Minutes-PC 1982/08/23~~' R~f3[TI,AR MEETING O!' TH! ANAHEiM CITY PLIINNING GW41I88ION it~GUIJ-R MEBTING The reqular meoting of the Anaheim City Plenning Coaimiesion wae cullsd to erde•: by Cheirmen P'ry et 10:00 a.m., 1-ugu~t 23, 1982, in the~ f.~unci.l Chember, e quorum bainq preeent end the Cocimi~aic,n reviewed }~lena c~~ the iteme on tod~y'a eqendn. pREBSNT Chnirmans Fry Commiseionare: Boune, Bushore, King, t,a Cleire, McBurney Ag~~ Cammiesioners: Herbst ALSA PRESENT Mn~.ke Santelehti Aegi~tent DirACtor for Zoning Jeck White Asaintant City Attorney Jay iitus Office Engineer Peul Sinqer Traf~'i.c Engineex' pean Sherer Aesl.etnnt Pl~nner Edith Harrie Plnr-ni~q Commioeion Secretary PLEDGE OF AI.LEGIANCE TO THE ~LAG LED BY: Cheirman Fxy APPROVAL OF MINIJTESs Commiasinner King offeced a motion, aeconded by Commissioner Aouae and MOTION CARRZED, that the minutes of the meeting of Auquet 9, 1982, be approved as suhtaitt~d. ITEMI NO. ls EIR N0. 253, RECLASSIFIGATYON NO. 82-83-4, WAIV~R OF CODE RIDQUIR~MENT ANA CONAITIONAL USE YERMIT N0. 7.362 PUHLIC HEARING. OWNER: ALSERT HORCHARD & KENNL'I'H L. LAR30N, 5915 Burchard Avenue, Loe Angelea, CA 90034, and ROY W. MAB~F., 2651 W. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801. 11G8NT: GFELLER DEVEI.OPMh"N'T COK?ANY, INC., 228 W. Main Street, Tuatin, CA 92680, Attn: Bob Reeae. Property ~a described as a rectangularly-ahaped percol of lax~d coneisting of approximately 29.57 acres, 2925 W. Lincoln Avenue (Lincoln Heach Mob11e Manor Perk). Reclessification requeat: RM-i200, CL and RS-A-43,OQ0 to RM-1000. Conditional Use requeet: To permit a 810-unit, 38-foot high condotninium caaaplex with waivera of: a) required lot frontaqe, b) tninimum floor area, c) minimum landscaped setback, d) minimum recreetional-leiaure area, e? minimum distdnce between buildings, !) n~inimum nwaber, type and dimensiona of parking speces and g) minimum diatnnce from parking spaces to dwpsllinq unita. Continued from the meating of July 26, 1982. ACTION: Con~nissioner Bouae offered a motion, ,seconded by Coumn.i.ss~oner McBurney ~nd MOTION CARRIED (Commieaioner Eierbet absent), that coneideration At th~ nforecaentianea item be continued to the regul.arly-scheduled caeetinq of 8eptember 20, 1982, as requeeted by petitioner. 82-249 ~' MINUTEB, 11N1-N~IM CZTY PLANNING COMMISSION, 1luguot 23, 1982 82-450 IT~M NO. 2: SIR N301-TIV"~c DSCLJ-R1ITION kTV'"LJ498I1~IC11TION N0. 82-83-6, W1IIVSR OF CODS RIDQUZREMENT 11Nr0 ,CONDITIOlil-1. OGE_ PBWAIT NO. 2363 pUELIC HEARxN(3. C~iNtR~ J086PN 8. EflW1-RDSr 3"P AL~ 1237 S. Euclid Avenua, 1lneheim, Cl~ 92802. AC6NT~ ROH6R: AND D/-PNNlC WRI88, 1608 9uena Vista, l~neheim, C7~ 92802. Property deecribed ae e rectanqulazly-nhspea parc~l o~ l+~nd consistinq of epproximetaly 6Q00 ~quare teet locet~d at the eoutheeat corner o! Swnac Lane and Ruclid Stre~t, 1694 W. 8unwwc Lane. RoclnssilicaCion requaat: RS-7200 to CL Conditionel Uee reqaeet: Ta parmit the~ commercisl uee o! a reeidentisl structure with waive+re of minimum number o! perking specae and requir~d locatian of pnrking spe-cee. Theru was n~ one indicnting their preeence in uppesition tn Aubject requeet nnd alkhouyh the ateff report to the Planning Commissian wes nat read et the Qublic hearing, it is reterred to and cna~.e a part of the minutes. ltobert iteir nqent, expl+~ined the requeet W. Sumac La. to be operoted by hie wife. neiqhbora and they were tavorablet an~i that reeidentinl purposes beaauae of thr treffic to reatrict the uso to a knit shap• ia for 4 retni.l knit ehop et 1694 He expleined he cor-tacted