Minutes-PC 1982/12/13RsCftJL11R I~STING OZ THI~ 11N11H1lIN CITY PL11tdt~lINfi COMMI88ION R~(3UL11R M~ETING The reqular mseting o! the )lnaheim City Planni~g Com~i.~~ion was celled ta order by CheJ.rmen Fry et 10:00 a.m., D~csatbaz 13, 1982, in the Council Chamber, a quorum beinq present and the Commiesl.on re~iewed pl~na o! the itema on today's aqenda~ . RSCE88: 11e30 e.m. RECONV~`N~: 1s30 p.a:. PRESENT ABSENT ALSO PRFSENT ^hairman: Fry Codm~lasioneras Bouas, Bu~hors, Herbat, Kinq, La Claire, McBurnay CommieelonorA: Nane Annikn Santalahti Jeck White Jey Titus Paul Sinqer Barry Dee D~ar- Sherer 1-amela Starnee Aeeistant Director for Zoninq 1-eaistant City l-ttorney Office Sngineez TralPic $nqineer Asaietant Traflic ~nqineer l-esociete Planner Planninq Coaaaiss on 3ecretary Pro Tempnre ITP~! NO. 1. EIR NEGAT2VB DECL7IR~-TION ]1NU COtiDITIONAL U$8 PBRMIT NO. 2386 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNER: ROGERS l~. AND HARB~RA !1. STEVSRS~N~ P. 0. Hox 2058, Huntington Beach, G 92647. AGENT: GRSG STUI~F, 2831 Whita 3tar Avenue, "H", l~nAheim, G 92806. Progerty dascribed es an irregularly-ahaped pa-rcel of land consistinq ot approxitmtely 2.1 acras lxated at the n~rtheest corner of Wtiite 8tar Avenue and Blue Gum 3treet, 2831 Whi.te 8tsr 7-venue, Unit H(N88 Body and Paint). To retain an automobile body and paint shop in the t~. (Induetrial, Limited) Zone. Continued from the meetinqs o! October 18, November 1 and 29, 1982. Chairman Fry stated tha petitioner 5ae requested withdrawal of petition. AC'I~ION: Commissioner Bouas offere3 e motion, aeaonded by Conaaiaeioner Herbst end MOTION C1IRRIED, that subject petition be withdrawn at the request of the petltioner. 0276H 82-649 MINUTEB~ 11Nl1HBIM CITY PLANNIN~'3 COMM~SSI~1N. DICCEMA6R 13, 1982 82-650 NO. 2. EIR R OF CODB R~QUIRIEl~EriT AN~ PUBLIC H$ARINd. OWNBRs LEO FR$EDMAN, 468 S. Roxbury, Beverly Hille, C11 90212. 11GEN'fe CARL 1CARGlt$R ENTSRPRIB$S~ p•~• Bax 4349, ]~naheim, CA Q2d03. Proparty deearibed as an irregularly-ahaped parcel o! land conaieting ~f approximataly 0.37 acre loceted at tha s~utheast corner of Frme3man Way ar-d Harbor Boulevard, with approximete lrontaqea ot 135 feet on ti~e eouth e:de of Freedman Way anc~ 100 feet on the eeet sido o! Harbor Boulevard. To permit a sami-encloeed tast-tood resteur.ant w~t'h wnivers o! minimua number and type o! parkinq epaces end minimum lande~ceped satback. Continued Prom t~~9 meeLing of Novembar 29, 1982. There was na ono indicating tneir pren9nce in oppoeiti~n to aubject requeat end althouqh the etatf report wae not read, it is referred to and au~d~ a pert of the minutes. It was nate4 the petitioner hae requegted a con~inuance to Jan~iary 24, 1983. ACTION: Commissioner Bouae olfered a m~tion, seconded by Conuaiasioner King and MOTION CARRIBD, that c~nsideration of the sbovementioned matter be continued to the meetinq of Jar.uery 24, 1583, at the request of the petitioner. ITEM N0. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPP-CT REPORT N0. 260 AND CUNDITIONAL U58 PERMI'f NO. 2397 (RE-ADVERTISED) pUBLIC HEARItaC's. OWNERf~: CONTINENTAL PACI" ~ ENTERPRISES, INC., 1426 N. Burt~n Place, Anaheim, G- 92806, ATTENTION: AL ty-TTAN. Property described es an irreqularly-shaped parcel of land coneiatinq of apgroximately 7.1 acrec located at the soiii:hwest corner of Nohl Ranch Aodd and Anaheim Hills Road. To permit a hoepital and medical office complex in the CL(SC) T,,cme. Continued fran the meeting of November 29, 1982. There were two people indicatinq thei.r presence ir. oppoaiti~n to aubject request and althouqh the stafg report was not read, it ie referred to and made a part of the n-inutes. Dan Salceda, 14 Ricnrock, Irvine, xepresenting Naerican Medical Internntional, said immediately tnllawinq the laet Planninq Commieaion meetlnq, they eent 1500 letters, firat clasa, to all the families in the area notifyinq them this projert would be heard by the Planning Commiaeion on DecembeY 13, 1982,. at 1:30 p.m. and that on December 8th at 7:30 p.m. an open discuaeion, inaluding the Q~anninq proceas on the project, would be held et the medical lacility at Anahei.m Hills RpaS. He noted he hnd a roater ot those attending. He sa~id the Certiticate nf Need is p.rocessed with the locnl Health Plenninq Counsel and Stnte and ie such a long procees the hospital could be built any time betwsen now and 1987. He said he was present to answgr n»y questions. ~ ~ 82-651 MINUTES, AN1IH~IM CITY PL11Nt~iINO COMMI88ION, DBCRRBRR 13, 1982 Wiliia~m Lyon~, 6019 Ni.licr~~t Cirole, ~aid he Y~ad e~en e m~ds). of tha hoepital and did nat find it attraotiv~ and lelt it did not belong in thc xu~in sall~n4 o! l~naheim Hills. He aaid ho.pital eu~ployaas wc-uld t~e cominq and g~o q we~k ]onq na~a~=A~~~c~dueuto thedamployeeseandivieitors• HHunelso noted hi~ld ba edditio ooncern about the noi~e lrom the ambulance sirens. Mr. Salaeda eaid when the aatbulancee qot close Lo tho hospitel, thay koul.d shut ~:ha sirene o!!. He eafd th~re ars badically live to °icallepwould be carriers and they would be qiven a epecilic route which typ Y coa~inq eft tha 91 Freewny onto Yn~perial Highway qoing south, then asst on 8ante Ann Canyon Road, sri then when they turn onto Annheim Hills Road, they w~t~enhacuteec+~leefacility.HeHaosaic]tthere~vrou1d1b41on1yU10 toa60rca~eecperer, bu month that aould need a Qiren. Cheryl Hernandez, who reeidee in Orange, es.id she fuele there is a definit.e need for n hospi~al in 1-naheim Hille. Mary Lou Miya~shiro, 6971 Williau-a Circle, snid she wae againet the hoepital. She stated her concerne nbout the tra-ftic, noise and the e!lects on t~a whole environment. TEiE PUHLIC HEAFtING WAS CLOSED. Chairman Fry t~ld Mr. Salcedn he appreciated the qraciouaness with which he ncceeren Cificetionkand eaidkthatohehnowtfelt~thie~had bean allevietednat been prop Comn-iesioner La Cldire asked how the new bill that takee ettect on Janunry lat will affect the revenue from the hospital.. Mr. Salceda said they did a fiscal impact analysie and Dr. Gobar said the City would qet npproximatel.y ~71,000 per year, taking into account the new leqislation. He a].so snid there would 29! less traffic with this type develep~aent when compared to a co~mezcial dev~loptaent. Comniissionar Herbst aaked why the Anaheim Hills Carpc~rate statf turned down a hoepital at that tocation approximately 1 year ag~. Mr. Salceda aaid he was not an employee of Annheim Hill.s at thnt time• Cotamiasioner Bushore asked if waen't about a year esqo at this time Chat Anaheim Hilla, In~.~ was breaking up. Mr. Salceda sal.d along about 1980, Texaco, Anaheim H~lle had determined to put a moratoriuna on ell davelopment and sales in the area. Horst Schor, 7051 Scenic Circle, Anaheim, who previ.onaly worked !or Maheim H111s, Inc., snid the Froject waa batore the architecturnl review cownittee and was tu='ned down beoeuAe of og~traffic•a hospitalhwould genera ee roada wesre not desiqned Por the type irY ......._., y.r47.F;; ~ MINUTEB, 1WAH1lIM CITY PI.ANNINt3 COMMI86ION. D~C1at8~R 13, 1982 82-652 Cc~ais~ioner Houe~ a~ked about th~ v~rioua routs~ thet could be ueed by houpital tratfic. Peul 81n~r noted ~n aa~bulanc~ would have acoaes tram ait-~ar 11nah~im Nill~ Road ox Nohl Ranch Road end thet airculation wa^ d~~iqned !or the rear. o! the prop~rtyt howrvor, he did lael that ~~not tripe would qen'rata lrom th• west, qoinq up ia~erial which i~ a n~ejor art~rial highwey. ilo said th~y had done a rtudy which ha did noL havs b~lore him, but when Impsrial Hiqhwey eventually connsct~ witt~ Villa ?