Minutes-PC 1982/09/20„~ ~ . ~ 3 +~~ REQULAR MEBTING 0!' THE 11NI1H~ZM CITY P2.~11NN1NG COMMI88ION RtGUL11R MEL"~'ING The requler meeL-inq ot the Aneheim City Plenning Commioeion wae celled t~~ ordez by Chairtnan Fr; at 10:00 e.m., 5eptemtx~r 20, 1982, in the Council Chna-b~sr, e quorum being present nnc~ the Coaaniasinn revigwed plana o! the itams on today's nqende. PREBENT Chairmen: Fry Connniesionera: Boues, euahore, Herbet, Kinq, La C1eirR, McBurn~y ABSENT ALSO PRESENT CommiRai~nc~rs: N~ne Annika Santalaht.i JACIC W}1~t.P. Jeck Judd Paul 3lnqer Deen Sherer Edith Ht+rrie AAeiatant Diractor for Zoning Aeaietent City Attnrney Civ. F.ngine~ariny Asaociate Trafiic F.ngineer Aoaociate P1annPr Planning Commiaaion 5ecretary APPROVI-Y. OF MINUTES: Commiesioner King offered a motion, aeconded by Commiesioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIEA (Conanissioner La Cldire absteininq), that the minutes of tha meeting of Saptember 8, 1982, be approved as corrected on page 489 to ehow that Commiesioner King offc+rad Resc?lution No. PC82-170. ITEM NO. l: EIR N0. 253, RECLASSIFICATZOt4 NO. d2-83-4, WAIVER OF CODE REOUIREMENT ANU CONDITYONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2362 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: AJ.BERT BORCHARD & KENNETH L. LARSON, 5915 Bur.chard Avenue, Los Angeles, ~A 90034, and ROY W• MABEE, 2651 W. Lincoln Avenue, Annheim, CA 92801. AGENT: GFELLER DEVEI.OPN~NT COMPANY, INC., 228 W. Main Street, Tustin, CA 92680, Attn: Bob Reeae. P.raperty is described as n rectanqularly-eha~ed percel of land consisting of appz~xitnately 19.57 acr~es, 2925 W. Lincoln Avenue (Lincoln Bench Mobile Mancr Park). Reclaesificdtion requeat: RM-1200, CL end RS-A-43,000 to RM-1000. Conditional Use requests To permi.t a 810-unit, 38-foot hich condc~minium complex with waivers of: a) required lot frontaqe, b) minimum floor erea, c) minimum landscaped setback, d) ~-inimum recreational-leisure area, e) m~nimua- distence between buildings, f) minimum number, type and dimensinns of parking specee and g) minimum dista.nce trc+m pt~rking spaces to dwelling unite. Continued from the meetings of July 26, and ]~uqust 23, 1982. Bob Reese, Gleller Development Company, explained they have been working diliqently ors thia project since it wee continued end ere trying a different approach taking Coa~m~iseian'e concerna i.nto coneideration and will be reddy to sub~ai.t revised plans by the meetinq ot October 18, 1982. He explained the nwnber of unlts will be reduced from 810 to 660 and the four-story buildinq and eeveral waivera have been eliminated. He addnd he will also suba~it copies of the agre~montg tha tenante signed when they oriqinally came into the mobilahaue park. 82-493 MIl1UTS9. 11P1AHEIM CZTY PLANNING COMM1I88ION~ SdPTENIBxR 20, 1982 82-494 11CTIONs Comn-lesionar Herbet o!lered a awtion, seconded by Comnfopioner Houas end MM'ION C1IRRIEO, thet ooneiderration a! the aforemention~d matter be continued to the ragularly-r,chadulRd m~~ting of October 18, 1982, at the request ~! the petiti~ner in orde:• thet revieed plens cnn be subenitted. ITBM NO. 2: EIR NP~GIITIVE DECLJIRATIO~? 1-ND VARIIINCE N0. 3288 PUBLIC HffiARING. OWNER: D. 6 b. DEV~I.OPMtENT COMPANY, 11008 Narwalk Houlevard, 4~+nta Fe Springe, CA 90670. property d~~ecribed ee a~ rectengularly-eheped parcel at lend coneieklnq of Approximat~~ly 1.43 ec.re, 2030-204D S. Harb~r Boulevard, ~-n~heion, CA 92805. Waiver o! minimum number of parking sp+~cea to r.onatruc:t e 110-unit motel. Continued from the meoting of Auquet 23, 14t32. There was no one indiceting their preeence in opposition to eubject request end althouqh th~ staPf report was not r.~sa~i, it is referred to end made a part of the minutea. Steve Darman, D& D Development, explained a parking eurvey of severel motels in the ~rea was prepared for thie project by Westan Pringle end AesociatQa, and also a survey was prepared by the Planninq Depertment 5taff nnd both aurveys ind~cate the proposed p+~rking at 68d is sufficient. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commiaaioner Bushore stated these surveys did provide the ~uetification needed by the Coaaaission for the w~+~.vers that hAVe been gra~nted for these motels in the pianeyland area. ACTIONs Commiseioner Bushc+re affered a motion, seconded by Commisaioner Kinq and MOTTON CARRIED, thet the Anaheim City Planninq Commisaion has reviewed the propoeal to conatruct a 110-unit motel with waiver of minimum number of parkinq spaces on a rectangularly-eheped parcel of land conaieting of approximately 1.43 acres, having a frontaqe of approximately 250 feet on the east side of Harbor Boulevard and further deacribed tes 2030-2040 S. Harbor Boulevards and doeg hereby approve the Neqative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the baeis that there would be no siqnificant individual or cuanulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of. this Neqative Declara*ion since the Anahefm Generel Plan desiqnates the sub~ect property for commercidl recreation land uses commensurate with the propasals that no sensitive envixonmental 1~apacte are involved in the proposal~ that th~ In~tial Study subc-itted by the petitioner indicatee no siqnificent inciividual or cumulative adverse enviranmental impactat and that the Neqative Decleration substantiating the foregoing findinqs is on file in the City of Anaheim Planninq Depertment. ~. ~ H2-495 MINIJTlbBr ~'11-HEIM CI'!'Y PL7INNINC3 CO1~Q9ISSIdN~ BEPTISMLB6R 20~ 1982 Cc+mmis~ioner Au~hore olfered Resolupion No• ~~is~ion~~doe~Vherehy qranta~~aga •nd aQoption thet the Anaheim City Lanning Veriance No. 3288 on tha bauie that a csrtain percentsqe ot th• guests errive by traneportaCion nwde~ other tha~n private vehicles ae ehown by survays conducted by tha Planninq Dwp~+rtn~ent 8talt ~o~ ~ed~wiglcb4•ed~quatc(~andhe petitioner which indicetes psrking apacae p F~ eubject to Interdepartmentel Coamnittee reconnnondatione. On rell call, the foreqoing resolution w~e paased by the following vote: J-YESs BOU11S, BUSHORE, P'RY, HERBST~ KING, I.A CLAIRE~ MC BURNEY NOEBs NONE AHSENTs NONE ITEM N0. 3s EIR NEGATIV~ QECLARATION AND VARIAt~1C~ NO. 3289 MILLER, 1530 S. Narbar PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: ROBERT M. 6 GLORIA H. Boulevnz'ii, Anaheimr CA 9280z• ~roximately dP2cacres,~1530rSrtHe ~rrly-shaped pnrcel of lund consisting ot apP Boulevard, Anaheim. CA 92805. (Ceroueel Mote:l). Waiver o! minimun~ n«mber of perking spacee to expand en exiating motel. Cnntinuad from the meetinq of Auguat 23, 19E32. TheXe was no one indicetinq their presence in oppoeition to subject roquest nnd althouqh the staff rAport was not reed, it ie reforred to and made a part ef the minutes. Bob Mill.er. owner, etaked he felt the parking surveys done shaw that their Ne reterred to etag!'s request for 63• of the r.equ.ired parki~~g is reeaonahle. comments reqardinq elimination of their delicateasen zoblemseandhis basically been there for six years and has crented no perking p a food service £or the guests, serving coffee and donuts ar take-out sandwiches and hes no sit-down service. Concezning the car .rental aqency, he agreesd ~he concerns are proe~bc~eetedaaeproblem~ubutche8hasrnot hadathis mdny use, even though it has nev units taefore. