Hetel's r~oridwido r~scrvatl~ns and .~~w~en~lon Cx~eri~nc~~ an~l ~reat~ng a Ae~d far mn~e *~*~~„~w ;ranspertatlon to rnd frcxn the Conventfen `"±~i++~+~r . ~2•7~ (4) ~d slze alternative would siqnificantly dtcr~ase 3~ a~nuat r~v~nue stream to the city. In addition to *w+~nue impacts. a smaller hotel woutd generste ~snr~orttonately tower ~reA employm~nt and ~esultin~ ri~enues to the ca+n~uni ty. ~3) ~"~e Wr~ther Cerporation hr~s ~roposed expanding tts InnM at•the-'ark t-y ~pproxim~tG'y a~r~1 reoms ln lleu of the ar~epo~~d project. Primary disadvantaqes relate to signiticantly tess revenue to the city; l~ss of approximat~ely itOb addltTonat rc~oms with .~ fuii rsnge of snctllary facilitles; and the aiternative proJec! would ~ot fulfill the ctty's deslre fnr a host hotel facllZtY ta serve the Anaheim Convention Ce~ter. 2/8/$2 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNINr CAMMISSI~N~ Fehruary R~ 1~~? (6) Tha Inc~eased sired hotel elternattve Is sub)ect te supportlve market condltions which ~~e ~r~~entiY 1~cking in the Anahelm ConMnerctel-Rec~eatlon Af~~. Clty r~venue fr~xn a larger project wouid Increase cte~~era~ily In proportlon to the ~tz~ ~~' the increASe. c. It Is not economically feasibl~ to furt~er m(tiqate or avold tho envirunmental effects Identifled above. d. The aforesaid economic and saclal consideratlons make it Infeastble to eliminate entirely the signlficant anvtronm~ncal impacts which heve been iAentlfl~~i ln the Flna) Environmcntal Im~act Report. Commissloner Nerbst offered a moti4n, sr.conded by Cort~r-lssianar McBurn~y And MOTION CARRIEO (Chalrman 9ushore abstalnt~g~~ that thc Anaheim CItY Planning CommJssion does hnreby grent WAlve~ of Code aeQufrer+Rnt of minimum number and type of parking spaces on the besls that the petltlonar has stipulated to provtde an addttional two stortes for oarkin~ spaces If needed and on the basls that the Clty of Anahelm Is currently pl~nnfnq to change tha cad~ to allow perki~g spacas for compact or smAll cars an~i on the basls thet there ar~ speclal clrcumstence!s applic~ble to the propertY ss to slze~ ~hape~ topography~ 1oc+~tion or surroundings whlcl~ do not apply to ~ther identically zoned properties in the vtcinities and strict applicatlon of the zoninq code deprives the property of prlvlleoes enJoyed by other propertles under ldent~csl ~rop~ertles ciassification in the vtcinlty. Conmissloner Herbst offered Resoluti~n No. PC82-i~ ~nd moved for Its passsge and adoptlon that the Anahelm Clty Plannlnq Connnissi~n r~oes her~~y grant Condl~fonal Use Permtt No. 2289 in canpltanc~ with Sectt~ns 18.~3.^3~. •~31; .~32; .733; .~34 and .~35, Tltle 1$ af the ~n~heim Munlcipal Codr, and SUh,~CCL to Interdepartmental Cammittee recc~rrnendattons (ncluding the recc~nrr~endatlon that the appllcant w111 provtde a master rintenna for telcviston reception tf r~quired. On roll ca11~ the foregoing resolution was passed by the ~`ollowing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ BOUAS~ FRY~ HERRST, K1'IG~ 'Ic9URNEY k0E5: C0~INISSIONERS: NONE A85EN7: CO~~MISSIONERS: NONE ABSTAIN: C~MMISSIONERS: BUSHORE Jack Wf~tte exQlalned that all matters nertalntng to this proJect have been set for public hearing Fel~ruary ib. 1~132~ 3:00 p.n-.~ in this Council Chamber. ~z-» 2/8/82 \. MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ FebfuarY 9~ 1982 82•A~1 1 NO REPORTS ANO RECOMMEHOATIQNS The tollowing Reports and Recc~mmend~tlons staff ~eports were presented but not read: A. PROPOSED COOE AMENDMENT - Chapter 18.04 of Title 1A of the zonln9 ode perta n ng to structural setbacks ad]acent to f~eeways. ACTION: Cannissloner King offered a motion~ seconded hy omm ssionar tierbst and MOTION CARRIED~ that th~ Anahelm Clty Planning Canmisston does hereby recommend to the CitY Counci) addttton of subsection .n3~ to Sectlon 19.~4~Q42 of Chapt~r 1A~~~~ of Tttl~ i9 of tha City ~f Anahelm Z~onin~ Cod~. 