Minutes-PC 1982/10/18~ `'Y ~ R~CiULAR MRS;TING OF TH$ 1W11HEIM CITY PLANNIN6 COMM288ION RECiULAR MEb"PING Tha requler me~ting o! the Aneheim City Planning f:onnni~ai~n wae callecf to order by Chairmen Fr.y et 10:00 e.m., Oc~ober 18, 1982, in tha Council Chamber, a quorum beinq preeent And the Commisaion reviewed plene ~f the items ~n today's egende. RECE85: 11:30 c-.m. RECONVENE: 1:30 p.m. PRESENT Clteirmen s Fry Commie~eioners: Bouas, Buahore, Herbst, King, La Claire ABBENT C~mmfesionere: McBurney ALSO PRESENT Annika S~ntalehti Aersietent Director for Zoiiing Jack White Aasietent Cit,y Attorney JAy Titue Office Engineer Shirley Lend Treffic Engineerinq Aesia~~nt Greq Hastings Associate Planner Edith Harris P].anninq Commieaion Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commisaioner King offered a motion, secondod by Commisaioner. 8ouas and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner McBurney abeent), thQt ~he minutee of the maeting of October 4, 1982, ba approved AA submitted. ITEM NO. 1. ENVIRONMENT'AL IMPACT REPGRT N0. 253, RECLA$SIFZCA'rION N0. 82-83-4, WAI~}:R OF CODE REQUIREMF.NT, CONQITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2362 PUSLIC HL~ARING. OWNER. ALHERT BOR~CHARD & KENNETH L. LARSON, 5915 Burchard Avenue, Los Angelea, CA 90034; ROY W. MAH1.:E, 2651 Weat Lincoln Avenue, Annheim, CA 92801. AGENT: GFELLER DEV£L)PMENT COMPANY, INC., 228 West :•.ain Street, Tustin, CA 92680, Att: Bob Reese. Property dea.;zi.bed as a rectanqularly-shaped parcel of land co:isiatinq of epproximately 19.57 acres, 2925 West Lincoln Avenue tLincoln Beach Mobile Manor Park). Continued from the meetinge af July 26, Auqust 23, September 20, and October 8, 1982. To permit a 810-unit, 38-faot high condominium complex with waivers of a) required lot frontage, b) minimum floor area, c) minimum landscaped setback, d) minimum recre~,tional-leisure area, e) minimum dis-ance between buildings, f) minimum nunlber, type and dimensi.one of parking spaces, 8nd q) minimum diatance from parking epaces to dwelling units. It was noted the p~etitioner ha-s requested a two-week continuance in order to re-advertise the request. ACTION: Commtesioner lC~ng offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner La Claire and MOTION CARRIED (Commiseioner McBurney abaen~), that consideration ot the aforementioned mstter be continued to the regulnrly-scheduled meetinq of Novaaaber 1, 1982, at the reque$t of the petitioner in or8er to re-advertise the request. 0189H 82-531 ! ~ ~ [ ~ Y MINUTaB, 11NANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIRBION, OCTOBBR 18, 1982 82-532 ZTEM N0. ~. EIR NEGiATIVE D$C'~ARATION 7WD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2382 PIIAI~iC HEARING. OWNERe ATLANTIC RICHFIELq COMPANY, 3Q0 W. Glenoeks 8ouleverd, G1Andele~ CA 912p2. Property described ae a reatanqularly-ehapod parcel o! lend conaiating o! epproximt~tely 0.47 ncre locet~d at the aoutheaet corner of South Street end Stato College Boulevard, 700 South Stnte CollegQ AouleverA (Arco Service Stetion). To permit a convenience merket with gnsuline sales. There wes no one indica~ing their prosence in oppoaition to subject requeat and a]though the staff .re~pnrt waA not reed, it is referr.ed t~ and mnde e per.t of the minute~s. Chaz~lie Hicks, repzenenting Atlentic Richtield Company, explained e previous npplicntion to permit n convenience markAt with gaaoline ealee at thiA locetion wes deni~~ primarily -~ecause of treftic concernn. He ~tatod they have done additianel work and ere proposing to cloAe the two corner drivewaye es recommendad by the Tre~fic Engineur and install a landeceped buffor, and ere alea requeetinq an exteneion ~f tha pr4aent driveway on S~uth StrAet to 45 ~A9t. Mr. Nicks rePerrec9 to Condi.tlon No. 3 requiring an ettendant ta be on duty for diepeneing gaeoline and explained their diepenserg will be fully computerixed and the cuetomer will pey for the gesoline first nnd the diepeneer will automAtically shut of.f when the c~esignated amnunt ie pumped, eo he did not see the neec9 for an ette»dant. THE PU$LIC HEARING WAS CLOSEp. Chnirman Fry stated this is b+~aically the same a~+plication which was denied in December, 198]., except the two drivewc~ye are cloaedj hawever, none e~f the ott-er concerns listed rs reasone Ror the denial have been resolved. Mr. Hicks atated their company alr.eady hAS two exieting conve~iience marketa and this site is a little larger then the one at Aall Road and West Street. Commiasioner King referred to ata~f's recommendPd criteria for these sitee an~1 nnted this aite does not mest the recotmnended minimum site area of 150' x 150' since it is only 1.20' x 116'. Comcd:dsi~ner Nerbet stated the Council ov,rruled Commies~on'e denial ~f the aite on La Pelma end it has turned out to be a treffic problem. He stated se:~vice etation eitee were qrantad a spe~ciel privileqe by beinq ellowed close to the at,reet to eervice the traveling public ~nd were not in competition with o~ ~. c n-arkete in the aree. ACTI(.~N: Commiesioner Herbst ofPered a motion, seconded by Commiesioner King and MUTION CARRZED (Commiesioner McBurney absent), thnt tha Anah~im City Planziing Commisaion has reviewed the proposal to permit a aonvenience market witn qasoline salee on a rectangularly-shaped parael of lnnd conaieting a! approximately 0.47 eare located at the aoutheast corner ot 8outh Street and State Collec,~c Boulevard, and turther deecribed ee 7Q0 8outh State College Boulevardt and ~oeB hereby approve the Neqati.ve Decleration from the 1982 82-593 MINUTEB- 1~NAHEIM CITY PLI~NNINC~ C~MIB~~ON, OCT09ER J.B, requirement to ~xopare an ,~nvironmente-1 im~~act re~rt on the besig that there would 2~e no significent individB~iVOr~~O~~~tio~ ~ince~thenAnaheimf1aenereldct due to the approvn]. of thi.~ Neg Plan doeiqnates the~ eubjact property for general commercial. lend uses commenaurata with the propoeal~ t1~at no eent~itive anvironmenta~hempe~itiQner • rolved i:~ the proposel t thst the Initi~+l 5;tudy aubmitted by indicatQS n~ significant indivi~luel or cumuletive adverae envl.r~nmental impectst and that thQ N~h~tCi~y o~~Anaheim PlanninyiDeparttecntfnregoing findings is on file ~n Commiseioner Herbat offez~d Reeolution No. PC:82-192 and moved far ita paseage and adoption that the Aneheim City Plenninq C'~mmiesi~n d°~`~ hernby deny 23g2 on ~the beaie Chat the aizQ aF the property ie Conditional UAe Permit No. ranted not adequate to aceo~ing~Allowedlcl eeato thevstraetAe-nd~allo~rl.ngQeedual uue a special privileqan Additional pri~~ilege not granted nther propertiea e+n<l would be qranting would create additi~na~e~uirementsn g~r Hxiet:ing marketA devalop~sd n conformance with Code Q pn roll cnll, the foregoing r~sol~it~~~n Was P~£&~d b; the f~~l~wing vote: AYES s BOUAS, aU&HORE ~ FRY ~ NE~ST' KI~G • 1'~ ~I.AI R~ NOES: NONE Agg~NT: McBURNEY Jack White, l~ssistant City AttorneX, ~~~'esentc:rJ tfle written right to ap~eal the Courac 11. Planning Commission's decision within 2z ~3ays to the City ITEM NO. 3• EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND COHAITIONAI. USE PERMI'1' N~~~3a3 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: R. J. D£VLIA'PMENT '~~ANY, 1913 ~. I7th 5'treet. Suite 21g, Santa Ana, GA 92701. AGENT: JONN ~• QUTHERFORD~ 5379 Wi.llowi~~k Drive, descrit~ d as rs rectanqularly-ahaped Qnr~el of Anaheim, CA 92807• p=°~~~ately land consisting of app .27 acre 1.ocatecl at the northwest corner ~f Coronado Street and Lance Lane, 1205 North I.ance I~e+ne. To permit an sutomobile Uody ahop 1n the MI. (Industrial, I.i~it~aa ZQnA. There was no onE indicating their presence in ~pP~$ition to aubject request and although tho ataff xeP°~'~ ~-as not read, it !s referred to and mnde e+ part af the minutes. Jack Rutherfnrd, agPnt~ w~g pre8, ~t to answer any v.uestions. T}IE Pt1HLIC HEAItING WAS CIASED . Comu-issioner King •:larified that all work and storage wi.ll. be done insi~~e the buildinq• MIt~TgB, 11N11H1~IM CITY I~LIINNING COMMZ88I0N, ACTOBSR 18, 1982 82-534 ACTIONt Commirxioner King olfered e motion, seconded by Coaani~eioner Bouee an Md~OTZON CARRIED (Commiosioner McBurney sbsent), thnt the ~neheim City Pla~~ninq Cuatmiseian hee reviewad the propoeel tu pormit dn automobile body ehop in the ML (Induetriel, LimiteA) 2one on e rectanqulnrl.y-ehepod parcel af lend consietinq o! appr.aximatoly .27 acre loceted dt the northwest corner oP Coronado Street ~nd Lence Lane, and further described no 1205 North I,ence Lanet nnd doe$ hereby approve the Neqa~tive Decleretion from the .requirement to prepere an environmental impact report an the basie thet there would be+ no aiqnilicant individuel oY cumulative ndverse environmentel impact due to the approval af thie Neqetive Decleration nincQ the Anaheim Generel Plen dBeiqnetes the ~ubject property for generel induetriel land uees commenaurnte with the pxopoealr that no t~eneitive environmentnl impaats are involved in th~ proposalt t:hat the Initiel Study aubmitted by the petitioner indicetes n~ aiqniticant individue-1 or cumulative adverse environmental impactAr and that the Neqetive Declaretion subAtantiating the foregoing flndinga ie on filc~ in the City o! Aneheim Planninq Depertment. Commis~aionex King offere~ Reeolution No. PC82-193 an~ movQd for its pa8sage end edoption that the Aneheim City Pldnning Cammissicm does hereby grant Conditional rJae Permit No. 2383, aubject to Interdepertmentel Committee recommendetir.me. On roll call, the foresqoinq reaolution was paseed by the f~lluwinq vote: A1'E3: BOUA3, BUSHOl2E, FRY, HERSS'P, KING, LA CLAIRE NOES: NONE ABgENT: McBUF~IEY ITEM NO. 4. