PC 1984/06/25RBGULAR M~ETING OF TNE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION HEGULAR MEETING The regu]ac maPting of the Anahetm City Planni.ng Com~nis~ton wa~ cul.]ed to or.der by Chair.wnman Bauas ak ].U:00 a.m., June 25, 1984, tn the Counci] Chambec, a quor.um being pr.esenr_ And the Commiaston r.evtewed plana of t.he ttems on koday's ~genda. K~~~SS: 11:30 a.m. RECUNV~NE: ].:30 p.m. PRESE;NT Chaicwoman: Buuas Commi.sstoner.s: Bushore, Ma9ur.ney ANSENT: Commissionecs: None Fry, Her.bst, King, La C]aire, ALSO YRESF.N'S Anntka Santalohti Joel Fick Jack Whtte .tay Titua Paul Singer Jay Tashiro Kacen Enqlish C;ce9 Hasttngs Edith Harris As~i.stant DirecCOr for. 2oning Assistant Utcector for Planni.ng Assistant City Atkor.ney Office Engi.neer. 7~r.aEfi.c Engineer. Aasociat:e Planner Pol.ice Depa~~ment Assistant P]annec Planning Commi.ssion Secretacy nPPROVAL UF MiNUTES: Commisstoner King Gffered a motton, seconded by Gomm9.esioner Fry and MUTION CARRIED (Commissioner McBnrney abataining on the minutes of May 30, 1.984 and Commisstoner. La Clair.e abstaining ~n the June l], ].984, minutes) that the minutes of the meeting of May 30, 1984, be approved as corrected on Page 333 to show Commisstoner eushore abstaining fr.om voking on Tentative Map of Tract ho. 9821, on the bssi~ that even though he dtd not have a legal cor-flict, he now owns adjacent pcoperty; and appr.oval of the minutes of June ]1, 198A, as submitted. ITGM N0. l.. EIH NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND VARIANCE N0. 3386 PUSLIC HEARING. OWNERS: BERNARD J. STAHL ANA BILL J. NICKEL, 87.51 Katel,.~ Avenue, Stanton, CA 9U680. AGENT: J. WARD DAWSON, 2803 E. Katel.7a Avenue, #201, Orange, CA 92667. Prope~ty described as a rectangular.ly-shaped parcel oP land consisting of appcoximately 1.Q acr.e, 1658 South Nutwood Street. Waivers of maxi.mum stcuctural height and minimum structural setback to construct a 26-unit apaKtment complex. Contin,ued f~om ApKil 2, 3Q, May 14, 30, and June 11, ].984. 84-369 6/25/84 MINU'PF.S, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTMG COMMISS_I.ON~_ JyNE 25, 1984 84-370 ACTIUN: Commtesiuner King oEfer.ed a motlon, seconded by Commi.satoner. Pry and MOT10l~ CARRIED, that connideratian oE the aforemenktoned matker be contlnued to the regular.ly-achedul.ed meeting oE' .luly 3, ]984, in or.der For. r.hr_ applicank to submit r.evised plans. IT~M N0. 2._ EIR N~GA7'lVE_DECLARATION, R~CGASSIEICA'PION N0. 83-84-23 AND VARIAN(:E N0. 3384 ~ PUF3LIC HsAItING. OWNERS: DON C. ANU TAMIRIS DUKE, 3538 W. Savanna Street, Anaheim, CA 92d04 and DUANE FREDEKICK AND SALLY ANN PETERSEN, 600 S. Nutwood, Anatiettn, CA 92804. AG~;NT: JOHN KING, ]9522 Independence Lane, liuntington Beach, CA 92646. Proper~y is des~rtbed as a reckangulAr.ly-shaped par.cel of t.And consi~t.ing of appcoximately 0.78 acre, 3538 W. Savanna Sr.r.pet. RS-A-43,OOU to ~he RM-1200 Waiver.s ot: (a) maximum str.ucr.ural heighk, (b> ma.nimum £.loor. area, (c) minimurti landscaped setback, (d) pecmitted encroacl~ment inko Er~nt yar.d and (e) per.mitted ]ocation of Candem p~3r.kt~~g space3 to construck a 28-uni.k aparF.ment comp'ex. Continued fr.om April 2, l6 and 30, 1984; and ~tay l4 and 3U, 1984. ACTION: Conunissiuner. King offered a mott~n, seconc~ed by Commissioner. Fry and M07~ION CARRIED, that consi.der.ation of the afor.ementtaned matter be conrinued to the regularl.y-scheduled meer.tng of July 9, ]984, i.n or.dec £or tne applicant to ~ubmtt revtsed plans. ITEM NU. 3. EIR NEGA'PIVE pECLARATION, WAIVER QF CODE REQUIREMENT AND COtJDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. Z55] PUBLIG HEARING. OWNERS: HAROLD K. AND KAREN L. OER'TLE:, C/o Capttol Industrial Pr.oper.ties, 31.0 W. Orangethor.pe, P].acen~ia, CA 92670. AGENT: JE~F JILKA, 244 Briardal.e, Orange, CA 9'1665. Propecty deaccibed as a rectangular.]y-~haped par.cel of ]and can~tsting of approximately C.62 acres located at the no~thwest cocner of La Cr.esta Avenue and Red Gum Str.eet, and fur.ther described as 125). Norkh Red Gum Str.eet ('Mtld Ta Wi.ld"). Itequest to retain an automobi.le cu~tomiztng shop in the ML (Industcial, L~imited) Zone wi.kh waivec Uf mini.mum number of parktng spacea. Continued fzom the meeting of April 30, 1984. ACTION: Coaunissionez K~.ng offered a motion, seconded by Commi.ssioner Fry and MuTION CARRIED, thet conRideratton o£ the aforementi.oned mattec be conttnued to the regul.acly-scheduled meeting of July 9, 19s4, in order for the tenant sharing subject property to subm~t an applicati.~n for a cc~ndi.tional use per.mtt Eor autamobil.e repair. ITBh! N0. 6 was heard before Item Nos. 4 and 5 because the app~i~ants wer.e not present. ITEM N0. 4 was heazd followi.ng Item No. 5. 6; 25/84 MINUTES. ANANEIM CiTY PI~ANNING COMMIS5ION. JUNE 25, ]984 84-371 IT~M N0.__4. GIR NEGATIVE DECLARATI~N AND VARTANCE N0. 3399 PACIEIC DELL 6~1. T. T. COMMUNICATIONS OF CALIFQRNIA CORP., 733~ Tr.ad~ Street, Room 4140, San Diego, CA 92~.2.1. ATTN: P.L. HAMILTON. Property desccibed as an iccegul.ar.l.y-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxi.mately 2.4 acr.es located at the ~outhwesk cocner of Cypcesa 8treet and Lemon Str.eet, and further, descrtbed as 217 Nocth Lemon Street lpacific Beal T~lephone). W~iver aE maximum str.uctucal helght ta ~ecmit two 23.~-foot high r.oof-mounted ar-~ennas. Conti.nued from Apri.l 30, 1984 (previaus]y advertised as Conditional Use Permit No. 2~63), May a.4, and June ].1, 1984 . There was no one indicatinq their presence 1.n oppasition t~ aubject requeat and al.thaugh the stafE cepork was not r.ead~ it is c~ferr.ed to and made a part of the minutea. Commisetonec King decl.ared a canflick of i.nterest as defined by An+3hetm City P.lanni.ng Commtssior, Resolutian No. PC76-]57 adopttng a Con~:licr of Inter.esh Code for the Planning Commisslon and Gover.nment Cede Section 3625, et seq., ~n that he owns Pacific Bell. common stock and pur~uanr. to the pr.ovtsions of the~ above Codes, declared to the Chai.rman that he was withdcawing Erom the heari.ng in connection wtth Variance No. 3399, and would not take par.t in etther the discussion oc the voting thereon and had not dt~cussed this matter •~~if.h any membec of the Planning Commission. Theceupon Comm•isatoner. King left the Council Chamber. C).iffocd W. Stokes, 2435 East Pactfic Coast Avenue, Cor.ona del Mar, was present to anawer yuestion. ~d Duran. Pacf£ic Dell. Telephone, l77 Eask Colorado B]vd., PASadena, explatned this project involves moving two antennas from an old tower to a new tower and theae antennas service mobile radio tel.ephones. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Responding to Chairwoman Bouas, Mr. Aur~n stated in 1972 the tel.ephone company was asked to get ri.d oE the ol.d tower, so they built a new tower and the plan is to puk the antennas on the new kower in order to e]iminate the o].u t.~wer. Commissione~ Hecbst ~tated the new towec is di.fEerent from the pl.ans submi.tted to the Planning Commission and statEd the plans made the towec loak fatrly decent, but that was oot what was built. He stated those are the questi.ons the Commisaion wanted an~weced and also they wan;Ed to know why the appl.icent did not consider other. ]ocations. Mr. Ducan skated he coul.d not answe~ those questtons and he has never been before this Commission before. Mr. Stokes stated to his knowledge, Pacific Bel.l does not have anotl~er ].ocation in tt~e immediate ~asea where they coul.d locate these towers and Mr. Duran agreed. 6/25/89 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25, 1984 _ 84-372 iiesponding to ~ommissi.oner Nerber., Mr. Duran etated theae antennas w~.ll sekvice all t.he radio telephones in r.hp area and noted they have recel.vers in Go~onq del. Mar, Ful.lertun, Costa Mesa, Long Beach, etc. Comtni;znione~ Nerbst stated the Redevelopment Commission r.ecommended denia] of this rr~quest. He st~ted the City is r.cyiny ta rebuild r_he downtown ar.ea and r.his to~~+er ia not goi.ng to hel.p. Mr. Sr.okes stared the only *wo al*er.na~{ves r.~~ar, t~e can aee would be ko cemove t.hem enrir.eiy and place them in another locati.ont howevec, Pacific Betl does nar hav~ anathe~ ]ocation whece ft~ey can E~ur them and provide ~he same secvice. lie sr.a~:ed ~he second auggestion would be to locate the an~ennas within kh~ exisr_tny skrucr..ur.e and tha~ 1a rechnic~lly not. feasib]e. Commissioner. Nerbsr_ euggested pu-:~i.ng khem on one of the hills in the ar.ea and suggested maybe r_hey shoulci purchaRe some propecty tf khey don't have any becauae this is not a good inskal]ation in ~he downr.own acea and does no*. do the City any good and i.r_ doesn'r. look good. Chair.woman 8ouas asked whar_ Pacific eell will do if. the Commission denies fhis r.equest. Mr.. Duran stated he coul.d nor. Gnswer. tha*_; however., they wece reyuested by the City r.o csmove khe old -:ower. Mr. 5tokes c~atified ~hat they are nof butl.ding a r.ew ~ower and ar.e planning to pJ.acP these antennas on the existing *.owec and the towec heighr_ wi3] be higher. He stated the antennas w~ll beneEi.f rhe ct*izen's o£ Anahe~m who use mabile radio tel.e~phones. Comm~.sstoner Bushoce sta~ed he canno~ support *_he ceyuest bpcause ir {a of no benefit to the downr_own acea and because tn 1979, a six-year cetroacttve exr_ension of time was ycanted and he felr_ r_he Commission was snowballed because the ~_ower does not look any~.h9.ng like i*_ was supposed to and it can be viewed from Anaheim Stadium, etc. and t~ doesn't cunform ho ar~y*_hing else ?n the whole expanse of the C~unty. lie sta~ed he coul.d no*_ undexstand why Pacific Bel]. could not put the towec on one of the mounr_ains. He sta`ec~ the Cort~mi.ssion has given pecmissian foc other towers such as foc eab].e TV and he r.hought r_o ask for this four yeazs l.ater when they did not do what ti~ey had agreed r_o do originally is rot acceptabl.e and he did not h.hink khe condir_iona] use permi.t should be granr.ed. Commi.ssioner. Herbst stated ~here are mobtle phone antennas on Mod~eska Mountazn and the range is clear into khe Los Angeles area an~ he did no*_ think the antennas neecl to be in the down*own area. ACTION: Comm~ssioner Bushore offer.ed a motion, seconded by Comm~.ssioner McSurney and MOTION CARRZED (Commissioner King absen*_), tha~ the Anaheim Ci~y PJ.annir~g C~mmiasi.on has ceviewed the proposa~ to permiC two, 23.5-foot high, roof-moun~ed antennas w:ith waiver uf maximum s*.ructura]. heigh*_ un an irtegularly-shaped parcel of ]and cons~sting of approximate7y 2.4 acres located at the southwest cocner of Cypress S~rPet and Lemon Street and further described as 217 North Lemun 5treet; and does heceby appr.,ve the Negati.ve Decl.acat:~on upon f inding that ir. has considered r.he Neyative Decl.arar_ion together witi~ any comments received during the public revieW process and 6/25/84 MINUTES, 1~NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIONI JUN~ 25~ ] 984 84-373 fucther findi.ng on the ba9ig of the Int~ial. Sr.udy and any commenhs r.@cel.ved tha~ thor.e is no eubs~an~ial. Qvidence thar the pcojec~ will. have a sfgnlfi~ant effect on ~he environment~ Commic~ioner euohoc~ vfferod itasolur.ton No. PC84-116 nnd moved Eor i~A passaye and adopr.ion rhar, r_he An~hetm ciry klanr~ .ng Commi$~ton does her.eby deny Vari.ance No. 3399 on ~.he basi_s that ~hPr.e arv no apecial cir.cumstance~ appl.icabl.~ to the prop~rr.y such ns eize, shape, ~opogr.aphy, locatton and suxcoundings which do not app)y to other. identically zoned property i.~ ~he same vicinity; c~nd that atr.icf appl icar.ion of the Zontng Code doea no~ depr.ive c:he properr,y of p~ivileg~e erajoye~ by other pcoperr,iQe in ~he identical zone and classifiaation tn hhe vi.cinity. Un r.o~ 1 ca].l , tt~e f ~cegutny ~esolut ion was paeged by h.he f~1 ] ~wtng vo~e: AYES: f3UUAS, HUSHOR~, PliY ~ HERDST~ LA CI,AIRE~ MC QURNBY NOES: NUNE AHSENT: K1NG Jack Whir_e, Assis+:anr. City Atr.c,r.ney, presen~ed r.he wrir.+:en r.ig'~*_ to appe~] the P.lanninq Commission' a deciaion within 2?. days to t.he Ctty Counct t. Commissionec King ~e*.ur.ned ~o the Council Chamber a~ 2:24 p.m. ITk~M N0. 5 was hea~d after Item No. G. TTEM NU. 5. EIR NEGATIV~ UECLARATION, KECLA5SIFICATIGh NA. 83-84-2G AND VAR:ANCE NG. 3393 PUBL'!C HEARING. OWNERS: GARY H, HUNTER, ET AL, 315 E. North Str.eef, Anaheim, CA 928U5. Pr.oper.ty described as a r.ect.angul.Hrly-ahaped parcel of land consistiny of appcoximate]y 7280 square feet, 3l5 EdA~ Norr_h 8*.r.eet. Wai.vers of minimum type of pprki.ng spaces, min~mum si.de yard serback and minimum width of pedestrian accessway r.o conve~r_ an existing singl.e-famtly structure and dehached garage i.nto a duplex. Continued f rom Apr t 1 30, and Niay 30, l 984 There were approximatel.y tt,tee per~ona indicating thei.c ptesence {n op~osi~io~n to subject reqnest and although the s~aff zeport was not xead, it ts referred r.o and made a part of the minu*es. Gsry Hunh_eK, owner, explained hia proper.ty is locaked at the corner of O].ive and No~th Streets wh~ch is in one of the largest medium denair.y reaidentially zoned area~. He referred to Pacagraph No. ].9 oE the st.aff r.eport wh;.ch