8. CQNDITIQNAL USE PERHIT N0. iSE~A - Request from M~. and Mrs. Carl urr s or term nat on o on tlona) Use Permtt No. 15~!R for prep~ertY located at 1021 Kraerr~r Pl~ce. ACTIQN: Corm~lssioner King offered Resolutlon Na. PCS?-17 and mave ~for Its pessage and adoption thet the Anahelm City Planning Canmisston does hereby te~minate Condltlonal Use Permlt No. 15~~. On roll calt~ the foreq~inq res~lution was ptlSSed hy the follc~win~ vote: AYES: COMMISSI~NERS: 9A~ME5~ BOllAS~ ~USNORE~ FRY~ HERBST~ KING, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: ~OMMISSIONERS: NONE C. CON~ITiOraAl. U5C PERMIT N0. 1~6A - Request from W1111am P. ~raqa~nza or Ce~m nat or o on t ona Use Permit No. ~R~a for propertY ixatad on the west side of Harbor Boulevard~ north of Orangewood Avenue. ACTIOh}: Commissianer King offered Resolutton No. PC32-19 and mc-" veTfor i~s passage and adoptfon that the Anahelm Clty Planninq Commission does hereby tere~fnate Conditlonai Use Permlt Na. 19~~. On roll ca11~ the foreg~tng resolution was passed by the followlnq vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ BOUAS, 81lSHQRE~ FRY~ HERBST~ • KING, MC BURNEY N01:5: C4MM15510NERS: NOHE ABaENT: COMMiSS10NER5: NONE 2/R~$2 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIMC COMMISSION~ F~bruary A~ 1't92 D. CpNDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1685 - Request from A. G. Richter for ~n extens on o t me or on tional U~e Permit No. 1h85 for property located at 1~46 North Stbte College Boulevard. ACTION: Commissfoner King offerec! a motton~ sec~ndad by dmm sslon~er He~h~t and MA710N CARRIED~ tha! th~ Anaheim CitY Plsnning Comn+tsslon does hereby grant a 5-Yeer retror~cttve axtension of time for Condttionai Usr Permlt No. 1FAS to expira on January 31, f9a7. E. VARIANCE ~N~0. 2,~4~4, - Requ~st from Willlam H. 411en~ Jr. for term nat on~ o~ Variance No. 2~+54 for pro~erty at 133? North Mill~r Street. ACTION: Cvmmtssioner King offered flesolutinn No. PC8?-1Q And movea~for Its passage and adoptian that the 4nahetm Cily Plennin9 Commission does hereby tc~minate Varlance No, 245~~. On roll call, the faregotng resolutlon was pessed by tt~e followinq vote: AYES: COMMIS5IAHERS: BARNES. BOIIAS~ BUSHORE~ ~uY~ HERHST, KING, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIOI~ERS: NONE ABSENI': COMMISSIONEP,S: NONE F. RECLASSIFICATION_N0. 73-7~-25 ANQ C~NDITIONAL USE PFRMIT N0. i?'iS az-ai - equeat rom Ceorge F,- Msson~ Jr. for extenslons of tin~ r~r Recissstfication No. 7g-79~25 and Conditinnal Use Permit "lo. 1~35 on property lncated on the eest sfde of In~ertal High~,~ay~ :aouth of ~~ohl aanch Ro~d. AGTION: Commissioner King offered a n+~tton, second~sd by ~imm~ssloner Herbst and MnTION CARRfED~ *.hat th~ Anahetm CitY Planr+tng C~ommissla~ dcr~s Mereby gra~t retroactiv~ extenslons of time f~r Roclasslfication No. 7~-7q~25 rnd Conditiondl l~s~ Pcrmtt No. 1935 to expire on January 29, 1A83. G. C~NDITIQNAL U~E PERt~IT N0. 179 - Request from D~nlel J. ueher or extens on o t'rme .o~ on tton~l Us~ Permit No. 17QQ for proparty locsted at GSO1 East Serrano Avenue. ACTION: Co~+missloner Ktng off~rr.d a motion~ second~d by ~~ssianer Herbst and MOTION C4RRIED, that the Anahelm CitY Plan~ing Commission does herehy 9rant a one-year r~troactive extension af time for Conditlonal Use Permit No. 17hq t~ exaire J~nuary 3~~ 19g3. 2/~/~32 ~: ; MINUTES~ ANANEIM CITY PLANNINC C~MMISSION~ Fahr~iary A~ 1p62 B2-t~9 H. CONDITIONAI. USE PERNIT N0. 21h9 - ReQuest f~an Rav McMurt~y for ~ on extens on o t me or on tlonal UsA Pe~mit No. ?.1uQ ~or p~operty located on the north sid~ of Kateil~ Avrnue~ ~ast of NarHor Boulevard. ACTION: Canmissionar King o~~er~d a mntien. secendnd tiy ~Zsstoner Flerbst and MATION CARRIFD. that thn AnnheYm Clty Planning Conmission c1o~s here~by qrant a rntrnactive one-year e.cension of time for Canditional Use Permit No, 21h~ te explre on Decemt~er 1~ 1~82. I. CONDITIONAL USE PER-1!T N0. 