Minutes-PC 1983/07/11RBaUL11R MEEZ'ING OP THE ANAHEIM CITY BL~NNING ~alIMIS3ION R~GULAR MBBTING The r~gular meeting of the 1lnaheim City Planning Commieaion wea called to o~der by Chsirman F~y at 10:00 a.m., July 11, 1983, in tha Cauncil Chamber, s quocum bsl~ng preeent end the Commieeion reviewed plana of the items on today's aqenda. RECBSS: 11;30 A.m. RECONVENE: 1:30 p.m. PRESENT Chaicman: Commisaioners: ABSBNT Commisaioners: ALSO PRESENT Annika Santalahti Jack White Jack Judd Barry Dee Jay ;AShiro Dean Shecer Edith Harris Pry Bouas, Herbat, King, La Claice, McBurney Buahore APPROVAL flF MINUTES: Commisaioner King Commissioner McBucney and MOTION CJ~RRIED the minutes from the meeting of June 27, Asaistant p,trector for 2onin9 ~-saistant City Attorney Civil ~ngineecinq Aasociate Traffic Bngineering Aasietant Associate Plannec Aasociete Plannec Pl+~nning Commisaion Secretary ofEeced a mution, aeconded by (Commissioner Duehore absent) that 1983, be approved aA submitted. ITEM N0. 1. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1-ND GENERAL PLl-N AMENDMENT N0. 180 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: EVANGEL CHURCH OP 50UTHERN C1-LIPORNIII~ INC.~ 1~30 W. Lincoln Lincoln Avenue, l~naheim, CA 92805. AGENT: GER.~LD R. B~SHORE, 7~2 w• Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805. Pcoperty described as an i[~egularly-shaped parcel of lanv [side8(919 Freeway~xaouth1by2Santarl~nabCanyon Roadheandrwestnby~a8t by the Ri e single-family tract. To change the current Hillside i,ow-Density ResidentiAl deRignation to General Commercial to develop commercial land uses. Corttinued from the meetings of June 1, and June 27, 1983. There wds no one indicating their presence in opposltion to subject request and although the staff ceport waa not read, it is ceferred to and made a part of the minutes. Jay Tashiro, Aesociate Planner, explained the agent for this Qetition ia on vacation for two months and there is no new inforn~tion. Cnairman FrYn~tinformationlregarding drainagemandeutilitiesed because there is not sufficie 83-376 7/11/83 ! -37 Commia~ion~r Herbwk agreed andmenttelenecforectle propectYtii~cluding ecces~he would aleo like to eee develop ~ Commiseionec La Cl~ire suggeeked e continusnce fog A~edeandnpreaent~ther to g.ive the agent edequete time to h~ve the study p P int~rmation required. Jack white, Aseist~nt City ~ktorney, poi~ted out there ia no one present either in fAVOC ot oppoeition to the reyuest. ~CTION: Commiaeioner ~p ~CommiselonerdBushore ebe~nt)ndthatYconsidecation of Bouas and MOTION CARRI acheduled meeking of the aforementioned matter be concinued to the regularly- September 19, 1983. i'PC'M [VV. ~• ~+••• .._--- - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2455 PUBLIC HBARING• OWNER: HENRY MJ-NN, 3982 Mann Road, Huntingdon Valley, p~- 19006. 1-GENTS: LEWIS, 0' AMt/-TO- BRIS901S ~ ai'~~8R~~9eleaNTCAN900W2LLI~h1 F• GREEtiHALGH, 261. S. Piguecoe Street, Suite 300arcel of lend consiatinq of Property described as an irregularly-ehaped p approximatcly 0.28 acre and further desccibed as 2535 West Woodland Drive. To permit reteil selea and offices in the ML 2one with waiver of minimum number of parking apaces. Continued fcom the meeting of June 13, 1983. Yt w~s n~ted the ~~titioner had requested A two-week continuance. ACTION: Commiesionec Bouas offered ho~t$baent)cothak considerationeofKthe and MOTION C1-RRIED tCommissioner Bus 8cheduled meeting of July ~ aforementioned m~+tter be continueatitionerCegularly- 25, 1983, at the request of the pe } ITEM N0. 3. EIR NBGI~TIVE DECLI-Rl-TION 1-ND CONDITIONJ-L USE PERMIT N0. 2456 PUBLIC HEl-RING. OMiNERS: LEIs-SE-ALL IJ- PAI.M1-~ P.O. 8ox 4604, l~naheim, ~1~ gZgp~. AGLNT: TH~ LEAVERTON C(?MFI-NY, p•~' aaccel0of andeconaietingoof Ptope~ty deecribed as an irregulaalY~o imatepfrontagea of 335 feet on the east appr~ximately 5.83 acres, having pP side of Van Bucen Stree~ and 554~ee~tSOUthhpfnthehcenaerllneaof~Leavertone and being locnted approximately 53 Court and further described avenue0 ~orth Van Buren Street, 4025, 4051, 4055, 4061 and 4065 East La Palma A To permiL• comt-ercial uses in the hL Zone. Continued from the meeting of July 27. 1983. 7/11/83 MINUTQS. ANAHEIM__C_ITY PLIINNING COMM28820N. JULY 11. 19 83 83-378 Thec• w~s no ona ~„dicatinq their pr~e~nce in ~ppo~iti on to aub)~ct requ~st end elthough the ~taff report wes not rena, !t is r~fe tred to a~d mede a part o! the minutea. Tony Net~lie, Leavecton Company, agent, wae preaent to enawer any questions. THE PUBLIC NEIIRING FiA~i CLOSP.D. Commisaioner Herbet aeked abo~t the autamobile wholes a le dealers on the liat nnd Mr. Natalie explained they purchase vEhicles for c lienta from the auction, detail the vehiclee and then deJiver the vehicle to t h e client. He expleined the detailing ie do~e ineide. ConcErning the applience distributor, Mr. Netalie exp 1 ained they sell applienues to contractors ~n a masa production beeie and do not eell to the public. Commissioner Herbst atated he has no objec~ion to this list, but wes conce[ned about how many of theae commercial uaea actuelly serv ice the induatrial acea, especially since this is the Scenic Coccidor. Ne sta ted it appeacs that quite e few on the list might not secvice the industc:al cn~sununity and referred to the interioc decorator and drapery usea. Mr. Natalie responded that the drapery bueinesa ie mainly manufacturing and th~ floo r covering uae is a contractor doing floor covecing installetiana. He re sponded to Ccmmiasionec La Claire that in his opinion, most of the u~ea do se zvice the induatrial community. He explained all theic tenants have to co~e into the City for a buainess license and the uaea are reviewed thcough th e Planning Department. Uean Sherer, Associake Planner, explained to ~'ommissianer E~uas that the commercial salea o~fice uaes wauld be a stationery su pply store spiling on a retail basis. He reaponded that when a businesa lice nee is applied for in one of these unita, the Planning Depactment staff reviews the praperty a~d the .:onditional use p~cmil to determine whether or not tt3e use is Appropriete and if thece is a question, it ts brouqht before the Plan ning Commiseion for clacification of apecific u~aes. Comtnissioner La Claice etated she seea no opposition to the liat and Chaicman Fry stated he thought the developec hea done an outs t anding job and is trying to bring in usps that do service the industrial commu nity. Jack White referred to his cecommendation mede at th e previous meeting that khe Commiasion's findinga should include that the proposed uses ate properly onea for which a conditional use permit is authorize d by the Zoning C~de and that such uses primarily serve and ace compatible with the industrial customera. He stated Condition No. 1 should be modif ied to include the liet of apecffic uses as pcesented. ACTION: Commi.saioner La Claire offered a motion, seco.~ded by Commisaioner King and MOTION CARRIED (Commfasioner Buahorp absent ), that the l-naheim City Planning Commission hae reviewed the propoaal to per a~it commetcial uaes in the ML (Industri,l, Llmited? Zone on an icregularly-shap~d percel of land conaistinq of approximately 5.83 acres, having appre ximate frontages of 335 feet on the east side of Van Buren 3treet and 584 f e~t on =he north aide of La Palma I-venue, epproximately 535 feet south of the cc .~ line of Leaverton 7/11/83 83-37 NUTES. ~1ti11HE IM C I'CY P1.ANN ING CO~,IM I8~ 8I. 0_~ JULY 11~ 198~ __ .,._._ Court end futthet Q~sccibea e~~ 1Z00 North Y~n Bucen 8t!~et and 4025~ 4051, 4055~ 4061 end 4065 Esst Le Palm~ Avenuet end doea h~cRby approve the Negetive D~clacation fc om ~h~ r~quiramant to pcepar• en envirpnm~.~tsl impact c~port on the basls that thec~ would be no signitieent individual or cumulative edverae ~nviconmental impaet du• to th~ appcovel ot thie Negak~vetDec9eneral~ si~ee the 1-naheim ci~ neral Plan designstee the subject pcope. Y indu~trial lend use• cammen~urate with the propoa~l~ thet no senoitive environmental impecCa are involved in the pcopoaelj that the Initial Study submikted by the petitionec indicatee no eignificant individuel or cumuletive adverse envir onmental impscte~ and that the Negative Declerstion aubstantieting the foregoing findings ie on file in the City of 1-n~heim Planning Depe r tment. Commis~ioner La Cleire ofEeced Resolution No. PC83-1.21 and maved foc ika passege end adoption tha~t the 1-nahaim City Plenning Commieaion Aoes hereby gcent Conditional Use Pecmit Nu. 2456 eubject to the apecific lisC of uaea a~ pceeented by the petitioner and eub~ect to the Interdepactmentel Cc~mmittee recommendAtione. On roll ca11, the foregoing reaolution was paesed by the Eollowing vote: ~ygg; BOU1-.S, FRY, HERBST, KING, W CLAIRE, MC BURNFY NOES: NONE ABSENT: BUS HORE Jack White, Assistant City Attorney, presented the written right. to Appeal the Planning Connniasion's decision within 22 daye to the City Council. ITEM NO. 4. EIR NEG7ITIVE DECLARJ-TION WAIVER UF CODE RE UIRF?IENT ANA CONDITION!-L USE PERMIT NO. 2463 PUBLIC HE11RI NG. OWNERS: LEDERBR-J-NAHEIM, LTD., 1888 Centu[y Pack EaAt, Suite 1605, Century City, Los Angelea, C11 90067. AGENT: MICHI~EL PRI~ZIER 6 Propecty I~.SSOCIATES, 316~ East La Palma, Suite D, 1-naheim, CA 92806. deacribed a s en ircegularly-shaped parcel of lend conaisting of approximaCely 12 ~cces, 1 ocated north and eaet of the norcheest cor~er of Cerritos l~venue and Anaheim 8oulevdcd, having a frontage of approximately 725 feet on the north side of~aiarand8furthec describednas9333fBeat Ce~ritost~venuet side of ~naheim Boule To permit a church in the ML 2one with weiver of minimum numb~r of parking spaces. Continued f rom the meeting of June 27~ 1983. Thete wdou~ h the ataffaceporthwas noteread,iit is~refecred touandcmadeqaepart and alth g of the minutes. Michael Fr a zier, architect, explained they heve had an independent traffic study prepared and approved by the City r~nd thought they hdd satiefied the City Traf ~hcM~n9singersto impcovertherleyouthofptheiparking apaceanandthey wcrked wi 7/11/83 INUT68.