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GONUITIONAL USE PE!2MIT NO. 2384 pCTBLIC HEARIhG~~ OWNER: ROGER LEE AND KATNLEEN P. NELSON, P. O. B~x 6082, Anaheim, CA 9s:806. AGENT: JOSEPH FARGO, 2820 ~. Mir~loma Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92806. Property described ae a rectanyu~nrly-shaped parcel of land consiati~~q of aFproximately 0.86 acre, havinq a frantaqe of approximately 132 feet on the south side of Miralou-a Avenue, 2830 East MiralAma Avenue. To retaiti a truck and trailer storage yard in th~ ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone. Thera was no one indicating their presence !n opposition to subject request and although the staff report was not read, it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Greg Willard, 2820 E. Miraloma, Anaheim wda present to answer any queations. THE PilBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Comu-isaioner Bouas clari.fied that the front portion of the eite is used for the roofinq company's storage and the rear portion will be used tor trailer repair. ~ '`ti~ MINUTE8~ ANIIHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMIl48I4N, OCTOE6R 18, 1982 82-535 Mr. Willerd expleinad they plan to repe~ir 5 or 6 treile~re per d~y and expect to be ;~t this site !or s~riod o! one or two yeere. 1~CTION: Conani.sefoner Herbat oftered a motion, ~ecunded by Commiealoner King and MOTION CARRIED (Commigr~ionor McBurnay ebeent), Chet the Anaheim City Planning Coaimiesion hns reviewed the propoeel to retnin e truck And trailer atareqe yerd in the ML (Induatriel, Limited) Zone c~n a rectnnqulerly-ahaped percel o! land coneietinq of approximetely 0.86 ecr.e, I~nving a tr~nteqe of ~ppraximately 132 feet on the eoutli side of Mirelome Avenue, end lurt.her deecribed es 2830 Eeet NRiralomn Avenuer nnd does heresby approve the NeqativA Decleretion f.rom tl~e requirement to prepare ~n onvironmentel impnr,t report on the baaia thet there would be no aiqnificnnt individuel or cwnulative adverae environmentnl imp~ct due to the eppr.ovA.l of th.e Naqetive Declaration ei.nce the Aneheim Generel Plan d~eignatQ~ L11P. Ruhjc~ct property for g~nerel lnduatrial land uaee commeneurete with r.he pro~x~aalt that no sensitive environmental impaata are involved !n ti~es prap~sali that the Inltial Study submitted by tho petitionEr indicatce nn r~lgnificent irid~.vidual or r.umuletive adveroe environmental impacte; ~nrl kkiat the Negative D9clRration subetentieting the forey~~ing findinqs La on file in the Ci~y of Aneheim Plen~i.nq UepartmAnt. Commiseioner Herbat offered RcAsulution No. PC82-:94 and moved for ite pessege and edoption that ~he Anahe.i.m City Planning Commission ~~ea horeby qrant Conditional Use PNrmi.t No. 23ti4, for a period of two (2) yeers, to expize on October 13, 1982, subj~±ct to InGerdepertmental Committep recom¢nendations. On roll call, thc f~rRqoing r~~olution wes p9saed by the following vote: Al"ES: BOUAS, BCSNnRE, FRY, NEFtSST, KING, L.A CL,AIItE NOE8t NGNE ABSENT: Mc$URNEY ITEM NO. 5. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT AND CONAITZONAL USE P~RMTT N0. 2385 PUBLIC }IEARING. OWNER: ROLANp R. DOEGE, 9312 Samoline, Downey, CJ- 90240. AGENTs ERIC E. AOEGF., 1207 W. Cent~r 3treet, Anaheim, CA 9280~. Property described as an irrequlerly-sheped parcel of land consistinq of approxime~tely 0.18 acre, having a frontaqe of approximately 50 fePt on the north side of Center Street, 1207 Weet Center Street. To permit an 80-sest playhouse and aon~ercial use of e residentiel structure with wniver of minimum number and type of perking ~paces. There werQ six pc+raone indicatinq their pr~sence in oppoaition to sub~ect request and althnugh the ataff report was not read, it is referred to and mad~ a part of the minutea. Noward Zele£sky, aqent, explained they nre propoaing an 80-aeat playhouse for leqitimate thenter and convereion of a sinqle-lami.ly dwelling to offices. He explained this theater will be uaed by thoee people purauinq n career in the performinq erts. He preeented petitiona aiqned by reaidents ared busineas people in the area in favor of the requeat. MINUTSB, IWAHI~IM CITY PIJINNING COMMIS$ION, GCTOBER 18, 1982 82-536 Mr. 2elePrky stated th.y contacted ]lneheim's Arte Commit.tee who e+ncouraqed them to seek approval o! thia requeet sinc~ there i• n leck of perlorminq erte theeters in the county and city. Mr. ZelaPoky steted they hnve renched nn eqreement with Mr. Merricel, property owner of a perking lot itnmedietely to the weat. He preeented an eeri+~l photoqraph ehowing the parking apecea Mr. Marricel hes agreed to ellow them to uee in exchange, !or matnkenance of the parkinq ar~a. HE P~~la!ned the theater would }~e open Thuradey through Sunday, 8s30 to 10:30. He expla~ned th~ propertY ie zoned !or commercidl uaee end they feel thie project will upgrade the erea nnd fill a void. 8haron Becker, 1129 W. Center, Annheim stated she is opposed to thia request because of traffic end noiee and ~lno concern thdt people wc~uld park on the atreeta. Ruby Edmondston, 1130 W. Center, Aneheim etated thia its a residcntit~l. community with sever~l emall children and elready have e traffic problam and they do not want eny further devclopmAnt that will take away from their neighborho~d priv~cy. Mr. Mosay, 110 S. Walnut, Anaheim staCed they have plenty of treffic there now and it is a ha~zard end he felt thia uoe would be a detriment to the area. Dave Pritcherd, 757 N. Weat Str_~t, stated hc awns praperty at 1123 Chestnut and 115 Wa].nut end thet he would quest.ion this type uae in that area and edded he wonders what kind of playhouse thia will be, whether it will be on the up or the down side. Nowerd Zelefaky pointed out the parking ar~se is ju~t west of Villa Place and they will heve a traffic attendant and directional siqns. He painted out the north side of l.incoln is all commercial uses with a mix of comn-ercial and residential on the aouth side. He added h~e ran asaure the Cornmiseion thie wi11 be a legitimate theater and stated they would be wi.lling to comply with any conditions the Cc,nrtmisaion may wiah to add to guerantee it will be far legitimate theater only. THE PUHLIC HEAFtING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Herbst staLed t}iere is not enough parking for the people who will be there and the public will park ns cloee a$ poesible and that will be on the etreets and they would also probably ude Norm's Re~taurant's parking lot. Coaimiseioner La Claire etated ehe really likes the idea of a playhouse auch as this and felt it is needed and ehe would encouraqe the getitioner to find another Yocation. She atated she felt thia would create a real trafFic problem for the nelyhborhood. ~ MINUTEB, 11N1-HEIM CITY PLIINNING COMMII88ION, OCT(~eER 18, 1982 82-53~ ACTIONe CommiBSioner Le Cla.ire ottered a mation, seconded by Cc-rtanieeioner Kinq and MOTION C1IRRISD (Cofimieeionsr MeHurney ebaent), that ~ho Anaheim City Plenning Cotnmie~ion has raviewo~! the prapasel to parmit an 80•seet playhouee and coaanercial use of a residantlnl etiucture with waiver ot minim~.im number end type of parkinq opecee an en irregulerly-shnpe+d perael ot land conaisting o! approximetely 50 feet on the north eide of Center Straet, end further Aescribsd ee 1207 Weat Center Stree~tt and doea hereby apprave the Negative Decleretion lrom the requiremenr to propnre en enviranmentel itnpect report on the besie thet Lhere wauld be no signiticant individual or cumulative edverse environmentel impact due to the approval oP this Neqative beclaration eince the Aneheim General Plan dee~ignatoe the eubject property For general commereiel land uses comm~naurate with thQ proposalt thet no senaitive environmentel impacte are invc,lved in thQ propoenl~ that the Initiel study eubmitted by the petitioner indicatos no aiqnificant individual or cumuletiv¢ r~dverse environmental impects~ end that the Negetive Declaration subetentiating the toregoinq findinqg ia un tile ~n the CiCy of Anahelm Planning pepartment. Commisaioner Le ~].eire ofxered Resc~lution No. PC82-195 and trtoved for its passaga and edoption thet the Anuheim City Planning C~mmiseion does hereby ~9eny Condi~tional Uae Permit No. 2385 on thc basis the ur~e would creste txaffic and parking problems for the eurrounding res.idEntial neighb~rhood. On roll call, t'.~e toregoing reaolution wes pxaeed by ths following vote: AYES: BOi1AS, BUSNORi~, FRY, HERBST. KING, LA CLAIRE NOES: NONE ABSENT: McBURNEY Jack White, Assistant City Attozney, presented thN written riqht to appeal the Planning Commission's decision within 22 days to the City Council. ITEM NO. 6. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CUNDITIQNAZ, USE PERMIT NO. 2386 PUBLIC NEARING. OWNERs ROGERS A. AND BARBAFA A. SEVERSON, P. O. Box 2058, Huntington Heach, CA 92647. AGF•NT: G1tLG ST[JMPF, 2831 White Star Avenue, "H"~ Anaheim, CA °.'2806. Property described as an irreqularly-sheged parc~l of land consistinq of approximately 2.1 acres loaated at the ttortheaRt corner of White Star Avenue and ,91ue G;un Street, 2831 White Star Avenue, Unit H(NBS Body end Paint). To retain an automobile body and paint ahop in the MI~ (Industrial, Limited) Znne. It was noted the petitioner was r.