Minutes-PC 1982/11/29REf3tJLAR MaBTING OF THE l1N11HEIM CITY FL11Nt~lING COMMI88ION REOVLAR M1lBTINQ Th• regular meeting o! the Anaheim City Plsnninq Connnie~ion a~s oallad to ordar by Gnairm~n Fry at lO:OQ a.m., Navamber 29, 1982, in the Council Chnmber, a quorum being present and the Goc~nisaion reviewad plane o! the items on toda~y'~ aqends. REC888: 11:30 a.m. RBCONVENE: 1t30 p.m. pgBgbNT Chaira~an: Fry Commi.oeioners: Bouae, Bughore~ Herbat, lCinq, La Claira~ McHurney ABSENT Conimiaeionera: None ALSO PREBENT Jeck White Aseietant City Attorney Jey Titue bf~ice Engineer Pavl Sinqer Trntfic Engineer eob Kelley l~ssociate Planner Dean Sherer Associate Planner Edith Herrie Planninq Connaission 3ecretary APPROVAL OF MINUTEB: Commiesioner ICinq aftered a motion, seconded by Commisetoner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED, that the minutes of the a-eeting of November 15, 1982, be approved ae submitted. IT$M NO. 1. EIR NBGATIVS DECLIIRATION AND CdNDITIONAL USE PSRMIT NO. 2386 PU$LIC HBARING. OWNERSs ROGSRS A• AND HARBJ-RA A. SEVERSON, ?•O. Hox 2058, Huntinqton Haach, G 92647. AG3NT: .ZEG STt)MPF, 2831 White Stnr ~venue, "H", Anaheim, CA 92806. Property deacribed ae ar- irregularly-ehaped parcel o! iand oonsistinq oP spproximnxely 2.1 ecres located at the northeaat corner ot White Star Avenue and Slue Gua- Street, 2831 White Ster Avanue, Unit H(NBS) Body and Paint• To pern-it an auto body and paint sho,p in the I~II. Zone. Continued from the meeting of October 18, 1982. Dee~n Sherer, Asaietant Planner, expla~ined the applicant wae not present due to illness in hie tamiJ.y and has requested n two-Week continuance. ACTION: Comiaissioner McBurney offere8 a mation, seconded by Commissioner Kinq and MOTION CARRIED, that coneideration of the alorementioned matter be continued to the meeting of December 13, 1982. 0248H 82-610 11/29/82 MiNUTEB, A1Q11H3IM CITY PL111QNING COMMlI88I0N, NOVEMH~R 29, 198Z 8Z-611 . 2 3NVIRONMENTAL IINp11CT RIEPORT N0. xS3, R8CL7188I~'ICJITION N0. 82-83-4 vArunnca • ~. PUSLIC HEIIRINCi. OWNERJ9s 11LBBRT BORCHIIRD MiD lC1~Nt~TaTH L. L~-RSON, 5915 Hurohard J~venu.e, Los Anqeles, C11 90034, ROY W. W1SEQ, 2651 N. Lincoln l~vsnue, 71neh~im, C11 92801. AOSNT~ GFELLL"R D~V$LOPMENT COMPIINY, INC., 229 W. INain 8treat, Tu~tin, CA 92680, ATTENTION: HOH REE88. Proparty i~ dascribad an approxiatetaly 19.57 acreo, located nt 2925 W. Linc~ln Av~nue, (Li~coln Banch Mobilo Manor Park). Continued lrom the meetinqs o! July 26, Auquqt 23, September 20, October 18 and tiove^~bar 1, 1982. There was no onq indicating their presence in oppoaition to eubject raquest and although the eta!! .report was not read, it i• relerred to and mede a part o~ the minutee. Dauq Gleller, aqent, explained they hav~ submitted revised plana which retlect an increaae ot approxi~ ~ely ~0 additional perking apace~ tor e total o~ 1,475 apncca and the code requirea 1,598 parkinq spncea. He edded tl~ey leel they have provided all the parking they cen with~ut eubst~ntielly reducinq the number of unita or increasing the high riee with eubtarranean parkinq. He stated the parking ia not delicient even thouqh it does not meeC code requiremant. He relerred to the code requiren-enta for multipln-tataily rental proj~er,ts comparad to the requiremente tor condaminiums end pointed aut bacause of the eise of these unita, they are really more akin to rentel unite, and atated thouqh they intend ~ eell the units to a market which will hava the same parkinq neede as rentera. He atated there ie a aubetantial dilte~rence bstwean condami.nium end multiple-tamily parking requirements. Mr. Gteller relerred to the chnngea required in the caobilehome park convereion impect report nnd explained their oriqinal report complie8 with the etate requiremente, not with the City o! ]-naheim'a new MHP Ordinance. Ha explained they did meet with the tenante of the park end reviewed the relocation bonefite which would inr.lude not only the coat of relocation and reasaembly, including akirtinq, awninqs, etc., but in thoee caees where exietinq improvemonte cio not saeet code atandar9s, they would assume the coet to build or purchase new facilitiea to meet codee. He atated the tenants had several questions at ~.hat meeting and n-oat tenants fclt the beneli.ts propoeed would be fair, but their concerna revolved around whether or not renters or the absenteo owners ot coeiches would be entitled to the benetits and that he wns noL really able to nnewer thet queation, but lelt the ordinance was intended to protect the ownere o! the coaches currently livinq in a coach in the park and would not be e~ctended to rnnters or absentee ownecs. Mr. Gfeller atated another major issue related to the timinq of che payment of the relocation benelit and aome taaants vrere concezned that they would have to take t1~e money and leave the park immediately. He eta~ted he had indicated lraa a bu.ineso standpoint that i! the developer waa required to gay tham immediately, they wou'ld be required to giva notice and relocate immediately. He etateA eoaoe o! the tenanta did not want to reloeate until the last poasible minute and they feel, based on the phasinq pl+~n thnt they will not be askinq any tenents to relocata lor. approximately tvro years. He added the tanants aere al~so concerned that if they could stay for two years and the relocation MINUTaB ,)1t071HBIM CITY PLANNIN(i CONMI88ION, NOV3MBBR 29, 1982 82-612 b~::~lit waa paid et that tims, the coet o~ relooatiun could bs higher then the •ttimat~ adoptsd by th~ Plenninq Commi~sion today ea a lixed lo~. He atated th~ ord ineno• did not addr~oa the po~~ibility o! e pha~.d prajsat and ha aould •uqq~at tihat a poeoibl• cost o! livinq i.nar~a~~ would ba lair. Mr. G!~ ll~r stelad ths key i~sue !or them is that in acquiring thi~ pzoparty, they r~coqt~ised they Mill be~ loroinq p~ople to relocate b~c+~us~ o! tha chang~ in lanA u~• and reeoqniee6 their rs~ponsibilitX te meke paymant to them end l~~l that the lormule proposed i~ tair, but do feel str.onqly that ~hat amount o! mon~y ehould not be raquired to be peid until tha tennnta are physicelly required to relooAte. ^oncsrn ing the txeBh r~movel iseue, Mr. G:aller ateted nccordinq to ~11 the aqencie s which have looked at tha propsrty, t)~ere is really no haelth reaaon to roqu ire the people to relocate end the park is e s++te place tor them to livet t?~e~ their plan ealle !or the traeh ta be removed !~n phesas which thay feel is the only plan the county will accapt nnd i! they move people in phasas, they will pay them thair benetite in phasea e~d they would relocate tha traaeh at that time when th~y are rsquir~d to use the land. He atated they ar.e not opposed to ihe requiremant a dete certsin be set for the rel.ocetion nllowance to be peld to ~uerentee thnt payment. He et~t.sd it ie mpre difficult to aet a dete certain !or rea-ovdl of the traeh ar,d they leel it ie imposaible to a~t that ne a~ixed requirementt that they are required by the City and a number of ott;er egenciee to eubmit a detailad tresh removal report which will have to be approved be~ore they will beqin rem~ving eny traeh, but the proposed condition would prevent• them from recordi ng the map and etert working on the land that doea not have a traeh removel problem~ Ne explained they hnve had experience with traeh removal in ather projecta which had to have State, AQMD, and other eqenciea approvnl and know th at iti cen teke a long timo to qet thet approv~l. He exp?.airted the approva 1 to remova the treeh is conditioned that at any point, at any time the City or eny o! the other aqenciea could require tham to stop the traeh remova 1 ~ Mr. Gfe ller steted a iaajor obatacle ie the County Aoard of Supervieor's approval to remove the trash to existinq landfill~ and they have indiceted coneidernble concerrt to removinq it all at one time end it has taken six months to emne up „th e rettwvnl program that will actually spread the removal out ove r tw~ or three yeare which the Board of Suporvisore would ~ind acceptable to allow them to nbaorb the meterial into the exiating landfil].s. He ad~ed the phasinq program ie aleo btesed on the fact that there are certain timee o f the yaer which are idedl for re~oval o! thR trash, eo they are limited by the weather nnd time o! year nnd the plana indicate they would not be removing trash at eny one time for a longer peziod than 21 workinq daye which a llowa them to take advantaqe ot the weather nnd minimize the treffic lenpact on the surroundinq area and meet the County requirements for acceptinq the matari.ale at their landtille. He stated even i! thry could overcome all ot these obataclee, lrc~m nn economicnl point of view, it will coeti approxi~tely aix million dollare to remove all the tresh and they could not rea~ove it all up lront nnd then atart to build the projact, so they have both a legal and physioal problem and a linancial problam in reaw~vinq the trnsh. He added it ie their intent to removs the trash end zeloaate the tenante prior to thet reraoval an8 that they can set s date certain for the payanant of the relocation allowance. MINUT88, 11NAHEIM CIT7f PL~IIQNIN(i COMI~lI88ION, NdVn+ISBR 29. 1982 8Z-613 Mr. Glelirr cwntiinuad thnt Paregraph 12 0! the 8tat!' Raport indicat~~ that the ~outharly driv~aay lrom Lincoln 7~venu~ to thm south i~ en axit only eooeas but it is actiuelly a riqht-in, riqht-*_urn aut aac~a~~ He ralerrAd to Paraqraph 28 which indiaete~ tha Tra!!ic Enqineer waa concerned abaut the high parcentaqe o! L~ndsm parking spnces and oxpla ined thet lollowing a me~tinq with the TrerPic Enqineer, they leel hia conoern i• ~ot 0o ruuch Nith the tandem parking spac~s but with the lny out o! back-to-t~eck tandem epnaen ott one coannon ~trset or driwwey erd he believed tho~a could be ralocwl.ed. He relerred ta the condxtion requirinq tham to subaait a ~aora deteiled par)cinq end ~raltic plan to the Traflic Snqi~-eer far approvnl ~nd lelt tY~at would e~liminatm the problem. Mr. Cifellsr rePerred to the three o!lera the developors have mede to the tenants ae part ot the mi*.igetinq meeaures and explained thay have withdzawn their of~er t~ pay for the cost ot the tenent'a temporery houeinq whila tl~e conah ie being reaaved becauae with the City'a new ordinance, tlleir coets huve been eubakantially incz•eased. He atated they Peel the trade•-o!f ie thet in thair originel neg~tiations with the tenente, they had i~dicated they would not relocate awnings, porches, sh eda, etc. and would not pay tor brinqinq those thinqe up to code, bu* t}!e new ordinance doea require thr~t. He atated Condition No. 7 pertaina to the rel~cetion end where tenanta would like to stay as lang as possible, they are willing to commit et thie time to the peyment of the relocation all owance at a date certain, but would not like to heve to pey thet until they are actually required to move and euqgeete d thnL t'~ ~ate could be July 1, 19 9 5~ and that the aecond part ot that condlti.:^ cequiree recaval of all the tresh material pri.or to approval ot the parcel mnp or the isauance oi bui 1 ding permits and that ie not econamically or politicnlly poasible. !!r. Gfeller stated Condition No. 16 requirea an As Grnded plnn to be prepared, certitied nnd epproved for each ph~ee prior to etartinq of the qrading on the next phaee and thet would be dif~ icult because they mny qrade inta more then one phase at e time, even thouqh they will be buildinq in phases and euqgeeted that condition ahould be left to the City Engineer'e satiefection. Concerninq Condition Nos. 22 and 24, Mtr. Ofeller stated they relatie to the problem of the trash removel timing end relocation o! the mobilehome tenants which he has already diecuased and that Condition Na. 27 requiree that they terminate the variance and condit ional uee permita now in existence on the property and i~ te their intent to keep the mobilehome park in operation for a period of time and that ia al,~o inconeietent with the state lew requirinq them to qive tourteen monthe' notice be ~ore relocetlnq any of the tenants and they hnve not yet glven th t notice. He referred to Condition No. 30 requirinq that certain conditiona be fulfil led within ~ne year and a number are bes~d on other thinqe happ@ninq which aill not happen within on~ year and that they would have to come beck with requeete fur extensiona if that condition is included. Mr. Gfeller stated they simply are lookinq to the Connaieeion for diraction nnd approval and conaeneus on the reviaiAn on their parkinq and finalizlnq the relxation benegite to be pnid to the tennnte to qive th8m the llexibility to continue to live in the p~rk and alsa the ramovel of the requiramant of the tacash removnl wh~ch is impossible to fultill. ,b MINUTEB, 11ti)1H3IM CI'i'Y 1tLANNZNd Cd~IMISSION, NOVIlMa~R 29, 19A~ 82-614 p~vs itie~k stet~d h~ owru a coeoh in the park whioh ie currently beinq r~nted bao~us~ he oannot •~11 it (lu~ to th~~e ection~ p~rtisininq to th~ aale o! the pnrk ~nd he l~lt th• davelo~ar ahould be r~quir~d t~ pay th~ ownar o! ths aoaoh, even thouqh the o+mer Aoe+s not live in tha conah. Jack i~ihitie, I~ssietant City 1-ttorney, axplainsd tho ordinance provids• that the ben~lita ere to be paid to the ovmer of the a-obilshome reqardl~s• whath~r or not the ownar is e reaidentt thet the purpc~se o! th~ benetit wae to allow tho owner to reoover costs as0ociatad with removal o! the coach lrom tha park and lindinq another location and there ia no provision in the ordinence !or pnynients to be n-eda to tenanta. A.J. De Fezio steted he residee in spnce 34 0! the perk and that the devaloper only qot ans estimete lrom n movinq compeny and that ha had checked with eeveral ~ther bveineasee and qotten several di!lerent quotdtions !or movinq end •etting up• etc. and aleo he lound out th• a~wnings, etc. which ere removed beco~ae the ~roperty of the truckinq company and thet he has never qotten e delinite enower about the roplacament o! the awninge and akirtinqs. !ie atatod if repleCed tihe ewr~inge would not be same width end lenqth which they currently have and he lelt that ehould not be the caee. Mr. ~feller stated when the awninqe and skirtinqe ar~ rea~oved, they do become the property of the mo~-1nq comp+-ny, but thnt they will be purchaeinq new itnprovements !or the coech an8 the only di!leronca could poeeibly t,e the eiae i! ahat they currently have exceeds the allowance in the new park. He nxplained originally it wae their coaapany's poeition khat they would nat be responsible Por repleainq theee improvemente, but under the City's new ordinunce, it is very clearly their reeponeibility~ Mr . Gleller relarred to the interpretatian ot the City ordinance pertaining to the nllownnce due to a non-reeident owner and expleinad there are only a faw of theae situationa in the park end it ie not a mejor issue, but their poeition ie that they leel the allowances are tor people who are currently livin~ in the park and aro beinq ~orced to move becauee of eo~ething the developer is doinq, but if they have already moved because ot marriaqea, children or whatever, the company ehould not be reeponsible. