Minutes-PC 1983/12/28REGUI.IIR MEETING UF THE 11NAHBIM CiTY PI.ANNING COMMISSION REGUL/1R MEETING '['he regular meeti~g oE the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion was celled to ~~cdec by Chairwam~+n AouaR at 10:00 e.m., December 28, 1983, in ~he Council Chember, a quorum t,einy ~reuc~nt dnd the commisaian reviewed plans of the ttems on todr~y's ~gPncia. RECESS: 11:00 ~~.m. RECUNV~NE; 1:.3U p.m. PRESENT CheirwomAn: Commicoioner~: AEiSENT Commissioners: Ai.SO PkESENT Jack White Annika ;~antala Kendra Mor[ies Jack Judd Edith Narris Bouas Bushore, Fry, King, La Claice Herbst, McE3urney Aesiatan~ City Attorney hti Assistant OirPCtor for Zoning Assfstant Planner Civil Engineering Asaociate Plann~ng Commission Secretary APPRUVAL OF MINUTE5: ~ommissio~er King oEfered a motion, ~econdec~ by Commissioner Bushore and MUTIUN CARRIED (Commissioner~ Herbst and Mc~urn~y absent) that the minutes of the meeting of December 12, 1983, be approved subject to coccection on Paye 83-800 changing the reyue3t in Item No. 3-b ta read: 'To permit the accesaary indoor atorugE~ of polychlorineted blphenyl in an existing induetriai building'. I7'EM N0. 1. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PREVIOUSLY 1lPPROVED) AND CONDITIONAI. USE PERMIT NO. 2507~(R~AUVERTISEU) PUBLIC FiEARING. OWNERS: UETH ADAMS, LTD., 1545 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 9U017. AGENT: DAVID V. ADAMS, 1545 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 9U017. Pcoperty is a rectan~ularly-shaped parcel of land con~iating of approximately 0.87 acce, located at the norttieast cocner of. Katella Averw e and Zeyn Street. DeleCion of Condition No. 1 of Pianning Commission Resolution No. PC83-217 pertaining to sidewalk installation, and amendment to Condition Nos. 2 and 6 pertaining to street light insl•allation and driveway relocation. There was no one indicating their pcesence in onposition to subject rPquest and although the staff report was not r.ead, it is referred to ~nd made a pact of the minutes. Uavid Adams, Agent, atated they are requestinq that en existing drivewa~+ be allowed to remain because it ~oea serve a purpose and alsa, they are ceque~ting that certain conditions be eliminated from the conditional use permit requiring that cer~ain projer.ta be completed prior to the lessee being allnwed to d~ retail sales. He stated he let the contract foc the street lightzng on December 14th and the work should be completed by January 15, 1984. He added there is also a requirement that a secur:lty bond be posted to 83-834 12/26/83 ~ MINUTES. ANAHEIM CI'fY PLANNING COMMISSION, DECEMBER 28 ~ 1983 83-835 gu~cant~e that the work ie completed and there ie a bo nd a~ready in exietence wtiich wae posted by the pcevioua tenan[. tle referred !o thr condition pertaininy to the trash atorage aceo and indicated t~e thouqht that wn~k had been finiahed. Cancerning Condition No. 3 of ~he stef f repoct, he etated he wae not euce it that refera to the drivoway and he th ~ uyht it could he intecpKeted that a new cond:tion is beiny put on him [ ~ again come bar_k to the City with plans and he did not understand becau~ae all o( the work was done with a pe[mit and wos ine~pct.ed. tie atated he would r equest that Condition No. 5 be deleted and t~lso that ttie lessee be allowed t o do retail sales prior to the completion of the installutian of the lighting. THE PUBLI~ .EARIN~ rrn.: ::.J~ED. Kendra Morriea, Aasi~tant Planner, expiained the pe!i~loner is referring to Condition No. 3 which pectains to the aubmi~tal of p.~3nc indicating compliance with all Building Cr,des and staff would request that. Lhnt cundikion be retained and it: he has obtained all th~ permits and a 11 the work is in compliance with the F.;uil~7iny Codea, tt~ere aould be no prablem, bu~ if thac condition i~ elirt~inaked, staf.t has no way to ine~ure t hat eny work or modifi.cations are done in compliance with all the Cod ea. Mr. Adams ~tated the work has been don~ and has been insperted and Ms. Morries re:;ponded that it will be a aimple matter for r.taff to check with th~ t3uilding Department to make su:e. Jack White, Assiatar-t City Attorney, responded to Com snissioner Bushore that the~e are pcoposed revisions in theic enticet}~ to the existing condir.ions ot arproval an~' are not new conditions that are being a d ded and are ba~ically the rfvisions oi the conditions that either the applicant h~a requested or just a restatement ~f the existin~ canditions, ber_ause ~he T raffic Enaineer is recommendiny ragzinst that proposed deletion of condit ionfl. It was clarlfied that if a bond has already been po~ted, the petition e r will not be required to post another one. Commiss,oner Bushore stated he agrees witl~ the Tcaff ic Engineer and is against the applicant being allowed to do cetail sales before meeting all t1~e cunditions. He was also conce~ned because thP a~:pli~eant has not dor,e the things he was suppused to do before commencing work. Mr. Adams Htated he had complied with a.ll the condit ions except putting in the street lighting and eliminating the driveway and hAS let a contract for the street lights. Commissioner Bushoce statad his usual feeling in a c ase like this woula be to request a hearing be set to consider cevoking tiie en tire permit, becau~e it appears the permit doesn't mean anything to the peti ttoner. Mc. Adams stated ii: does mean aomething to him; that the property wag used for ret.,il sales Eor seven years prior to this tenant ~n d he thougtt it was unreasonabl~ to say that just becauae the tenant ha s changed, the retail saJes right ia going to be cevoked. 12/28/83 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNiNG CUMMISSION~ DECEMBER 28~1983 83-836 Commissioner Bu shore skatHd thece ere no rights under the zoning to da retail sales ln this z one and that 1A th~ re~aon the conditional uee pecmit wAa cequiredr tha~. ~_ha City had prublema with the last two cegarding the ~treet lights and that tenant indicated the p<<~blem ~aR with the landlord, Mr. Adams atated he had thought that was the tenant's obllgetior~t however, he ha~ now let tt~at contract fot the etreet lights. He stated they have t.ried to upgrade thdt p[operty a nd have tried to bring a good tenant into the City of Anaheim and he di~9 noC understond the reafriction againr~t retail sales. Commissioner Bushore atated the restriction against. rE~tAil aAleR ir~ becauee this is the ind uatrial zone. Mr. Adams stated historically thin pruperty hae been useci for rQt.atl nales. Kendra Mo~ries respunded to Ch~~.irwoman Uouas tF~at a bond is po~ted with the Engineering Departmenl and .Jack Judd ctated he was not sure when the bond was posted and whe trier or noc it was adequate. Mr. Adamr stated a bond wns po3ted when reyuired ~ y ttie previous tenant about three years ago and it is for $B,OOU And the stceet li~hting work is about 5900. He explained he was told by the City that he would not t~ave to post. a nea Doncl if the work w~s completed. Ani~ika Santa;a h ti, A~sist.bnt Director for Zoning, stated the City did not intend to get duplicate t,onds and if the ~~kher bond post..ed is adeq~ir~te, this condition will be deemed yatir[ied. Commissioner B u shore sl•ated the onl! iscue~ are the driveways and the retail sales. Mr. Ad a ms stated he did not know whether o[ not the retail sales have ceased. Commissioner La Claire clacified that Cundition No. 1 will be left in a~~ proposed. Mr. Adams stated if there :s no bond, he would be happy to post one. Commissioner K i ng refetred to the Traffic Engineer's recommendation to <;lose the sauthecn driveway un Zeyn Street. C:ommissioner I.a Claire askEd wt~~•n t;~.:. cunditional us e permit was gcanted wt~ich indicated the driveway :~1~uuid be clased. Kendra Morciea stated that was approved by Commission on Kovember 14, 1983, and that h~tis been a condition in ptevious CUPS that hris never bPen comp'tied with. Mr. Adams stated closing the driveways was never a con~lition of the previou.