Minutes-PC 1983/10/03REQULAR MaBTING OP 141B ANAHEIM CITY PL~NNINa COMMISBION RBGt)L~R MBQTING Tha regular msetinq oE ~he ~naheim Cit~• Pienninq Commi~sion waa called to order by Chairwoman Bouaa at 10s00 a.m., Occokar 3, 1983, in tha Council ChambAr, a quorum being pceasnt and the Commission reviewed pians of the iteme on today'e aganda. RECEBS: 11t30 a.m. RECONVEN~: 1:30 p.m. PRBSBNT Chairwomen: Boues Commiseioners: Bushoce, Fry, Hecbet, King ABSENT Commiseionere: Le Cl~ice, McBucney ~LSO PRESBNT Annika Santaldhti Aeaietant Directoc !or 2oning Jack White ~esiatent City Attorney J~y Titus City Bngineec Paul Singer TcAPfic Enqineer Kendra Morries Aaeociete Plannec Edith Hercia Planning Commieaion Secretary ApPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commisaionec King ofEered a motian, seconded by Commiseioner Fry end MOTION C~RRIEU (Commieeionera La Claire and Mc Bucney a~sent), that the minutea of the meeting of September 19, 1983, be approved as submitted. It was noted the minutes far the meeting of September 7, 1983, have not been approved as the; were not received by the PlAnning Comm~eaioneca. ITEM NO. 1. EIR NEGATIVE D?CLARATION AND VARIANCB N0. 3345 PUBLIC -:B~R'NG. OWN~R: HU00 ~. V~~QUEZ, 619 South Live Oek Dcive, ~naheim, C~ 92805. Propecty described a8 a rectangularly-ahaped pdreel of land consisting ~f approximately U.2 ecce having a frontaqe of approximately 68 feet on the vest aide of Melrose Street, 129 South helroae Street. Waivera of m;ni~um lot acea per dwelling unit, maximum atcuctural height, maximum sfte ~ovecage and minimum aideyard setback to construct an 8-unit affordable agsctment complex. Continued from .;•~au~t 22, and Septeciber 19, 1983. There was one person indicatinq her presence in opposition to subject request and alkhouqh the staff report w~s not read, it is referred to and made a pact of the minutes. ~ommigsioner eushore nated he had previously dec2ared a conflict of interest on this item and left the Council Ct~amber. Kendra Morriea, ~-ssistant Planner, explained there ahould be a correction in the a~aff report whecein waiver (d)af Peregreph 2 ahould read that 9 feet is required inatead of 10 fe~t ae ahc,wn. 83-607 ln/3/83 ( ~ ~ '~ INUT88. ANAEISIM CITY PLIINNING COMMISSION. OCT4dSR 3. 1983 __ 83-608 Viatoc Vaaqua~, 1302 W. Center, ]~na~h~im, repreasnting his bcother, preeented oxhibits o! tha pcopos~d project. H ugo Vazquez, owner, explained it is hia propoeai to construct eight 2-bsdroom, Z-bath units co~tai~~lnq 914 square leet each. He expl~ined sike covarsgs is l~as et 581 than the previoualy proposa0 project at 7di end there will be more open epace end sven though thie is co~eider~d a 3-otory unit, 1t ia within the height limite, compaced with the previouely approved pcojeat ~t 12~ south Olive. He explained the only other waiver requestiad on thia proJect 'y the minimum sideyard eetbeck at 2' 8'. Memie Cables, 206 S. Olive Stceet, l~neheim, steted she ie opposed to this requoat because she feele the denaity i~• ~uet too great end aith 2-bedroom units thece will be too many people on thet amell lot end there will not be +~dequate packing and ahe did not think the eetDa~ck et 2' 8` ie ~nough. 8he etated ahe felt ~f thia project ia appcoved, the othec real.dents in the erea ahould sell their pcoperty becAUae in a few years thie will become a alum area. Mr. Vazquez ar,r,ed he hee mek with Peul Singer, City Treffic Kngineer, end the project does meet the new~ parking atandacds which are the higheet ever required for enyone building in this erea end he will be pcoviding 20 spaces for 8 unite. Regarding the oppoeition's concern about the number of people living in the units, he explained that is the ceaeon for reducing the number of bedrooma. He atated they are raquesting a la denaity increase and in return foc that increase will be providing 25i efEordable houeirg. He referred to other dffordable projects approved by the City and explained this property was three sub-etandard lotF and they will be providing ell the parking required, a jacuzzi, a security syatem to the front and rear and also will provide high-quality construction. TfiE PUBLIC HEJ-RING W~S CLOSED. Commiasioner Fry ateted he has na objections to waivers (a), (b), ~nd (c), but is ~gainst the waiver of minimum sideyard setbdck at 2' 8' because the adjoining pcoperty owner could do the same thing and that would leave only 5 feet between the two properties. Responding to Chairwoman Bouas regaccing the affocdable renta.l strueture, Mr. Vezquez expleined he hae been essured that the agreement would be the same fcr this pro~ect as it was on the project at 129 S. Olive with afEordable units t~eing provided for 5 yPnrs and he would be making a 55,0~0 deposit with the City and signing the contract for the rents to be ~t ~487 per month per unit which wauld be adjuated to the cost of living and that includes the owner paying all the utilitie$s and that the rent on the othe: 6 unita would be about ~525 per montht and that. he ia not planning on having two families in one unit. Commissioner Herbst agceed with Commiasionec Fry regarding the minimum siceyard aetback ~nd stated he did not think cceating aEfordaale unite a~t the expenee of d good living environment ia appcopriate~ He stated setbacke are required to pcovide space between buildings for eir, etc. and he felt this is just too much on that property. 10/3/83 ~ INUT68. 11N11HI~I CITX PL1~tiNINO COMMI8814N1 OCT08ER 3. 1983 __ - 83-609 Mr. Va:qu~$ stet~a th~ setback waivec t• ~~ces~a.y becsua~e o! the parkinq requic~d. Commisaioner Hecb~k atated i! eh• numb~c o! ~nlts was r~duced, th• parking tequicam~nt would be r~duc~d. Mc. Vasqu~z stet~d the buildinq i~ over 9 l~~t eway on the e~cona l~vel and the ~ir~ti level is only !ar th• parking. Hs •tated the pro~ect et 129 8. Olive has a 5-foot sideyard s~tback, ~o tho dilf~renae betaeen this pcoject and thst pro~ecl• is only 2' 4'~ ChairWOmen Boua• pointed out it aeems th• Coau~~laeioner~ feel thie ie just too close becauae tih• neighboc ~~xt dooc c~uld meke th• same requ~at and asked if th• petitioner would like a voke on this plan or if he aould like A continuance in order to cevise the plan. Mr. Vnzquez seked if the major iasue is the 2' 4' dif~arence ieaue, with Commieeionec Herbat pointing out the Code requirement is for 9 leet, so thare ie reAlly a lot moce then 2' ~". Mr. Vazquez steted che enawar is really how much the Ciky wants t.o pcovide affocdable houeing beceuse it cannot be conetructed ~~hout veria~ncee. Commisaioner Herbat ateted theae would be a~focdeble units foc tive yeara only, at the expena~ of Anaheim's Codea and etated four veriancea ace being requested and hs would not give e+ conceealon on eomething that he did not think would make a good living enviconment. Mr. Vnzquez atated he could not undecatand how the project at 129 S. Olive was ~pproved and explained it had the eame watvexs, excepk the minimum sideyard aetback. He stated he has been tniking with th~ propetty owner.s on both sides and the neighbor to the north h,~s thcee-quactera of hia pcoperty vacant and asked if the Commisaion wo~~ld be willing to conai~~er an agreement with that p[operty owner that he would agree to build a certain diatanco ~W~y from the property line, if he does develop the prupetty. .Tack White, Aeaistant City Attorney, sta~ed unlesa there wae a lot line ~djustment, or purchese of a portion of the r~djdcent parcel, e vari~nce would be necessary foc the e~~croachment to within 2' 8". He statecS the separation of the building from the building on the adjoini.ng lot could be controlled through auch a covenant with regard to the development of the adjoining lot, but it would be up to the Com~aisaion to decide if that would meet their intent. Reaponding to Commissioner Fry, Mr. vazq~sez explained a covenant could be done through an easement or through purchaae of a portion of tbe edioining propecty. HP stated he would etill need the veriance far Che minimum ei~~fdrd setback, even if he purchased a portion of the adjacent property. He atated he would try to meet the `.-foot Ai.deyard seiDack and the other. altecnative would be to build 6 units witho~ 3ny affordable unita and without ~ny variances. The Commiasioners indicated they felt that would be a good idea. Chairwoman eouaa etated 6 unite would not impect the area so m~ch and the neighbora would be happier and it would be a better project. 10/3/83 N~TB8~ ~h1~yQIli CITY PLIINNING COllMI881~ON. OCTOBSR 3`~983 83-6 Mc. Vesqu~s ~ti+-t~d h~ would still hav• to coms to eh• Conanission tor approva7. o! pACkinq and Commi~eioner !ry stetad hs dia not think the ;±r~~ect would be appcoved with a 2' 8• setback. Mc. Vaaqu~s atiated the only wey to pcovide the •idaXacd sotback would b~ to purchase pcop~rty lrom the eastarly pcoperty ow~~r and requ~et~d a 4-waek co~tinuanae in ocdet to submit revised plana. ACTIONt Commi:sioner King oftered d motion, aeconded by Commi~eioner Pr.y and MO pN C1~gRIB1+ (Commiesionera Buehor~, Le Claire and Mc Bucney absent), that consideration of the atoc~mentioned metter be continued to the cegulerly-scheduled meeting ot Octobec 31, 1983, et the request o! the patitionQC in ocder ko aubmit cevised plane. Q~r~...Mn.aw.a.~r•~,,,, ~n,~,,,l...a. n.~•'-'.~~w~.t 'ti - `.~.a. ~11~-.«.:.1. (.~^ V'~+.~`4"~ . ITEM N0. 2. BIR NEGJITIVB DBCLhRATiON RBCL1-SSIPICIITION N0. 83-84-3 WAIJBR QP Cq08 RBQUIRSMENT ]1ND CONDITIONAL 1185 PERMIT N0. 248~ PUBLIC HBl-RINCi. OWNLR3: JAMBB D. J-ND HELBN M. PIERGE, 401 South Eucl.id Stteet, 1-naheim, 92802. propecty deecribed ea a rectangularly-s;~aped pa~rcel of lend coneiating of a~pproximately 6800 squere feet on the weet eide of Suc118 8treet, aprcoximately 315 feet eouth of the cen~.erline of Bcoadwey nn~] furthec deecribed a~a 401 South Buclid Street. RS-7200 to CO. To pecmit corrmerciel use of a residen~f.al structure with waiver of minimum number of pazking epdces. Thece aae no one indicating theic preeence in oppoe~ition to eubject cec,ueet and although the ataff report wea not cead, it i$ referred to and made e part of the minutea. Helen Piecee, ownec, was pceaent to answer ~ny ~,ueationn. THE PUBLIC H EARING WAS CLO~ED. iCendta Morries explaine9 thet taragrrph 11 ah~uld be deleted fcom the staff cepoct. ACTION: Camm+.ssioner Kinq ofr.aXed a motlon, seconded by Commiesioner Fry and MOTIpN CARRIED (Commiasfonere La Claire and Mc Burney absent?, that the Anaheim C:.ey Planr.ing C:-nuaiesion has reviewed the proposal to eeclassify subject property from the R~-7200 (Reaidential, Single-Pamily) ~one to the CO (Commercial, Offiae and Profesaional) Zone to permit cnmmercial use of a~ reaidential atr~icture with waivec of minimum number of parking epacea on a rectangul~tly-ahaped percel of lnnd coheiating of approximstely 6800 equare feet, ha~•ng e frontage af apptoximately 68 feet on the weat side of Buclid Stceet ~d further ~leecribed ae ~101 8outh Euclidr and doea her~by approve the Negative Aeclaration upon finding that it hae coneidered the Negative .zclaration toqether vith any coamenta received ducing the g ~lia review pcocese and further finding on the basis of the Initi~l Study and any comments received that there is no aubatantial evidence that the project will have d eignificant ~ffect on z:he environment. lA/3/83 ~ ~ ~ MINC~TgB~ 11.~1~"6i„_IM~C..~TY~~~1G COlIMTBBIQ~1. OCTQB$R 3.~83 83-611 Commi~si~on~c Kiny otfec~d R~~olution No~ pC83-174 and mov~d !o~ ita passeqe and adoption thst th~ 1-nah~im City Plenninq Conaaiasion doee h~r~by grant R~cla~sit;tcation No. 83-84-3 •ubi~ct to interdepartmantal Committee r~commsndation~. On roli cali, the toragoing rerolution wae pa~a~d by the Pollowi~g vote: AYBS: 800118~ BUSHORBr PRY, HBRBST~ KING NOS$: NONB J-BSBNTt L7~ CLl-IRE, MC BURN@Y Commiseionec King oftered ^ ~~n, seconded by Commiseioner Pcx and MOTION C1-RRIED (Commissionecs L ~ and Mc Burn~y absent), that the Anehaim City Planning Commisaion doea -, ~ grant waiver ot Code requiremen~ on the baeLe thet the parking verience will not ce-uae an increaee in tre£fic congeation in the immedia~te vicinity noc sdversely eftect any adjoining land uaes and that the grenting oF the packing waivec und~r the conditiona impos~d, if any, will not be detrimental Co the peaca, health, safety oc generrl welEare o! the citizens of the City of ~nehuim. Commiseionec King offered Reeolution No. PC83-175 and moued foc ite pneeege end adoption chat the l~naheim City Planning Commieelon doea hareby grant Conditional Uae Permit Nc. 248~ purauent !o J-neheim Municipal Code section thcough .03~ and aub;act to Interdapartmental Committee recommendations. On roll cail, the foregoing resolution wa~s passed by the following voke: 11YES: BOUI~S~ BUSHOR~~ FRY, H~RBST~ KING NOES: NO4~L AB3BNT: LJ- CL111RB~ MC BURNEY I IVE PUBLIC HEI~-RI~IG. OWNERS: GFBLLER AEVELOPMBNT COMPI-NY, 228 W. llain 3trest, Tuetin, CA 92680, 1-TTBNTIO!': Rl-LPH SP11R00. Propecty deecribed as a rectangulerly-ahaped percel of land conaieting of appcox:mAtely 19.57 dcr~s, 2925 West Lincoln J-venue (Lincoln Beach Mobile hl~nor Park). To eetablish n 18-lot, 639-unit RS-1000 Zone subdivision. Continued from September 7 and 3epte~aber 19, 1983. There was no one indicating their preaence in opposition to subject raquest and although th~e staff report was not read, it ie refecred to and made a part of the minutee. Ralph Spargo, a~gent, was preaent to answer any questiona. ZtiE PUBLIC HEIIRING WAS CLOSBD. It was noted Environmentnl Impact Report No. 253 was previously certif.ied on November 29, i982. 