121 - Request f~om Fred Kr.nney for ,.. . ~ approvaj o~ rev sed p ans to ex~and an extsting game arcad~ et property located ~t 320~ Carpenter Avenue (Cemel~t ~olf Course). ACTION: Con+missioner HcBurney offered a motton, aecone}ed hy ~ssloner Ktng and MOT10N CARRIED (Comnissioner llerl~s~ vo~in~ no). that ~~vlsed plans to expand an extsting geR~e arcede at Camelot Golf Cou~se be a~proved In connectlon wTth Conditlonap Use Permlt Na. 121,~i on the basis that the gflme arCade addltton is wlthtn the scop4 of the ori91na1 minteture c~olf course f~nd r~latecf clubhouse activttles. Cc~nn-Isstaner lierbst expl~lned he felt a publlc hearin~ sliould be hpid on thts requesC heceuse th~ propertY owners in the ~+rea hsve tha right to I;naw that the size of t-+e a~cede huilding is gotng t~ be more than doubled. J. A8A-IOdNMENT N0. 81-2~A - Request from Narman Prl~st~ AnehcTm e~eve opment gency~ to ahando~ a portion of the extstin~ sanlt~ry sewer easements 7 feet wide lying between Anehelm Bouleverd and Claudina Str~et and from Chert~es Street, nor•therly Z1~ fer.t. more or irss. ACTION: Commissioner Y.Ing offered a motion, seconded by ~ssiAner Herbst and M~TION CARRIED~ that the Anahelm City Plan~ing CoMmission daes hQreby reca+x+~nnd to th~ Ctty Council that Abandonment No. S1-2QA be approved as recortM!~ended I,y the G~ty Englneer. K. ABANOONMENT N0. 8~1-~~1~A_ - Request from Dixle Scott~ Carl Kr~rcher ~nterpr ses, to ahandon an extsting puhTtc utlltty easement for the installatton and maintenance of electric+~l f~cilities located st the norLheast corner of Imp~rtal Nighaay and La Pelma Avenue. ACTION: Commissionar King offered a natton, seconded bY ~ssioner Herbst and MOT10N CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Comnisslon does hereby r~~com~nend to the Ctty Council that Abandorunent No. 81-15A be approveo as recam~ended by the C t ty Engineer. 2/8/fl2 ;~ .J ~~:` ~ ~ ~ ~~~ MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY PUINNING COMMISSION~ FEBRUARY 8, t982 82-83 L. CONQITIOt~AL USE PERM17 N0. 1N42s - aeQu~st from Mr. and Mre Carl 8urrle to te~m nate on t ana se erm t ko. 14k7. Por pr~~pa~tY located on the south side of La Palrna Avenue~ west of K~aemer Bo~~leva~d. ACTION; Cammitsloner Kinc~ offered aesolutlon No. PCPZ-20 And moved tor its pa-si~ege ~nd adoptton that the llnahalrn City Pla~nlnq Cemmi~slen do~s herehy te~minr~te Conditlonal Use Permit N~, 1442. On roll call~ the foregoinq ~~solutlo~ was passed by th~ ~ollewinq vot~!: AYES: CONMISSIONERS: BARNES~ B01lAS, BIISHORE~ FRY~ HERdST, KI`1~, McBIIRNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONf. ABSENY: COMMISSIONERS: NONF M. CONQITIO*IAL USE PERMiT N0. 2245: - Request frc~m Marrlott Corporetion for approva o spec c p ans or property locAte~ at 7'1~ Conv~ntlon Wey (Marrt~tt Hotel). Phii Schr.~rtr.e, Phililps 9r~ndt and Roddick~ repres~nting t-+e Marrtett Hotel. r~~sponded tc- Commisslaner Herbst that the Marrlott would Ae pleased to accept elthe~ of the two specific plans for thc pr~posed parking structure and loading dock. Carrntssianer Herhst stated he was satlsfted the nolse tould he mitlgaxed~ dependlnq on how the Marriatt controls the sit~.iatton with t~ucks comtng Into and leaving the loading dock area. Ne steted if there are problert~s In the future, further sound attanuatlon rneasur~s m~y he reQulr~d. ACTION: C ann+tssloner Herhst offe~ed a motion, secanded hy Chairman Buahore an~c ~I~OTION CARRIED~ that the Ane'~neim City Pl~nning C~xnmissian dc~es hPreby apprave Scheme II f~r the ~rchitectural treatment of the s~uth w~ll af the prapoaed parktng st~ucture and Alternate II for the mitiqation of naise for Lhe propoted loading dock area~ suh)ect to the cendttien that further mitlgatian measures wi11 be made, if t+yer~ are probl~!n+s i~ the future. ApJOURNMENT There being no further business, Cam~issione~ King offered a motion, seco~ded by Canntssioner McBurney and MOTION CARRIED~ that the meeting be adJourned. The meeting waa adjourned at 2:30 p.m. RespectFully su~xnitted. '~,(,t,r~,~ T %~~-t-u.:~ Edith !.. Harris, Secretary A~~hetm Ctty Planni~g Cammtasion ELH:Im z/sis2