~t present. ACTION: Conanisaionez King otPered a motion, s~conded by Cammj.ss~or.er Houas and MOTION CARRIED (Coaenissfoner McBurney absent), that conaideration of the aforementioned me.tter be continued to the reqularly-scheduled meeting af November 1, 1982. MINUT~9, AN~HSIM CITY PLANNING COMM138ION, CCTOBER 18~ 1982 82-5~8 ITEM N0. 7. L~IR N~(iATIVE DECL11R11TION, 'AAZV6R Ol~ COUE REQU~ T~ 11ND CONQITIONAL U~4E PERMIT NO. 2387 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERt EMKAY DEVELOPMFNT CC~MPANY, INC.~ ~. 0. Box 2390, Nawport Heech, CA 92660. Property described as an irregulerly-sheped parcel o! lanc! cannixtinq of approximetely 0.59 ecre, loceted et the eouthweat cornQr of Pacifico Avenue and Sente Cruz Street. To permit e commerciel oiFiae buildinq i~ the ML (Induatrial, Limited) Zone with wniver ~! minimum landsceped eeCback. There wee no one indicnting their presenr_o in opposition to aubject request nnd although the ataff raport wes not rodd, it is refarred to and made a pert of the minutes. Suenn De Nemur, repreaenting Emkay Development Company, was present t~ enswer eny quostiona. THE PUBi.IC HEARING WAS C.LOSED. Commis~ionez Bushore asked what the justi!.iceti~n w~uld be for the wniver of lendsceped eetback end asked if other induetriel buildings on Pacifico Avenue have landscaped buffer waivere. Annika Santalr~!iti, Asaiatant Director f~r 2oning, i•aplied sh~ thought the uuildinqa met Code requirament. Ms~. Oe Namur expldin~d ahe felt the jur~tificati.on for the wniver ia the aize of the l.ot which makes th3 placement of the Uuilding to the front of the lot in order to provide proper traffic flow. Co:~mifleioner ~3ushore pointed out thia lot'e size is aimilar to others in the area and Commiesioner HErbat pointed atit the aetback can be used for parking. He nleo atated he felt the building is just too big for the size of the lot n~d that he would not vote !or approvel of the variance for a aetback. Commiasioner King stated he could not vote for the vnriance becauae he wants th~ buildinq to be conaistent with othera on the+t etreet. Cocnniesioner Herbat suggested relocatinq the buildinq utilizinq the front port! on. Ms. De Nnmur repliecl they coulcl relocate the buildinq but did not feel it would be the beat utilization of the site. Commiseianer Hzrbst suqgested the petitioner requeet a continuance to consider revision of the plans, with Ma. De Namur requesting a two-week contirniance. ACTION: Commiseioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Cononisaioner Houas and MOTION CARRIED (Co~nmissioner McBurney absent), that the Anaheim City Planninq Cemmission doee here~y continue consideration of the above-mentioned matter ta the regularly-acheduled n-seting of November 1, 1982, at the requget ot the petitioner. MINU'I'88, 1~N11HEIM (:ITY PLANNING COI~IIMIBSION, aCTOHFR 18, 1982 62-539 ITEM N0. 8. EIR NiBGATIVE DECLARATIC:i AND CONDITIONAI, tlSE PERMIT NO. 2388 PUSLIC HEARING. ~WNERi KENNETH KEESEE, 1928 "G" 8. Aneheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805. AGSNTs :LI HUSAM, 1745 Comino Pelmero, ~i216, Las Anqelee~ CA 90048. Proprrty deecr:bed as an irreqularly-ahaped pdreel ~! l~nd con~istinq of appraximetely 1.42 ac e, having a frontaqe ot approxi~nately 255 feet on the eaet eide of Ane~heim Hou~evard, 1928 "A" South Aneheim eoulevar~. To permit retail sales of copiers in the NQ. (Industr.iel, Litnited) Zone. Ttiere was no one indicating their presence in apposition to subject requeet and elthough the steff report wae ~ot read, it is r~ferred to nnd made a part of the minutes. Kenneth Keeeee explained this is an induatrial complex snd he is loasing the building to s firm in Los Angeles as a showrnom for copyinq mechinest thet tt~ey are lo~king for a plece for rspair and maintenance and to show clientole their product. NQ stated e varinnce wae qrnnt•ed in 1974 an the building across the parking nrea as an nutomobile lensi7g company but that lease was cancelled in 1982 and during thet ~eriod, they did not have any traffic or parkinq pr~blQms. THE PUBLIC HLARING WAS CI,C~SEn. ACTZON: Comm.iasioner King offered a~or.ian, eeconded by Commissioner Bouas and M~TION CARRIED (Commissioner McBurney abaent), that the Anaheim City Plnnninq Commieaion hes reviewQd the proposal to perm3t r~tail sales of copi.ere in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone on an irreqularly-ehaped parcel of land conaisting of epproximately 1.42 acre, having e frontage af approximetely 255 feet on the east side of Anaheim 8oulevard aad further deacribed es 1928 "A" South Anaheim Boulevardj and does hereby approve the Neqative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that thero would be no significant individur~l or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval. of this Neqative Declaration since the Anaheim Gen~ral Plan designates the subject property for qenernl industrial land uses commensurate with the proposal~ that no sensitive environmental impacta are involved in the proposalt that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no eiqnificant individual or cumulatf ve adverse environmental impactsJ and that the Neqative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in xhe City of Aneheim Planning Department. Coamiissioner King of£ered Resolution No. PC82-196 and moved for its passage and adoption that the Anahe~m City Planning Counnission does hereby grant Conditional Use Permit No. 23H8 eubject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendations. On roll call, the foreqoing resolution was paesed by the followir.q vote: AYESs BOUA3r BUSHORE~ FRY~ HERBS'I'~ KING~ LA CLAYRE NOES: NONE ABSENT: MeHURNLY ~we .j MIN[)TE8, ANIINSIN CZTY PI.7WNING GOMlrlZ88IVN, OCTOB~SR 18, 1992 82-540 ITEM NO. 9. BIR td~GATIVE DBCLARATION A?iD CONDITIONIII. U8L: PSRMIT N0. 2389 PUALIC HEARZNG. OWNLRt P2ERRE AND FFtANCOISE A. APNR88~T'CHE, 5531 Vie Arboleda, Yorbe Linde, CA 92860. AGENTI M. N. OSBORN, 2315 N. 3antiaqo, Sente Ana, CA 92706. Property described ae en i.zreqularly-eh~:~ed parcel at land coneietinq o! epproximately 0.31 ar.re loceted at tho aoutheeet corner o! Bisenhowpr Circle and Lekeview Avunu~, 1380 Nnzth I.dkoview Avenue. To permit dn automobile repeir fecility in tho ML (SC) (Industrie]., Limited-Scenic Corr.idor Overlny) Zon~. There were two pereone inc3icating thoir presance in oppoeition to aut,ject requeat and alth~ugh tiie ataff report was not reed, it i.s z•eferred t~~ and mede e pdrt ~f the rninutes. M. Osborn, aqent, wae prasent to nnewer any quostiona. Keith Murdoch, 516 Wedqewood [~riv~, Anaheim, repressenting Ray 2ro11, dav~loper of thr_ LakRView In~9uatrial Perk, stated their conc.ern is the developme~t of this type usQ in thQ Scenic Corridor Overlay ?.one and ia part ot the Cenyon Induat:rial A.-~Qa and it ie tl~e intant t,o develop it with a"better-than average" concept. He gtated with autoa-obile rept-ir come~ storeqe of automobiles and ~his aitcs actually Pronts on Lekeview Avenue end ie a window to this induetriel perk. He added thie parcel has limitad parking And all 14 apdcea are in front and any storage will be vi,ewed trom the ~stzeet and they feel this would be a downgr.ade of the wAy this industrial park ia developing. Bill Keha, Oranqe Micro, stated they will be the adjacent Lenant and have op~erate3 in Anaheim for two years and were lookinq f~r a very profesaional park to relocate their research and development fecilitles. He stated they have the ~ame concerns as stated by Mr. Murdoch. Mr. Osborn atated he was a Honda Service Manaqer for over five years and repaired 40 to 50 Hondas per day and ne~~er pArked any vehiclea outside or worked on any vehicles outai~e. He atated therP is room for at least 40 Honda cars inside this facility. H~ added his insurance also requires all vehicle~ to be inside. He stated he rune a very clear oQeration and his busineas depends on i'~. He etated there is a great need for thie type operation in this area. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Bushore wae concerned that the developer of thia pro~ect ia no~ in fsvnr of this r~qusst and it was later ascertained that thie petitioner is sub leasing the aite. Mr. ~sborn explnined there is a boat rWpair facility, a Volkswagon repeir shop, a towinq facility and wrecking yerd, and a roofinq com~,any in the i~mnediate area= and at one tia~e the ddjacent sita was approved for automobile repair facility. ~._._ .__...>...-.,.~.a~..._.:._..._.,._. a,:__~.__ .....__.._ . _..__.. ...~. ._..______._.,_._. _ .. .~~~e,~. ~~ MINUTEB, 1W11H~IM CITY P1,ANNING COMMI88ION, OCTOB~R 18, 1982 82-5a1 Conuni~~loner Hu.horp nated those buoineeaes r~terred to ere not qoa9 l~oking bueinseee^ snd pointec'! eut the PlenninqCcxnmiaeion recommended d~nial ot th~ requeat whi~h thd ~^ouncil ep~roved limito~f to e poreion ot the canpl~x. Mr. Oeborn stetad the computRr lirm mc~vinq in next door wsa not thare end thet he hed canvaesed ell the surrounding buelneeace end lound no objections. Commiseioner Buehore ~el.t Lhis wc~uld be contribut~ng to tha problem exiatinq in the eroa. Mr. Osbc~rn ex~lained chey nnticipete rApair.ing ~0 to 25 care per cley au-ximum and he could park 25 vehicles inelde ande~till heve rc~om ko wark. Comcniaeiongr L+~ Cleir~ aeked if the une permitted for reteil, comtaerciel office end nutomc~tive repair under Conditional Uae Permit No. 22h1 f.s in exietance todey. She clarified thA adjace nt use will be computer reaeR:~ch and developmen±. Commieatoner La Claire etr,ted Cnuncil juet ~pprovec~ e Mexc: ~on Benz deelerehip in thie area adjacant to Werner-Lambertand she would tind it difficult to deny this request ein ce it would hnve less retail sales end ehe lelt an automobile rapair l~cility has mare right to kie in tha industrial eree than automobile f3Al@9. Commisaionor Herbst s tated Lhie ie diFfure nt because it faces Lnkeview end A'I so the MnrcedeA dealership was fully bermed end the repeir fncilittes were i.