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commisaioner Buahore stnted it wae the Tnek Force's intent that the allowance would be for the mobilehoene owner whether they lived there or not and he knowa that most of the people who have moved out, have not been able to eell their coachee because o! the dump ~ite and the question whe~har or not ~he site will remain es a mobilehome park and he felt the ordinance ahould be clarified eo that the owners will not be pe~alized. He atated the Task Force had viewed rentera the same ae it they were livinq in ~n apartment hovse and the owner decided to tear it down nnd the renter would not have a vasted interest in the property and would have to comply aith the rental agreement. Concerninq people who would wnnt to stay in the perk !~r two years, Comcnieeioner Suahore atated he telt people should have the riqht to negotiate with the developer !or e linel settlement and thia ehould not be limited ta the time vrhen the dsveloper ia read} to use that portion ot the land and he thou~ght the Co~mission rrould bs doinq ~ grava sin in l~ixf.ng the reta Lode~y .~ MINUT38, 11N1-H1CIM CITY PLl1PiNIN4 COMMZ88ION, NOVSMHSR 29, 1982 8Z-61S baosd on one ~stimatie. H~ ~tat~8 h~ fel~ th~ Connnis~ion needs to eat the guiQelin'~ a• to when Chs tanant~ ar• eligibla !or ~h~ r~iAOation benslit~ ~o thera i~ no quoation later +~nd thet he did not think it wa~ the Teok Foroe'e idsa ta !ix emount~. Jaak White stat~d tha ordinance~ requires the nmount to be eatnbliehed up Prant and i! the tsnant and park owner can ngres on a di!lerent type o! benelit to bm p+aid which is ecceptable to both partiee, it could bs done, but the only way the City ha• to enforae the ordinance~ is to determine the amour,te as part o! the public haaring end require evidence that the nmount has be•n paid. Ne stated Lhe ownar, in thi~ instanca, has nqreed to escalate that amaunt by e coet o! livinq increase if there is e eignilicent deley in the time when the benefits are to be paid. He steted ha did not know nny other way the City could enforce the ordinance without knowing whnt the requirementa are. Commiseioner La Claire stated ehe thouqht the Taek Force hdd set it up this way so the tenante and developer aould cowe to en agreemant betore the Coauniesion hed the public hearinq, but the problem here ia the two-yRer wait. Commission~sr Bouae aeked if the tenant finda e place to move and wented to move now, would they be paid the benelite. Mr. Gleller replied the tenant can move anytime he wante and if thie is approved today enrl the enwunt in fixed, then the developer would not be required to pay the re~ocation benefita until they require that epace for uee, but they would pny the fees if the tenant moved ahend ot~ tin~e And they would not lAea the riqht to that a.oney. He exglained until the developer ia really utilizinq the land, he did not think they should be required to pay anything to the tenant for relocation and also under stete law they cennot take their space for fourteen months and the ordinnnce seems inconaietent with the state law. Conuaieaioner Houas stnted if a tenant hed an opportunity to move their coach into another park in this eree, they would be toolish not to take it becnuse there are not very many available epacea and later on they may be required to move 125 milea away. Mr. Gfeller atated technicnlly they could have avoided this problem by submitting separate zoning actions to qo aheed with the commercial property in front whare there are no mobilehomea and then qo ahead with the go-cart property adjaeent to thnt and they would not be3 xequired to meke any relocation paymente to the tenents and then after they had built thoee developmenta and needed the park land, they could have requeeted a separate action. He added the dAneity in thnt. situation would have been up to the Cammiseion and he did not know how ~nuch of the deneity is due to the fact that they are removinq the trash and are payinq the relocation ellowances and how zauch ie due to the lact that they hava presented an excellRnt plan. He atated h~s thought the ordinance is gooci aad protects both the tenant anc~ the d$veloper, but it iqnores a larqe project and the timinq proDlem. He stated it will coat ~561,000 to relocnte the tenante and it would be difficult to pay that up front and finance it againat the tirst 35 to 50 units. Commiseioner Bouas felt the people who want to move early phould be entitled to the benetits nnd she did not feal that everyone would want to move at once. Mr. Gfeller stated regardlesa of any atate or city requirements, they realize there are some unusual cases in this park and they have worke8 well toqether up ko this point and he felt eure thay could hnndle those situationa in a satistactory manner to both parties. _ ._. _._--~--------`_ .`..~,..~,.c~~~s.~:--:rr_rr~Ka+a~-,.- ,.~_::~ . . ~.:-~ .«-::: MINUTaB, 11N71HEIM CITY PLIINNINGi COMMIBS~ION, NOVEMBER 29, 1982 82-616 Commiesion~r La Clair. atsted sha i• concerned thati t~he developer wiil dsvelop th~ lirat Z or 3 phasa• and thet it i~ qoinq to coet too much awney and not proa~ed with the pxoject. 8he stated ~h~ would liks to aea eome aort o! arrenqamant !or ths peopla who would like to leav~ the park darly and eha thauqht thet would be a vory smell parcenteqe becsuee moet psaplm wauld wnnt to ~tsy in th• area and pldcea to reloGnte ere vary di!licult to ti.nd. ehe stated shs wc~uld eleo like to aee eoma easurance that thoss relocation expanaeo wc~uld be paid, euch ee e bond being poeted, etc. and pointed out the compnny could be in !'inanciel trouble in two yeare and etated i! the varience requmsted is granted, ehe thouqht :OOa of the weivers would be granted on the basie that this is a coopsrative e!lort between the City and developer to rsmova ths traeh and r~locate the tanant~. She steted she thought the Cummissionere ell want the projmct to go throuqh nnd don't want the developer to loae any caoney, yet the city doeen't want to be lett with the relocntion of the tensnts and the removel o! the trneh in the future. Mr. Gteller atated he underetande the concerna nnd lelt they are va2idi thet thAy are willinq to commit to the obligetion o! the ~561,000 for relocating the tenanta, but do not want to hnve to epend thet money tomorrow tP this ie approved and everyone decidea to take the money now. He etated maybe they cen etipul.ate that up to l0i ot the tenente could be paid upon de~aand. Connniseioner Le Claire euqqeated the wording be that the relocation benefits ba comp7.ied with prior to July 1, 1985, with Mr~ Gfeller explaining they feel aftar completina the third phase they would be comforteble with n~ekinq those payments. Ne pointed out the third phaee of the plnn on the exhibit and euqqested that the condition be worded that the relocation requirement be tied to their requeat for building permits for the third phase. Reepondinq to Commiseioner Hushore, ae to what would happen if they never applied for building permite !or the tt,ird phase, Mr. Gfeller ateted that wag the reaeon he had picked a ciate certein eo that it becomes an obligation and at that time they would pay everyone the amount egreed to today who has ~ot previously been peid and explained he has auqqeated that n cost of living increase be added to that nmount. Commiesioner Bushore stated he does not feel this ahould be approved untii the Cammiesion is sure that tenants who wnnt to move will be adequetely compensated whether the developer decides to apply for permits ~r nots that he realizee the developer ie doinq the city a lavor by removinq the traeh, but realizea there will also be eome reward for the developer in the end and there has to be nn incentive. He ~tated he would try to help the tenente in this park more than any other park becnuae he felt no one should be livinq there for health reasons~ that he believes thie is e governmental problem and could not un8eretand why these people have not sued all the aqencies invc~lved for allor+inq th~m to move there in the liret place. He steted he will be willing ta help the developer in enyway posaible, as long as theae tenanta are tnken care of up front because in twa years 501 of theae tenante could have moved or even could have died. Mr. Gfeller stated there is no question that they will pay them not later than July 1985 and would pay up to 10~ earlier upon requeet nnd he also felt the commitment which they will have to make today will be n bankable coaunitment on which the tenant could get the money from the bank. MINUTaB. 11NAHEIM CITY BLIINNSNG COMMIB$IONr NOV1al83R ~9, Y98Z 8Z-617 Coami~~ian~r Herb~t aek~d i! th• dev~lopsr vrould bo willinq to pe~t e bond to guarent~• th~ r~location b~n~lit• and the tra~h removed. Mr. alall~r ~tated the r~movel o! th~ tr~eh ca~not b~ bonded baosu~e ther• is not eneuqh inlormation as to ths exact cort and thay aannot qat a con4pletion bond bocaus• they cannot s~timats tha cosk end cennot quarantes caapl~tion on kha removsl b~aau~e they oould be stoppe~ by on~ o! any ntimber o! public agencieo ak any time. Ha ~te~ed hs did not knoa whsther the r~loaation bsnatit~ could be bonde~. Commiesioner Herbst suqqast~d allowing a c~rtain parcontag~ o! the t~nantis to move durinq aach phase beceuse the spaces are so limitad in thi• area en9 it will be a problam if ali theme people are put in n poeition o! lookinq !or a n-obilshome apaca et tha sama time. Mr. Gteller stated the problem ie linencial end pointed out i! they were not developinq this property, the tnnants would not b• qetting anythinq and atated nqain, he did not think ve~y many ot these peopla ere interestsd noN, but i~ the Commiasion makas it a requiremsnt, they mey bacome intereetad, thereby creating a problem !or their company. Commiesioner Herbst stated the tensnta probably heve not been thinkinq thie project ie a reality nnd have not been lookinq !or n apace beceuse there ie a poesibility that this may never happen, but after approval is qiven they must beqin looking tor enothur epace in earneat. Mr. Gteller clariti.ed thet approval ot thie requ~et will be conditioned to they qunrantee the paymente end will allow a small percentaqe who have to move eesrlier to be paid upon demend. Commieaioner Harbet etated makinq the quarentee e condition ot thie approval really doesn't meen it will ha-ppen b~cnuae ha has eeen projecte in Anaheim fall by the waysicie betore completion, eapecially wi~h the way the markat i$ ~oday and utated aqain he would like to see theae tv+o conditions bonded. Commissioner Buehore suqgeeted that more eatimetes !or movinq the coaches be obtslned eince the Comcnission is goinq to have to set the aa-ount in this approval. Mr. Gfe].ler pcsinted out there was no one present in opposition ta this zequest and he had met with almoet 100t of the tonants and they hed understood that this wae to be a tixed amount and the tenanta had felt this wcauld be fair, eepeeially with the co$t o! living inczease inGluded. Ha stated they have complied with the ordinance and done everything required and felt it would be unlair to aek for mora eeti~aatas now aince thare Was no one objecting. In reaponae to a question as to how many preeent would diaaqree with the tigurea as presentad, approxia-ately eight people raised their hands. Connaigsioner Boue~s pointed out it is possible some of these tenanta nre thinkinq there ia a qood possibility thet they will be moved to a ehelter park and she wnnted to be aure it wea un~eratood that that ~osaibility was certainly far lram becominq a reality. MIIdI1TE8, 11NAH~IM CZTY PL7INNING COM~II88ION, NOVEMSER ~9, 1982 82-618 Mr. Ofeller ~t~tsd one o! tha mitiqatinq meesur~s io that i! a ahelter park wa~ approved in tih• aity, ths t~nants wauld ba qiven ths liret riqht o! rstu~~l and i! there ia to b~ approval of a shaltsr park, it could be within one ysar. Retpondi.ng to Commissioner Bouss, Mr. Ofsllar responded i! s perk io epproved, their oampany would move thass tanants ~o thnt perk. Commisaioner Buahora pointed out h• is schadulad to attend e meeting tomorrow afternoon regnrdinq an SiR for e shelter park propoeed c+n the 8horb Wellr aite and there ie n lot o! opposition Prom the eurruundinq neighbors. Conuaiseloner Lat Clsire steted it eoundn like the Cumaniseion does not t.hink the developer hae nu+de a goocl taith etfort, but thnt is not the case and she doe~ underetand whet the developer is tryinq to sey, but would like to eae bondinq ~or the rflocati.on benefite end trnsh removel. Mr. Gteller eteted he ie not oppoood to the banding requirement but would ~.ike to aee approval of this requeat conditioned on the bondinq and if they cannot comply, they cen come back with modificati.on rather then nppealing the whole proposnl. Jeck White auqgeeted thnt Canditions 7 end 24 be reviaed to require: (1) the payment of the relocation benetits prior to the issuence of buildinq permite for any phase of developmant, other thnn ph8ae 1+~nd 2, which ere the phaees lrontinq on Lincoln Rvenue or prior to July 1, 1985, whichevez occura lirat, (2) additionally thet up to 10! of the current mobilehome ownera with homes in the pnrk could receive p~yrnent upon requeet, (3) thnt the paya-ents vrould include an additional infletor beeed on any increase in the Consumer Priae Index for the LA/Orange County areaa from the time of approvel o! thie reaolution to the date of actual peyment, (4) that the owner r+ould poet a bond to quarnntee relocation benefit paya~ent and (5) that the condition w~ould be amendgd to re~lect the tar.t that the trash red~oval would be in phasea in accordance with the relocation of the tenants of thet particular phase of development ao thet the developer would not have to a-ove all tt,e trash nt the same time and thet all the relocation coets vrould not have to be peid. Mr. Gfeller claritied that this would mean that they could remave the trnsh in phaees as requested. He stated he wuuld like to request that the 10! that could be pai~ earlier not be prior to the iasuance o! a gradinq pexmit whlch would quarantee thnt they wau2d have a loen on the project to provide the tunds for the peiyn-ents. Reepondinq to Commiesianer Herbet'a concern, Jack White added that the condition ba moditied to reade "thnt upon removal from the park, up to 10~ could be pai~f at nny time subsequenk to the isauance of qradinq permite" to quarnntee they would have to move from the park when th~y take the relocation benefite. Mr. Gfeller gugqeeted that the Coneumer Price Index for Los Arigelee/Lonq Seach area be uaed rather than LA/Orange County area. Dean Sherer clarilied that Condition No. 7 be auaended requiring the developer to terminate all prior zoninq actions except Conditional Uae Permit No. ~62 which aill at~y With the property until the mobilehome park tennnta have all been ralocated. MINtTl'IEB, 71I~171lIaIM CZTY PLIINNING COMMIBSION, NOV3MB~R 29, 1482 62-619 Commi~~ioner Nsrbot clarili~d khet th~ Coaimiosion hss conduct~d aanny studies r~qrrdinq apartm~nt complex parking and cortdominium perkinq r~quiraoa~nti~ and lound that aondominium nwnars do n~sa more perkinq end he did not w~nt tha parkiny comparad to apartm~nts !or thia proj~at. Ha eddsd i! this raqueet is appYOV~d, it will be based on hardehip• ot thi• particulaz prop~rty and will not heve anythinq to ao with aparta~ant coc~plax parkinQ rqquirements. Faul 8lnqer, Tra!!ic Snqinser, •tated hm i~ not lavorably inclined that parkinq waivsrs b~ epproved in any hiqh dans.ity area, but would recommend that ConAition No. 21 ba emended te include tha~ the vahicular accee~ and parking plans should show tandem parkinq alonq ona side o! ths aisl• only, which is what tha applicant hae eteted ha can do so that when the plan ix proaented in two yearo, tha Trattic Engineering Depertmant will have qaidelines inoluded in the resolution to qunrantee complienca. Mr. Gteller stated nil the tandea~ epacaa are allocatad to the same units ~nd Coe~¢nissioner Herbst stated tandem parkinq can be controlled. Mr. Gtaller sta~tad the condition as rmconanended by the Traftic Bnqineer would be ncceptable i! there is an nc3dition which states unlees it is approved otharwise by the Traftic Snq.