the the houne cannc~t be rented for noiae• He stntr.d they would aqree THE PUHLIC NEl-RING WAS CL09ED. Respanding to Cammisaioner McBurney, Mr. Weiss expl.dined inatruction will be given to anyone buying e knitting n-nchinet and tha l~ssana would he limited ta two or thzee people et nng time. Ne explained hie w1f~ currently operntes a knit shop on Euclid and there hae never been e pexking problem there. Jack White, Asaistant City AxtornQy, explained the reetriction for a knit shop cennot be mede a part ~f the reclnfleitication, but cen be included in the conclitionel uae permit• He etated aftex the property ia ruclaeaified to CL, any use permitted ir~ that sane would be allawed without Planning Cc~mmiesion approval and any uEe not permitted in the residential structure would requize e new conditionel u$e pexmit. He auqqested thnt the Last ~entonce of Condition No. 4 he deleted. ACTION: Commisaioner McBurney offered a motion, seaonded by Ca~niasioner Boues and MOTION CARRIED (CommiAaioner Herbst abaentl- the'~ the Anaheim City Plesnning Commission hae revierred the pro~osal to re~l+~aeify subject property tram the RS-7200 (Residential, Sinqle-Family) Zone to Lhe CL (Commercial, Li.mited) Zone to permit the c~mmercial uae of e reaidential structure with waivers of minimum numbeY of parkinq spacee and required location o! parking spaces an a rectengularly-sheped parcel of land conaistinq of approximately G000 equare feet located et the eou~heant corner of Sumac Lane and Euclid Btreett nnd does hereby approve the Ne~ative Declaration lrom the requirement to prepare an environmental i:npact re~+ort on the basis that thaxe would b~ no siqnificant individuel or cumui,tive adverse environmentel iu~pact due to the a,~proval of this Neqative Declaration aince the ]-naheim Genezal Plan deeiqnates the aubject properLy !or ger~eral co^~ercinl land ~ees comu.ansurete with the proposalt that no sensitive envir~nmental impacts are involved in the ~ MINi1TE8, ANl1HEZM CITY PLANNING COMMQ88IdN, l~uquat 23, 1982 82-451 praporalt thaC the 2niti~l Study aubmittad by the petitionar indicate• no s1~~n1licant individusl or cwnulative adver~oe environm~ntal impactst end ~het th~ Negetiv~ Declacation substantiating the loraqoinq lindinqe is o~ file in th• City ot )1nAheim planninq Dspartment Cumtaiasioncr McBurney otfer~d Resolutiori No. PC82-159 end moved ~or ito ~-as~age snd adoption thet the Ar-eheim City Planning Cotnmiaeion doee h~reby ~~rent ReclasAilication No. 82-83-6, eubject to Interdepartmentsl Camnitt~e raconunandation~. On roll call, the foreqoing reeoluti~n wss paseed b~ the followinq votes 11YESt BOOA3, BU9HORE- FRY~ KING, LA CI,AIR~, MC BURNEY NOBSs NONE 11BSHNTt HERB3T Coaunissioner McBurney otfered a mr~tion, sacQndad by Commiseloner Bouae and MOTIOTI CARRIL~O (Come~iaaioner Herbst absent), that thA Anaheic~ City Planning Coaaniseion does hereby grant wai~rers ~f Code requirement on the i~eai.s that the use would be lirt-ited to a rotail knit shop nnd on Che basis of the confi.qurAtion of the existing e'cructure on subject property. Commisaioner McBurney offered 'Reaoiukion No. PC82-160 and moved for its paseage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planninq Commission dofse hereby qrant Conditional Use Perrtit No. 2363 on the baais thet the use ahall be limited to a retail knit sho?, and subject to Interdepartmantal Cocmiittee recoma-endatione, deleting the lnst sentence of Cnndition No• 4. On rol.l call, the ~oregoin~,: resolution was paeaed hy the followinq vot~+: AYES: BOUAS, HUSHORE, 1"'RY, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEX NOLS: NONE ABSENT: HER83T Item No. 3 was heard fo:.lowinq ~tem No. 4 ITEM N0. 