- the rear. He a-tated the reason for the conditional use permit procedure is to determine whet the use wili do to the aroa. Commiaaioner Buehore stated he did nat think thie use w~uld be ccm-petible with ~ha computer research and development fit~m which employs many nare peopte end etated he thouqht this would be a misteke in gcx~d planning. Mr. Osborn stated he hes trained nnd employed 12 llonda mechanica over the last five yeara. Commigsioner King no ted the conditionalase permit can be terminated if the c~nditions are not ~:o~plied with. Commis~ioner Buahore stated he doQa notfeel the design of the building and the area is ndequate for thic~ use. ~ Cortm-iseioner Le Clai r e atated the building where the computer operator ie going to be w~s approved for automobile repair e,nd it fronta on Lakeview. She replied to Coa~misaioner Bushore that ehe voted againat it previouely because it was foY retail and not juat automobile repair. .. ,....:,:~;.~=~ ~ . 8Z-542 MINUT~S, At~111HEIM C.ITY PI.ANNIt~i COMMIISAION, OCTOBER 18, 1982 )1CTION~ Commin~ionsr 1Cing aftered n mot~on, s~can9ed by Commiseioner 6ouee a~ Md dflpN CI-RRIBD (Ccxnmissioner McAuxney abeent~r that the 11nah~im City Planning Coauni~~ian hss r9viewad the proposal to pern-it an eutomobile repair fncility in th~ MI. (8C) (Industrial, Limitad-Scenic Corridor Ovarleyl 2one on en irreqularly-eheped parcel o! lend coneieting ot epproximetaly 0.31 ecre located at the eoutheaet corner ~t I:leenhower Circle ~nd Lekeview Circle, and lurther deecrit~d ea 1380 North I,aknview Circl wt and doee herehy ~pprovA the Neqative Declaretiun trom the requiremAnt to propare an environmentel impnct zeport on the basie thet there would be no aiqnifice n t individudl ~r cumuletive adveree environmentel impnct due to the a pprovel of thia Negntive Declaratian sincA tt-e Anaheim Generel Plen c~e4ignates the subject property for qeneral induatriel land uees commenaurate with the propoeelt thnt no senaitive anvironmental impe~cte~ are involved in the propoanlJ that the Initi~l 9tudy submitted by the petitioner inAicetes n~ siqni licnnt indivi~lual or cumuLative adverae environmentel impactst end thet the Ne getive Declaretion substentiating tho foregoing findinga i~ on f i ln 1n the City of Aneheim Planning Depertment. Cammisaioner La Claire offered Resolution No. PC82-1 97 end moved tor ite paseage and adoption that the Anaheim City P1 a nn.inq C~mmiesion doea hereby qrant Conditionel Uae Permit No. 2389, aubjec~t tn jnterdepartmontal Cammittee recommendationa. On roll c$11, the ~oreqoinq resolution was paseed by the following vote: AYESt BOUAS, FRY, 1CxNG, LA CLAIR~ NOE3 s AUSHORE, HEttBST AB3ENT: McBURNEY Mr. Osborn asked ahout the condition recjuirinq si~~ walks, with Jay Titus, Offi^e Engineer, explaining the petitloner can rey ~e st a temporary waiver of sidewet~s requirement fram the City Engineer and au qqested this conditian be retained. Comatissioner Bushore asked thet the develope r of th ia property correct ttie drainage problem on rhe corner of tl~e property~ ITEM N0. 10. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND V~-RIAI'iCE N0. 3292. PUBLIC HEARING. Ot4NER: WILLIAM C. AND CYNZ'fiIA LYNN TAORMINA, P. 0. Box 309, Aneheim, CA 92805. Property dencribed as a rectanqulnrl.y-shaped parcel of land conaieting of approximetely 0.49 acre 1 aceted at the southwest corner of Adele Street and Ane-heim Houlevard, 327 North Maheim Bouievard. To ~onatruct a commercial office building with waiver of minimum nutnber of parking spac@s• There was no one indicatinq their presence in opposit'.on to subject requeat and nlthough the staff report was not read, it ie referred to nnd mnde e part o! the mi.nutea. ~ ~ ~ F MINU'PRB, ANAH~ZM CITY PL1b~INING COMM288ION, OCT08BR 18, 1982 82-543 Willinm C. Teormina, ovmer, stetsd he ie cheirm~n o! e- aommittse appointed to ^tudy haw l~neheim Boulevard nhould be widoned. He expleined it thi~ plan i• epproved i'or thie oflice building, ho will hdva ta dedicete ths property e nd t:~at will set tt,~ prec~dent !ar how wide the etraet ir qoing to ba which could l~e teking edventaqe of the reat o! hie neighbore. He steted ha would like to get thie plan appraved end then altar it ie decidad how wide the streat will be, he will modify the plens to plece the building wh~re it should be. Mr. TAOrminu replied to Chdirmen Fry thet tha committee will ba makinq n recommendetion within 20 deye or lees. Commisaioner La Cleire pointod out thie requeet ia for a parkinq weiver end the dedication has nothinq t~ c9o wi~h it. Jack Whi.te, Asaistant City Attor ne,y, stated the firat recommended Gondition reletes to the dedication of lan d and in order to exerciee the variance, the owner would be required to deaicste the property. He ateted he hae no object.i~n t~ the petitioner's auggc~stion from a leqal stendpoint tn modity that condition wherein tti~ owner. ahall deed to the City a str.ip of land of auch width as subePquently deternnined for atreot widen ing purpoaes alonq Anaheim Boulevard. Mr. Taormina atat.e8 he wnuld ntipul~te to thaC wording ~f Condition No. 1. Commiesionez Herba~ stated he hn s Ae9n thase three nroposed strect wideninq plans and it appeera ~o him that the street wideninq could aftect the size of this huildinq signifi.cantly. Comn-issioner Le Clairg suggested waiting for 20 days. Mr. Taormina ngreed a continuance would l.~e accepkeble. ACTION: Commisaioner La Claire offered a mot3on, eeconded by Commisaioner Kinq and MOTION CARRIED (Commiss i oner McBurney absent), that consideration of the aforementioned matter be con tinued to the regularly-echeduled meetinq of Novamber 15, 1982. ITEM NO. 11. ESR CATEGORICAL EXFa1PTI0N, CI.ASS 5 and VARIANCE N0. 3296 PUSLIC HEARING. OWNER: GEOIiGE SIRNBAUM, ET 1-L, 2900 S. Main Street, Loa Anqeles, CA 90007, Prope.rty de s cribed as a rectr~nqularly-ahaped parcol of land consistinq of epproximately 1.34 acres, having fronta ges af approximately 160 feet on the north side of Ronsneya Drive, 310 feet on the west side of Euclid Street and 150 f.eet on the south side of Medica 1 Center Drive. To permit conatre~^t: ~n of an addition to an exietinq c:oma-ercial building with waiver of minimum landacaped setkaack. It was noted the applicant was not present. ACTION: Comn-issioner Herbst offered n saution, seconded by Commiasioner Bouas and MOTION CARRZED (Commissioner 1NcSurney absent). thnt conaiderntion oP the aforementioned taatter be continued to the requlerly-achodul.ed meetinq of November 1, 1982. MINUTBB, 11NAHffiIM CITY PLANNINf3 COMMI98ION, OCTOHER 18, 1962 82-544 ITl~M NO. 12. 8IR NEfiATIVE D$CLI-R1~TION IWD VARII~NCE NO. 32y7 PUFILIC HBIIRING. OWNIER: C~8ARx0 l~ND EUBTOL21~ GARCIA, 861-1/2 8outh Lemon Street, Anaheim, CA 92805. Property ie deacribed se a rectengulerly-shapc~d parcel ot lsnd consiAtinq o! approximately 7706 ~quare teet, 961 and 861-1/2 South Lemon Street. WAivers ot mi.nimum bu~lding eite drea and minimum number and type of parking epecea to construct e~n eddition to e detachad aingle-family dwelling. There was no ono indiceti~g their preeence in oppoaition to aubject requeat end elthouqh the etaPf report wae not reed, it is referred to nnd made ~ part of tho minutee. Cesario Garcia, ownor, and Jeseie Lopez, L,a Puentr~, interpreter, were preeent ta nnawer nny questiona. THf: PUHLIC HEARING WAS CI.OSED. Mr. Lopez responded to Commiasioner Herbst that tt~e owner desiree thie addition fo.r more room for hie family and that_ it will not be an apartmQnt. Cheirman Fry pointed ouL- nn additionel candition needa to be added requiring one foot af dedication for alley widening purposes. Mr. Lopez explained the additional condition to Mr. Garcie~ and responded r.hat he is willinq to aqree to dedicate the property. ACTION: Commissioner. La Claire offered a motion, seconded by Comtniseioner King and MOTION CARRIED (Commiesioner McBurney nbeent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion has reviewed the propnaal to construct an addition ta e detached ainqle-£amily dwelling with waivera of minimum building site area and minimum number and type of parking spr~cea on a rectangvlarly-sheped parcel of laad conaisting of approximately 7706 equare feet, having a frontaqe of approximately 50 feet on tfie weat aide of Lemon 3treet, and farther described as H61 and 851-1/2 South Lemon Streett and doea hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that ther.e would be no significant individual or cumulative adverae environi„ental impact due to the approval of this Neqative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan deaignates the subject property for low-medium denaity land uses commeneurate ~aith the proposalj that no aensitive environmental impects are involved fn the proposalt that the Initial Study aubmitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Decleration aubetentiating the foregoing findings is on F12e in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. Commieaioner Le Claire offered Resolution No. PC82-198 and moved for ite passaqe and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Conunission does hereby grant Variance No. 3297 on the basis that denial would deprive subject property of a privilege being enjayed by other property owners in the same zone an3 viciniry and eubject to Interdepartmentnl Comm~ttee recommendations. On roll call, the foreqoing reaolution was pasaed by the followinq vote: AXES: HOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CI.AZgE NOEB: NON~ ~188ENT: MeBURNLY ~ ,~ ~J- MINUTS9, 71NAfiSIM CITY PLANNING CC~MMIS8xON, OCTOH$R 18, 1982 8Z-545 ITEM N0. 