~ tenant. He explained they have ~ut in a new driveway towar~9 the northern p r operty linr, and the southerly driveway has existed for ye.ats. Mr. Adamc stat ed the par.king layout was changed to maximize the area and both the dciveways can be utilized now and work well. He stated 'ne does not agree with the Tcaff ic Engineer's cecommendation because Zeyn is a one block street and the traffi c is relatively light and the two driveways get the traffic off Zeyn quicker arid it ie easy to see the parking stalls. Commissioner K ing pointed out the loading dnck is on the west side of the building near the southwest co~ner. Shirley Land, Assistant Traffic Engineer, stated whEn a new driveway is approved, the Traffic Division looks at the on-site circulation of the overall project and wo uld not approve that new driveway and leave the one existing and it was tcade d on the f act that it Was furthec from the intersection and would 12/28/83 ,~ MINUTES. ANAHEIM CTTY PLJINNING COMMISuION. DEC~[idER 28`1983 83-837 Aacammodete theic new daeign on-qttet thak tt~e problem with the exiating driv~way le that it ia clASe to Lhe loading d ock and it ie tao temFting for tcuck e to uae it Eor backing out. He [eEerce d to the layout and explained that normelly wh en a pecking lot is planned, the Treffic Divis:on requicea them to uae their own ~coperty Eo~ clcculakion and if a persoii could not find a p~rking apace in that a1Ale, ttiey wo~.ld th~n go out unto Zeyr~ Street and coma back in the other driveway eo they would acruAlly be u~ing the atreet ae an extenaion of ttieir parking lot. Commissioner Kin g steted the noutherly driveway on Zeyn ir. approxtmntely 80 fQet from the property l.ine on Katella. Ms. Land atat.ec! there is goinq to be ~ new tiotel going in at the other end and using tt~e atreet as an extenaion oE Che parking lot ia ;~ot ~ yood deaiyn on any lot. c;~mmi4atouec King staled Zeyn ;treet will no t be a dead-end stceet aEter the hotel goes in. Mr. Adams akate d if a~erson tur.ns inta the parking lot off Katella, [hey wc~uld pass all t he parkiny apaces p~ior to g etting ko the new exit and would ~elect a stall a nd not go back out onto 'Leyn Street and if a peraon was coming to the E~roperty from Zeyn, they would probably enter the Eir~:t driveway and see all thoae E~a rking sta113 before going ba ck out of the properry and he Gt~ouyht the 'Traf f ic Divlsiun ia in error. Chairwoman Bouas asked al,ou: tru moct. of the trucka would coir~e in did n ot beli~ve the~ would an~ t:rucks bar,l;ing oul ~•:. ~.eYr ~c~a~d not do that becau~~ ~~~, the ~iock and h +ding out ._ cka and the loading docks. Mr. Adama et3ted off. Kate.l and Commissioner Fry stated he ~~~ced out t he Commissian is concerned about the first driveway. Mr. Adams stated they ~~ld be comi~g in h~ad fi~et and ~aacking out - way. Cummi~siune! La C:i.re stated tne fear is hs ving a drivPway so cloae to the ct ~~r and tht~ Commi.s~ion has been conaistent in not allowing them. Shirley Land st ated barring limitatiane oE t he site, the sr_andard is a mfnimum of l:0 feec f[om the curt~ face of the intersection and the Traffic Department likes to get th ~ driveway as far away from ~ he intersection as posaible and that is wtiy they were in ayreement w:th the uther driveway z~nd that driveway w~~ allowed wit h khe condition that the other drivewa~r would be closed. Commiasioner La Claire stated this t~as been reyuired of many people and past experience has shown that ~losing off the d riveMay clnoest. to the interaection ia safer and thie was a condition of approvai. Mc. A-dama stated he could have put the park ing layout in without the new driveway. Commisaioner Bu shore stated termination of the conditional use permit for the antique sal~s has not been required in thia sction. Kendra Morries stated the applicant has a lready submitted a l~tter requesting tecmination of three zoning actions. Commissioner Bu shore stated this applicant i s certainly sirt~iny himself out fo r various r easone: (1) the retail sale s that are going ~n without the .l2/28/83 MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, DECEMBER 26, 1983 , 83-838 ~roper Bu~inesa -.icenaes and without the conditione of a~provel Ge1ng met and (1) E1d~D and bannera being dtaplayed without propec pecmite, etc. and conditi~n41 use pe~mita er.e cequired in the industrial zone for thia type use Eor ttiat reaso~ and painted out the numt,er ot parkinq apaceD requlred ace differ,ent for industrial and commeccidl uses. He stated he had gone to thi~ f.acilit.y pcioc to the grand ap~yning beEore ChriStmas and cnuld not find a parking apace because thece wer.e n~ne available and a pat•king waiver. waR granted on thi~ property. Ne sr.ated the more ttiinys that ar.e sinyled out. on thia property makea him queation whethc~r it is good to have cetail sales tt~er.e. He Ftated a conditionnl use permit. can be revokecf and the property could go back Lo indu~tciAl elthough he ~ealizes rhe a~e~ ie not much of nn industriel zune because af Che commercibl/recreation usea eucl~ as Disneyland, etc . M~. Adams atated he iH not trying to y:ve the Commis~ion the run-around, but he ha8 leased ~he propecty to a company headquar.ted in Nevada and it is difficult contcolling ttiem putting up bannecs since his office is in Los Angeles; that in prio~ conditional use permi~s, tlie tenants has alwaya come in for tlie pecmit and tt~is time t~e cam~ in since it wae alr.eady a r.etail outl~t and he wasn'C sure a new permik wo~ld be required. He stated he was in an awkward position to have [o go to the ten~nt as a landlord and tell them that they cannot have cetail sales until lhe street lights are installed, etc. Commissionec Bushore srated ttie la3t petitioner. said he could noc. pay for. the atceet .tights and that the landlor.d wuuld not E7ay for it and in this case, the lessee is not here to defend himself. Commissioner Le Claire stateo a cundition should be included requicing that evecything be done within a cectain amount af time such aa 60 days. She thought that would eliminate ttie pcoblem with l•he tenant because they could continue to sell retail for 60 days. Commissioner Bushore stated they have al~e~c~l t,een told to stop se.lling r.etail. Commissioner La Claire clacified she has suggested leaviny out the por.tion that says: 'Prior to cetail sales' and Lhen they could yo ahead with sales. Kendra Morries stated the timing on the atceFt lighl-i~~ Is at tl~e request of the applicant to have the improvements ~~ ~ntalled within 60 days fcom Che corunencement of reteil salea. Mr. Ada~ •'.Pd he would be happy to heve 60 days and would assur.