points out that, with the exception of three RS-7200 zoned blocks, al.l Kesiden*_ially zoned properties in the area south of I.a Palma Avenue, east of Anaheim Bou~evaxd, west of Un~ion Pacific Ra~l.road and nor.th of Li.ncoln Avenue are all zoned RM-.1200 or RM -2400, and RM-2400 is rhe zone he is requesting. He star.ed he talked with hi~ nexghbors and has signr~tuces from three families and his neighboc i.mmediate ly to the south has g~ven verbal approval. He stated the opposition presented petittons at the p~evious mepting aonceKn~.ng possible 6/25/84 i ~ MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25, 1984 ~,_, 84-374 damage to tt~e Area becau s e af heavie~ tcaEfl.c, noiee and ~enai.ty and he would ~ubmi.k that al.] af that h ao a]r.eady ~ccurred and hi.e property 1a locared in ~ neighboctio~d that is yener.t~l]y paenned f.or very h1.gh donsi.ty and ]tving on North 5tr.eet he has had t o put up wi.th a]1 t.he negati.ve impact~ af r.hat denatly wil:h incceaaed craffic:, more peo~l.e and a higher. crlme r.atE nnd stated the Ci.ky i.e ~+ctua]ly condemning his ~ruper.ty by not allowing him r.n go ahead with thte z~ne change. Mr. Hunter ceferrNd t~ ttir.eo sim~ lar, variancea, two on Sabri.~a ~and one on C.laudina, and pointed ou t t,e ts pr.opoai.ng to keep wtthin the gener.al gutaeline3. Agnes Ertckson stated sh e livea thr.ee doors Erom the petitioner. t-nd in her ~pinion, and thc rest of the neighbor.s BhP has apoken with, they fee] the same as they did befoce, thac ~hey cannot do r~nything ab~ut what i~ ther.e alr.eady, but don'C Eeel anythiny shoul.d be ~dded now. Sho atated Nor.th Str.eet tA a khoc~iu~,~hfar.e and thece ar.e five ear.s n~xt ~loor to hec and all~w~ng r.hia unit. could mean that tho~e pe ople who have ~i.gned thia petition in favor of khi.s r.eyuest, wil] want the 3 ame thiny. She atated a repai.r, sho~ wa~ skarted and the Cixy atopped that a n d one netghbor. tare down a beautifu] hclck Eence thi.nking he could bcing in a.lot of used car.s and repa~[r. them. She ~r.ar.ea they want ta keep the a r ea nice and have joined Lhe Centra] City Neighbar.hood Council. to tr.y and keep the whole area up. She ~tuted ther~ ar.e r.enrer.s behind her and the~e are twelve chi.ldren playi.nq in ~h~ alley and causing the dog~ to bark a.nd khey po und on the fence and she could nok gek our. o£ her gacaye and she has thar_ problem constantly and she thought addtng thta uni.k wi.ll. mean mor.e childr.en playi.ng in ttie alley. She explained vehicles hi.t the fence backin9 out ~nto t he alley and ahe thought addi.ng thlE un{.t wi]] also add tu thak problem. S he atated rtiey ar.e not xoned for this type un{k and the acea on the oppoaite si_d e of. the str.eet, which has been rezoned, would like to change back. She stated on a weekend aha has Heen ae many as ten men stnndinq acound and ~ne waa emba rr.assed to go out to her gacage. She stated they ar.e worki.ng hard to keep ~h a area up and they do nut rea]ly ]i.ke the gr.anny units but tf tha~ is a law, maybe it will be gaver.ned. Ms. Ecickson skated the petiGtoner is a r.eal esrate agent and four. young famil.ies have moved in t o the ar.ea and stayed about two yeacs and then moved out because khey did no t want tc raise thetr chi.]dren i.n thar netghbo~hood. Her.tha MacLachl.an, 219 E. Nor.th Str.eet, stated she is very much agatnst reclassification of su bject prope~ty; that zone changes and watvecs will expand Ptom one area t o another in the futur.e; that ther.e ace eight people living in a two-bedroom house with five or six cacs; that the entr.ance to the al.ley wi~l i.ncreace the Elow of traffic to the all.ey and that they already have a lot of traffic in the alley and allowing this zone change and var.tance wil.~ mean simi.lar requests f~om the 300, 200 and 100 blocks of North Str.eet. She said they would l.i.k~ ta Reep the single-family zone for the pur.pose of upgcading the area i.nstead of all.owing it to detecior.ate and al]owtng i.t t~ become more densely popul.ated; that they have a].ready expertenced pe~pl.e wi.th young chil.dren movir-g out of the acea~ that she ts pl.eased with the redevelopmer~t of downtown and asked :.i~at the surr~unding ar.ea not be a.ilowed to deteciorste. She s tated the City already has a Code Enforcemenr Uepar.tment and she wuul.d like to ask that they be worked with constcuctivEly. 6/25/84 MINU'rES, ANAfIEIM (:.ITY PLANNING CqMMISSION` JUNE 25, 19d4 84-3~5 Lauren Hunter, 3J5 E. North 5treet, pcopecky ownRC, st.ated hec hueband te a cea] eekate agent, but khi.s is kheir. tirat home and they ]aokecl Ear. a home f o r eight months and bought thia home with the idea ~f upg~adiny the nei.ghbor.hood ; thak they inviked the netghbors to come and look et all thc~ imQr.ovem~nts they tiave made on the pr~perty and she ta very p~azzled by all thia opposition and did not see how changing kh~: t.uni.ng on a oi.ng]e-family house is going to cr.eake thrt mu~h moce tcaffic on Nor.th Street. She ar.ar.ec~ F.hey could have bought in a ntcer netghborhood, but b~ught this hr~me because t.hey wanted to upgrade it. Gacy t~unter. ceferred to the concern that this actton will start. a domino effect and Pl.l the prpperties wtl] want t~ change; rhat if t:hey wece changed, they wauld nttll have to have proper p]anning ~nd if a]] Ei.Eteen proper.ties were cezoned, tt woul.d not make a dent on the traEfic on North Stceet. He ataL•ed efiectively he ir~ in an ttM-2400 area and doea n~t have khe priv~lege of develnping `he pruperty to i.ts higheat and besk use. He r.ea~3 the requir.ed fi.ndings Lor granting rhe variance frs~m the staf.f r.eporr.. Mr. tlunter stated he is proud to be in Anaheim whece rhere ia such a fine Planning Depar.tment staff. THE PUI3LIC H~ARING WAS CLOSED. ~omtnissl.oneK Bushoce ~tated the petttioner.s gave the CommiHSi~necs their khoughts in Apcil and that was Chat ~.hey mi.ght consider, a granny unlt on thi.s property; bnd that the zoning has not changed since the proper.ty waa purchased, so he oid not think rhe petitioner is betng dent~d ~ pr{vilege enjoyed by othezs in the acea. He potnCed aut the pr.ope~~~y is zoned RS-7200 (Singl.e-Famil.y Residential). He s~ated al.l.awi.ng this rey.~, :~nuld be "~pot zoning". He skated on January 24, ]980, Che netghborhood pe~.