~1NAH6IM CI2'Y PLJINNING COMMI88ION. JULX 11~1983 83-360 incr~aied khe ~umber by 100 and E~el they hsv~ edequate psrkinq tr, acCOmmodate the size of the asaembly room end thet they might be eble lo incrQaae the number by providing moce small cer epac~i. Hf atated th• owner ha~~ egreed to ~emove any fencing wh ich creeteo blockage to the circulation erou~d the fecility end he did not feel thie will be detcimentel to the erea. Mr. Frazier referr~d to the ataff cecommendation perta~ining to increased land~ceping end repav ing of the peckiny lot end asked if the intention is that the pot-holes and ot h er demeged dC@d8 would b~ repaicad rather than etripping the entire exisking a ephalt end replecing it. TH~ PUeLIC HEARTNG WAS CLOSED. Commiasioner King ref erred to the recommendetlon pertaining +~ the removal of any outdoor +~utomobile repeir with Mr. Praziec ceeponding that that recommendetion relat e s to the operator of the service atation and that the owner hes notified him of the problem with vehlcloa being stored on unauthorized areas a nd the tenent hao egreed to remove any exceas automobiles prioc to the time they would accupy the fecility. Commissioner King cl artfied that ell the automobile cepeir wock will have to be done inslde the a~ructure end canopy ereas and pointed out ataff'8 recommendetion is that this be done prior to commenceniEnt of the church uae. Dean Sherer, ~-saoci.a te Plenner, explained he hed met with the property owner end that this propecty was developed yedrs ago as r~ commercial ehopping nctivity center and since then the property hda not undergone any eu5~tantial impcovemente and it was ateff's intenlior tha~t the parking loC would be improved by cepalrin g the ~o~ holes, reetriping, etc. and not neceaearily that it must be completely repaved. I:e sEated also steff would like to aee the property owner provide additional landacaping in the pt-rking aceas. He explained if this wa s being developed as a new Eacility, one tree for every 10,000 aquare feet would be requiredr l:owever, this is a rathec large parkinq lot and etaff was 1 ooking for a commitment that thpse improvements would be pco~ided prior to commencement oE church activitias. He pointed out that a buaineae license was isgued for the service st~tion on the front of the property, but it has bec:ome en automobile cepeir shop and that ten to fifteen vehicles have been s tored outside the facilitie~ and staff would like to aee that clsared up and thie permit could be the last handle the Commiseion has before church ~ctivitiea begin. Dean Sherer explain ed the owner of the propecty did indicate that he had discusaed the outd oor storage of vehiclea with the service station opera~koc end he agreed to cu t down the number af vehicles being repaired outside. He suggested that a c ondition of approvel be added re~uiring additional landscaping also. Mr. Frazier puinte~3 out the exiating fences on the plan and the ones that would be removed and the gatee and explained those gates would be left open at all timee if necess ary, consiatent with the Fire Department's requirementa. He explained they w ill have acceea to 1034 parking specea and that no one would have to go of f the propecty to get to th~ facility. 7/11/83 MINUT68 11NAHBI CITY PLANNINA COMMISSION JULY 11 83 83-381 Commiseioner Le Cleic• eteted eh• would like to ~~~ th• property lendscepRd ee cecommended by etaEt~ Mr. Fraaier steted they did eubmik e plan with aome ~haded araas that would !+e landscaped which would not eliminate any parking ~pdcest however, they would like t o hAVe the eame requiremente ae the adjacent property gh own in blue on the map. D~en ShRCec replied the cequireme ~ta wou].d be the same. Jack WhiCe a uggeeted an addltional condition be added that the conditional use permit is contingent upon the epprovel ot a paccel mep, to the extent one mey be required by lew, unlesa otherwise waived by the City Bngineec, to guerentee that the atate lew requirements ace complied with eince thie ie e lea~se of only a port ion of the property. Mr. Prezier atated the leeae desiynatee thaC property by deacription only and not by number of park ing apeces . Jack white state-d he did not think the[e is a problem other than t~~chnical camplience with the law, but he wo uld like ta have Chat ~ondition in as a guarantee a nd that he would have t o review the agreement. Dean Sherer explained staff ie no t looking towards having the entire pecking lot repaved, but that it be pcopet ly repaired an~l eealed nnd Jack White suggesCed t hat be included as a condition of approval. ACTION: C ommieaioner King offered a motion, aeconded by Commieaioner Hecbst end MOTION C1-RRIED (Commisaioner Bushore abaent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion has reviewed the ptopoasl to permit a church in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone with waiver of minimum numbRr of parking spacea on an irregu 1 arly-shaped parcel of 1 a nd conaistinq of approximately 12 acrea, locAted north and east of the noctheaet corner of Cert :tos J-ven~ie and 1-naheim Boulevard and further deacribed a s 333 E. Cerritoa Avenue; and doea hereby approve th e Negetive Declaration from the cequi~ement to prepace an environmental impact report on the baeis that there woul.d be no aignificant individua 1 or cumulatfve ddverse environmental impact due to the approval of thia Nega tive DeclAration aince t he Anaheim General Plan designates the subject pr operty for general ind ustrial land uees commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive envir onmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitionec indica tea na signif icant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declacation aubatantiating the foregoing findinge is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. Commiesionec King offered a motion, seconded by Cotamissioner La Claire and MOTION CP-RRIED (Commissioner Bushore abaent ), that the ~-naheim City Planning Commission does hereby gcene waivec of eode requicement on the bas~s thet the parking s tudy submitted indicates that khe variance will not cause an increase in traffic congeetion in the imm~diate viciniky nor advecaely affect any ad~oinin~ land uaes and that th e variance under the conditiona imposed, if any, wi].l not be detrimental to the peace, he~lth, safety or general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. Commissfonec King offered Reeol u tion No. PC83-122 and moved for it e passage and adoption that the 1-naheim City Planninq Commisaion do~s haceby gcant 7/11/83 iNUT88. 11l1~HRIM CITY PW-NNINO CAMMI88ION, JULY 11. 1983 83-382 Conditionel U~• PRtmit No. 2463 subj~ct to t.he petition~r'~ atipulation that the parking lot~. aha]t b~ cepaiced, c~etciped and eeal~d and that the outdoor eutomobile r~pnic shall be r~moved from the property end subject to Interd~pdrtm~ntel Committee recommAndetions including a condieion thet thie conditional use permit is contingent upon the epprovel of a parcel mep, to the extent one may be required by lew, unlese otherwise weived by the City Engineer and an edditional condition requiring thak the parking lot ehell be [ePeired and sealed in accocdance with ataff cecommendations and that incceased landacaping ehell be provided as approved by the City Plar~ning Department. On toll cdll, the focegoing reaolution was pasaed by the following vote: ~Y~S: SOUAS~ FRY, N~RBST, KING, LA GLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ASSENT: BUSHORE ITEM N0. 5. EIR NEGATIV~ AECL~RATION, WAIVER OP CODE REQUIR~MENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2464 PUaLIC HEARING. OWNERS: JOE ~ND C~THERINE LEMONS, 1808 W. Chalet, Anaheim, CA 92802. AGENT: WALL~CB W. WARREN, 1705 Siva Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92804. Propecty described ~e an irrequlerly-shaped parcel of land consisting of appcoximately 0.39 acre, having a frontage of approximately 164 feet on the west side of Buclid Street and further dearribed as 441 South Euclid Street. To retain outdoor atorage and permit a uaed car sales lot with waiver af maximum fence height. There aere Chree peraons indicating th~Yr presence in o~~oaitior. to subject request end although the staff report was not read, it is ceferre~ to and ~^~dc u part of the minutes. Wallace Warren, agent, explained he aanta to use this site as e temporary loc~tion for outdoor storage and a used car eales lot until it is feasible to develop the property as a commercial property. He explained he will be using the vacdnt stcip as a uaed car diaplay erea and that it. is not intended to be a pecmanent businesa. Robert Huntsinger, 500 S. Falcon, Anaheim, atated his property abuts the propoaed used car lot and he hae a swimming pool in his backyard and ever since they have been using the pcoperty for thie use, hia pool has been filthy and the noiae, dirt end dust is real.ly bad. He atated he did not buy his house with the intention of living behind a uaed car lot and he is opposed to this type ectivity. Cecil Gough, 421 South Euclid, stated she is speaking for herself and her neighbor ~t 417 South Euclid and they are opposed becauae they feel a used car lot is out of charACter with the pcesent profeseional and semi-professional businesses. She etated the existing buainesaes see~ to add to the atea and do not confliet. She stated there are sevecal ~unk vehicles on the property, plus paneled trucka and towing trucke and she has observed from 9 to 14 vehicles pnrked overnight. 