~ the Commission t, `e driveway ~ou~d be removed and the street l~~lhts would be instal~ed in 6U days. Jack White explained if it is the Comtr~ission's intent to go alor',~. .th staff's cecommendationa, they ehould adopt a resolution amenc~fng condit..,~~~ af appcoval of Conditional Use Permit Nu. 2507 to cead as set forth on Page 1-e of the staff ~cepoct and that would include the dciveway. ACTION: Commissi.oneK Bushore effered Resolution No. PC83-246 and moved for its passage and ado~tion that the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission does heceby amend conditions of approval of Conditional Use Pecmit No. 2507 as recommended fn the staff ceport Paye 1-e and fucther that the staff report back to the Plannfng Commission in b0 days as to whethec or not the conditions have been met. ~/zs/a;s MINUTE5. ANAHF.IM CITX PLANNING COM~ISSIUN, DECEMBER se, 1983 83-839 Commiesionec King s~eCed he sees nothing wrony wiGl~ the Cwo driveweys eince the moet eouthecn one is 80 feet nocth of Katelle. Jack Whtte explained Cammissionec King could vote in fAVOr oE the resolution with on expresaion that he is eg~~inat requiring the clo~ure ~f the drivewey or that he coulci vote Againet the cee~lution. Chairw~man Bo~~~ poi~ted out that the petitioner haA agceed to cloae Che driveway. Un roll call, the fo~egoiny resolution wan paased Dy the following vote: / AYES: BpUA5, HUSNURE, FRY, LA CLAIRE NOES: K:Nt; ABSENT: HERl3ST, MCBURNEY Jeck White, Asaiatanc: City Attocne~1, preeented the writr_en right to app~al the Planning Commiesion's der.iaiui~ wit;7in 2"t days to tne Clcy Council. ITEM N0. 1. EIR NEGIITIVE DECLARA'PION ANU CUNDITIONAL ~JSE PERMIT N0. 2514 (REAUVERTISED) PUt~:.IC HEARING. OWNERS: DAV1D FEkSLT AND R~BIN PERSZT, 116 S. Orange Orive, Los Angeles, CA 90035. AGENT: DR. CLYDE U. VINEYARD, 17?.0 W. Ocange Avenue, Anaheim, CA 9~8()4. Property described a~ a rectangularly-shaped paccel of land consisting of approximately 178 fept on the south side of Ocange Avenue, 1720 W. Oranqe Avenue (Orangeview Convalesc;ent Noapital). To expand An exiating convalescent h~apital. 'fhere was no one indiceting the.ir preFence in oppoaition to subject request and althouyh the staff report waa not read, it is referred t~ and made a part of the min~tes. Dr. Clyde Vineyard, Agent, explained this requESt is for an additional 23 beda making this fc~cilfty a 69-bed convalescent hospital and is the rPSUlt of finding out t~~ere wEte more convalescent bed appcovals available from the State. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ACTION: Commfseionet King offe-ed a motion, seconded ty Commissioner La Cla.re and MOTION CARRIED (Comrr.issioners Herbst a~d McBurney abaent), tha` the Anaheim City Planning Commission has revi.~wed the proposal to expand an existing convalescent hospf.tal located on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consieting of apptoximately 1.6 acres, having a fcontage of approximately 178 feet on the south side of Orange Avenue and further deacribed as 1720 W. Orange Avenue (Oranqeview Convalescent Hoapital)t and dnes hereby approve the Negative Declacation upon finding that it has conaidered the Negative Declaration togethez with any commenta received ducing the public review proceas and fucther finding on khe basis of the Initial Study and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a eignificant effect on the environmcnt. 12/28/83 MINUTE&. ANAHEIM CITY pL~NNING CQMMISSIQN, DBCEMBER 281, ~983 83-810 Commiesioner King oEfered Reeolution No. PC83-247 end moved Eor its paesage and edoptian that the Anaheim City Plenning Commiasion does hereby grent Revieian No. 1 for Condition~l Uat+ Permit No. 251A to permit a 23-bed expanaian instead of the previously appr~ovNd I3-bed expansion and aubject to Inte[dapnrtmpntal Committee recommendetions, Un coll call, the foregoing reaolution was paesed by the followtng vote: AYES: E10UAS, ~USNORE~ FRY, KING, LA CLAIRE NOES: NUNE ABSEN'f; HERDST, MCHUKNEY IT£M N0. 3._ EiR NEGATIVE DECLARAT'lON At~U C()NC:ITIONJIG USE PCRMIT NO. 2522 PUSLIC tiEARIN~. OWNERS: MAHM~%UU R. ~. L. KANAWEY, ~6371 Ave[y PaCkway, hia~lon Viejo, CA 9'1692. Property described an a r~ctAngularly-shAped parcel o[ land cr~nciating oE approximately 0.6~: acre l~cated r~t the northwest corner of I3al.sam Avenup and East Street, 1175 North Eo~t Stceet. To permit a conver;ience market wir.h off-~ale beer and wine and gaEC+line sales. There war n~ one indicating t,heir preaence in oppositian to subject cequest and althc~ugh the staff repurt waf: not read, it is reEerted to and made a pact of th~ minutes. Ker~dc~~ Morries, Assista~nk Planne[, askE,i that F~aragruph No. 8 on Page 3-b t,e an~er.de~1 tu show 14 parking fipaces proposed rather than 12~ as ahown in the atriff KE!~UCC. Rl~onaa PtcCune, "1~438 Mlarreilles, C'nnta Meaa, Agent, explained they 3re requesting a co~ditional u~e peemic for a self-service gasoline station with a conver~ience market which incluc~e~; beer r~nd wine sales, general me[chandise and ~utomukive suppl:es. She stated the/ feel r_his pcoject wil] not only upgrade the iocation, but will al~o enhance the ge~ecal area. She staked the site is more than adequate and suitable tor this use ~nd t.he project meets other ceyuirements for parkiny without a vaciance. She stated the p[upoaed use is a pr~pec one for which a cor-ditional use permit is a~thocized by the Munieipal Code. She stated the applicar~t feels traffic citculatinn will be adequate; that there are twa driveways proposed on Eas: Street and there are two driveways there curcently and the applicant has eliminated one adjacent to the intersection an Balsam and East Street. 5he referred to Page 3-d, Condition No. 2 and requested that that canc~ition be eliminated because they feel the traffic flovs better and the~ ingresa and egress is better r~ith the two remaining ciriveways. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. CommisFionec Fry asked where the 4a-foot wide replacement driveway would be located on East Stceet. Shicley Land, Assi,stant ~1'cafEic Engineer, replied it would be almost in the center taking access directly at tt~e pumps. 12/?~ M~NUTES. AN~HEIM CITY PLANNING CO~MISSION, DECEMBER 2d, 1983 83-941 Ms. McCune went to the dieplayed exhibit And pointed out the exieting three driveways and explained the dpplicant is proposing to close the one rlosest to the interaection, but they f.eel the othec two driveway~ really help tr~fEic flow becauae uf the signal. She atated she also was thece at 5;00 p.m. yeatecday end again today aC noon and thece were no pcoblema going in either directfon on East 5treet, so they feel it ia safer that way because of the poasibility of any back-up traffic on ~ast Stceet. Cotnmissioner F3usliore ittated he thought two driveways would be more confusing to people. Ms. McCune Ftated she did not think so and pointed out the slgnal and skated st~e thought it would flow better if they had the option of tucning in two placea. Commis,eioner euohore st.ated people might hes~t~te longer than thpy nocmally woul~i to make the turn and if tF~ey were ta cliange their minds ar~ to what pump they would u~e, it would increaae the percentage of accidents. Shirley Land stated ttie r.ecommended width of tt~e driveway was 40 teet wl~ich i~ an ext.ra wide driveway and basically it is elininating the ~iece of curb in the middle of the two dciveways which right now can cause damAge and the conf.uaion does exist. She :;tated norrnall,y a ~riveway is 24 feet Eor commercial and 30 feet for industrir~l and the extra width is to allow maneuveriny on the aite and the R'raf.fic Division st:aEf does not Fee1 the ap~licant is losing anything with this recommendation. Ms. McCune stated they do nut feel it is necessary to reyuire khe applicant to go to all that truuble because tt~e driveway not only provides well Eor the traEfic coming in and goirig out, but ;t works well for traff.ic exiting the property. Commissioner Bust~oce a~ked if thc~ f~etitioner had a trnffic study to support the cecommendation. Ms. McCu,t responded they did not do a traffic stuc3y. Commissioner Bushore stated he has nothing against the pcoposed use on the property and it is probably a good use; however, anytime there is food or convenience markets lacated withi.