13. SIR NEGATIVS DECLAMTION 1-ND V11RI11NC~ N0. 3299 PUALIC HEARINa. OWNERs LOUIS A~ UGALOE, ET AL, 317 E. Wilhelmina 8treet, Anehaim, CA 92805. Property deocribed sa a reotengulerly-aheped parcal oP land coneistinq o! epproximately 0.15 acre, 317 Eaet Wilhulmina 8treet. Waivers of: a) mini.mum buildi~;? eita area, b) minimum fl.oor aree, c) minimum eide yard eatback, d) minimum renr yard ~etr,eck and e) minimum type o! perking apacee to conetruct an addition to a dntached single-family dwelling. There were two poraons indicating their preeenco in oppoeition to eub~ect requeet and elthouqh the etatf rep~rt wes not rsad, it is rePerred to end mede n pnrt of the mi.nutes. Louis A. Ugalde, owner, explained he wauld like tn expand the exiating etructure s~ thet he can liv~e there. 1ie explained there i~t n 2-cer garage and did not think there will t~e perking pzoblemfs. Stoven Vasburq, 303 E. Wilhelmina, Ar~aheim, ateted hes is ~~ppoeed bec.r~uae there are a lc+t of duplexea and conver~ed garnqee in this area and there ;s a parkinq problem. He stated hie neiqhbor c,~ten parke elong e1Ae his reaidence on Philadelphie ar~d there is a car on Mr. Uqalde's proper.ty with the hood off taking away perking spacea. Ne ec:eted he feels thia runs down the neiqhborhood end hiR property wi.ll loae its value. He strted the ddnsity in the erea is hiqh and felt it should be etopped. He r~sponded to Chairmnn F'ry that he had reviewed the plane. Mr. Orduno, 316 E. Wilhe,lmina, etated he is ccncerned about the parking and did not believe there are eight parking spacea on thia eite. He stated tliere ~re pa.rkinq problems in that azea alreedy an~3 referred to other adjacent propertiea contributing to the parkinq problems. Greg Hastinqs, AsROCiate Planner., p~lnted nut the spnces provided ere tend~m apaces. Mr. Ugalde stated t}~e opposition ref erred to other proparties and he has no control over them. He pointcd out there is a two-cer garage and a long driveway. THE PUBLIC HEARING WA3 CIASED. Mr. Uqalde responded to Chairtnan Fry thet he plans to reaide on the property. He reaponded to Commiar~i.or,~r La Claire that tihe inoperable vehicle doea not belonq to him, and it can be ~.owed away. He also explained to Commiesioner Bouas that there is another livinq uj.!t on the property and that he and a friend own the property. Cammissioner Buahore stated he seeg no problem and ther~ be 8 parkinq spaces which wili help the perking problem. MINUTEB, ANAHaIM CITY PLIWNING COMMIABION, OCTOHER 18, 1982 82-546 ACTION: Comenissianer Bushor.e offered a mc,tion, aeconded by Commie~ion~r Bouae and MOTZON CARRIED (Canmieuioner McHurney absent), that th~ Anaheim City Planninq Commie~ion has revlewed the proposal to conetruct an eddition to e detached sinqle-family dwellinq with weivers of minimum building site aree, minimum floor erea, minimum aide yard setbnck, minimum re~r yard eetback and minimum type o~ pnrkinq epacee on e ractanqularly-ahaped parcel of lend c~neieting of epproximately 0.15 ~cre, hevinq e fronteqe o! approximetely 50 feet Qn the north sid~ of Wilhelmine 9treet, end further deacribed as 317 ~aet Wilhelmine Street~ and does hereby approvn the Neqative Declaration from the requiremen~ to prapare an environmentel impect report on the baeis that tharo would be no significnnt individual or cumulative edverae environmental impact due to the approvbl o~ thi8 Neqative Decleretion sinco the Anahoim GonerAl Plan desiqndtes the eubject prop~rty for medium deneity land uses commenaurnte with the propoAal~ that no senaitivo environmental impacts are involved in the propoealt that the Initiel Study eubmitted by the potitioner indicatea no eiqnificent individual ar cumulative adveree environmentdl impactet ~nd that the Negative Declerntion substantieting the foregoing findinge is on fil~ in the City o~ Anaheim Plenninq Department. Commiseioner Hushore offered Reaolution No. PC82-199 and moved for ita passage and edoption that the Anahei.m City Planninq Commission does hereby qrant Varianc.e No. 3299 on the basis that the ut~ite are exietinq and additional parking spaces will be added to a~loviate ~ome of the exiating parking problem in the neiqhLorhood and the improvemQnt will enhence the neiqhborhood= and denial would deprive subject ~roperty of privilegea being enjoyed by other propertiea in the same xone and vicinity and subject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendationa. On roll call, the foregoing resolution wes paesed by the following vote: AYES: 80UAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERH3T, KING, LA CLAIRE NOES: NQNE ABSENT: McBURN~Y ~~ MINUTEB, AN~HEIM CSTY PLIWNING COM~lI88ION, OCTOBSR 18, 1982 82-547 ITSM N0. 14. EIR N0. 218 (pR$VIOU$LY APPROV~D) AND TENTATIVS MAP OF TRACT NO. 10409(REV. 3) (READVERTIBED) PUBLIC N~AR2NQ. OWNLR: TEXACO~ ANAHEiM H2LLS, iNC., 380 9. Anaheim Hills Roed, Anahelm, CA 92807. AaRNT: J.H.H. CONSULTANTS, 540 t3. Goiden Circle, Drive, Suite 111, Senta Ana, CA 9?705, ATTENTION: J~UGlJ8T F. DOMMLR. Property deecribed aa an irreqularly-ehaped parcel o! land cansieting o! approximdtely 32.1 ecrms, having approximate ~ronteqea o! 550 feet on th9 aAUth aide of Willowick Drive end 550 feet on the north aide of Imperi+~l Highway, and being locetad approximately 850 Feet sauth o! the centerline of Nohl Rnnch Road. To re-eatablish e 44-lot, 40-unit RS-HS-10,00(SC) Zone subdivision. There was no one indiceting their preaence in oppoeition to subject requeet and although the atafg report was not read, it ie referred to and made A F,:~rt of the minutes. Hugh Halderman, 540 N. Golden Circle Drive, Santa Ana, engineer for Texaco Anaheim Hills, Inc., was preaent to answer any queations. THE PUHLIC HEARING WAS CLUSED. Commiseioner Herbat eaked why the alopes ere not being maintained today and statad he doesn't want to approve any additional tracta if the alopea nren't qoinq to be maintainsd. Georqe MaBOn, 380 Anaheim 1lills Road, Anaheim, Presider.t of Gunston Hall Compnny, M~nager for Texaco-Anaheim Hills, explained Anaheim Hills Planned Community Aseaciation was f~rmed in 1977, and only affects those tracte developed since that timet that those portions developed prior to January 1977, are not subject to the CC&Rs of the Master Aeaociatian and that the Maeter Aesociation is operated by the hon-eowners since Texaco-Anaheim Hille, Inc. no longer has any ropreeentation on the board. Commisaioner La Claire stated previously there was a lot of interest in maintaininq the area and in the association by the developer obviously to increase the value of the property, but recently many areas have been allowed to deteriorate~ that sprinklexs were broken for months on Anaheim Hills Road, the gateway to Anaheim Hills, and the beautiful fescue gresaes were allowed to deteriorete and h~d to be cut low. She asked why ~exaco-Anaheim Hills Inc. qot out of the aseociation and wt-~y they are no lonqer interested, pointinq out they do have a veeted interest in thia property. Mr. Mason explained pursunnt to the CC&R,s, the number of votes that Texeco-Anaheim Hills Inc. had gave them no power ko control the aesociationt that the aesociation has reached a matuxe state and has an incoae of nearly one helf a million dollars a year which is applied to maintenance of the slopea~ tha~t eome of the hocaeowr-era who live there felt very etxongl,y that the acseociation was designed and aet. up to be a vehicle of the homsowners. He gdded i~ ie improper and wrong for any developer to maintain control over a homeowner's aesociation. ( a * ~ MINUT~S, JWIIHEIM CITY PL7INNING CaMMlI~18ION, OCTOBBR 18, 1982 8Z-548 Mr. Masvn skaCed the M~ater )lasociatian hae +~ very active boerd end they know 1-naheim Hilla Rosd has been a problemt and thet tho City hao li.nally eccaptad the maintenenca o! tho madians end the sprinklere hevs been repaired eaverel montha aqo. Concerning the leacue qreseeo, Mr. Mason eteted he did n~t think it will be poosible to meintain that gror-th nnd it ie not certain thet thet ie tha proper ty.pe af grassee !or thie are~ becauee tr~e,y do need a Cremenduus em~unt o! water. He expleined etiudies aze currently underwny with experta to poaeibly chnnqe come o! the landecaping. Mr. Mnson etaked Texeco-Anaheim Iiill~, Inc. relinqui~hed cuntrol of the aesocintion in Apri1 of ttiis year when the baard c,E hameownPr~ was elected. Commissioner HQrbet etntecl the City haa been yetting complaints and hR feels Anaheim Hills, znc. has bean reaponeible and doing e fine ~ob for e long time and now some of the axe~s are going downhill. Commiesioner La Cldire etated ehe felt Texeco-Anahei.m Hille ahould have repreaentation on the board beceuse they do have a veated interest, even thouqh the control ie turned aver to the homeownera. Mr. Mason replied they do attend the meetinga. He further axplained the decision to relinquieh control was be-eed ~n leqel advice Co Texaca-Anaheim Hills, Inc. He at.ated when the Anaheim Hi~lle, Inc. mannqement