`ark~there would ba about 40,000 cers u~ing ths hiqhway. Coma~issioner Herbet said he did not think the hospital ~ahould be locnted riqht in Ghe centar o! ]-naheim Hille and he did not aqree thet a haepital wc~uld qanarete less trn!!ic than a cocuaer.cinl development. Commiseioner McAurney eaid :e did not know o! e+ny hoepital in Orange County thnt wae not eurrounded by reeidential property end he telt aommercial devalopment et that location woul,d qenaratg mare treflic t.hen a hospital. Connniseioner Kinq noted there were 1500 letters eant out about tcdey'~ meetinq and only two people were preaent in oppo~ition to the hoapital. Commiseioner La Claire aeked if we recaivad communicatlons froc~ any other peoFte. Dean Sherer, Asaociate Plenner, eeid ~+e had no corraspondence in the lila pertnining to the hospital. Commiesioner Bushore eeked Jeak White if, in lact, they were only ecting on thn land use bACaueo the linal epproval would be with the etet~a. Jnck White, l~esistan~ City ACtorney, ~aid their euthority wee limited to the zoninq aepects o! approvinq the l~cation as the etate has to iesue n Certilicate of Need nnd approve the actunl hoepi~al beinq comaaenced ae a ua~. Commiaeioner La Claire eaid she etill had reaervations of a hoapital going in at that location. 3he noted the developere were propoaing a large medicel olfice complex on the adjeining pnrcel and that thay miqht even eell that parcel. 3he aeid it the hospitel waa approved and the traftic qenerated cauaed a problem, ehe would not vote !or the approval ot the madical oftiae complex. Jack White told the Comwiesion that if the com~aercial o!lice buildinq was built on the adjoining property and did no~ require a vnriance or e conditional use permit, it did not have to come betore the Ccxiuaiesion. He daid however, if, at a later date, the traltic trom the hoepital posed a problem, tt~ey would have the riqht to review the conditional uae pezmit dnd set it !or an additional public hearinq. Mr. 8nlcedn snid they would, by contract, stipula~te thnt Phase 2 would not be built until the completion o! Phaee 1, which is Lhe hoapital. Ha said if they aold the property and they had made a covennnt with the City, it would etill be effective, becnuse a cov~nant qoee with the p~operty. Jack W'hite said thnt was corr4at, f! the owner recorde e covenant aqainst the property, thet coven~nn~ binds the new o~mer. MIN(1TE8, 11N71l~EI.M CITY PI.ANNINfi COMMI88IOti, D~C8M8ffif. 1:~, 1982 82-653 D~an Sharar said on a memo d+~ted Novembaz 29, 1982, to the Plsnninq Commi~sion, the Tra!!ic anqineer is r~commsndinq thet th~ f'ollowing condir_ione b~ attached to th~ conditional use permit rsqueAt, if it s'~ould be npprovad, and thet ie "that p~tor to tha irsuance o! building parmi t~, th~ developar ~hall pey in addition to r~qular trntfic siqnel ~sse4ament leee, the minimum amount o! ~40,680 !or tra!!ia signel innerconn~ct, petr contractor aeti~ts"~ He said ha Nc-s also requeatinq thst e condition ba ndded "thet priar to !'inal buildinq and toning inepectiona on thie property, the developer ehall. aonstruct n deceleratien lene on Noh~ Ranch Roed, 200 te~t l~nq rnd 12 leat wide wlth tire buster. s at the eouthern thrret t~het construction shall be done in e menner to preclude lalt-Lurne r'rom weat bound traffic on Nohl Rench Raad", aleo, "thet p~~ior to ~i~al building and zonirg inspectione, the aervice vehicle roed shall nat exceed 2• per 40 teet lrom ~he back of aidowelk on 1-naheisn Hill~ Road", alno, "L•hat the hoepital will provi.de vieibility clearance from both drivewnys on A~iaheim Hilln Aoed Eor a distdnce of 120 feet northerly nnd 80 feet eoutherly, 7 feet beck lrom the sidewelk or croeewalk" and finally eqain, "that prior to Pinel zoning inapectione on the pxoperty the hanQicapped parkinq spacee ahell be provided conforming to the leteet Cnl ifornie nnd Federel Code, eet epece~ ta be a minimum of 12 leot wide, but not lesa then e feet 2 inches height al.eerance with 4-fooC rampe al~ng the side and heve access to the building without wheelchair trsvereinq ~r enter inq the trevel lane". It was noted that Bnvirorunental Impact Repore No~ 260 wae pr~viouely approved at the meeting of November 29, 1982. ACTION: Commieeioner Huahore c~`lered Resolution No. PC82-219 nnd moved for ita paasege and edupeion that the Anahe~im City Planninq Commiaeion doem hereby grant Conditional Use Permit No. 2397 subject to petitioner's stipuletion that prior to commencament of the hoapital uee, ctevAloper, ee the owner ot the ad jacent 2.2 acre parcel (Parcel 4), shall execute and racord n covenant ae to Pnrcel 4, in a form approved by the City l~ttaxnay'e office, aqreeing that prior to the applicntion far, or iesuance of , eny building permita for an,y cc~mmercial development on said Pnrcel 4, the owner o! eaid Parcel 4 shell obtnin approvel o£ said comcaercial developctert ~rc~~ the ~lenning Commiesion or City Council and the same r~lates to vehfcu~ar trattic in the erea, including both individual and c~nulative impact of the propased developaaent and aub ject to I~tercYepartmentnl Co-'~mittee reconmendatione inc~uding the Added conditions recommended above by the Traffic Engineer. On roll aall, the foreyoing resolut.ion was paeeea by the followinq vot~e: AYES : BOUA3, BUSHORE ~ FRY , KING, I.A CLAI RE, MC BURNEY NOES : HSRH3T ABSEAIT : NONE Jack White, Asaletant City Attorney, preaented the written right to eppeal th~a Planning Commieaion's decieion within 22 days to the City Council. MINV'I'E8~ ~1NAHEIM CITX PTiANNINO CQ1~+IZSBIO~I'1r D3C~IBER 13 ~ 1982 82-654 ITBM N0. 4. R1~CL~-~BIFICIITION WO. 82-83--10 1-Nn V11RI11NC~ NO. 3307 PUBLZC l~E11kING. ONNSRi RAYMOND M. 1N~18CIS"!.~ ET 11I.~ 13.27 W• North str~et, 11nahAim, C11 9~801. 11QSN'Ts GARY MA~CIEL~ 4~0 S. Euclid Str~et, ~-nehaimr C11 92802. Properky d~saribed es a rectanqularly-ehaped parcel oi land consi~ting o! approximately 4,960 square leet located at 304 W. Vera-ont Avsnu~. RECLA88IFIC1ITION R8QU1iSTt RB-A-43,000 to RM-1200. VAR2J-NCS REQUBBTs Waivers a! meximaana ~structnral heiqht, minimum landscepod ~etback, parmitted type o! psrkinq speces end requirad scraeninq o! pazkinq to con~truct a 3-unit apartment complex~ Continumd lrom the rasetinqs o! Noveaaber 15 and 29, 1982, in order for petitioner to eubmit ravieecl pl~ns. There were four peraone indicating their presence in oppoeitior.to sub~eat requeet end althaugh the sCa~! repo rt aas not rend, it is relerred to snd made a part o! the m.inute$. Gary Masciel, 420 South Suclid Avenue, agant, etated the revised plnns ehow the unite are now atteched and the setbeck from Vermont Avenua ha• been increeeed to 51 leet. Jeen Beale, 225 W. Vermont, stated eha would like to eub~ait a petitior ahSh~ad liled th~s morninq conteininq 13 namea o! neighbore elso in oppoeition. noted the weivdrs were baeically the same as previoualy requeeted. She snid the parking problems had not been resolved and very little screening had been added. Marilyn Helm, 228 W. Venaont, Anataeim, stated ahe wau concerned ebout the number o! people that would occupy the propoeed project, the location o! the balcony which faces lier property and the perking eituation. 