~ close proximity to gasoline sales, it creates a dangecous situation because it is too convenient ta buy tF~e alcohol and drive. He stated norrnally there are several cepresentatives present from the Mothecs Agafnst Drunk Drivers U~cganization and as l~~~g as the sale of alcoholic: beverages i~ prop~sed, he will not VOtE far this use. Ms. McCUne etated in order to remain competitive,the gas station owners today must be innovative and they are all maving towards having automotive repair, which is less attractive, or mini-markets. Com~-nis~ionet Bushore stated iC is the conveni.ence of being able to purchase the alcohol beverages he is against and not the moral isaues and that he has to consider the public's safety and not burden himself with the thought that because he approved this, a drunk dciver took someone's life. Ms. McCune stated probably the sale of beer and wine should not be made to saund like it is o~e of the major salea fcom a convenient store and if a driver. wants to buy a 6-pack of beer, he will purchase it acrosa the etreet, if he cannot get it here. She added she thought the purchase of these bevezages is very very minimal. 12/28/83 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PL~NNING COMMISSION, DECEMBER 28. 1983 83-842 Commioeionec Fry at.dted the Commisaion haa not eppruved one of these typee af cequests befoce and, in fact, takea a dim view of dual uses an one property, ~nd has Actuelly gone on record agdinst putting the aale of beec and wine in these gasoline statiana. Commisaioner La Claire stated the Commiasion hAS directed stafE to tell everyone that it is a Planrsing Commission policy thak they will not approve beec and wine sales in conjunrtion with gaso]ine sales and added ehe sees a problem p~pn with convenient merkets aelling gasoline and ttiey are conflictinq with othpr mackets in the area and allowing the gae atation to have convenience markets, makea the conven~ence markets want to sell gas. She stated st~e does not mind competition, but over-saturation creates store3 that are clrEed and they do become eyesores. ACTiON: Commihsioner La C:aice offered ~ motion, seconded by Commisaionec Bus:iote and MOTION CARKIED (Commissioner~ Hertst and McBUrney abaent), that Che Anat,Pim City Planning Cummission has reviewed r.he proposal to ~ermit a c:onv~nience market with off-sale beer and wine and gasoline sales on a certanyula[ly-shaped paccel of land consisting of approximately 0.64 acre local~sd at the nocthweat corner of Balsam Avenue and East St.reet, havi~ig a fc~ntage of approximately 139 [eet on Che north side of Balsam Avenue and f~irkher deacribed as 1175 Nortt~ East ~treet; and doe~ hereby approve the Neyative Declaration upon finding thaL• it has considerec' the Negative Ueclacation t~gether with any commc~nts received during the public review process and further finding un the basis of the Initial Study and any comment~ received that there is na substanti~l evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the enviconment. Chairwoman Bouas asked if tt~e Cummission has approved any of the Arco stations foc beer and wine sales. Kendra Moccies stated staff has been reviewinq the tao tyFes oE service station facilities, one is the accessory retail sales whece thece fs a ~mall floor acea for dispensing foad, gum, candy, etc. and the other is the full service mini-market facility. She stated the Commission haa been adam~nk about no alcoholic sales, but the City Council has approved botti on the full servi ce mini-market.s. Commissioner La Claire offered Resolution No. PC83-248 and moved for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby den,y Conditional Use Permit No. 2522 on the basis that the use, including the sale of beer and wine, wAUld be detrimental to the peace, health, saEety and wei.fare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. On roll call, the foregoing resolution wa~ passed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, KING, LA CLAIRE NOES: NONE ABSENT: HERBST, MCBURNEY .1ack White, As~istant City Rttorney, presented the writt.u right to appeal the Planning Commission's decision within 22 days t~ the City Council. 12/28/83 NINUTES ~NAHEIM CITY PL~NNING COM ISSION DECEMBFR 28. 1983 a3-843 TT~M N0. 4. __EI_R__NEGATIVE DFCLAR~TION AND CONDITION~I. USE PERMIT NQ. 2523 PU9LIC HEARING. OWNERS: 4TLANTIC RICHPIELD COMPANY, 300 W. Glenoaks Boulevard, GlendalP, CA 91'102, ATTBNTION: E. ~. KFIL. Propecty described as a rectengularly-ahaped parcel of land conaisting of approximately .51 acre located at the so~~thwest• corner of Katella Avenue and State College Boulevnrd, 1801 S. Stdte Ccllege Boulevard (Arco ~ecvice Station). To permit a convenien~P market with ga~oline sales. AGTION: Commissione~ Bushore off.ered a motion, seconded by Commisaioner King and MOTION CARRIED (Ccmmissioners Herbst and McBurney abnent), that the above mentioned mekter be continued to the meeting of January 9, 19H4, at the requeat of the petilioner. ITEM NO. 5. EIR NEGATIVE DE~LARATION AND VARIANCE NQ. 3353 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: DEU5CN REAL ESTATE GEVELOPMENT, INC., 7000 W. Imperial Hiyhway, Los Angelea, CA 90041. AGENT: MAR LYNN SHEEHAN, 1650 Babbitt Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92603. Property described as a rectangularly-~haped paccel of land consistin~3 of approximately 2.3 acres, 1650 Babbitt Avenue (Practical Schools). Waiver of rt~inimum numte~ nf packing spaces tu cptain an industria). training center. A~TION: Commissioner Ki~g offered a motion, secunded by Commissioner Bushor.e and MOTIUN CARRIED (CommissianerR Hecbst and McButney absent.), that the above mentioned matter be continued ta the meeting uf Janua[y 23, 1984, at thc request of the petitioner. ITEM NU. 6. EIR CA'TEGURICALLY EX~MPT-CLASS 5 AND L'ARIANCE N0. 3366 PUSLIC HEARING. OWNERS: YU-CHANG CHOU AND CHANG-0 CHOU, 1228 E. Clifpack Way, Anaheim, CA 92805. AGENT: K.K. CHANG, P.O. Box 8064, Anaheim, CA 92802. Pro~erty described as a rectangularly-ahaped paccel of land conaisting of approximately 5,400 square feet, 1223 E. Clifpark W~y. Waiver of maximum lot coverage to construct a family room addition. Thece was na one indicating their presence in opposition to subject cequest and although the staff ceport was not read, it is referced t~ and made a part of the minukes. K.K. Chang, Agent, was pcesent to answer any yuestions. THE PUBLIC HEARIt~G WAS CLOSED. Co[amissioner Bushore asked if the neighbors wece notffied of thia cequest wfth Mr. Chang reaponding the eign was posted on the property. It was noted th~ Planning Director or his authorized representative has determined that the proposed project falls within the definition of 12/28/83 MINUTES. AN~HEIM CITY PL1-NNING COMMISSION, DECEMBER 28. 1983 83-eqa _._r..,.