10/3/83 INUTB$. 11NAN6IM CITY pW1NNiNQ C,LQ~,I~ISSION• OC'1'GBBR 3. 1~83 83 611 CT ONs Commi~~ion~r H~rb~t oit~r~d .3 motion, secc,nded by Commi~~i~nec Fry and NOTION CARRIED (Commissionera La Clair~ end McBurn~y ebe~nC1, thet the Anah~im City Planning Commission dne+~ hereby lind that the propooed aubdivision, ~oq.ther with its daeign and improvsment, ie consi~t~nt with th~ City o! Anah~im General Plan, purauant to Government Code Section b6~173.5t end does, thecalore, ~pprovs Tentative M~.~+ u! Tcact No. 11830 (Revision No. 1) Lor e 18-lot, 639-unit RM-1000 Zona condominium aubdivieion on the be~~ia khat the eubdi~idec haa taken ateps to mitlgate any aiqnificane adverse impsct o~ the converaion on the ability of di.apleced mnbilehome perk reaidents to find Adequake specs in e mobilehome park and eubject to the tollowing conditiones 1. That tcaeh atorege sce~a ehell be provided in eccordance with approved plens on file with Che 8treet Meintenance +~nd Sanitatio~ Dfvision. 2. Thet pcioc to commeneement of atructucal ~ceming, Lire hydrentA ahell be inetalled And cherged ae [equtred and determined to be necesaary b;- thR Chief of the Pire De~a~rtment. 3. That all lota within this trect ahall be eerved by ur.dergcound utilitiea. 4. That dreinage of ~ubject property ahall bE dinponed of in a mAnner setisfactory to the Ciky Engineer. 5. That the iaeuance of building permita tu allow the construction of aubject project in more thAn one phase of developm~ant shall be subject to the completion of trash removal for tne areA covered by seid phaee of development in accordance with an ap~~raved TcASh liemoval Plan. 6. That the ownec of aubject property ahall pay to +:he City of l~naheim the appropriate pnck and recceation in-lieu fees as determined to be epproprir~te by the City Coun~il, said fees to be pe~id at the time the building permit is issued. Alternatively, the owner may constcuct impcovementa at City parka. Such improvements ahall be made only if approved by the Perka and Recreation Department. 7. That all private etreeta shall be dev~eloped in eccordance with the City of An~heim's Standard Detail No. 122 for privnte atreeta, including inatallation of atreet nam~e signs. Plans foc the privete stceet lightiny, as required by tl~e standerd detail, sh~ll be eubmitted to the Building Divieion for approval and included with the building plans pcior to the issuance of building permits. (Private streets are those v+hich provide primary accesa and/or ciraulation wfthin the pro~ect. S. That tempora~ty street name signs shall be installed prior to any occupancy if per!aanant ~gtxeet name siqne have not been insta2led. 9. Thak prior to issuance of e building permit, the approprinte tcafEic signal aaaessment fee ehall ba paid to the City of 1-naheim in an ~mnunt as determined by the City Cauncil for each new dwellinq unit. 10/3/83 ' : . ° ' , : ~ ' .. . , ` ~'" ~ ~ . . . . ~ ~iN~_ Tgg :,J1NAHBIM CITY PL.~NN~ ~~ISSI4N, QCT49ER ~. 983 _~, 83-613 10. ~Phat an otf-site •torn~ dcain io th~ Ce~rbon Cr~~k lleod Control Channel, as approv~d bX th~ City Bngir.e~r, 4ha11 b~ constructed and operetional pcior eo th~ epproval ot a grading plan tot Fhese ii2 unleos cequir~d previouely by tha City BngineAr as a result ot matecisl lQU~d in the gcading ot Phase 1 or Pheee Y. il. That the off-aita sanitsry aewer ehsil be conatructed ar.d lunctionel prioc to any occupsncy of Phase 2 unlese requirmd by the City Engineec at an earlier time. 12. That no on-site drainaqe shall be permitted to flow onto Lincoln ~-venue except ee approved by the City Sngineer. 13. Thet the deeign of on-site drainege structuree ahall be approved by the City Engineer pcior to epprovdl of eny ~rading phase for aubje~ct eite. 14. That b sepa~cete grdding plan ahall be pcepeced ~nd approved by the City Engineec for eech conetructi.on phase end a~ Ae Gcaded Plen chell be prepared, eertified, end appcoved foc eaeh phaae prior to etert of grading on the ~ext phase ar at such other la~ter times ae may be authocized by the City En5lneer. 15. That the aeller ahell provide the purch~-aer of e~ch residen~.iel dwelling with written information concecning Anaheim Municipal Code Section 14.32.500 pect~in~ng to "Parking restricted to facilitate atreet sweeping'. Such written i~Eormation shall cleerly indicate when on-street parking ia pcohibited and the penalty for violdtion. 16. Thak prioc to final atceet inspeetions, •No packing for street aweeping' eigne ahall be inatalled ae required by khe Street Maintenance and Sanitatian Diviaion and in acc~~dance with apecf.fications on fi2e with aaid divieion. 17. That prior to issuance of a building permit, Appropriate watec aeseeament feea shdll be pa~id to the City of 1-naheim, in an emount ae detecmined by the Office of the Utilities Gener~l Manage[. 18. That the median island moditicAtion in Lincoln 1-venue ahall be completed prior to eny occupancy in Phase 1. 19. That d comprehensive on-site vehicular access and parking plan which, unless otherwise appraved by the City Treffie Engineec, ehell show tandem parking along only ~ne side of e~ach driveway aisle ahall be submitted by the developer/owner for review and approval by the City Traffic Bngineer pcioc to the iseuance of building permita. 20. That d deteiled Trash Removdl Plan ahall be aubmitted by the developec/owner for review and approval by the City and other concecned publlc agenciea prior to approvdl of grading plans or isauance of building pecmits, wh~chever occura first, for eny area or phase of such development upon which said lendfill currently exiats. 10/3/83 ~, ' l~„INUTR$. AN11Ha~M CIT~ PI~ANNING C~QMMI8~8ION. OCTOBl~R 3. 1983 , 83-614 21(a) Thst th• own~tr(~) o! th• •ubj~ct pcoperty ihall pay to ~ach mobilehom~ own~c a• id~ntili~d in th~ conv~r~ion impact c~po'! c~locstion b~~~fit~ in th• r~sp~ctivs amounta aa ~~t tocth on Exhibit •A• attached h~r~to snd incocporet~d h~c~in by thi~ cefarence, or auch ott~~r bon~tit~ es mutu~lly ~qre~Q upon b~Lween the pack owner end thtl moDilshome oNner. said r~locaEion b~nefit• ehell be paid to sach mol,iiehome owner~ and p~oo~ thereoi ~ubmitt~d ko Citiy in a torm eatisfactory to the City Attocney, prior to th~ iasuance o! eny building p~r~vit tor any phaee oc poc~ion of the propo0ed d4v~lopment other tnan thva• portions identifi~d a~ Phaae 1 end Phase 2 es ehown on the Phaaing Plan, Sh~et 4, Reviaion No. 1 of plane on file in the Planning Daparkment of ths City oE Anaheim, oc prior to ~uly l, 1985, whicr~ever occure firat. (b) That not withetanding aub-peragceph (a) above, any rt~obilehom~ owner who relocatea from the pack at any time aftier the date oE is~uance of gcading psrmite for eny phase of the development shall be peiQ said relocation benetita contem~oraneoua with the termination of each tenency providad, how~.ver, thet such edvence ~dyments pursuant to thie sub-peregraph (b) need not be made At any time in advanca of the date otherwiee eet forth in sub••pdregraph (a) to moce than ten percent of auch mobilehome own~era. (c1 That the amount of said celocation benefir.a payable to each mobilehome ownac purauant ta sub-~pa-Agcaph (A) oc (b) above, shall be increased by an emount equel to any increase in the Conaumer Pcice Index for Urban Wage Earnecs end Clerical Workers, 1-11 Items, Loe l-ngeles-Long Beach Metr.opolitan 1-rea I196'I~100), published by the United Statee Depertment of Labor, Bure~u of i.abor Statistics (•index•), which is publiehed neareat ta the date of thie reealution ae compered ta the Index moat recently publiahed prior to the date of pa-yment of sdid relocAtion benefiks. (d) That the owner of the ~ubject property ehall poet a performance bond in an amount and form eetisfactor~~ to the City 1-ttorney to guarAntee the payment af said celocation Denefita. 22. That prior to finel tract map eppraval, the applicant ehall preaent evidence satief~ctory to the Chief euilding Inapector thet the proposed pcoject ia in conformance with Council Policy Number 542 "Sound ~-ttenuation in Reaidential Projecta'. 23~ That prior tu 1asuAnce of huildi;-g permits, the appli.cant shall preeent evidence satiefactory t.. the Chief Building Inepector that the :eaidentia2 unite will be in conformance with Noise Ineulatio~ Standards specified in the C:alifornie ]-dministr.ative Code, Title 25. 24. That should thie subdiriaion be devel4ped as more than one subdiviaton, eec:h eubdivisinn thereof shall be eubmitted in tenGative lorm for approval. 10/3/83 I~INl~T68:,~ A.~,~~lIM C,~'~Y PLAIiNING_C~I,a20N. ~CT096R 3. 19~3 ~,.,,~ .,,8`g 1S. That prioc to Linal tiract map (bl linal p~rc~l ~aap epprovel, th~ ~riqinal doaumsnta o! th~ covana~te, aonaltions, and r~~trictiore, and e letter addr~~~~d to d~velop~c'~ ti!1~ cotepany authotisinq recordation thtreol, •hsll be aubmLt+.ed t~o the City Attocn~y's O!lice end approved by th~ City Attorn~y's O ific~, Public Utiliti~a O~Partment and Rngin~ecing Divi~ion. Said docum~nts, ~a approved, will then b~ filod end c~cord~d in ths Oit i ce o! the Oreng~ County P.~corder. 26. That prior to tinal trac t msp approvaa, etr~~t n.~mes ehell be epprov~d by the Citiy Planniny Depactment. 27. That s bo~d, certitic~t~ oE depoeit, letter ot credit, or caeh in an amount end focro satiafacrory to the City o! Anaheim ahall be posted with ths City pcior to apptovel ot th• fina~l tract map to guacantee the inetelletion ot the off -eite fecilitie~ es tequired in conditions 10 and 11 tiecein. 28. That the approvel of the Tentative Map o~ Trect No. 11830 (Revieion No. 1) .ta grented aubjeck t o th~ appcoval of Veciance No. 3346. 29. That prior ko any final tcect mup appcoval, the ownec oE the pcoperty ahall complete pecEorma nce of C~ndition Noe. 1 thcough 21, 23 and 26 thereof, or record A covenant egainat the pcoperty in a fo~m eppcoved by the City Attorney g u arenty~ng performance oF said conditiona within the times otherwiae set Eorth in eaid conditiona. PUBLIC HB]1RING. OWNERS: 11MERICI~-.tJ NATIONAL PROPERTIBS, INC.