3: EIR N$GATCV~ DECLAR~-~ION AND VARI1-NCE NO. 3288 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNEIt: D& D OEVELOPMEN'P COMI'ANY• 11008 Norwelk Boulevard, Santa Fe Sprinqa, CA 90670. Property descrlbed as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consic~tinq of approximately 1.43 ecre, 2D30-2040 S. Harbor Aoulevard. Waiver of minimum number of pa~rkinq spaces to construct a 110-unit motel. There was no c,n~s fndicating their presen~ce in opposition to aubject request and elthough the s~taff report to the Planninq Coam~iesion wns not reed et the public hearinq, it ia referred to and made n paxt af the minutes. Steve Donaan, D& D Development, explained they are lookinq for a waiver of parking requirement aimilar to the requeat in Item No. 4. He explained the~y have built three hotels in Anehe±m and o,perated the Ca~valier in Garden Grove and never ~experienced a perking prablew there. He atated Lhe In~ernatiostal ~. ~~; MIN~]TEB, 11NAHEIM CITY I+LIINNINf3 COMWIS&20N, 71~3qu~t 23, 1a82 82-4,52 t Inn hao •xp~ri~nced sane parking probl~ms sinae th~ey opensd in July becauoa they di.d not pratnota Lhe hot:el throuqh travel agsnciee snd sizlineo prioc to op~ninq. He stetad tha pls~n~ !or this motel ere tho •ams, only revereed. TH~ PUBLIC HlPARING W118 CLOl3ED. Cc~nmie~loner Buahore clari.tlsd that a reataurent ie no longer being proposed in conjunctlon with thia ~notel. Commiegioner McBurney atr.ited he wauld tnke the adme poeftion ae on Veriance No. 3289, Item No. 4, en~ thet e per.kinq stucly ehould be requirrd. Cheirman Fry xead a lst~er trom William M. Bruce, Director of Property M+~negwa~nt, Me~e Management, Inc.r ~er o! Parkwood Villecle Aparttnents, 401 W. Oranqewood, indicnt!.nq they d~~ not object to the motolr hut do queation Cha requeat for parkiny weiver. AC'PION: (:ommiasianer Ln Cle-ire offored e motian, aecondad by Caumiseioner McBurnsy and MOTION CARRIED (Conaniesioner Nerbet ebe~nt.), thet connideration of the efarementioned mntter t~e continued to tt-e requl.arly-ar_heduled meeting csf Sept~mber 20, 1982, in order for the pe~ltioner to eubmit e perking demand study performed by a certified treffic englneering coneultant for ~ubject property end the surrounding eree. Pnul Sinqer, Treffic Engineer, explai.ned hie office has a lenqthy list of nccAptable traffic engineer coneultants availab:~. ITEM N0. 4: EIR NL~GATIVE DECT~ARATTON AND VARIANCE NO. 3289 PUBLIC HEAItING. OWNER: ROBERT M. & GLORIA H. MILLBR, 1530 S. He~rbor Bouleverd, Anahgim, CA 92802. Property fa der~cribed as e rectangulnrly-eheped parael of la-nd consisting of apprAximetely 1.2 acree, 1530 S. Harbor Boulevard (Cnrc~usel Motel ) . Waiver ~f minimum number of parking Bp3Ce8 to expand an axietinq motel. There was no one indicatinq their presonce in opposition to subject requesC and althouqh the ataff report to the Planninq Coannissio~~ was not read at the publi~ hearinq, it is referred to and mede a part of the minutes. Robert Miller, owner and manaqer of the Carousel Motel, stated trt~ motel has been in existence since 1956 end hes been expanded three times. He atated the plans ere to remove 17 units and conatruct a 5-st~ry, 64-foot hiqh tower.. Mr. Mi:ler etated he had conducted a parkinq study for the taonths of May, June• July end Auqust, and in July with 98~ oc~:upancy, parking averaged 25 vehicles per day. He explained he dass a tremendous amount of solicitinq and advertiainq out of state which produces n lot of bus~neae fram over 500 miles eway and these quests ueually nrrive by atr. He stdtec3 they have never had a parklnq problen- and he wes sure this is a zesult of hie promational advertisinq. He stated they feel they can adequately handle parkinq for 116 units. TH~ PUHLIC HEARING WA8 CL03ED. MINUT38, ANI~HEIM CIT'Y PI.