~._.._~_. Categor~.eal Erempr.iona, Clasa 5, ea c3eEined in the State Environmentel Impact Repoct Guidelinos end is, thecefore, catec• ically exempt Erom the requirement to pcepere an EIR. 1-CTION: Commiseionec King offeced Reaolution No. PC83-249 And moved for itr~ pasaege and adoption thAt the J-nahcim CitY P~anning Commisslo~ does hereby grent Variance No. 3366 on the basis that there ere special circumetancea applicable to the propecty duch es size, ~hap~, topogrdphy, location and aurcoundings which do not opply to other idenf.ically xoned proper.ty in the enme vicinityt and that strict application of the 2oning Code deprives the pcopecty oE privilegee enjoyed by othec propecties in the identical zone and classificatiun in the vicinity and aubject to Interdepar.'tmental Comrtiittee recommendaCions. On roll call, the Eoregoing resolution was pas~e~' by the following vote; AYES: ~OUAS, t3USHORF., FRY, KING, I.A CI.AJRE NOES: NONF. ABSENT: HERB5T, MCBURNFY ITEM N0. 7. EIR NEGJITIVE pECLARATION ANQ VARIANCL•' NU. 3371 PUBLIC HEAHING. CLAUSEN F.NTERPRISES, 2793 W. Lincoln Avenue, Suite F, Anaheim, CA 92&O1, ATTBNTION: CRAI~ M. CL,AUSEN. Property desc[ibed as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.51 acre, 2784 W. Lincoln Avenue. Waivers ~~f pecmitted location of a free-standing si,yn, minimum number of parking space~s and maximum structural height to coi~atruct a two-story commercial building. There wece tWO persons indicating their pcesence in upposition to subject requeRt and although the staff report was not read, it is referxed to and made a part of the rninutes. C~aig Clausen, owner, explain~d they ace proposing to dev~lop a joint use pruJect foc retail/commercial office space on the bott~m flnor and oEfice space on the top floor and need a waivpr of permitted location of the fr~e-standing sign since it is needed and if they conf.orm to the City Code, it would be located in the middle of the driveway and they are requesting to move it 11 feet to the east. Mr. Clausen presented photoaraphs of a project he has juat com~leted in Norwalk and expla±ned they plan to cetain khe Froperty and will keep the pcoperty in better condition than developers who develop for sale. He stated the cequest for waiver of minimum number of parking spaces has been deleted since they have redrawn the plans and now meet the Code. He referred to the requested waiver of maximum structucal height and pointed out the 20-foot setback frotr Che property line which divides their propecty from an existing mobilehome park and explained there is ar existing 25-foot. wide driveway between the block wall and the planter aceas in front of the coaches and depending upon the location of the coach, the setback varies. He statecl thece are no wfndows on the bottom floor adjacent to the mobilehome park and no windows or doors on th~ top floor. 12/28/83 MINUT~S, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING CnMMISSION, DECEMBER 28, 1983 83-845 Ed Andecson, ownec of the adjecent mobilehome pa~k, Weoter.n Skiea, 2770 W. Lincoln, steted he ia not oppoaed to this project, but waR concerned about the diffece~ce in the 20-foot setback to the 0-setbecY. ptapoaed in some ~CP.aA because Ghat could be a podaible invesion of their prlvar_y 1E thRCe are windows oveclookiny the mubilehome park. HA stated putting a 27-1/1 foot hiqh building right againat th~it propecty line could be ~ ceal pcohlem. Mr. Cl~usen exp.la:ned there are no windows prop~sed on ~he souF.h side of the aecond stocy ~uilding wl~ich faces the mobilehome pack. Commissioner Fcy point:pd out thece is a 20-Eoot setbArk in that area. Mr. Clauaen reaponded to Commissioner La Claire that he is ~~copoaing landscaping in that ar.ea, but wasn't sure of the type ot treea oc plant~. Commiasionec La Claire stated thPCe may not even be a view oE the building when theAe tr.ees are matured. Mc. Clausen refecred to the ~taff re~ort, ~aragraph 8, which indicates they will be constructing a new 8-[not w~ll on the ebaterly propezty line and explained tt~at ta naC cocrer.t and they only inCend to put an 8-foot wall along ~he most southerly 20 fPet to the reac of their building and use the building as a barcier. Jack White, Aesistant City Attorney, suggested an add:tional condition including the applicant's stipulaCion that no windows would be on the second stocy southerly side of the building. Commissioner La Claice asked what the lar~dscapEd area aould be used for. Mr. Clausen replied they would p~ve that area and provide landRCaping and unfoztunately, there is a 10-foot easement for. utility and water cigh~s and they we~e able to use the othec 10 feet for a setback and it will be landscaped and ~.+ell kept. He stated maybe they could use that area for a lounge oc break ar.ea for their offices with Fatio tables, Eu~nituce, etc. Kendca Morcies pointed out there was anothec pecaon present in opposition to the request. William Ritterbush, 2778 W. Lincoln, stated he has a cesta~rant/deli and the aign is in fcont of hi~ propecty and asked how fac the proposed sign would be set back fcom khe street so the people could see his sign. He stated a block wall was conatructed by an~thec adjacent pcoperty ownec and people coming east could not see his place of business. He asked abaut the brick wall and how far it would be located from Lincoln Avenue. Mc. Andecson indicated he did not under~tand the petitionec's an~wer cegarding the zeco setback waiver along the souther.ly praperty line. Kendca Morcies stated on that porti~n of the propecty where the building aputs tt~e southerly properky line, th~ building setback ia a minimum of 2S feet. Mc. Andecson stated in that case, he would not have any opposition to the pcojecC. Y.r. Clausen atated they intend t~ provide a block wall along t!:e easterly property line fr.om the southerly propecty line 20 feet to meet their building and their building will continue for 167 feet north and it is 27' 6" high and is setback 35 feet from Lincoln. 12/28/83 MINUT~S, ~N~NEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION,,D~CEMBER 28, 1983 a3-846 Kendre Mocries steted the front edge of the eign ~ppears to ~e 10 feet adjecent to Lincoln end it doea meet C~de. Commisaloner La Clai.r.e nrinted out no othec waiveca were cequeated. TH~ PUBLIC HEARING M~5 CLOSED. ACTION: Commisatoner King offered a motion, aeconded by Commiesionec Pty an@ MOTION CARRIED (~ommissioners Ner.bst end McBucney abaent), that the Anahcim City Planning Commission has reviewed the propo~al t.o construct a two-atory commecciel building with waiveca of per.mitted location of a fcee-standinq aign, maximum structur.al height on a rectangularly-shaped paccel of land consisting of approximately 0.51 acre, having a Erontaqe of appcoximately 100 Eeet on t.he south ~ide of Lincoln Avenue and deocribed as 2784 West Lincoln ~venuP? and dces hereby epprove the Negative Declac~tion upon finding that it has cansiderPd tl~e Negative Declaration togethec with any comments received duriny the publir reviEw pcocesa and further finding on the basis of ttie Initia] Study and any comments ceceived that ther.e ia no substantiAl evidence that the project will have a siynificant effect on the enviconmenl. Coinmisaioner King offeced Reaolution No. PCB~-250 anci moved for ite passagP and aduption that tt~e Anaheim City P.'