~ P.O. Box 10077~ Sant~- Ana, C~- 92811, ~TT~NTION: Terry ~'weedt. Pcoperty descriDed aa en irregularly-~eheped pArcel of land consiating of approxim~tely 5.9 acces located north and west of the northwest c orner of Ordngawood 1~venue and Mencheeter Avenue, 2111 South Manchastec Av ~nue (Orengewood Acres Mobilehoa~e Perk). RS-1~-43,000 to C-R to permit conv ereion of an existing 95-epace mobilehome park and conatruction of a ffve-atory oEf:ce building. There wece appcoximately thirty -seven peraone indicating their presence in opposition to subiect request and although the staff repoct was not cead, ft ie refecred to and made a part of t he minut~s. Terry Tweedt, Yice Preaident J-me rican National properties, explained before 1lmerice~ National Properties pur chAaed Orangewood 1-ccea in May 1981, they met sevecal timee with Planning Depa stme~t skaff to reaearch the history and background of the property and 1 eecned there was no rule or ordinance ageinat converting the propertyt thet tbay inquiced about cezoning the property to the C-R Zone and learned they could not ask Eor a rezoning without a apecific development plan and that is the reason they have aubmitted thie application for A 5-atory office buildfng wt~ich, they undergtand, cen be approved with a conditional use pecmit in the C-~tZone. He added they were tal!! by staff that thie was as older aub-stsnderd parkt and that a new perk, under today's stendards, would not be nllowed with the dertaity as high as this exiating park. 10/3/83 ~~~ INUTRB. J~NI~WBIM CZTY PLANNING COMM288ION, OCTOBRR ~, 1a63 83-616 Mr. Ta~~dk ste~ed alt~c in~p~ction ~nd eLuQy~ it wa• Q~t~rmin~d all the exlstinq uti liti~s ~uch aq el~clrical, wati~c, n~tucwl qas, s~w~cs, ~wimminq pool and launEry wer• ~ot ad~quat~ end n~~ded !o b• r~paired or r~placsd end at t:iet point kh~ir compeny ~xplor~d th~ po~eibility of buildinq s new up-ko-Cod• ~wobilehom~ park, but in ord~r ta comply with th~ Coda r~quiram~nts for 8-coaches per acrc, und~r today'• standard~, th~y would have to oliminete about on~-halE o! ths ~xieGing ~p~c~e ~ince the curr~nt den~ity is about 15-coecheo par ecr~t that also, ell coechea would have to mav~d out during conatructioea et e tcemendoue coet end temporary p~raonal dieruptian Eor the tenentat and thet it would cost about ;13.,000 per space to build ~ naw perk end the rents would be moce than doubled. Mr. Twe~dt stared the pcoperty i,e located 4d jecent to the 3ente 1-na PceewAy between twa i.ndustriel buildinqa and an RV dealecehip end that together with the lact that thece are numeroue apacee aveilable within ~ 125 miles at c~aeonbble rente, they decided the propecty would be better euited ~oc commercidl. -a~ea. He stated in lete 1982, the City Council edopted en ordinence se~ktiny guidelinea for conveceion of ~a mobilehome perk to another uae en~9 they feel they have met ell the requicements of thet orQinence. Mr. Tweedt stal•ed they are wi211ng ko pay Che celocatio~ costa ds outlined in theic mobilQhome pack eonvereion report. Me etated they heve propoeed e well deeigned offiae building which will provida employment for the citizene of Aneheim and they feel this wil l be en excellent pro jecC which f ite in with the City'a General Plan. Mr. Tweedt eeEarred to Condition No. 16 perteining to kitchen facilitiee and Jack White expleined the last portion oF that sentence should be deleted following the e~mi-colon. Mr. Tweedt refecred to their pcoposed relocation bgnefita chact end stated Specee 44 and 67 are now vecant end ehould be deleted. He teFecred to Condition No. l7 cequiring certain conditiona to De met within a period of one year end etated afEer epproval ie given, they must give their tenanta a 6-month notice and would requeet an 18-month time limit instaed of one yeax. Commiesioner euehote atared th~ 6-month notice to tenants would not prevent the property owner from proceeding with the rezoning and he did not aee any need to grant more time. 1-nnika Santalehti, Assietant Uirector for Zoning, stated thet condition is a standerd condition ~dentified in the Zoning Code and eny developer can seek an extenaion of Cime to comply with the conditione and a~e would prefer thAt the condition remein ae ie. Mc. T~veedt agreed that it could be left as proposed. Annika Santalehti stated there are conditione proposed which are tied into the issuance of building permita and ~pprer in a reclassification rather than ~Y:e conditional use pecmit end ehe would reconaaend that Conditiona (1), (2), (3), (5) and (13i be the conditions to be satiafied under Condition No. 17 and Conditions (15) and ~ 109 do pertain to the reclaesif ication, but she would like to see the other conditions included in approval of the ~•onditional use permit since they would take place efter the property is rezoned. Mr. Tw-eedt agreed to tt~at auggestion. 10/3/83 MINUTS$~~11W.BZM CZTY PL1-NNING COMMI$BION, OCTOB61t 3` 19S,~ 83-617 cilenn irving, 2111 s~ Manch~at~c, J1nah~i~n, ~tatad h• would ch~ll~ngs e st~t~me~t made by Mr~ TM~~dt in hi• pr~a~nt~-tion end that th~ic compeny pucchas~d Orangewood Acc~i with kh• intsntiun o! k~epinq it es ~ mobi,l~hom~ park. H• ~teted ia Merch o! 1981, prinr to th• puccha~e of the park~ the company took sub-soil teata !oc th• conatruction o! e~uitipl~-story building end indiaated he would lik~ !or Mc. Tweedt t~~ +-n~wer that~ Cheirwomen 8ouaa •tated eil kestiimony would b~ t~ken b~loce Ct~~ ag~nt aill enew~r ~ny gu~stion~. Mr. Irving steted two yfara ayo h~ addres~~d the PlanniRg Gommiasion r~garding the future oE the reeidento ot the Orsngewood 1-crea and th~r• aas e etruqgle b~tw~en the ownecs oE the p~opecty and the c~bidents at th~L tima and there heva b~en a lot o! cheng~e since th~n, but ~he steadls~t conuritm~nt of the eiderly reaidenka of rhe park to maintain and r~tein the ir homee end community hde not changedl however, the maintenance of t!-e park ha~ deterioratad and there heve been severa rental in:reasea, haraaument, int imiddtion end violations o! the Civi.l Codes oE the City and the Stete by the own~ece of the park. He atated the residenta have eurvived the co-ming ling ot recreational vehiclea end travel treilecs in their community, which i q againet the Civil Code~ that in one instence, an RV tenanr, wa~ al!.owed to t;eve five doga outsi,de in the yacd while ~enagement continually hacasa an ulder ly tenent who hea one emell dog foc e watchdog which atays inaide et all times, He stated the public reatrooma ere filthy a-nd the pool wae cor~demned by the eoard oE Health. Mr. Irving atated they are homeowners in thia co~nmunity a~d the property has nev~r been zoned f oc commercial ~aes and most of the ten~nt~ ece e,lderly nn fixe~ incomea and many have lived thece foc ye~rc~. He aeked the Commission to deny ~his requeat for en oE~ice building on A aite thet is very difficult to f ind. He atated thece is no doubt chat the Commiasionere have high etanderda and will uee eound iudgement ceg~cdiny the future o~ thfe community ae they have done in the paet. Micha~l Smith, 837 Oakstone Way, Anaheim, attorney for the residente, steted these are homeownere in thia mobilehome park ae d~Eined by State law. He atated the City has a policy of promotinq the growth and development of mobilehome parks, aa evidenceed by the nutaber of parka i~ thia City with over 8,000 reaidenta and es evidenced by the edoption of the Mobilehome Park Overlay Zone and alao by tht letter ~com the Mayor of t!~e Cfty of Anaheim, stating the City Council eupporte the interest and welf are of reaidents living in mobilehome parics~ Mr. Smith referred to the findings of fact requiced by the Mobilehome Park Ordinance before a realassification cen be grdnted and reviewed those findings. He stated it is their poaition that none of theae facta have been eatabliahed, so tt~ece cannot be a reclassification. H~ stated one of the reasona could be stdted that the developer cannot make a reasone`~le return on the investment of the mobileho~ne pack, howevec the facta in this CA88 are that they have never attempted to rui~ thia as a mobileh~~me park and have tzied to buet up the park in order to avoid relocation payments _ He pointed out one year ago the:e were eighry-eight residents and now the~e are roughly aixty and they ace elderly geople and are vecy insecure and friqbteeed becauae of this relocatio~ and that the ones who have left have been replaced with recceationel vehicle tenants anb not mobi~ehoma reaidents, eo there hns been a conversion of the park without the approval of thie City and those tenante 10/3/83 ~NUTE~. l1N1W6IM GZTX PLIINNING COMMIS~ION_O~C,TQ9R,R,~y 198~ ,~ 83- hav~ b~sn d~ni~d their rlghC to •xp~naes. H• •tat~d th~ intsrr~t o! th• p~opl~ nnd th~ic hom~a ~hould be con~idRC~d and aeked wher~ they are goinq ko r~locat~. H• ~tetad moet of kh~ c~sident• hav• tixtd incoms• and fixed lilestyl~• and r~e lelt Coccing th~m tio r~locat~ would not be ~aic and would bs unju~t. H• •tet~d h~ did submit s r~port to !h• planninq Coma~i~~ion last we~k and ba~ed on that r~poct a~d hie commants today, h~ would ucge de~ial oE ~his sequQat. Glenn xramer, 2111 S. Mancheater, spec~ 64, srated he hea been a resident of thia pack for over five yeerx end pceeented copiea ot atetistics. He atated as a pernon to be diaplaced, he hse ~ veated interest in the poesibilitiee anA under l-neheim Code Section thece ie e cequirement for en analyeie ot evailsbility of. adequete replscement spac~a in comperable mobilehome pecks within 125 milea. He etaknd he hne looked a~t the inform~tion presented by the petitioner and evaluated it and would respond to theic pcopoeal and reterred to Page 1 pertaining to the 14 perka that ere supposed to have available adequate apecee end be campareble and pointed out the age limits, the aize limite, available number of apacea end emenitiee such aa clubhouae, laundcy fecilities and pool and stnted the residents feel thoae are neceesary dmenitiee and noteQ parka liated ae 2, 4, 5, 9, 11 end 13 do not heve ewimming poola, ao ahould not be conaideced ae compacAble perka. He ceferred to khe age limite and size limits and pointed out they could relocete to San Jacintot ;~owever, of the 400 apaces aveilable, thece are only 30 availeble spdces in compareble perka And khey feel on that beais elone, this cequest ehould be denied. Mr. Kremar steted there la a place to go if he decided to move right now, but if he weite, the chancea are that there will not be any spacea available and he felt tbe report presented ie inedequate. Mc. Kcamar atnted the majocity of the people are eenior citizens and ere on fixed incomee of ~360 to sS00 per month and the petitionec has proposed they rent a space for ~350 per monthi and t4~at thea~ residents have invested their money in good faith to live in a retiremenk home end have spent theic savinga to purchase theic home and heve planted themeelves i.n the community and have be'n good citizene. He stated he nRede affordable housing and could move into en apectment, but he inveate~d money believing he h~ad e future here. H e stated they do want ta live in thia~ connaunity and serve the City as police~men, letter carciers, telephone operators, etc. and cannot efford a condominium even under the eff ordable guidelines. He stated in placing mobilehome pnrks in the Mobilehome Overlay zo;~e, the City aeid, these perks are still adequate and ca~n be cun in an edec~uate wa~y as a mobilehome park, poeaibly not paying the inflated rete and ;~ointed out thie land was purchased with the purpoae of building a commercial building and the developer was willing to pay the inflet~d price for that purpose and the residenta ahould not have to be forced to foot the bill beceuse they mede A mistake. He etated moving 125 milee +eway is not a good alternetiive foc people who have Lo work and in looking et the GenerAl Plan, there ie nc higher oc better use in a com,~unity than a people-intereet item and to provide the elderly ard tlose who ere responaible citizena who may not hnve the higher incomes with houaing. He atdted he thought the people are worth a lot moce than a~nother offiae bwildinq, especially when there is a lot of land yet aveileble fac khe develogment of commercial buildings. Mr. Tweedt aeked Mr, Irving to cepeat hie question. 10/3/83 NOTBB, ~-Nr-t~siM C TY AI~AIiNINQ ~9~~~ION~ 9~~Q@~R 3, ~9~3_,r ~ 83~ Mc. irvinq ~xpieined tha! Mr. Ta~eat h~d india~t~d in hi~ op~ning pr~sentation rhat th~y had purcha~~d th• pcop~rty with th• int~nt o! kecpinq it a~ a mobilehom~ park end thet h~ would chsll~nqe thet con~ment on the be~i~ thet sub-aoil teat• w~re tak~n ptioc to th~ purchaa~ ot the property to detarmin• the l~asibility o! d~v~loping e multi-ntory building. Mr. Tweedt rosponded h• did not b~li~v~ he hed said the co~npany hed purchesed the proPerty to keap it ae d mobileho~ne p~rk and thought he had aaid the property waa purchsae~l in Msy o! 1981~ end later in his ~c~s~~tation had eaid thet aftsr many diecuseions Nith the Planning D~pertment ntatf, their company int'rnaliy discusa~d the ia.a o~ conaid~ri~g e new up-to-Code mobilehoma pack on the pcoperty. H e atated they would need to take eoil eamp2es for eny ~aae and they did take soil samplea in March. Mr. Tweedt stated they contend thac they have not violated any ot the ordinancee or Sta-te lnwa. Ho ceferred to the report submitted Dy Mc. Krnmet end stAted their Converaion Impact Report very clearly $tatee it wae not intendad to be a complete sample ot all the apACea evei.lable within a 12S-mile radiue. He etated peopie da not have to leave the County if they cen tind alternative housing in ehis ~rea and with the relocation ben~fits ofl`ered, they can sell theic coachee and atay in this e[ea and mei~tain their friends and Eamily and added he thought they had covered nll theae items in theic repoct. THF PWBLIC tfE1~RTNG WAS CLOSED. Commigsionur Pry etated originally mobilehome parks were never intended to be e permdnRnt uae a~nd were coneidered inte~im uses t4 allow use oE the pcopecty until a~ bettec uee came along, but unfottunately times do change and he wes not aure that this is d permanent aiCuatton eve~ now, but there are reeidenta in thie park that ths aaner of the l~nd haa cerkain cighte to develop his land to fte higheet and beet uee as he sees fit, but on the other hand the cesidenta of the mobilehome perk have developed a way of life and for the ~ost part, ece elderly citizona on fixed incomeas that the Commiaeion ie prohibited fcom becoming involved in economics, but he finds it hard to separate the two iseues. He sta~ted he thought the mobilehome park reaiGente are protected by the Overlay Zone, but now it is time to make the decieion end he raelly doesn't know whet is ta be done. Commissioner Herbst agreed cegarding the interim use of the mobilehome pack and indicated he did not think any of the Commisaioners Mf10 .9At on the Commisaion n numbsc of ye~-ra mgo ever thought these would become permanent uses, but aa Orange County grew, the situation changede p~ stated thie pcoperty ia zoned RS-J--43,000 and ie still egricultural, but could be developed as the General Plan stetee for commercial, cecreational uses, but this praperty fs isolaCed and eurrounded by reaidential uees, even though it abuta the freeway and does have poor eccesa for ~n office structure nnd he thouyht the applicetion for recla$eification at this time is inaccurete beceuse the property is surrounded by reeidential uses end there are reeidents living on the property that would be diepl~+ced. 8e eteted he thought the timing is not rigt~t for convarsion end that khe Oveclay Zone waa put on the mobilehome parks for e reason and thet the reafdents nre conai~ered ~; io/3/sa ii~ NUZE~. J~N1`9ltIM CITY PLIINNING COMMISBxQ~ -~"~'A°~R 3. 