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS L'L03ED. Mr• Miller stated the report indicates 1 bus equels 5 parking spaces and explained one bus tour will utili.ze approxia~ately 25 raoms• Commissioner I3ouas atated ehe felt tho commente referred to the number of parking apace~ n bus would utilize when perked and it was noted it would probably use five .RpAC@B pairked parallel. Mr. M.iller noted there will be a haaomerhead turn-around provided foendicua rgs and e:aerqency vehicles. He etated the buaes would always park Perp Commissioner Bu~hore stated he would aqree thet the delicatessen does not create a parking problem is it is cur°rently aperated k~ecause it does just 8~~~,~~ ~Fe guests and nat the qeneral public. He agroed with staff that the car rentnl agen~y sho+uld probnbly be eli.mi.r~ated. 82-496 MINUTL-8. AN11~ilCIM CITY PLI~NNIliG Cd~IMIS8I0N, SEPTlR+18gR 20, 1982 Mr. Mill~sr noted hie contract with the car rentel agency ate-tes that thore shall be no more tha~n f.ive vehicles on the eite at any one time, but occnsionnlly there will be more. Commiea~aner Bushoro stated there wera twolve vehiclee there teday. tle eugqeeted that somethinq be w~rked out to provide the queata with vehicleB wi.thout heviny twelve vet~icleg perked on-eite. He added twa BpdCAB are ueed by the aqency's empl~Yees. Mr. Miller etnted the car rentel agency is only a minor source o! income and he would not allow it to herm hie maj~r eource of income which ie the motel• He qtated the rentel aqency is a convenionce for his quests• Commiseiongr Nerbst atated he has a problem with the percentage of parking and noted the higheat percentage granted in the peat is 67! end thie request ig for 638. He etated ho is concarned beceuse devel~per.e do reseerch the recorde and if 63i in epprnved for thia project, athere will be requeat.ing the same thing. No stnted it appears tho petitioner in simply overbuildinq the property with the caz rental aqency, reteil atore and the mntel. Ch~irmnn Fry notQd if the car rentel agency is ~-1lmineted and those six RpAC88 added to the motel, the percentage would t~•e hrouqht up to 68~. Following a brief discugsion reqerdinq n parking req~iirement fc,r the car rental aqency and the deliceteasen, [~an Sherer, Associate Ptanner, exp?einod those perking requirements are based on the floox ares. Commission~r Buahore explained th~ delicatecsen consists besically of vending machines and he felt t.he parking requiremente shou]d be reduced and if thc car rental agency is eliminated, tltie parking ratio ahould be acceptable. pean Sherer Statnotteeretailietore~andsthe parkinqerequirementsnwould beat the delicatessen is reduced. Mr. Miller stated he would eliminate the car rental ac~ency. p~ipp; Conunissioner Herbst oflered a motion, seconded by Coucnisaioner Kinq and MOTTON CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion has considered the proposal to expand nn exiating motel wi~Celaofelend consisting ofr of pbrking ~aces on a rectangularly-shaped pa approx.imately 1.2 acres, having a frontege of approximately 85 feet on the east side of Harbor Boulevard, approximately ?80 fect south af the centerline of Manchester Avenue and further dascribed a~s 1530 S• Harbor Houlevardt and does hereby approve the Neqative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an envizonmental impact report on the basis that there would be no aignificdnt individual or cumulntive adverse environmental impect due to the appr~val of this Negative Declaxation since the Anaheim General Plan desiqnates the subject property for commercial recreation land uses commeneurate with the prnposalt that no sensitive environmental impacts aze involved in the proposals that t1'-e Initial 5tudy au~itted by the petitioner indicates no siqnifia~~veiDeclarationrsub tantiatingvtheefaregoinyefindinqs8lseonafilehin the Neq the City of Anahein- Plamiing Department. _ . .. _. _ ..... _ _....~+y~w.w = , i~ ,~ j ~ 1982 62-497 MINUT86 ~ 7WANSIM CITY ?IJINNINfi COMMlI88ION ~ SSPTSMHER 20 ~ Coma-i~sioner H~rbst o!larod Resclution No. PCBJ-174 and moved !or its pa~saqe Ccam-isalQn dcas h~reby grant and adoption thet the An~heim City Plenning o! tha tnotel Variance No. 32d9 on the baeie thet the perking demends qtudy perking in th~ Q~`neyland ared indicates that the propoaed parking is edequate and on the baaia that th~o °~~~yiAndrthe~ thepdelicateseaniiannot ongid~red a rentel aqency lrom the p P esta and thet the propoeed retai.l ontlet eince it basically aerves the motel gu plens will provide 69• of the rec~ired total and subject to Interdepaztm~+ntel Committee recommendeti~na• On roll call, the foreqoing resolution wes paeeed by the followi.nq votes AYESs EOUAB~ BUSHOREr FRY~ HERBSTr KING~ I,A CUAIREr MC HURNEY NOES: NONE Agg~pT: NONE 3290 ITFM N0. 4: EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATIdN AN~ VAT~~CE N0. 301 W. Katelle~ Avenue, pUgLIC HEARING. OWr1ER: 7ABYaeg~iY,edNaaIa~a~~anqularly-ehaPed Pdreel of Ana~heim, CA 92802. Fropcrty land consisting of appr~ximately 1.4 ecres, 301 W. KAte11a Avenue, Anaheim, A 92805 (Rip v$n Flinkle Motel)• Waiver of minimu~ nu~er of parking epaces to expand an existing motel• Con~.inued from the meeting of Auqust 23~ 1982. There was no one indiceting their preeence in op~~~t~on to eubject requegt and e~lthouqh the staff report Wag not read, it i6 referred to and mede a part of the minutea• J~hn 3wint, aqenx, was present to answer nnY ~Nestions. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ACTION: Cotnmigeioner McBurney ahe~ a a motion, secc+nded by Comn+issionerkin g City Planninq Co~+n-ission has revieWed the and MOTIOr1 Cl~-RRIF.D, that the An proposal to expand an existing motel with wniver of c-inimu~' n~r of par 9 roximately spacee on a rectnnqularly-shaped garcel of land consistinq o: aPP 1.4 acres located at the northweat corner of tCmtella Avenue and Clnmentinerov~+ Street and further deecribed as 301 w•irgment~t~VpreParenan~environmentaLP the Negdtive Declsretion from th~e rg~N igxc8nt individual or inipact report on the basie that ther~- t due to theea proval of this Negative cwnulative adverse enviranmental impe dtes tihe subject property far Declarntion since the Anaheim General Pl.an deaign rn e~lt that no commercinl recreational land uses comntensuz'nte with t e p P~ acts nre involved in the proposnlt that the Initial sensitive enviroruaental ititioner indicates no aiqnificant individunl or Study subaiitted by the pe cumulative adverse environmental impactsi and that the Negr~tiof ~aheim on substantiatiag the foreqoing findinqe ie on file in t1~e C= Y Plenning DePert~nant. 'i ~ ~ MINUTEar AtIIAliEIM CITY pL1-NNI1~1G GQMMII88ION, SBPT~lMBgR 20, 19d2 62-498 ~ommioaionsr McHurney o!lored Resolution Nn. PC82-175 and moved !or ita paa~age and edoption thet ths Aneheim City Planning Cotmaipoion does hereby qr~nt Varidnce No. 3290 on tho be~le Chet perkinq denu~nd studies o! motel parkinq in the Disneyland ~ar.ea ihA~Cdte thaG the 89• o! requirod total proposed is adequate on the baeie khat e percentdqe o! tha guests arrive by traneportation modes other th+~n ptiva~te vehicle end subjact to Interd.