~INNING COMMR88ION, 1-uguet a3, 1992 82-453 Chsirmsn Pry atnteQ ~ha •t~tf rsport indtcetas ther• will be a totel of 118 unit~. pean 8herar, 1-e0ociete Plennsr, expleined thet ligur.e include4 two mnnager anits. Respondinq to Ccxnmi~~ioner Houas, Dean 9herer explnined there is an existinq sutanobile rentel agsncy at thi~e mota+l, w1t1i Mr. Miller adding there is alsn an exist~ng cleliceteseen, operated by hi~ father, which ba~ir_elly eelle teke-out eendwlchea. Mr. Miller reg~onded to Commiasioner Boue~ thet the cer rentel eqency hea only four vehicles ~n the eite et any one time, plue ane employee epaco• Commissioner Bouas clarifiad that each maneger (dey and night) livee in n unit fulltimo and r.equires one parkinq epacA. Commieaioner Auehore atated it he~ Faeen discugeed thet a atudy of motels in the CR Zona c~ndacted during eerl~~ mozninq houra rluring the penk seasan would be helpful to Canmiselon i.n mekinq these decisione pexteining to parking v~rianoes• pean 9herer responded thet etaff is luoking for a deteiled pe~rkinc~ study prepared by the petitioner such na zecortunanded in the draft peirking study. y~ explained ataff hae not done auch a survey becauae they fc+el their figures would not differ qreatly en~l eech motel or hotol ehoul.d be considered on ite uwrt merit and ench one examined by the Traffic Enginee:'• Commiesioner Hushore atated he felt if a petitianer hires aomeone t~ ~lo a treffic study, it will show what the petitionei' wants. He stated tha~t i~ th~: reason he felt e cer caunt by Ataff during t}~~ peak seasan would be helpf.ul.. He added he knowe of on~ new n-otel whir.h he drivee past every week which has a tremendou,a parkinq problem and it 81d n~t hxv~ a variance grnnted. Jack White, Aesintant City Attorney, stnted under cuxrent code, austification a~udy ie nat juetification for grnntinq a variancs nnd the only j ie epecial circumstances npplicable to the specific property itaelf. Coauaioaioner Buahore stated he does not see any reason to hnve the applicant cotne up with this studya that possibly the code ghould be ahanqed1 that the Commis~ion keeps grnnting these wniverg and no one has qone out t~ see l~ they are re,~lly justified. He steted he could raot vote for eny request above the 67! previou~ly qranted witliout yustification. Mr. Miller atated he has been in the business 32 yenre J:nd in the past they only had poeaibly one busload per yenr, but last month he had eeven busloade occupying ~4 raoms each. Cc+romis~ioner Hushorc~ stated if this mote] has n 98• xcupancy rmte, it diftera ~raa other motels in the area whSch are experiencinq a slow down. He added a lot of the [aotel operators eaid they had a lot of bue traffic nnd travel agency referrala when, in fact, tl~ey did not. Jack W'~ite stated in determininq whether or not a property i~s beinq denied a privilaqe be~ng enjoy~d hy oticalpprogrrt iinttheesntaeZZOneaandvvicinity whiCh Commiesion nr. : t~ com~a e a typ Pe Y meete all codc requiremente and not caapare propeztiea on ahich variances have been granted. t., MINUT38, 7-NAHEIM CITY PI,l1NNINC COMMI88ION, Auquet 23, 1992 82-454 He addod tha aoning law~ do not reco~nise prec~dent nnd the inlormation ia pruvidad in ths stat! report !or hiatoricel inlormetion to ehow whet hea happened end probably i! eta!! did not proviAe the intormation, the petitionar Mould. Commissioner La Clsire st~ted the applicant ie probably correct with the inlormation, but s lot o! thq Commiseioners have doubts ebout iuet how many cars there are end cen't just trelieve everybody with no proo! in ~ront ot them. Mr. Miller etetdd hn took a phy.