198~ _~ 3"'_~ permanertk. H~ atared on• park waa conv~rt~d r~a~ntly b~cau~• it waa co~aecuce~d on a i~nd-liii •it• and tho p~opl~'s liv~s ar~ ~ndanq~c~d, but thAt i• nor the caa• in this situstion and h~ thought th• application sbould be d~niad. Commis4lo~er 8uahor~ c~t~cc~d to th~ mobil~home park• which hav~ been converted thcoughout th~ City -- th• on~ ~t fl acbor snd esll end the Rivi~ra which ar• both locat~d ciqht in the middl~ o! the commercial, c~creational ac~as snd noked one park waA oriyin~lly approv~d a~ a r~ccsetional v~hicle pack dnd that the City plena to put a utr~et through th~ middle oE it, diatupting the whole park. He atAted, howav~r, looking et ~hia property errictly on ~ land use basie, thec~ is ~till a~=acre pArcel availabl• accoss the atreet whieh ie baing marketed as a corataercial, o~fice site and in Orange County there ia a thrse yea~c, thr~e-month gupply oE commercial ofEice sites a~eileble if nu mace ece conetructed ~nd thet tigur~ goea up everyday beceuee more ace being c~nstcucted. He atated he thought this la a poor lxation Eor +~n office building, oepecially eince it is not known whether or not the freeway over-ramp will be conetructed and a14o becauae this property is isolak~d end hecd to tind. Commiesioner Buahoce stated even though the Generel Plan deaignatea the property for commerciel, cecreetionel uaea, it calle !or orderly developmenk of the property and ordetly development doee not mean atacting in the middle. He ateted even though thie pcoperty is Adiscent to the lreaway it lenda itself to housing and looking a~t the converaion isaue, 94 dwelling epaces would be loat and would not be replaced and the ceeidents would have to mave further and further away. Commissionec Busho[e refecced to the relocetion benefite proposed and compared them with other mobilahome park convereiona end atsted he did not think there is adequate compensetion pcopoeed for the residents and he did not think the money eatimated to updete t.he pack r+ould creata any herdahip on the owner. He atated this pcopecty was developed originelly ae a mobilehome peckr and that hie position fcom two yeacs ago hae not change4 and he could not support the conversion of this property. He stated he does support en owner'e right to do What he pleesea with his property, but the tezoning of thia pcoperty ie not warcanted. Jack White aaked the Commieaion to incorporate the findings required in Section 18.92.070 as aet forth in his memorandum included in the Commiasion's packet for Item No. 3 in their cesolution. It was noted Environmentel Impact Report No. 253 wae previnusly certified by the Pla~nning Commisaion on Novembec 29, 1982. 1-CTION: Commiesio~ec Herbat offered Reeolukion No. PC83-176 and moved for its paesage and adoption that the 1-naheiw City Planning Commission does hereby deny Reclassifiaation No. 81-82-5 on the besie thet subject property ie aurcounded by residential uaes and reaidenta living on the pcoperty would be diaplaced and pursuant to Section 18.92.070 oE the ~oning Code, it cannot be shown that the propoeed will not have an adverst affect upon the godls and 10/3/$i CITY PI.11NNxNG COi~MI8~I0N. ~C~,'Q,BaR 3^,;~3 r„_~,,,.,..`._ , S_ 3'62~ policios tor pr~servation af housi~-q v-i~hin t~~• City aa ~et forth b?+ tibR Houaing ~l~ment o! the l-nah~tm Qa~Rral Plan oc LhAC the r~clseaific~kicn i~ requiced •s a publia nsc~esity ~~d conv~ni~nce and Lh~ generel wel~~sre. On roll call, r,he focegoinq resolution wee pa~cad by tho ~ollowing ~~otR: AYBSs BOU11L~, BUSH'DRE, PRY, N~RBST~ KIN(i NOBSt NONB J-B$ENTs LJ- CGAIRE~ MCBURNBY Commisaione: Harbat oPfeced R~aolu~ion Na. PC83-177 sna moved for its pe~asaqe and adoption thak the Anaheim Citv Plenniny Commi~saion do~a h~reby den;;r Conditional Uae permit No. 2259 on the baaie ttiat th~ propoeed ue• wou~ad adversely affect tt~e adjoining lsnd uaes end growth a~nd d~velopment of the acea in whieh it is pcopoead to be loa+~ted and that qrenting of the eonditional use Fecmit undec ~he conditions impoaed would De detrimenta:. to th~ pae~ce, heelth, safety end generel wellere uf kh~ citizens o! the City of 1-nehaim. On roll call, the focegoing reeolution wae passed bY the following vote: 1-YES: 80UAS, BUSHORE, PRY~ HBRBST, KING NOE&: NUNS ABSBNT: LI- CLJ-IRE, MC BURN~Y Jaek White, Aaeistant City l~ttocney, pces2nted the writLen right to appeal the Pla~nning Commi•saion's decision within 22 da~ya to the City Council. RECESS: 3:02 p.m. RECONVENE: ~:13 p.m. ITEM N0. 5. EIR NE_G/1TIYE DECLI-RATION AND RECLIISSIPICATION N0. 83-8~-6 ~UBLIC HBARI!'G. OWNERS: ENKAY DEVE1rJPM8NT CO., INC., 1301 Dove Skceet, t300, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Property d~.+~scribed as an ircegularly-eheped parcel of land consisting of approximately 6.6 acres bo~nded by Stanford Court, Snnta Cruz Stceet, Orangewood I~venue and ~naheim Boulevdcd. ML(FP) to Ct-(FP) to construct a co~nmercial office complex. There was no one indicating kheic presence in opposition to subfect cequeat and although the etaff repoct waa not read, it ie referred to and made e part of the minutee. Richa~rd Smith, Bmkay Development Company, presented e colored rendering of the propos~ed project and explained they pcopose to build tao commercial oftice buildinqs c:ons~sting of appcoximately 6500 squere Peet each, and that they will have henv~,~ l~nd~acaping, and packing will be in excese of Code require~nent and they will be building in ~wo phaaes. 1T~IE PUBLIC HS~RING WAS CLOSED. 10/3/d3 i INUTB~,_ A~nnw~n CITX pI~J1~1NxNG COMM~88ION. 0~'TOB!!R 3, 1983 83-622 J~ck Nhit~, A~eistant City 7-~tocn~y, ~xpleined a portion o! thia property is locat~d ~~ the Piood Pla~in Ov~rlay Zon~~ how~v~r, h• underatood that no p~rmensnt structurea ars propa.sd in thet E-ortio~ ot th~ property and that hs want~d to be aure tha paiitionec undecetood that 1E any pecmanAnti etcuctura is proposed in the Flood Plein Oveclay Zon~, it would requir~ epprovsl of e conditional use pec~eik. Mr. SmitD indicdt~d he undetskood thet crquicement. 1-CTION: Commiesionac Hecbat offeced e motion, eeconded by Commiaeionec Pry e~nd~MOTiON C~-RRISU tConanission~rs LA Cl~~ice end McBurney absent), thAt the Anaheim City Planning Commisgion h~s ceviawad tha pcopoe~l to cecieaaily subj~cr prop~rty from the ML(PP) (indur~trial, Limited-Pload Plein Ovecley) Zone ta th~ CO(FP) (Coaaercial, Office and Qrofeasionel-p1ooQ Plein Overlayl Zona t~ constru.ct a commercial office complex on en icregulerly-aheped parcel uf tand conaisting of approximetely 6,.6 acces bounded by Stanford Court, ~5anta Cruz 3tteet. Orangewood ~lvenue and ]~naheim EtaulevACdt and ~loea hereby appreve the Negativ~ Dacler~tion upon finding thet it has considered khe Negetive neclaretie+~ together wlth any commente ceceived during the public revirw pcocess a~ Eucth~sr find3.ng on the besia of the Initiel Study and eny comments ceceiv~~ r-~at thece is no substantial Fv±dence that the project will have a eignit~_~t eg.tYect on the environment. ComAa~.:~~rz ~~img offered ReBOlution No. PC83-178 and moved foc its pasaage end ~M~ti~ ~at the Anaheim City Planning Cammiasion doea heceby grAnt Re~if~~e~avn No. 83-84-6 aubject to interdepertment~l Committee L"~+l~RAI~'Ida~t::t~ Q1116 . ~r ~+~-::1 c~,ll, the foregoing resolution aae~ passe4 by the following vote: ~ BOU1~S, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KING 1~.: 1VON E A~`: LA CLAIREr MC BURNEX L~. 6. EIR NEG1hTIVE DECLI+RJITION RECLASSIFZCJITION NO. 83-84-8 AND C~'TIONAL USE PBRMIT. NG. 2496 ~~C HEARING. OWNERS: RGL~.ND COVEY, 54Q5 G~rden Grove Boulevard, ~134, ~ainater, CA 92683 and HUDSON OIL CO., F.O. Box 907, Ransas City, MO rr~~1. P operty described as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land caneisting af appro imately .48 acre located a~t the eoutheast corner of Stonybrook Dcive and Bea:.h 8oulevard, 736 South Beach Baulevard. Parcel 1 from RS-A-43,000 to CL and Parcel 2 fcom RM-1200 to CL. To conatruct a 4-story, 60-unit motei. Thece were four persona indic:ating theic presence irt opposition to subject request and although tho staff report wns not read, it ia referred to and made a part of the minutea. .Tohn Swint, 704 W. North Street, Anaheim, agent, was present to anawer any questions. 10/3/83 I~,,,,IN„l~T~,88. A'NIWQIM CITY PI+~NNING COMMI88ION. ~CTOpBR 3. 1983 83•6Z3 eevarly Jackeon •~ated she is part ~wner o! the propacty et 800 9. B~ach, whiah is adjacent to the eoukh end she thought n 4-,~tory motel ia uncell~d ~or in `hati areat that the highe~t ever pecmieted h~e b~en 3 atoci~s and a 4-story ~nit ;~ould compl~tely block the vi~w of hec motolt thet ehs hes e besutiEul n~w .ign on th~ aide u! the building end it wou].d be of no uee with a 4-sLory sLructuca and thak she thouqht a 4-~tory otructure would look odd in this e~reat that there ere 11 mat~als on Be~ch, with enoth~r ene dpproved, within ~he one block batween Ball ttoad and Stonybrook which would meke 670 evsilable rooms and thet they ece anly half-lill~d et the preaent timet and thet she reelise,~ thie will help the City with more kaxes, but it wouYd hurt the other motel operetora in the Are~ a~nd ehe thought the Appraval of motels ahould be stoppecl. 8he eteked she Ee].t this 1.64-acre parcel ie just too amell for 60 unita end if they would only provide 42 unite, the height of the motel could be reduc9dr and thet eome of the unita will heve 355 equare feet end ehe thought thet ie rather ama~ll and ie a lot smaller then ehe wes a]lowed. She atatad with emaller unite ~here will be a lowor cla~a clientele and she wented to keep the erea ~s nice aa poesible becauae ehe does have a high-claes motel. Me. Jackeon steCed there ie no traffic eign~l at Stonybcook end ehe thought thia would creete addition~l traffic congeation. 3he added the plana celled for imitation tile on the roof end she wee cequired to put ceal tile on hec roof end ehe thought the atnndarda ehould be mdinteined. she etdted there ie d house on one of these propertiee a~nd eh~e had to move her motel 10 feet eouth to accommodate the people on that pcopetty and that cost her +~n additional ;15,000 ai~d now, lesa than two yeare latsr, they want to put a 4-atory structure on that pcoperty end she did not think tha~t would be feir. She at~ted ahe even had to l~ndacApe that area to provide apace between the motRl and that pcoperty and that she ie meintaining ik and it ia reelly juet dead space. Henry Ortlieb, 716 S. Beech Boulevard, eta:ed he owns property north of thie propecty and that he recently put ~ 2-atory building on hie property becauee that wa~s the lergest he was allowed beceuae of the number of parking spaces required and he thought a 4-story building would block a lot of his building and he is defin~tely opposed to a 3 ot 4-atory building. He steted he had to fvnce hia lot becauae peaple liked to park there and he did not think therc~ is anough room for thet size building with the parking apacea required. David .Iackaon, pert owner of ptopecty at 800 S. Beach, eteted when they requested a cond+tion~l use permit for 72 units on their 1.1 acre- it worked aat to 65 units per acre nnd he thouqht thia 4-etory structure in that area o~ 1.64 acre would fiquce out ta ebout 100 unite per acre and he thought the concentration is iuet too hiqh and this would give the d~veloper a windfall pcofit. He et~tod he tihought the axea is already heevily ooncentrated with motele an~ there is no need foc ~dditlonal motels ~d thdt the occupancy is very seaeonel end this would be accoiam~dating a eummec run. He added he thought it Nould be in the better interest of the City to deny thia reqtteat. Frank Grigsby, i..anager of the Budget Inn Motel which is acrose the street, stated he hae lived in thie neighborhood for one year and wonld like to see it develop into a nicer place and he thaught a 4-atory motel would be an eyesore and that th~s area is qetting too ccowded with a:2 the motels. Eie added he thought after the Olympica are over, there will be a lot of vacant motels along Beach eoulevard. 