.anning Commissi.on doea hereby grant Variance No. 3371, in pact, gcanting waxvecs (a) and (c) on the basis that there are special circumstances ap~~licable to the propecty such ac size, shepe, topography, loca~ion oc surcoundings which do not apply to other. iden~ically z~ned property in the vicinity and that strict application oE the Zoning Code deprives the proper.ty oE privileges enjoyed by other ~copectiea in identical zoning clascificatior~s and vicinity and denying waivec (b) on ttie basis that t.he waiveG was deleted by revised plans and subject to the petitioner's stipulation there ahall be no windows on the secc~nd stoKy facing in the souther.ly ~ir.ection and subject to Interdepartmental CommiGtee cecommendaCion~. On roll call, the focegoing reaolution was pasaed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS, BUSHOkE, FRY, KING, LA CLAIRE NOES: NONE ABSENT.: HERBST, MCBURNFY Jack White, Asaistant City AtLOrney, pr.esented the written r.ight to appeal the Planning Commission's decision within 22 days to the City Councfl. ITEM N0. 8. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 218 (PREV. CERR.) AND TBNTATI~IE MAP OP TRACT N0. 11924 PUHLIC H~ARING. OWNERS; RUBIN HILL DEVBLOPMF.NT COMPANY, ATTENTION; MARTHA S. SCHNIEDERS, 405 5. Bevecly Dcive, Beverly Hi.lls, CA 90212. Property deseribed as an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximateiy 14.4 acre, having approximate fc~ntages of 370 feet and 200 feet on Lhe north side of Big Sky Lane, °pPxoximately 620 feet southwest of the ~enterline of Impecial Highway. To establieh a 46-lot, 45-unit RS-~:S-10,000(SC) single-family subdivision. There was no one indicating their presence +~ opposition to s~bject request and although the staff repoct was not read, ic ~s referred to and :^ade a pact of the minutes. 12/28i83 83-847 MINUTES AN~NEIM CITY PL N ING COM ISSL N D~CB B~R 2 1983 Martha Schniedeca, Agent, wae present to anawer any queatio~s. Kendce Morriea, Aas~atent Plannec, etated the ~gineering Aiviaion hae indicated that Condition ~'~s. 22: 21 end 26 should be deteted. THE PUBLIC HEARIhG WA5 CLOSEU. It wae noted EIR ho. 218 waa pceviously certiEied. ACTIUN: Commiseianec Kiny o[fNre~ a motlon, aeconded by Commisaioner euahoce an- d MOTION CARRIEp (Commissionera Herbst end Mceurney abeent), that the Anaheim CiCy Planning Commisa~on doea t~ereby find that the proposed aubdiviaion, together with ita dedign and iR;~covement, ie consi ~ent with the City of Anaheim General Plan, pureusnt to Government Code Section 66413.5; and does, theceEore, approve 'Pentative Map oE Tract No. 11924 for a 46-lot, 45-unit RS-HS-lU,000(SC) (Residential, S±ngle-Pamily Nillside, Scenic Curcidor Overlay) Zone ain9le-family aubaiviaion aubject to ki~e following ~onditlons: 1. That should this subdivision be developed ay inoc~~ than one subdivision, each subdiviaion thereuf shall. be hmitted tn tentative Eorm Eoc approval. 2. That all lots within this tract ~shall be served bl undecg[ound ut.ilities. 3. That prior to final tract map 3pproval, the original documents ot the covenants, conditions, and restrlctions, and a letter addresse~] to the developer's title company a~thorizing recorc' '_ion thereof, ahall be aubmitted to the City Attorney'a Office and arproved b;~ the Cir.y Attorney's Office and Engineeriny Diviaion. Said documents, as appcoved, will then he filed and cecorded in thP Office of the Orange County Recorder. 4. That prior to final tract map approval, stceet names shall be approved by the City Planning DeparCment. 5. That all private streets shall be developed in acco[dance with the City of Anaheim's Standard Detail No. 122 for private streets, including installation of street name signa. Plana for the pcivate street lighting, as required by the atandacd ~Et~il, shall be submitted t~ the Building Division for approval and included with the building plans prior to the ?ssuance of b~ilding permits. (Pcivate streets are those which provide primaty accesa and/or circulation within the project. 6. That tempocary strPet name signs shail te installed prior to any occupancy if permanenr. etceet name signs have not been inKtalled. 7. That prior to final tcact map appcoval, appropriate park and recreation in-iieu fees sha11 be paid to ttie City of Ant~heim in an amount as determined by the City Council. 12/28/~ MINUTES. AN~HRIM CITY PL~NNING COMMISSIUN~ DECEMB~R 28. 1983 83-848 8. That d[~lnege of subject. pcopPrty shall be diapa$ed af in a manner satiafactocy ko the Ci~y Bngin^~c. If, in the prrparation of the eite, aufficient gcading is cequired to necesaitete a greding petmit, no work on greding will b9 permitted k~etween October 15th and Apri.l 15th unle~a all cequired aff-eite drainage facilitiea have been inatalled and are operative. Positive a8ourance ahell be provided to the City that auch dt.9lnege fecilities will be complete~ prior to October 15th. Neceasary right-of-way for nff-aite drainege facilitiea shall be dQdiceted to the City, oc t.he C1ty Cauncil ahall have initlated condemnntion procerdings thecefor (the costs oE which ehall bR borne ~y the developer) prior to the commencement of grediny operationa. Thc required drainage faci:ities atiAll be of a size and type nufEiciP~t to carry r~noff Matera ociginating f.rom highec pr.operties thcough sul~ject property to ulkimake diaposal as approved by ttie City Engineer. Said drainage CactlltieR shall be the first item of construction and shall be compl!?ted and be [unctional thcuughout the tract and from the downstream boundary of the property to the u1tiR~ate point ot diapocal prior to the 1ASUance of any final building inspections or occupancy permits. Drainage di.strict reimbuc~ement agceemenGs may be made available to tt~e developeca oi said pcoperty upon their requr.st. 9. That gradinq, excavacion, and all oth~er c:onstruct.ion activities shAll be conducted in such a manner 8o as to minimize the possibillty of any silc orir,inatiny from c.his project betng carried into the S~nta Ana River by storm water originating f.rom or flowing lhrouqh this pro7ect. lU. That prior to fina: ~ract map approval, the ownez of aubject propecty s'riall pay ttie a~propr.iate drainagP assesament feeE to the C'ity of Anaheim in an amount a.y decermined by the City Engineer. 11. That prior. to commencemAnt cf atructural fcaming, fire hydrants shall be installed and charged a~ requiced and determined to be necessary by the Chief of th~ Fire Department. 12. That all requicements of F'ire 7one 4, othecWise ldentiLied as Fir.e Administrative Ocdec No. 76-01, shall be met. Such tequirements include, but are not limitec] to: chimney spark arrestocs, protected attic and under floor openings, Class C o~ hettec roofing material and one hour fi~e resistive const.ruction of horiZOntal sur€aces if located within 20U Feet of adjacent bruchland. 13. That fuel bredks ahall be provided as determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 14. That prior to approval of the final map, the appropriate tcaffic signal assessment fee shall be paid to the City of An~!~eim in an ainount as detecmined bv the City Council for each nPw dwelling unit. 15. That in accrrdance with the requirementx of Section 18.02.047 of the Anaheim Mu• _ipal Code pertaining to the initial sale of residences in the City of ~naheim Planning 1-rea 'B•, the seller shall pro~ide each buyer with written information concerning the Anaheim General Plan and the exist'ng zoning within 3U0 feet of the boundaries of subject tcact. 12/28,/83 MiNUTE6. ANANEIM,~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ` DErEMB~R 28. 1983 83-849 16. 'Phat native alope.~d adjecent to newly conetrucfed homes shell be hy~roAeeded with e low fuel combuattble seed mix. Such alopeA ehall be eptinkleced ar~d weeded as cequiced to establiah a minimum ot 100 teet of sepacetion betwe~n flemmable vegetetion and an}• at.ructure. 