9he stated she would rether a duplex be put on the property. Vince Pietrok, owner af the propertY adjoininq on the enst side, stated the applicant invited the neighbors to go by lii~ property on Snntallna 8treet to qet a comparienn. Mra Pietrok stAted since the S~nte Ana Street property was 80' x 135' and locnted on a corne r with an alley there was no waY to make a compazison. He etated he felt th ~ waivers heinq requested would create a hardship on the neiqhbore. Mr. Masciel said they tri.ed to dr aw up the plane eo there would be the least amount of intrueion on tha aurrounding neighbors • tie eaid they allorred a?5He foot turning radiua so people would not be beckinq up onto Vermont l~venue. noted his project would help to svpply rentaY units which are in such demand in Anaheim. THB PUBLIC H.:ARING WA3 CL0380. Commiasioner La Claire gaid she ~elt the lack ot parkiag would be a hardship on th~a neiqhbors and recalled that in the past the Planninq Caumiesion had denied room additione becnuse the applicant would be one parking epace short, even though thay had taadem parking. --..~__...._,.._ ~_~......~......._._~_..~.„,~..,...-~.~-ra~ :A MINUT88, 1-t~71HeIM CITY ?LANNINfi COMMI882QN, DECEI+IAER 13, 1982 82-655 Commiss~ion~r 1Cinq not~d that in hi^ r•4ldential n~iqhborhood, n~ny psapie park~d on th~ ~treet rather than in Eh~ir g~raq~s. Coouniss.tansz Nsxbst ssid ha lelt it was all right to qrant a variancs i! it did not hurt the ne i ghborst how~vsr, in this instanca the parking was d~tinitelx e probleea. He eaid pe~pla n-iqht still bsck onto the street lrom th+~t pro ject~ H• rtated ht lelt tho pxopaaed pro j•ct rras t~o much !or ~he property• Commiseiansr Hushore noted the Coam~iseion did not heve e problen- with the •txuctursl haight, but did with the parking end ~het somathinq reasonable nesded to be Aone to correct thd situation. He said ameller unite miqht be adviAable. Commieaior~a r Herbet enid a 2-unit devalopment would evoid tho tandem parkinq. The appli~cant reque eted a continuance until the Jnnuary 10, 1983, meetinq in order to submit revi.eed plane . l~CTIONs Coauniesioner Herbati otfered e motion, seconded by Cammissioner Kinq and MOTION ~:ARRIED, that coneideration af tha aloxementionad m+dtter be continued ta the meet•,.inq of Janunr.y 10, 1983, at the requeat o! the petitioner. ITEM NO. 5. SIR N~CATIVE QECLAMTION~ R8CLA58IFICATION NO. 82-83-13 AND V11RI7-NCE NO~ 3309 PUALIC HEARIVG. OWNER9: AF~!'HUR L. STAHOVICH, ET AL, 905 Ramblewood Driva, Anaheim, G'328Q4. Property is described as an irrequlnrly-ehapAd parcel o~ land con~ i st~ng af approxia~ately .98 ecre having a lrontaqe o! npproximately 190 leet on ~he south side o.f Ornnse Avenue, approximntely 505 feet west o! the centerline of Western A•~enue. RBCLASSIFZCATION R8QU88Tt RS-~--43, 000 to RM-1200. VARIANCE RBQU.BST: W+~ivere of maximum siructurel heeiqht and minimum tloor area per dvrellinq ~anit to conetruct n 31-unit apartment complex. Thnre svas no ane indicatinq their pregence Sn opposition to eubject requeet and although the staf! report wae not read, it is referred to and made a part of the minuten. William S. PhE~lps, 1259 N. Batavia, Ornnqe, indicnted the oanere intsnded to have a lot eplit and had requeeted a waiver !or a 2-etozy building on the property. THE PUSLZC HEARING WA8 CLOSED• Cowmieaioner Ying aeked if the npplicant would aqree to the Traftic Enqineer's requeat thet cross-access be provided between Unlte A and H. Mz'• Phelps noted that r.he intention waa to aplit th~e lots anc'. I:here would be two ownarehipa. Paul Singer, Trnl~ic Bngineer, sa-id he telt even if thaee lots were split and sold, they could have internal circulntion, He noted it wonld make trash pick-up saaiar and emergency access b~tter. 4 ~ MINUTSS, 11N71H6IM CITY PLl1NNING COMMI88ION, D1~CRMHSR 13 ~ 1982 82-656 Mr. Phelps said whan tha two lo~s wors sold i~ wauld craate e-n eaeement con4lti~n on th~ proper.ty and h~ telt sech lot could •tand on its own. Commis~i~ner McBurney aoksd Qaan Sherer, Aseociata~ Plennsr, i! both parcmis could stand on their ovm es !ar ns parkinq wee c~ncerned end Deen Sherer said thay couls. 71CTION: Commiseioner 1(ing olfered e motion, aaconded by Commissioner eouae and MOTION C1IRRISD, that the Anaheim City Plenninq Conuniasion hes reviewed the propoeal to conetruct n 31-unit npnrtment complex with waivers of maximum structurnl heiqht nnd minimua- lloor ereK par dwalling unit on an irregulnrly-ahaped parcel o! land con~is ting o! approximetely .89 ecre, having a t'rontage of npproximately 190 teet on the eouth sida ot Oranqe Avenue, havinq a maximum depth of epproximntely 205 ~edt end being locetad epproximately 605 faet west of the centerline o! Westarn Avenuet nnd does hereby approve the Neqative peclarntinn from tha requirement to prepare en environciental impact report on the be~nis thet there would be no aignificdnt individuel or cumuletive edveree envirurunental impact due to the approval of this Neqative Declaretion eince the Aneheim General Plan deeiqnatee the eubject property Por medium deneity r~eidential lend ueee comcnenaurete with the propoe~lr thaC no sensitive environa~ental impacts are involved i.n the proposalt that the initinl Study submitted by the petitioner 1nc]icatea no aiqnificnnt individual or. cumulativa adverse environmental impnctst and that the Neqntive Declarntion aubstnntietinq the ~oregoinq findinga is on file in the City of Anaheim 4lanning Depnrtment. Commieaioner Kinq oftered Resolution No. PC82-220 a-nd moved for ita peesage and ad~ption tl~et the Anaheim City Plann inq Commisaion doea hereby grant Reclnesilicati~~n No. 62-83-13 aubject to Interdepartmental Committee reconanendatlon~s . On roll call, ~the foregoinq resolution wAS paesed by the followinq vote: AYEBs BOUAB, BUSHORE, FRY, HER83T, KZNC, LA CLAIRB, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABSSNT: NONE Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC82-221 and moved for its passage and adoption thnt Veriance No. 3309 be qranted on the baeis th~et denial wauld deprive subjec~t proporty of a privilaqe bAing e~joyed by other properties in the ea~ae zone ~s~id vicinity and on the basis of the location o~ the property and subject to 2nterdepartmental Go~nittee recommendationa. On roll call, the foreqoinq resolution was peased by the ~ollowinq v~tes AYES: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRX, HSRBST, lCING, LA CI.AIR1l, MC BURNEY NOESs NONE AHSENT: NONE RECLSS: There was a 10-minute recess at 3:00 p.m. RECONVRNE: The meetinq was reconvened at 3:10 p.m. MINI7TS8, 11NAHBIM CITY PLAN[~=Na COMMIS$IONr DAC3MBER 13, 198Z 8Z-657 IT~MI NO. 6~ 8IR CATSliORICAL EXEMPTION-CL7188 5 11N0 V1IRIANCB NO. 3310 PUBLIC HRl-RINCi. OWN~R: THOMAB H. l1ND GaRTRUD Pl1XN1l, 2513 Mall place, 7~nahel~ai, CA 92804. Property d~scribed eo a rectangularly-~hapnd parcel o! lend oonti~ting of approximately 5225 square laet located at the northas~t aorner o! Mell placs and Hampton Str.eet, 2513 Mell Plece. Waivar o! me~ximum lot coverage to conetruct a room addition to en existinq ainqls-tamily reaidenc~. Thare was no ons indice~tinq ths.ir preeence in oppoeition to subject request and although Lhe sLnf! report wa8 not read, it ia