~icel count of every cer rogistered. Commisgioner Le Claire pointed ~.,ut thoee arn avernqea and ahe wea concerned ebout what would heppen when L•here is nn overflow ot parkinq. Mr. Miller explained an four dayn there were 38 care end on three days there were 19, ao the hiqhest liqure wa~ 38. He added he certeinly doee not want to cauee himnelf ~nny trouble and lack ot pnrking !or the gueet3 would be e biq prok~lem. Commisaioner Buehore etated he believes Mr. Miller and Pelt he ie probably justified in e~kinq for 63~, but the next petitioner would went the name thinq end it may not be justified xnd that would ceuse more harm than good ta tha recreationel area. Chnlrmen Fry eteted this ie the highest raquest for a parking wdiver he hea aeen aince he hes been on khe C~mmieaion and e lot of queationa have been raiaed. Hs a3ded thie ie no reflection on Mr. Miller'o inteqrity or on his operation, but the CAmmission wanta to be convinced. He edded tbie ie a very unusual shapnd parcel, but he ie hav.i.ng a hard time acceptinq this percentnqe, pointing out some sp~ces are used by the auto rental agency. John Swint, 707 W. Nor~h Street, Anahei.m, etated 7 spacee are counted for the take-out lood operat.ion, a.nd if those 7 epncee are counted as motel spaces, the percentaqe would be 66.6i. Commleaioner McBurney atated usinq the petitioner's figure~, with 38 cars and 50 uni.ts, 76$ parking was ueed and he could not ~uatify the requeat and felt this project wuuld be overbuildinq the property. Commieaioner Fry stated he did not not thi.nk the bu$ turn-around area is in a good location and buses will be atoppinq on Harbor to unload their paesenqers. tdr. Miller etnted the buses normally etay 2 or 3 daye. It was pointed out the passenqers fran the bus woul~l be utilizing more than 20 rooms. Commiesioner La Claire s~nted thinqa do cha ge nnd the method of promotional e3vertiainq coulc~ chenge, and she felt 63~ is just not adequate. Peul Binqer, Traltic Engineer, eta~ed he ia conaerned about parking in thie entire nrea and if parking waivers continue to be qranted, this entire rearentional area will be ehortchnngedt thnt if mass transportatian becomes a reality in the future, the problem won't be eo great, but he was not eure i.f and when that will happen. He explnined it ie recommended in the new parking ~ MINVTB6, 1-N1IHEIM CiTY pL11NNINC3 COMMi88i0~N, 1-uguet 23, 1982 82-455 orc9inanoe that a d~tai.led parking atudy bs preparsd t~or the rpecilio proparty end th~~ antir• qanexal area to d~termine i! there io enouqh perki.ng end that atudy should be perlorinad by an indmpendent tza!!ic anpineering conaultant and paid !or by the applicent. Mr. Miller etated h~ ~o~sn't tnake n practice ot lyinq end wauld do tlti~ ~tudy baeed cn the total number o! roome rented and the number o! vehiclAa. He etal:ed he is booked 100• throuqh 3eptamber 16 end could provida ectuel liguree for that period. Coannieoioner La Cleir• etated the Commiesion has bean qrantinq par.king waivers over and over, moetly baaed on the documente-tion pr.esented by the petitioner, anA are et e point now where they muat eveluate the cumulr~tive ei`lect on tho whole area ba.ed on what the Treflic Engine+er ie saying. Commiaeioner Bushorc~ euggested actuelly countinq veh.tcles at 6:00 e.m. et some of the motels which have expanded, noting thie is thA height of the buey eeaeon. Commissioner Kinq Xefer.red to t~ie eteff report, paraqraph 16, pertain.ing to eiqne. Mr. Miller stated th~y are willing t~ comply with the eiqn ordinence. Commigaioner I,a Clairo Aeked who ahould do the traf!