~neer becauee there mey ba one or two area~ where spncee would beck up to each other. Reepondinq to Commissioner Herbat, Peul Singar explained the peak hour for unloadinq nnd loedinq would be in the narning and it would be a critical time becnuse everyone would be leavinq and cnrs are never arranqed thQ wny you want them which would mean they wduld have to be moved and two or mora cers in the aame niele tryinq to caaneuver out oP spaces would create a problem. He stated he is a proponent ot tandem parkinq in reeldential arens nnd thinks it is a qood idea but the maneuvering space must ba available. Commiseioner Herbst etnted he would rather see tnndem parkinq thnn spaces eliminated, with Mr. Gfeller pointinq out he would not be allowed to eliminate any parkinq spacos under this approval. Mr. Sinqer stated he recognizea thnt tandem parkinq epaces do work but this groject ie just a little bit too heavy with te-ndem apacea since those spacea are located ~n both sides of the aisle. Chairman Fry telt the developer's stipulation to work with the Tr.affic Engineez would resolve the problam. Mr. Gtelier referred to Condition No. 22 requirinq the traeh rea-oval plan to be eubmitted nna npproved by all aqancies prior to even this rezoninq and aekad that it be reworded eo that the plan is eubsaitted and epprovad before the iseuance of qredinq permita on an area which hae traeh, with Jnck White and Dean Sherer indicetinq that rrould be acceptable. Jay Titus, Oftice Engineer, relerred to Condition No. 6 and augqeeted addinq "or ae otherwiae approved by the City Enqineer". MINUTEB, l1N~N3IM CITY PI.~Nl~INR Cq~M288I0N, NOV~M83R ~9, 1982 8Z-6Z0 71CTi0Nr Commi~~lon~r La Clair• o!l~rsd a naL.ion, ~scondsd by Cammit~i.oner Doua• and l~IOTION CAA1lTED, that alt~r con~iderinq ~iR No. 253 !or th~ propo~~d Park Linooln Condominiwa Pro~~ct an~l revi~wing svidencs, both write~n snd orel, to supplsm~nt Dralt EZR tio. 253, th~ Planninq Commis~ion linds that: (1) EIR No. 253 is in oompliana• Nith the Cslifornia Environmental Quality Aat and the City and Stat~ C3QA GuiQslin~s. (?) Th~ lollowing environmentsl impacts would r.ault lroa- ia~plementation o! ths project. (a) 1~lter conetruction the increaae in population would qan~rs,te hiqher levela o! tralfic, noiee and air pollution in the area. (b) Thera would be ndditional burden on park and recrebtionel faci,litiea in the vicinity of the project. (c) T'he reaidentce o~ approximately 120 mobilehanee woul~! be didplnced. (d) The removal of retuae buriad on the project eite will generate trettic, noiee end eir pollution in the project eree. (e) D14poael o! the refu~e will add to tha existing burden on rAqional senitary lendtills. (3) The following a~itigation meaeures will be employ~d to reduce thR level o! theea anvir~nmental impacta. (a) Compliance with Ci~y codee, poliGies and procedurea. (b) The pr.oject eponsor will auba-it e propoaal ~or providing in-lieu fees or recreetional facilitiea subject to approval by the City. {c) Dieplaaod residenta of the mobilehonee park will be provided relxation aeaietence or right on units in the reaiclential condominium project. (d) The project aponaor will prepare and submit !or City approval e Trash Removal Plan which will include specific procedurna !or tho removal and dispoeal of the buried refuse. Therefore, the Planninq Commis83an hereby certities ~hnt S2R No. 253 Fnr the proposed park Lincoln Condominium Project has been completed in compliance with the Calilornia Environmental Quality 1~ct and with the City and State C$QA Guidel~nes and that the Planning Commiesion hsa reviewnd and conaidered tha informetion contained in the eubject SIR. Further, the Planninq Commission adopts the followinq State o~ Overridinq Coasidarations. Commiseioner La Claire otfared Reeolutian No. PC82-210 and movmd for its passaqe and adoption that Lhe Anaheim City Planninq Co~m~iseion does hereby qrant Realaasiliaation No. 82-83-4 subject to 2nterdepart,mental Committee recommendatians moditied as lollows: +, } ~~~../ g~-6'tl MINUTEB- 1-I'1~lHEIM CI'PY PLIINNINCi CONMIg8I0N~ p0~-~SR Z9, 1982 1~ Th~t •txoet liqhting laciliti~. alo~q Lincoln J-v~nus ~hali ~ r and installed ae raquired by tha ~!!ic• ot tltilities G~n~rsl Msnsqe ~ in wccord~+nca with spsci.lioatione an fils in the O!lice o! the O!!ic• o! Utiliti~~ aen~ral Menaysr and/or that s~curity in tho lorm o! n bond, certiticate o! d~posit, lettar of aradit or cash, in ~n amount and lorm sati~tectory to the ~ity of 1-neheim ~hall be pc~ted with the Cily to guarant~e ~he satiat~ctory installation o! tha abova-mention~d impravamente. Said security aha~he above~r~qui.redthe City prior to approvel of the trect ~inal taap itnprovements ehell be installed prior to occupency 2. That the owner(e) o! subject proparty ahsll pay to the City o! Anahaim a fee. ~n en aanount sa datermined by Che City Cauncil, !or tree plentinq purpoaee along Lincoln )~venue. ~. Thet tresh etorege areas shell be provided in eccordanca with epproved plans on Pile with the Of!l.ce o! the Bxecutive Director o! Public Works. q. Thet lire h~or~tneceeeeryebynthe1Chie~nd~c~he ~arean~epertinent~prior determined to commencement of structural lraminq. 5. That eubject property shnll be eerved by underqraund utilities. 6~ T}~dt dreineqe of subject propeXty shall be dispoaed of in a manner satiefactory to the City Enqineer. 7~ In the event thet subjoct property i8 tiO b~Bhalldbe approved bypthe oY eale, leaee, or financing, a pnrcel a~np City o! Anaheim and }~e recorded in the Office of the Ornnqe County RecordeX• The epprovnl of a parcal map, or the ieauance of buildinc~ pezmite to alloa the aonatruction of eaid project in more than one phase ot develop~aent ~ ehall be sub ject t~~ the con-pletion of txash rac~oval for the area covered by ~aid phase of developaent in accordnnce with the epproved Trasti Aetaoval Plnn• 8. Thnt the owner a! eubject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu leee as datormined to be appropr.iete by the City Council, eaid fees to be paid at the time the buildiilg pern-it is iasued. AlternatiTO e~en~g 8h 11 beymndeeonlytif improvements at City ~rke• 3uch imp epprov~ed by the Pdrke and Recreation Depart.ment• 9. That all private atreeta ahall be developed in ~ivateastxeet~, ~e City of Anaheim's Standard Detail No. 122 for p including installation of street name siqns. Plane for the private streat lightinq, as rec~uired by the std-nda~ovnltand,incluaion with eubmitted to the Building Division for apP r~te. (Private the buil.ding plans prior to iesuanae ot buildinq pe streets are those which provide primary access an8/or circu~ation within the project.) .. _ ...._.........N,~ i ~~ MItdpTllB, 7W11HEIM CITY AIJ1NNiNG CQNIMII8820N, NO'VEl~IBSR ~9, 198Z 82-622 10. I! permanent stz~~t nataa ~tigna hav~ not been SnstRlled, tamporary atrest nam~ •iqn~ ~hall b~ installad prior to any occupancy. 11. T'hat the ownerta) o! ~ubjact propert_~ ahall pay tha tra!!ia oignal as~etsment !~~ (Ordinance No. 3896), in an emc-unt es daternined by ths City Council, for sach new dwelling unit prior• to tha ieeuence o! a building p~rmit. 12. That en o!laite otorm drsin to the Carbon Creok Fload Control Channel, ae approved by the City Snqinoer, shall bA conatructed end oparationel prior to the etart of eny qrading o! Area 3 unlesa previously requirad by tl~e City 8nqineer ~a a reeult of mat~ridl lound in the qradinq o! l-rea 2. 13. That the offsite eanita~y eewer shell be co~structed end lunctiondl pzior to any occupancy o! Area 2 unlesa required by the City Enqineer at en esrlier tima. 14. Thnt no on-site dreineqo ehall b~ permittad to flow onta Lincoln Avenue. 15. That the deeign of on-site drainaqe s~ructuree shall be epproved by the City Engineer prior to the et.nrt o~' any qrnding on eubject site. 16. That e aepaiete qreding plan shall be prepnred and epproved by the City Enqineer !or each conetruction phn~e and an Ae Gradec' Plan ahall be prepare~i, certified, and approved !or each phase prior t4 atart of gradinq on the next phaee or at such ather le~ter timee as may be authorized by the City Engineer. 17. Th.at ~he seller shall provide the purchaeer ot each condomi.nium ~init with written infortaation concerninq Anaheim Municipal Gode 14.32.500 pertaining to "parkinq regtricted to ~acilitata street swespinq." 8uch wx~itten infor.mation will clearly indicate when on-atreet parkinq ia prohibited and the penalty for violation. 18. That "No Pnrking !or Street SvreeQinq" eigns ahall be inatalled pzior to linal etreet inepection as re~uired by the Public Worka Executive Director in accordance with specificatione on file with the Street Maintenance Diviaion. 19. That appropriate water aseesamont feea as datermined by the Office of Utilities General Manaqer ehall be paid ta the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a buildi~g permlt. 20. That the median island modification in Lincoln 1-venue ahall be completed g.:ior to any occupancy in Phese l. 21. 2hat a comprehenaive on-site vehiaular acceas and parkinq plan which, unless otherwiee approved by the City Traffic Enqineer, ahowe tandem parkin3 along only one ai~le of e~ch drivewny aisle ahall be submitted by the developer/owna..~ for review an8 approval by th~e City Traftic Engineer prior to the iaauance of buildinq permite. + R MINUTEB, 11N1-HEIM CITY P1~NNING COMMIBAION. NOVEMBER 29, 19A~ 82-623 ~2. Thet • dsL~iled Trash Rsmoval Pl+~n shall ba eubmittod by the dev~lop~r/ownar !or r~view and appro~~al by th~ Ciey end othsr concarned public agencia~ prior to appzoval o! qredinq plsns or i~suance n! buildinq permit~, ahichaver occur~ first. for any area or phase ot such development upon whiah said landlill currantly axista. 23. That a tentetive tract map sholl be aubmitted tor reviaw end approval by plenning Comtniseion. "24.(a) Thet the owner(a) o! the subject proparty shnll pey ~.o each mobilehoma owner aa identitiad in tt~e convereion itap;ict report relocation banetits in th~ reapective amounte ae eAt Parth on Exhibit "A" ettached horeto and incorpornted harein by this tefarence, or auch other benetits as mutually aqree~d upon between the park owner and the mobilehome owner. 3nid r.elocation be~netits shell be peid to each mobilehome owner, nnd proof thereof eubmitted to City in a form setist~ectory to the City 1-ttorney, prior to the issuance o~ any building Qermit for eny pheae or portion of the proposed development other than these portione identilied es Phase 1 and Phase 2 as shown on the Phaeing Plan, Sheat 4, Revision No. 1 of plane on file in the Plan~i.nq Department ot the City of Anaheim, or prior to July 1, 1985, whichevnr occura firat. (b) That notwithstandinq eubparagraph (e) ebove, +~ny tnobilehome owner wha relocates from the perk et eny time after khe dete uf iesuance of gradinq perc~its for eny phase of the develnpc-ent shall be peid snid relocation t~nefita cantemporaneous with the termination of eech tenancy provided, however, thet such advance paymente purauant to this subpnragraph Sb) need not be mede et any time in advance of the da~te ntherwise eet forth in aubparaqraph (a) to more than ten percent of such mobilehome owners. (c? That the amount of said reloCetion benefits payable to each mobilehome ewner purauent to subparagraph (a) or (b) above, ehall be i.ncreaeed by en amount equal ta any increaase in the Conswner Price Index for Urban Wage ~arnera and Clerical Workere, All items, Los Angeles-Lonq Beach Metropolitan Area (1967~100), published by the United States Uepartment of Labor, Burenu of Labor Statistice ("Index"), which ie publiehed neareat to L•he date of this res~lution as compared to the Index most recently publish.ecl prior to tha date of payment of said relocation benefits. (d) That the owner of ths subject property ehall poat a performance bond in en amounk and form satisfactory to the City Attorney to guarantee the payment of said relocation benetite. 25. Thet prior to iseuance ot build.inq permits, the applicant shall present evidence antisfectory to the Chief euildinq znspector that the propoeed projeot ie in canformance with Council Policy No. 542, Sound l~ttenuation in Residential projects. • ~.rYS ~y- .~J ~~, . u ~ i~ ' ..~ , ' MZN~Br 111~~N$IN CITY PLi1NN~N~i COqMI88I0li, NO'ViM111~R 29, 1982 eZ-6Z4 - ;`~. Z6 That prior to it~uena~ o! builQinq p~rmita, the epplio~nt th~ll pr~a~nt ~vidanae ~~ti~l~ctory to th~ Chi~! auildinq Insp~ctor that t h• unit• will b~ in contorm~na~ with Noi~~ Sn~ulation Standerd• ~ ~p~cilied in Lh• Cslilornis 11Mini~tr~tiv~ Cod~, Ti~l• ZS. " Z7. T'~aL th~ own~ri~) ot ^ubj~ct pruperty ~hall subait a l~tter requestinq t~rtaination o! Ve.rianae Nos. 631 ~nd 639, and Conditions~ ~~e P~rn~it No~. 9S snd 1008 to the Planning Dapartm~nt. 28. That campletion o! th~~~ reclee~illoation proceadinqa i• continqent upon the grantiny o! Varianca No. 3306. 29. That subject prop~rty ahall bs davalopecl substentially ir, eccordance wi~h plane anrl specilications on ~ile with the City o! Annheim marked Rovieion No. 2 0! 8xhibit Nou. 1 throuqfi 8. 