reterred to end mede a pert ot the minutes. Tom Peyne, 2513 Me-11 Plece, Aneheim, stated he wae requeatinq e waiver to construct a room additian due to the lect hie tamily hed inareased in eize. He n~ted there were other homes in the aree with the eame type of lot coveraqe. He stated hin pl~ng had been aubmitted to the Building Department end they meet all Code r.equiremenr.e. '~HE PUBLIC HE~RING W71S CLOSED. Commisaioner ICinq neked the applicent if hia neiqhb~+re werg satietied with the propo~al snd Mr. Payne etated they ware. It waa noted the Plnnning Director or his suthorized r~preaa~ntetive has determinad that the propoeed project fa7.ls within the aefinition o! Cateqoricel L*xemptione, Clnes 5, na detined in the State Envirocuaentel ImX~sct Report Guidelines and is, therefare, categoric~nlly exempr_ frcm the requirement to prepare en EIR. 7-CTION: Commisaioner Kinq offered Resoluti~n No. PG82~222 end moved for i~e ~aesnqe and adoption that the Anaheim City Flanninq Com~aiaeion. does hereby qrant Varianr_e No. 3310 on the basia thn*. lot covereqa ie minimal when compared to the 40s lot covernqe in the tract end denial would deprive subject propeLty of a privileq~ enjoyed by othez propertfea in the saroe zone an8 vicinity. On roll call, the foreqoinq resolution aaA paesed by the f.ollaving votes AY83: 80UAS, BU3HORE, FRY, HER83Tr 1CING, LA CL7.IRE, MC B[~RNEY NOES: NON~ ABSSNTs tdONE ITEM N0. 7. EIR CATBGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLA38 13. AND VARIANCS Nt). 3311 PVHLIC HSARING. OWNBRS: ALFRSD A~ HOLt1~, 8 SONE, INC., P.O. Box 416, Lindsay, G 93247. AGENT: DBNNIS BTRICKBIIdE, 1723 W. l~atella 1-venue, Annheim, CA 92804. Property described as en irreqular2y-sheped pazcel of l+snd conaisting of approximately 2.3 acres located north and Wegt of the northwest corner o! 1~atella ~-venue ar~d 8uclid 3treet (Don Dieqo's Reataurant). ~Paivere oP permittad location of roof eiqn, minimt~a dietance b~etween aigns and ma~ximwn heiqht o~ illumianted rooL aiqn to prrmit e roo~ eiqn. MZN~ITEB, J1N11E~IM CITY PLI1NNIt~Ki CpMWIB$IONr fJEC~MIB~R 13, 1982 82-658 Th~rs ~~t• no one india~tinq Chsir pr~senc~ in oppo~ition ta eubj~ct roque~t •nd elthauqh the ~ta!! re~+oxt wa~ not reed, it i~ rel~rro8 to aud made a part o! ths minut~~. Dennio Strickbino, 1723 W. Kstells, ~gant, eaid he would lik~ to r~plac• a •iqn tha~ wa• removed lrom hi• roo! durinq tha r~cent reawdelinq in ordsr to help hi~ bu~ine~s. He atated due to the new laa~ he nee~lmd a verianae to ra~lac~+ his aiqn. THB PUHLIC HBARING WA8 CL08ED. Commissioner Her.bst naked if there wea eny pos$ibility o! meetinq the height requirement nnd the applicant ~aid ha felt he needed ell o! the weivers he asa requeetinq, includinq height. Cortimiseianer 9ou~a Asked if he had e marquee si~~n l~efore. Mr. Skrickbin~ e+~id he did not nnd, in far.t, had a eiqn similar to ~the one he was propoeing. Commiseioner King eaked i! the nean eiqn was otill in uae and the applicant said it wae. Commiesi.oner Le Claire aeked if the naon siqn wae in ad~ition to the monumant eiqn and applicant said it wesr however, he noted that he did not have a siqn to advertiee specials aa did nther resteurente in the nree. It wt~s notad the Plnnninq birector or hie authorized repreaentativo hes determined tfiat the propoeed project falle within the definition of Catoqorical ~x~mptions, Claes 11, es detined in the State SnNirunmental Impact Report Guidelinea and is, therefore, categnrically exemQt trom the requirement to prepare nn EIR. ACTION: ComOnissioner Herbet otfered Resolution No. PC82-223 and moved for ita pae~aqe nnd ndoption that the Anaheim City 1Planninq Coaunisgion doea hereby qrant Variance No. 3311 on the baeis that due to the obecuri.ty c+f the reetaurant, thia would not be detxiaental to any o! the surroundinq properties and subject to Interdepartmental Canuaittee recommiendatione. On roll vall, the loreqoinq raeolution wae pessed by the folloWinq votes AYEB: BOUAS, BU3HORE, PRY, HERBST, KING~ I,~ CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOBS: NONE AB$SNTs NONE IT8!! NO. 8. 8IR NDGATIVE DECLAR~TION AND VARIANCE NO. 3312 PUHLIC HEI~RING. OWNERS: LOUIS 6 MANUEL WALTER CO., ET AL, 9250 W1lshire Soul~evard, Suite 212, Beverly Hilla, CA 90212. AGSNT: STnVALL PROPBRTIES, 1110 W. Kstella l~venue, 1-naheim, CA 92802. Property deacribed es a rectanqularly~-ahaped parcel of land consiating of approximately 4.0 acres locete~l at the southwest corner of 1Catella Avanue and Weat Street and turther desaxiLed as 1110 W. 1Cate].la Av~nuo (Inn of Tomorrow). waivers o! minimum nwaber o! parkinq spac~ss and mnximun- etructurax heiqht to expand an exiatinq nwtel. MINLiT~8, 1-N71HltiM CITY PLAP1'~lIl~i COMMISt9ION, D!lC8M8BR 13, 1982 82-659 Th~re wor• •pproximately liva p~opl~ indi~atinq t.heir pres~nce in oppasitioh ta subjact r~quast and ~ltihouyh th4 etalf raport wee not r~ed, it ia r~l~rrad to and mads a part o! the minute~. Jim Stouall, 1.110 W. lG~tella Avenua, Anaheim, deocrib~d the propoee~d project and ~tated h~ wae pr~~e^t ko an~Ner any ques~ion~. Vic Stapl, 1112 Dawey Plece, Anaheim, said hr wes opposad to the pro~ect baaauee a 3-etory buildinq would block his view and he aleo did not want a pr~cedent s~~t !or ellowinq 3-atory motel~ in ths erea. H~ noted parkinq in tf~e ar~e wa.~ conqeetad, and r~cently residents had bee~ qivan permlt pazking bmcause ot thie problem. He 8aid h~ waa eleo concernAd about l.he televieion r.~aeption. Mer}• Lou Mahrley, 1108 D~wey plQ~e, aeid ehe was concerned abaut the aeethetic value end the wall heiqht between her property and Mr. 8tovalls, being only 5 tset, with hia property being higher then here. She eteted at tlmea trash lrom th~i awtel would qet into her yard and eometimee people would throw rocks nt her animals. Shee also noted that buaes park directly aqainat the wdll and run ~heir enqinea from 30 to 45 minuLee, caueinq exhauet luraes to ~ome onto hez praperty. She eeid she talked to Mr. Stovell in the lobby and he agreed to teke cere of tihie problem. Jeea Grady, 1117 W. Dewey Placa, noted she wab cancerned about traeh, property valttee end light beinq blockad fran her houee. She said Mr. Stavall hed told her he would heiqhten the Pence. Carl Hummel, 1863 S. Weat 3treet, said his concern was etrictly with the hr:iqht. Currently the sacond etory bnlcony runs alonq the east sifl~ and t;~uri:sts with binoculare look into the surrounding neiqhbor's yerds. He telt ~a third story would just increese thia pr~blam. Zoila Heeter, 1135 Dewey Drive, stnted her coacern about the heiqht o! the buildinq and the property value. Mr. 3tova1l said he told the penple who were in oppoeition to this proJect that he would do everythinq he could to alleviate their concerns. He aaid he would increaee the heiqht of the fence and perk the buees parallei to San~bo'a. THB PUBLIC HEARII~ WAS CLO$SD. Mr. 3tova1l eaid he had hired a coneultant to asaist with the proj~ect. He nated Pau1 8tnger and his traffic consultnnt had egreed on driva+ray Locratione on ]Catella Avenue and Condition No. 3 under Interdapaztmental Ca~a~it~e recommandations ahould 1be raworded to rellect that the westarly 3rivew~y i~e relocsted. Deen Sherer indicated the driveway locatione hAd been workkaid out bet~+~asn the apFlicnnt and the Tratfio Bngineer prior ta the meeting. 