7/11/83 i MINUTBS. ~NAHEIM CITY PL1-NNING COM~I8~ION. JOLY 11. ~983 63-363 Mr. Werc~n atated h• did not think a u~ed cec buoinesa would ceus• any more dict to go into the neighbor'o ewinaning pool then eny o~her uee thet had b~en th~re before. He atated thec• are two cera in the reec which h• had juat gotten back~ that he put up a 6-toot high woo~en fence ao that no one could aee what wea goi~g on ~nd they are willing to raiee the well between tihem and rhe propertiee ko the ceart that thia ie e law-proEile opereCion end that he end hie eon and ane oth~c peraon would be there pert time. He ataked th~y are licenaed eutomobile dealere at 1743 W. Lincoln and have had a lot of van~a~iem thece an~ need something that can b~ encloaed. He atated they intend to put in ~ lawn in the reer an~ concrete for diapley nf vehicles in the front with the aree terraced so the cers on the eecond row will be a little higher. He steted they would agree to having an annual ceview befoce the Commieaion until it ia economicelty feasible to go ahedd wikh the commercial development on the pcopecty. Joe Lemmona, 1808 W. Chalet, Anaheim, stated he has owned this property aince 1947 end it wae originally orange grovea and it hae been empty eince 1964t that after his in-lewa moved out, he tried to lease this ~ro~erty for all kinda of diffecent uaes and a lot of ueea do conflict with the City's z~ning 1~w. He stated this wi11 be e temporary use for this property and that when thie operator first moved in, he did have e lot of cars sitting ecound, but he hae eince cleaned up the property and he believed he will maintein the area. He pointed out the preveiliny wind ia from the west and the neighbor with the swimming pool ia to the east so there ahouldn'k be a problem. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commiesioner King atated he could not justify a hardship for granting this waivet or the findinga required for approval of e conditional use permit. Commissioner Hecbst pointed out thi~ Action was the reeult of action taken by the Zoning Code Bnforcement Officecs after receiving complaints and he felt this was not the place for thia type of use because it does not fit with the erea and ia not compatible. He atated he does not believe a used car lot should be allowed at thia location. Mr. Warren a~ked what would be compatible with the area. Commissioner Herbst pointed out there are uses which have been allowed acroaa the atreet, etc. and this area is going through a transition and the Com~ission has recommended land assembly to pecmit development of aomething compatible with the nefghbothood. Mr. warren stated h~ was concerned because the Commission is say~ng thig property cannot be uaed for thia rpquest and economically, it cannot be used for anything elae. Commissioner Hecbst poinked out there have been complaints fcom the neighborhood which indicetea the use does not fit in the area even though Euclid is a heavily-traveled street and e uaed car lot does not fit every neighborhood . ~r. Warren atated in his opinion, this use is feasiblej however, tegardless of what happens, he would like to have a chain link fence permitted because he is under lease and needs the fence to keep people from coming onto the property. 8e responded to Commiseioner Bouas thet the lease waa effectlve fn Merch and 7/11/83 ~ ,' ~ MINUTB$. 11NAHBIM CITY PLIINNIN(i COMMIaSION. JOLY 11. 1983 83-384 h• ha• hsd to make fiv~ tripa to 8an lrenciaca to ,e• an eye doctoc which le the reaeon he hae not teken cara o! thia betore. Ne atated the propecty 1a clo~e to hi~t hous• end he cen walk tio workt that hia l~ase is Eor 10 yeara with a 6-month cla~ae that if the property owner finda a development, he would receive a 6-month notice~ ana also, they have a•gentlamen'a agreement' that if eithec one finds e uae, they will develop the propeccX, pointing out he is a developer and buildar. Jack White stdted any of the uees expreeely pecmitted in Che underlyinq zone cen be eetebllahed oc the propecty owner could requeat rezoning of the property. Commisaioner La Claire atated thie ia one of the care occaeione where the property ia atill in the ~iS-1~-~3,000 Zone which is ~onaidered +~ 'holding zone• becauae usually the property owner doee requeat a zone ch~nge which would ellow a lot of different uaest however, she wae not sure that e ueed car lot would be permitted. she pointed out there are commecci,ally zoned propertiea in the erea and she would like to see thie property rezoned end developed in accordance with ~he rezoning. Mr. Warren atated tf~e property will be rezoned when it is economict~lly feasible and that thie is a temporery measure and he would be willing to have an annual review and if something comes along and makes this property feasible for development in the meantime, they wi~l develop the propecty. Commiesioner Fry atated the Commission muet make findir~qs of hardahip pertAining to thp pcoperty itself and they can not have anything to do with economics. Jack White stated in this case the hardship finding muat be made on the variance foc khr fence and the findings for the approval of the condirtona] use permit are as shown in the staff repoct which pe~tains to the peace, safety, anc~ general welface of the citizens. ACTION: Commissioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner King end MOTION CARRIED lCommissioner Bushore abaent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion has ceviewed the proposal to retbin outdoo[ stocage and permit a used cer sales lot with waivet of maximum fence height on a ictegularly-shaped parcel of land conaisting of approximately 0.39 acres, having a frontege of approximately 164 feet on the west $iae of Euclid Street and further described e~s 4a1 S. Euclid Streett and doee heteby dfsapprove the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmentnl impact report on the basis that there would be sfgnificant individual oc cumulative adverse environmental impacts involved in this proposals and that an environm~ntal impact repart would be required prio~ to approval of thia project. Commiesioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Buahore absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion does hereby deny the waiver of code requirement on the basis that no hardship wa~a shown p~rtainfng to the aize, shape, topoqraphy, location of the property. 7/11/83 iG t, ..~.~.......__...........~...._..__.._. ___... . _ _. . . . . _ .... .._ . ... ._... ..._ _. ..__... _.. ._. ._...._......._..___ _•__....__.....__ .._.__, .--.. _.._. ~_„__,._...__.w...~.....w~ 83-385 MINUTES ~NAHBIM CITY PL~NNING COMMIB ION JULY 11 983 Cammis~ioner Hecbat ott~red Re~ ~-tion No. PC83-123 and maved !oc its peraage and adoption that tha Anaheim City Planning Commiaeion does hereby deny Conditional Uee Permit No. 2464 on the besia thet the use i, not properly ono for which a conditicnal ue~ petmit is suthorized and the uae would edversely alfectbehdetrimental tonthe8paacea heelth end generalmwelfaretof the~citizene would of the City of ~naheim. was peaeed by Jack White, Assistent City ~ttocney, pcesented the written right t Plenning Commiesion'a decision within Z2 days to the City Council. ITEM N0. 6. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARIITION AND CONQITIONAL USE PBRMIT N0. 2465 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: NATHAN OGINTS, ET AL, 3481 La Sombca Drive, Loa Angelea, CA 90068. AGENT: B~NK OF ANAHEIM N.~., GERALD BU5HORE, DIRECTOR, 702 W. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805. PropertY[oximately 0864ndcre irregulerly-shaped parcel of lend conaieting of app locaoXdmatetfrontageaeof 129nfeetfon~theReouthnaideaofiBalluRoadrandh162nfeet appc on the west side of Anaheim Boulevard. noted the petitianec was following Item No. 11. ACTION; Commiasioner Herbat offered a motion, aeconded by Commissionec King end MOTION CP,RRIED (Commissioner Bushore absent), that consideration of the aforementioned matter be continued to the cegularly-acheduled meeting of July 25, 1983, on the basis that the petitioner was not present. ITEM N0. 7. EIR NEGATIVE DECGARATION ~ND CONDITION~L USB PERMIT N0. 2466 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: ANAHEIM HILLS RACQUET CLU9, LTD., 415 SGR GRYei415 Hills Road, 1-naheim, CA 92807. AGENT: JACQt1E R. AND BEVERLY L. S. Anaheim Hills koad, Anaheim, CA 92807 and RODNEY G. BRYANT, 415 S. Aneheim Hilla Road, Meheim~ C~ 92807. Property described as an irregulacly-ehaped parcel of land consisting of Approximately 13.2 acree and further described as 415 S. Anaheim Hills Road (~naheim Hilis Racquet Club). To expand an existing tennis club with on-sale alcoholic There was one pereon indicating her presence in oppoeition and although the staff report was not reed, it ie referred of the minutes. Jacque Grigry, agent, expl~ined he plans to remodel the exiating and add 1700 aquare feet upstaira. l~ INUTLS. 1-Nl1HSIM CITY PLHNNINa COMMI$BION. JULY 11. 