~pertmental Committee recofitnendations. On rall call, the loregoing resolution wae paesed by the following v~te: AYEB: BOUl1S, BUSHORE, FRY, HERHST, ICING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABBENT: NONF. Commissioner Barnaa pointed out that these waivers for parking are beinq granted for motels in the Disneyland erea unly bec~uae of the number of queste who arrive by plane ar bus end ia not necassarily something thnt will Un granted enywhere elae in Anaheim. Commiseioner Houae po~nted out thAt each of the three petitionere ~ad presented a pdrkinq etudy which indicates perking propu,~ed is a~equete. ~ohn Swint indicatod he will be aubmitting a parking report on e~ny t'uture motel expdnsion or new motels. ITEM NO. 5. LIR NF.GATIVE DECI,ARATION AND COt~DITIONAL USE PERMIT Nn. 2365 ( RP:ADVERTISED ) PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: ~AYMOND G. SFEIiAR, ER' AI., 6937 Avenida De Santingo, Anaheim, CA 92807. Property described ae nn irreqularly-ehaped perce: of land consiatinq of approximetely 1.8 acre, 5?50 E. La PelmA Avenue. To permit on-sale alcoholic boveragea in e pr.oposed resteurant. Continued from the meetinq of September 8, 1982. There wea no one in~icating their presenae in opposition to subject request and althouyh the stafP report wae not read, it is reterred to and made a part of the minutes. This c-atter was heard following Item No. 6 inaamuch ae ~he applicant was not preaent. R.ichard Huston, erchitect, 338 W. Llncoln, Anaheim, aas present ta answer any questions. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ~` ~ ~. MINUTa9, 1WANI~IM CITY PI.JINNING CO!lMISSION, SEPTBbiBER 20, 1982 82-A99 l1CTION: Cotroni~eioner King offsred s motion, a~cundad by Ccninrtis~ioner McDurney end MOTION CJIRRIED, thst the Anah~lm ~ity Plennf.nq Coaoeiseion ha3 reviewed the propoanl to permit on-~ale alcohol.ic beverdgee in a eemi-enclo~ed rentaurant on an irr~gularly-a~~aped psrcel ot land consistinq e! apprc~ximetely 1.8 ecree, having e tzontaqe o! epprexttnak~ly 273 fee+t on the sc~ith Aide o! Le Felme Avenue nnd turth~•: de*cribe~ as ~750 E. Le Pelota I~v~~nuet end doee hnreby approvc thR Naqetive Ueclsration trom tha requixame•e to prepare en environmental itn~ect report an the baeie th~at ther.e a~uld t,e no siynificent individnal or cumulative adverse environmPntal impact due to the approval of thi• Negetiva Oeclaration eince the Anehaim Generaa. Pl~n dasiqnete~ tho subject property tor qenerel commerciel land uses cammeneurete with the propoenlt thet no aensitive anv~ronmdntal impacts are involved in th~ pr~paselt thet the Initial Study duumitked by t.he petitionez indicetee no siqnificent individual or cumuletive edveree environmental impar,tar en~. that th~ Negetive peclarntion auhAtentia~ing the for~qoing findinqs is on f~lo in tha c:ir.y of Annhe:m P1Anning DepArtment. Commiseio~er Kiny offerAd Re~~'~~tion N~. Pc'82-176 and movod for if.e pasaege and edo~,tion that tho Anahgim City Pi~nning Coa~a-isaion doea hereby qrant Conditionnl Use Pei•mi.t Mo. 2365 subjer.t ta Ir~terdepertmentel Committee r~corcanandatione . un r~ll call, ±he foregoir~g resalution w+~s pasned by the follawing vote: AYE3s 80UAS, BUSHORE, PRY, HF.RBST, K'lNG, I;A CLA:RE, MC: [~i1RNF.Y NOES: NONE AHSENT: NANE ITEM N0. 6. ~IR NF.C;ATl~i~' PEGI.ARATION, Wl.?VER nF CODE REQUIRF.MF•NT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Nu. 23?4. PUBLIC HEARINC. OWNER: ANAHEZM HUSINESS CENTER, P. O. Box 10077, Santa Ana, CA 92711. AGENT: WIJ~I,IAM D. 11DAMS, 228 W. Cerritos Avenue, 14nahcim, CA 92805. Properey dQSCribed a8 en irreqularly-ahaped parcel of ~.end c:onaieting ~f xpproximately 12.3 acrec~ located at the eouthwest cnrner of Cerritos Avanue and Anaheim Boulevdrd, 338 W. Cerritoa rvenua (Japanese Phye~i~~-Therapy and aauna). To permit a physio-therapy and sauna establishment with waiver ot minimum numbez of parking apaces. There was no one indicr~tin~ their presence in oppoaition to subjact request and althouqh the sta~f report wns not read, it is referred to and mede a part of the minutes. William Adar , agent, steted he has had hie buainesP at ~24 S. Euclid for eiqht ye.rs and has to move it l~ecauae of the Adult Entertainment Or~inance. THE PUHLIC H~ARING WAS CLOSED. Cnnonissioner Hushore clarified that the treatment rooms have draw curtains and are not soun9-proafed boothe with doors. r ~ 82-5Q0 MINUTIlB, J1N11HSIM CITY PLANNING CGMMIBRION. SEPTF]+ls~R 20 , 1982 Mr. Adums clariti~d that the cliants sre buainee~se+en reterrsd there !or mediaal treat~nent. ACTION: Cotnmiseionar Kinq oPtered e- motion~ eeccyndecl by Coannisaioner Nerbst an Md~OTION C1IRRIED. that th~ Anehei.n City Plnnning Comn-isaion hns ravi~wed the proposel to permit e physio-therapy end $ei~ne establlAhmantercel. otilend r minimum numk~er ot parking spncae on en irregularl y-ehepe p consiatinq ot approxia~ntely 12.3 e+cren loceted at the sauthweat corner of Cerritos Cerritos Avenue end Anahei~^rove1therNeaativerDeclarationblr metheerequirement Avenue~ and does hereby app g to pregar.e an ~nvirorunentel imp+aat report on th~ basie thnt there would be no eiqnif icent inditi-iduel. or cumula~tlve edveree envirunmental ia-pact due te the approvel of this Negati.v~ Declnretion aince the l-n~tieim Generel Plen deniqnet~e ~he subject property ~or conm~rcial pzof9asional lnnd uaee coanmeneurate with the proposatr that no aonsitive environmentel impeate are involv~d in Che propoealt the: the Initial Study eubmiLted by the petitioner indir_ates no eignificnnt inaiv:.9ua1 or cwnulative adverae envi.ronmental impactsi and that t.he Neqati:^ Declaration subst-~ntieting the Foregcing findings is on file in the Cit~• of Anehoim Planning bepertment. Commiss~.onez King offered a motion, soconded by Commigaioner Herbst and MOTION CARRIED, thet the Anaheim City Planning Commies:.on dn~ae hereby qrant wai~ver of codQ requirement ~n the r-~is of the aurroundinga and on the basia that cuetomer neede at the com. ~rciel industrial complex will vary due to the variety of buainese and perk demand wi.ll eeldom occur end cleniel woulc~ deny subjACt propert; oE privileqes enjoyed by other proper.tiee in the same zone and vicinity• Annika Santalnhti, AoRistant Director for Zon~n g, axplained the minimum diatance accozding to the new ordinance ia 40. 2eet from other adult entertainmf=~b~hennorthern~propertyulinethwhi chtwoul~hprobablydelimineteran}o feet away other simila~ uses. Commiseioner King offered Reaolution No. PCt32- 3 77 and moved for its passage and adoption that th~ Anaheiw City ~'lanninq Co~-ieeic. h does hereby qrant Conditional Use PeT*nit No. 2374 aubject tn petitioner's stipuldtion tliet thr treatment rooma will have dzaw curtaina and wi 11 not be nhund-pzonf. with doora and aubject to Interdepart~nental Conm~ittee recommendations. Prior to voting on the reaolution, Commissioner Buehore eeked if t1~is conditional use pF:rmit can be made non-trnnsferraUle with Jack White, Aeaiatant City Attorney, indicnting tt-at could not be dor~e. Cammisaioner ICing added thet the Cortiditinnal Use Permit shall expiro in three yer~rs. On rall cell, the foregoing reac.lution was pa s r•9~~Y the following vote: AYES: BC?UAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, 1CING. I~- CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOE8: NONE ABSENT: NONE ~~ ~ ~~ MI?~LiTaB, 11N11HF.'TM CITY PLANNZNCi COMIMI88ION~ l3~CPTI:MHER 20, 1982 82-501 . 7. ICrTION NO. 82-83-8, W1IIVBR QF PUALIC HEAAINa. OWNBR: ALFRED D. 1-ND JOSEPHINR P71IN0, 711 8. Seaah B:.vd., 1-naheim. CA 92804. 110~N'T i ALFR~D P• P71IN0 7-ND JIM RODI(3, 711 S. Beec~ 81vd. , Anaheim, C1- 92804. Praperty deaaxibed aa a rec.tangularly-shaped parcel o! land coneietinq ot approximately 0.88 acre, 71t 9outh Besah Boulavard (Home Run Park). RECLASSIFICI-TION R~~UESTt R&-A-43,000 t~~ CL CONDI~IONIIL USE REQUESTs To expend en exieting batting cdqe fecility with we-ivere ofs A) meximum structurel height, b) minimum landscdped eetb~ck, c) minimutn aide and rear ynrd aetbacks and d) required eite screening. There was no one indiceting tlieir presence in oppoeitian to sub~ect request and alihough the staff report ~+ae not read, it ie ref~rred to nnd made e part of the minutes. A1 Paino and Jim Rodig, agents, were prasent to anewer. any ques~iona. THE PUbLIC HEARINu WAS CT,OSED. Mx. Paino re~ponded to Commis~ionar. Hushore that t}ie property to the south is vacant, but will be developed eventually with condominiwna and a block wall will be provided at that time and thay have not made any plens to provide a wall. Dean Sherer, Assc.