1-fter considerable diacussian with the Commissianesa' e~e~easi,~q th~~ir concern ~or the privacy o! the surroundinq n~ighbors and tfie dil~terw~t poss~,bilities ~or mitigatinq theee psoblans, tha petiLioner sti~ulated ta slimiaata faur uhits ot- the third lloor of 8uildinqs 71 and 8, ~Ad thax the b~lcony should be closed on the ~outhezly en8 of Huildings 11 aa~ Br and that the petitioner MINtJ!r88, AN71H3IM CITY FLANt~lINO COMMI88ION, D6CEMBE1t 13, 1982 82~660 woul.d provids a minimum 10~•loot wide lendscaped bulf~r on the motel praperty adjecsn~ to tha sinqle-lamily rs~idanoe• tio th• eouthl typ. o! landsoaping eubjsct to approval by th~ Planninq Oepartment~ inaludinq an e-loof high bloak wa7.1 on tha •outh prop~rtiy lin~ msaeured lrom th• high~et point o! lini~hed qrade. T1-e epplicant elao aqr~ed to provide a mast~er televiaion antennn aystem tor any .residence to the south o! the motel ah~~ may experienc~ TV ~ignal reception ~yroblema ca~ieed by the ndw motel conetruction. ACTION: Comtaiseionar Nerbat olfered e c~ation, aeconded by Camnieeion~r 1Ctng and MOTION CARRISD, that the Anaheim Ci,ty Pl.nnning Commi$aion he~ reviewad the proposnl to expand an exi~tinq motel with waivere o! minimua~ number o! parkinq specea and mnximum atructuzel height on a rectenqularly-sheped parcel. o! land conei~tinq ot approximately 4.Q ecr~as, loceted et the southwmst corner of Katella Avenue and West 3treet, having approximate frontaqee of 268 feet on the aouth eide ot Ketelld Avenue and 575 teet on th• weet Aide of West Strestl and doee heraby approve the Neqative Declarntion lrom the requirement to prepare dn environmental impact report on the b~eie thnt there wnuld be no aignificent indivldual or cumulative adverse environmantal impact due to the appr~val of thie Neqetive Der.leration eince khe Aneheim Genernl Plan lieaiqnetes the eubject property for commerciel rec:eation land uaes comme~eurete with the proposelt that no seneitiva environmental impncts are involved in the pr~posalt that the 2nitial Study aubmittad by the petitioner indicates no ei.qnificent individuel or cumulative adverae environmental impactst and that t1~e Negative Declere~tion aubetentietinq the foreqoinq tindinqe ie on file in tha City of Anaheim Plnnnirtq Department. Cot~anieaioner Herbst offered Reaolution No. PC82-224 and moved for ita peesaqe and adoption that tha Anaheim City Plenning Commiseion doea hereby grant Variance No. 3312 subject to petitionez's atipulation to: (1) eliminate four units on the third floor of euildinqa 1- and B, (2) cloee belcony southern end Buildinqs A dnd B, (3) provide a 10 foot landscaped atrip adjacc~nt to zeeidences to the eouth, (4) provide an 8-foot block well on the southezn property line, (5) provide a master television antenna system end subject to Interdepartn-ental Committee reco~amendations. On ro11 call, the foregoinq resolution was paeaed by the followinq vote: AYEBs BOUAS, BUSHORE~ FRY, HERBSI', ICING, IA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ITEM N0~ 9. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND VARIANCE N0. 3313 PUBZIC HEA12INC~. O6itdERS: UAVID J. AND S7INDRA C. HUARTE, 1301 W. Valencin Drive, Fullarton, c:A 92632. AGSNT: DANIEL W. HOLDSN, 303 3. Harbor Boulevard, 8uite 914, Anaheim, ~,.A 92805. Propexty described as A rectengularly-shaped parcel of lnnd consistinq of approxiraataly 0.2 ecre locuted at the northeast corner of Water Street and Harbor Bo~ilevard and turther deecribe8 as 554 and 558 S. Harbor Boulavnrd. i~aivers af permitted type of parking epecea and maximwn etructural height to conatract a 2-etory commeraial otfice building. MINtM'1~8, 11I~T11HEIM CITY PLANNIN~i CQMMI80ION, DBCEMBBR 13, 19A2 82-661 Thsr~ aas one person indiaating hi• pr~~~noa in oppoaition to •ubj~vt request end althouqh the ~te!! report wa~ not r~ad, it is relarrsd to and mads a part o! th~ minuteo. Daniel Nolden, 900 8. Harbor, 8uit• 914, Anahaim, noted th• ~truatur• would be priiaarily ocoupiad by attorn~ye. Tony Paduea i8aaretsry could not verity nama), 537 S. Herbor Boulevard, Anaheim, stated he wes concern~d about th• parking eituation. H• eaid he had aommercial behind him now aith parkS.ng in the beckt howevar, it was not nacasssrily bainq used. Ne said he wa~ alraid Harbor 8oulavard w~uld eventunlly ba uaed prlmarily f~r parkinq. Mr. Hnlden eaid he lslt the parkinq had been handled very well considering there werP 14 requlax perkinq epecae and 4 campnet car parking spacas. TH~ PUBLIC HSXRING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Herret eeked bean 8herer it this proposel would meet the Code if the parking ordinancer thnt waa beinq henrd by the City Council and Planninq Commission tomarroa, were adopted. Dean Sharer, A~saociat~ Plnnner, stated it would. Commi.asioner King asked i! we had any up to dete fiqurea on ~he ratio o! emall oers vereue large onAa. Dean Sherer etated the draft study and ordinnnce they will be lookinq at toawrrow wi.th the City Council recommencls 50s of the parkinq spaces tor a comtaercial development be for sn~nll carest however, staff racommende 25t be for amall cara. Comciasioner La Claire aeked how the small car spacea ~rould bes merked. Dean Sherer aeid the ordinance did ~et ~orth that ameill car ap~ces shall be identified ~nd eet apart trom regular aize parking epacea. Jack White, ]~aeiet~nt City Attorney, said that since we don't know when t}~a or.dinance w~ll tnke aftect, that we ahould add a condition with a stipulaLion from the applicant that emall cnr spaces shell be designated in a raanner as approved by the City Tretfic Enqineer. 11CTION: Conuaiasioner La Claire o!lered a nwtion, seconded by Comiaissioner r NcBurney and MOTION C]~RRIED, thaL the Anaheim City Planninq Co~-aissfon hae reviewed the propoual to conatruct e 2-etory, commercial o!lice buildinq vrith waivere o! pnrmitted type of parkinq spacea and maximum etructural heiqht on a ractanqularly-shaped parcel o! land conaiatinq of approximately 0.2 acre loaated at the northeast corner of Water Street and H~rbor Boulevard, havinq a lrontage of a~proximnte~y 83 leet on the north side ot Water 8treet and a trontage of spproximately 88 teet on the saet side of Harbox Boul~vardt and does hezeby approve the Negative Daclaration troa~ the r~quirement to prepare an envir~nmenta~l impaat report an the basis that thara would be no aiqnilicant individusl ar cumulatlve adver~e enctronmentel impact dua to tha approval ot this Neqative Declaxetion ainca tha l~naheim General Blan ~lesiqnates the sub~ect property for commarcial protessio~al land uses coamnsnsura~e with the proposait that no s~nsit~.va enviroamantal impacta are involved in the MIN~T88, 11N11HEIM CI'PY PLANNIN(i COMi~l288i(~N, DEC~IBI~R 13, 1982 82-662 propo~~lt that the Initial 8tudy ~uMnittad by tha patiLionar indl.catea no ~iqniticant indiviAual or o~uaulativ~ edvsrae snvi.ronmente~l impacte~ end that the Noqetiv~ Dsclaration aub~tantiating the toreqoing finQinqo i• on file in ths City o! ~-naheim Planning D~partment. Coamii~rioner La Claira o!lerad Rssolution No. PC62-225 end m<~•e~: !or its passaga and adoption thet the Anahsi~a Clty Plenninq C~mmission doea hereby grant Veriance No. 3313 on the ba~si• ot th~ petitioner's stipulation that the amell car •paoee would be dssiqnated in e manner approved by the City Trettic Enqineer and that the structurnl heiqht will not ntfect the eurroundinq erea due ta distance and subject to Interdepartmental Coeamittee r~ecoannendati~ne. On roll cnll, the foregoinq raeolution wds paeaed by the f~llowinq votei AY88: BOUAS, BUf3HORE, FRY, HERBST, ICING, 1.A CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOEBs NONE AHBENT: NANE Jack White, Aesietent City Attorney, pre~sented t'he written right to appeal tha Plenning Commieaion'e deciaion within 22 days to tha City C~uncil. IT1tM N0. 10. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF GODE UIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL US~ PERNIIT N0. 2393 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: ROBERT L. AND ETFIEL L. WETZLER, 31722 Paseo Terraza, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675. AG~NTs DA'~E CARLSON, P.O. Box 819, Annheim, CA 92805. Property deecribed es ~n rectanqularly-ehaped pnrcel of land conaiatinq o! approximately .36 acre located at the eoutheaet corn~r of Ball Road and Seach Boulevnrd. To pertait a drive-throuqh reetaurant with waivers of minimwn nwaber of parking apacee and minimum lenqth of drivb-`hrouqh lene. There was no one indicatinq their preeence in opposition tn subject request and althouqh the etaff report was not rend, it ie referred to and a~ade a part of the minutee. Bob Miriata, P.O. eox SL9, Anaheim, said *_hey had juetlfication tor the new waivera th~y were requeatinq as they planned to close the two driveways neare~t the interaections and that they had access e,asements to the property lran the ~ast end south. Ha said they r,rorked with othar fast foad chains such as Burger Kinq and Wendy's with annual sales above ~5750,000 per year per $tor.e with a~3.00 ticket averaqe, which ~aeana approximately 274 cars pase throuqh the drive-through with 40b of the bueinesa beinq attributed to Srive-through sales with n total amount of cars per day beinq 685. In contrast, Kentucky Fried Chicker. (Y~C) national avernqe salea are ~400,000 per year with a~5.00 ticket averaqe which means approximately 88 cars pass Chrouqh the drive-through with 30 to 40~ of the busineea beinq attributsd to drive-through salee with n total amount o! cars per day beinq 219. He noted 50i o! business did occur between the houre of 4s00 to 8:00 p.m. He said they had 8 c ores in Orenge Counky and 52 atoree between Los Anqeles an8 Rivereide County with dxive-throughs havl.nq substantially lees perking and atackinq. He noted the oldest had been ir- operation for d yeara. He eaid they noriaally have a 3 to 4-car stack nnd in thie particulaz store, they were proposinq 6. He ~saic7 they proposed 19 parkinq apaces and the averaqe request nationally wag 10 parkinq spaceo. He eaid he would be happy to answar any questione. ~~ MtNUTEB, 7W11H~IM CI'PY pLANNING COMMlI88ION, DmCEM88R 13, 196x 8Z-663 THa pUBLZG HRIIRINO N718 CLOSED. Commi~~lon~r King esk~Q P~ul 8inqer about khe r~comm~ndation in the ~talf report ralaeiv~ to •~riout on and o!!-sit~ tre!!ic conq~stion that would occur with in~ulficisnt parking snd steaking di~tenc~s in the drive-throuqh lane. Fsul Sinq~r ~ai.d this d~al• with tha code astabli~hed raqardinq diskanc~. rsquir~d !or a drive-through re~taurant with e call in booth !or Rtacking o! 60 and 100 taet re~pectlully end thes• minin-ums sr• not pre~ant in thi~ davelopment. Hs neted ths desiqn o! tha building wa. !ix•d and npp+irently thare was ona de~iqn !or all sites. Ha •ai(! i! tha drive-throuqh window could be movsd to the bottom o! Eh~ bul.lding along 9aach by rsdeeigning the interior, tha petitioner could comply with code. Connnieeionar Herbet noted the code had bean changed recently bacausa they were heving problamt~ with beck up opaca !or esra uainq the drive•through wi.ndow. Conaidereble discussion eneued with xhe Commi~eloners axpressinq their concarns about the problems o! traltic conqeetion nnd oirculation on tha propQrty. They al.ao indicate~! they lelt these probinma wera causa8 by the buil.dinq desiqn and that there could be plenty o! spac~ to cneet code raquirements, i! the building wae redeeiqned. Sc~b Wetsler, 31722 Paseo Terrace, San Juan Capistrano, spoke brietly on the hin~ary o! the preperty and esked Commission to take into cQneideration the potnntial circulation around the property. Gonqni~sian diecussed brielly the poseibility o! redeeigr~inq the building. Tha applicant requasted n continuanca to tha aieetinq o! January 10, 1962, in order to submit reviaed plane. A..;TION: Commiseioner Bu~hore olPered a ~aotion, seconded by Com~aiasioner McBurney and MOTION C1-RRIED, that consideration of the atorementioned matter be continued to the meetinq of January 10, 1982, at the request of the applicant. ITSM NO. 11. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION !-ND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2398 PUBLIC HB1-RING. OWNBRSs WZLLIHM C. TAORMIl1~ AND VZNCBNT C. TAQ~WINA, P.O. Aox 309, Anaheim, CA 92803. Property deacribed ~a an irregularly-ahaped parcel of land ~con-~ieting of approximately 1.6 acres located at the weaterly tera~inua of White Statr 1-venue and lurther deacribed ae 2761 8nst White Star (Anaheim Disposal, In,^.). To pern-it a recycling/zeeources racovery transfer Pacility in the ML Zone. There was no one indicatinq their presenae in opposition to subject requaet and al~hough the ata~f reporC wa~ not reed, it is referred to and made a parC of the minutes. i~illi.em and Vincmnt TaozYatnr~~ P.O. Hox 309, l~r-aheim, wvre present to answer any que~tions. MINUTSB, AN~HEIM CITY PL~NNING COMMIg8SON, DSCEKB&R 13, 1982 82-664 THB PUBLIC HEJIRIN(i W718 CLO$$D. Commisaioner H~rb~t Asked i! thsra wauld bs any outdoor ator~ge end the applicant stiateA ~her~ vrould not. Commiaelonar Herbst noted ha qoes by the propert,y every morninq end Lhet it had besn kept exc~ptionally claan. The applicant noted the vuildinq had been designed so no one could eae into tihe building lraa the l~r.eway or lrom La Palms 1lvenue. ~CTIONe Commissioner Kinq o!l~rad a nwti~~n, seconded by Cortmai.eion~r Herbst and ?lvTION Cl1RRISD, thnt the Anaheim City Planning Commiaaion hes reviewed tha pruposal to permit a recyclinq/reeource recovery tranu~er facility in the ML (Industrialr LimiCed) Zone on ~n irreqularly-shaped parcel ot land coneiatinq o! approximntely 2.6 ecree located at the we~+tarly teroainue o! White Stxr kvenua, having a frontege o! approximately 10 le~t on tha north ai~le of iahite 8*ar 1~venue, havinq a maxic~uan dE~th ot approxin-etely 685 feet nnd further ~le+~cribed ae 2761 White Star Avenuet and daes hereby approve tha Neqntive Declaration fYOm the requirement to prepare nn environmental impact report on th~e beais that thara would be no signilicant individual or cumulative adverse en~~ironmental ia-pact due to the approval o! this Negative Declnration eince the~7~naheim G~neral Plan desiqnates the subject property ~or qenaral induatrial land uBee commeneurate with the propoealt thet no sensitive env.ironmentnl impacts are involvad in the prop~aelJ that the Initial 8tudy eubtiaitted by the pc~titioner indicatee no aiqniticant individual or cwaulative adveree environenental impactet end ~chat the Neqetive Declaration aubstentiating the loreqoing findiny~ ia on fil~e in the City of llnRheim Planninq Depertment. Coma-isaioner 1Cinq of~ered Resolution No. PC82-226 and moved !or its peeanqe and a8option that the Anaheim City Planning Commieelon does hereby grant Condi.Gional Uee Permit No. 2398 subject to Interdepartmental Cc~mittee recomntenclation a . On roll call, the foregoinq reaolution wea passed by the lnllnwinq vote: AYES: BOUA3, BUSHORE, FRY, HSRHST, ICING, L!1 CLt-IRE, MC BURNEY NOL3s NONE ABSENTs NONE ITBM N0. 