°ic etudy. Chairman ~'ry atated if one petitioner is allowed to conduct hi.e own study, everyone wi11 expect the aame privileqe. Dean 3herer etated steff would like to eee each individual project developer, certainly of this maqnitude, ~have a parking demand atudy prepared by ~ certilied traffic enqineering consultant. He stated etaff could check evezy motel listed in Paragraph ].5 and ~rovic~e a specitic count end he lelt a four-week continuance would be edequate. Mr. Miller stated each individual property ahould be considered on ite own merit and he felt because of his au-rketing, this project ehould be acceptable. Coc~miasioner Buahore stated this reque~ted pnrkinq count will help the Coeamission and poasibly add credence to Mr. Miller's statistic$. Commisetoner Bouas asked why thie will nor. be conaidered a hotel. Mr. Miller responded thcsre will be no restaurant or food service. Mr. Miller state8 he would like to beqin deu-~21tir~n by Octobar 1 because of contractural obliqationa in February, otherwiae 1~e could be held up for one year. Commisaioner McBurney stated he felt ataff ehould perform a count of care and tho petitioner should provide a parkinq demand study for this property and this matter ehould be continued until those studiea have been completed. Comcaisaioner Bushore suggeated the staff should count the cazs between 6 and 7 a.m. He noted elso occasionally travelers are pulling a trailer and will leave it parked in a egece and that should aleo be counted, and some recreationnl vehicle owners will atay in a motel and their vehicle uaes more than one apace. k!i~ ~e ~ ,b ~ ~ ; 1 MIN~'PEB, 11NAHEIM CITY PLANNINCi COMM288ION, 1-ugupt 23, 1982 82-456 J1~"l~YONs CAnm~io~ion~r $oua• ofl~red a motion, aecond~d by Commiesioner MaBurney and MOTION CARRIbO (Commi~~ioner Herbst abasnt), that considera~ion o! the aforamanLionod matter be continuer! to the m~etinq ~! 8eptamber 20, 1982, in ordsr tor rhe p~-~itioner to submit e parkinq damsnd atu4y psrtormed by a cartitied tre!!ic enqinsezinq conti~ltant~ and in ordar !or ete!! t~ make e study a! motels in thy area ahich have exF,anded with perking weivers, said etudy to be conducted .in the esrly caorning hours end on week-ende to determine i! Lhere nr• parking probleme. Mr. Miller agein indicnted his deeite to t~egin demolition by October 1. Javk White explained there i~ e 22-day eppeel period belore eny ection o! the Planninq Coena~iseion becnmee finel. There wea a brief diecuseion req~rdinq elimination of t}~e delioetssern an9 car rental agenay, witli Mr. Miller in~iicatinq they are thore l~or hie quests' convnnienae. The vote wae Lnken oh kFe precdding motion and M(YTION CARRI~D (Cammiseioner Herbat abeent), to co~tinue thie mrtter to 8e~~ember 20, 1982. Mr. Mi.ller etated he is n memk~er of r~everal Chambers of Commerce and Anaheim hae alwnye been the moet eupportive, and moet prograaeiva toward the bus inessme-n . ITEM N0. 5: EIR NECATIVE UECLARATION AND VARIANCE NO. 3290 PUBLIC HEAR2NG. OWNERs ZANY'8 W.p VAN WINKLE, INC., 301 W. ICatelln Avenue, Aneheim, CA 92802. Property dsecxibed ae a rectangularly-shap~.