10/3/83 M~INUTE9. ANIWBIM CITY PI,1-NNING COMMI88ION. OCTOBBR 3. 1983 83 623 B~verly Jackeon atated •he ia pect own~r ot Ch~ prop~rty at 800 8. e~ach, which ir adj~c~nt to the aouth end she thought a 1-~tory motel ia uncall~d for in that acdal that the higheat ever permitted hes b~en 3 storieo end a 4-etory unit would aomple~ely block the vi~w o! hec motol~ thet ehe hea e beAUtilul naw oign on the eide oE the buildinq anQ it would be of no uae with a 4-story atructurs end thet she thought e 4-atory etructure would look odd in this ereat thet there are il motels on Beach, with enoth~r one approved, within the o~• block between Ball Road end Stonybrook which would meke 670 availabl• rooma And that thay s~e only half-lilled et the preeent timel end that ahe cealizea thia will help the City with .m~re taxee, but it would hurt tha other motel operetocs in the erea end ahe tho~;ht the approval ot makele ehould be etioppod. She stated ~he felt thie 1.64-acre parcel is just too emall for 60 unita end if they would only provide 42 unite, the heiqht of the motel could be reducedt and that aort~e of the unita will heve 355 squ~re feet dnd she thought thet is rather small end is a lot smaller then ehe wae allowed. 8he ateted with amaller unite there will be a lower cleea clientele and ahe wanted to keep the erea de nice as poseible becauee shs doea have a high-clees motel. Ms. Jeckeon stated thece ie no traffic aignal At Stonybcook and ehe thought thie would creete additional traffic congeation. She added the plane celled for imitetion tile on the roof and ehe waa reyuired to put raal tile on her roof and she thought the atandards ahould be m~intained. She eteted there ia a h4use on one of these prapertiea and ehe had to move hec motel 10 feat eouth to eccommodate the peop2e on th~t pcoperty and thet cost her an additionel 515,000 and now, leae than two years l~ter, they want to put e 4-atary etruature on that property And ahe did r.ot think that would be fair. She stated she even had to landscepe that erea to provide space between khe motel end thet property and that she ia maintaining it end it ie reelly juet dead space. Henry Ortlieb, 716 S. Heach Boulevard, stated he owna property north of tnis property and that he recently put e Z-aCory building on hie pcoperty becauae that was the l~rgest he was ellowed becauae of the number of perking apacea requiced and he thought a 4-atory building would block e lot of hia building ~nd he is definitely oppogE~d to a 3 or 4-etory building. qe atated he had to fence his lot becauee peopl.e liked to pdrk there and he did not think there ie enough room for that size t-uilding with the parking spacea required. David Jackaon, part owner c~f properry at 800 S. Beach, stated when they requested a conditional usE~ permit for 72 unite on their 1.1 ecre, it worked out to 65 unite per acre end he thought this 4-story strucEure in that erea on 1.64 acre would figure out Co nbout 100 units per acre end he thought the concentration ie juet too high ~nd this would give khe developer a windfall ~rofit. He atated he thought the area is elready heavily aoncentrated with motele end thr,re ia no nee~ for additional motele and that the occupancy is very eeesonsl end this would be acc~mmodating a sunaner run. 8e ~dde8 he thought it would be in the bettec interest of the City to deny thie requeat. Frank Gtigeby, managar of the Budqet Inn Motel which ia accoss the atreet, stdted he haa liv~~d in thia neighborhood for one year and would like to see it develop into a nicer place and he thought a 4-stocy motel would be an eyesore and thet the aree ie getting too crowd8d with all the motele. He added he thought after the Olympica ~re aver, there will be a lot of vacant motels elong Beach Boulevard. 10/3/83 ,I~,INUTES. l1NAH~I GITY ,~LANNINO COMMI88IQ~1. Q~TQ6BR 3. 1983 __ 83-6Z4 John 8~rint stated h+~ d~~ignad B~v~rly Jeckson's mot~l and th• coom~ were exactly 3S0 aqudre le~k which io th• •am~ •ist• as thi~ pr.opos~d proj~ct and that she had to move h~r buildinq back 10 feot b~~.auae tihe adjac~nt property ownera w~r• not willinq to sell th~ir pcopecty, bu~ now they are willing end hia client ha• pucchseed it. He etated he would queetion the comment that thie motsl could become- an eyeeore and r~lerred to the el~vatiions which ahoved thie will b~ en attrective building. He etated moet at the compatition's concerna seem to be economics and competitiont howeve[, there ls a requeet on todey'a agenda for a motet addition. Conce[ning the hei.ght, he etated the limitetion ia 75 feet in thet erea and he ia only aeking for. one-helf o~ the height. iteepanding to Commissioner Buahore, Kendre Mocries ateted there is no reatrtction in the Zoning Code cegulating the minimum eize of motel rooma. THE PUBLIC HBIIRING WAS CL03BD. Commieeionec euahore etated thie ia the thicd hearing rhe Commiseion hae heerd recently regacding motels or additions to motele end in every inetance other motel opecetore or owners in the area heve been opposed because of competition. He etated he thought the Commiaeion ia seeing the reaulta of all the approvals end maybe the seturation level has been reached in areae outside the commercial, recreational aced. He at.ated he cemembers the hearing for the other motel to the south and the neighbor's concerne and how the Commiaeion tried to accommodate his privacy and if thcs height ia granted, it would heve to be for 3 stories becauae the one t~ the aouth was granted 3 stories. He stated he has no problem with the 4 etories at this lacdtion and in requiring the 10-foot setba~ck on the previous mo~el, the Commisaion used their wiedom et thet time, but there is only going to be parking there. Commisaioner Pry pointed out thece are no waivere cequested on thie project. ACTION: Commiasioner King offered ~ notion, eeconded by Commiasioner Pry end MOTION Cl-RRIED (Commiseionera La Claire and McBur~ey absent), that the l~naheim City Planning Commiaelon has reviewed the pcoposal to reclasaify subject property (Parcel 1) fcom RS-J--43,000 (Residential, Agricultuce~l) Zone to the CL (Commetcial, Limited) 2one and tPa~ccel 2) from the RM-120Q (Reeidential, Multiple••P~+mily) Zone to the CL (Commerciel, Limitsd) Zone to permit construction of a 4-story, 60-unit motel on approximatel.y .48 ~cre located at the southeast corner of Stonybrook Drive and Beec{~ Boulevard and further deacribed as 736 South 6each Boulevard and .16 acce havin~ a frontage of ~pproximately 109 feet on the south side of Stonybrook Drive and furthec deacribed as 2966 Stonybsook Drivet nnd does hereby epprove the Negative D~claration upon finding that it has c:onsid~ered hhe Negal•ive ~eclaration together with any commenta received during the public review pcocess and further finding on the basis of the Initial Study and any commenta received that ther,e is no subetantial evidence that the ~+roject will have a aiqnificant ef€ect on the environment. 10/3/83 ~ ,`' NUT68, 1N~AyEIMLCxTY PL~.NNING COl~~I88ION, 0~,"'~'OQI~i~ 3, 1983 83-625 Commia~ion~r Kin9 o!lered R~solution No. PC83-179 +~nd mov~d !or it• pa~saq• and •dopLioo that th• 1-n~h~im City Planning Com~nis~ion dosa h~r~by grant R~cla~qiticstion No. 83-84-8 subi~ct to xnL~rd~parta~~ntal Committ~e cocommendetiona. On roil csll, the tor~going r~solution was paev.~ py the following vot~s AYBS: BOU119~ BUSHORE~ FRY, HER88T, KING NOBSt NONB 11B8BNTs L~1 C~11IRE~ MC BURNBY Commiaeionar King olfered Reeolution No. P^.83 -190 and moved tor its p+~asage end adoptiion that ths J-naheim City Planning Commiaeion doee hecaby grant Conditional Uae Permit No. 2~96 pucauant to 1-nehsim ltuniclpal Code 8ection through .035 end subj~ct to TnteKdepartmental C~mmittae recommenddtions. On roll cell, the forcguinq ceeolution aaa paseed by the following vote: AYLS: BOU1-S~ BUSNO~tE, FRY~ l:ERBST~ KING NOES: NONE 118SBNT: LA CLJIIRE, MC BURNEY Jack White, l~aeistdnt City ~lttocney, pceaented the written cight to appeal the P~a~nning Commission's decieion within 22 days to the City Council. ITEM NO. 7. EIR NEGATIVE OBCF.AR1-TION, REGLASSIPICJ-TION N0. 83-84-10 AND V]1RIANCE N0. 3354 PU9LIC HBl1RING. OWNBI2S: AURELIA 6 K1~RL H. SIKORA, 2016 E. Lincoln Avenue, Aneheim, CA 92606. J-GENT: JIM THI~YER, 23276 S. Pointe Drive, Laguna Hille, CA 93653. Property deacribed aa a rectangulatl}-ehaped patcel of land consiating of approximetely 5,797 square feet, 115 South Ohio Street. PD-C Zone to the RM-1200 Waivet of ineximum atructucal height to conatcuct a 3-ato[y, 4-unit apactment building• There was no one indicating their preaence in oppoeition ta aubject requeek ~fnd although the etaff report was no*_ cead, i~ is referred to and made a pert of the m~inutee. Jim Thayer~ egent, wae preeent to answec any questions. 7KE PUBLIC HEl-RING W118 CLOSBD. 1-CTxON; Commisaionec K~ng offered a motion, seconded by Commiesi~ner Fry and MOTION Cl~RRIBD (Commiaeioneca La Cldire and Nc Burney abeent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the propoeal to reclaesify subject property f:om the PD-C (parking Dlstrict, Commercial) Zone to the RM-1200 {Residential, Multiple-Family~ Zone witit waiver of ineximum structursl height to conutruct a 3-atory, 4-u:~it apartmant building on a 10/3/83 j 5 ~ ~,IN~TRB. 1-N~HdIM CIT~, PL~111~1~N~NG_COM,~,~QN, OCTOF~ER 3, 1983 83-616 r~ctangulac~y-~h~ped parc~l o! is~d con~istinq o! approxin~et~ly 5,797 ~quar• fset, having A lro~tag~ o! approxin-at~ly 38 l~et on thw w~at •ide of Ohto 8tr~et, and lurth~r Qe~ocib~d ~• 115 8oueh Ohio 8tr~4Lt and do~a h~c~by appcov• ths N~qativ• D~c'~caki~n upon lindinq tha~ it h~a coneid~r~~d the N~qativ~ Declecaeion toq~thec with any commsnt~ rnceived during th• public r~vi~w proc~s~ nri fuY~her linding an the bseis of eh~ Initial 9tudy and any comm•nte rocaiv:~d t.het th~ce is no sub~tAntial ~vid~nce khet th• project will have a aigniticant eifeck on the environment. Commiesioner Kiny ofiared Reeolution No. PC83-181 and moved Eor iti4 passaqe ~nd adoption that rhe 1lnaheim ~~ty Planning Commieeion do~a hereby grsnt Realeasificetion No. 83-84-1~ si~bj~ck tu Interdepactmental Committee recomm~ndetione. On roll call, the foregaing resolution wes pAeaed by the following vote: AYES: BOU11S~ BUSHORE~ PRY~ HBRBST~ RING NOES: NONE 1-BSENT ; LA CI,AIRE ~ MC BURNEY Comn~issioner King offered Resolution No. PC83-182 and moved for its paseAge and adaption thet the 1-naheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant Vari,ance No. 3354 on the be~is that there are speciel circumstancee applicable to the property euch na size, ahape, topography, location and aurroundi~gs which Ao not apply to other identically zoned property in the eame vicinity end thAt strict application of the Zoning Code dep~ivee the property of privileges enjoyed by other ptopertiea in the identical zone and classiffcation in ~he vicinity and aubject to 2ntecdeoartmentel Committee c~acommendationa. On roll call~ the foregoing reaolution was passed by the following vote: 1-YES: BOUAS, BUSHORE~ P'RY~ HERB3T, KING NOBS: NONE ABSENT: I.a- CLIIIRE~ MC BURNEY ITEM N0. 8. BIR NEGIITIVB DBCLHRI-TION AND CONDITIONI-L USE PERMIT N0. 2494 PUBLIC HBARING. OWNERS: CH1NG-CtiU KJ-O LEE, 920 S. Beach Boulevard, J-naheim, CA 92804. AGBNT: WILLII-M WBI LIN, 920 S. Bedch Houlevr~rd, ~-naheim, CJ- 42804. Property described as a reotengularly-shaped parcel of lend consisting of apptoximately 0.50 ecce, 920 South Beach Bouleverd (Travel Inn Motel). To permit a 10-unit addition to an exiating 22-unit motel. There wae no one indicating their presence in oppoaition to subject requeat dnd although the staff repoct was not road, it ia referced to and made a part of the minutes. William Lin, a~gent, wes preaent to anewer any questions. THB POBLIC H EARING WAS CLOSBD. 10/3/83 ~,tiV g~ , 1Ui ,JWEIh CITY Pl~tihtNC COMMI88ION. OCTOBRR 3. 