~+~oned for a zone change and then changed tl~eir minds and, unfortunately, thts petitione r. moved in after. that, buC the Commisston made i.t vecy cleac ~har. they would on7.y -~prove rec].assification foc the whole area incl.udtng the khree blocks. Ne st.red ~roper pJanning would be that the project would be done i_n thP RM-24U0 Zune and thE standar.ds woul.d include c~ver.ed parking spaces, proper. sidewalks, setbACks, etc. He stated the Commissi.oners are land pl.anners and have a l.ot of years of experience arnong them and he fel.t what the pettti.one r_ i.s askinq f~r does not make s~nse. He atated this may not be the hi.ghest a nd best ~se £or the land and the Commisaion cannot gr.ant the petitioner a privilege which his neighbocs do not have. Mc. Hunter referced to the petition fo~ ceclassification in 1983 and noted that did not include this block and he has a signed statemenk fcam ever.yone i.n his block ~~nd they had no opposition to ~his ceque~t. Commf.ssi.onet Rushoze skated khe Planning Commi.ssion decided at khat ]983 meeting that they will only rezane. the three b2ock~ oc none at all and th~ neighborhood at that time decided they did n~t want recl.assificatton. He stated ff the petttioner can get the majority of the neighbochood to agr.ee, maybe the Commiosion would be wil.ling to do tt, but ~~ot until the citizens want it. Mr. Hunter. stated he knows there are l.ong-term residents in the 200 block wh o do not want the zoning changed. Commissioner B~ishore stated if this a~ea i~s 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANAHFIM CITX PLANNING COMM233ION, JUNE 25, _].984 a4-376 to be dRVeloped for. mul.kipl.e-fami~y r~atdRntial. usea, ih wil ] have to be done wikh prnpe~ parking, ekc. He added thQCe ar.e na apecial har.dshipa involved on this pcoper.ty~ Mr~ Hunter atated h~ could ultimnkoly change c:he plana to add a gar.age. He otated he was givsn t ~me from the Apti] meeti~q to conoider. cevising his ~lan~~ Commi.seioner. Buahore atated he did no-• fee] t:he petitionec should be given any m~re time to change hia plans ao that theae people have to come back for. anothec meekiny. Commi.astoner GA Claire stared r.t~e Ecey is that ~he C~mmisston di.d go through the regular process and tr.ied to get peaple inteceal:ed in changing the zoning becauae of the traffic, etc., but they were not. interested. She stated the Commtesion has to dKa~ the l.ine and the ct.ktzena have indicated they wtant the ttrea to cemain stngle-fami]y restdenriaa.. Mr. tiuntFr stated again thi: 2p0 block was not ~eti~toned foc rectasalftcation and rezoning of his bl.ock was not denied. Commtssionec La ClAir.E stated Che zoning cannnt be changed for smal ] a~eas with unl.y five huuses in the center being r.ezoned. She stated there has to be something difEecent about a pro~~ecty beEore a varisncP can be qr.anted. She stated t:his woulcl be detcimenta] to the netghborhood becausc oE the shortage of the patktng epaces and in her opinion tezoning would be ":~pot zoni.ng". She added in the Eutur.e ~t a.ll the neiyhbocs gef together so that small ar.eas wil~ not be zoned differently, c:hen the Commtssion wt1.] be willing to gr.ant a r.ecl.asai.fication of tt-e whole ar.ea. Mr.. Hunter. 3t.ated his proper.ty is ~ucrounded, except for t~ts neighbors on the other. s~.de of North Street, with RM-1200 and RM-24t~0 Zoning. Commissi.oner Herbat stated the Commission will not re~lassify one pxoperty because it will be "spot zoning" ; however, if the whale area i.s rezoned, i.t gives the ownecs the chance to combine their lots and make a sutkable developmentt and that this is a 52-fook lok whict- ts not r.ea]]y suttable for multiple-~amily units~ Mr. Hunter stated he unde~stands that Anah~~m zoning laws go by square footage and he has 720U square feet on his lot. Commiss ioner Bushore stat:ed he hates to hear about it when a ~~a] estate person calle khe City Planning Department and talks About a speci.fic ptece of p~oper.ty and asks the Plannfng Depactment etaff how many units can be built on that particul.ar pcopecty and the staff inember gives h~m a rough estimate which could be ttieoretical.ly developed; and then khe r.eal estate per.son puts that inf.ormation i.nto the mu]tipYe-lxsking i.ndicat.tng the City has said that nu:nber can be developed, but nothing can be developed until. the plans are submitted and if they meet Codes and waivets are not required, then that number of units coul.d be devpl.oped. He stated t2~e Cornmissionecs told the p~titioner in April what they would be willing to considec. He staked this would not wock and this is not good pl.anning and is not goo~9 real estate fcom the City of Anahei~m's perspective. 6/25/84 MINUTES ANAHEIM Ci'ii ru~-•~~~~~~ --•--- M~ . Hunter asked ii the aix pKOperty awneca in hig bloak did collecti.ve]y would the Comm~Baton conei~'pr. r.eclasAt~YWanr d P cide ko requeat tho rezonin9r ~nded the Gommisaion has i.ndicated they t h em• Commtaeioner. Buahor.e reep di.Eferent could be roud of. t o see all. thr.ee blocka i.nc]uded so that samething d e vel-~ped W~th the propeG etandar.ds being met which everyone could be p , Commi.BStoner. King planning C~mmisston hae reviewed the ACTION: Commtas~nne~ha~Cbhe Anahetm ~{tyrlon, ~econdkd Y a nd M07'ION CARRI . Su~~eC~ pCO~ertY ~rom RS-7200 (Residentiel, P =oPoBal to reclasnify S~ng1.e-F'Ami.lY) Zone to thQ R~mi~~~st~ructu~erand/detachedega~a9eYintona duplex c on~er.c an extating 8ingl.e o of paKkiny ap~~~8- minimum s1.deyar.d aetback and w ith waiver.a oE minl.mum ~YP min~mum width of pedextrian accessway on a rectangul8a~fcontage pfccel of lan c onsisting of appr.oximatoly 728U s9uaCe fCet~ havi.ng a coxtmately 52 feet on khe north sede~~Ofa~p~Q~~StheeNe9~-aiverDeela~cat{anbed PN as 315 P:ast North Stceets and does h on c:he u on finding that it has consider.ed the NQ9arocess~andrfur.thecoPindingWifh any p ~he publ ic; revtew p comtnenta received ducing and any comn-ents r.ecei.ved that thece ~$ ~O basis oE the Init~a~ Study ~r~ ect wil.l have a si9niticant efEect on the 3ubs~:ant~•a~ evidence that the ~ j ~nvironment. Commiasioner Herbet oE£ered ResiF.utp~anninypCommissioandoesVher.eby denyP~~ or9e and adoption that th~ AnaY~etm C y Recl.asaificatton No. 83-84-26 on the b~sis that it wou3d be constde~ed P zoning'. the followim9 vote: atny resoluti.on was passed bY On rol.l cal.l., the £oce9 BOUAS, BUStiORG, PRY~ HERBST~ KING, LA CLAIRG, MC BUKNEY AYES: NOES: NuNE I+BSENT: NONE Curtuniesioner Hecbst oFfered ReCi~UrP~~nning~Comm~.ssionadoQSehecebyidenya$~age and adoption that the Anaheim Y r waiver wi]l cause Vaciance No. 3393, walver (a) on the basis that the pa.ktng waiver wil.l be an inCrease ~n traffic congeskion inranttngmof~the pa~kingY and adverse y affect any acfjoining l.and uses and g- health, safety and gener.al welfare ~f the cttizens deG~imental t.o the PeaCeand denyin9 waivecs (b) and (~) on the ba~is there are o~ the City of Anaheim. licable to the p~operty such as stz~~ ahape, no special circumatances app ~ to ot.her iden~ica].Jy topog[aPhY~ ~ocation and surcoundings which do not app Y zoned property i.n the same vicinity. a3sed by the following vote: On roll callr the focegoing cesolution was p py~s; BOUAS, BUSHORE~ FRY, HERBST, KING~ LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABSBNT: NONE eal the Asaistant City Attorney, presented the written r.ight to aPP Jack White, Council. pl.anning Commiasion's deciafon within 2Z days t.o the Ci.ty 6/25/84 MINUTES At~AHEIM ~ITY pLANNING CnMMISSION JUNE 25 1984 84-378 R NFGATIVE DECLA1tATI0N AECLASSIFSCATION N0. a~-na- sw, vaot~Nr~ Nn. 3402 IWITHDRAWN) PUBLlC HEARING. OWNBRS: MARJORIE 5. ~'AI~m AND ALAN R. TALT, 615 S. Plower Stceet, i~06, Lo~ Angel-ea, CA 9U0)?. ACFNT: MARK D. CERNICH, 629 N. Main Street, Or.ange, CA 9266H. Property deacr.tbed as an icr.egu]ar.ly-shAped pa~ceJ oE land consisting oF appcoxtmatel.y 0.5 ac~e l.ocated at the southeast cor.ner o£ Bt~ll. Road and Sunkiet Avenue, 250U Bagt 8all R~ad. RS-A-43,000 and RS-5000 tu CL. Wa:lver. of m~.ninwm 1.andscaPed setbtlck to coi~atcuct a 2-•ato~y commercial office building. Mark Cer.nict~, ayent, was pr.esent to answe~ any queations. Will.tam R. Pranz, 1.221 Cacl sr.ceer., explained hi~ pcoperty adjotna aub~ect pr.oper.ty immediately to the south and his matn concecn is to hnve asaur.ance that the petitionec w11.1 comply wtth the pl.ans as submitted and with the things he has agreed to do. He skate~l he tR in f.avor. oE the project and can speak Eoc the neighb~rs and they ace also in favor, as lonq a~ there are measuc~es taker, to abate the not~e and the zoning is cor.r.ect so the use of ttie property is not chanqed in the future and also, if the p~oper.ty ownec agr.eea to rel.i.nqutsh the easement acr.oss their proper.ties. Mc. Cernich stated they ~~opose to skay within the Code and will r.el.l.nqutah the easement ontn th~ private street, because they wi.]l. be taking access on Bal.l Road and Sunkist. He added the opFoeftton's concern was wi.r.h ]imifing the zoning to r.estr.ick the use of the pr.opecty to office usea and that they have agreed with that. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSEO. RESponding to Commissianer La Claire, Mc. Cernich r~otec~ the easement wil.] bP reli~nyuished to khe propeKty owners affected and they wi.ll. assume the maintenance responsibility since it crosse~ their pr.operty. ACTION: Commissione~ King offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Fry and MOTION CARRIED, that L•he Anaheim City Planni.ng Commisston has ceviewed the proposal tc~ ceclassify aubjeet pcope~ky from the RS-A-43,000 (Residenti.al, AgricultucaJ) Zone and the RS-50UQ (Residential, Sing.le-Family) zone to CL (Commercial, OfficQ and Pro£essional) Zone on an icregularly-shaped par.cel of land consist~nq of approximutely 0.58 acres, located at the so~itheast cornec of Bal.l Road and Sunkist Avenue and furtheK described as 250Q East Bal.] Road; and does he~eby approve the Negative Declaration upon findtng that it has considered the Negative Declarati.on togethec with any commenks received during the publ.ic revi.ew process and fur.ther finding on the basis of the Initi~]. Study and any comments ceceived tha'_ thece is no substantial evidence that the pcoject will have a significant effect on ~he environment. 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 251__1984 84-379 Commissionec King offered Reoolukion No. PC84-11.9 and moved Eor. i,ke paasdge and adoption that the Anaheim City Planntng Commisston doea her.eby grant Rec~asoification No. 83-84-31 subject to Intecdepartmental Commitfee r.e~ommendatione. Un roll call, khe foregoi.ng reaolution was pass~d by the followi.ng vote: AY~S; BOUAS~ BUSHORE, FRY, KING~ LA CLAIR~, MC BURNEY NOF.S; HERBST ABSENT: NONE Camrniestoner. King offered a moti.~n, seconded by Comrniasioner. Fry ~nd MOTION CARRI~U, r.hak the pe~itton E~r VArtance No. 34U2 be withdrawn a~ the r.equest af the petlF.ionec. Jack Whtte, Assiakant Ctty Attor.ney, presented fhe written r.i.ght to appea] the Pl.anni.ng Cnmmisaion's decision wichin 22 days to r.he City C~uncil. ITEM NU. 7. EIR N~,GATIVE DGCLARA'PION, RECLASSIFICATION N(). 83-84-28 AND VARIANCE N0. 3397 1~UBLIC HEARING. QWNERS: RICNARD JAMES AND KATHLEEN DIANNE RELIAKOE'F, 3216 W. Orange Avenue, Anahei.m, CA 9'1804 and WALTGR K. ANO ETNEL M. BOWMAN, 7926 Cerrit~s Avenue, Stanton, CA yUG80. AGENT: STERLING K. CARLSUN, 447 E. ]7th Stceek, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Property desccibed as an irr.egular.ly-shaped parcel of land c.onsishing of appcoximatety 0.62 acre, 3208 and 3216 Weat Or.ange Avenue. RS-A-43,U00 Co the RM-1200. Waivec of maximum stcuctural height ko canstr.uct a 22-untt apactment complex. ACTIUN: Commissionec King offer.ed a motion, seconded by Commtsst~nec Pry and motion car.rted khar. consideratton of the afocementtoned mnkter be continued to the cegul.ar meeting of July 9, 1984, at the request of the petittoner in ordec to submit revised pl.ans. ITEM N0. S. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, RBcLASSIFICATION N0. 83-b4-29 ANA VARIANI.E N0. 3.398 PUBLIC HEAR:NG. OWNERS: SAID GAHIDGANI, E~ AL, 1.332 Amberwtck Lane, Anahetm, CA 92804. AGF,NT: S'PERLING K. CARL50N, 447 E. 17kh Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Proper.ty described as a r.ectangul.arl.y-shaped par.ce] of land conststing oF approximately 1.18 ~cres, 29I.U and 2918 west BaJ1 Road. RS-A-A3,000 to RM-1200. Waivezs oE m~ximum r~truckural. height and permitted l.acation of open par.king spaces to construct a 42-unit apartment complex. C~ntinued itom tt~e meeting of May 30, 1984. ACTION: CAmmissioner King offered a nokion, seconded by Commtssioner Fry and MOTION CARRIEA, that considexation of the above-mentioned matter be conkinued to the regula~ly-scheduled meeting of Jul.y 23, 1984, in order foc the aFpl~lcant to submi~t revised plans. 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN. JUNE 25L J9H4 84-380 ITEM N0~ 9. BIR NEGATIVE D~CLARATIQN AND CONUITIONAL US~ PERMIT NO. 2575 PUBLlC HEARING. OWNERS: ~ARL G. 5INGLBTOtI ANG .)AMES CLA'LTON PFACOCKi 10620 Ff.reatone Boulevacd, Norwalk, C~ 90650. AGEN~P: ATLANTIC RICtIFIELD CO., 300 W. Glonoaks Blvd., Glandale, CA 90201, ATTN: E. L. KEIL. Pcoperhy ~.A dNSCriued aa an irregular.l.y-sha~ed pacr.e] of land concisting of appr~ximakely U.5 ocre locaced at the southwnvc cornec of Broadway and Euc]i.d 5treet, 301 South Eucltd Av~nue (ARC:O MNbG). To r.eratn eonventence ret~ll aale~ in an ex'sttng aer.vtce ~tatton. 