17. That prior to approval oE the final mep, apprapriate water asseeament feps ahall be paid to the City of AnAhNim, in an amount ae detrrmined by the Off;ce ot the Ut litiea Generel Manager. 18. That p[iac to final t[~ct map ap~roval, the developer of eubject trac[ AhAll enter into a gpecial facilities agceement with the City ~f Anaheim for watec Eacllities in the tiigh Elevation System, aa cequired by Rule 158 of the Water Utility Rates, Rules end Regulations. ly. That prior to final etreet inspection~, 'N~ pdrking for street swee~ing' signs shall be installed as requ~red by the Street MainCenence and 5enitution Divisian and in accor~ance with specification~ on file wikh said diviaion. 2U, 'That prior to final track m~p ap~roval, the applicant shall present evidence satiafactncy to t.he Chief: Building Inspectoc that ttie conve~ted reside~itial units will be in conformance witti Noise InEUlacion Srandarda specified in thP Califurnfa Administrakive Codc~, Title 25. ~1. Tt~at ~rior to final tr.act map approvb~~ the applicant eh~~ll present evidence satisEactory to ttie Chief Building Inspector th~t the proposed preaject is in conformance with Council Policy Number 542 "Sound 1~ttenuati~n in Residential Projects'. 2'l. That the ali.gnment and terminal point of storm dreine shown on this tenc.ative trar_t map shall not be conaideced final. These drains :hall be subject eo precise deaign considerations and the approval of the City Engi~eer. Z3. That any specimen tree ramoval shall be subject to the tree preservation regul.ations in Chapf.er 18.84 of the Anaheim Municipal Cu~1e, the 'SC' Scenic Cor[idor Overlay Zone. ITEM N0~ 9. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATIUN (PREV. APP,ROVED) ANA TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT N0, 12102 PUBLIC NEARING. UWNERS: ANACONDA-ERIC5S0ll, INC., Gceenw~:h Offiee Pack III, G[eenwich, CT 96830. AGENT: STRYKER ENGIN~ERING, 1522 E. Fourth Stceet, +206, Santa AnA, CA 92701. Pcoperty deaccibed as a rectangularly~shaped parcel of land consisting of approximaCely 9.4 8cre, haviny frontages of approximutely 670 feet on the south eide of Crescent Avenue and 668 feet on the north side of J-lameda Avenue, apFroximately 68U feet weat of the centerline of Mullec Street. To establish a 5-lot, 135-unit RM-3000 zone condominium eubdivision. 12/2a/'~ MINUTNS, ANAHEIM CITY PLIINNING COMMISSIUN, phC~MBER_ 28, 1983 83-850 1'heCe wea no one indiceting th~i[ preaence in opposition to ~ubiect request And although the eteEf cepoct was not read, it !a referced to and made a pert oE the minutes. Barry Cottle, Agen~, w~e present to answer ony queationa. THE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLUSED. It was noted the neyative decl aration was previously appr.oved. ACTION: ~ammiar~ionec King of.Eerod n motion, cuconded by commi~~ioner eushore bnd MOTION CARkIEU (Comm.ission era NP.t~IIC and McButney absent), that the Anaheim Ci[y Planninq Commiasian does hereby Etnd that the propased subd.ivision, toqettiec with ite deaign and improvement, is conaistent with the City of Anaheim General Plan, puc$uant to Govecnment Code Section 664~3.5j and does, thereEore, approve Tentat ive Map of Tract No. 12102 for a 5-lot, 136-unit RM-30U0 (Residential, Multiple-Pamily) Zone conduminium subdivision subj~ct to khe following condit ions: 1. That should thie subd ivLsion be developed an more than un? subdivision, each suhdivision tli~reoE shall be submitted in tentative focm for approval. 2. That pc ior to f inal t ract m~p approvai, the original documents of the covenanxs, condie ions, and reatrlctions, and a letter addresaed to the developer's ti tle cumpany authorizing recocdation thereof, shall be submitted to the City Attorney's O!f ice And approved by the City Attocney's Office and Engineering Division. Said documents, as appr~ved, will then t>e tiled and cecorded in the Uffice of the Orange County kecorde r, 3. Thar, all private streets shall be developed in accordance with the City of Anaheim's Standar~ Det~iil No. 122 for private streets, including installation of street name signs. Plans for the private street lighting, as reyui[ed by the standerd detail, shal.l be submitted to the Building Division for approval and included with the building pl.ans pr ior :u the issuance of building permits. (Private str.eets are Lhose which provide primary access and/or circulation within Che project. 4. That priur to final t ract map approval, streeG names shall be approved by the City plahning Department. 5. That ten~p~rary stceet name signs shall be installed pzior to any occupancy if permanent stceet name ~igns have not been installed. 6. Thak gates shall not be inatalled across any driveway or private street in a manner which may adversely affpct vehicular traffic in the adjacent public streets. Installation of any gate~s within a c7istance of focty (40 ) feet fcom said public stre~t rights-of-way shall be subject to tlne teview and approval of the City Traffic Engineer. 12/28/83 M Z NUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION D~C~MBER 28 1983 83-851 7. Thet dcainege o~ aubject property ehell be diapos~d of in a menne[ eatiafactory to the City EnglnAnr. This ahell include conetruction of the neceseery f~ci.lities to preclude the flc~oding af any travel ldne on C[eRCent Avenue. 8. That all lota within this tcact ~hall be aerved by undecground utilitiea. 9. Tt~at pcior to final trect map a~proval, appropciate perk and rECCeetion in-lieu feea ehell be pald ko the City of Anaheim in dn amount aa detecmined by tt~e City Council. 10. That the vehicular nnd pedeatrian rlyhte to AlamedA Aven~e ehall be dedicated to the City of Anuheim prior to Einal kract map appc~~val. 11. That all enyineering requirements of ttie City oE Anat~eim along Cre3cent Avenue, including preparation of improvement plans and inatallation of all impravements suct~ as curbs and gutter~, aidewalks, street gradinq and pavemen~, sewec and drainaye facilitieG, or other appurtenant work shall be complied witt~ as cequiced by t:t~e City Enc~ineer and in accocdance with speclEications on file in thE Office of Che City Engineers and that security in the form of a bond, cErtificate of. d~~oEit, lettec oE credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisEactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted with ~he City to guarantee the sa~isfactory completion oE said im~coveme~t~. Said securlty shall be postecl with the City prioc to final tcact map approval, to guarantee the inatallation of the above-required impcovementc~ prior to occupancy. 12. That street lighting fa~~ilities along Alameda Avenue, shall be installed as cequired b~• the Utilities General Manager in accocdance with specificationa on file in the Office of Utilities GenerHl Managec, and ±hat security in the form of a bond, certificate of deposit, letter oE credit, oc cash, in an amount and form satis~actory to the City of Anaheim, shal] be posted with the City to guacantee the satisfactory completion of the above-mentioned improvements. Said secucity ahall be poated with the City of Anaheim priar to final tract. map approval. The above-required improvements shall be installed prior to occupancy. 13. That prior to Einal tract map approval, the applicant shall pces~ent evidence satiafactory to the Chief Building In~pector that the converted residential units will be in conformance with Noise Insulation Standards specified in the California Admini.stcative Code, Title 25. 