198~ 83-62~ ~1C_T20~1: Conuaiasion~r Kinq olt~r~d s w~otion, a~cond~d by Commi~~ion~c !ry a~d MOTiON CARRx~O (Conunia~ion~r• La Cleirs end Mc Bucn~y aba~nt), that the 1-naheim City Planniny Commis~ion h~• r~vlsw~d th• pcopoasl ta p~cmit A 10-unit eEdition to an •xt~tinq 22-unit mot~l on a c~ctdnqularly-a~ep~d p~cc~l ot land ao~siatin9 0! approximat~ly O.SO acr• haviny a trontage o! epproximet~ly 95 te~t on tha •a~t sid~ of Besch soul~vard, having a meximum depth o! epproximat~ly 130 l~ek •nd b~ing locat~d appcoximakely 240 l~~t nortih ot th~ c~nt~rlina of Ball Road snd Eucthec d~~ccibed a• 9Z0 Sauth Beach Boulevard (Tc~vel Inn Mot~l)t and doe4 h~ceby appcove th• N~qstiv~ Declacation upon tinding thet it has aonaid~red th~ N~gativa Daclsration together with eny comments ceceived during the public r~view pcoceas end further linding on the baais of the Initial Study end any commente receivad that th~re is no eubstantial evidence that the project will hav~ a aignificent •tfec~ on the ~nviconment. Commiseionec King oEEered Reso~ution No. PC83-183 nnd moved tor ita pessage and adoption thet the 1-neheim City Pl.anning ~ommiseion doee heceby grant Conditional Uae Permit No. 2+94 pucauent to 1-neheim Municipel Code ssctiona thcough .035 aubiect to Interdapsrtmental Committee recommendati.one. On roll cell, the foregoing resolution wae peened by the following vote: AYBS: BOUAS~ BUSHORE~ PRY~ H BRBST, KING N0B8: NONE ABSENT: I.A CL]~IRE~ MC BURNEY ITEM N0. 9. BIR NL+GATIVE DECL1lRATION, Wl-IVER OP COD_L RBQUIR~MENT 11ND CONDITIONI-L USE PBRMIT N0. 2495 PUBLIC HBJ-RING. OWNBR: RIai1-RD R. l-ND CAROLiNB C. "t026R, 1476 Tatt Avenue, Ana~heim, C1- 92806 a~d J.S. PLUOR III and GLORi1- PLUOR, c/o Cecil wright, 60 Plaza Square, Ocange, CA 92666. 1-GENT: .T. RAY 11ND C~A3B 811NDER80N, 188 E. 17th Street, Coetd Meaa, CA 92626. Propecty described as an itcegularly-ehaped psrcel of land consisting of appcoximately 4.8 acree, bounded on the weat by the Orange Fteeway and being located epproxima~ely 360 feet eouth of the centecline of Taft 1-venue. To permit a private trade school with waiver of minimum number of packing spaces. There wAg no one indicating their pceeence in opposition ko subject cequest and although the ateff report wea not reed, it ia referced to and made a part of ~he minutes. Chaae Sandecson, agent, explained they are proposing a trede echool conaisting ef 38,000 square feet and a traffic atudy wae conducted indicating ,.ne need for 425 parking spacea and they are proposing 450 parking apdces and that they wanted to create a atrong positive image as i~t ceiates to the freeway by proviaing ~ higher atandard of landacapiny, etc. He eteted in the future they will t,e developing a 5-ecre parcel immediately adjacent to th~a eaet. H e stat4d they are looking foc a variance from the apecific parking spaces cequiree. 10/3/83 ! y MIN!lT68. ANA'ia1M CITY PLIINNING COMMtB$ION~ OSTQBI~R ~. 1983 63-618 '11iR PUBLIC HQ1-RINQ WA8 CG086D. R~aponding to Commi~sionec Hscboti, Mr. Sendsraon explained they are planning to d~vtlop th• edjacsnt S ecres with a hi9h Lechnical manufacturiny or asr~mbly-typ~ u~~. Commie~ion~c He~b~t c~t~cred to the req uitement that they ina~sil e tcaflic ~ignel st the int~rsection o! Ball Ro~d end Teft 1-venue fProntege Road) and elso they will be requiced ko ent~r int oan agreement wirh the City to provide edditional packing ahou]d e parking shottage be determined by the City Bnginear at a leter date. Mr. Sandersonteplied they hAVe agreed to thoae conditionA and •xpiained i! additional parking is necee0ary, ehey could oither construct e p+~rking s~cucture or they heve an option with tho pcoperty owner to tha eouth. Commisaionec Bushor~ stat~d the anly concern he hea ia with the school'a gcowth and the problem with a future u aelE the echool moves out without co~stcucking edditional pscking epacea _ Mr. Senderson eteted tha achool ie existing es a N~tional BducAtion Corpo ratlon end ie number one in the induetry. ~tack White eta~ed the conditional use p~rmit authorizes an adAitional uqe noi otherwiee permittad by ric~htt however, the property ownera, under the property's underlying zone, would hav e the right to put in eny uae that meete the zoning end perking cequiremente. ,1ack White cecommended that conditions be added to the etAff repoct as pointed out in Peragraph 16 (a) and (b), to readea followa: tal That prior to isauance~ of building permita, the own~ra of the propecty sha~ll enter into a racorded covenant to provide additional parking spacea ehould e parking ehockage be determined by the City Tr affic Engineer in en amount aa determined by the City Traffic Engineer end in a fotm approved by the ~ity Traffic Engineer and City Attorney. He added hethought the applicant is ewdre of the condition, but thia covenant would al ~ttanyone taking over the pcoperty of the perking requirement. Commisaioner Buehore ekated he wanta a hendle on thie so thak if eftec the building is bui.lt in 5 yeers, the tradeechool decides not to pick up their option, the City is not feced with so~eone coming into the facility without apgrovel beca~uae of the tcemendoue pa rking variance that haR been granted. Chairwoman Bouae stated another use c ould not go in without providtng adequate paxking. J~nnika Santa]ahti explained the perking require~nent ~or a 37,000-aquere foot irQurtcial ~uilding ien't even 450 spaces, so another us~ could go in aa long as it ia within the zone. !!r. Sand~tcson atated that wes part of their site plan conaiderationa. ACTION: Commisaionec Herbat offered a motion, secondad by Commisaioner Ring and MOTION CARRIBD (Commieaioners La Cloire dnd Mc Bucney dbsent), that the 1~neheim City Planning Cemmiasion has revieweQ the prnposal to permit a private trade achool with waiver of. minimum number of parking apaces on an irregularly-eheped parcel of land coneisting ot ep~roximately 4.8 acr~ bounded on the weat by the Grange F taewey and being located approx 10~3/a3 360 1 , 1 \ i~~t south o! th• c~nt~rlin~ of Talt Av~nu~t ~nd do~a het~by appcov~ th• N~yetiiv~ D~alar~tion upon lindinq that it haa con~id~r~d ths N~qativ~ o~clerdtion toq~th~r vith any ao~~nt• c~c~ivAd duriny ~h~ public r~view proc~~• end furkhsr tindinq on th• b~~i• o! th~ tnitial 8tudy and any conan~~e• c~c~ived that th~r~ 1~ no •ubatanriel ~viasnct ~hat eh• pcoi~ct wiil hevs a aiqnilicant ~tiocti on r.he ~nvironm~nt. Commi~sioner Harbat o!ler~d e moeion, s~conded by Commisaioner Kinq and M4TtON C1IARIBD (Com~i~~ionars La Claire snd Mc Burney abssnt), that the 1-nah~im City Planning Commieoion doea hereby grant waiver o! Cod~ cequir~ment on the baai~ th~t th~ parking veciance will not ceuee en incrweae in tratltc conq~etion in th~ immediate vicinity nor sdvets~ly atteck any adjoininq lanrf usea end that the granting of the perkinq v~risnce und~r the condition• impoasd, i! eny, will not be detcimental to the peaae, health, eatety, oc generel w~lter~ o! the citizene oF ths City of Anaheim and on the basie that ehQ ~ppiic~nt •hall ba required to en~er into an ~r~ement with the City to provide additional packing should a pACking ~hoctage be determinsd by the City Tra~tic Bngineec at a later date and that the applicsnt ehall construct a tr4tf ic signel eyatem nt sell Road end TeEt Avenue lPtontage Road) and including constcuction oE a median island on eall Roed upon epociticationa of the City Traffic Engineer. Commiesioner Hecbet offered Reeolution No. PCA3-184 and moved f or ite passage and adoption that the 1-naheim City Plannin~ Commieaion doea hereby gcant Canditionel Une Permit No. 2494, purauant tv ~-neheim Mu~icipal Code 9ection through .035 and aubject to Intecdepar~mentel Committee cecommendations. On roll call, the focegoing reeolution wae pasaed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS~ BUSHORE, FRY~ HERBST~ KING NOES: NONE J18SENT: LA CL]-IRE, !IC flURN~Y ITEM NO. 10. EIR NEGJ+TIVE DECLARJITION, W1IIVER OP CODE REQUIP_EMENT 11ND CONDTTIONAL USB PERMIT N0. 2500 PU9LIC HBIIRING. OWNER: FR71NR R7IYMOND ADDIS AND SHA.oON J~NN B11R141, 11 Southernwood, irvlne, C~- 92715. Pcoperty described a~ a rectangularly-shaped parcei of land coneieting of approximately 12,705 equa~re feet, 127 Weet Cypress Street. To permit a 20-unit senior aitizene epartment complex with waiver uf minimum number and type of parking spa~cee. There was no one indicating the~.r presence in oppoaition !o subject requeat end although the staff report was not read, it ie referred to and made A part of the minutea. Frank 1-ddie, i7 Sonrisa, irvine, C7- 92714, steted tihey are cequesting n conditional uae permit to build e 20-unit, aenior citizens complex with a parking waivert that curcently the property has 6 units dnd they have found in their experience with senior citizens that there ie a tremendous demand for 10/3/8.3 INtITB$~ ANIIHRIM CITY P1.11NNxN(i COMMI88x01~^~""~1°'~R 3. 1983 8~-63A a~nioc hou~in9 and that th~y do int~nd tio build and d~vRlop the prop~rty •p~cii i cally Lor aenior citis~na ~nd will ba in~telling an alevator !or their convsn i enc• dnd an em~tgsncy cell ~ystemt that eech unit will hav~ a petio and th~r~ r+ill be land~c~ping on thc~e •id~e and the iront entcance end it will hav~ a gates that Cod• requir~s 16 parking spaceo and th~y ere propo~ing 11 and the City Bngineer haa r~view~d th~ r~quest and hee aqc~sd it is appcop tietet thek thece ere thr~• •i~nil~r waivera which have been qranted cecent 1 yt that ducing the eevsn y~aca khey have ront~d to eenior citisena, they h sve had one vehicle and that senior citizens uaually do not drive and do not have cars. Mr. /-ddia referred to Condition No. 4 anci aeked that the age limit be changed to 55 ins~ead of 6U ao they would not have to discriminate. TFIB PUBLIC HEI-RING W/-S CL03BD. It wa s clAriti~d by planning Commi.sioner King thet the existing 6 unita would be remcved. Chairwomdn Bouds atated thece ece more people driving vnhiclee at age 5 5, with Mt. Addi~ ceplying it haa been their experience that there are many people who are pecmanently disabled and cen't dcive oc do not heve a vehic 1 et thnt the age mix wou2d indicate thAt most of the people are 65, 70 oc 75 yea rs of aget however, they would not want to prev~nt eomeone wiCh thAt kind o f~from being conaidered if thece was a vacency. aX..d.i~. Peul Singer, Tref:ic Bnqineer, etated he could not know how the Age limit would affect perking, but they have checked the atudy and the requ~eak has proven to be reeaoneble. Jack white, 1-ssiatant City ~lttorney, nsked if it is the Commiesion's intenk to limit the ege of juat one resident or for all tenanta. Chnirwoman Boues felt it sh ould be juet limited to juet one tenant, but should not be lowered to age 55. She stdted ehe could not agree with that age limit. Responding to Cammiesioner eushore, Co~niasioner Pry sta~ted he owns 8 unite all occupied by persona over 55 yeare of age anc'~ there ha7°been two vehicles. ]~CTION: Coaunisaionec King offecea a m:,tion, secon9ed by Commissioner Pry and MO IT O CARRiBp (Commissionere Le Claire and hc Burney abR~ntl~ that the An~he im City Planning Conunission hara reviewed tihe pcopo$~~ to permit a 20-unit seni o r citizena epertment complex in the PD-C (I~arking District, Commercinl) Zane with waiver of minimum number and type of patking apace on t~ recta ngularly-ahaped parcel of land consisting of epproximately 12,705-equsre feet ~ heving a frontage of appcoximately 70 feet on the ~orth aide of Cypress Stre~t, having a maximum depth of epproximdtely 181 feet and being located eppr 4ximately 185 feet east o~ the centerline of Lemon Street and fucthet deac ribed as 127 weat Cyprese straet~ and doee hereby approve the Negdtive Dec 1 aretion upon finding that it has coneidered the Negative Declaration toge ther with dny comments received during the public review procesa and furt her finding on the basis of the Initial study and any comments received that there is no aubstential evidence that the project wi11 have a aignificant eff ect on the environment. 10/3/83 ITY ?LANNINO COMMISSION, OCTOB~R 3. 