~ciate Flenner, explained the waivAr pertaine to a portion of the northern property 11ne which ebute R.4-A-43,000 zcned property, although it ia improved with a vetesrinarian's office. Mr. Paino etated they will providinq a wall elong the north progerty lina and Mr. Rodiq explained there will be a six-fnot wall for the batting caqea but it will not be riqht on the pxoperty line. Reapondinq to Co~nmiasioner Barnea concerning landscaping, Mr. Paino explained the waiver pertains to the aetback on Beach Boulevard bec-ause providinq the required landscapinq will reduce their parking area. He explained landsceping ie proposed on both sides of the parking lot and referred tu two palm trees in the front and referred to another area under the existing siqn which could be landscaped. He ~tipulated to provide landaraping in every possible area. ACTION: Coaimissioner. La Claire offered a motion, seconded hy Coromiesioner gouas and MOTION CAIt1tIED, that the Anaheim City Planninq Comnission has reviewed the proposal to reclaesify subject property from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential, Aqriculturel) Zone to the GL (Commercial, Limited) Zone to expand an Rxistinq battinq ceqe facility with waivera of maximum structural heiqht, minimum landscaped setbaak, a~inimtwi side and rear yards eetback and required ~ite screerainq on a rectanqularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of app:oximately 0.88 acre, h ving n frontaqe of approximntely 113 feet on the weat side of Beach Boulevard, having a maximum depth of approximately 340 feet and beinq located approxin~ately 890 feet south of ~he centerline of Orange Avenue and lurther described as 711 S. Beach Boulevardt and doe8 hereby ~ 82-50Z MINUT~B, I-N11N~IM CI'PY PLIINNINa COMMI88ION, 6BP'1'TMBER 20, 1982 epprova khe Negative Declaratian lrom Lha rsquirament to prspar. e an ilicant environm~ntel impact r~pc~rt on th~ b+isis thet thAre would be no ~i~^rovel of individual or aumulative advers• snvironmontel impect due to th• npp thie Nec~etive Declax~etion sincs the 1-nshsim aenersl Plan deniynatos th. sub jact prop~+rty !or gensrsl comaa~roial land u~tes connneneurate ~rith the proposalt thet no eensi~ive anviranmental impacto °rtitiioner indiGatea no proposal r thet tha Initial 8tudy ~ubmitta~i by the pe signi~icant individuel or cumuiative adv~~e foregoinqefinding~iesonafilehin the Naqativa Declaration eubsl:ant~T~ant. the ^.ity of Anaheim Planning Dep Cotnmiesioner Le Cl~+ire oftered Resoluc on No. PC82~1Commiasion~doosrhereby paesage end adopCion that thF Anaheim 'ity Planning qrent WeclneeiPi~ation No. e?-83-8 eubject to Interdepnrtmental Committee reaomtnendatione. On roll cell, the foreqoing resolution wae peaned by the followinq vote: AYES: BOUAB~ sU3HORE~ FRY, HERBST~ KING, I.A CLAIRE~ MC BURNEX NOE3 t NONE ABSEN'1's NON~ Cocia-ieeioner Le C) ai re offered a r,u+tion, eeconded by Coera-iseioner Bouas and M~Ipp~ ~pR~~p, thac tandA(d)eon the basienthatCde~niQliwauldcdepriveys bject waivere (e)~ (b~~ ~ ~ property of privileg~a enjoY~d hY other properties in the sasne zone and vicinity end further qranting waivare (e) and (d) on ~:he basis that the nroperty to the nortt'! is devel~ped with a veterinar:.an clinic although it is zoned for single-fnaiily residentiai lend uaes. Cou~cniesionex La Cleire offered Reeolution No. PC82-179 and abaved fox its paseaqe and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Coau~-lasion does hcreby qrant Conditional Use Pw~~ e='~88ibleuthr ughouthChe~siteoand,subjectltoion to provide lnndecapirq InterdepertmQntel Coaimittee recommendations. On roll call, thc fc~raqoing r.esolution wea passed by the following vote: AYEB: HOUAS r BUSHORE ~ FRY ~ HERBb"I' ~ KING, LA CLAIRE • 1"1C BURNEX NOE3: NONE AgSENT: NONE .__........~..;:.,~~,,;,::~,,r • '~ '~..:~ ~ MINUTE3~ ANAHSIM CITY rLANNING COMMI98ION, R1SP'PBMH~R 20, 1982 A2-503 ITBN! NO. 8. EIR NECil1TIV8 DSCLARATION, WAIVER OF COGE RSQUIR~NT AND nA1~f1TTTANAL tisL PERMIT N0. 2376 PUBLIC HEARING. OWN1~R: 1~NANEIM SCHOOL DxSTRICT OF ORANGE COUNTY~ 412 E. Broa~~vay, Anal'ie~m~ G- 9280S. Property dRecribeA ae a rectanqulerly-ehapod parcel o! land coneistinq of approx:nately 7.8 ecree, 2000 We.t Ball Road (Ke+y Elementery ~chool). To permir a privdte college in en existing echool facility with waiver of minimum nwnber of pnrking spacea. ~here na no one indiceting their preaence in apposition to aubject reqiaest and althouqh the etaff repnrt wes n~t rear7, Lt ir referred tn end mede a part of the minutee. Jim Brier, 3uperintendent, Anaheim 5chool District, 412 E. Broadway, ~naheim, was preeent to dnewer any questions. Dr. Dc~nald Hecht, Preaident, Californfa College of Technoiogy, stnted the subject el.ementary achool (Fzencia Scott Key) has heen closed since Junet that a committee waa formed to determine the best use of. the achool and t}iey recommended educationel p«rposes• Regarding the perking, he expl.ained they heve reviewed the pYane and feel if they are allowe~t to count aompact car spac~s, they ca.~ provide 150 spaces dnd in addition, there are 5 acrea or~ the north which :ould be develc.ped for perking, if necessary. He ~xpleinec~ they initially plan to have eighty studencc attending different sessiona and the maximum enrol.tment anticipatQd would be fi~e hundred studenta with no m~rp than 250 ~':udenta on campus at eny one time. Dr. Hecht referred to Condition No. 4, roquiring that the eaeterly drivewdy be closed and atated they would :ike a delay in complying a~ith that because the,y need it for staff and visitor parking. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Dean Sherer, Aasociate Planr~r, explained the parking requirements are based on the square footaqe of individual classzooma, not the number of atudents Dr. Hecht explained the rnaximum enrollment anticipated is 50A students, but all the students would not be gresent at the snme time and there would never be more than 250 studen*s there at any one time. Commissioncsr Herbst stated he wae concerned becuuse there is a parking probler~ at moat collegeaj however., he renlizea theze ie additional property which could be developed for parking on thie~ eite. He asked if the Parks and Recreation Department would be usinq this facility for any of their activities. Mr. drier stat.ed if necessary, the northern portion ot the croperty could be paved and used for parkinq and he would make that stipulation. Dr. Hecht atatsd they have lease3 tha entire site for the college and the lacilities will not be uaed by anyone else, includinq the playground. ~ MINUTFS, 11N~NEIM CTTY PL)-tiNINO COMMI$SION, BEPTEMBER 20, 1982 82-~04 Coc~naisrioner H~zbst stated he would like to see epproval aonditioned upon review of th~ perking situe~ion when enrollm~ent r~ach~s nara than a certain ntunber o! etudents per ssanion. Jeck White, Aaaietent City Attornay, euggeeted tha limit be pleced on the numb~r of etudenta enrolled end when ik reachea thek limit, sdditione.l parkinq 1~e required. Reepondinq to Commisefoner 2ci.ng, Paul Sinqer, Tratf~.c Engineer, explainAd aa lonq sa tha prop•:rty 1A uaed for a echool and is owned by the echool district., tha City has no opportunity