1983 83-386 Grace Thomas, 258 S. Hillcreat, 1-naheim, sreteQ hec pcopecty ebute subject propecty end aaked if the ber will be located edjacent to Walnut Creek RoeQ or to the private road wikh the Chairman pointing out th~ plena on the wAll. She a~aked if pakrone would have to uae City property to get to the bar- pointing out her pcoperty is adjecent to Welnut Creek, a~nd the propecky ia zoned R3-43,000 and is not aoned for commeccial uees. 3he ateted the City should have adequate liebility insurence with people driving to thie eetabliehment and using the City's private road which ie Walnut Creek. She eaked if ahe could use Welnuk Creek for acceas to her bar if ahe put one in. Annika Santrlahti, AsaistonC Di.rector foc Zoning, responded thet accese will be taken entirely from 1-naheim Hills Road a~nd ~ccording to the drawinga aubmitted, they would not ue using Wal-~ut Creek. Me. Thomas etated ahe hea seen packing along Welnut Cceek Roed and pointed out what she thought wauld be their entrancea and stated they are now using Walnut Creek in ocder to pack and Chat it ia an accese road end atorm drein easement. She atated her problem ia with children and teenagece using the tennie courte and then having petrone dciving from thia establiehment driving on this accesa road end atated the City would be liable foc eny eccident. She etdted the pa~cking spaces are actually on the City-owned pcoperty. Commissioner Herbst stated e property owner could have qiven an easement to Che City foc accesa end meintenence dnd stil] own the propecty. Ms. Thomas stated to her knowledge ehe owns the property to that road. She stated ahe actually w~nts to develop her property with houaing and having access alang this road would be much ea~ier, ChAirman Fry Atnted the concept of this uae would be no different than the Anaheim Hilla golf course having a b~c on their property, since it ie City-owned property. Ma. Thomas atated the principle is the same, but ahe does not want e bar in the neighborhood and if one is allowed hece, she will put one on her propecty. Dean Sherec, Aseociate Plannec, atated the proposel befoce the Commiesion today is to construct a 1702-square foot addition tc the exiatinq tennia club and they alreaiiy have an ~+pproved conditional us~ pecmit for on-sale alcoholic bevereges and thfs would simply be an expansion to the exieting clubhouse. Mr. Grigry stated parking is on his property and they have given an easement to the City. Dean Sherec stated this property has aevetal easemente acrosa it and the property owner hae granted easements for maintenance purpos~s. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner La Claire asked if any windows would be located where they would look out ovec the residential property. Mr. Grigry responded the windows would be towarde the tennis court and the residential property is 200 to 300 yarde away from the clubhouse. 8e stated thfs will be a lounge with a deck where the people could ait outaide and watch the tennis matches, etc. nnd this is a private club ~nd will not be rented for private partiea. He explained he would have special events such as celebrity tournaments, maybe twice a year. 7/11/83 i ~ ,. - INIJTEB, J-N1IHBIM_ CITY PLIINNINO_ CQ~l~II$$ION _ JIILY 11,_1483_ _______ _____83-387 Reqarding the Tratlic Enqineer'~ recomtn~ndation concerninq realignment of the d~iveway, Mr. Cirigry explsined he did not think ther reslly ne~de to be done becauae they would have to remove Eucalyptus trees end the tenniv club wae ~hece before the ~-1Phe Beta m~rket end moving the driveway would place it closer to the eignal and there ere only eb~ut 30 vehiclee per day into thie facility. Commiesioner Herbet, McBurney and Chaicmen Fry +~Il agreed that they did not think the drivew~y ehould be realigned. Commiaeioner Le Claire stated right now there ia no pcoblem with this tennia club because there ie not very much treffic, but she would like to aee the petitioner sign an agreement with the City that they will not cent out the facilikies for private pdrtiea beceuse then there would be e lot of drinking and that could cauee problems, eapecially with everyone leaving at once and with the alignment of the driveway. Mr. Grigry atated he plana to have a fund-raising function foc Servite High Schoolt however, he is not renting the fecilities and there will be drinking. Commissioner Herbst stated the City has a handle because thi+o is allowed by conditional use pecmft and could be revoked if there are problema. Jack White auggeated rather than requiring en agreement, khat a candition be added requiring that certain areas not be rented out. Annika Santalahti refecred to two similar inatancesa where private clubs were ~pproved with the on-sale of alcoholic bevecages fot cectain activities and in both instances, the clubs started to rent out their fa~cilities and whe~e the neighbors did not object before when it was just the club members, they did object to the large partiea and other things wh~ch were clearly different than the original intent. She agreed that the City Attorney's recommendation wes good. Chairrt~an Fry suggested that the condition read; •That if the facilitiea are tented to others, no alcoholic beveragea be allowed'. Annika 3antalahti stated accocding to the tax aeaeseor's recorde, the pcoperty where the service ro~d is locaCed is owned by ~-naheim Hills, inc~ and if parking ie going on, khey have not objected and they could poat the property for 'no packinq' and that Me. Thomas should complain to them. Mr. Grigry stated he purchased tha property from Anaheim Hills, Inc. ee stated he wiil not be renting the property, but he does wank to be able to have special eventa such as the Tommy John chacity evpnt, etc. Ele stated thoae events are over by 4:00 p.m.s however, he cloaes every night at 10:00 p.m. and on Saturday and Sundays at 7:00 p.m. end that would not be changed. Commissioner La Claice stated this has been a very nice tennie club and has not created a lot of 1:raffic and she does not want to endanger the public by having their members be able to have the bar for their own private perties, especiAlly because of the location of the drlveway. 7/11/83 MINUTBB. 11N~HEIM CITY PW1tiNINQ COMMIBBION. JULY 1~. ~983 8~-38 Jack White stdted it i~ his underatandinq thet it is the Commieaion'a intent to pcovide tihat in th~ evant the fecilitiea ace rented or used by separate organizdtiona, theY will not eerve elcoholic bevereges and thet could be a condition end not s eeperate aqreement and would take cere of the aituetion whether or not the propecty i• being rented or used lree o! charge. He etated thie is the type of condition that could be enforced if there are complainte. Commissioner Bouas atated she did not aee the diffetence be~ween this end the fACt that elcoholic beveragea are aerved et the golf courae end Jack White stated the difference is thet khe Commiesioner8 do not wenti to heve alcoholic beveragee eerved et this location and Commieaioner Le Cleire steted the problem is with eccese en6 treffic. Commiasioner Aouas ateted members ahould have the privileqe of ueing a private club. Commiseioner Le- Claire sCated thia request ie for an expansion and the addition of nlcoholic beveragee dnd Commieaioner Nerbst pointed out they have had alcoholic beveragea since 1973. ACTION; Commisaioner Herbst offeced a motion, seconded by Commiasioner King dnd MOTION CARRIED lCommisaioner Buahore absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the propoeal to expand an exiating tennia club with on-eale +slcoholic bevecagea on a irregulacly-ahaped parcel of land coneisting of ap~roximately 13.2 acres, having a fcontage of approximAtely 2500 feet on the west side of 1-naheim Hille Road, approximately 175 feet nozth of the centecline of Nohl Ranch Road and further degcribed as 415 Sorove the Anaheim Hills RoAd (Anaheim Hills Recquet Club)i end does hereby app Negative Declaration from the cequirement to pcepare an environmental impact report on the b~sie that there would be no aignificent individual or cumulative advecse environmental impact due to the approval of thie Negative Declaration since the ~-naheim General Plan designatea the subject pcoperty for commercial recteation land uses commensurate with the proposalt that no aensitive environmentol impactR are involved in the proposalr that the initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicatea no signffice~nt individua~ or cumulative adverse environmental impactss and that the Negative Aeclaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on ffle in the City of Anaheim Plenning Depactment. Commissfonec Herbst offered Reaolution No. PC83-124 and moved for its paseage r~nd adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant Conditional Use Permlt No. 2466 subject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendations, deleking Conditfon No. 3. CommisAioner La Claire stated she would still like to have a atipulation that the facilities would not be rented to parttes where elcoholic bevereges would be secved. T/11/83 MINUTB$ ~NAHEI CITY PL~NNINO COMNISSI N JULY 19 3 83-389 Commission~r Hecbat stated h~ would not include that etipuletion in hia resolution beaause he felt the Commisaion has the right, einca thia ie a conditional uae permit, to r~voke it if the terma of the permit are violeted and thece dre compl~inta. On roll call, tho foreqaing cesolution was pesaed by the lollowing vote: AYBS: BCUAS~ FRY~ HEffB3T, KING~ L1- CLAIRE~ MC BURNEY N0~8: NONE AB3ENT: BUSHORE Jeck White, Aseistent City Attorney, pcesented the wtitten right to dp(~dl the Planning Commieeion's deciaion within 22 days to the City Council. RECESS: 2:50 p.m. RECONVENE: 3:OQ p.m. ITEM N0. 8. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OP CUD~ REQUIREMBNT AND CONDITIONAL USB PERMIT N0. 2467 PU9LIC HEARING. OWNERS: LUTHERAN BIBLE INSTITUTE IN CALIFORNIA~ 641 S. Western ~ven~e, AnAheim, CA 92804. AGENT: CLZPTON M. PEDERSON/RICHARD URIE, 641 S. Western Avenue, Anahelm, CA 92804. Property deacribed as ~ rectangulArly-sheped parcel of land consisting of app[oximately 4.8 acres, having a frontagr of approximately 337 feet on the west aide of Weatecn Avenue and further deecribed aa 641 South Weatern Avenue (Lutheran Bible inetitute). To permit tempocary atudent housing (mobilehomes) in conjunction with a private junior college with waivec of mirtimum structural eetback. There were five pecsons indicating thefr presence in npposition to subjeCt request and although the steff report wns not read, it is referred to and made a pact of the minutea. Richard Urie, agent, was present to answec any questions. Ida Huff, 623 S. Western ~venue, Anaheim, stated she is oppoaed to having a driveway Within 5£eet of her property with 40 vehiclee in and out ell day. She stat a when they were given approval for building the dormitories in the rear, the college promised to build a block wall the entire length of her property, but that has not been done ae yett th~t the maintenance of the facility is poor end she can hear the concerts and mu~ic and there are sevpral small children theres that they currently house students on Orenge Street and the foot traffic in front of her house is heavy now and alao the traffic on Western ~venue ia bed, especielly with the driveway location. She stated thia property fs within one block nf an elementary achool and she did not want to eee any more parking in the Area. Donald McNutt, 636 Westcheater, ~naheim, atated when the original buildings were ~onstructed, he had no objection; however, tihe elevation wae raiaed at least 4 feet so their property is only 3 feet below the 6-foot hiqh block wall. He etated he wanted privecy and thouqht with a 6-foot high wall he would have it, but now they are anticipatiny a two-story etructure and he ia completely againat that becauae he would have no ptivacy At ali. 7/11/83 MINUTB8,_AN~HBIM CtTY PLANNINO COMMI8820N, JULY 11. 