30. That prior to the introduction ot e~n ordinence resoning aub~ect proparty, Condition Nae. 1, 2 nnd 27, above-mentioned, shelY be complat.ed. The provi~ione or riqhta qrnnted by thie resolution ahell become null and void by aotion ot the Plnnning Comoaiseion unlees seid conditions are complied with within one year from the date hereof, or euch further time aa the Planninq Commiaalon may qrnnt. 31. That Condition Nos. 3, 5, 6, 14 and 29, above-mentioned, shnll be complied with prior to final buildinq and zoninq innpectione. On roll call, the foreqoing reaoluti.on wae paased by the follow~ng vote: AYESt BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, H$R83'r, KING, I.14 CL)-IRfi, MC BURNEY NOEBs NON$ ~ ABSENTs NOKE 's t ; Cocac-iaeioner La Claire offered Resolution No. PC82-211 and naved for ite z. passaqe dnd adoption that the ]~neheim City Planning Conm~ia~ion doea hereby ~ grank Variance No. 3306 on the basia that subjcct property w3e previouely uaed es a land-fill aite and all trash mntezials muet be removad prior to eny : development on the aite nnd aubject to Interdepartmental Committee = recommendations. ~ Qn roll c+~ll, the foregoing resolut~on vras pasaed by the followinq vates AYEB: BOUAB, BU3HORE, FRY~ HEI288T, ICING, L1, CLAIRB, MC gURNgy NOE3s NONB AB$BNTs NONE Commissioner Herbet offered a motion, second~d by Cc:omiesioner Le Clair~ and MOTION CARRIBD, tliat the l~naheim City Plenning Coecaisaion doea heraby terminate petitiaa for Conditional Uee Perniit No. 2362 at the requeat of the petitioner on the bneie that revised plans were eubmitted deleting the need for the conditional use permit . Jack White, l~sgietanti CiLy Attorney, preeented tha aritten riqht to appeal the Planninq Commiesion's deciaion withia 22 daye to the City C~uncil. Chairman Fry con~ratula~ed t,a .leveloper for the work he has done on ~his project. NINUT~B~ 11N11NtIM CITY PLJWNINO CONMZ887 N, NOV3#ISER Z9, lyBZ 8Z-6ZS RSC388r Th~re w~s ~ 10-minuts r~c~~~ at 3:00 p.a. ttSGONV~t~is ~ Th• awatinq was reconv~~ed ~t 3~ 10 p.m. YTSM NO. 3. ENVIRONMSNTIII, IMP7ICT RLPORT N0. 24A (PR1lVIOIJBLY CllRTII RECLl~88IFZC1ITION N0. 8].-82-17 (REIIDVERTISEO) ANO V71RI11NCS NO. 3305 PUIILIC HE7IRIN(i. OWNERSi 11N/1HEIM UNION HI(iH SGHOOL QISTRICT, 501 Crescsnt i9ay, 71nah~in+. C11 92803. 11c3ENT~ PACEBb'rTBR HOM38, INC., 4540 Can~pu• driv~, N.wport Heach, C11 92660. 1-TTENTION: FREO KIN(iDON. Property deaaribad es an irraqularly-shaped parcel o! land rnnoiQtinq ot approximatsly 6.1 acrsa, locat~d south and ~~~t ot ths eouthen~t corn~r of Lincoln 1lvenue snd Citron 8trtet, havinq a lrontaqe o! approximst~ly 269 leet on the south •id~ o! Lincoln ~lvenue end a lrontage of 402 leet on the aast •ide of Ci.tron Strast, and further dsacribed es the northerly portian of the tormer Fremont Junior Hiqh School site. RECLASSIFIC11T2GN R0QU~3T: RM-1200 and CG to RM-3000. VARIAf1CB REQUSST: Waivere ot: a) n~inimum lot area per dwellinq unit, b) minimum floar nrea, c) rc3t~ired improvement of setback arena end d) type of parkinq spa~ea to construct e 96-unit condominiwn complox. It wea noted tha petitioner had requeated n corttinuance. 7~CTION: Cocm~ieeionar 8ouae oPfered n aation, aeconde~l by Coa~aissioner Kinq and MOTZON C1-RRIED, that the atoremantioned matter be continued to the meetinq o! Jenunry 10, 1983, et the reque~t of the petitioner. ZTSM N0. 4. ENVZRONt~NTAL IMlPAC"i' RBPORT NQ~ 249 (PREVIOUSLY 11PFROVEa), RSCLASSIFICATION N0. 81-82-15 (R811DNERTI8S0) 1WD V71RI11AtC8 N0. 3304 PUBLIC HEARING. Oi~18R8: ]~NAHBIM UNION HIGH l3CHOOL DISTRICT, 501 Creacen~t Way, Anaheim, CJ- 92803. A~ENT: PACESETTBR HOl~S, INC., 4540 Campua Drive, New~ort Beach, CA 02660. Property deacribed es a rectanqularly-shaped pa~rcel o! lb.s consistinq of approximately 9.6 acrea, bounded on the north by Broadway, sast by t.he Library and Police Oepartment, eouth by Santa Ana Street, and west by Citron Street, and ~urther deacribed as tha ~ormer Fre~nt Junior High Schoc~l playlield. RSCLl~98IFICATION RSQIJSBT: RM-1200 to RM-3000 Vl-RIIINCE RSQUE8T: Waiver~ of : a) mini~ lot aren per dvrel linq unit, b) ~i.nimum lloor area, c) required im~rovement of aetbeck areas, d) type o! parking epaces and e) requized location o! parkinq epnces ~o construct a 168-unit condominium complex. Zt wae noted the petitioner had iequestad a continuance. ACTIOt~I s Commiss~oner 8ouas olfered a nation, ~teconded by Cotaa~issioner 1Cing and MOTION CARRISD, that the abave me~ntioned matter be continued to the Jnnuary 10, 1983, meetinq at the request of tha patitioner. MIl1VT~A, ANAHEIM CITY PI.11tfNING CA~IMI98ZON, NOVDl~ER 29, 198Z A2-6Z6 I'P3M N0. S. EIR N~f3ATIVE DECL11RnTI0ti ~1I4Q RaCLJ189IlIC11TION N0. 82•83~12 PvBLZC H1~11RING. R1Df,~UIiSTED BY ~ AI~IANBIM P2.11NNINCi CAMMISSION. Prop~rty d~scribad s• thr~• aobii~hc~me park~ an ~ ca~ebined total o! approxiabtely 39.6 acr~s~ Fercwl Ac d~~arib~d as ~n irr~qularly-~heped perc~l o! l~nd oon~i~tinq o! approxiau~tsly 5.9 acre• loceted et Z111 8. Manchest~r 1-venuw (Oranqswood 11cre~ ), Parc~l e~ d~sorib~d as an irr~qulerly-shepsd p~rc~l of land conti~tinq o! approximat~ly 19~A scre~ looated eL 300 w. lCet~lla 1-venu• (Riv~xa 1-nah~im Mobil• Home park ) end Parcel C: deacribed a• an L-shapad parc~l o! land aonei~tinq o! approxima~ely 14 ecre• locatsd at 2929 tv. Linaoln llv~nue tLincoln BPaah MoDil• Manor Park). R~cla~~itication requs~t: Parc~l A- traa 1t8-11-43,000 to RS-A-43,000 (N~iP), Parc~l B- lrom RS-1~-43,000 to RS-]1-43,000 (!~P) and Parcel C- lrom CL, RM-LZ00 to RM-1200 (MHP1. Ther• Mara approxi~taly eixty interested persons indiceting their pr~a~nca at the public heerinq end although the eta!! report wa4 not read, .it i• rettrred to and mede a part of the minutes. Dean Hherer, Ageaciate Planner, expleined thie perticular rAClaueiPica~lon ie !or the purpoee o! epply~nq the l4obilnhoene Perk Overlay Zoning to two existinq mobilehome parks, (Oranqowood Acrea nnd Rivera). He explainad the oriqinal application included the Lincoln Beech Mabile M~+nor Perk but thet thnt particular park hes been eliminated from thie zeclaeeitication due to the previoua hearinq. Mlr. 9h~rer eMplnined there is a petition !or a condi.tional use permit to pera~l.t en olfice building at the Orangevrood Acreo site snd aleo staf! har~ re~ceived a preliminary plen for development ot the Rivern ~ however, thoae have not been set !or public hearinq. He further expleined tha purpose o! applyinq the MNP Zane ia to qive the tanaz~te furthar protection for relocation bertefits i! they ere required to move. Chaiza-an Fry explained to those preeent that the dollar amounts discusaed et tha pravioue heerinq pertaininq to the Lincoln Beach Mubile Manor have nothinq to do with thaee henringa. Jack White, Assietant City Attorney, expleined tha agenda shovs three reclaesiliaations from RS-A-43, 000 to I~FIP, but it is ectually to bn traa RS-l~--43,000 to RS-~--43,000 (MHP) and does not eltminate the underlyinq zoninq. AC^=ON: Commieeioner Bushore oflered a dwtion, seconded by Commiraioner King and~MOTYON CAItRISD, that the ~nah~im City Planninq Coamaission has reviewed the propoAnl to raclaseily Rub ject pronertiea trom the it3-1~-43, 000 ( Reeidential, Agricultural) Zone to the R4-1--43,000 (l~liP, Rasidential, Aqriculturel Mbbilehome Park Ovarlay) Zone on a parcel o! land consisting af approxin-ataly 5.9 ecrea located north and weAt of the northweet cornar of Orangewood Avenue and Ulanohester 7-venue nnd lurther deecribed as 2111 3. Manchestor llvenuw (Orangawood Ar,zes Mobilehome Park) and a parael o~ land conaiuLinq o! approxitaataly 19.8 acrRa havinq trontaq4s o! approximately 100 teet on the south side ot 1Ce~telle ~lvenua and 340 ~eet oa the west aide of Haster 3treet and lurt~her dsscribed as 300 ~P. l~atella 1lvenue ( Rivera Anaheieq Mobilehoo~e Parh)t and does heraby approva t2~e Neqativa Declaration ~rom the requirement t~ prepare an snvironmantai impaat report on the baaia that there vrould ba no I` _ ,~ MINqTBa, IW11HlIM CIT1! PL~11~iNIli~i COMMI88ION, NO~V~1DlR 29, 198Z 82-627 •iqnilioant individu~l or awaulativ~ edv~r~a •nvironmseC~l impsct due to the approval o! thi• N~g~al.iw Deciaration ~inoe th• 1-r~ah~ia~ O~n~ral Plan d~~iqnatea th~ ~ubj~ct proprrty !or ooaan~rciwl r~cr~etion l~and u~~• cotea~nsur~t~ with th~ propotal t~hat no •on~iliv~ •nvironm~ntal tmpact• ar• involv~d in ths pr.opos~lt thAt !he initial Seudy submitted by the p~titioner indioat~• no iqnilioant individ~i~l or oumulativ~ sdv~rs• environmsntal impaat~t and that ths N~qativ~ Mclarati~n eub~tantiatinq th• lor~rqoing lindinqr is on lile in the City o! 11n~h~im Flanning Depsrttnen~.. Coami~~ioner 8ushore o!lered ltsaolution No~ PCBZ-212 and moved ~'oz i~ta passege and ~doption that the 1-naheim City Plenninq Cocimi~~ion does h~reby qrant Rdala~~ilicetion No. 82-83-12, in part, faliminatinq Portion C- Li.ncoln H~ach Mobils Manoz Park~. On roll call, the toreqoinq reaolution waa passed by the tollo~-inq vote: ]1YE8: BOUAS, BUSHORB, F'RY, HBR88T, RING, L11 CI.1-IRB, MC BURNLY N088: NONE ABSBNT: NONB Jack White explainad this dust tar will become linal in 22 days unlees appealed to the City Co~ncil and that tt~e ordinance actually rezoninq the prop~ertiee will be adopted by the City Cauncil and thet i! there is ~nother public hearinq to be held before the C1ty Council, the notiaeo vrill be eent out as were sant out !or this public Y~earing. ITEM N0. 6. BIR NBGATIVB DSCI.~-R1~ITZON 11ND RllCLI-88IE'ICl1TI6N N+~ ~ 82-83-11 PUBLIC K~.~RING. OWNERSs ANAHEII"! R8D13VBLOPM~I~1'P 11GBNCY, 75 S. Clgudina Street, Anaheim, CA °2805. )1~ENT: AN]~HEIM! CNAMBBR OF COMMBRiCE, P.O. Box 6268, Anaheim, G~2805, ATTENT20N: OSIE MOORB, SUN88T CONSTRUCTIC!!~ COM~+ANY. Property daecribed ea e ractan gulerly-ehaped parcel o! lend coneisting o! approximately 1.45 acres located at the southsaet corner of Old Lincoln Avenue and Anaheim Boulevard. CG tio C0. There was no one indicatinq their preaence in oppoaition to subjact request and although the sta!! report wd~ not read, it is raterrea to and made a part of the minutes. Conuniseioner Bushore declared a contlict of intereat on Item No~ 6 as detined by Anaheim City Planninq Cannaiesion Reeolution No. PC76-157 adoptinq a Conilict of Intereat CodO foz the Planning Commiseion and Gov~erruaent Code Section 3525, et seq., in that he is the acquisition aqent for the Redevelopment Pro~ect Alpha ar~d also Anah~ im Chamber o~ Commarce member and pureuant to the pro~:sions ot the above Cocies, declared to ttae Cheirmnn that he aas withdravrinq from the haaring, and would not take part in either the discuesion or the votinq theraon and hed noL discuased this ~atter with any member ot the Plaruiinq Commissian. Thar~upon Commissioner Suehore left the Council Chamber. ~~ 1 MINUTEB~ Al111N~IM CITY ?I.~INNINO COMMI$BION, NOVEN88R ~9, 198Z 8Z-6Z8 TKE PUBLIC HEIIRINO N118 CL0830. 1~CTIONi Caami~~ion~r icinq o!l~r~d s taotion, •~conded by Coauai~~ionsr MoBurnsy and ~lON C]-RRLaD, that khe 11n~h~ita City Plsnninq Comm3s~ion ha~ r~viawed ths proposal Eo r~ala~~ily eubj~et property lrom tha CO (Caam•rcial, ysn~zel) Zon~ to th~ CL (Cotaaeralal, O!lioa and Prol~~~ional) Zon• to con~truct a 3-story conm~ercial o!!ic• buildinq on property Qon~ieting o! approxiaatsly 1.45 aor~ s loc~t~d at the •outhsest corn~r o! Old Linaoln 1lvenue and 1-naheim &~ul~varA with lrontag~~ o! Z10 l~et on ths oouth eide of Old Linccln Aven~is end 180 f~~t on ths •ast ~ide o! J-naheim Houlaverdt and doe~ heraby approve the Negativ~ Daclaration lrom the rsquirement to prepara an e~vironmantal impeat report on ths ba~is thst thare would b~ no siqntticant i n~fividual or cumulative adver~s environtaental impact due to th~ approval o! this Neqetive Daalaretio~ ~ince the Anaheim Gsnere~l Plan designatee the subjsct proparty !or q~narel aomeaercisl land uses commensuret. with th• proposelt that no sensiki v~ environmental impacts ara involvad in the proposnlt that the Initial Stiudy nubmitted by tha petitionar indicaCes no eigniPicent individual or cucaulativa adv~rse environmentsl ic~pectet snd that the Neqetive De cleration eubatetntibtinq the lorsqoing lindings ie on lile in Che City o! 1-naheim Plenning Department. Comcniseionar 1Cinq o!lered Reeolution No. PC82-213 and moved for its paesaqe and sdoption thet the Anaheim City Plenninq Cocunisaion doea hereby qrnnt Reclaasification No. 82-83-11 eub ject to Interdepartcaental Coaunittae reaoc~mendatione. On roll call, the toregoinq resolution was paseed by the followinq votas AYESt HOUAB, FRY~ HER88T, 1CING, Ll- CLIIIRE, MC BURNSY NOESs NONE ASSBNTs HUBHORE ITENI NO. 7. EIEt NEGATIV$ DECLIIRATION, W1IIVER OF CODB FtEQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL US8 PERI4IT NO. 2380 PUSLIC HE]-RING. OWNERB: LFO FREgDMt)1N, 468 3. Roxbury, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. AGSNTs CARi, K1IRCHER BNTBRPRIBES, P.O. Box 4349, P-r-ahaim, Cl- 92803. Property described as an irregulnrly-ahaped parcel ot 1 and consietinq ot epproximately 0.37 acre at the southanet corner of l~re~dman Way and Harbor 8ouleverd. To permit a semi-enclosed last-f.ood reataurnnt Mith wai vera o~ minimum number and type of parkinq epaces and minimum landscnped setba ck. It was noted thn petitioner had requeated a continuance. ACTIOtI: Comn~iseioner Bouae oftered a motion, seconded by Coma~issioner Kinq and MOTION Cl-RRIBD, thet the above mentioned item be continued to the meeting ot December 13, 1982, at the requeet of the petitioner_ MINllTEB, 11N71HEIM CITY ?T.~INNINC COMQII88IOt1, NOVEM3ER 29, 1982 ~2-6Z9 ITBM N0. 8. EIR N~GATIVB DRCI.ARATION, Wl-IVSR 0!' CODE BUBLIC Hll11RSNfi. ONN1~R8~ R088RT 11• SPIDRLL, ET AL~ 239 S. Magnolia 7-v~nu~, 1-nah~im, C11 9Z904. 