to make cormnents on the accesar however, since thie use requires n conditional uee permit end since thie particuler drivewsy has been a problem, thia ie the City's opportunlty to corroct that prablem by cloeinq the drivewny and requirir,g thec on-site circulation be provided. He nleo recoannended that the treffic bignal aeeesement fee be required on the entire etructure. Reepondinq to Commiesi~ner Ln Claire, Nlz. Brier expleined public hearinqa were held reqarding the use ot' this school fncility and there wae no opposition to the recommendatian of the commi~tee that it be used for educational purposes. He stated the neighbors were notified and had reptesentation on the committe~e. Mr. Brier stated they would have no objection ta the <lriveway beinq cloaed. It wne noted the lease is for 5 yeers with optiona. Coaaniasioner La Claire stnted the Commieeion is concerned about the parking because there have been parking problema caueed by other colleqes on local streeta and the Connnisaion would like to come up with a plan to eliminate atudent parki:ig on thQ public streete so that the school will not impact the neighborhood. Cocnmissioner Her~°t asked how long they anticipate b~fore reaching maxi.mum enrollment. He asked if the Commi.asion car. review the parking yearly. Dr. Hecht atated they would like to redch the maximwn dnrollment as q+iickly ae possible. Jack SPhite explained this ia the due process hearing and suqgested limitin~q the permit t~ the maximum number of atudents enrol.led either for total sessions or any one seasion. Cheirman Fry suqgested the limit be thht the permit has to be renewed when enrollment reeche~ 150 atudents per eny one seseinn. Commissioner La Claire indicated concern beca~ise some studente would have laboratory classes in addition to regular alees and Dr. Hecht stated there may be an overlnp of students because of laba, but not for a very long perioc of time. ~ .~-~ ~~ MINUTEB, ANAHEIM CITY PLJINNING CONIMI88ION~ SEPTEMBER 20, 1982 82-505 1-CTIGNi Cortani~tioner Herbst olfer~d a motion, ssconded by Commieeioner K~.ng and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planninq Commiosion hae rsviewad Che propusal to permit a private colleqs in an exiating ^ch~ol ~acility with wnivar of minimum numbe`' Of pax'klRg spaces on a r•ctsngularly-ehapec F.ar~~1 of lend consisting ~f approxiu,w*ely 7.8 acres, havinq a lrontaqe o! agproxir.~~cely 446 leat on the south aide ot Bali Rosd and lurther d~acribed aa 2000 W. Bnll Raad (Key ElemantAry School)t and does hAreby approve the NeqativR Declnretion trom the requiremant to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis thet there would be no siqnificr~nt individual or cumulntive adverse environmantal impact dua to tha epproval of thia Negative Declaration since the Anaheim Genaral Plan dasignates the~ eubject property !or elamentary school :aite which is commensurete with the propoealr that no senaitive anvironmental lmpects are involved in the proposel~ that the Initial 3tudy eubmi.tted by tho petitloner indicates no signi~icent individual or cumulative edvazqe nnvironmental impactat and tl~at the Negetive D~claration subetantiating the foreqoinr~ findinqA ia on file in t!~e Gity of ~heim Plenninq Dcpartment. Commisaion~er King offered Reaolution No. PC82-180 end maved for it9 paseage end adoptiun that the Aneheim City Planninq Commiesion d~ea hereby qrant Conditione]. Use Permit No. 2376 for a mnximum enrollment ~f 150 etudents at any one sesaion and eubject to Interdepar.tmental Comtnittae recomm~sndations inc:ludinq Condition No. 4 requiri.ng th-~ easterly drivewvy be cloeQd and including Conditi~n Na. 3 khat the traffic signal asseasment fee be paid. On roll call, the foreg~i.ng resoluti~n was p~sased by the fo~lowing vote: AYES: SOUAS, BUStfORE~ FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIFtE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ~ro vrr_nTTVF nFr7.ARATIdN I~ND COT'1QITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2377 PUBL"~ HEARING. OWNER: DUNN PROPERTIES, 28 Brookhollow Drive, Santa Ar:a, CA 92702. AGENT: FLOYD L. FARANO, 2555 E. Chapman, Suite 415, Fuliprtan, CA 92631. Property described aa a rectangularl}-shaped parcel of land con$iating of approximetely 5.2 acres located ~.t the northeast corner of La Palma Avenue and Brasher Street, and 1.1 acree l~~cated r+t the northweak. cornex of La Palma Avnue and Braeher Straet. To permit a planned unit industrial service center with sales and aervicee of new and used automobiles. There was no one indicating their presence in opposition to subjeck request And althouqh the staff rconrt was not read, it ia referred to and made a p~rt of the minutes. Commissioner Kiny declared a cor.flict of intierest as defined by Anaheim City Plenning Comm.iaeion Reaolution No. PC76-157, adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for the Plenning Comaniesion, and Government Code Section 3625 et seq., in that he orms coaimon gtoak in Paciffc Lightinq which owns Dunn Properties and, pursuant to the provisions of the above codea, declared thnt he was withdrawinq trom the haaring in connection with Conditional Use Percait 2377 and wouLd not take paxt in o~ther the diacussion or the voting thereon, and has not diacussed thie matter with any member of the Planninq Comnaission. Thereupan, Cammiaeioner King left the Council Chamber. ~ ,~. ~ ~?: ,; MINU'^3~8. 11N1-HEIM CITY PLANNING ~OMMI38ION, SEPTiCMBBR 20, 1982 82-506 Floyd Fareno, ~+ztorney, 2555 ~. Gnepenan, Full~rton, axpleined it fa propoeed that twenty new eutomobilea would be kegt on the ~.rea-ieea an nn everaga ba41s with tan vehiclee being ino!.~fa tha fecil.ityt however, it ie poesible e denler wauld recaive hia antire monthly allotmer~t at one time and there would be more vehiclea thera on e tamporery basist and thet they enticipata 15 to 25 used vahiclee would Ue kept outside elonq the~ nUrth property lina between this dealarship and the recreationat vehicle manutacturiny Facilitias. Mr. Fareno etated he expleined to his clients thnt used care in this induatriel zone would not be conaidered by the Cammieeion and City Council to be in the beat intereet oP the City and eugqested that there not be eny used carei howevez, the Mercedea Senz ~ort,pany req~iires ~het any used Mercedes traded in has to be serviaed end diepoaed of by n Mercedes dealer for quality contral. He expl+~ined thare would not be any other type o~ uaed cnr eold at this lacation. Mr. Farano paesed out information to the Commisaion pertaining to the income, hours of operatinn and trafttc And introduced Ray Corbin and Dave Chriatian of Corbin YdmaPuehi, Architects and R~y Ch~~~•mech of Dunn PropArtips who ero prasent to answer dny questions. Mr. Farano eteted the question fs whether or not the retail sale or servicing of eutomobilea represent9 an encroachment into the industriel arear that thia rc~quest wae oriqinally p~.