12. SIR N~GI~TIVE DECI.~RATION, WAIVER OF GODE REQUIRENISt~T l~ND CONDITIONAL USS PBRMIT NO. 2399 PUHLIC HE~iRING. Owt~TBRB: MAGNOLIA PLAZA, 13542 Newport Avenue, ~stin, CA 92680. ~GBNTs RI-Y GODWIN, 560 W. First Street, Tustin, G- 92G80. property described ae .. rectangularly-ehaped paxcel of land consisting of approximately 0.6 acree having a frunt.aqe of appxaxl.n~tely 166 teet on the ea,st aide ot l~iaqnolin 1-venue, havinq a maximum depth o~ approximately 161 feet and bainq loanted approximately 200 fe~t aouth of the cenLerline of La Palma Avenue. To perm3t a drive~thrauqh douqhnut shop with waiver of c~inimum lenqth of drive-throuqh lnne. MINUTEB~ 711a11H3IM CITY PL~INNING COMNI88IONr DECSMeER 13, 1982 82-b65 Thera was no ono indicatinq their pr~s~nc• in opposition to subiact r~que~t and aithouqh the statt raport aas not r~aA, it is rsterred to and tn~d. a part o! th• minut~s. Oary 8o~t, architeat, 560 W. ~'ir~t 8treett, Tustin, eaid .everal question• were raleee! et the Int~rdapartm~ntal Coaimittee msating. He oaid that Mr. ninger want~d the driv~-radiu~ changed to ratlect e 10 loot radi= and the drivsway cioee~t to tha eouthArly propsrty lina enlarqed to 24 laet wide. Tha spplicaat ~tated they would have no problam meeting theee reque~t~. H• esld th~ other item raiaed aas a rsquest to do soraa reseerch into the flrive stackinq for tha douqhnut ehop. He noted Jsan's Donut• presently hav~ threa atoras o~en for k~uoine~s vary eicail~r in opdration a~ the ona being proposed. H~ seid he di~tcuesad the tretfic stackinq problam with the distric~ menager who adviemd him that the peak trnttic. houra are~ lr~m 6:30 a.m. to 9i~0 a.m. end a aecondary i~uah around midniqht. He eaid during that time thare were noraially not awre than 4S cars stacked in tha drive-through ].ane. He said he had a letter atntinq these factn, if trie Commiesion would like it to be entered i.nto tha public record. THF. PUBL:C HEARING WA6 CLQSED. Coma-isaioner euahore +~sked if they would only be eellinq doughnuts. The applicant anid that they would be eellinq other related iteme duch ae pastriee and cookies, but no breekfnst itmas euch ea egqa. Commieaionar Herbst asked Jack White if thay could tie the con8ltional use pexmit to the uae of a douqrinut shop only. Jaak White, Assietant City Attorney, eaid they could say this waa a variance in particular for a drive-thr~uqh doughnut ehop, underetanding that included the asle of pastries and cookiae, aince there ie e differenc~e between a reetaurnnt dnd e douqhnut ehop. Paul 8inger, Traffic Enqineer, and epplicant briefly discussed the aliqruaent of the pzopoeed driveways. Paul Sinqer said he .~ould be happy t4 work with the epplicant to iron out the vnrioue detnils. xCTION: Commieaioner La Glaire otfered a motion, aeconded by Commiseioner ]v,ng and MOTION CARRIF,D, that the Anahaim City Planninq Commiesion has reviewed the proposal to permit a dxive-throuqh dcaqhnut ahop with waiver of a~lnimum lenqth of drive-throuqh lane on a rectanqulerly-shnped pnrcel of land consistinq of approximetely 0.6 acre hnvin~3 a trontaqe of approximately 166 leet on the eaet side of Magnolia 1lvenue, havinq a maximum depth of approximataly 161 :Eaet and beinq located approximately 200 feet south of the centerline of La Palma Avenuei and does hareby approve the Neqative Declaration from the requiremant to prepa~z~e en environmental impact xeport on the baais that there vrould be no aiqniticant individual or cumulative adverae environmental 1u~pACt due to tihe approval of this Neqative Decleration since the Anah9lm General Plan daeiysi~tea the subject prnperty for qeneral coummercial land usea coma~enaurate~ witk~ ~lae proposal t that no sensitive environaeeatal impscta are involvad in the propouslt that tha Iaitial Study subaaitted by the petitioner indicatea no eiqni~icant indivi8ual or cumulative ~ ..~ MINUTEB~ 1W11l1EIM C2TY MJW1aIlIG COI~QIxBSION• D~~=R 13r 198Z 82-666 aclv~r~e ~nvirona~ntal impact~~ ~nd that tih~ N~q~tiv~ D+cl~ration ~ubstantiati.aq ~h~ lor~qoinq lindinq~ i• on til~ in tih~ City o! J-r-aheim Planninq D~partm~nt. Comais~ioner La Clair~ a!l~r~d a tnotion, ~econded b} Co~ni~~lon~r Kinq snd 110TION CIIRRIEp, th~e the 11nah~im C=.ty Ptanning Com~ni~~ion do~~ h~r~by qrAnt t,h• r~qu~~t !ar waiv~r o! code r~quirament on th• basis ~h~~ the u~~ i~ qoinq to bs a douy~hnut ~hop and noti enothar typ~ o! dsiv~-khrouqh u~~. Commi~~ionar La Clair~ o!l~xod Resolution No. PC82-227 and aawd !or its pa~~aqe end arloption that the 1lnahaim City Planning Cos^aission do~~ h~r~by qranE Condi~tonal Use Pern-it No. 2399 subj~ct to the p~tikioner'~ ~tipulation thaL ~ale of. producto on the pr~mia~~ be lia~it~d to doughr-ut~, cookies, pavtrieo and other similarly relat~d productr and that tha tr~!!ic pattern vill bo warked out to tha eatisl~ction o! ths Tra!!ic Sn~in~~r nnd eubj~ct to interdegartmental Ccmnnittee recommsndations. On roll csll, the loregoinq resolution wa~ pa~tseci by t2ae lollowinq voLes I1YS8s HOU]-S, BUSHORE, FRY, H$RSST~ KING, LA CIJIIRE, MC BURNEY NOaB: N~iB 1-BBlCNTs NONE Jack Whi~e, 7lsoistant ~ity 1-ttorney, prosented tha written zight to appaal the Planning Coa~mission'• decisian within 22 daye to the C ity Council. IT~1 NO. 13. EIR NEGIITIVE DBCL1tR11TI0N AND CONDITIONAI. I18E PBRMIT N0. 240I ^I)SLIC HEIIRING. OWN8R8: WiLLiI-M 1CtIGEL F7IMILY TRUST. 172 N. Tustin ]-venue, Suite 303, Oranqe, CJ- 92667. J-GENT s BTSVLN BZGBRSETK , 817. Lido Lena "1~", Maheim, C!- 92801. Property deecribed ae a rect.anqularly-ehaped parcel o! la,~d conaisting o! approximately 10.5 dcree located at the northweot corner o! Crescent Avenue and Euclid 3treet, 623 N. Suclid Stre~t. To perr~it e tavern in the CL Zone. There was one person indicating hie preaence in oppos ition to eubject requast and althouqh the stalf report wae not read, it is refarred to and made n part of the minutee. Steven Siqereeth, 812 Lido Lane "J-"r 1-naheim, aqent, etated he wae rs~ui nen9 a permit tor e beer nnd wine tavern and was present to ansvrer at~y cN 8. Domingues, S44 Parkvrood, Anaheim, daid there was a liquor stere already on the property an~' r-e haA problems with dr ~nka, car~ speedinq in the park;.ng lot and noise all hourd a! tha night. He eaid thia v-ould be cc~mpoundad it a tavern w~e to be pera~ittad on the property. Mr. Siqerseth aaid he would do his beat to control h ia cuetomerr. THE PUBLIC HBAItING WAS CLOSED. Comotisei~ner Herbat aoked ahat kind o~ entartainment he would be having and ti.ha applicant said there vou~d be no live entartainment, just arueic lrom the jukebox and probably a daejap. MIN~TSB, 71N71NEIMI CITY PLl1NN2l10 COMM288ION, D1~C1Q~~R 13, 1982 8Z-667 Coamai~tion~r H~rb~t ask~d i! tih~ unit had back door~ and th• applioant aaid y~~, th~r~ MA/ a•inql~ door. Coam~lasion~r N~rb~t eat~d noi~• v-a• on~ ~! the biqq~~t probl~ms with thi~ kind o! busin~tt b~oking up to r~~id~ntial hum~• and ~sp~ci~lly rth~n th• b~ak doort er~ l~tt op~n and tausic i~ b~inq played loudly at 1 or 2•.ta. Th• appliosnt •~-id h• would b~ thero in tha ~v~ninq and k~ap t.he mti~ic turn~d do~m and mak~ ~v~ry •!lorL to aontrol th~ orrn+d. H~ said h• vrould kNp th• baok door clo~~d ~nd u~s it only !or ~rqency purpoe~~ and not tor aoc~sa. Commiasioner euihors e~ked i! tha appll.cent operated any other lacilitie~ in thie city and h~ •sid no. Commi;ei.on~r Bu~hora e~kad how loRq the lease wa• !c. and he said 19 months. Coamd.