7~her.e was no one indicating their pres~ncP i.n oE~position ta subject requeat and altl~ough the stafE ~epor.t was not r.ead, i.t i.s r.eferr.ed to and made a~art of the minutes. Wallace R. Uavis, Cohen, Stokke and Uavis atto~neys, 540 N. Golden Circte Drtve, 5anta Ana, Rtated this ~pplication invulves an existing MPG Tune-Up (:encex and an exiattng ser.vice station and expaained the MPG Centeca are Arco's countecparts to r.he mi.ni.-mar.ta conce~t ~ind khAt: these center.s servi.ce the community; Chat a citatton wa.: isaued on r.his pcopecty and it was the resui.t of the oper.ator's misunderstanding as to whetl~er. ac not he could sell snacks on-sike withouk using vendtng mach{nes. Ne exp.laine~ r.t-ar. ia al] that: is realJ.y being requesked and thi.8 is noc a r.equesk for a mini-mar.t or. a convenience atore, He stated thers i.s no advrr.ttsing indicating thac they do sell soft dr.inks or. anacks and the secvtces are pr.ovided as a convenience to ~ecsons who are ther.e ~~urchasing gasoline or. t~aving their vehicles tuned up. He stated the City ordinance allows the sale of such items, but it doea say they are to be aul.d out of vending machines. He atated r.hi.s involves hhe aa]e of the same it~ms, but they woul.d be fr.eahe~ fr~~m open racks and this does not i.nvolve any kind of new constr.uGtion on the premi~es nor. increase the size of the sales area. Ele stated ther.e is smal] acea of abaut 400 syuar.e feet wtth open racks and they do not believe tt~er.e will be any inccease i.n traffic. Mr. Davis stated there is a ceyuest Eor the closing of thp driveways closesk to the intersection and they do nok feel, in vi.ew of the fact that this ~equest does not involve exparision, that tt. would be faic to impose that Kequirement. He referred to aimilar. pcoposals mentioned i.n the stufE cepoct and stated tho~e operati~ns wer.e all simil.ar and were not r.equired to c]ose their driveways. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSE:U. Responding to Commissioner Bushoce, Paul Si.nger, Traffia Eng.lneer, stAted his cecommendatiun was made to close t.he driveways on khe other pcoposals to both the Planning C~mmission and the City Council because it has been pr.oven time and ti~me again that the drive~ays closest to the interaectfons are a dir.ect cause of coll.is~ons and in those instances, he thought he had made the cecommendations and that the Planning Commission and City Counctl had der,~ded not to requi.re their cl.osures. Mr. Davis cl.acified that the Commission call~ed for the closing of the dciveways and the City Council, in their wtsdom, felt that because the request was onl.y to sell. items out of vending machines, i.t would be unfair. to impose the expense of cloa~ng khe driveways. 6/25/84 MiNUTES,_ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNC 25. 1984 89-381 Con-misaionec Buahoce stated he thought only one stmt.lar. ceyueet hAd come before ~he Commiaeion and the Commisai~n agreed it woul.d be unfair in r.hA~ ~nscance, but on thoae requesta far, th~s MPG oper.etions, Commi.saton felt tli~-t even though tt~ey we~e approprtate with the other, usea on hhe site, theY wou]d ask thaG the driveways be cloeed. Iteepondi.ng to Commisatoner. k~erbat, Ear.l. Ketl., P.O. Box 491.9, Canyon Lake, CalifoKnia, expl.ained he thouyht tlie l.ease would Expir.e in 1593 on thi.s property. Conuniasionec Herbat ekated he thought it was the rer~ponsi.bl.l.tty of kt~e ~il companie~ ~o cceaL•e safe driving conditiona Eor the dr.iving publtcJ that the petitioner is ~oing on the pcemise r.htlr. because khey have these ~htngs already in p]ace in the Ciky, that it is al.l right to cont~.nue i.t and the Traffic F~gi.n~er. hao been ad~mant rabouk cloatng those d~iveways on khe corners because they i~ave been pcoven unsafe. He atated as fac as he ts conce~ned, one of khe things Commission ahou]d conai.der ta that tt ts khe peritioner's cesponsibiliky, if they want any`hing additi.onal. on the proper.ty, to make tt safe for the dr.iving publ.ic. Mr. Kei.l star.ed he would agcee if they wece doing any consrruckion ur al.tering the exi.sting faciltty. Commissioner Herbst stated khe leas+> is long enouqh that they could justtfy daing the driveways economicall.y. Mr. Keil stated they could do it tf they wece engagi.ng i.n a major moderntzatfon of the facility or physical. constzuctiun. He stated khey have stati.ona tn the Cit:y of. Anahe{m where they have agreed ko cl~se the dciveways and they are pl.eased wi.kh the re~ul~.s. Commissionec Kiny cl.arified there would be nu sal.e of beec or wine on the premises and stated he c:o~l.d not yo alo~~g with the request unless the driveways are cl.o3ed. Mc. Keil. stated they ace cequesting ro sell snack foods anly w{thout vending machxnes. ACTION: Commissioner King offeced a motton, seconded by Commisstoner. McE3urney and MOTION CARRIED, that fhe Anaheim City Pl.anning Commission has revteaed the proposal to retain convenience retail. s~les in an existtng service station on an i.cregularly-shaped paccel. of land c:onsisting of appr.oximatel.y 0.5 acre located ~t the southwest corner, of scoadway and ~uclid Streets and furthec described as 301 South Euclid Street; and does herQb}• approve ehe Negative Decl.aration upon ffnding that it has considered the Negative Declaration together with any c~mmenk~ received during the pub7.ic ~eview prucess and furthe~ Einding oh the basis of the Initial Study and any comments recetved that the~'e is no substantia]. evxdence that the pr.oject wiJ] have a signtfican~ effect on the enviconment. Commissioner King offered Resolution No. PC84-120 and moved for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Pl.annin•~ Commisaion does hereby grant Conditional Use Permit No. 2575 puXSUant to Anahe~m Municipal Code Secttona through ].8.C3.030.035 and subject to the ~ondi.tton that the use 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25. ].984 8h-382 will be limiked to the sale of anack type Poods and aoft drinke only and khece wi~l. bg no sale of beer ~nd wxne and subject to Interdepartmental Committee recammQnd~tiona, includi.ng Condition No. 3 pertaining to ~losur.e of the dciueways. On col~ call, the focegoing r.eso]ution wa~ pASSed hy the Fo].towi.ng voke: AYES: BQUA5~ ~USl~ORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC HURNEY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NON~ Jack White, Assistank City Attorney, presentsd the wrikten r.ight. to ap~eal the Planning Commission's deci.sion wi.thin 22 days to the City Council. ITEM N0. lU. EIR NEGATIVL DECLARATIUN, WAIVER OE CODE REQUIREMENT AND CONDITI~NAL USE PERMIT N0. 