contract was terminated in 1981, Gunston Hell Company assumed thoae responsibi.litiea. He stnted they are atill. interested in eelling the property and continued development of the property will depend upon nu~rket conditions. He stated Texaco no longer fe~ls they can ~fford to perform some of the functions which th~~y were doinq voluntarily. Commiaeioner Suahore asked if any property eold will be heve deed reatrictions and CCbRe to protect the integrity of the cemmunity. Mr. Mason etated it is the intention that propertl.ee eold wauld be annexed to the Master Assaciation. He added it is conceivable, however, that a lnrge parcel (600 to 1000 acres) could be sold and developed indepcndently by the purch~ser. He added L•h~re are no diacussions at this time, but it ia posaibl.e. Conunisaionez La Claire asked if there ia a quarantee thet theae two tracts before the Cosnmission today will be included in the Master AeAOCintion. Mr. Maeon stated tl~eae tracts are already qraded and would b8 develdped coneistently with other ti~acts ~nd tke conditiona require that they be a part of the asaociation• Commissioner Bushore stated he wes concerned that people who bouqht ~htA the planned community are not abandoned. Mr. MaP~n stated they have the strength of the Master Association with a subetantinl income and reaerve and reaponsible manaqement and the homeowners ere in a position to control ~'~eir own environment. 1 MINUTE9, AN11[~t1~IM CITY PLANNxNGi COMMI88ION, OCTOBER 18, 1982 82-549 Commiseioner Bushore stnted he would be concsrned if e portion eu~h as 60Q0 ecrea waa sold and nnt rsstricted to bo a pert of ttie Mester ]~ssocintion bocausa it coul~! be subdividad. Mr~ Meeon expleined he hed not suqgaeted 6000 ecrea could be soldt that there are only about 2600 4cras left, ot which about 1600 are developeble and a portion is under the intluence o! the Cit}• of Oranqe end aould be developed under e dilPerent concept with no impect on the dev~eloped portions of Maheim Hille. Responding to Commisoioner i,e Claire, Jeck WhitQ expleined thoir otfice has not reviawed the CC&Rs to ~ee it e vote is required by the Master Aaeocietion to include theee tracte. He steted any tzact epproved in the Anaheim Hills area cen be subject to the condition rQquiring GC&Rs, but hQ did nor. know if the Commiesion cen require the annexation to tht Master Aasocir~tion. Commisnioner La Claire stated the City has been quaranteed for years by Anaheim Hills, Inc. that these propcsrtiea would qa into the Master Asenci~tion dnd tfiese tracts were epproved subject to thnt condition and now it ie not kn~wn wliether they will or not rnd ehe wantod to know if the promises made over the yeere are going to be kept. Mr. Mnson stated r.here ie no question thnt both of the~e tracts will be a part of the Master Asaoci.ation. It is noted that EIR 218 was previousl}• certifi.ed in conjunction with approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 10409 (Rev. No. 3) and Reclassification No. 78-79-5, approved by the Planning Commissian on Auquat 28, 1978. ACTZONs Commisaioner Herbet affered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bouas and MOTION ~..ARRIED (Commissioner McBurney absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Conuniasion does hFreby find that the proposed subdivieion, together wi.th its desiqn and improvement, is consistcsnt with the City of Anaheim General Plan, pursuant to Government Code Section E6473•51 and does, therefore, epprove Tentative Map of Tr.act No. 10409 (Rev. No. 3) for a 44-lot~ 40 unit It3-H3-10,000(SC) 2one subdivieion subject to the following conditions: 1. That should this aubdivision be developed as more than one aubdivision~ each aubdivision thezeof shall be submitted in tentative form for approval. 2. That in accordance with City Council policy, a 6-foot hiqh masonry wa11, wrouqht iron fence or combination thereof, shall be constructed on the southeaet property line separatinq Loti Nos. 29 throuqh 32 and Lot C from Imperial Highway• Rieaeonable la~ndacaping, includinq irrigation facilitiea, shall be ir~atalled in the uncemented portion of the arterial highway parkway the full diatance of said walls plane for said landscapinq to be submitted to and oubject to the approval of the b'uperintendent of Parkway Maintenancet and followinq installation and acceptance, the City of Anaheim shall assume the responaibility for maintenance of said landacapinq• MINUTEB, 11NAHBIM GI~Y PLANNING COMMI88ION~ OCTOH&R 18, 1982 82-550 3. mhat all lotd ~ithin thie tract ehell be eerved by underqround utilitiee. 4. Thet e final tract mep of sub}ect property ahall be subenitted to end appxoved by the City Council ~nd then be recarded in the Office of the Ornnge County Recorder. 5. That the originnl documents of the propoeed covenantm, c~n-9itione, end reetrictions, end a letter adAreeeed to devAloper'~ title company authorizinq recordetion, ahell be aubmitted to the City Attorney's Oflice and ~ppraved by the City Attorr~ey'e office and Enyineering Diviaion prior to tlie tinal tract map eppraval. 8aid ~ocument$ de approved ahell be filed and recorded in the Officv of the Orange County Recorder. In additian, covenants, conditions and reEtrictions shall include the perpetuel maintQnence aqreement for Lc~ta A, B, C and D• 6. That strec~t names ehall bQ eppraved hy the City Planning Department prior to approval of a final trect map. 7. ThRt the owner of aubject prope.rty shall pay to the City of AnahE:im the appropriete park and recreation in-lieu feea as determined to be appropriate by the Gity Council, said fees to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. 8. That drainage of said property shall Ue disposed of in a manner satiefactory to the Ci.ty Engineer. If, in the preparation ~f the site, auffic;ient gradinq ia requir.Pd to necessitate a grading permit, no work on greding will be permitted between October 15th and April 15th unless all required off-Aite drainege facilities have been installed and are operative. Positive aseurance shall be provided the City that such drainaye fncilities will be completed prior to October 15~.h. Necessary riqht-of-way for off-site drainaqe facilitiea shall be dedicated to the City, or the City Council shall have initiated condemnation proceedinqs therefore (the costs of which shall he borne by the devcloper) prior to the commencement of gradinq operatione. The required drainaqe facilities shall be of a size and type sufficient to carry runoff waters originating from higher ptoperties throuqh sai8 proper~y to ultimate disposal as approved by the City Engineer. Said drainaqe fecilitiea ahall be the first item of construction and shall be completed and be fnnctional throughout the tract and from the downstream t~.oundary of the property to the ultiraate point of disposal prior to the iasuance of any final buildinq inspections or occupancy permits. Drainage district reimbursement agreements mxy be made available to the developers of sai.d property upon theiz request. 9. Thet qrading~ excevation, end all other construction activities shall be conduated in such a manner so as to minimize the poasibility of any silt originatir.q from this project beinq carried into the Santa Ana River by storm water oriqinating from or flowing through this project. ~ ~ MZNUTEB, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(i COMMI88ION, OCT08ER 18, 19B2 82-551 10. That the aliqnment and terminsl point o! atorm dra~ns ehown on this tentative tract mep ehell not be coneid~re.1 final. TheBe dreine ehell bo subjoct to preciee deaiqn cnnsiderdLtona end approval of the City F.ngineer. 11. If perm~nent etreet neme siqne have not baen inetalled, temporery etredt neme rsigne shall be inetelled prior to any occupancy. 12. That the ~wner(s) of subject property shell pey epproprie-t~ drainege aseeaemont feen to the City of Anaheim as determined by the City ~ngineAr pzior to iseuence o~ e- building permit. 13. That ownership nnd maintenance reaponaibility of Lote A, B, C and D ehall be reteined by the homeawneXS aesnciation. 14. Thet the tull riqht of wey af Imperial ti.~qhway (105 feet) frc~m the AeotArly trect boundary of subject tract to the Anaheim city limit aiiell be irrevocably offAred for dedication to the City of Anaheim for streot and ~.~ublic utility purpoaeR. Seid dedication ahall be dccepted by the City upon the determinetion by the City Engineer that an imminent project for the conetruction of Imperial Hiqhway oxisto, or that the health, eafety, and gen+~ral welfarc af the public requiras it. 15. That all engineering requirements of the Citv of Anaheim, along lmperial Hiqhway from the easterly tract boundery tu tl~e city limits including preparation of lmprvvement plans anci installaCion ~f r~ll im~rovements suct~ as curba and gutters, sidewr~lks, etreet qradinq and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenent work ehnll be complied with as required by the City Engineer and in ~ccordance with specifications on file in the Office of the C:lty Enqineers that street liqhting facilities along Imperial Hiqllway From the easterly tract boundar.y to the city limits shall be in~tnll~d as r.equired by the Office of Utilities Gener.al Manager, xnd lr~ eccordance wi.th specificntions on file in the Office of the ~~fice of Utilitie~ General Manager and/or that security in the form of a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit or caeh, in an amount and form eatisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be poated with the City to quarantee the satiefactory ina*_allation of the above-mentioned improvemente. Said security shall be poated with the City prior to approval of final map. The abc,ve-required improve..