1983 83-390 Dick W~inwright, 646 S. Courson, ~naheim, atnted he live• dir~ctly to ths eouth ana objecte to the whole idee~ that the existing doKmitary houaing facing hia proporty was put there without his pecmiseioni thet when they wece given pecmiaaion to build the dormitori~s, Ghe preeident of the college pcomieed that the road egai.net hin pcopecty would be used ae a lice eccesA roed only and eleo to b~ uaed by the ceretekec, but two d~ya .tatec perk~ng epeces were designeked end leat ni?ht there wece 20 cers ond 2 motorcyclea perked along his propertys and thet in the past thece was e problem with e student riding a motorcycle at 2:00 a.m.t and thet when he had tried to talk to the president of khe college about the acceae road, he waa completely ignoced= thak the dormitory ie used in the eummer as a motel for people out of ~tate and they are paYing rent to atey there and are using the drivew~y. He indicated concern thet the college has not ke^t the promises they made in the past dnd wondered if they could be trusted ,,~ the futute to do what they sAy. He stated he objects to them ueing the property commercially dnd since Chey are renting out the rooma, they ahould be p~yi~9 the bed tax to the City of Anaheim. He atated the summer gue$ts also cauae more traffic, plus there is ~ lot of treffic during the echool seseion. He atated aome of the atudents work ~~ntil 2:00 a.m. and are not quiet when they come to the cempua and he can hear them talking, singing and playinq their stereos. He ateted he doea nok feel it ia feir to the people who own property in the area unless the college can have better contcol ovec the situation, especially eince theic promiaea in the pASt have not been kept. Ne added he felt i~ he hae to live by the Codea, then the college should be requi[ed to live by the same Codes And if they are permitted to have temporary mobilehomes on thei~ property- then he should be allowed the same privilege. ErmA McNutt stated during the summer noiae is blasting because their beck fence is 10 to 12 feet fcom the do[mitory end ahe does not know who they have there in the summer, but they certainly do not act like Chriatian Students. She stated her granddaughter end a friend ha~ geen n men sunbathing nude at the college and also someone had seen a pecaon teking pictures from the r~of of the college; that they have rock concerts behind the main building whict~ ere vecy loud and she has to close her doors and windows in her uwn houaet and that thie achool ie not something they are proud of and she would like to see some additional fencing added to t.he existing wall because they have no privacy. Mr. Urie stated he did not think the atudents are as wild as the neighbors are saying because they do get a lot of good compliments from a lot of people; that they have had only 2 children living on the campus that he is aware of; that they did improve the fence and one neighbor wanted tA keep his chain link fence so he cauld see out, but they did put in a bcick retaining walls that the road was used for theic school vehicless however, when they added the library addikion, they were required to put in perking by the CityJ that they have nice lendscaping and he would like the Commissionera to come by and see the propertyt that he would agree they should probably incr+~ase the walls and plan to do thatt that he lives on campus and haa no problem sleeping and he realizea traffic going back and forth can be a problem and ~he person reterred to riding the motorcycle is no longer th~re and there is no one living there now with a motoccycle. Concecning renting the rooms in the summer, he explained they do invite pastora, professors and pceaidents of other campuses to etay in their cooms and they do chacge a donation of $25 ~`.or the upkeep and cleaning. 7/11/83 ~ ~ MIN~TEB. ANIIHEIM CITY PW-NNING CCNlM238ION. JUGY l. 983 83-39 TH~ PUBLIC H~1IRING W118 CL08ED. Commiasionec Herbet akated he ie both~red by wt;at he has heardt thaC tha Commiasion laid down aome ground rules !or prota~cting the neighborhood and he would like to aee a continuance eo they cen ceaeurch the recorda and find aut whet was supposed to be done in the past be~oce a~pproving any edditionel usee. He atated h~~ did not think the Commiasion epproved eome oF the things thet ece going on and added he eould not eppcove these plana with a 5-foot setbeck for parl;ing oeceuse it is hie responaib~lity to protect the neighbor's righte. He etated he would like to heve copies of all the minutes of paet actiona, eapecially the grade of the fence, etc. and that if they ere in violation of pre~vio~:s cnnditiona, they ahould be complied with before getting this epproved. Commisaioner Le Claice steted she thought the original approvc.l was for a achool in conjunction with e church, but thie ae-y8 it wae eateblished es d private educAtional institution. ~nnika Santalahti replied the Commiasion approved A permit foc e private educational institution and she thought prior to tha~t, the property aae being used es a church, but the original conditiondl use permit did allow the school by itaelf. Concerning the fence height, 1-nnika 3antalahti atated in aome instances fences were constructed at the propec height dnd subaequent landecnping was done which puehed dirt up against the fence, so the fencea wece at the proper height when they were inspected, buti something was added later. Cornnissionec Herbst stated he wented to be faic to both partiea and he would want to reaeaxch the situatlon. He stated he could not vote for this plan ae presented with the parking 5 feet fcom the property line. Mr. Urie atated the parking was approved on the master plen submitte~3 to and appraved by the City. Reaponding to Commission~r La Claire, ~ir. Ucie atated the permit ellowa 165 students and last year they had 60 and aome of them lived in the community in their own homes and the school has rented facilities at the Orangetcee Gerden 1-pe r tment s . Commissio~er Herbak stated they aeem to be having a problem with the neighbore. Mr. Urie ceplied they we~e nat aware of these pcoblems before today because no one had cone to them with the problems and they have invited the neighbors to come over and visik the facility. ACTION: Commiesioner Herbat offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION CARRIED tCommiseioner Bushore absent), that conaideration of thP afocementioned matter be continued to the regularly-scheduled meeting of July 27, 1983. Dean Sherec suggest:•' the opposition contact the Planning Department before the meeting to make certain the matter will be heard. Commissioner Herbst pointed out this use ie allowed by a conditional use permit and if it becomes a nuisance to the n~eighborhood, ik can be revoked. 7/11/83 MINUTB$, 1-NAHEIM CITY PLANN2N0 COMMI8820N. JOLY 11, 1983 83-~9Z IT1~M N0. 9. ~IR N60ATIVE D1~CIJIRATI.ON_11ND_CONAITIONJ-L USR P~RMxT N0. 2~68 PUBLTC HEARING. OWNBRS: 8EYMOUR AD1,BR, 16608 P~rk Lane Plece, Loa Ang~les, C11 90049. AaENTs SJINDRA i THOM118 HORVATH, 2030 W. Gre~nleaf Avenu~, 1: B, 1-neheim, C1- 92801. Pcoperty deacribed as an irregularly-shaped percel of lend coneieting of epp~oximately 3.2 acres, heving A fronteqe of ~~proximetely 205 f~et on the webt atde of R~ymond ]lvenue and fu:thec ~eaccibed ae 1C18 Raymond Way. To permit en automotive restoretion fecility in the MG Zone. There wes no one indiceting their prRaence :ln oppoeition to aubject raquest end although the ataff repoct was n.~ reed, it ia referred to and made a pert oE the mir~utes. Tom Hocvath, ayent, wes present to anewer any questions. Commiseionec King referred to ParagrAph 13 in the ataff report concerning oukdoor st~rage in the 40 parklny spacea along the south property line, Mr. Horvath stated the owner of the property checked the pecking apace~ this mocn+.ng and thece were 59 vacant parking epaces on the nort-, tde. Chdirmen Fry steted no atocAge is allowed in the pdrking spaces and it hae to be cl~raced. Mr. Hocvath stated he did not think the owner knew there was anything being et.ored outside and it waa noted thet. this muat be complied with bef are tne petitioner can commence activity. Dean Sher^r, 1-saociete Planner, explained thie isaue was bcought up by the Fire De~+~ctme-~t represe,.rative And tt~e plene do show theae spaces ae being available end they are nc.