~i parcel of lnnc~ consistinq of apprnximetely 1.4 acres, 301 W. Katella Avenue (Rip Van Winkle Motel). Waiver o! minimum r~umber of p~srkinq epacos to expdnd nn exiatinq motel. Thers was no one in~licatinq their preeence in oppoeition to eubject requeet and slthouqh the statf report f:o the Pldnninq Commission was not read at the public hearinq, it ie referred to and aude a part of the ipinutes. John Swint, 707 W. North Street, asked !or a tour-week continuanct. He explained the Rip Van Winkle Motel is actually two aepa-rate motels which have been joined and es a reault, there ere two aepnrate poole and they are noisy. He stated the owner Qlnns to eliminnte the two pools nnd aonstruct another one up front and add 17 ndditional unite. Mr. swint etated he has been qetting variancea approved for the Iaet 14 y~ars and the tirst one was on W~st Strae,t before air and bus tratfic became what it ie today and felt since he had received 14 apprnvals, evidently it hed been proven that the perkinq deniand ia not as ~:eat aa code requireg. Paul 8inger, Tra!!ic En~ineer, etated he daea not have the same concerns in thia request, but would etill recommend a parking demand study. THE PVBLIC HEARING W718 CIASED. : r ~ t 1. ~ ~ MINflT~B, 11NAHEIM CITY PI,ANNINO COMMI88ION, Augttet 23, 1982 82-457 Commi~~ionar Ki.nq ind.toatsd h~ did not think tho requeet at 89t 14 the eame ae the two previeu~ raqueete. Commis~ioner l,a Cleir• atetod the~ Commiseion cennot ba eura that 89e ie adequata ntil ~tudiee are comF~leted. She f~+lt the Commiseion ehould be conaiatet~t ~nd raquire a parking demend study. Chairman Fry eteted he really doeen't have e problem on thia request. ACTTON: Coauniseioner Le ~leixe olfered e moti~n, aeconded by Commiesioner Hushora and MOTION CARRISO (Commiesioner Herbet nbsent), that coneideration uf the aforementioned matter bo continuad to the reqularly-acheduled meeting of Smptember 20, 19a2, in order !or the petitioner co submit a pazking demend atudy performed by a certified trdffic enqineerinq conaultent tor r~ub~ect property nnd the aurroundinq aree. ITFM NO. 6 ~...~.~.._. REPORTB AND RECOMl~NDATIONS The followinq Report$ and Recoma-endation stafP reports were preeented but ~ot reed: A. CONDITIONAL US~ PERMIT N03. 1.166 AND 1645 - Request by Micheal L. Vnlen, Preaident, Town Tour Bua Compeny, for retroacxive extenaiona of time on property loceted at 340 Katelld Way end 1825 Mountain View Avenue. ACTION: Commiasioner Kinq oftered a motion, eeconded by Commiasioner McBurney end MOTION CARRZED (Comm;.ssioner Nerbet absent), that the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commiseion does hereby qrnnt retroactive exteheions of time for Conditlonal Use Perm3t Nos. 1166 nnd 1645 to expire o~ August 16, 1983. B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1883 - Request fram David S. Collins, for a two year extension of time for Conditional Uae Peratit No. 1883 on property located at 1514 Weat Brosdway. ACTION: Commissio~er Kinq offered a raotion, seconded by Gomntissioner McBurney and MOTION CARRIED (Commisaioner Herbst ab~ent)•, thnt the Anaheim City Planning Cortm~ieaion does hereby qrant a two year extenei.an of time for Conditional Use Pernunit No. 1883 to expire Auqust 28, 1984. C. CONDrTIONAL USR 'rcRMIT NO. 2207 - Request from C. L. Phar.~ris, Sa~nd and Gravel, Inc., for a one year extenaion of time for ~onditional Use Permit No. 2207 for property located on thR west side of Richfield Road, approximntely 1750 feet eouth of the centerline of La Palmn Avenue. ACTION: Com~ai.aeioner Kinq offered a cation, seconded by Commiasioner McHurney and MOTiON CARRIED (Commissioner Herbat abaent), that the Ant~heim City Planninq Commi.ssior~ does hereby qrant a one-year retroactive exteneion o~ time for Conditional Use Permit NO. 2207, to expire 011 JL1t1@ 1~ 1983 e i~~ `.