1983 83-b3 Coaimis~lon~c Kin9 ott~ced s moeion, •~cond~d by Camiai~~ion~r Ery snd MOTtON CARRZQD (Commi~aion~r~ Ls Claic• end Mc Burn~y abs~n~), that ~h• Anah~im City Planning Commiasion do~• h~r~by ycant waiv~r of Cod~ c~quic~ment on the beai~ th~r tha packinq v~rianc• will not aaua~ in incr~a~~ in tra!!ic co~g~ation in th• imm~diat• vicinity nor adv~ra~ly a!l~ce any adioining lsnd u~~a and gcanting of th~ parking verieno• und~r th~ condit~ana impooed, if any, will not b• d~trimentAl ko th• peACa, he~1Gh, set~ty ~nQ qeneral welt4re o! the aitiz~na of th~ City o! Ansheim. Cammiseion~r King ottered Reaolution No. PC83-185 and moved !or its pas~aqe and 4doption that the Aneheim City Ple~ning Commieeion does hsreby grant Conditional Use Permit No. 2500 ~urauant to Anah~im Mun~cipal Code Section through .035 end eubject to Interdepartmental Committee cecomm~ndakione chenging the age limit on Condition No. 4 to cequice that at least one pecnon~shall be 55 yeere o! age. ~1~ N^' A On roll call, the foregoing rea~lution MdA paseed by the Following vote: J1YE8: BOU1~S~ BUSHORB~ FRY~ HERB3T~ KING NOES: NONE 11BSBNTt L11 CLIIIRE~ MC BURNEY ITEM N0, 11. EIR NBC,~TIVB DECLI-RJ-TION )IND V1IRIANCB NO. 3350 PUBLTC HBARING. OWNER: ALFREDO SILVO CEBJ-L[~S, ET AL, /28-1/2 S. Melroee Streek- ~-neheim, CA 9~805. Property described as e cectengulacly-sheped parcel ~f ''~7d consieting of epproximately 6,375-aquere feet et the northeast ~rner '.anta Ana Stceet and Melrose Street, 428 and 428-1/2 South Melroae Str ~~~ Wa~ivers u_ ~d) minimum vehicular acceasway, (b) minimum number and type of parking spaces, (c) minimum lot erea per dwelling unit, (d) meximum lot coverage, (e) minimum floor erea, (f) minimum landeaeped setbeck, and (g) minimum eideyard setback to cetuin a~n illegel dwelling unit and to construct a garege. Thece was one peraon i~dicating his presence in oppoaition to subject requeat and although the ataff repoct was not read, it ia referred to and made a part of the minutes. 1-lfreda Ceballos, owner, wea present to enswer any queetions end expleined the unit at 428-1/2 was constructed without permita and thet the property hae two unita~ W~lter Olinyk, 1230 S. Hickory, Santa Ana, stated he owns the 4-unit property et 420 S. Melcose and the garaqes were conetructed cloee to the alley en~ this garage has been converted to living quarters and it cou18 be a fice hdzard and Aeked if that is allowed. He steted he ie againet the garage converaion. Mr. Cebelloe stated there wer~ peopla living in ~he qArege, but right now there is no one livinq thece. He e~plained the qaraqe goes with the pcopetty ~t 428-1/Z and tbere is a ser-acture st 428 and one at 428-1/2 the new conatruction will be added to the onE at 428-1/2 and ~he structure at 428 will not heve a garsge. 10/3/83 1 ? ti .. .~ ~.~~ e..~~,~~ nAYYTCIITAW. [1PTf1AR4 3. 1983 83-632 T~rsi__A.'~~"6J~f7 M~'+a r~ann~a~v .. n ~. K~ndra Mocci~s, A~~i~tent Plenn~r, +~t~t~d kh~r~ i• an ~xi~ti~g •inql~-t+~mily dw~lling st eh• lcont oi th• prop~cty ~nd ths p~titiion~r i• propoei~g to conatruct e on~-car qarag~ and th~c• is a y~r~g• at th• c~ar ot th• propocty dir~atly adjec~nt to th~ all~y and it appeats thet ai on• tim~ that gacaq~ was occupied, but h~ ir ~ow conv~rting it b~ck to e tiwo-car gataqe snd that is not e pact of thi• propoaal~ that unit (b), idontitied on tht plan, ar a aingl~-gamily unit snd (c) i• ettached ~o unit b and h• is pcoposinq to combine the two, creating one ainqle-lemily deteched etcuctur• at tha r~ar o! the prop~rty, in ad0ltion to the one exieting on the Ero~t for a totdl o! two on th• pcoperty. THE PUBLIC HE1-RING W11S CLOSBD. Commiseionec Hecbet asked why thia construction wae beinq done withoue building permite and eteted thie is ons of the biggeat dieAatere in the City and violatee almoet every Code thece ie and that it does downgrsde the eree and he would went to eee revised plena eubmitted thet will eliminate moat of the varienc.ea. He eteted he did not aee eny way to approve thie And if this appcoved, everyone elae on the aCreet will want to do the eeme thing. He stated Bui:~9ing Codes are for the safety oE the people who live in the units. Mr. Ceballoa atated right now he wanta to build everything accordi.ng to Cod~ end Commiesioner Herbet etated there ie no wey that can be done without etarti.ng over mnd there ie no way it cen be done without approval of those variances, but he did not think they could be granted. Commiasioner King refecred Cn the recommended conditions of appcoval un Page 11-e and Mr. Ceballos responded he hAd read thoae conditions. Reaponding to Cheirwoman Bouae, Mr. Olinyk replied he wae not sure, but thought eomeone was livir, in the garage at thie time. Mc. Ceballoe explaine~! ri~ Commissioner King cegerding the side yerd aetback that tihe structure is elceady existing at 3-1/2 feet from the property line. Commiesionec Herbat atated eome of the variances might be neceeaary, but he would like to see the mettec continued so the petitioner cen meet with staff and try to eliminate somp of the ~a-riances and noted ha would pGObably have to remove aome of the ~17Rga1 construction which wea done witt~out buflding permits. Commi.esioner Huahora +~tAted that area already has a big pa~rking prablem. He added if it is the petitioner's intent to combine Unite (b) and (c), he would want to make sure it would not be converted °•~ a third liv3ng unit ih i.::~ future after the permite have ceen grented ~.~.~auee that doee happe~~ often. Commiseioner Hecbst stated he thought the property wea being overo~ailt. Mr. Ceballos responded to Commiasioner Suahore that he had dra~wn t4e plans himse~f and to Chairwaman Boues that he is doing tha construction work himself. 10/3/63 NUTaB,_'~'u~T~ rTTV p~NxN~ COMMISSION. OCTOB6A 3~ 198,3 83-633 Commisaion~r h~cbat aak~4 how much time th~ p~tition~r would na~d ro t~A[ down th~ ill~qai construction end build it to Code end explained r~vised plena would hav• to b~ •ubmitt~d. Commiaaion~r B~shoce ~xplainad hs thought there should be a tims limit ~nd Commi~aion~r ~ry euqgestsd s 30-d~y continuence. Mr. Ceballoe ataked he thought 30 dayo would be ed~quate and e~k~d about the eidayacd aetback. Commiseianer Herbet recommended the petitioner taka the 30-dsy contlnuance and then work with eieff to resolve the probleme end steted there may be room !oc one or two vnriancee, but not Eor the number requesced. ACTION: Commiaaioner Fry offered ~ motion, saconded by Commiesioner xing and MOTION CARRIED (Commiasioners La Claire and Mc Burney absent), thet conaidecetion of the eforementioned metter be continueQ to the cegularly-scheduled meeting of Octobec 31, 1983. Kendra Mocries reaponded to Commisaionec Buahore that the Planning Depertment atafF inade a vi~u~l inepection end it eppears the conetruction ia aubatienderd and the petitioner will have to Work with the Buiiding Depertment to bring the building up to Code. Commieeionec Buehore stated the whole point mey be moot iE khe petitionec cannot bring the plena up to Code with Ms. Morriee ceaponding that staff will have a Building Inepector review the aituation. Commissionec euehoce clacified to the petitioner that Commisaion is not grdnting approvel for anything todey and Commiseioner Pry explained that grenting of th~ continuance doea not entitle the petitioner to continue working on th~ building. ITEM N0. 12. BI~ NEG7ITIVE DECLJIRATION ~ND V71EtI~1NCE N0. 3351 PUBLIC HBl\RING. OWNER: CJ~LIFORNIA/ORIINGE BNTERPRISBS~ INC.~ 2914~ 330-Sth l~venue S.W. Calgary, 1-lbe[ta, Canada T2P OL4. 1-GSNT: McCLELLAN/CRUZ/G~-YLORD 1-ND ASSOCII-TES, 1151 Dove Street, ~260, Nswport Beach, CA 92660. Properky described ae an icregulerly-ahaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 27.11 acrea locaked at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and State College Boulevard, 2008 East Lincoln ~lvenue (Eeat Anaheim Center). Waiver of minimum number of parking spaces to expand and remodel an exiatinq ehopping center. Thece was no one indicating their presence in opposition to subject requeat ancl although the ataiE report was not read, it is referred to and made a pa~rt of the minutes. John Bakec, llcClellan/Cruz/Geylord 6 1-asociate~, egent, presented colored elevekions and a site plan. Ha etated they have worked with the City Traffi~: Bnqineer regarding the alignment of khe driveway with Olena 3treet. He referred to Condition No. 4 regarding drainage and etated they will work with the City Snqineers howaver, there ma~y be some limiting factora because of thp topogrephy problema with the site. He also referred to Condition No. 5 10/3/83 ~ ~ INUT68. l~N.S"'~?'! CITX PWINNINO COMMISSION. OCTOBBR 3~ 1983 83-634 requirinq thaC all utiliti~s b~ und~rqround and aaked that thet condition be amonded to r~ad: 'Thet all n~w utiliti~s wili be und~cqround." Ha ~xplain~6 th• exhibita and al~o th• ~emodeling plan. THB PUBLIC HBARING WA3 CLOSED. Mr. Beke+r Atated th~y s-~uw 32 compect packing ~ta118 behind the exi~ting eoston etore end he felt with the new les~ing progrem with the eoston stQre moving fucthec to tihe eeet~ they would like to heve approvel to cemove those 32 parking apeces. He explained they t~ave alreedy diacu8aed this with the Planning pepertment staft and cl.arified they would provide 16'l8 epeces which ie e 15.4t deviation Ecom the parkinq code. Paul 3inger, TrafEio Engineer, ateted he hed diecuaeed thia with the Plenninq Department skaff and he thougbt th~ce is edequete perkiny far the entire center based on the atudiee eubmittad. Re,apanding to Commisaianec Pry, Mr. Beker etated they will etart work as soon es they get ~inel City approvAl, and expect to stert construction at the firet oP the ;~~er so that khe retaileca will not be affected during the holidays. Jack Wl~ite, 1leaistant City 1-ttorney, ateted the notice was edequete for the reducticm of the packing apaces. Paul Singer stated Ltncoln ~-venue will be widened on the aouth eide along with thia pc~ject. Respondinq ta Commiesionec Fry, Mt. Bakec stated they are trying to reaurface and cepair the exi:ting perking lot, but it may be hacd to achieve the ultimate aolution concerning the drainege since they do not have an undevelo~ed piece of property. Responding to Chairwoman Bouas, Kendra Morriea stnted the Electrical Division has already agceed that only newly constructRd buildings will be requiced to have undergcound ut.ilities. Reaponding to Chairwoman Bouas, Mr. Bakec expl~ined tha mazket will be relacated to within .1J fret of Stete College and the exiating Thriftimart will be 8emoliahed. ACTInN: Comtaieaioner Kinq offeced a motion, seconded by Commissioner Fry and MOTION CJ-RRIED {Commiasionera La Clai.re and Mc Burney abaent}, that the Anaheim City Pla~nning Cammiea~ion has reviewed the proposal to expAnd and remodel the existing ahopping centec wi~h waiver of min:mum number of parking epaces on an irregularly-ehaped purcel of land caneiating of apptoximately 2T.11 s~cres located at the aouth~ast corner of Lincoln 1-venue and Stete College Boulevard, a~nd further desc~ibed ae 2008 East L~ncoln ~-venue tEest Anaheim Centec); And does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding tl~at it hAe considered the Negative Declaration togethec with any comments received duting tha public caview pr~ceas and further finding on ~:he basis of the Initial 3LUdy a~nd any conaaente raceived that there ie no subscantial evidence that the project will have a aig~ificnnt effect on the environment. 10/3/83 J ~ Nt1T~8. ANAM62M CITY TtLANNING COM~8820~~1'081~R 3~~$3 83-635 Commi~~ion~r Kiny o!ler~d R~aolution No. PC83-186 and movsd toc ita paa~aq~ and adoption rh~t kh~ J-nahaim City Planning Commis~ion does h~reby qr~nt Variano~ No. 3351 on the ba~is that th~ packinq v~cianc• will not caus• an incr~aa• in tre!!ic congestion nor adv~r~fly slt~ct eny adioining land ua~s in the lmm~diat~ vicinity end tha qcanting o! the packiny variance undec the condiEions impoe~d iE any, Nill not b~ d~tri~~~ental to the p~ac~, heelrh, salety or general welface ot th~ citisens ot tha City oE Anah.im and subject to Intecdepact.~iental Commititee r~commendationa includinq an amendmant to Condition No. 5 that all newly con~tructed buildings shall b~ aerved by undfcground utilitiee. On roll call, th~ tor~going resolution was pasaed by the following vote: 11yBS; BOUAS~ BUSFIORE~ FRY, HERBST~ K2NG NOES: NONE 11Bl4ENT: LA CL]~IRB, MC 9URNEY ITBM N0. 13. EIR NLG1-TIVE DECLARATION 1~ND VARIANC6 NO. 3352 PUBLIC N BARING. OWNER: ROBBRT A. 6 ROSEMARIE SMI'11i, 14950 La Mireda Bouleverd, La Mirade, C11 90638. AGENT: CLYDe CARPENTBR i ASSOCII~TES, INC., 2760 S. Herboc Boulevacd, Suite H, Santa Ana, C1- 92704. Property deacribed as a cectangulecly-sheped peccel of lend consieting of appcoxi,mately 4.1 acres, located aouth end weat of the southwest cornec of Winaton Road nnd Sunkiot Street, 1431 Sc~~th Sunkiet Street (U-Store). Waivec of minimum number af parking spaces to expand an exiating mini-stor~ge facility. Thece wae no one indicating their preaence in opposition to subject cequest end elthough the ataff cepart was not read, it is referred to and made a pert of the minutes. Mark Murphy, repcesenting Clyde Carpenter and Associates, agent, axplained they ace requesting a wdiver of parking requirementa for e mini-stora~e facility and that a parking study hab been aubmittec. 