+ beii~g uaed foc sturage and that muat be cleared bef oce the commencement of ec.tivitiea. ACTION: Commissioner La Cleire offeced d motion, seccnded by Commissioner King and MOTION C1IRRIED (Cor~misaioner Bushore absent), tha~t the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion has reviewed the proposal to permit an automotive restorat:on facility in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone on an irregulacly-ehaped parcel of lend consi~ting of approximately 3.2 acres, having a front:.ge of approximately 205 feet on the wegt side of Raymond Avenue and fucther described as 1018 Raymond wayt and doea hereby approve the Negative Declacntion fcom the requirement to prepare an enviconmentr~l impact report on the basis that thece would be no significant individual or cumulat~ve adverse environmentel impact due to the ~pproval of this Negative Aeclaration since thp J~naheim General Plan deaignates the eubject property for genecal industrial land usea commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the pcoposalj th~t the Initial Study aubmitted by the petitioner indicates no aigs~ifica~nt indi.vidual or cumulative adverse Pnvironm~ntal i.mpactss and that the Negative Declar~tion substantiating the for~going findings is on file in the Clty of Anaheim Planning Department. Commissioner La Claire offered Resolution No. PC83-125 and moved for ita pas~ege and adoption that the 1lnaheim City Planning Commission doea hereby grant Conditional Uae Permit No. 2468 ~ubject to the requirement that the 40 7/11/83 M2NOTB$~ 11Nl1HBIM CITY PLIINNINti COMMI$SION. JULY 11. 1983 83 ~393 p~rkinq apaces alonq th~ south pcop~rty lin• shall be cleared o! any outdoot atorege and bo mede eveilable as parking epa ces prior to commencement of activity suthori~ed by thio canditionel uoe permit and subjoct to Interdepartmental Committee recommendations. On roll cel.l, the foregoing reaolution wes pasaed by the following vote: AYLS: BOUA$~ FRY~ HBRBST, KING, L11 CLAIRE, MC BURNBY NOE8: NONL 11BS~NT: EIUSHORE ITEM N0. 10. Bi~t NEGIITIVE DECLARIITION. Wl-IVER OF' GODB REDUIREMBNT 1-ND CONDITIONJ-L USE PERMIT Nn. 2469 PUBLIC HEl1RING. OWNBRS: BR00:(SIDE ENTERPRISES, INC., Old Guesti, CA 91743. AGENTS: U. E. BAUER, ARCHI~EcT, 17390 Mcl~lliater, Riverside~ CA 92503 and Mr. end Mra. Myung Shik Yun, %35 .. Beach Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92804. Property de$cribed ea a rectanguldrly ~he-,~ed cercel of lend consiating of epproximately 1.73 acres, having n fcontage o: app:oximetely 198 feet on the west side of Arookhuret StreBt r~nd furt;~er deacribed as 711 South Bcookhurst Street. To permit a 107-unit more2 and restdu~ant with un-sale of elcoholic bev~reges in the CL Zone with wai .rs oE maximum ntructural height, minimum front landacaped sekback end minimum landecaped setback adjacent ko reeidential zone boundery. Revised plens were submitted eliminating all three waivera. Thec~ were eighteen pereons indicating the ir presence in e~posi~ion ko subject request and althuuqh the ataff repoct was not cead, it is refecred to and mnde a part of the minutes. Uly~aes Bauer, agent, explained they have desiyned a building to be placed on the northebat corner of the propecty and a re in complece compliance with cegulations :f the CL (Commercidl, Limited) Zone and no waivera are requeated. Ellswocth Gonce, 9911 Stonybrook Drive, 1-naheim, etsted he is opposed to this request becauae it is s three-atory atructure with a~undeck and it would destroy hie privacy; that noise ~com the individual air conditioning unite would be disturbing all nightt tha~ noise and odora from the kitchen and from the adjacent parking lot because of motel patcona and incceased traffic would a]_ao be detrimental. He stated he would also question the need for this m~tel since other motel operators in thp acea have indicated they do not have full occupaacy now. He stated he feels this use would decrease his property v~lue. He etated thece is a 6-fo~t high wall in the rear but it is only 3 feet high in certsin areas because the grade has been raised and he did not khink it could be added to becauae i.t was not constructed as a retaininc~ wall. Audrey .Tackson, 9941 Stonybrook, Anaheim, stated she is opposcd to this three-story builcling with windows and a sundeck looking directly into her yardt that she is opposed to the noiae and parking next to the wallt that there will be mecha~nical equipment to run thz bar and reataurant and th~ air conditioning unita and garbage trucka coming in and out of the prope:ty. She s~ated there is no need for this +~ becauae there are 26 reatiauranta, 18 aars T/11/83 na..~.~.~ -- -- and 5 liquor stoces betwe~n BVflaaha9hivacencynrigheCnowC andhthe n~ighbors ace cpecetorr present and they ha uppoa~d to thia becauee they will be on viQw 24 h~ s d ay. D~rdbie 8onhem eteted her family aa~au~ot otVpeaceein thec neighborhood1M~cause and for quite e few yeace they h they did not heve a11ht~Ves~e~ntLepeadin~thenel.leYsedjec e ntetohthe reeidentisl epectmonta and thece area and there are two bace tReCfeeldwithra motelwabArt e ndbreateuranteon t~e/ muggings, etc. She eteted th y oaed to tt~e north side- their trouPluaewinltbisaneighbochoodh+~nd8it willpnot be keeping whole idra of this typ. the neighbochood in safety. Dorothy Sharpe, 9872 Stonybcook, stated ahe thought the r e would be intotthe naiae from this uae bh~~e$arehlotswnEichildrenYin~thep R~p9hborhood and the motel and bar= that t trAffic would be a hezard andtehi~Shetstatedltheythave anaenclosedfyard~butnif the pdtrone woulb be tcansien ~o ximete;~ one block away enyone wanted to aun beth, thia building would be app and they would not feel free to ahtttheinoiaetwotldhbee detcimental~toetheirn9 in the neighborhood and she thoug health. Pecn Louise McIntyre- 9852 Stonyb[ook, stAted ahe does not approve of this use emes now and bought their because of the noLeewauld be noisetfcomcbotheaideat th at they g with a motel, the home for peace nnd quiet eetreetianddthistu3e~would in cceaaeBtheYtrafficn thnt Stonybcook is a busy Street, J-naheim, atated he h ae been there for five Thomas erown, 9652 Colony He atated years and concurs with thCe twould~causerinccPaaeditc affic,aetcea8e proper values, would be an eyeso , the increased trt-fficiihborhoodt~thatlhealiveatdirect lyCbehindpanCexieting tranquility of the ne 9 rked there whict~ c~eate excesaive noise motel and thece ace big aemi-trucks pe in the early morning ~iours ~~a pCeBOCCUrnieya8maiorbconcern and~eince1thereHe ccime inccease that would probably are already two motels thece, there is no neeBBibiiityethatisomeaofmthelunits stated he undecstands that there ie also enP°up the possiD:.lity of long-tecm would have kitchen facilities end that op tenancy. M=. pakel, Br.ookhurst Lodge, 701 S. 6rookhu.st, atat ed they have 32 rooms and ha~ve an average occupancy of about e~~ame6andawithhtT~esep~dditioneldmotel~8 28 units and his occupancy ie ~bout th units, they could not survive. He referred to tt~e 1 4-foot landsraped setback He stated their in the front and atated uldiblocketheir~eign8and2wh oletmotela three-e or ar, building ae proposed, wo roval by customers like th~ quiet at nieace and quiet~ nHe a tated he8hasrapp an they would not have the same p the City ta build additi{nal units edjacent to his m~tel, but he is no 7/11/8:i MIN~T68, AN~H~IM CITY PGANNING COMMISSION. JULY 1~,. 1983 a3-395 conoiructinq th~~ ek thie time because th~re is no n~ed. Ne •tated zh• City is alraAdy ov~rbuilt aiCh motel units and he did not chink more ahou ld be approved juet becauae the Olympice ere coming and will only be her~ !o~ a aho[t period o! time and it Nill be difticult for the matel operator s to survive aftec the Olympiaa. l~nothec Mr. Pat~l ateted he hae the asm~ concecne ~e the previoue Mr . Patelt tihat he owns the 28-unit motel next door and doea not have a high occupancyt khat he aleo t~as plane f~r an additi~~+~l 60 to 70 unitie, but they ar e not needed et thie time and he r.houqht it wnuld be extremely diEficult ta survive for other motel opecetors in the erea. Cheryl Locton, 9921 8tonybrook, atatk•d ahe has l ived there for 10 yeare and has small children and this ha~ been a reblly pleaeant neighborhood; that they knew something would be bui]t on this property, but did not expect a nything of thia magnitude a n d she did not feel they need eomething like this in this ereAt thet most of the buainesaes in the area aervice the residentas that they will be gekting the eenior citize~ houeing dC Gilbert and Bell which will heve the eame treffic pettern aa thie proposed motel and ahe did not thirak the eree could handle that mdny addition., people. Charlie Morae, 9 662 Colony, stated he ib d dey sleeFec and worka at night end i'~ ie diffic:ult *o oleep during the day and with thie motel he woul.d have e more difficult time becouee of the noise with a pa•' ~ng lot directly behind his property. He indicated h.e was also conr_erned About additional crime with tranaiente in the acea in ~nd out all daY an~9 niqht. Merl McIntyre, 9 852 Stonybrook, atated he doea not want to see the winery remuved because it ie a l~ndmark and he remembers it from 30 to 40 years a~go end it is d nice plACe. Mr. Bauer stated hia clienta have two othez motels and have been ve ry cooperative with kheir nei;hbors; thet the building will be 53 feet from the front property linet howevzr, thece will be a canopy that extenda t a the 10-foot setback from the pcoperty line. He atated there will be a~citchenette in the managec's unit only and thece will be wpt bars in about 10 0~ the units and that no larg e trucks will be permitted on the property because ~hey would not have sufficient turn-around areet that the unita wou1~9 rent frosn S45 up to S80 per dey and thia ia not the type of unit truck drivers would ut ilize. He stated the area on Stonybrook without traffic lighta is in the Coun xy and it would be up to t he Co~~nty to slow down the tcaffic. He stated the bat is only 900 square feet in size and the restaucant ts about 1100 square fee t and they are basically to service the patrona of the motel. He stated beca u ae of the tocation of the bar, there will be no noiae to the outaide and the restaurant would basically only be open for lunches to outeiders. He atated h e did not think thpre wou ld be any odor problem~ because of the trAah or res t aurant kitchen areas a nd that any odors from those areas would be going a crosd Brookhucst due to the prevailing wind from the west and the high wa 11 would affiect their aic ciraulation, ~unlight, etc. Mr. Sauer stated they could prc~vide landacapxng as a sound barcier end cequesked a 4-week continuance to meet with the ~eighbocs. 