1~GENTi R~1NDY C. BUCHOLTZ, 9791 Yardlay 8tr'~t, Anaheim, CA 92804. Praporty d~scribed se s r~ctanqularly-ahepad parael o! land con~i~tinp o! approxia~ntaly 0.24 acre, 230 5. Meqnolia ~v~nue. To p~rmit en autonwtiva tran~aaiesion ehop in the CL Zone with waiver o! ~ainiiaum landscapad setbeck. Thera was no ane indlcating thair preeence in opposition to subject requeet ana althouqh th~ etatf raport was not read, it is reterred to end mede a pazt oP the minute8. Randy 8ucholta, aqent, was preeent to answer any qusations. Tlig PUBLIC HSAItING WAS CLOSBD. Commiesioner 1Cing clarili~d that ell work will be performed ineide the facility and thet there vrould be a aiaximwn o! thzee employees. ACTION: Coam~iesioner Herbet oltered e aation, eeconded by Coaunissioner Mc~ B~ urney that t.he 7-naheim City Planninq Com~aisaion hae reviewed the proposal te perc~lt nn autou~tive trensmiaeion shop in the CL (Commercial, Limited) zone with v-aiver of cnininiwa lendsceped aetback on s rectanqularly-ehaped parcel of land consietinq of approximetely 0.24 acre heving n fronteqe of aPproximately 78 teet on the east side of Maqnolia l~venue and lurthe.r described as 230 S. Maqnolia Avenuet and does hereby approve the Negative I~eclaration trom the requirement to prepa-e an environmental impact report on~ the basis that there would be no siqnificant individual or cumulntiv~ ndvazea environa~ental impact due to the approvel of this Neqative Declarntion since~ the Anaheim General Plan desiqnatea the subject property for commercial protee~sional land usea commeneurata with the propcsalr that no aeneitive anvironmental impacta are involved in the propoeal~ that the Initinl Study submitted by the ~+etitioner indicates no eignilicnnt individual or cunailntive adverse environmental iaapactst and that the Neqative Declaretion eubetantiatinq the foreqoinq findinqs is on file in the City of ]~nahAim Plenning Denqrtment. Commiesioner Herbat oftered a awtion, seconded by Commissioner McHurney and MOTION C1~RRISD, that the 1-naheim City Planninq Comwisef.on doea hereby qrant waiv~ar of code requireiaent on the bas~e that denial would deprive eubject property of a privileqe anjoyed by other propertiee in the same zone and vicinity and on the basis that the project doea back up to apartment house garaqee and there would be ro impact on the area. Commiasioner HerL+st indiceted he did not feel tha petitioner ahould be required to comply vith the Tra!!ic $ngineer'e recomn-endationt that the exiating 8riveway be shiPted northerly a minimum of 20 leet trom the eouth property linn due to an existinq power pole which would crea~e a linancial hardship on the owner. ~~ MItiL1TE8, 11Nl1HEIN CITY PLAMIINO COMNI88ION• NG~V1M88R Z9, 198Z 81-b30 Commi~~ion~r H~Xb~t oflsr~d R~~olution No. PCe2-Z14 and a~ov~d ~or it~ paasaq~ end adoption that ehs 11nah~ita City Blanninq Comn~i~sion dos• h~raby qrant Conditional t1~• P~rmit No. Z394 ~ub~ect to int~rdepartment~l Caauaitt~• r~con~sasnd~tiian~. On roll osll, th• loreqoinq r~salution wao pa~ssd by tha lollowinq vot~e 1~Yl~8t BOU118, ~'RY, NER88T, 1CItiG, 2.~- CLIIIRE, MC BURNb'Y NOESs NONS AB8SNTt AUBHORS COMMISSIONSR 8U8HOR$ RRTURNSD TO TH8 COUNCIL CN~-MlBSR AT 3i25 p.m. ITSMI NO. 9. 8IR NEGATI~IE DECL71R11TION, W1~IVSR OP CO01~ RIDQUIR8M8NT 71ND CONDITIONIIL U6S PSRMIT NO. 2395 PUBLIC HEJ-RING. OWNSRBs IMPSR2AL PROPERTIES, P.O. SOX 2480, Nsvvport 8aech, C7- 92660. ACiENT: HENRY O. RIVER~, 6283 Eaet Rio Grande, 1lnaheim, Cl~ 92807. Proparty deacribed as an irragularly-shapeQ parcol o! land consi.sting of approximately 10 ncres, 5773 "J" Senta 1-na Ce~nyon Raad (Nacho't). To permit on-sal~ beer end wina in a proposed reatauzant with waiver o! minimwa nuaiber of parkinq spacea. Thern was no ona indicetinq their pre~enc~ in oppo~ition to aubjact requeet and althauqh the staf! report was not read, it ie relerred to and made a part ot the cainutes. Hank Rivara, 6283 Eaet Rio Grande, l~naheim, was praaent to anewer any quastiona. THE PUBLIC HEARING fA!-8 CIASED. Cummiseioner ICing felt with anly three employees and the eize o! the reetaurant there would not be a pazkinq problem. Mz. Rivera asked tor clarification reqardinq the calculatione of the parking comparinq the restauzant with a retail shop. Dean Sherer, Aasoaiate Planner, stated the parkinq calculntiona for a raetaurant ar~ hiqhar (1 space !or 125 aq. ft.) and aince this aenter has been built some of the retnil uses have terminated nnd more restsurants have been ~stabJ.ished. He added gtaf!°s only concern is that even thouqh the parkinq requirement for thia restaurant veraua a retail ahop is vary minimel, 2~z 3 spacea, it could hava a cwaulative aftect on the over-nll parkinq o! the center if there are more retail spacee aonvarted to resteurant usea. l~Ir. Rivera stated hie wite has had a ahop in that center !or three yeara end he knowa thia aanyon rrell and did nat leel there would be a detrimental affect on the parking area• ~ i MlINUTaB, ANIIHEIM CITY PL~INN2NCi COMMISSIO~N, NOVEMSBR 29, 1992 8Z-631 11CTiONr Commi~~ioner H~rbst o!ler~d a motion, 4eaondad by Coauai~aion~r NoHurn~y and MOTION C1IRRIED, thet the 1-nah~im City Pianninq Coarni~sion hae r~vievr~d ths proposal to p~rmit on-sale beer and wine in a propos~d re~tsurent with aaiv~~r o! n~tnimw~ numb~r o! psrkinq spaae• on an irregularly-shaped parcel of lend con~i~tinq o! appr.oximately 10 acre~ h~vinq e lrontaqe o! Approximately 775 l~et on th• north sids o! San~a Ana Canyon Road and lurth~r daecribed as 5773 "J" 8ante l-ne Cenyon Raad (Nacho's)t and do~• her~by approvs the Naqative D~claration lrom the requirement to pr~per~ an environa~antal impnct repoxt on tha basia that there would be no siqnilicant individual or cumulativ~ edveree env:rorun~ntel impact due to the approval o! this N~qetiva Daclaretian dince the Anaheim General Plan desiqnates the subject property !or genarRl ro~mercial land uees commen.urete with the propo~alt that no sen~itiv~ snvironmental impacts are involv~-d in the propoealt that tha Initiel Study submitted by the petitioner indiaata~ no signilicant individual or cumulative r.dvarBe environmentel impecta- end thdt the Neqative Declaretion Rubetentiekinq ~he loreq~inq lindinqa is Gn lile in the City o! Annheim Planninq Department. Cocamiesic+ner Herbet o!lered e motion, seconded by Commiesioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED, thet the ~-naheim City Planninq Commiseion does hereby qrant waiver of code requirement for minimum number o! parkinq apacee on the baaie that the proposed restaurant will be located in an existinq shoppinq center and with edequate parking end will have no adverse impact on the center. Cod~niasione.r fiarbst oltered Resolution No. PC82-215 and awved !or ite passaqe and edop~ion that the Anaheim City Plenning Cammisaion does heroby grant Conditionel Use Parmit No. 2395 eubject to Interdepartmental Comn-ittee recomtaendetions. On roll call, the foregoinq r.eeolution wes paesed Uy the tollowing votes AYE3: BOUA3, BUSHORE, FRY, HERHST, KING, I,A CLJ1IttE, M(' A(TRNgy ~TOE3 t NONE ABSErTP t NONE ITEM N0. 10. EIR NEGATIVIs' DECLARATInN AND CONDITIONIIL USfi P$RMIT N0. 2396 PUBLIC HLARING. OWNER5: BRYAN INDUBTRIAL PROPERTIBS, INC., 146 E. dranqethorpe 7lvenue, Anaheim, G 92801. AGSNT: ROBERT KNIGHT, DVM, 800 E. Commonwealth Avenue, Ptillerton, CA 92631. Property deecribed ae a rectangularly-eheped parcel a! land consiatinq of npproximately l.d acres, 1540 N. 3tete Colleqe Boulevnrd. To permit a veterinary hospital in the N¢~ Zone. There was no one indicating their presence in oppoaition to subject request an8 although the etaf! zeport was not read, it is referred to and inade a oert ot the minutes. Sarl MRllott, architect, 1035 Armando Street, explained the propoaal is to establiah a veterinary hoepital in the l~4. Zone nnd there will be three amployeee on site with 4 exe~cainatien roome and e maximum of 4 clients at any oae tima. He explAined the buildinq will be eound-proofed. TF~ PUHLZC HBARING WA9 CLOSBD. ":. ~ MINUT38, 7WAHEZN CITY PL7INNINCf COMMI88ION, NOVEMIHIlR Z9, 1982 82-632 Comais~ionar lcing r,larili~d Chat all doq rune would be lxatwd innide Lh~ buildinq and th~r• would b~ no outside activiti~~. ComAmi~~ionsr Harbet s~k~d how the wasta will be handl~d with Mtr. Mellott replyinq it Will bs handi~d throuqh sxistinq wa~t~ disposal lacilities. ~CTIONt Commis~ioner Kinq u!l~r~d a a-otion, s~oondtd by Caomni~sioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIBD, that the 11~aheim City plenninq Carmai~tion has reviawed the proposal to permit a vetsrinary ho~pital in th~ t~ (Znduetrial, Limit~d) Zone on a r~ctnnqular2y-sheped parcal of lend coneiatinq o! approximatsly 1.4 acres havinq a lrontaqe o! spproxiau~tely 300 fe~et on tha eaat side o! Stete Colleqe Boulevard end further dascribed as 1540 Sxate Cellaq. Boulevardt snd does hereby approve ths Neqative Declaration fro~ the requir~ment to prapara an environmental impact report on tha baeis thst there would be no •iqnilicant individue~l or cumulative adver~~ environmentAl impact due to the approval of this Nsqativa Dealeration sinc~ tha l~nehaim Generel Plen desiqnntee the aubject property for qeneral industrinl land ueae commeneurate with the proposal~ that na sensitive environmentel impacte nre involved 1n the proposal~ that the Initial Study auba~itted by the petitioner indicates no eiqniticant individual or cumuletive adveroe environmental impactst and thet tha Neqative Declaration substantiatinq the foreqoinq findinqs is on tile in the City ot Annheim Planning Uepnrt~aent. Coaimiesioner 1Cinq afler~d Reeolut!on No. PC82-216 and aoved for ite paseage and ndoption that the ~naheim City planning Commission cioee hereby qrnnt Conditional Uae Permit No. 2395 eubject ~o Interdepartmental Committee racommendations. On roll cell, the toreqoinq rssolution wae pa3aed by the fol:owinq vote: AYE8 t SOUAB, BU3HORE, F'RY, HER88T, lCING, LA CLl-IitE, MC SURNBY N088s NONE ABS$NTs NONE 8Z-633 MINUT88, ANAFiEIN CITY PIJ-NNINO COMM288IOt~1, NOVm4BSR 29, 1982 ITSM NO. 11. ENVIRONM8t1'Pl1I. IMP11Cx R~PORT N~' Z60 AND CONDITIONIIL USB PSRMIT N0. 2397 ~_~ PUSLIC HBI1RINa. OWNERB: CONTINENTAL PACIFIC SNTERPRISEB, INC., 142b N. 8urton Place, 1-naheim, Cl- 92806. 11TTENTION: 1-L R7-TT1-N • proP~r~Y da~cribed as en irreqularly-shaped parcel o! land conpi.tinq o! approxinutsly 7.1 ecrae locnted at the southweRt corner o! Nohl Rsnch Rcad and Anaheim Hille Aoad. To permit a hoapitel nnd medicel lecility in the CL(SC) 2one. Thare wa• one person indicatinq her presencs in oppoeition to subjact request end elthough the etnf! raport wea no~ reed, it ia referred to and mede e part o! the minutes. Den Salceda, 14 Rimrock, Irvine, steted he repreaents lUnerican Nbdical international, and thia ie n requost to allow a 157-bed hospital et the corner of Nohl Ranch Rnad nnd Aneheim Hille Road. He etatad their etudies ahow the qrowth in the County is to the northeaet and eoutheaet nnd thet perticularly with Canyon General Noepitnl becomi.nq a membership hoepital, there is a dire need for hospital care ~exvice the Anaheim Hilla area and that many eites wexe inveatiqated in the erea• He steted they investiqated all the eites with the praparty ownera end with city etatf and they came to the concluaion th+at the moet appropria~te site would be subject property becauee ot ita topoqraphy and He etetell there currently the population base and acceas to tne treaways. exists a 40,000 square foot medical office building on the easterly side o! Anahai.m Hille iioad. He etated this will be a 3-etory hiqh, 157-bedroom hospital on a 9 ecro aite, with 422 Farking apeces which is well above cc+de requirement• Mr. Salceda etated there has been a significant amount of community eupporti that as o! July. 1982, American Medical Internationel wont to the 1lnaheim Hills Planned Community Asaociation and n~et with all ther~randdshowedithem the local Haneowner's l~ssociationa and golicited their auppo model and received favorable commenta and their only concern was the treatment o! the siope areat th~t they had three open houses on the aite tu ehow the reeidente exactly the maqnitude of the proposel and he was not aware ot any public opposition to the project until the persnn indicated their pr.neance at today's hearing• He statRd x lettez waa aent to 1,500 hogee Cellino leedidg the proposed project nn8 no opposition ++as voiced, althou h~aany pe p voice their opinion that this was a need. Mr. Salcecle stated he has been involved in Anaheim Hills development ~or many yeare and telt this hoapital was juat the conclusio^ o! what he perceived ns a planned community which includes recreational, commercial nnd reeidential areas. He etated he felt the ownere ot kha property and the developer have both gone well beyond what la required, which ia evidenced by the model, the notices sent to the people in the area and also by the Environmental Impact R,eport ahich is a very in-depth report. He stated they leal this project will be signiticantly better than n project which could be developed on the site. by riqht, and the hospital g~eneratas lese tra!!ic and less enerqy than ~ eommereial development would. He stated they w311 havo subterranean parking vrhich will nllovr the spacee to be awre approximate to the hoepital and also will improve the aenthetics becauae it will not auqqest a aea of asphalt and care and it will be a lot cleaner. He explained all the ~lectrical and mechanical equtpment will be located in the underground structure for aesthetic and aoise. ..._ .. ..: _ __ ~..........:. -,a~;-.T~l .i , ~ MINtJT68, AN]-HEIM CITY PLa1NNINf3 COMG~lI8820N, NOVEMHSR 29, 1982 8Z-6J4 He eteted th~y ar~ eonvinced ths naiqhbaxhood and prol~a~ionsl in health care end hop~fully tha City Plenn~r• will r~aoqniz• the need tor tha lacility and the desirability o! thu loca~ion. Hs added they plac~d it et Nohl Ranch Roed and I~nah~im Hill• liaad b~csuse thet particulsr int~rsection alr~ady haa commarcial on three sidas end it vrould not be dn intrusion on the r~sidential charact~r o! the oommunity and all str~ste are arteriel h~ghwayo leading to tha tacility. Mr. Salceda ~tated they will be maetinq aith the ambulance providera to make aure that the sirens are turned o!f ea ~hey get o!! Sante 11na Canyon Road~ that e stud~- has bsen done nt Anaheim Ganeral Hospitel end thcre ere betwaen 20 to 60 smarqenciee par month and noted this will not be n treuma center and will be nn acute caze center end thnt there wc~uld be an averaqe ot two nmbulencss per day. Mr. 3alcede atated e tra!!ic ekudy was done in 1977 and anothez in 1981 by J.