14. That prioc to final tract map approval, the applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the Chief Building Inspector that the proposed projecc ir~ in conformance with Council Policy Numbet 542 "Sound Attenuation in Residential Pro_ects'. 12/28/83 MINU^aES- ~NAHBIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. D$CBMBBR 2~ 1983 83-852 15. Thet priar Go npproval of the finel mep the owner of aubject property shall ecquiro end dedicete to thR Ctty of Aneheim addltionel right-of-wey ee determined to be neceos~ry by th~ City Traffic Eny~nesr, for etr~et widening purpoee~ foG property located north of nubject property acroas Ccescent Avenue. The ownec ~f subject pcopert}• shall further conatruct ~11 ~eceasery improvementF as r.equired by the City Engineer and in accocdan~e wir!, plena on file in [he Office of the City EngineQ[. 16. That the apptoval oE the Tentative Map oE Tcact No. 12102, ia grented aubject to the approval of Reclneaifi~ation No. 83-64-14. IT6M N0. 10 REPURTS AND K1:COMMENDATION5 A. CONDITJ.ONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1720 - Request Erom 5em John Huang far an extension of time Eor Conditional Uae Permtt No. 1720, property located at 2740 W. Lincoln Avenue. ACTIUN: Commission~r Kiny otfered a motion, spconded by r.ommissioner Pry and MOTION CARRIED (Commiasioners Herbst and McBur.ney ab3ent), thal• the An~heim City Planniny Commission does hereby grant a one-year [etraactive extension oE t~me for Conditional Use Permlt No. 1720 to expire ~n Auqust 1, 7.984. B. CONUITIONAL USE P~RMIT N0. 2075 - Request from Elden W. Bainbridge Eoc termination of Conditional Use Permit No. 2075 Eor property located at the southeaet corner of La Palma Avenue and Tustin Avenue. ACTION: Commisaionec Kiny ofFpred Resolutlon No. PC83-251 an~ movEd for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion does here~y te~minate Conditional Use Permit No. 2075. On roll call, the focegoing resolution was paased by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS, BUS~ORE, FRY, KING, LA CLAIRE NnES: NONE ABSENT: HERBST~ MCB~RNEY C. VARIANCE N0. 2849 - Request from Vic Peloquin for an extension of tirt~e Eor Vaciance No. 2949, property local•ed at 3445 'C' E. La Palma Ave. ACTION: Commissioner King offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Pry and MOT:~N C1-RRIED (C~mmissionecs Herbst and McBurney absent), that the Anaheim Ciky Planning Commission does hereby gtant a one-year retruactive extenRion of time for Variance N~. 2849 to expire on September 27, 1984. D. CONDIT'LONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2155 - Request fcom Raymond C. Salmi for an ~xtienai~n of time for Conditional Use Permit No. 2155, property .located ~ 5401 E. La Palma Avenue. Timothy Van Heest, Pa~tor, was present to an:wer any questions. 12/2~ MINUTE3;_ AN~HEIM CITY__P_LANNING COMMI35ION,i DBCEMBER 28. 1983 83-853 Commieaioner Ld Claire cleciEied that the chucch ia atill. meeting at thie location end ChairwomAn Bouan explatned khe church came betore thr Commiaaion recently for a conditiunel uge permit at a diEferent location And aoked what happened t:~ that proposAl. Paetur Van Heest atated thPy have beeh in negotiations since their lease expires Frbcuacy 1994 and they were intecasted in another aite in a ahopping center an Serrano, and the negotiations to remein a~ thia site aeem to be p[oy[essing, so he 13 fairly satisfied they will be continuing to be in operation ~t 5401 E. I.A Palma Aven~es thet they are trying for a lease that wou.ld be longer than one yearj that they own 10 dcres an SantA Ana Canyon Robd and Eeel they will be moving onto that Froperky within two yeacs, and expect to stay at thie site until that time. Commisaioner I.a Claire atated thi~ wo~ origin~lly preaented as a tEmporary use and now it is Eor an additional three years and she tt~ougt~t it is becomtng a permanent u~eJ that she has no real objection to ~rantiny it at thie time, and the petitioners were cautione~ the laat tlme khat this wae a temporAry use anc9 Commission wa~ verX concecned about traftic; howevrc, there have been no real. complaints, but that areA ir yoing to yet busier and ahe did not think the industri~l area is the right place for a ctiurch and the CommiK~ion would like to aee the.m move unto theic permanent property aa soon ~s posaible. Pastor Van Heest stated there is a problem with their permanent property in that they cannot build until the City constcucts [he drainage system and they were offered to be able to use the property if they would pay S1,OOU,OOU in cost.s for the drainage facilities and then be reimburaed as othe[ developments came in, and tliey want to be there becausp of the ~ingle-family developme~t goiny on in the area next to tPie proposed sh~ppiny center. Commissioner Bushore asked if the City has ever received a copy of the Engineering Reports in terms of drafnage from Anaheim Hi~ls, Inc. Commissioner La Claire stated ~he would vote for an extension now, but would not vote for it again in the future. ACTION: Commissionet La Claire offered a motion~ seca~ded by Commissi~ner Fry and NOTION CAkRT.ED (CommiR~ioners Herbst and McBurney absentl, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant a three-year cetroactive extension of time for Conditional Use Permik No. 2155 to expice on December 3, 1986. E. CONDITIONAI. USE_PEkMIT N0. 1079 - Request from Jonakhan T. Y. Yeh for termination of Conditional Use Permit No. 1079, property located at 420 S. Beach 8oul~vard. 12/28/83 MINUT~S, AN~NEIM CITY PL~NNING COMMISSION, DECEMBBR 2d. 1983 03-654 ACTION: Gommiseinnet King offered Reaalution No. PC93-252 and moved fo~ ~t8 ~b8Od9F and edoption tnet the Anaheim City plenning Commiasion doee hereby terminete Conditional Uoe ~ecmit No. 1079. On roll call, the focegulnq ceaolution w~s passed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS~ BUSNURE~ FRY~ KING~ LA CLAIRE NOES: N0:lE ABSENT: HERBST, MCBUi'NEY F. CONDI'1~lONAL USB PERMIT NO. 1761 AND VARIANCE No. 2976 - Requeat from David V. Adams Eo[ tecm.inetion of Conditional Uoe Permit No. 17b1 ai~d Vaciance No. 2976, property located at 131 W. Katella Ave. ACTION: Commissioner King offered Reaolution No. PCA3-253 and moved foc its passage and adc•ption that Che Anaheim City Planning Commiepion does hereby terminate C~nditionAl Use Permi[ No. 1761 and Variance No. 2976. On roll call, tl~e [oregoing tesolution was pasaed t,y the following vote: AYES: BOUAS~ BUSl10RE, FkY, K1NG, I~A CLAIRE NOE5: NONE ABSENT: HERBST, MCBURNEY G. WAIVEK OF HILLSIDE GRADING ORDINANCL•' - Request fram Anacal Engineering Company, that they be granted a waiver of the cequirement of. the Anaheim Hillside Grading Ordinance as it relates to the locoting of lot lines at tt,e top of slopes ~ithin Tr~ct No. 10474. ACTIOt~: Commissioner King offered ~ motion, aecanded by Commissioner ?ry and MOTI(iN C1~RRIED (Commiscionera Nerbst and McBurney absent), that the Anaheim City F~lanning Cammisaion does hereby recommend to the City Council that they qcant a waivec of the requirement of the Hillside Grading Urdinance as it celatea to the locating of lot linea at the top of slopes within Tract No. 1U474. ADJOURNMENT: There being no fucther buainess, Commissioner Fcy offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner King and MOTiON CARRIED (Commisaioners Hecbst and McBurney abaent'l, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m. Respecefully submitted, dGE~k. ~ ~I~~ Edith L. Harris, Secretary Anahein City Planning Commission ELH:lm 0022tn 1Z/28/83