7/11/83 MINVTLB. 11N1-HSIM CITY PI.,ANNING COMMI88ION. Jl7LY 11. 1983 83-396 11CTION: Commiasioner H~rbat olt~reQ a motion, ~econded by Commiasioner Kinq J-ND MOTION Cl-RRI~D (Commiaaioner Buahore aba~nt), that conaideration of ehe alor~mentioned mettor be continued to the ceqularly-scheduled meeting oE 1-~gusk 8, 1983, et the request of the petitioner. Commi~sionec Hecbet pointed out the ,~etitioner haa the right to meke this requeet and Ccmmiaaionsr Le Cleire euggested the neighbora take a poeitive ettitud~ beaeuae thece aro other uses whicl~ could be developed on the propecty without rny input Erom the neighbore which could be Ear worae becauae the property is zoned commercielly. M[. Ba~•~r stated he heA been practicing architecture in l~naheim for 20 yeare and hea never gone back on his word end hes t,Ne~ able to mitigate eny probleme with no abjectiona. J~ck White explained ttint the public heacing will be re-opened at the August 8, 1983, meeting foc addikionAl testimony. ITEM N0. 11. EIR NEGA7.'IVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONIIL USE PERMIT N0. 2470 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNLRS: CHRISTII-N CENTER CHURCH OF ORANGE COUNTY C1ILIFO1tNI1~, 10 W. Fteedmen Way, /~naheim, Cl- 92802. 1-GENT: FIRSP GHURCH OP THE N1-ZARENE, 1340 t~. Candlewc.od 5treet, Aneheim, CA 92805. Property deecribed as an irreqularly-•~~aped parcel of land consieting of approximately 2.1 acces located at the northerly terminus of t~~rwood Street and Candlewood 3treet and further deacrlbed as 1340 N. Candlewood Street (First Church of the Nazarene). To permit a privrr.e preschool with ~ maximum enrollment of 100 students in an existing c~iurch facility with waivet of minimum numbec of parking spaces. Waiver was deleted. There was one pecson indicating her presence in opposition to subject request and although the staEf cepoct was not read, it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Mary Ellen Poreythe, 2737 w. Skywood Place, Anaheim, stated they want a conditional use permit for a preschool on this propertyt that they would be using the downstaira facilities with a maximum enrollment of 100 studente and there is no overlapping of time for the church and preschool uaes. Jerrel Tighe, 1322 Candlewood, Anaheim, stated his property abuts the church property and they felt this use would be detrimental to the peace of the areas that 100 children could poseibly bring 200 cars per dey in and out of the streett that now thry have a lot of cars on Sundays and Wednesdays from the ch urch ~nd just last week a member ot the church hit theic catt that thece will ~e an increase in noiae and litter with additional traffict that the ch urci~ is purchasing a lot of property in the area and they were concerned that the church plene to expan8, but th~y are also concerned that after the preschool is eatablished, the church will went to create a school for kinderqarten through ~efghth grade which would mea~ children walking in and out of the area, etc. 7/11/83 MINUTQB: ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNIN(i COMMI88ION. Jl1LY 11. 1983 83-3 7 J~ck Whit~, Meistsnt City ~tEocney, pointed outi eny other prdpectiea owned by the chucch in rhe erea ate not the aubject o! ehis hearing end this t~~ering pr-ckein4 oniy to 134Q N. Candlewaod and permiaaion to permit a private prrtcho~l with e meximum encollment ot 100 etu4ente i~ An existing chucch facility. M$. Focsyth~ atated the biggest concer~ seema to be traftic end thet no doubt traftic will be increasedt end thet there is already treffic to the church on e daily besis. She stated they would not be ~iaing an} ~thac pcoperty for any pceachool activiky THE PUBLIC HBARING WAS CLOSBD. Commiseioner King pointed out th~ accesa ~nd location af the proposed pley eree would be aubject to review end epproval of the Streek Melntenence and ~anitetion Department. Responding to Commiaeion~r McBurnex as to whethec or not the act~ool would be expanded in the future, Me. Porsythe explained ahe and her hueband ere preeenting this idea to the church and rhey are not interested in anything more then the preschool and she could not answec what the cl~urch plans to Ao. Responding to Commieaioner Bouas, Ma. Poreythe stated it whuld probably be 1 or 2 yeara before they could reac~. khe meximum enrollment of 100 atudenta. 3he atated they have coneidered the poasibility of bussing the children and there are two church vane which they miyht be able to use. Commissioner Bouas ateted buasing would probably allevibte some of the traffic problema. Commiesioner herbet pointed out the application is made by the church and Asked if this uae will be separ~te from the church. Ma. Foceythe replied the church ia making the cequest becauae they have not yet decided if they want to conduct the preschool themeelvea or leese the property. Commiesioner Herbat etated he ueed ta live in this area and knows a church on this property has crused problema for the neighborhoo~ with parking in the past and he felt this could be a concern because traffic would be trav4~rsing through reaidential streets, especially with 200 additional vehiclea per dayt and that the neighbors have learned to live with tbe traffic on Sundays, but he did not think it should be permittpd every day. CommiBSioner agreed and stated they cealize, however, thers ia a need for preschools, but this would cause a lot of tcaffic in thie residential area and in a~l fairnpa~ to the people in this erea, she did not think it ahould be pecmitted. Commieaioner Herbet skated he was als~ concerned because thie might be a separate businesa and thece are other locations whece thie could be located. Jack White atated if the church was removed entirely and the propecty aubdivided for residential use, the Commigaion ahould consider the number of vehicular trips that could be crea~ed and compare the two and he thought there would be a greeter number of trips per ddy if the property w~s subdivided. 7," 1/83 MINUTSS ANl1NSIM CITY PLANNING COMM~B~ION. JULX 11. 1983 _ 83-398 it wea not~d thece could not be a~nother •nerence because of the lreeway cemp. AC~; Commisaionec H~rbe~ offered e motion, seconded by Commi~esfoner l:ing end MOTION CARRIED (Commiaeionec Buahoce abeent), thet the 1-naheim City Planning Commiesion hea reviewed the proposal to pecmit a preschool enrollment of 100 atudents in an exietinq church f~tcility on a irregularly-shaped percel of land con~ieting of approximately 2.1 Acres located at the noctherly terminue of Norwood 3treet and Candlewood Street, approximately 390 feet north of the cenkerline of Kenwood Avenue and furthec described Ae 1340 N. Candlewood Stceet (Ficst Church of the Nezarene)t end doea hereby approve the Negarive Declaration from the requirement to pcepare dn environmentel impact c~;urt on the basis thet there would be no significent individual or cumuletive adverse environmentel impact due to the appcoval of thia Negetive Declaration eince the Anaheim General Plan design~r.ea the aubject pcoperty for low density r.esidentinl land uses commensurate wi thA proposalt that no senaitive environmentAl impacts ace involved in c~ proposalJ tha~t t~r Initial Study submitted by the petitionec indicates no s.ignifieant individual oc cumulative advecse enviconmental impectss and that the Negative Declaretion subatantiating the foregoing Eindinge ia on file in the City ~f Anaheim Planning Depactment. It was noted that the waiver of the minim~m number oE parking apacea was deleted. Commissioner Herbst oEfa~ed Reaolution No. PC83--126 and moved for ira passage and adoption that the A,iaheim City Planning Co~rmission does hereby deny Conditional Use Permit No. 247Q on the b~sie that the use wo~ld adversely affect the ad~oining land uses end growth and development of the area and be detrimental to the peace, health, safety of the citizens of the City of 1-naheim and that traffic gen~r.ated by the propoaed uae would cause en undue burden upon the ,~treets and highways designed and improve to carry the traffic and woul~j be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welface of the citizena of the City of Anaheim. C)n roll call, the foregoing resolutioii ras passed t~y the following vote: AYES: BOU1-S, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CL~-IRE, MC BURNBY NdES: NONB ABSENT: BUSHORE Jack white, Assistant City Attocney, presented khe written right to appeal the Planning Commission's decision within 22 dsys to the City Council. ITEM N0. 12_. EIR NEGATIVE DECLAlUTION AND CONDITIONAL USE PER!!IT N0. 2471 PUBLIC HEARING. OWN~RS: RALPH H. AND BEVBRLY J. CLARK, 1608 W. Orangewood Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802. AGENT: RONALD B. ALY,EN, 5922 Bellfield Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. Propecty descrlbed as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of epproximately .41 acre located at the aouthwest corner of I,a Palma `venue and Hagnolia Avenue, having approximate frontages of 135 feet on the south aide of La Palma 1-venue and 135 feet on the weat side of Magaalia Avenue and further described as 2604 Weat La Pa1ma 1-venuE. 