$.F and Aasociatea end 1t ia those protessionale opinion thet this land uee would be approximntely a 29• decreeee in traftic and the trhlfic will be cominq lran the opposite direction and also the d1!lerent time levele eince the penk houra !or hoapitals are eerly in the morning and early in the afternoone and the peek tretfic hour in Annheim Hills is between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. and that the trntfic will be competible and the load will not be increaeed. Mr. Selca~de reterred ta eoveral hoepitala in Orenqe County which are located with residenti~+l areae on one or more eidea. Ne stated the 1~nahaim Hills area residents need a hoepital now and by early 1990 there will be an increnee in that need by 64! end, with 70 doctore in the medical buildinq, could accommodrte between 140 and 170 patients per dey t~day. Sanlord Lyle, etated he ie the head of thes qroup phyeiciane ter~aed ea the Nohl Ranch Road doctors, located acroes from the medical centert that there are npproximately 15 physiciane there who heve been operating far about 9 months end have been surpriaed by the need in the community in terms oP enormous qrowths in practices in their buildinqt that in 1978 he decided a medical cenCer was needed independent of Canyon General Hospital becauae he aa~s the Chief of Rediology and was aware thnt Kaiaer Per-aanente wee considerinq purchasinq that hoepital and he baaame concerned that private medicine would be removed for thoee people livinq in the area and it wes hie concept to develop e medical buildinq that was a-ore than juet phyai.ciana, but could be a qroup ot physiciana representinq all the specialities. He ateted thia med:cal center hns baen very aucceeaful and that they te~rmed thia facility a hospital without beds. He added it has been his experlence that the practice of mndicine in Orange C~~~nty genarally hae decreesed by 15 to 30g, but it has bean just the oppoeite nt this facility and it is apparent there ia a need for hoapitnl care. He stated he participated in the inveatigntion o! in-patients by those doctors prncticinq in the Nohl Ranch Road complex and was eurprised to find that there axe 120 to 140 in-patiente per day which arA epread th•~-oughout e hoapitalet that their disadvantage wae ~nefficlency to the physiaians nnd it would aeem a hoapital adjacent to the medical aomplex would ~orn~ a cempus Nhich would provide health services not only to Anaheim Hills but also those people from the other aide of the Canyon in Yorba Linda. ~ ~ i MINUTiB, 1WAHEIM CITY PLi1NN2N0 COMMI88IOt1, NOV3MHl~R 29, 1982 8~-635 A~semsry ICnorr, otated h~r husbend, Howerd 1Cr~orr, is the pr~sid~nL ~! ths 1-~~oolation and thay want to kno~+ why they have not b~en abl• to qet ~he awr~srs o! th• prop~rty adjoininq Lots 17 and 18 to tAk• care o! th~ property b~oauo• it i~ sn ~ys~or~. eha ~tated i! tha hoipitel do~e go in th• problam aoi~ld f» r~solved, but tha owner haa not done anything with the property !or 2-1/T y~~rs and th~y ha~va no conlidenco tha~t thay will. Chairman Fry axpleinsd i! thi• iR e~pprovdd that problem will lis res~lved b~cauee th• petitionar will have to comply with tha condition, but it hae ectually ncthinq to do with khis request. Mr. 8aloeda stated he was on thd site yeaterday and aaa not aware there waa a w~ed problam but would quarantee i! there wae a problem, it would be reaolved imtpediat~ly. ite stated the City will have to epprove the landecnpe and liqhtinq plana and complience would be n condition o! approval and the eite will be heavily bermed and lend~ceped end irriqated. He Axplsined to improve slo,pea betore canetruction would b~ ~ waete o! money Liecauee it would heve to be torn up but they would be heppy to meet with Mrs. Knorr atter the meetinq to eolve this conaern. ~ PUBLIC HEARING WAS CL03ED. Chairman Fry atnted he normally, es Cheirman of the Planninq Ccumnission, d~ea not make commente pertaininq to proposed project~, but that he would teka exaeptian to two thinqa which occurred in contiection with this propoaal, (1) that the letter or brochure aent out to the reeidenta in the srea gnve the indication the proposed plan had elrendy been approved by the Plnnninq Commieei.on and (2) that he received peraonally 4 phone calls as n result ot an article which appeared in the Anaheim Bulletin which atated thdt the Planning Commi,asion hed approved the planet that thxouqh-out thet nrticle reference wae made to the Coaaniseion's approval of theee plana. He atated he wanted it on the record that Commission hae not F,eard this applicetion and wna not aware of it until it was advertised for thie hearinq end he takee a very dim view of that type of operation. Commiasioner Bushore eteted he did not think thie qentlemen could be held responsible !or samethinq that nppeared in the newepnper. Commiseioner Le Claire stated thet ausny of the homeownera in tho Anaheim Hille area did r..ceive brochures end lettere lndicnting to them that it was a foregone conclueion that this pra~ect was elready npproved and she was not sure whether or not it actually stnt.ed thet in the letter, but ft did give the indication. 3he atated she ciid receive aeveral phone calla aeking about the hospital and notecl that any renl eetate agent in the Can,yon area is telling proapective c].ients that that ie the eite tor a new hospital na if it was indeed ~ lact. She etated ahe could not help but believe thst many other people in the Anaheim Hiils nrea did not show up becauae they did not thi.nk there was any point to it. She atated ahe was not eure whethez or not ahe wae in ~avor of the project, but just did not feel that the people in the area really understoad that it has not yet been approved. Mr. 3alceda stated firatly that they do not write copy for the Anaheim eullet..n. , ~ , MINUTSB, AtiAH82M CITY PLANNING COMMI88ION, NOVBMBER Z9, 1982 82-636 Commi~sioner La Clair• ask~d i! a press ralas~• hsd 1»en lorwardad to th~ ~nahaim Bulletin with ~omeone rs~ponding lrom th~ audi~nce that ho wao ma4• eware o! thi~ asticl~ thi~ morning and did not know anythinq about it. Mr. 8alaeda otated ha counseled hi~ clionts that in ordsr !or this proj~ct to bo approved, they would heve to eend noticae to nll tha paop~e in Anahmim Hills end aubsequent to that, in July, they did mest with ell tha prasidents of Aneheim Hills Planned Community AssociaLiona and prosanted the plans and explained the procedura whi.ch includae the conditional uee permit, etc. and the certilicate o! need which hes to be ~iled with Che State o! Celilornta end it wae axprosaly made clenr to them what those stepa would be which would eugqest that this ie not nn approved requeet. He reapondad to Chairm~n Fry that thera were two other brochuree which were eent to the reeidents. Mr. Salceda preaented an invitation which wae sent to 1,500 homes invitinq people to an open house held on Novec~ber 18, 19 and 20. Commisaion~r La Clnire etated normally "open house" ie held an pro~ecta thet have been appr~ved end she hne never heard of an "opan huuae" for a QrojACt that has not besn approved and there is eome doubt in her min~ as t~ whether or not the pc+ople in Anaheim Hilis think it hns already been approved beceuse everyone ahe hae talked to has anid that there ie qoinq to bA a new hospitel. Cheirman Fry stated the brochure indicatee the hoepitAl will be conetructed on a 10 ecre eite located on the southwest corner of Anaheim Hills Road nnd Nohl Rnnch Road. Commisaioner Bushore stated he did not think thia ie Mr. Salcedn's fault but the lault of. the people who write the articlee ~or the newapaper. Comuiisaioner La Claire pointed out the invitation is aiqned by the manaqer ot the U.S. Haspital ~evelopment Company indicatinq it ia an open house !or plana to conatruct the hospital. Mr. 3alceda zeferred to an article in the Nov~uaber 23rd Anaheim Sulleti.n which says the Anaheim Hills Hoapital bid faaee its first hurdle on Monday and since there was no one present in opposition, he felt that w~uld auqqest the petitioner has done hia hamework. He stated he would prefer to diacuae lines of eiqht, intrusiona, setbacka, landscaping enerqy, traftic and all the other development iesuee rather than how a person interprets a~n invitation. tie etated if the petitioner had really wanted to keep this in the closet, thay would not have aaade the overtura by extending invitations to over 1,500 people. He aeked if those people who had aeked about tha hoapital had been in favor of it or were appoaed. Eie eteted until to~lay he had not been aware of any opposition and has not heard one pezgon eay there is not ~ need nor that they did not want the facility on this aite. CommisaSoner L~s Cla~ire statACY ehe has heard neqative caaunents about the hospital. Commissioner King atated the brochwre stntes at the bottom that the hoapital is propoaed. r~ ~....e- MIpUT38~ l1Nl~HaIM CITY PLI~NNINO COMMISS:QN, NOV8MS8R ~9, 1982 82•636 Commi~aioner La Clair• asked if ~ pras• r~leas• had 1»~n lorr+arded to th~ 1-nahaim Bulittin with sameon• re~pondinq lroea the audisnoa that ha wea made awara o! this er~icle thiA morninq and did not knoa anything about it. t1r. Selceda •tated h• oounsdled his oliante thdt in ord~r !or ~his proj~at to be approved, they vrould have to ssnd notices t~ all the paople in Ae~ahsim Hill~ and eubaequent to that, in July, they did meet with all tha presidente o! ]~nsheim Hills Plnnned Co~munity Associatione and praeented the plnns and explained the procedure which inclurle~ the conditional uaa perm~t, etc. nnd the aertilicata o! need which has to be~ liled with the 8tnte o! Calilornia end it was expreusly made clear to rhem what thoee ateps would be which would suggeet that this is not en approved requeat. He responded to Cheirman Fry that there were tw~ Qt;her 'cochuree which wara aent to khe raeidente. Mr. 3nicedx presented an invitatlon which was aent to 1,500 homea inviting people to nn open housa held ~n Novea-ber 18, 19 nnd 20. Commiaeioner La Claire etated normelly "open houee" ie held on projecta that have been approved nnd she hae never heard o! en "open houee" for a- pro~ect thnt hna not been approve+d ~nd thare ie eome doubt in her onind a4 to whether or not the people in Anaheim Hil~.a think it has alreedy been appravad beaauae everyone ehe hna talked to has sat8 that there is qoinq to be a new hoepital. Cheirman Fry stetcd the brochure indicates the hoepital will be constructed on a 10 acre site located on the southwest corner of Anaheim Hills Roacl and Nohl Ranch Roed. C~mmiseioner Buahore etated he dic! not think this is Mr. Salceda'e teult but the lault o! the people who writa the articlea !or the neaspnper• Commissioner La Claire pointed out the invitatian ia aigned by the manaqer o~ the U.B. Hoepital DaveloFanent Company indicatinq it is en open house for plene to conetruct the hospital. [~lr. 3alceda reterred to nn article in the Novea~ber 23rd Anaheim Hulletin which eaye the Aneheim Hills Hospital bid ~aces ite liret hurdle on NbndAy and since there was no one pzesent in oppoeiti.on, he felt that would suqgeet the peti~ioner hne dona his ho~ework. He stnted he aould preler to discuss lines uf eight, intrtisiona, sethecke, lendscapinq enerqy~ tratiic ar(~ all the other development iasues rather ~han how a person interprete an inv,laatien. He stnted if the petitioner had really wented to keap this in the closet, they would not have made the overtvse by extendinq ~nvitati.ons to over 1,500 people. He neked if thoAa people who had asked about the hoepit+~l had b~en in lnvor of it or were oppo~ed. He stdted until today he had not been awnre ot any oppoeition and has not heard one pex.son sny there ie not a need nor thnt they did not wa-nt the facility on this s?:te• Commi.eeioner La Claire stated ehe hms herrd negative comments about the hospital. Commieoioner Kinq stated the brochure atar.es at t}-e bottom thnt the hoapital is proposed. MtNUT$8, ANAHSIM CITY PLAN[~INti COMMI88ION~ NOVEMHSR Z9~ 1982 8Z-637 Coamai~sioner La Clair~ ~tat~a ~ha telt wh~thar or not it was intentionel, she b~li~vsd p~opla in th• area war~ mi~l~dd. Mr. 8alosda atut~d hs r+ou].c! b~ willinq to circulate anoth~r brochure ta make auxa svsryona knows that i,t is not a"donA d~al" and then maybe the merita a! the project could be disaussed b~cauae h~ i~ taeli~g right now that thazs is ~otne kind o! pr'~udic~ about tha pro~ect becauaa o! the type of inlormation qiven. Coo~nnieaioner Harbst ~tated h~ receivad one o! the noticea and when he qot homa lroa- work hia wi~le had read the noti.ca and was under th~ impre~eeion that the project had been approved, so he knowi thnt ie the impression okh~r people got lrom tha noticeat thnt he realizea City eta!! prabablY posted the property, advertised the hearinq in the r~ewspaper and sent notlaes to the proparty oWnera within 300 Peet oP the property, but he lelt that 99t o! the people who live in the Anehaim Hille nrea were mialeed and he lelt thet misinterpretation shoul8 be corrected belare this project is approved• He etated he doea have some reservatione nbout e hoepital in thie location. Comtaisaioner ~ughore eteted he telt probably part of the property is pxobably that Commiseionara Herbst and La Claire juet do not want e hoepital in tihim area becsuse he did not qet the wrong impresa~ion on thie project 8nd he doas qet stutf in ~,.he mail nll the time. He stated he would like to hear trom the othar Commieaionere. Comaaiesioner Herbet stated he teels thie way because it happened in hie own lamily. Cheira-en Fry sugqested readvertisinq the project to make sure that all parties were notifled. Dean :yerer, Aaeociate Planner, poin~ed out that all the property owners within 300 feet vrere notified and that yrould include thoea honiea ahown on the tnode 1. Commiseioner McBurney stated he did not think the matter should be readvertieed becauae it could eet a precedent and he lelt there has been edequnte noticest t1~nt he lives in the Aneheim Hitla area end hae read all the articlea pertaininq ta thia project and did nat interprgt it thet way. ChairYnan Fry stated it would not set a precedent beaeuse it has been done in the ga-et . Commiesioner La Claire etated i~ is possible that no one ie oppoeed to t~:4 project, but that several people did call her and was surprised ehe did not know anythi.ng nbout the hoepital and she felt when a person ie invited to an o~,.-n house it is ueually for a project which hag been approved and she felt eince there are indications that peaple are undez the wrong impr~saion that thay should be told it has not been approved. Commiesionex Herbet etated he felt thia hospital wonld have a larqe impact on the area. 1 ~ M~NL?T3~i, 11NJ1HEIM CITY PS.ANNINCi COMMI88ION, NOV1lM3SR 29, 198~ 82-638 Mr~ 8elc~ds ~tat~d they did n~~t with SZ memb~r~ o! tha llnah~im Hill~ pianned Cammuni.tiy A~sociatio~, includinq pr~~id~nl:~, bosrd of dir~otiox~, ~tc. end very caz~lully ditousa~d tha lRat th~y would ba r~questinq e conditional uo~ p~rmit which vroulri bs th~ Pirst et~p end thst thi~ particular ~ss pr~~entad to over I,000 u! Lhs peo~le end the steps of approvxl was pr~~~nt~d to tho~• 1,000 ~rson~. He •tated hs has contarred vrith the ownero end thay wou1Q be willinq ~~~ ~~nd a subaaquent notio~, at th~~r own exp~nset ho~rever, they do have a siqnilicent timinq problem in that thsy nead ta lile th• C~rtilicat• of Nead as quiokly aa ~.+oasibl~. Ha atatad, howaver, they would like to di~cusa th~ cnsrits o! the projsct ~ince all bhe qualitiad p~i•~ono to an~wer the que~tions ars preewnt. it wes notad by Der~ Sher~,r thet thia maktsz could be re++dvertieed !or the next Plenning Com~niseion meeting o! Dscembsr 13. Cheirman Fry eteted Mr. $d~C6C~d could continue with his preaentetion. TF!E PUBLIC HEARZNG WAS CL08~D. (`ommieaioner Buahore aeked if there would be perkinq on the root and i! there will be any equipment located on ~he roo! w+~h Mr. Selceda roapondinq there will be nc parklnq and ther.e will be more treee planted on the weat eide of the roof, than ehown end thA roof will no~ be psinted white• but will be an eerth tone color. Reepondinq to Cortuaiesioner Kinq, Mr. Se~~eda etated the Traffic Enqineer has reviewed the trnftic etudiee end it is t-is opinion (Mr. 3alceda) thet this land ~,qe minimizea nnd reduces the trnffic. Cou~niaei•~rer Kinq etated thera ere other projacts which could be developed on this property, auch as a shopping c~anter, which would create more trat!ic. Respondinq to Con~caissioner Bouas, Mr. Se~lcede eta~ted the aendicnl oftice builainq is somethinq anticipnted tar into thd ~uture and thie request today, only parteins to the conditional use permit for the hoapite-1 and doea not include the medical office buildinq. Coarcnieeioner Herbet eta~ed he is c.