~sinner lCi~nq ask~d i! the oxn~r hsd consid~red putt:nq ~pe~d buaips in the parking lot and tho epplicant ssid ha did not know, b~:: would discueo it with ths awnsr. Commissioner La Cleire seid she was atreid that when it became hot in the summertime, cuetomers would want to open th~ back door. Applicent noted there Nas air conditioninq that would take care of that problem. Commiseion inlormed t'~v applicant that if they approved the projact and there were any problema v-ith noiee, they did hava the option to revoke tha conditional use parn~it. ComtalaeSoner Buahore laft the Council Chamber and did not return to the maeting. l~pplicant aaked i! they would waive Item No. 1(repeir cf cuzbe and guttere) and Item No. 2(tra!!ic siqnal assesament Pes) under tha Interdapertm~ntal Committee racaiuaendetions becnuee the awnere had received appzoval to put an otlice complex an this site in 1980, and they etill may do so, which ia why his laesa ie Por anly 19 months. He noted all of the leeaes in the complex wauld be up in 19 months or actually on July 31, 1984. Commiaeion indicated they lelt that was a reaeonable requeet. Dean Sherer said he would lika to add a condition which is not liated and that was "that the prnpased unit to be occupied in this commercial buildinq 8ha11 meet the minimum standnrds of the Uniform Buildinq Gode, Fire Cade, and eatablished occupancy limita, prior to the commencea~ant oP th• activity authorizad by thi~ resolution". ACTIONs Commisaioner Herbst olfered e motion, secondea by Commissioner Kinq end MOTION CJ-RRIBD (Cammiesioner Bushore being a~bsent), thnt tha ~naheim City Planninq Caeamieaion haa revieked the proposal to permit a tavern in the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone on a ractaagularly-ahapsd pnrcel o~ land consietinq of approximately 10.5 acras located at the nort}~wea:`: corner ot Creacent Avanue and Buclid Street, havinq approximate lrontages of 740 leet on the north side of Creseent Aveaue and 720 leet on the west eida o~ Suclid Streett and does hareby approve tha Neqative Declaration trom the requirement to prepare an environmental. impact report on the baeia that thera would be no si~:ificant individual or cumulative adverse enviror~m~a~tal impact due to the approval o! this Naqative Dsclaratioa aince tYia 1lnaheim General Plan dasignates the ~ KIpUT~a, 11l111HEIM CIT1f pI.~1NNIl1a COIQII88IOt1, D~lIISER 13, 198Z 82-668 aubjeab prop~rty fos q~n~r~l ocmm~rai~l land u~~s ooa~~nsvrat• vrieh th• propo~alt lhae no •~n~itiv~ ~nvironawnt~l impavt• •r• involwa in th• propo~alt tha~ th~ Initial Study subaitted by th• peL•itios»r indioal~a no •iqniliaant indiviAuai or vumulati~s adv~x~~ ~avisonm~nta 1 i~+pao~~t •nd that th• N~qativ~ O~claratian •ubeta^*latinq th• lor~qoinq liadinq~ i~ on !il• in the City o! Anahtim Plannl.nq D~partnNnL• Commi~sionor H~rb~t o!l~r~d R~solutlon No. pC82-Z28 and mov~d for it• pa~~aqe And adoption th~t ths 11r~ehaim City Planninq Coaaalo~ian do~~ hereby qrant Conditional U~s P~nait No. Z401 ~ub~~ct to Interdepartaaental Coaaaitt~s racofumn~ndati.ons, ~xoept for Itsm Nos. 1 and Z•• not~d in tha sta!! rsport beoauoa the Commi~oion has •pprov~d a hiqh ri~e buildinq on thi~ site and th~ eppliaanti lees• is only until July 31, 1984, thst ths proposad unit to ba occupied in this coaun~rcial buildinq shall meeL ths anini=um s~anderds o! th• Unitorm Huilding Coda, Fira Code, and astab118hed occupancy limits, prior to ~.ha cotmnancement oi the activity suthorisad by this reso lutlon and that the applicant will kaep ~he raer door clased at all times, except !or emerqency purposea. On roll cell, ~he loreqoing resolution wae paseed b;~ the tollowinq voCe: AYSSt BOUAB~ gRYr EiER88T~ KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOEB: NONE RBSENT: BUBHORE Jack White, Asristant City torney, pre~ented the written right to appasl the PlanninQ Comani~sian's deci ..on within 22 daya to the City Council. ITBM N0. 14 REPORTS AND RECOMl~ND~-TIOt~18 A. CONDITIO'Na-L USE PBRMIT N0. 1924 - Requeat !or an extension o! time from J. ~tay~ ~ond ~idqas !or property located at 1743 West Lincoln Avr,nue. ACTIONs Commiesioner Herbst oflered a raotion, aeconded by Coomnissioner King and MOTION C~-RRISD (Ce~mmiasioner Hushore beinq absant), that the Ana~~sim City Planninq Cocaaiseion doea hareby qrant a one-yedr extension o~ time to Conditior-al Use Parsait No. 1924 to expi.re oa January 3, 1984. B. 1~BANDONMBNT N0. 82-5A - Requeet to abandon e portion oi the "Old" 3anta Ana Canyon Rcad Iyinq within the 3AV2 Canal, known as Parcel 1, and the abandonme~t of all public riqht or interest in a portion o! the eaeterly half of tha 8AVI Canal known aa Purcel 2. Both parcele were r~ecently sold by the City to C. Robert Lanqalet 6 Sone, Znc. ACTI0~1: Commiseionsr Herbet otfered a motion, secorded by Caaanissioner 1Cinq and ~iOTZON GRRIED (Commissioner Buehore being abaent), that the Anaheim City Planninq Co~enisalon ~loe~ her~by recoa~end ko the City Council that Abnndonment No. 82-SA be approved ae recommended by the City Enqineer. ; ~ IlI1iOT~~, 11~111H~IM CI'1'Y PLIINNING COMWI88IGN. DEC~18tR 13, 198Z 8Z-669 C. R~VISED RaCL~188IlIC11TION BUPpL~MRNT 1~ORDt - R~Qu~~t !or spproval oi r~vi~ad lorn-. Said lozm ha~ bNn r~duo~d in •is~ and oont~nt, aa well a~ updat~d and ol~rili~d. l1CTi0N~ Coodni~rio~+sr H~rbst o!larsQ ~ aaotion, •~oond~d By Coaeni~~ion~r 1Cinq and MOTI0~1 C11HRS30 (Coom~ir~ion~r eushor~ beinq ab~~nt), thet th• 11nah~im City Planninq Commis~lon do~~ t~~rcby approv tha rsvis~d r~cla ~~ilication suppl~ment form. D. V71RII-NC1C NOB. 3304 11ND 3305 l1N0 RBCI.HSSIFIGITIQN N08. 81-8Z-16 11ND 81~92-1'7 W R~queet by Pac~~ettar Homes !or NithdraMal o! Varianc~ No~. 3304 and 3305 and wiLhdrAMil o! tha spproval o! R~vis~d Pl~n• (1i~vision No. 1) !or Reola~silication Noe. 81-92-16 and 81-82-17 !or properties located on the loraer l~r~monk Junior Hiqh School aite and the Fr~c~ont Junior High 3chool playlleld. Continuad trom khe msetinqu o! Novembex 1 and 29, 1982, to the meetinq ot January 10, 1983. l~CTION: Commigeioner Harbst o!larad e motion, saconded by Ccmmisoion~r ]Cing and MOTION C1~RRIED (Coamisaioner buahore bainq ab~~nt), that the 1-nahaim City Plenninq Comraiasian doe~ hexaby apprava the petitioner's request to withdxsw Variance Nos. 330tl and 3305 and raquest !or approval o! Revised Plans (Revision Na. 1) !~r Reclassitication Noe. 81-82~16 and 81-82-17 ADJOURNMSIdT: There being no fu:t~her husinBas, Coauaisaioncr Fry oflered • motion, aeconded by ~ocraissioner Boue~ and MOTIAN G.::W^^ (Commissionar Pushore ebaent )~ t},at the s~eeLing be ad j~....~ the Joint City ~ounaal./P~enni~ •; Cammission mee+ ng o! D~c~ia • 14, 1982. The meetinq was adjouzned at 5: ~ p.a~. Reepactlully eub~ittad, ._-- ,1f'~ ~~i(~ ,/ ' P~~3Eaxnea, Secretary Pxo Tempora 1-naheim City Planning comaieaion PS:lm