7/11/ 33 MINOT~B. ~N~HBIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS820N. JULY 11, 1983 __ 83-39 To p~rmit an auto •~epaic shop in en exiating service ^~~~tion in the CL Zone. There was no one indicating their preaenc~ in opposition to eubject rayueat and altho~~gh the etaff report wae not cead, it is rREerred to ~nd made A pert of the minutRA. Ronald Allen, egent, referced to the recommendetion of the Trnffic Enginee~ thet at leeat one exieting driveway be cloaed with curbs end guttera inatel2ed and atated they ace opposed to that recommendation becauae the service otation will still be in operation. THE PUBLIC HEARING W~S CLOSED~ Responding to C~mmisaioner King, Mr. Allen expldined the dciveway is ebout 15 feet from the corner. Commiasionec Hecbst atated th~s eite is 135 feet by la5 feet ~~~d normally there ere no} two sepecdte buaine~ses in an operation like thia and tt~e only way he could conaider this is if all wock is to be done inside the Eacility. Mr. Allen resp~nded the work will be done inaide and nothing will be changed ~n the site. He stated he has another service station exdctly like this in Orange which he has owned for six montha ~nd ~t ha~ operated quite well. Commisaioner Herbst stared normally the peraon operating the service station will da the repair work, but this will be two separate buainesaea and if one of the buainesaes gr~ws, it could interfere with the other business and pointed out this is a very small lot. Mr. Al1en stated the service atation ia a aelf-service operatj~n and people put in their own gas and uauelly drive away and the beys are juat aitting there and he would anticipate they w~uld No:k cn 10 vehiclea per day maximum and it is not a big opecation and there are ~ parking spaces along the wall, so he did not aee a problem. Chai.rm~n Fry clarified the wock wauld consist of tune-upa and brake work with no majcr overhaul or majoc cepair work to be done. Commissioner Bouas stated with aelf-serviae stdtions, this is the coming thing. Commisaionec La Claice stated this is easentially what has been going on w~th service stations in the past ~nd asked what type of advertiainq will be done or~ `he property. Mr. Allen reaponded that advertising will be done through the ne~spapers and the signing on the property will cemain the same. ACTI~N: Commissioner La Claire offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner King and MOTION CARRIED (Commiasioner Buahoce abaen:-, that the ~naheim City Planning Commisaion has ceviewed the proposal to pecmit an aut~~nobile repair ahop in an existing secvice station in the Ct (Commercial, Limited) Zone on a cectangularly-shaped parael oi land conaisting of approximakely .41 accN, located on the southwest corner of I.a Palma Avenue and Maqnolia Avenue and furthEr descrfbed as 2604 w. La ~alma Avenues and doeg heceby approve the Negative Declaration from the requireR~ent to prepare an environmentel impact report on the basis that th~ce would be no aiqnificant individual or cumuldtive adverae environmental impact ~ue to the appcoval of this Negative Declaration since the ~nah~im General Pl..~ designates the subject property for general co~mercial Iand uses commensurate with the propos~ls that no sensitive environn~ental impacts are invelved in the proposalt that the initlal Study 7/11/83 MINUTl~~ ~N~HBIM CITY PLl1NNIN(3 COMMISSION. JULY 11. 1983 _ 83•10 submitteA by the petiti~nRr indicersa no signiticant individuel or cumuiAtive adv~rsa environma~tial impactet and that the Neqative Declaration eubst~ntiating Lh~ foregoing tindinge is on file in the City ot Aneh~im Plenning Depactment. Commisaion~r Ga ClAire offered Reaolution No. PC83-127 and moved fnr ite peeeege and adoption thet the ~naheim City Plenning Commiesion doe~ hereby grant Conditionel Uae Permit No. 2471 aubject to the petitioner'a aripulation that all wock will De performed inside the facility and aubject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendationa dpleting Condition No. 1 requiring that the dcivewey be cloaed. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was paaeed by the Eollowing vote: ~YES: BOUAS, FRY, HERBST~ KING, f,~ CL~IRE, MC BURNEY NOEB: NONE J~BSENT: '~USf~ORE 1TEM N0. 13 REPORTS AND RECOMMErIDATIONS A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2090 - Request from Hervey Owen for a retroactive extenaion of time for property located at 1160 Nocth Kraemer 8oulevacd. Commisaioner King offered a motion, seconded by Commisaioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED (Commiasionec Bushore absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commfssi~n doea hereby approve a retcoactive one-year extension of time for Conditional Use Permit No. 2090 to expire on June 2, 1984. B. CONDITIONAL US~ I~ERMIT NO. 2326 - Requeat from Antranik O2bag for a cetroa~tive exte~sion of time foc property located ak 116 South Magnolia Avenue. Commissioner King offeced ~ motion, seconded by C~:~nmissioner Bouas anii MOTION CARRIED (commiesionp.r euehore ab8ent), t.hat the 1-naheim City Planning Commission does he~reby approv~ a retroactive one-year extensi~n of time for Conditional Use Permit No. 2326 tu expire on May 3, 1984. C. PROPOSED COQE I~MBNDMENTS TO THE CO ANll "SC` RBGUL]~TIONS - The Planning Department has reviewed a conceptual proposal for propecty which has a resolution of intent to CO !SC), '~ommercial Office in *_he scenic Corridor' 2oning (8euer Ranch)• Robert Campbell, cepreaenting Bic~her Pacific, 27611 La Paz, Laguna Niguel~ explained they are proposing to develop Area 3 of the Bauer Ranch at Weir Canyon Roed; that current xoning primarily allows profeasional offiee vaea and becauae of the macketplace there and the unknown as to the office market, they wou)~ like to be permitted through approval of a conditiohal use permit, tn ceeate the product as preeented, aa wa8 ,~one at Palomar Oaka in Carlebed. He explained this is esaentially a reaearch and development/aesembly type develo,~nent which ellows the flexibility of having truck doors in the rear. He stdted parking ia typically 1 per 150 dquare feet, so this would be a more people-intenai::ed u~ae•'~11/83 MINUTB$. J1NAH~IM CITX PLANNIN~ COMMI88I0~, JU_,,, LX 1'• 1983 83-401 Reaponding to Camniseioner La Claicr, Mr. Cempbell etAted thia :e really commerci~l office end light induetriel usea with the only exception being thAt thR light induatciel uae ia intended to be et thR high end of induatriel with the dseign, qu3lity, and interior - maybe 10 to 30t in off~ce uees, and the belnnce in lubocatociea end aesem~ly such as electronics. He steted thia woul~ be e complete m~ster plan with roadwaye, easociation for maintenu+~ce, etc. Conmiseionec Nerbet stAted he thinks this is cer~-einly somethinq that deservge to bo looked etj thet it ie e new concept end is manufacturing in the higheat eenae, but waa concerned becauae it would not Eit in juat ar,y area. He asked ~f Mr. Campbell had discrssed thls concept with Kaufman and Broad. Mr. Campbell steted i~ h~d heen aiacusse~ with them ~nd that neither p~rty want~ to change the zoniny, but want khe flexibility, plus it is a pcoduct they enjoy pruducing. Commission^r Herbst atated more An~ more ;~.~h technology businassea are coming to Orange County and they U~~ require more modern facilities. However, he wasn't sure emending the Code is tne way to handle it. Annika Santalahti, Aasietant ~irector foc Zoning, replied there is no other way to handle it. She pointed out a correction ~n Page 13-a (2) of the staff report chenging 'CL' to "CO' in the conclus:or~ paragraph. She stated the initial paragraph of tt~e conclusion refera to d 5-acre site and explained that figure was simply chosen and could be increased so that any proposels submitted would ba similar. She atated commercial office parking requirements are twice as high as a typical industrial project and the ~pplicant has indicated thpy will be pcepered to provide the parking required for offir.e uaea so that if the buildings were modified in the futuce, adequate parking would be provided. ahe auggested that requirement ah~uld be included. Ca~~issioner Herbst stated this fite with development plans foc that area and th~s wvuld create joba in the area where tiier~ will be homes and shopping. Chairman Fry strted he likes the co~cept, but not clianging the Code. Jack Whike, Asaistant City ~ttorney, etated this proposed amendment to the Code is not to permit it by right but through a conditior.~' use p~rmit which will give the Commiseion the opportunity to review an application submitted. He stated the anly way it could be done now is to determine that it is ~ innovative new use not Eapressly authorized by Code in any zone and ~ P~anning Director could authorize the filing for a C.U.P., and staff is recommending that the gcound cules be epelled out clearly which would make it a condi~ional use for the development of a certain number of areas requiring a private traffic circulation plan, etc. The 5-acre minimum was discuaeed and Commissianpr Hezbet ceferred to industrial sites between .:er.e and San Diego end stated he had no prubl.em wfth tt,e 5-acre site, as long as the C~mmission nas control. 7/11/83 ~ r , , t,~,IN TES. N71H6IM CITY PLIINNINti COMMIS$ION- JULY 11 83 ~,~,,,_.,_,,,,,~ 83'~02 Commisaion~r Le Cleire escertained that t.hia would not include devel~pment of new cac 8ale lo~s. The Conaniesion diecueaed the peckfng end ayreed requireme~tr ahould be in ac~ordance with qenerel office rvc~uirem~nts. Annika Sr~ntalehti pointed out thece ie a e~cond portion pertaining to heighta in excesa of 35 fert and auggested the latter portion be deleted~-'if it ie ahown that such building heighte do not visibly interfere on ~therwiae block the lines of eight trom any surco~ndtng reaidential properties•. ACTION: Commisaioner Herbet offet~d a motion, ae^onded by Ccmmiseioner Kinq and MOTION CARR.IED (Commisaioner l~uahore absent), that the Meheim City Plenning Commission does hereby recomm~nd that the City Council amend Cod~ Sectione 18.41.050, end 18.84.06Z•031 ~a set forth in the steff *eport to the Planning commieeion PeSes 13-c (2) and 13-c (3)- and alao to include parking requicementa for generel oifica us~. ADJOURNMENT: Cnmmiea{:,ner McBucney offered a-~~otion, seconded by Commiseioner King And MO'PIUN CJ-RRI~D ~~:ommiseioner Buehore abeent), that tl:e meetiny be adjaurnecl. The meeting was ed~ourned at 4:50 p.m. Reepectfully aubmitted, ` ~~ C2~ ~•, Edith L. Harrie, Sacretery Anahrim City Plan•~ing Commiasion ELH;lm 0609H 7/11/83