'I41E PU'~LIC HEARING W1-S CLOSBD. Jack White, Asaistant City 1~tCorney, atated he had diecuesed the condition requiring recordation af a pnrcel mep and ae en alternative, their office would have no objection to having a reciprocal nccess easement acrose both propertiee and that Condition No. 10 ehould be amended to include that wording. ACTION: Commissioner Kinq of~ered a motion, seconded by Commiaaioner Fry and MOTION CARRIED (Commiaeionecs La Claire and !ic Burney ebsent), that the 1-ndheim City Planning Commiesion has reviewed the proposal to expa~nd an exiating mini-stiornge facility with waiver of minimum number of perking spaces on e rectangularly-ahaped parcel of land consiating of approximately 4.1 acres, located aouth and west of the southwest corner of Winston Road and Sunkist Street, and further described as 1431 Sou~h 8unkist Stceet (U-Store)t and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon findi~q that it has coneidered the Negative Declaration together with any comment-i received during 10/3/83 ~ r~ ~INUTBB. ANAHSIM C,_ITY PLl1NNIN(i COMMI882Q,~1,~ OCTOBRR 3. 1983 83-636 th• public c~view pcoc~as and lurth~r lindin9 on the b~eis ot th• initial 8tudy and any commenta t~ceiv~d that t`-~r• is nn sub~iential evidsnce thet th~ pro~~ct will hav~ s•ig~iliaant •!l~ct on th~ environm~nt. Commi~oion~r King offered R~eolution N~~. PC83-187 and movsd !or ita pasaege and adoption that the Aneheim City Pl~u~nini Commi~aion doe~ hereby grent Varienc~ No. 3352 on the beais that the pe~•king vstiance will not cause en increese in traEfic conge~tion in the immediete vicinity noc adversely aftect any edjoining land uees and the granting of the parking variAnce under the conditione impoeed, if any, will not be datrimental to the peace, heslth, safety or ganeral weitere of th~ citizene of the City of Aneheim AnA eubject to intardepartmentel Committee recommendetione including hn emondment to Condition No. 1 ea indicated by Mr. White. On roll call, the foregoing reaoluti~n was pas$ed by the following vote: AYES: BOU11S, BUSHORB, FRY, HBRBST, KING NOE3: NONB ABSBNT: LA CLI~IRE, NC BURNEY ITEM N0. 14 REPORTS 1-ND RECOMMENDIITIONB A. RIVER V1ILLEY REDEVBLOPMENT PROJECT PROP03ED_R~DEVLLOPMENT PLAN Request from 1lnaheim Redevelopment 1-gency ~o meke a determindtion as to the confocmity of the project wirh the City of 1-naheim General Plen. Propecty loceted nocthwest of the interaection of the Rivereide Freeway and Weic Canyon Road. Commisaioner euahore declared a conflict of intereat a~s defined by 1-neheim City Plenning Commiasion Reaolution No. PC76-157 adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for the Plonning Commiseion and Govecnment Code Section 3625, et aeq., in thdt he ie e contracturel agent for the Redevalopment 1lgency and pureudnt to the provi~elons of the above Codes, declaced to the Chairman that he was withdGawing from the hearing in connection with the Rivec Valley Redevelvpment Project Plan, and would not take pact in either the diecussion or the voting thereon end had not diecuased this matter with any membet of the Planning Commiesion. Thereu~,on Commiseioner Buahore left the Council Chember. Lorraine Prenderga$t, Staff ~-ssistant, Community Development, exp2ained the Planning Commiseion is required to find that the pr~poaed River Valley Redevelopment project confocme with the Genetsl plan for the City of ~-naheim before they can procesd with the project. She expldined A public heering will be echeduled for November 22, 1983. .iack White, Assietant City ~-ttorney, explained Commission received end reviewed a copy of the pl~n. 10/3/83 lIINUTRB. ~N11H6IM CITX PLJ~NNINS~~~~BxON. OCTOBL'R 3. 1983 _ 83-637 ACTI Ns Commi~~ion~r !ry oiE~r~d R~solution No. PCd3-188 end mov~d tor iti~ p~ssay~ end adoption tha~ th~ llneheim city Plenninq Conanie~ion Aoe~ h~r~by lind that tha pcopoe~d River Valley Redev~lopm~nt Project ie in ~entormenco with the General Plan Por the City ot Aneheim. On coll call, the focagoin9 rasolution wae peaeed by the loilowing vote: J1YES: BOU11S, BUSHOR~~ FRY~ HBR98T~ KING N0~8: NON~ ~`.69ENT: L/- CLl1IRE~ MCBURNSY 11FISTAIN: HUSHORE 5,,,,~....,. . ~,~.,,t.,.~.~ ~ ..~ ~ B. CONDITIONI-L USB PBttMIT N0. 2211 - Requaet from Wi111Am E. Uhl toc a retrc-a~etive extension of time, proparty located at the southeaet ao~ner of Pcontere Street and Glsasell Stceet. AC_ TIpN; Commiesionec Ring ~ffered a motion, eeconded by Commiseioner Hetbat and MOTION CARRIBD (Commissionera La Claire and McBurney ebeent), that the ~-neheim City Planninq Commisalon daae heceby grant a one-yeer retroactive extaneion oE tima °~r Conditional Uee Permit No. 2211 to expire on Mey 18, 1984. C. CONDITIONAL USE PBRMIT N0. 1838 - Requeat from Mike Lin, Chao, inc. for a one-year retroactive extension of time, property loceted at 333 and 475 West Ball Road. 1-,,,~,CTION; Commissioner King offeced e motion, seconded by Commis~,i~on,,e,r F y~ end MOTION CARRIED (Cammiesioners La Claire end McBurney aba~nt~T",-th~ the Anaheim City Planning Cammisaion does heceby grant a ane-yesr rettoectiv~ extension of time for ConditionaA Use Pecmit No. 1838 to expire on Mey 22, 1983. D. CONDITIONJ~L USE PBRMIT NO. 2132 - Request from Glendon Miller for a cetroactive extension of time, property locAted at 2830 Eaet Miraloma ~-venue. A~ N: Commissioner King offered a motion, aeconded by CommisalonAr Pry and MOTION C1-RRIED (Commisaionere La Claire end McBurney abeent), thet the 1-naheim City Planning Commisaion doee horeby grant a retroactive two-year extenaion of time for Conditional Uee Pecmit No. 2132 to expire on November 17, 1984. E. TENTATIVE T_RACT N0. 10983 - Request fc~am Kaufman en~i eroad, inc. for ~pproval of revised epecific ~~lana, property locate~l ~t the southeaat cornec of Santa Ane Canyon Ruad dnd Weir Canyon Road. Kendra llorries, 1-aeiatant Planner, presentec~ the reviaed plens and expl~ined the major difference i.s in the size ~f the dwelling unita with proposod units canging from 985 to 1,367 equece ~eet and the previously approved unita ranging from 1,225 to 1,7~2 e~iuare feet. Kevin Kirk, Kaufman & Broad, Inc. expleined the revieed plan and pointed out the lot and pad sizes are identical to the previoue plan. 10/3/~'3 INUT~S. A!'111HBIM CITY,~ NING COMMI88ION._ OCTO~ER 3~ 1983 83-638 Commi~~ion~r H~cb~t ret~cr~d to th~ icont landecaping end steted h• thouqht the tcont• would look like ali concr~t~. Mr. Kirk •xplein~d ther~ will b• aprinkl~r~ and landocapin9. Commisoionec HerbaC eteted he did not ehink thi~ type d~velopment belongs in l-naheim Hills bscauee iti 1$ on a public str~et and it will look like sll drivewaya. Hs ~dded he ha. alwsys ba~n oppoe~d c.o thie kind ot development in thia eree. He saked about c~creational tacilitisa indicating this ia not s condominium development and he did not think thsce could be any srea !or children to play. Kendra Morriea, Aseiatant planner, reeponded they will be providing minimum Code cequirement in pcivete yecd aceea. Mr. Kirk responded these will ba~sically be petio type homee deoigned with etri~ma to give the lndoor/outdoor teeling, and etil: et~y in the merketpiace. pCT ON: Commiseionec Pry oFfered a mokion, seconded by Commia:~•ioner King and MOTION CARRIED (Commiaeionece La Claire and McBurney absent)~ that the Anaheirn City Planning Commiseion does hereby eAprove revieed apecific pl~+ns (Revieion No. 2) foc Tentative Tract No. 10983. F. TENTATIVB TR11CT OP M~-P N0. 11727 (Rev. No. 1- Requeat fcom Susan M. Bemis, Stetewido Developera, Inc. for a one -yeac extension of time, Crescent 1-venue,aand~lacatedfapproximatelyY330ofeettwesttof theth eide of centerline of Brookhuret Street. J-_CTION: Commiseionec King offeced a motion, eeconded by Comr~ia~ ~i,Q ~nec Fry and MOTION CARRIBD (Commiesioners La Claire end McBurney ebeenG7; ~YiB~~~~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission does heteby grant a~ one-year extension of time for Tentative Map of Tract No. 11727 (Re~ielon No. 1) to expice on March 8, 1985. G. CONDITIONJ-L USE P~RMIT N0. 2342 - Request from L.O.R.D.S. Miniatries for furthec Planning Commiasion review. Propecty located at 806 and 808 North 1-naheim Boulevard. 1-t the beginning of the mgeti,ng befoce the public hearinge, Chairwoman Bouas explained Commiseion hed received a petition concerning the pcoblema with this church end digttibution center at 806 and 808 North J~naheim Baulevards however, public toatimony cannot be heard today becau8e this has not Deen ~et fo[ a public hearing and suggreted the matter be $cheduled £or public hearing review. ~_ION; Commisaioner Herbat offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bushoce ~nd MOTION C1-RRIED (Comtaiseioners La Claire and McBurney absent)• that review of Conditional Use Permit No. 2342 be set for publlc hearing on October 31, 1983. 10/3/83 i i t~IN~T68. ANAHBIM CITY PLA~1~,iINa CO 8~~0_ N~OCTQ,~,~t, ~,~, 19~3~ 83-639 tl. ,C~NAITiL 8,~,_$~T NO~, 1469 - Rpu~~t lcom Myunq Shik Yun tor approvel oi c~vi~od planr, pcop~rty locat~d at 711 South arookhucst Stc~~t. Ulyssee Bau~r, egent, ~xplsi~ed th~ property ownec d~cided Eo utilise the •xiatinq buildin9 tBrook.iae Win~ry) ae a reakaucant end c~cktail lounge and to raduce the numb~r o! units. it wes clacified thet the height of the motal building will no~ be ceduced to two atories ae indiceted in th~ etaft report. 11CTION: Commia~ioner Fry oPfered a~ motion, aeconded by Commieeioner King and OTiON CARRIED (C~mmieaionere La Claire end McBurney abaentl, that the 1-naheim City Plenning Commiseion boes heteby epprove reviaed plane tor Conditional Uee Permit No. 2469 finding them in aubatnntial conformance with previously appcoved plans. I. CONDITIONI-I. USE PERMIT N0. 2238 - Request from Acthur T. Maiec, Sc. Pcojeat Menager, L.l-. Beain foc tecmination of Conditional Uae Fermit No. 2238, property loceted at 1776 Weat Penhell Way. 1-CTION: Commisaioner King oEfered Reaolution No. PC83-189 and moved for ite peseage and adoption that the /-neheim City Plenning Conanieeion doee heteby terminate Conditionel Use Permit No. 2238. On roll c~ll, Fhe foreqoing reeolution was paeaed by the following vote: AYBS: BOU~-S~ BUSHORE, PRY~ HERBST~ KING NOBS: NONE ABSENT: Ll~ CLJ-IRB~ MCBURNBY J. VJ-RIANCE NO. 771 - Request from Gary Mercado for termination of V+~ciance No. 771, property lacated at 225 North 8tete College Bouleverd. ACTION: Commisaioner Kinq offered Resolution No. PC83-190 and moved for ita paseage and adoption that khe 1-naheim City Plenning Commisaion doea hereby terminate Varinnce Na. 77'l. On coll cdll, the foregoinq reeolution was passed by the followinq vote: 1~YBS: BOU11S, BUSBORE, PRYi HBRBST, RING NOBS: NONB 11B3BNT: Ll- CI.AIRE, MCBURNLY lt. A!lENDlIENT TO TEIE IUI3TBR PLJ-N BOR DRI-INI-GE - Request from the Engi~ee[ing Divieion !oc amendment to the master plan for drainage by the addition of Drainage Dietri.cts 42 ~nd 43 which serves the shorb-wells property and the Bauer Ranch ereae. Jny Titua, Otfice ~ngineer, explained this is ~ request for an amendment to the City'e Master Plan for drainage end pertaine to Diatricta 42 and 43 which serves the 8horb~Aells property and the Bauer, Douglass and Wall~ce ranches. 10/3/83 • T siot~. O~:T481~.~+ 3. 1~~ 83-640 ~~C1T38. 71N1~'36Th ~=TY ?L+11t~N NG COMM~~ +~• ACT ON: Commission~r Hscb~t otl~c~d a~aolution No. PC83-171 ~nd movsd !or ih~r~b •r~aommenddtokth~ City Counailha~a~ndm~ntpto~the9Mas~ir~~ien doss Y tor Drainag~. 0~ coll aall, the for~yoing r~solutlon am~ pas~ed by ths tollowing vote: ~Ygg= gp~Ag, BU8HOR8~ FRY~ HBABST~ RING NOBSi NONE 1-BSSNTt LA CL1-IRB~ MCBURNBY OTEiBR DISCUSSIONs Commiaeioner Bushoce ret~cred to the ear].ier heering regarding an ill~gal dwalling unit on Meltoee 8kr~et and etatied in reviewing the location he hed dciven down the alley and noticed a lot of te~redtthere~was quitebAAF~rkinq and aome had debria blocking them end it app problem in the area. He augg~ated Code Enforcement pecsonnel •hould investi.gate the nree. 1~C_ TIONs Com.~nieaioner Huahore offered a motipn, aeconded by Commiasionec Fry ~IO dnd MOTiON CJ-RRxGQ (Conuaissionere La Claice and NcBurney absent), that t e Anaheim City Planning Commiesion daee heceby inetruct staff to 3nveatigete illegal uae of garagea nnd parking problems in the 400 biack of So~th Melrose between Santa Ana Street and Broadway. ^~,,.a.,..- ~,• f.r ~t~~~ 1-DJOtlRNMENT: Thece being no tucthec business, Commiesioner Pry offeted e motion, eeconded by Commisaioner King and MOTION CJ-RRZSD (Commiasioners La Claire and McBUrney nbsent), that the meet~ng be adjourned to ~ joint work $ession to be echedul~d with the City Council on Octohgr 11, 1983, ati 7:00 ~.m. The meeting was adjourned aL• 5:10 p.m. geapectfully aubmi~ted, ~G~F~ ~ ~+'~'uai Sdith L. ~arcie, Secretary 1-nahei~ City Planning Comiaiseion ELH : lm 0008m 10/3/83