-:sented under Reports and Recommendat.tons requesting an amendment to Code to permit this kind of use in the industrinl zone and the Commission denied that request. He atated the C~de pro~.ldes for retail eales and servicing of a~ltomobiles within a planned unit development on not less than 5 acrest and that the sales and service pnrtion nf this operation repreaents 438 of the ~ot~l square footage of the property and 358 of the building apace and the area devoted to retail sal9s ie npproximately 2~ of the tutal land (43?5 aq. f~.) snd 58 of the building area. Hp stated relativ~ to 'he sq~iere footage involved and the business involved, this would be s very icw density uae and referred to the infonaation ~ertaining to traffic end tr~uqht the 210 tripe fiqure ehould be reduced by ~ne half. He added La Palma, at this locatian, is a four-lane r~ad with a continuous left-turn po~~ket and a curbed lane on both sidea and he did not think that even 210 tr:ps per day could be considered a a-ajor impact. Mr. Farana stated people shapping for a Mercedes Benz are not window ahoppere and hr:~^e~9es are not usually sold on the apot but az~e ordered, s~o there would not be a ~arqe amount of foot traffic• He explained he had traveled in that area on different occasions and traffic was light at those hours when this operation would heve its heaviest impact betwPen 7 a.m• and 8 p.m., and traffic counted this morning hetween 8:00 and •'~ a.m• showed there eere 28 eastbound cars and 60 westbound cnrs. Mr. Farano atated there will k~ no siqne in the windows nnd this w+ll not look like a used car lot and only two or three vehicles wo+ald be on dispiay in the showro~m. He ex~la.ined thei•e are three Mercedee Senz dealera in Oranqe County and thare is a need Eor a sPrvice facility in thia areas ~hat there are about threQ hundred and fifty of these vehicles sold per ~nonth end about 509 of thoee sales are mede without trade-ins. Mr. Fareno etated he surveyed parking lota of two buildings in that area ~,d came up with a ratio of 1 Mercedes Benz for every 5,400 equare feet of office space and usinq that formula, there would be approximately 200 Mercedes located in the area between Kraemer and Lakeview. MINUTEB, ANIIHEIM CITY PLI1NNIt~G COMMI88ION, SEPTEMBBR 20, 1982 82-507 TtiE PUBLIC Hffi1lRING W118 CLOS$D. Commie4l~ner Narbat stated Mr. Farano has juet clescribed any svereqe autamobila agency in Anahoim and ref~rred to tha ordinance requirinq that uaes in the induetrial area muet aervice the induatridl areal and that he ie aure thera ara pe~ple who ovm Mercedes B~nt in the erea who would like to hsve the sarvice nv~ileble, but he Pelt thie would open tho door tor all kinde o! automobile dealerships in the area. He etated there are other industrial azeae in the City where eemi-comimexcial u.ee hnve been d110WAd auch ae on Ratella, but thie is an aren the Cemmieaion is trying to protect. Mr. F+~rano stated t~e undergtande thiA ie a senaitive subjac~. in thc City of Anaheim, but he felt the Commisaian could be comfortable wikh approval becauae this ie e uee cantemplated by the ordinance eubject to approval of a conditianal use parmit. He did not think there ehould be e problem reqarding a precedent beinq set because of the eize of the ;-., :el end the percentage of th~ area beinq ueed for retail selea, gtc. He nc~.ed Exer_utive Mot~r Homes sells parts to the public. Commisaioner Herbst pointed out the motor homea are manufactured on-aite hut the MorcQdea vehiclea will not be manufactured herR. Mr. Farann explained the dealership will be servicing automobiles and that r~nyone who owns n motor home can purchase parta from Executive. Respondinq to Commisaloner La Claire ae~ to whether or not other commercial sitea in t.he Anaheim Hills area were considered, Mr. Farano explained several other sltes were seriously coneidered and they hnve enalyzQd all tlie iseues auch as the income of the poople in the areA, the type of residences, etc• and also any Mercedea Benz de~lership muat be 10 miles away Prom ~,ny other dealership and there ia a dealer in Buena Park. Commissioner La Claire stated ahe is svre the aervice is needed in that area, but the Commiasion is concerned witti keepi^~ the induatrial erea free of retail sales~ that ceztain areas have been set aeide for ccxi~mercial usea, but the Commiasien would lik.~ to keep this area pristine in order to attract auch induetrial uaera as Warner.•-Lambert, etc. She reterr.ed to the wholesale car dealership on Tustin and noted there will be other similar requests if thia ia grAnted, and only allowing Mercedes Aenz dealerships would ~e a kind of prejudice. Mr. Farano atated aqein he thought thA ord~nance conte~-plated the possible preaence of retail sales in the industrial area. Commissioner La Claire poin~ed out the ordinance req~iires that the uaes must be directiy rElated to the industrial azga. Commiesioner Herbst atated he sat ~on the Commiseion during the writinq of the ordinance and there was never any intent to permit eutomobile aqencies in the industrial area. He etated the eubcitted information regarding the sales tax, etc. is very impressive ~nd the City Council iaay be able to conaider it, but the Coamaiesion must conaider land uee only. s ~«.. ,~ B ~ ~ ~9 82-508 MINUTBB, P-l'i1WExM CITY PL111QNING COl9~'II$BION, BRPTEMB~R 20. 1992 ACTIONi Caanni~eioner Herbst ot!•red u motic , saconded by Cooaniesioner Hc~a~w an Md'-""'pTlpt,l CARgI~p (Cotamissionar 1Cinq absent), thalannedAunitiinduatrialnninq Commission has raviewed tha propo4al to parmit a p 4arvic~ center with aelee and rervice o! new and uAed automobiles on a xeotengulsrl,y-shaped pazcel o! lend noncisting o! approximately 5.2 acrea locate4 at the northeast corner a! La Pnlcaa Avenue and Braeher Stre~t and a rectanqu7.arly-ohaped parcel o! land conei~tinq o! 1.1 ncre locato~ove the west corner o! La Palmn Avenue and Brasher Str~ett andaae ~nhenvironmental impncr Negative Declaration ~r~~ thc: requiznment to prep report on the baeie th~t there would be no signif~centrovnlVOtuthlerNeqative cumult+tive adverae environmentel impact due to the app Declaration eince the Anel~eim General Plen deeignates the eubject pr~perty for gene~ral industria~ lend usee commensurate witl: the proposalt that no seneitive environmentel imracte a.re involved ir the proposalt thet the tnitial Study eubmitted by thp pet:itionei indicatea no signif~cant individunl or cumulative aaveree AnvironmAntal impactat and thet the Negati~~e Declaration subatnntiating the foregoing findings ia ~.ile in khe City of Anaheim Planning DeZ~artment. Commiesioner He~bst offered Resolution No. PCP2-181 and maved fox ita paesage anc] adoption that the Anaheim City Plenninq Commiesion doea hereby deny Conditianel Uae Permit No. 2377 on the basis thet en automobile agenay would be a definite encroachment into the ind~~striAl area. On roll cA11, the Paregoing r.esolution was pasaed by the followinq vote: AYES: SOUAS. BUSHORE. FRY. HERHST, I.A CLAIFtE~ MC BURNEY NOES: NONL ABSEt~fI' : KING Dean Sherer, Asscciate Planner, presented ~he written ~•iqht tp nppeal the Planning Commission's decisio~ within 22 de~ys to the City Councll. icEC-.3S: 'Phere was a 10-minute recess at 3:20 ~.m. gp~~p~~gp: The meetinq was reconvened at 3:30 p•m• Commiasioner K'ig returned to the Council Chamber• . ... . ~ ~ ~. ~ ~-V~ ~~ MINU9~gg, 1W11EiEIM CITY PLI1NNIt~(i COMMISSION, SEPTISMHSR 20, 1y8~ 82-509 ITEM NO. 10. $IR NSt~~'1TIVE DBCJ.AR7ITION, W112V~R ~~: ^.nDR REQUIttRN1ENT 1WD CnNDITIONIIL US$ PRRMTT N0. 