2579. PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: ANAHEIM DOCTORS INVESTM~NT CUMPANY, c/o ALLEN CLARKE, 1440 N. Harbor Blvd., Ful.lerton, CA 92635 AND BER'PHA OMANSKY, ET AL., 245 N. Almonk, 6everl.y Hil.ls, CA 90212. AGENT: M. DAVIU LEWIS, 6421. Col.dwater Canyon, Notth Hollywood, CA. 91606 AND INA BLISS, 4646 Sterr.a Tree LAne, 1~vine, CA y27J.5. Propetty descr.ibed as an .tcregular.ly-shaped par.cel of land consist.ing of appcoximately 2.5 acrec, having a frontage of approximately 80 Eeek on the south side of eroadway, and L•ur.ther. desccibed as 1664 West Broadway. There were appr.oximately 28 persons i.ndic~ting thetr presence tn opposition to subjeck cequesk and al.though the stafF repo~t was not r.ead, it i.s r.efecr.ed to and made a part of the minute3. Ina Bliss, Agent, ex~lained they held an open houae on the pr.emises and inv~ted all. the nei.ghbors, even beyond the 300-foot r.adius, in order to explain the progcam. She stated Dr. Lewis whu wi.l.l be in charge of this facility current~y opecates two other programs, one in Pasadena and one ak Coldwater Canyon, and they are b~th in residential ar.eas; that they will be tceaking adolescent and young adult aubstance abusers and the progcam has quite a successful track recocd. She stated the proposal is siR~pl.y to pcovide ireatment for some Orange County residents who ace currently being treaked at one of the other, two £acilities and expl.ained about 408 of the patients at Col.dwatec are From Orange County. She stated the program ts Par.ticularly sensit~ve to Che needs and desires of the neighborhoad and the Police DeQaKtmenk has provided surveys to se~ what would be appr.opriate to provide the maximum security for the npighbors; that there are existing gtx-foot htgh walls on khree s~des o£ the properky and there Ace commerci.a~ properties in khe front; that they glan to have a 24-hour unarmed security guard on the premtses and concern~ng the fenc~ng, the guard wi1Z need ~ine of ~ight. She stated the Police Department has cecommended certain lighting criteria and pointed out a~ok of overg~own trees, etc., have a~ready been cl.eaned u~ to help el~minate the problem with thiPVes or criminals hiding there. She stated khis wi~l be a gated, properly guacded, propeKl.y supervised faci7.ity. 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANAN~IM CITX_1?LANNING_COMMZSSIUN. JUNE 25, 1984 84-383 DK. Qave Lewis, 6421. Coldwater Cenyon, Nor.r.h Hollywood, CA, explained Fh~ programa are for r,he r.r.e~tment of ad~lescen~ druy abuasrst ~haf ~hia is ~he onl.y ucea in r.he Ocange Counr.y Nea]r.h Planning Guide ~ha~ i.a denignar.ad as one of the needs and licenses are ~~aer nor being issued in Or.ange Coun~y, excep~ tii th~s one ar.aa. Ne explain~d the pr.ogr.~m is a 30-*.0 40-dey pr.ogrAm f.or toenugeta bekween hhe n9es of 12 k.o 17, and fh@KC muy be Rome young a~ulr.s up to age 25, buk he doubr_ed thAt righ~ now because oE ~he ~tze oE the fACilir.y. lie ~tated ir_ ia an in~Nnstve pr.ogram wher.e r.he client i.e brough~ into ~he hoapital and ia provided with detoxiticatian and rehabi.l{tati~n and then they ar.e back out inr.~ the communir_y and then provided service is an after-care serting, uaua.lly ptovided ~y rhe our.-par_ient Encili.ty whi.ch referred ~hem tnko the hoapital. He er,Ated r.hey have a lot ot family therapy which will be some of thp evsning u$es and ~here wi.l] ba a 24-hour staff, and they wi.ll be asktng the srar.e Lor a]icense for. an acute car.e paychia~r.ic ho~pikal. He 8hd~@d in the State of Cali.tor.nta, adolescents or adults can be trear_~d for aubatance abuse in either. a paychia~r.ir. f~cility or. an acute med-surg facility and they chose the acur.e care psyctrl~tri.c hospir.al becauae ik gives rhem mor.e cange and they ct-n have the clienrs outdoors; and 1t all~ws them to -:ake a fac{.li.ty such as Anaheim Uocr.or's tloupt~al and do ]esa r.efurhiahing ~o br.ing it up to 198~ atanclarda; ther.eby r~eati.ng the r.lientE in an in-care faciliky in a less expensive manner.. Dr. Lewis stated 758 of the sta[f tA r.ecove~ing peaple and those people who have had difficul.ty wir,h aubskance abuse and thaf includes physicians, nuraes, socia] wockers, e~c., bPCauBe khey fe~>] tha~. r_heir ]ife ex~er.ience givea them an edge when they ace r_~~ating *-he kids, ao khtt*. ~he kids cannot say ~hat ~hey do not know how r_hey are feeli.ng becau3e ~hey haven'h ~een the~e. H~ atated they wi]]. pcobably be employi.ng l0U•f people and r.hey use Pr.ogcem Se!viee Techni.cians, simil.ar. to a Nurse's Ai~ie, and they are usually 3 to 4 monkhs sobe~ and duri.ng the year they work tor the facilir.y, r.hey a~e a]most put thcough a vocational r.ei~abilita~lon progr.am and ar. r_he end uf ~.he yeac, r_hey will. have a year of succer~aful job experience wi.th a lot of cceden~tals and can compete on the job mar.ket, the~eby decreasing their chance oE using subs~ances agai.n. Uc. Lewic s*_ated one of r_he netghbor's concer.ns a~ tt~e open houae was khak there woul.d be mo~o~cycle gangs pulling inko *_he netghborhood and ktiat is no*. the popu.lati.on they treat; that they hrea*. high school ki.ds who ar.e mi:>sing c~asses and having famtl.y pcoblema, o~ become disf•unc*.ional. fcom using drugs and because of that have ko be hospital.ized foc intensi.ve r.rea*.ment and for the most part, ace middle class peoplE. Peggy Timanus, 1571 W. El.m, Anaheim, star_ed she is here today with a concecned group of individua]s who are *he homeownecs, educa*_ors and buainess peopl.e of this neighbochoa~ and ~hey hope thetK efEort to ocganize as a group will. prevent a long meeting and ae a gxoup, they fee]. they have done their homework and they do unders*_r~nd the prog~am which Dr. Lewis outlined and, in fact, *_he comments he just made has even pain*.ed a gloomier picture for them as homeowners. Pat Go].ver, owner of Broadway Children's Center, 1658 W. Broadway, Anaheim, stated this school is located directl.y in ~ront of and next dooc *_o subject propertyJ that they care foc children ages 2*.hrough l.0 and are open fcom 6:30 6/25/84 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 2S, 1984 ____ 84-384 a.m. ko 6:U0 p.m., Monday tt~zough Fr.tdayt that thHy have been aerving parenks of the ct,ildr.en in hh.is communiry for ovet l5 Year.s and ~ver. thoae yeara have eaxned khe confidence end tCUaC af the par.ents who bring their childzen to the center and go ko wo~k wit:h the peace oE i~in~i that thetr childr.en