+ents shnll be constructed u~on the determination by the City Engineeer that an im~ninent project for the construction of tmperial Highway either side of subject tract exiats, or that the health, safety, and qeneral weltare of the public requirea it. 16. That fire hydranta shall be inatalled end charged as required and determ.ined to be neceseary by the Chief of the Firs Departtnent prior to cotnmencecaent of atructural framinq. r-; I , ~ ~ ~ M=p~+$g~ AI~IAHEIM CITY PLANNINO COMMI88IOtlr OCTOBER 18, 1982 82-552 17• w11th tha requiiu~ant~ o~tthetCityiol1AnaheimCFiredZane~No1 4~esly epproved by the Fire Department. 18. That fuel breaks ehell ba provided as datermined to be required by the Fire Chiel. • 19. That the ownerfs) of aubject property ahell pey the tre!!ic siqnal assesement fee (Ordinance No. 389G), in an amount ae determined by the City Council~ for each new dwelling unit prlor to the issuance o! a building permit. 20. That any specimon tree rem~vel shall be subject to th«~ z•eguletions pertnining tn treu preeervation in the Scenic Gorridor Overl.ay 2one. 21. In accordance with the reQuiremanta of Sertion 18.02.047 pertaining to the initiel sale oP. residential homes i~ the City of Anaheim Plnnning Area "H"~ the seller shall provide each buyer w~th written infurmation concerninci the Anbheim Gonaral Plan e~nd Che existing zoning within 300 feet of ~he bour.daries ~f aubject tract. 22. That the ownare of the subject praperty shall oxecute and record a covenant obligating the homaowners aaeocia~tion to therkwal~WOfg where applicnble: (1) mriintain the landa~aped p~rtion °8cent toyassociation arterial streete (Imperial HighwaY), parkways adj maintained alopes and/oz common areas and ell median islands installed in conjunctian with said aubdivision except thoee located within arterial ~treetsr (Z) indemnify and hold the City ha~rmless for damagea zesulting therefromt and (3) maintein liaaslanYadditional for seid pnrkwaye and median islrtndR naming L•he CitYroved b Che City l.nsured. The form of said covenent shall he app Y Attorney's Office and shall be recorded concurrently with the final tract map• '1'f'-e devaloper of the r~ubject tract shall improve and maintain the hereinabove deacribed parkwaya and medi.an ielands, includin~ providing the above specified inauranc$~edntherefor aa~ a~ the homeowners association becomes ~eeh~ll postga bond in a:- amaunt here~nabove providQd. The develope arantee performance and form satisfactorY to the City of Anaheim to gv of developer's obligations hereunder. Evidence of the required insurance and bondPshall be pubDV~lPOfttheafinalpmap,d by~ the City Attorney s Office rior tu a p .~..~, . .. .. ___ ___.... _ . _ ; ,.~,,,,,~....~.,~....».._.. - ~--- , _~ - ~~ _ __ _ ~"""" .._ ~_ ._---~---- ~ j MINUT~S. 1-NAHEZM CITY PL~NNINO COMM=SBION, OCTOHER 18, 1982 8:-553 NO. 15. ~;R N0._224 (PRF.1-IOUBLY APPROVED) AND_ TENTATIV~ MAP OF TRACT Nv. 1061 T ( READV$x~rr.s~o 1 PUBLIC HBARING. OWNERs 'PEXACO, ANAHBIM HILLB, INC'., 380 8. Andheim Hills Road, Aneheim, CA 92807• AGRNT: J•H.H. CONSULTAAITS, 5~t0 N. Golden Circle, Drive, Suite 111, 3anta Ana, CA 92705, ATTENTION: AUGU3T P. DOMMER. Property described na an irreqularly-ahaped parc:el of land coneisting of epproximately 14 acres, havinq a frontaqe of epproximately 968 feet on the edst eide of Imperiel Highway, approximately 1650 feet eouth of the centerline of Nohl Ranch Rc~ed. To re-eatablish a 27-lot, 25-uni.t RS-HS-10,000(SG) Zone subBivision (residontial plenned unit devel.opment). Hugh Haldezmdn, 540 N. Golden Circle Drive, Santa Ana, Engineer for Texaco-Aneheim Hille, Inc. and George Mason, Presidc~nt of Gungton Hdll Compa~iy, Manager for Texa~:o-Annheim Hills, Inc., 380 8. Anaheim liilla Road, Anaheim, were pr~3aent to anawer any questions. tt ts nnted that EZR 224 waa prev~ously cortified in con~unction with approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 10617, Recl+~c~eification No. 7H-79-25, approvQd by the Planning Cocrmiesion on January 29, 1978. ACTIONs Commissioner Herbat offered a motion, seconded by Commisaioner Houas dnd MCM'ION CAR1tIED (Commissioner McBurney absent), that the AnahESim City Planning Commiasion does hereby find that the propoaed eUbdivision, toqether with its design and imgrovement, is coiisistent with the City o.f Maheim General Plan, pursuant to Government Code Section 664~3.5i ~-nd does, therefore, approve Tentative Nlap of Tract No. 10617 for a 27-lot, 25-unit RS-HS-10,000(SC) Zone subdivieion (resi.dential p~.anned unit development)~ subject to the followinq conditions: 1. That sho~ila thie subdivision bA develaped as more than one subdivieion, each aubdivision th~ereof shall be submitted ir. tentative form for approval. 2. That all lots within this tract ahall be served by undergroun~i utilitiea. 3. That prior to the introduction of an ordinance a finsl tract map of aubject property shall be submitted to and npprov~d by the City Council and then be recorded in the Offlce of the Oranye C~unty RecorSPr. q. That the oriqinal documeiits of the propoaed covenants, conditions, and restrictions, and a letter addressed to developer's title company authorizinq recordation, shall be Aubmitted to the City Attorney's office and apprnved by the City Attarney's office and Engineerinq Division prior to the linal tract map approval. Said d~cuments as approved shall be Piled and recorded in the Office of the Orange County Racorder. ~ MINUTSB, ANAtiEIM CITY PL1I~TNINC3 COMMISSION, OCTOBSR 18, 1982 82-554 5. That draineyo o! seid property el~ell be diapossd of in a me~nner eatistectory to the City Engineer. If, in the pxeparation a! the eite, eutficient greding ie required to nocesaitnte e qrnding permit, no work on gredinq will be permitted between October 15th and April 15th unle.s nll required ~f!-eito drainaqe lecilities have been i.nakelled nnd axe operative. Poeitive ae~urence aha11 be provided the City thet such dz•a.inaq~ facilitiea will be completed prior to actober 15th. Necessary right-ot-wey !or off-site dr~inege fa~ilities ehnll be dediceted to ti.he City, or the City Counail ahall heve initieted condemnntion proceedinqe therefore (the costa of which shall be bc~rne by the developer) prior to the cor~nencement of qrading operntions. The required drainage facilitieo P:~ell be of n eize and type sufficient to carry runoff wetere originnting from higher propertiea through eaid property to ±altim~te diepoeal es epprovod by the Ci.ty Engineer. Said drdinngtl facilitiee shall be ~he first item of constr.uction and ehnll be completed and be functione.l throuqhout the tract and from the downetream houndary of the propQrty to the ultimate point o~ diapc~eal prior to the issuance of eny final buildinq inspectione or occupancy permita. Drainaqe district reimburaement aqreementi~ may be made aveilable to the developers of said proper.ty upon Cheiz request. 'v. Y'hat qrnd.ing, excavation, and ell other construction activities shall be conducted in such a manner so es to minimize the poasibility ~f any silt originating from this project be~ng carried into the ~anta Ana River by Atarm water o.riqinating from or flowing throuqh this Proi~'~t• 7. That the Qwner of subject property ahall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropziate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be eppropriate by the City Council, said fees f.o be peid at the time the building~ permit is isaued. 8. That all private streats shall be developed in accordance with tt~e City of Anaheim's Standard Detail No. 122 for private atreets, includinq installa~ion of atreet name aiqns. Plana For the pri~vate atreet lightinq, as required by the etandard detail, shall be submitted to the Building Division for approval and inclusion with ~he building plans prior to isauance of building pezmits. (Private etreets are those whtch pravide primnry acceee and/or circulation within the project.) 9. That the alignment ~,nd terminal point of storm drains shown on thia tentative tract map shell not be coneidered final. 7`hese drains eh~ll be subject to precise deaiqn coneideratione dnd approval of the City Enqineer. 10. I! permanent street name siqns have not been instaxled, tempo~:ry street name eiqns ahall be instelled pxior to any occupancy. 11. That fire hyciranta aha11 be installed and charged as required and d~termined to be neae~ssary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of structural framing. , , MINUTE9~ ANAHBIM CITY AI.J-NNINO COMI~1I86~tpN, Of.`T08~R ~8, 1982 82-555 12. That all r~quiraments u! Fir~ Zone 4, ~thsrwiee ident ltied d• Fire 1ldminiatrntive Order No. 76-01, will b~ met. 8uch r~yui.rements include, but ere not limited to, chimnay epark errea tors, protected attic ~nd under tloor openinge, Cless C or bett~r rao ~ing nu~tnrisl and one h~ur lira resistive construction of horitonta 1 surieces i! within 200 feet of adjecent bruehland~ ls. Thet nntive slop~e adjacent to nEwly constructed home s shell be hydroaeed~d with a low luel canbustlbla saed mix. Su ch slopes shell he aprinklered end waeded ea required to eeteblish 1 ~ 0•leet eeparetion of ttammablu veyetetion trom any ~tructur~. 