~ MINUTIC9~ ANIINEIM CITY PL7INNINO CnMIMI88I0T1, 71uqu~tt 23, 198~ 82-458 D. RI~CIJ188il~IC11TION N0. 81-BZ-5 71ND CONDITIONIIL U81C P6RMIT N0. ~259 - Requ~~t lrom 11m~ri.aan National Properti~• to aon~iQ~r • proposed tenant rslooatian a~si~tenoa propooal !or Orangswood ]~cr~• Mobilehome Park located et 2111 South Ml~nch~~ter 7-v~nue. J~ck Whits, Assi~tant City 11~torney, axplained tha City Counail con~inu~d this n-atter from their 1-uqu~t 17 me~tinq in or!!er thet Plennl.ng Connaisslon could n-ake a rpoonanendation. He !urlher explained this request perteine to the reloaation plnn only einca the Planninq Gommission haa alr~edy denied the reclee~itication and conditional uae permit requast~. Coanntseioner Buohora suqgeated recommendinq that the propoeed Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone ordinance be c~mplied with upon ite adoption by the City Council. Commisoioner Bushoze offerad a motion, seconded by Coaimissionsr Boues e~nd MOTION CARRTBD (Commisaioner Herbet nbeent), that th~ Aneheim City Planninq Coannieeion doee hereby recommend to City Council that if they qrent Reclaesificetion No. 81-62-5 end Conditional Uee Permit No. 2259, the owner be zequired to pey all relocati.on benefits included in the Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone Ordinance currently under consideration by the City Councilt nnd further that this Action doea not effect Planninq Commieaion's nctiana for denial o~ the reclassiticat.ton nnd conditional use permit. F.. TENTATIVE I~U1P OF TRACT NOS. 10996, 10997 and 1099B - Regusat trom Georqe Maaon, Jr., The Gunst~~ Hall Compeny, !or exteneiona of time for Tentntive Map of Tract Nos. 10996, 10997 end 10998 located on the 0outhwest cArner of Avenida de Santiaqo and Hidden Canyon Road. ACTION: Commiaeioner King o!lered a aatlon, aeconded by Commiesioner McBurney and MOTION CARRIBD (Co~issionez Herbst absent), thnt the Anaheim Cit,y Planninq Conmiisaion docs hereby qrant one year extensions of time far Tentative Mnp of Tract Nos. 10996, 10097 and 10998 to expire on October 6, 1983. ~ ~. MIpL1Tt8~ AN11K~~M C~TY P1.~1tiNING COMlIBaION, Auqu~tt 23 • 198~ 8~-459 OTH~R pISCU88I0Nt P~rtaininq to th• propo~~d Mabii~hom~ Paxk Ovsrl~y Zon~ Ordinana~, Com~nisaionor Lu Clair~ •~at~d ohe ha• had phon~ c~lla with quastion• a• to vfi~n th~ r~loaation b~nolits vrould bs paiQ ~nd r+h~ther or not oo~ts would M peid !or overniqht •t~y• in aatel~ durinq tha mova. J~ck t~Phhit~ explained the ordin..nca doas not inolude matel costa. Ho •t~t~d saae o! the~v paym~nta are qoinq ko b~ condition~ o! variouo typ~• o! parmi.ta (i.e. recla~sificetion or conditional ua• p~rmits) and wiYl have to be coa~plied with ao stipulatad in tha oonditio• s, soma prior to buildinq permita, soa-c prior to introduction oi an ordinance, etc. Cortnnunitywide Community Development Block Grant Citiaen Parf:icipntion Committ~~ !or 1983-94. It wss the ganeral conr~ensue of the Connnisaion that Pnul Kinq Bhould continua to eerve on ~hia committee. 1-OJOURNM3CNT: There being no lurther bueineas, Co~aa~iseloner Bouas oftered a motion, •econ8ed by Commiseioner McBurney and MOTION CARRI~D (Commieeionmr Herbet abeent), that the meeting be edjourned. The meeting wae ad journed et 2 e 45 p.an. Reepectfully aubaaitted, d2c.~ ^' . Edith L. Harris, Secretary Anaheim Cfty Pl~nning Conm~inaion EI+H: l:u ~