237H FUBLIC HBARING. OWNSR: YRINEO 11ND C6I.ESTINA YLNISNCO, 1941 B. C9ntmr 8treet, 1lnaheim, C1- 92804. AGBNTi JEFFRSY C. :1ON880N, 31305 Paseo Del Sol, i,ec~una Beach, CA 93677. Proparty de~cribed as an irreqularly-eheped parcel of land cc.neieting oF approxime-tely 0.63 acre, 1941 ~aet Center Street (I~aciende Chrietian Reet Home). To expand en existing reet home fecility with waivere of maximum etructural height and n-inimtun rear yerd setback. There wae one peraon in~iiceting his preeence i.n opposition ta aubject requemt and althouqh the etaff report was not read, it is refPrred ta and made a part of the minutes. Jeff Jone~~an, agent, explained the plarie are to construct a two-etory, 3,000--iquare foo~ rest hane and add on to two exieting buildinqs for a total of 3~~ rooms. G1en Burchett sta±ed he owne the property et 12' N•~rth State College, AnahAim, and that this rest home backs up to the eide of ~~is property. He sCated he r~ally doea not object to the requast but would like a hiqher wall bet.waen the p:operties. He noted the existinq we~ll is about 5-1/2 feet hi3~ti. He stated he has had bad experiences with the Villaqe Motel which is a two-story complex and trash blowa onto his property, etc. He state~ he is tryinq to eell his propPrty which is vacant and ic+ concerned thet the subject property is an eyesore. Mr. Jonsson stated it soun~+s likes Mr. E..rchett's oppoaition io w~ the two-atory apartment complext that they era pro~+oaing an addlti~n to e one-atory buildinq clo:sest to hia property and the two-story structure will be about 30 feet away from hie rroperty lin~e. THE ~UBLIC I:EARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Jonsaon ~ltrifiei the exietinq wall ia 5-1/2 feet hig~l an~ the addition adjgcent t:o ~.r. Burcrett's property is one story and they will re cleaninq up the area and dem~lishinq che wood ahacke. He present~d photoqraphs of the property• t'rnr¢~tasionar Bushore a ~ert~ined that Mr. Burchett's property is vacant with an abandoned boarded-up adobe etructure. Mr• Burchett po~nted out the rest home pzoperty is not landacape~ and the roof has been patched and he would appreciate anything that could be done to improve the appearance frum hia property. Cammiseioner Buehore etatc~d he thouqht reqL±ring a higher wall adjacent to the vacant property which is not beinq properly maintained wauld be nn unreasonablcs requeat. Mr. Jona~on indicated there is a wooden fence between the properties. Comaaiasioner La Clairg gtated this property ie really in bad shape and asked whati the plane are for improving it. ~ ' ~~ MINUT~B, AN?~HEIM CITY PJ.IINNING COMMI58IONr s$pTfl+IB"R 20, 1982 82-510 Mr. Jonsaon ateted perhap~ they could provide e~me lanAgcnping in the perkNay and Antry and Cheirmdn Fxy etated the maintenance of the property leevea a lat to ba deaired nnd just cleaning up th~ weede end qetting rid af tha shdcko wi11 improve it end Conuniasien would like eseurence trom someone that it will be aleened up. Mr. Jonsson etated the exieting ahacke will be removed end they will puc landscaping in the front with Gommiseionor Buahore Aski~g thet e etipuleti.un be made thet the landscapinq will be irrigeted and mni~teined. Conanir~sione• stnted he thaught a block wnll should be rec;uired adjecent to thu motel ,mmiaeioner La Claire ~qread. She stated perhaps if the petitioner eqreN,. to provide a block wall end eome landscapinq in the 8-foot dree between the buildinga end the exiating wall, thi~ rPquest could be grented. ACTION: CommiQQ{oner Buahore offered a mot.ion, seconded by Canmiseioner Boua3 anA MOTION CARRIED, thnk tho Aneheim City Plenning Commiseion has reviewed the proposal to expand un existinq rest homQ facility with weivers of nu+ximum Qtructural height and minimum rea~r yard aetback on an irreqularly-shaped parcel of land c~nsisti.ng of approximately 0.63 acre, having a frontage of ap~roximately 130 feet on the north eide of Center Street and further deacribed as 1941 Fast Center Streett and doea hereby appz'ove the Negative Declaration frcxn thp rEquirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumult~tive adveree environmental impact due to the nppr~val of this Neqative DeclArati.an since the An,-.heim General Pla~ desiqnates the c~ubject property for commercial professional land uses ~ommenaurate with the proposalr that no sensitive environnental impacts are involved in tr~e proposalj that the Initial Study submitted by the petitloner indicates no rsiqnificant individual or cumulative adverse environme~tal impactat and that the Neqative 1M claration subatantiating the foreqoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planninq Department• Commissioner Btishore offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bouas and MO'PION CARRIEDr that th~ Anaheim City Planni~g Commission doea hereby qrant waivera of code req~lirement on the basis of the irreqularly-shaped parcel and denial would deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed !~y other r~•opertiea in the same zone and vicinity. Commissioner Bushore offered Resolution Nn. F~C82-182 and movecl for its passaqe and adoptian that the Anaheim City Planniny Commission does hereby grnnt Conditional Use Permit No. 2378 subject to the pet~cioner'R stipulation to provide landacaping on the north property line and a block wall o~~ the west prope•*_y line arid also the landacaping installed shall be properly irrigated and maintained and that the existinq structures wtll be brought up tn minimum c~de xequirementa. Catnmissioner Hsrbat asked that the landscaping required include trees on 20-foot centers thet would qrow to a ininimum height of ten feet. Cociml.ssioner King asked how aiuch time ehould be allowed fur the conditiona to b~ met with Dean Sherer explaininq that the condition would include that the improvements ehall be provided prior t~~ occupancy. ~ '~;~~ ~ MINUTRB, 11Nl~HLIM (:1'PY P. ANNING COMMI8:'ION, S1~PTSMlAER 20, 1gN2 82-511 Coennie~ioner La Claire eugqoeted that th• landscaping plana b~ Approved b,y ths Plenninq Department rather then the Planning Canm+ierion etipuleting whet ~hauld be planted. Jack White clarified L•hat tha resolution will inclu3e a condition thet the landecapi~~q will he approved by the Planninq I~partment• On roll cell, the £oreqoing reaolutian wes paesed by the followlnq votes AYE3t HOUAB~ BUSHORE, FRY, HLRHST, KI:~G, I.A CL~AIRE, MC BURNEY NOESs NONE ABSENTs NONE Jack White, Asaistant City Attorney, prenented the written riqht to n~penl the Planninq Commieeion'e decision within 22 deye ko the City Council. ITEM NO. 11. EIR NEGATIVE D~CLARATION AND VARIANCE NU._3z87 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: MIKE AND 5U3AN IIUCKT~EY, 3501 ~. La Pelmn Hvenue, Anaheim, CA 92806. Pr~perty d~acrik~+d as n rectanqulazly-ahape~ par~;~l r,f lend coneietin~ of approximately 3.~ a:res, 4800 E. Le Palma. Waivera of minimum number of perking apacee and maximum fence height to permit a sel!-storage factlity. There wes no or.e indicating their pzesence in oppositior~ to aubject request and +slthou~h the staff report wes ~ot read, it i~ referred to and mede a part of the minutes. Ji~n Church, Public Storage Incorporated, °~0 S. Fair Uaks Avenue, P•zsadena 911q9, owner/operator, explained they will leaee enclosed parking ~~^es to the public and for security rurposes ac.:eas ia throuqh a digital controlled qate and the tenant muat enter a key-coded number which includes the builuit.? number, spacQ number and two digita of his own choice and the person enterinq would be photoqraphed an~ the photogr.aph would be dated And timed and the persan would have to go throuqh the seme pr~cedure when he leavea the facility. f!e explained there will also be two managers who wi].1 live on the site. He stated they preaently own an~l operete 200 0~ thege fecilitiee nnd they are designed to accomn-odate parking fcr their tenants a~nd the public. He stated they are requesting the parking waiver on the barsis that this ia not a qeneral warehou~ae but a mini-vcarehousej thet a qeneral warehouee employs a lat more people and they will on].y hava two employees. He staCed atrict applic~ti~n would require 68 parkinq spaces and if they compl.ied with that requirement, it would result in over 50 unused parking spaces within the projPct. He stated the fence heiqht variance is requeated in order to provide security. THE PUBLI~ HF:ARING WAS CL03ED. Mr. Church clarified for Comtnissionar La Claire that there nre eiqht parking apaces outside the fence for ataff oz if someone wants to stop and pay their rent before enterinq the premises and aleo there will be no outdoor starage at any time. ~ ~ k,.: ~ .