~oncerned because one parcel is shown ae a separate parcel nnd could be sold ott for e me~lical. center and that would cre~ate more tra2~ic than any othcr type of bucineea. He stat~d when the echool children aze qoinq to and froa~ achool in the erea, it is heavily impacted, in edditlon to the lact there is a ehoppinq center ~croes the atreet and tAere are credical offica build~nqs existinq in thet area~ end theze could be n lnrqe ia~pact on that corner (Aneheim Hills Roed an~d Nohl Ranch RoaA). He stated thar~ le n lot o! luture devalapment up the hill and al] that traffic rrill bn coming dnwn Nohl Ranch Road ar l~nahei.m Hills Road. He referred to past problem~ with peopla paying pr.amiums for a view lot and then havinq to look down on undeeirablo equipment on rools, ohopping centaza, etc. Mr. 8alceda stated it is his stronq iapreseion Lhn1 the geople in the qreater At~aheim Hills region did nead a hoapital and that the petitioner did sp4nsl a / 1 , ~ 1 MINI,1T38, ~NAHEIM CITY PL~-NNING CW~IZ88ION, NOVat+9SR Z9, 1962 BZ-634 lat o! time lookinq at ather site• and tha only site whiah really mede sansa wa~ •ubjeot prop~rty beaau~• o! th• ~vailsbility oP a major inter~action, n~sr~r a population ba~e end iaun~diately adjacent to an axi~tinq tn~diaal o!lio~ laaility. Hs ~tatsd i! thi~ projeat i~ not approved, the paople in Anaheim Hills will be devoid o! qu~lity end quick medicetl cara and tho trattic and noiaa wi11 b~ tes~ thnn what could bei devsloped, by right, on the property snd ths balanc• must be considered. Commioeioner Harbet etated the Commission did not fee'1 khis corner should be approved for commercial uses, even thouqh it was approved !or commercial use by tha City Council. He eteted under certnin circumstancee in n reaidential eraa are exceptabie, but beceuee o! the tra!!ic on Aneheim Hille Roed and Impariel Highway, thie may not be en ecceptnbla eite !or this hoapital and he did not think the EIR had addrees-d tha iesue o! tho echool children cominq nnd qoinq to sahool. Mr. Sal~eda c~;.ated the hoapital trt~ffic lodd ia eerly in the morninq and alternoon whi•h le ditPerent than other traftic end ie qoing in the oppoeite direction anA th~t th9 Anaheim Doctor'e Hoapital ie eited on three sidea by reeidantial and or~ the f.ourth eide by a achool. He etated the dietence that sn embulance n,ay be trnvelinq on 8anta Ana Canyon Road is relativAly ineiqnificnnt compnred t~ the benelit of providing the reaidente with good hoepital care. Commieci~ner Herbat stated he le not opposed to thie request, nor ia he in fnvnr oi it, but the facta preaented in the EIR with a hospit~l dnd e medlcal tbcility in the aeme locetion indicatea it ie more than th'.s corner cnn han8le. Dan Selceda aeked Paul Si~-qer, Treffic Engineer, to diacuse ~he maximum capabilities of Nohl Ranch Road, Anahei~o Hills Rc~ad and SantA Ana Canyon Rcad. Mr. Sf~iqer atated hie oflice did review the EIR quite carelully and alac back-tracked very car.e.°ully the previo~s atudies in the Anaheim Hills area, particularly that portion o! Nohl Ran~h Road between )~r-aheim Hills Road and Imperial Hiqhway and Imperial Highway to Nohl Rench Road to Santn Hna Canyon Road and there wlll b~~ an impact to that segrtaent of the rond with thia development nnd he would propose the *raffic aiqnals in that area be inner-connected a~nd that the developer would pay for thoee improvements at a coat of $40,680 which would mitiqata some a! the problecna. He atar~d, in addition, they are recotamendinq e 8eceleration land npproximately ?.00 fest lonq by 12 feet wide, along Nohl Ranch Rnad to avoid impacting the interaection ot 1-nnheisn Hille Road and Nohl Ranch Road which will ,:nke a substantial amount of trnftic without frictian lnto kha propArty and it would be an entrance only. Ne stated in ordar to provide be*_ter circulation for service vehiclea, they recotamend the entire '_ower structure of the delivery area will have the capability of acceptinq larqe 60 foot trucks inta the dock area with an snd~rground turn-d-~u d area provide~3 with a 2i grade 40 feet troea the eidewalk to rrovide thia ebility. He stnted they were aleo recoaimendinq that driveway Por the aervice areas beinq moved southerly and a uite dietance 7 feet back from the oidewalk, 120 leet nnrtherly dnd 80 feet eoutherly to be pl~nnted witb qround cover only so ther~ will be clear MINUT88, 71N11F~'6IM CIT1l PLANNING COMMIaBION, NOVEMHSR Z9, 198Z 82-640 vi~ibility !or esrviae vshiolae. Na et~tsd a pedsstrian plsn was provideQ whioh will ahann~l p~d~etrienr rom th• mediaal o!lice buildi.ng throuqh a ooenbined area to th• ho~pital whioh wi 1 1 be e croes-walk, but not siqnalizedt hopsver, s conAition could b~ sdded tha t i! eiqnalixatinn ie raquired in th~ luture, ths ho~pital will provid~ lunds !ar that siqnalisation. He ststed thi~ ie not uncomawn and th~y do qet reque~ts lrom hoepitela !or siqnals. Commiesioner Hezbat wae concerned ebout the doamqrsde lrom imperial to Anaheim Hitls Rosd end noted it is ~tsep nnd tha vehicles eccslerete quita repidly. Mr. Sinqer st+~ted that ia corract end that le the reaeon tor the locntion ot the croaa-Malk which will provide a qrsatar diatance o! vi~ibility. He stated the oalculations includad the propoeed medicel builAinq and ha did not rsoommend that any parkinq waivers be gxnnted and that he beliavod that awst hoepitalo in Aneheim hev pxovided mor a parkinq then code requlrea. Commieoioner Herbet eteted pnrkiny tor ho~pitale !or a ehort period of tima doee take twice aa many epacee beceuae of the overlap ot en-ployeee~ Mr. 3lnqar steted he believed additional pnrkinq could be provided at the future medicel o!lice buildina site. Commieaioner Mceurnay eteted he fett ttie commnnts ragarding parkinq are velid and hoapital vieitinq houre dictete that the visitora don't genarelly arrive until after the dinner hour ao thoae p lacea occupied by the trnn~ler of staf! would be adequate to handle the loed. He stated even thouqh the Coauaiasion did not like the eite for commercial u:ses they ere etuck wi!h it now end he thouqht this use would be as quiet ae any vse that could be proposod. He etated he thought the project is well Zhought out and vieibility very appealinq and that he could eupport tha requeat. Mr. 3alcede stated in light af the fact they have the abeolute right to develop the commercial oftlce buildinq to the eouth, he, would submit th at their major concern ia tha hoapital and subsequent to the hospital conetruction, i.f they wanted to conetrvct a medical office building in the f.ut~ire, they would have the r!qht to pvll buildinq permite, but would come to tha Coaunission !or approval of those plans. Jack White, Aasietant City Attorney, c~cplained thnt if a developer wants to voluntarily brinq the plana back to the ~ummiesion they could review tham, but he did not think the Commiesion could leqally require him to brinq them back. He etated ~.heae -.. e separate parcels nnd the Comu~iseion c~ennot require a developer to weive an abac'.ute right they have to develop nr-other property. Com~iaeioner McBurney auqgeated maybe the Com~niasian could require ~thet if there ie not adequate parkinq for thi s ft~cility, additional parkinq co~ild be provided and notad there are no waivere Ueinq r.aqueated on thia npplicntion. Mr. Salceda atated thera are no plana tAr luture development at this time as t'~e property is very tight lraa a topoqraphy atendpoint and it ia their impreeei~n that a Certiticate o! Need would have to be approved by the 3tate MINUTSB, 71N1Ul~IM CITY PI~7INNIN(i COMM[Z 8820N • NOVBMHBR 29 ~ 1962 82-641 o! Calilornia would have to b~ !or 157-bede and rslerred to Paqs 12 0! the SIR pertaininq to anerqy and •cerc~ reaourc~s end the l~tter lrom (3aorqe Bdwards o! ths City'• Electrical Dapartment as to the increaae ta ths alectric;al r~source oon~utaption and also in ths natural gas end water con~umption and the stwer capaoity end stated ehe lelt that mitigetion measurea did not anewer the problem. Mtr. SnlcedA ehated they have letter s from the water, qae, electricel, phone, e'wer, lire end polica anA that they nll heva ssid they aen s~rvics utilitles~ He steted the ownar is doing the project in Garden Grove (Garden Orove Palm tiarbor Hoopitnl) nnd wi th thd moet recant qanaretion u! buildinq devicee, watar con ~itnption is bein g reduced by 30i aimply boceuee o! new m~ethodoloqy. Commiasioner Ln Cleire etnted ahe i s concerned ebout the cumulati~-e atgect this would heve on tuture expanaion a! Anaheim Hills and e hoepital would t~k~s more r.esourcea than a commerciel d~ velopment end wondered if all future ein4le-family residonces would be penalized. Rick Goacher- ""'G Aeaociates, expl n ined thet would bn Section 3.11 beginninq on Page 57 of ttie EIR end their pr imary reaeerch uae~ wae the standard handbooka uaes !or energy conaump t ion per equare toot end eqreed lnrqe amount a of enerqy would be coneumedt howerer, they did drop concerna auch ne cumulative affect when the City ~F Anaheim reaponded in their written correapondencu that there would L~ no prnblem servicing the facility. He stated wh~n n department puts such a atatemQnt in writing, that he aesumea they are luoking at the City's Gena rel Plen and totnl vnlume of enerqy to be serviced. He Ateted they were adv iagd by tho applieent to prepare the EIR that th~re ie a new enerqy eystem that wi11 be installed, but they did not have access to that, but understa nd it is computerized, monitorinq eny enerqy consumption n cninimum of 35~b of the current requirements. Ne etated they contnct~d the State SnNrqy Conm-is s ion nnd requeeted information and they did not exprAae any concern and until actuel plene are specified in the drawin~s, there would be no means to come up with a truly aaeaningtul c~itigation measure - Dean Sherer atated when a Draft SI R iR received for e project of this type, i t is reviewed by each department an 3 that depnrtment drawe on their own rasourcea addressinq the cumulative impact and would addrees servicn e~~as in~luding not only this property, but the future residential needs as 3~r ea builds out in conformance with the denaity of the General Plan. There ~s no doubt thnt if the 8lectri~al Depa rtment hnd felt that actunl power qeneretior~ was lsse than required !or thia haepital, they would not have made a positi ve recommendation. He etat~+d he knows eech department does research these factors. Chairman Fry stated the EIR does make a difPerence to sewer end water on Pa ges 59 nnd E~0 and thnt it is a flow frctor baeed upon ths re ;idential ultin-ate and refers to adequate water aervice, as currently available, and not neca~:sarily what is proposed. ~ ~ ~~ MIt~UTE$, ANAEIEIM CITY PLhNNINQ COMNlI8~ION, NOVEMBER 29, 1981 82-642 Com~i~sioner McBurn~y ~tat~d th• lin~• hav~ to be ad~quately aiae ~or nny othsr Q~velopm~nt ~o h~ thouqht, e~ told by ata!!, i! thar• wa~ qoinq to b~ a prablem th~ raport aould hav indioated thet snd he thought the EY~ doe• ndsquately addrso4 thoee qusstions. Commission~r Kinq esked i! it would be adequate to eenQ out naw notiaes rslstivs to the City Council hsaring, i! this is approved by ths Planning Coa~ai~sicn today, rather then e continued Commi~~ion ~eeting. Mr. 8alceda stated ha wouLa b. aqraeable to thst suqgeetion becausa they do have a d~adline to maett however, i! tMe CanmisAi~n d~niea the petitl.on, he wa~ concerned how quickly they could get e public heerinq bators the City Council. Jack White steted :t ie possiblR the City Council ill not hold a public hearinq. Commieaioner Buahore i.ndicnted he thought the Commission could ect on this today and Commissioner Herbet etated he thouqht tha public 'ia been notilled in a questioneble manner nnd he would teel a lot better i! he knowe the people in the area really knows whet ie hnppening. Mr. Salcada etated he thouqht the peopla in the aree really do know what is heppeninq. Chairman Fxy reopened the public hearing eo Ma. Knorr could present the notice ehe had rsceived and ehe etated thet nobody up on the hill knew about the hoepital until they received the notice lrom the City regardinq this hearing. Coam~iesioner Hushore asked i! all the Aesocietiona in the Nill end :anyon area were notitied o! thie hearinq with Dean 8hersr replying that ia o~~r practice. Mre. Knorr etated if peaple in the area thought the hoepitsl waa yoir.q to qo up anyway, that they would have nothinq to eay about it. Mr. 8alce<ia aeked i~ Dr. Lyle could make a comment on the iasue of need with Chaircaan I~ry pointing out that there is nd queetion of nerd by any of the Commissionara. ACTION: Commiaeioner Huehore otfered a caotion, seconded by Catmaisaioner McB~urney anc] MOTION CARRIEO, thet alter considerinq Environmental impect Report No. 260 for the propoaed Anaheim Hills Hoapital an8 medical oftice buildinq and reviewinq evidenc~a, both vrritten and oral, preaented to supplement Draft EIR N0. 260 the Planninq Comaaieeion finde that Environmental Impact Report No. 260 is in compliance Nith the Calitornia R~svironmental Quality l~ct nnd with the City and t3tate GSQA Guidelines, thnt potential environmertal impacts can ba reduced to nn inaiqnificant level by conformance with City plans, policies and ordinances, and, therefore, based upon such infortiaation the Planning Comd-ission certil~iea Environmental Impt~ct Re-port No. 260. MIt~TBB, AlU1HEIM CIT'Y PL~NNING CW~lIBBION, NQVlatBSR 29, 1982 82-643 Co~amis~ioner sushor~ o!ler~d s re~olutian and mov~c! !or it~ pa~seqe and atloption that the llnehaim City Planninq Commi~~ion do~~ h~reby qrant Cnnditionsl U~a p~~1.t No. 2397 aub~~ct to ZnC~rdepartmental CommiCte• racoatm~ndations and ~tipuletion~ of the patitioner pertaininq to the painting o! tha rao! and tra~• to be plantad on the roo! end eubject to auqgesti.on~t ns atiade by p~ul Sl.ng~r, Tra!!ic Enqinesr. Coanni~sionar H~rb~t etated h• coul~ not support tha r~solution becau~a he did not leel tha psopl.a in ehd araa adequaCely wsre notiP.ied~ Conmaissioner Bnues stated she th~ught the peopla had bean adequatoly notitied but thou~ht they did not realise th~y had a choice. On roll cnll, the foreqoinq reeolution FJ~ILBD TO CARRY by the followinq vote: AYBB: 8U~3F~ORS, 1CING, MC BURNEY NOES s SOUAS, FRY, NERAS'.I', 1~A CLAIRE 71B8ENT t NONE Commiseioner derbst offAred a ~aotion, aeconded by Commideioner McBurney nnd MOTZON CARRISD, that coneidernkion of tha aforementioned metter be continued to the reqularly-sched~led meetinq of Ducember 13, 19Fi2 and thet the matter ehall be rea~l~ertiaed toqether with the petitioner'a atipulation to eend out new noticea. ITBM NO. 12. EIR NSGATIV$ DECLARATION, RECLAS3JFICATIqN N0. 