14. TF.at ths etorm draine end e~nitnry aewern outside th~ public right ot wey oP Imperial Highwey shell be privately owned r~nd privetely meintrined. 1S. In acc~rdenr,e with the ~equirementa oF Section 18.02 ~OA7 pert~ininq to the ini~ial eAle of reaidentiel hnmes in the City of Anaheim Plannir-q Area "8", the seller shall provido Qech buy~r with written intormetion concerning the Anahein C,enexal Plan and the existinq zoninq within 300 feet of the bounaarfe6 of ~ubject trect. 16. Thet any specimen tree removal shall be eubject to ttze reguiations~ pertaining to tree preservatfon in the Scenic Corridor Uverlay Zone. 17. That the owner(s) of subject pro~:^ty sht~ll (n) deed to the City of Anaheim e strip of lnnd 53 feet .in wid*h from the ce nterline of the atreet along Imperial Hiqhwey for atreet wide.iinq pu rposea. 18. Thet all enqi.n~erinq requiremc~nta of t`~e City of Ana2~eia1, nlong Imperial Hiqhway including preparation of improvemen ~ plens and i~istellation of all improvemente auch as curbs and q~ttera, aidewslks, strRet grading and paving, drainage facil ftiee, or othsr appurtE~ant work shell be ~amplied wi~h as required by the City E~gineer and in accordnnce with sper_ificationa on fi 1e in the Office of the City F.ngineurt that street lighting fncilities alor-g Imperial Fliqhway ahall be inatalled as required by the Office of Utilities General Manager, and ir. accordance with specificatiaz~e on file in the Offi~e of the OPfi~:e of Utilitiea Generel Managez arid/or that securlty in khe form of a bond, certificake of depos jt, letter of credit ~r cash, in an amoun~ and form satiafactory to the City of Anaheim r~rall be poated with ~he City to quarantee the satisfactory inetallstion ot ihe ebove-mentionRd improvements. Said aecurity ahall be poated with the City prior to approva.l of f inal map. The above-required improvemen~e ahall be installed prior to occupancy. 19. Ttiat atreet names ehall be approved by the City Planning pepartment prior to epproval of n final tract map. 20. That the owner(s) ~f subject property shall pay appropr.iate 9ra.inaqe eRaessment fees to the City of Anaheim As determined by the City Enaineer prior to isauance of a building pez~ait. ~, ~ 62-5'S6 MIN~'PEB, 11N11H1~IM CITY PLl-I~Nlt~lfi COMMI88ION, OCT088R 18, 1987 Z1. Thot ~~propriate wat~er •ase~~nent l~es as d~t~rminsd by tha Oltice o~ Utilities CianarRl Manager shall be p+~id to the City o! Anaheim prior to the i~euanc~ c! a buildinq pern~it. 2Z. Thdt the owners o! the subjsct prapertY •hall axecute and reaord a covenant obliqa t inq the homeowners spopcia~Tion Eo therkw~lowi~Pg wher• epplicablec (1) ~aintain tha lendsca edrpodts°Ad~acent to association erterial etreets (Imperial Highway), p~ Y me~intained elcp~s anti/or common ereas and all medien islnnds installad in conjunction with eeicl subdiv~sion axoept thoad located within artarial atreetef (2) indemnily and hold the City har.mlese !or dnm~ge8 resulting thexetromt and ( 3) ~intain liabil.ity ineurence ~or eaid pnrkwdys an d medinn ielende nnminq th~ CitYrovednbydtheiGity insured. The torm o! seid covanent ehall be app 1-ttorney's Of£ice and shall be recorded conaurrently with the linal tract meP• The developer o! the subject tract ohall in-prove and tneintein the he reinabave described parkways end medien ielanda, including provi ding the abave specitied ineurence, until euch time ae the homeowners association beaomes leqally obligated there+lor as hexeinebove provided. The developar shAll pc~et e bond in en amount and torm eatistactory to the City of Analieim to querantee per~ornence of developer's obli.9ntiona hereundor. Evidence of the r~quired insurance end bond shell be eubmitted to, and appr~ved by, ths City Attorney's OfE i ce prior to approval of the final mep. 1 ~ ~ MINUT38, 1WANE:~M CITY PLANNING COMMI88ION, OCTOBBR 1.8, 1982 ~Z-557 ITaM NO. 16 R]SPORTB ANb RECpNWENpAxInNB A. VA~ g pp~ 3~gg _ Reque~st for nunc pro tunc resolution emendinq keaolution No. PC82-1~4 to indicate 118 pnrkinq apacee requized. 1~_,C~TION~ Cotnmissioner KSng oflered Reeolution No. PCB2-200 and moved !or ita paeeeqe end edoption that the Anaheim City Plenning Commiseion doee hereby qrent e nunc pro tunc reeolution emending R~seolution No. FC82-174 to indicats :118 parkinq gpnces r~quired. On roll call., the loreqo.ing resolution wea peseed by the follow!ng vote: AYB3s BbUA;;, BUSHORE, F'RY, tiF.R83T, KiNG~ LA C7,AIRE NOE$t NONE AHSENTs McBURNEY g• RECLASSIFICATION NO. 80-81-36 - Requast for an Axtonsion o! time trom J. E Co. peland, Quick 3tert, !or property located ak 135 S. L~~ara Street. ACTION: Commiseioner King offered a motlon, seconded by f;ommieeioner Herbat and MOTION CARRIED (Commiasioner McHurney absen~), that the Aneheim City Planning Commiseion does hQraby grent a retroactive extenaion of time to expire on June 1S, 1983. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1063 - Request for an extension of tima ~rom R.A. McNees for propurty loceted at 1.721 S. Menchester Avenue (The Cowboy). ,~ ~ r , . c.,. - ACTION: Commissioner Kinq ofterad a motion, aeconded by Commissioner Fr'~,l • ~;;--~ He and MOTION CARRIEp (Commise~oner McHarney absent) thet the Anaheim~~~p,.-~- City Planning Commisaion does hereb ~~'' exteneion of tlme for Conditional UsQ pet-mit NoH 1063 ~ expireVOn October ~'/ ~' v~ 7, 1983. ~. ~•~~ D• ABANDONMG~NT N0. 82-2A - Requeat to abandon a public utility easement acquired by the City of Ana~-eim, located on the north si.de of La Palma, east of Kraemer Boulev~rd. It was noted the Planning Director or his authorized repreeentative has determined that the proposed groject falls within the definition of Cateqorical Ex~mptiona, Class 5, as defined in the 3tate Environmental Impact lteport Guidelinea and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIR. ACTION: Commiabtaner Kina offered a motion, aeconded by CommiRS~oner Herbst and MOTIO~ CARR2ED (Commiasioner McBurney absent), ttiat the Anaheim City Planninq Commiasion does hereby recommend to the City Council that Abandor.ment No. 82-2A be approved as recommended by Lhe Gity Engineer. i MINUTES, 11NAH8IM CITX PL7INNING CCIMMISSION, OCTOAER 18, 1982 82-S5B ~, PROPOSSD CODE AMENDN~t~IT - Amendment to Section adding S3ubaaction .612 to Chapter 1E~.61 oP Title 18, Zoninq, perteining to Recycling/Resaurc~e Recovery Transfer F~cilities in the Anahaim Cenyon Industrial Area. Vince Taormina end 8111 Taormine, P.O. Hox 309, Aneheim, CA 92805 were gresent to enaw~r eny questione. ACTI ON: Commiaeioner Herbet offered n moti.on, seconded by Commiseioner Hu shore end MOTION CARRI~D (Commioeioner Mc9urncsy ebsent), thnt khe Aneh eim City Plnnning Commisaion does hereby recommond to the City Council that the pro~osed Code Amendmant be approved edding Subsectic~n .612 to SQ ction pertnining to kecyclinq/Resources R~ecovery Trnnsfer Facilities in ±ne Anet:pim Cdnyon Industrial Area. OTHER DISCUSSION: ~~ - (A) ACTION: CommiesionQr Herbbt of.fered a motion,secon8ed by Can~niaeioner La C la ire and MOTIOh CARRIED (Commiesioner McBurn~y ebsent), thet the Aneheim C iky Planning Commisaion doea hereby command ttie Anaheim City Fire nepartment t~r their ability and their diligent end aggzessive suppreeaion of the !'ire in the Anaheim W1118 a~ren an October 9, 1982. C ou~ntesioner Herbst stated he lives in the Meheim Hills area and was very impressed t~y the action of the FirQ Department. He r.eferred to t1-e presentation by the Fire Chief of the fire resistan~t ~ ' ahingles and fe 1 t bucause the recominendation requiring this type zonfing was approved, even though tha.re wa~ a lot of opposition trom builders, there was no loss ~f life in thet fire. Commisaioner La Claire stated she also livea in that area and commended the Fire Department for their nfforts. 3he added she was concexned, however, about the lack af emergency information availeble and t~eked why the cable televieion capabi.li.ty was not used ta alert reeidents. Conunissioner Herbst agreed there is e need far that type service and suggeated it should be reviewed. Anni.ka SantAlahti stated she would re2ete the Cocamission's concerns to the Public Information Officer anc] also referred to a presentaL_ .n made by the F ire Department to the City ~ouncil about the recent fires which could be made available to the Commiasion, if so deaired. Sne added shE out if there ie a achedule for the presentation to be made to ~ c itizen qroupa wl~ich the Commiasionera could ettend. 1 ~ ', 1 MxNUT~B~ 11D1711lEIM CITY PLi1NNxtiG COMMlI88I0N, OG'T~sER 18, 1982 8Z-SS9 ~8) Caaeaitslon~r Hushora r~lateQ a praperty ovm~r'• conc~rn p~rtaininq to a vdriano~ !or twc-~tory units an La Pelma whiah wat denied, hav-aver, th~ unit~ ar~ being oon~truatecl at, th• sanw~ heiqht a~ an• story snd h• l~1~ thet, d~l~uta tho purpos~ !ar tihe dsnial beceu~e o! sir llaa~ ohedov~-~, e~c. 1-nnike 8dntalahti explsined the Coda rele~tes to livabl• spac~ •nQ not spac~ u~~d !or aesthetic purposes. ADJOURNM~NT: Thsre being no lurther buainess, Connnioeionar Harb~t ott~red a awtion, ~econd~d by Cot~-iosloner King and MOTION C7IRRIEO (Conimiasioner McHurnay sbsant), thet tha meeting be edjourne+d. The meetinq we-s ad3ourned At 3sA5 p.m• R~spactlully nubmitted, ~~, ,~ Z,~,~.- ~d1th L. Harris, 8ecretary Anaheim City Planning Conuaiegion ELH Ym ; . ~----- . . .._ .~~~+~rtt..~1Ma .z_z~..t~ +" f r~ _z7 a~.'enti t _ .~,,Pt .. r, ~~ Y-. ."r'~'_i . ~ ~ : . - <~:.. .~ . ~,,, _ ~~ ~ _ .: „ - - .- 4 : . -, ,, , , ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . . `L~ ~ . . . 3