~ ~ MINUTEB, 1-N7-HSIM CITY PLI~NNING COMMISSIQN, SEPTI~MBBR 20, 1992 g2-512 ACTION: Coannia4loner Ln Claira ~ftered a motion, s~con~led by Commisrioner 8ouam and MO-rION Cl~RRIBD, that tha l~r-ahelaa City Pl.anninq Con~miseion har reviewed the proposal to permit e- eel!-stornge tacility with ceretakers' unit with waivara nf eninimum number o! park.ing •paces end tnaximum tence helgh~ on a rectengularZy-shaped pazcel o! land consisting ni epproximataly 3.5 ncrea, havinq a lruntage o~ epproxia-ately 340 leat on the south side Of LA Palma Avenua and turth~r deacribad ae 48Q0 Le Pnima 1lvenuet nnd doas hereby appruve the Neqative D'cleretion from the requirement to prepare en envi,ronmental impact re~ort an the basie that there would be n~ eignilicant individual or cumulative ~dverse environmente: impact due to the npproval of thie Naqative pecl~ration since the Mnheim Genernl Plen deaiqnatne the eubjact propurty !or general induetrinl land usee comm~+nsurata with the propc~sa~~ that no sensitive er~vironmental i.mpacts are involved in the propoealt that the InitiAl Study suhmitted by the petitioner indiratee no eignificant individuAl or cutnulntive adverae environmental impactat and that the Neqative becieretion aub3Cantiating the ioraqoing iirtdinga ie on file in the City oE Anaheim Planninq Depextment. Commiasioner Ld Claire offered Reaolution No. PC82-183 end movod for its paasaqe t~nd adoption that the Anaheim City Plenninq Commiasion does hereby qrant Vari~nce No. 3287 on the baais that the petitioner demonstrated thAt a h~rdship exiats duR ta the unique proposed uae ds a mini-warehouoe which would only have two employees and granting waiver b) on the baeis that the propoaed uae requ.ires a higher fence for security and deniel would depr~ve eubject property of a privilege enjoyed by other propert.ies in the anme zone and vicinity and subject to Interdepar~anent~l Committee recoauaendetions. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was passed by the foXlowing vote: AyES: BOUAS~ BUSHORE, FRX, HERB3T, l~ING, LA CLAIRE, MC BUHI~IEY NOES: NONE ABSENTs NONE Couaniseioner Bu~hore left the meeting at 3:55 and did not return. ~ _ .._~.~ d:~.~: - ~, . A ~~ ~ -~.1 MINUTBS, AN7-NEIM CITY PLANTiTNCi COMMI288ION, BEPTEMB6R 20 , 1982 82-51 3 ITBM N0. 12. EIR NSGIITIVE DECL7IRATION P-Np V7-RIANC$ N0. 3294 PUBLIC HffiARING. OWNER~ CLYDE B. ANL~ JOAN M. SCHLUI~ , 616 Parelte H' lle Drive, l~nnheim, C1~ 92807. Propsrty descrl,bed ae An ir.regulerly-shaped percel ot lnr,d conelatinq o! approximately 5.3 acrea, 616 Peralt• Hille Drive. Weiver o! minimwm lot w,dth to eetoblish a 5-lot, R5-H6-43,000(3C) rsingle-family zone aubdivieion. There wae n~ one indicatin~.J their presence i~ oppoaition to eubject requeet and elthouqh the et~ff re~,c~rt wes n~t r~ad, it ie reforred to end made a pert o! the minutea. Cal Queryal, aqent, AnncA1 Enqineorinq, wns present to aner-er rny quoetions and expleined they will be requeating n tract map approvel leter.. THE PUBI~IC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ACTIpN: Cotnmiaeioner McBurney oFfered a motion, aeconded by Cormnissioner Bouas and MOTZON CARRIEA, that the Ana-haim City PJ.enning Commiasion hae .•eviewed the praposa.l to eatablieh a 5-1ot, Ii3-HS-43,000(SC) sinqle-family zoned subdivision with waiv~r of minimua~ lot Midth on an irregulnrly~ ahapad pe~rcel of land consistinq of apQroximately 5.3 acrea, heving epproximate frontages of 332 feet on the north aide af Peralta Fiills privP and GO t~eet on the south si~e of. Cerre Viate Drive and further deacribed a8 616 Peraltn Hille Drivei and does hereby approvG tho Ndgativa Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmentnl inpect report an the beeie that there would be no signif.icant indivi.duel or r~ulative edvec~e environmental impact due to thc~ appr~val of this Neqative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan deBiqnates the sub ject property tor hilleide low denolty reaidentiel land usea commeneurate with the prop~sal; khat no sensitive envirc~mental impricta a.e involved in the proposalt that the Initiel Study aubmittda by the petitioner indicates no siqnificant ir.dividual or cwnulative edverae environmental impactar and that the Negntive Declaration subat~-ntieting the foregoing findinqs is on file in the City of Anaheim Planninq pepartment. Commisaioner McBurney offered Resolutior No. Pr82-184 and moved for its paseage and ~doption tt, ~t the Anaheim City Pl.anninq Con~nission does hereby grant Variance No. 329~ on the basis of khe unuaual el~ape and the topoqraphy of subject property and eubject to Interdepartmentel Co~mittee zecaamendationa. On roll c~ll, th~ foreqoing resolution vas passed by the followinq vot~: AYES: HOUAS, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOESt NONE ASSENT: BUSHORE MINUT88, ANI-tZEiM CITY PLANNIN3 COMMI88IQN. 8lPT~MlI~R 7~, 1982 82-514 ITSM NA. 13 RE ORT8~1-ND AaCOl~Q4ENq11'~L'IONS ~._ - Ata!! rsportt on the following w~re presented but not rcad: A. CONDITIOZIAL U98 PERMIT N0. ~104 - Request i'~r exceneion of tia-e from G~orqe T~ Nichc~ls !or property laca~ed st 919 Sauth Knott 8treet (The 1~rwnch Querter 1 • 11CTIONr C.ommissioner K1nq otfared e motion, second.~d Uy Comonisaioner ilo~ b k end MOTION CAF.RIED, thnt the Aneheim Ctty Planning Commiaelon doee heroby grent e one-year ext.enoion oP time for C~nditional Uee Permit No. 2104 to expire on Septea~ber ?. 1983. B. RECLASSIFIC11T10N NO. 80-81-8 - Requegt ~or. extension of time from Daniel K. K. Chnng/Chanq Development Group for pro~rty et 2755 Ball Road . AC'PIONs CortanisRi.oner King offered e mar.i~n, aecunded by Commiseloner Hert,nt and MOTION CARRISD, that tho Ane~h~im City Planning Cammienion doos horeby grant a retroactive exte~~sion nf time to Reclaesificetion No. 80-81-f! to expire on Septcmber H, 1983. C. RECLA3SIF'ICATION NO. 80-81-10 AND V'1RIA~tiCL NO • 3171 - Requeat for nn extenaion of time from Jeae Surrougha, Mas~nic Buildinq Aaeociet.ion o~ M~heim, propert; located on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and 395 feet on the gouth si.de of Chartres Ftreet, dpproxia-etely 355 feet east af the c~nterline of Harhor B~ulevard. Comrt-ieeioner Yinq otfered a motion, seconded by Ccxmaieaioner Herbst end MOTION CARRIEA that the AnaFieim City Planninq CamR-isaion does hereby grAnt retroactive one-year extenaions of time for Reclaeeilication No. 90-81-10 end Variance No. 3171 to ~xpire on September 8 , 1983. OTHBR DZSCUSSION: Canmiseioner La Cleire indiceted ehe would like to establish a Coamiisaion policy pert,dinl.ng to traffic studies for new motels or motel additions in the Disrnsylanc~ area with ]-nniks Santala-hti explnining that the new parkinq arc~inance will cover the parkinq study necess+ity. p~pJptTRNMENT: Thera being no further buainesa Comm-ieaioner King offered a motion, seconded b~- Com~isaianer Hexbst a.nd MOTION C7IRRIED, that the meet~ng be adjourned. Tha meetinq wes adjourned at 3s57 p•m• Reapectfully aubmitted, ~v~, ~ 1~~~l~-~ a~~ lJ Edith L. Harrie, Secretery Anahein- City Planning Com~nisaion H:LH s lsa