82-83-10 AND VARIANCB N0. 3307 PUBLIC HEARING• OWNERS: RAYMOND M. MASCILL, BT AL, 1127 W. Nort' Street, Anahsim, CA 9Z801. 11GAN'P: G71RY MASCIEL, 426 S. Euclid Street, 1lnnheim, CA 92802. Property described as a rect~ngularly-shaped parcal of land aonsiatinq o! approximntely 4,960 square leet, 304 W. Verm~nt 1-venue. Naivers of maximum structural heiqht, minimum landscaped setb~xck, perc~itted ~ype of parkinq epaces and required screening of parking to conatruct a 3-unit apartment complex. There aeze four pers~~na indicating their presence in oppoeition to subject requeBt and although the staf! report Naa not read, it is referred to and mede a part of the minutes. Gary Mla~eciel, aqent, explained they were proposinq 3 unite on thia propertyt that due to the narr~wnase o~ the property (40' x 124') and the eccasa which ia only lrom Ver~aont Street, parkinq is being alloceted in the ~ront portion af the property, 3 enclosed qaraqes and 3 tandem parkinq epaces. Gearqe Beels, 225 W. Varmont, 1lnaheim, referred to a petttion whic:i was submitted and stntad they oppoae this project because t.~Ry feel it ts crowding too much into a small apace and it wi.ll create n paxkinq problem, notinq they already havs a parkinq problam in the area. He stated several property o~mers in the area have tried to upqrade their propertiea and ~hey aant to see upqrading rether than so~ethinq that will contxibuts to downqradinq. He MINUTBa, 11N11HEIM CITY PLIINNINO COMMI88ION, NOVRMHBR 29, 1982 92 ~,.44 statec] th~y ob~ect to tha waiv~rs o! cc+de requirement that e!l~ct appeerenc• b~cau~a tiher• will be p~rkinq leciliLiss practically o+:t to tha ~idev+alk nnd aith qar,:;~• door• bsinq lelt open it will not qive a qoo ~ppearance. Mr. Beal~ stated the property ie not being uaed to ths best adventeq~ b~caua• there are abdut twelve people living thsre novr end they ara concerned thnt with mors units on the property the owner will continue to rsnt ta aiora people than the property can accommodete. Merilyn Helm, 228 "1-", W. Vermont, 1-naheim, ateted ehe lived directly on the sast sida o! the propaeed Aevelopment in a multip:a-fnmily resiClencet however, adjacent to the ~roposod development there ie e ainqla-family reeidence enC she considers harself to be living in a sinqle-lnmill daollingr that sha hae lived ~here t~r 10 yenrs nnd •'~e people to the reaz have reaided the~re !or 19 years so they consider thema~ ae permanent residenta. She stated ahe doee not feel thi.s development ie .n the be4t interest bacauea there will bo 2 etories aithin 10 leet ~f their property with no landecapinq nnd a 30 foot straight-on driveway and thnt currently they ere parkinq on the atreet for that one hausa end ehe did not think they will use the tnndem parkinq spaces nnd the neiqhborhood will be nbenrbiny the parking. She added ahe did noC feel buildinq 2-story units ~ut to the ir~nt of the property is consietent with the exieting neiahborhood. 3he etate~l she felt the property could only accommodate 2 unite without czeetinq overcr~wdinq of perkin3, etc. 3he atated there are 2 to 2~1/2 families living there now with about 12 people and ahe lelt the recreation room proposed with e bath will be converted to a livir.g unit. Virce Pietrok atated he has owned the p:operty adjoininq on the east eide for 36 years and he opposen this requestt that the owner of thie property hea owned the property for 1 year end ha knew the aize of the property when he purchasad it and lelt the eize u! the property ahauld be coneidered as a hardship. No atated landscapinq and tandem parkinq will also be problems and it will be danqeroue backinq out onto Vereaont etreet becauee of tandem pnrkinq. He stated he lelt they should build what ia suiteble on the proper.ty. Mr. Maaciel statRd t:he concerns aze validt that they did purchase the property with the intention of developlnq it end knowing the zoning wae not in accordance with multiple-fami.ly, at the time, but they did realize there ars multiple-lamily units existing in the area an~i that this uae would be best suited in that nrea. He stated there ia a einqle-~nmily residence on the property and they did rent it to a lamily which naa 12 members and explained they have rented property to thie tamily in the past. He stated they developed a similar project on the corner o! Buah and 3anta Ann Street on a 40' x 130' lot and there ia no overcroadinq. Mr. Masciel explained they have desiqned these unita to eccom~odate two eingle penple with 2 lnrge maeter bedroome and the recrention area ie desiqned with two single people in mind. He stated he doea not like to see overcrowding, but that thie family hne the riqht to have a placa to live and he feels badly about the eituation, but it is not their intent to overcxowd and this project aill be done riqht nr~d will not detract tram other property or the neiqhborbood. He stated there is some landacapinq i.n the raar and th•~re will be no windrnaa on the west eide adjacent to the singla family reside:. e. MINUT38, ~1~HEIM CITY PI.ANtilNfi COMMI88IOt~1, NOV~138R 29, 198Z 82-645 THE PVBLIC H1l1-RZN(~ Ml-8 CLOa~D. Commianion~~ Bushors stat~d he has •om~ r~el cona~rn• with 12 poopls living in this 600 ~quar~ looL ~truotur• and a~ked i! th~r• i• heat and a bethrooa~ with a shovrsr in tha exi~tinq hou~e an~! ldr. Mas~i~l r~pliAC1 there is a well ~urnece whioh work• and a b+~throom Mith a show~r. H• •ta~ad th~re i~ a lZ' x 12' room in tih• raar anc! an oncloeed paLio which is usad es a bMdxoom. He steted they rent~d the prope~rty to ona lamily with tha intention o! devslopinq it. Coamti~sionar Bushore ~~qgested thet l~mily go to tha Housing Authority bsceuss this i• 12 paople livinq in substandnrd conditions and there are proqrama to help poople !n thet situation and thcy can get edequate housinq. Mr. Maacial rapliad ha has mecla thnt auqger~tion to the lnmilyt that ha was made ewere by the neiqhbors that bath parents ero workinq in the day'cime and sc~me an~all children area beinq lett unattended et home+i th~st he hae talked to tha parent• and told them sameone hae to taka cara o! the children. He etated they heve six children and that he can eak tham to N~ove ~ut. Commiasioners Kinq and Herbst ~teted they could not eee justiticetion !ar the hnrdahipe. Coauniasioner Herbst aaked why the buildinq wae not deaigned with one nice structure eince the existinq etructure will ba demolished and Mr. Masciel replied they wanted to give some privacy wizh this desiqn. Commissionar Herbat etated he c~uld not vote in lavor of this pzoject becauee h: doean't like tandem pnrkinq apaces because they cannot be controlled. He r~teted he hna no problem with the 2 etory Atructurea because they have :,een allowed in other areea and it it is desiq~ied properly there will be no problems. Mr. Masciel stated the acreeninq comee lrom tt~e tandam parkinq nnd the only access i! lrom Vermont and thare has to be adequate turninq radiua of 25 leet and the enclosed parking area must be 20 feet deep. Chnirtmn Fry euqqesteB the petitioner reqtiest a continuance in orc]ar to redeaiqn t.he plans aince it seema to be the Commission's feelinq that there are too meny unita propoaed on the project with ~r. Masciel replyinq he would appreciate a continuance. 11CTION: Gommisaioner Herbat offered n motion, eeconded by Commiseioner Bouas nnd~MOTION CARRIED, that conaid~~atian o! r_he atorecaentioned matter be continued to the requldrly-acheduled meetir~q of DecambeY 13, 1982, at the request of the petitioner. ..f M~NUTEB, 11N~IM CITY PLIINNZN(i COMMI88iON, NONBMBZR 29, 1982 8~-546 IT~1 NU. 13. BIR NEOl1TIV1~ D8CL11R11TION 11ND VARIIINCB N0. 3308 pUBLIC HEI~RIN~3. OWNERBt OX R071D GENI~ML Pl1RTN3R8HIP, 1077 W. Ball Roed, Anah~im, C11 9Z802. 11(i3NTi JOHN !'. SWINT, 707 W. N~rth Straet, ]~n+~heim CA 92805. 8roparty deacribed as an irrsqularly-oheped parcel o! lsnd consistinq o! approxin~ntal~y 1.37 aare• locatad st 950 S. Ox Rosd (Spaghatti St~tion Restaurent). Thara wae no one indicstinq thair presence in opposition to subject rsquest and althouqh tha sta!! raport was not read, it ia referred to and made a part of the minute~. John 3wint, 707 W. North 3Creet, Anaheien, explain~d this is his 14th sppearance betore the Planninq Com~aisaion in th~ development ot motels and in tt~is eituntion they are nekinq for n 4Q~ waiver end they do aqree with the Interdepnrtmental Committee racommer.~a.:lons. THE PUBLIC HF.IIRING WA3 CL088D. Commieeioner King clerified the culvart on the weat eida o! the proper.ty would remain. ACTION: Commisaioner Kinq of~ered a motion, seconded by CoQnaissioner Herbet., end MOTION CARRISD, that the Aneheim City PlAnning Commiaeion hna revi~wed the proposal to construct a 61-unit motel in cnnjunction with nn exietinq reetaurent with waivere of minimutn number af parkinq apaces and minimum etructurnl setback on an irreqularly-ehaped parcel of l.and conslnting o! approximetely 1.37 ecres loaated at the northeast corner ot Bnll R~ad and Ox tt~ad havinq a trontaqe of approxiiaately 350 leet on the north side of Ball Road and a lrontaye o! 260 leet on the east side o! Ox Road and lurther deecribed ae 950 South Ox Road~ and doea hereby approve the Negetive Declaration lrom the rec~t.irement to prepare an environc~ental impact report on tha basis that there would t.: no eignificant individual or cumulative adverge environmen*.el impact due to the approral o! this Neqative Declazation since the An~hein~~ General Plan deeignateA the eubject property for comnercial recreation land ueea conmaenaurate aith the proposal~ that no eenaitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposalt that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner incticates no sigr~ificent individual or c~~mulative adveree anvironmental impaatat and that the Neqative Declaration substantiatinq the for~~qoiny lindinqs ia on file in the City of l-nahaim Pl~nning Departeoent. Commisaloner ICinq o"lered Reeolution No. PC92-21% an3 moved for its paesaqe and adoption that tae ],naheim City Planninq Commiasion doea hereby qrant Variance N~. 3308 ~~ the baeis o! the unuaual shape of the property and the elevation o! the adjacent Ball Road and Santa Ana Freeway end eub~ect to Intdrdepartmenta~ Committee recommendntions. On roll call, the toreqoinq reeolution was paseed by the fcllowinq vote: AXSSt BOUAB, BUSHORB, FRY, HBFe83'P~ 1CING, I.A CLAIRE, MC BUR1t8Y NOSBs NONE ?1BSBNT s NONS MINOT88, A.aHEIM CITY QLANN[N4 ~OMMI88ION, NOV1lMlDSR Z9, 198~ 82-647 ITBM NO. 14 REPORTB J1ND R1~~ND1ITION9 11. CONUZTION1w USIt i`ERMtT NO. 1670 - Re~quest irom Nanay J, Jaycox !or en sxtansion o! tima !or Conditional Use Pnrmit No. 1670 !or proparty located at 1016 E. Knte).la 1lvenue. 1-CTION: .;ammiA.ioner King ofFered n motion, seconded by Coannioaian~r Boua~ and MOTZON CARRZBD, thac the 1-nnheim City Plenninq Commiaslon doea hereby qrant a one-yc~er extension of time for C~nditionel Ure Permit No. 1670 to expiro an Dec~atber 6, 1983. B. CONDITIONAI, USE PDFtMIT N0. 2147 - Request lrom Tait & Aaeociatee, Inc., ~or an exteneion ot time for Conditional Uee Permit No. 21~17 for pruperty located on the weat eide af Jetferson Street, npproximately 360 feet eouth ot the centerline o! Oz ngethorpe Street. ACTIONs Commieeionar Kinq o~fered a motion, eeconded by Commieeionex 8~uae and MOTTON CARRIED~ thnt the Anaheim City Pla~lninq Coauaiseion doe~ hereby qrnnt a one-year extenaion of time for Conditional Uae Permit No. 2147 to expire on Dacember 15, 1983. C. CONDITIONAL USE PBRMIT N0. 1885 - Request from Centrnl Capital Corporation !or tertaination oP Canditional Uee Permit No. 1885 !or property located south and weat of .:he aouthweet c~rnez of I,incoln Avenue and Ria Viata 8t.reet. ACTIONs Conmaiaeioner King offered Reaolution No. PC82-218 and moved for its pessaqe end adopti.~n that tha 1~nahei.m City Plenning Cortuaisaion doea hereby Terc~inate Conditicnal Use Penait No. 1885. On roll call, the foreqoinq reaolution was peseed by the following vote: AXES: BOUAB, BU$H(1RE, FRY, HERBST. KING, IJ- CLAIRE, '~^ BURNEY NOESt NONS ABS~NT: NONE D. PROPOSEn CODE AIrLE~iDN~NT - Amendment to add Subaections to Title 18, pertaininq to healt': apas anci physical fitnese uenters. Mark Ranauro, repreaentinq Nautilue Places, inc., expleined they preeently have ~welve lacilities nnd the one in Irvine ie located in an industrial pd and accommodates the people in the eurroundinq areet that they otfer x c4,.ubination of aerobice and ^autilus which take nbout 20 - 30 m~inutesr that they qet tha!r bueiness throuqh ndvertising and word of mouth and work with some ot the larqtsr companiea in the area olferinq proqrame to their employeea. Commissloner Herbst painted oat tti~ere are other gymnastic type facilities in the aeaa which ca~er to ch~.ldren and clarified that thia facility will be f.or the busineea people in the area. ~~ MINUT88, 11N1W~IM CITY PI.APiNZNQ COlpI8820N, NOV~MHaR 29, 198Z 82-048 Cowai~~tion~r La Clair~ rtataJ ~he i• lamilier with tho nautilus proqram anc~ th~y do primarily cat~r to th~ bu~in~+~amen end that an indu~trial •ite oould bs a good location. l1CTION: Cod~is~ionsr La Claire o!lsred a awtion, sacond~d by Coadniotioner MaBLrn~y and MOTION Cl1RR21~D, that ths 11nah~im City Planning Coam-issian does her~by raconan~nd to tha City Council the propo4ed Code emendment to add Sub~ection .095 to S~ctian 18.41.050 0! Chaptar 18.41r Subsection .0~5 to 8ection 18.d2.020 0! ChapCer 18.42i Subeection .185 to section 18.44.020 0! Chaptar 1B.44t Bub~ection .195 to 8action 18.45.OZ0 0! Chrpter 18.45t Subsection .275 to 8~ction 18.46.020 of Chaptar 18.45i Bub~ection .005 to 8ection 18.48.020 0! Chaptar 1.8.48t 8uboectiont .205 ~n~l .606 to Seation 18.b1.050 0! Chaptar 18.61~ all of Title 18, Zoning, pertaininq to henlth apas and phyei~nl fitnen• center~. 8. COKDiTI0N1hL U3E PIIRMIT NO. 2265 - Request lrun~ Maure~en 1-. Harty for an axtan~ion o! time !or Conditional ilsa Parmit No. 2265 tor proparty located ~t, the northwast cor.ner ot Oranq4won9 Avenue and State College Boulmvard. 11CTION: Conmieaioner Ki.nq offered a motion, seconded by Comc~lenicner Boune and MOTiON CARRIED, th '~ :he 1~naheim City Planninq Con~miseion doas hareby grant a one-yeer extensioti of t.iioe to Conditionel Ue~ Permit No. 2265 to expirw on Noverober 30, 1983. ADJOURNIdBNT: There beinq no lurther businesp, Commi.asioner McBurney o!lered a motion, soconded by Cs.~ouaiesioner King gnd MOTION CARRIED, thet the meetinq be ~djourned. The meetinq wae adjourned at 5s3S p.~ Reapectfully aubmi':ted, Q~~c.c/ `~"~ ~ ~ `- QG~ Edith L. Herris, Secretary l~ndhaim City Plenninq Commiseion RLHslm