are beiny we~l ceced for in a saEv envir.onment. She s~ated 1.E the psyc.hiatr.i.c hospi.tal is appr.oved, thooe par.enta wil.] no longec have confidence in the facilityj that khe playground and the back door or si.de doo~ are appr.oxl.mate]y 40 to 50 Eeet from the bul.lding designeked at psychiatcic ward "B'. She ar.ar.ea they have a cha.in link playground fence wh{ch wi.l], give full vtew to al1 the children and to the activitiea,"good o~ bdd', khat will take place At the hospital. She sr.ar.eci ~ight now r.he only excitin9 thi.ng the children havc is rhe gar.bage tr.uck that come~ dai.ly. She stated having a ga~ed and ~uacded, poss~bly barbed wire, barred facility wil.l i.n no way a]leviate the fear.s of the par.ents. Ms. Golvec stated she has a.iceady been tald by several par.ents that they will be taking their children out oE the scho~+] if Che hospthA] i~ opened and this wil.l. aEfect hec per.sonall.y, emotionally, and Eindncially becaune c:hts t,a her. onl.y soucce of .income and it is a Lamily busineaa and the way she pcovi.des f.or. het fami~y and tt wili aEfect her akaf.f who depend upon r.h1s job for their. ]iving and she thought tk wou).d affect the communir.,~ because they do pcovide a ne~ded service for, this communiGy. She subr,ittted ptiatoqr.apt~a showing the proximity of the pce-school t.o the proposed facility. Eva Skasny, co-own~s end managec of Casa 6onita Boar.d and Care Home, stated r.hey ar.e concer.ned abo~ik the 64 peopl.e who are living i.n Gheir. facility becauae it is not a Jocked factlity and p~ople can come and go. Chr.is Rich, 1515 W. El.m Avenue, Anaheim, stated she has heen a resi.dent of Anahetm :oc 7-1/2 yEacs and has ~oue childcen; that she is fnvo)ved ~n community affaics and iF PTA President at Loa-'a Elementacy School wF~ich i.s tmmediately across ehe street from the pce-school and proposed ho~pi~a); that she was asked to speak about khe concerns of the parents; that they are concerned and frighrened and khe.y hear. da11y about the drug pcoblem r.nar. ki~~ youth of today has and the Pol.ice Department has used underc~vec "sking• operations ta try to stem khe flow of drugs tnto tha high gch~ol.s, and the jr. h~.gh schools are not immune to this problem; and even in isolated cases, drug problems have been at the elementary sch~oo~ level. She stated Loara has 476 students and app~oximately 3U to 35 ROP pr.~-school chi.l.dren and khey ace conce:ned about the health and welface of these 500 chil.dren. She stated the ch.il.dren use Broadway to walk to school, park, their frtend's homes, etc. anc~ they are concecned rhat they would not be safe if r.his hospital ts at).owed to be on this pcopecty. She added khey are asking that khis cequeet be dented and they, a~ a PTA, do not wieh cnildeen not to have the posstbili.ty of tceatment, but dc feel putting this hospital ~n the center of a elementarv and a pre-school. acea woul.d be vety hazardous to khetr chil.dren. Peggy Timanus retucned and read the followtng statement: 6/25/84 ANAHEYM CITY PL~NNING COMMISSION JUNE 25 ]984 84-385 MlNUT_, ~S._ 'As a pAC9nt of twa pre-schoolecs at BroadwAy Children'e Cen~or, a~ a homeowner, a r~aident, and a real. eatare proEessiona~. in the Anuhei.m ~tea for. tho paet 1.2 year.s, I am vecY mu-:h con~•erned with khe pCaPerr.y valu~s in this azea. Ger~erall.y, the ]argest investment that a fami.ly wii] make wil] be in th~ir home G~nd when thi~ is thr.eakenec~ bY deval.uatton, certat, ly, r.hey are rhrer~tened. We feel thAh a faciJ.ity such as this wila. aause immediat.e visual deval.uatton, not only of thP t~omes, bur alno oE the commercial. property in r.i~e ar.ea. We feel rhat a fr~ciliky auch as this, with khis in and out patient tcaffic, witt~ its bar.[ed w+nduws and with i.ts guar.ds, r,an only be a negative efEect ~n ouc netghbor.hood. we a~k you not ra considec t.his Xocbtion foc this type of a facilify and t:o save our val.ue in our proper.tfes. Thank you.' Floyd Wegnec, 1631 W. Tedmar, Anaheim, stated onl.y a few people i.n rhe neighbochood wer.e nati.fi.ed oE rhe open house, maybe 6 or 8, and that i.s why they did not have a veGY good turnout for the open huuse. Eie staked as ra homeowner t-e feel.s tt~i.s faciltty would crea~e an unsafe envir.onments that t~e has a stx-rtionth old child and did not feel that hts wife or Che baby would feel safe tE this facility is approvecl. tie atated the reaso~a Eor, his apposition have al.ready been atated, but are sti.tl vecy real. He stated rhey feel the ccime rate may increase greatly beceuse of khe patl.ent's friends, relatives und associate~ being b~~ughc. i_nto the rarea as visitocs and they cannot seE anything posttive abouC locaking thia facility in their area. He presented photoqrapha and cead the following statement: "Un the night. of the apen house for the proposed hot~piLal, Dr. Davi.d Lewi.a and Br.ett Lamb kold twn restdents of ouc ar.ea, Mr. Gutierrex and Mr. wpgner, the folaowing: That thetr hospital. ;n Pasadena, Pasadena Community Hospital, was in a neighbothood very stmilar to oucs. Mr. Wegnet drove to Pasadena to see their hospital. and surrounding neighbort~ood and t.ook the following pictur.es.' Cha.irwoman eouas r~ointed out the photogr.aphs presented will not he cekurned. Lacry Barstow, 8194 Cyclamen Way~ Buena Park, stated he has two chil.dren at the Broadway Children's Center and khey ace both present; that the oldest daughtec is there for the cummer program, and the youngec daughtec is a full-time ~tudent; that the oldest daughter attends Fatrmont private school whxck~ is 1/lU of a mile away. He stated he is real concerned and knows that the best laid plans sometimes f.ail and accidents can happen, even with ver.y good security, anci he did not want his children in line of an izrational person who decides to leave the hospital.. He staked he will. ta4e both of his daughte~s from this school if khis is :'~coved. Davxd Thompaon, 626 S. Arden, Anaheim, presented petittons containing over 500 si.gnatures of people in the neighboKhood against thi.s hospttal. He stated the Commiasion has heacd an emotinnal pl.~a this afte~noon from the peopl.e who live ~in the neigtiboct~ood; that Mc. Wegner's home bocdexs the back fence of that hospikal.s that Dc. Lewis has said they wil~ have ].80 employees, 75 of which 6/25/84 MINUTES. ANAHGIM CITY PLANNING CvMMISSION, JUNE 25, 1984 8A-386 ar.e cecovering dr~~g ~buaets and they will be bci.nging 1.n nn e.eme~t oi people who have been cl.eun Eor three monkhs, and ataked the cout~ts are futi o~ peopl.e who have been khere ~hree or four timea far drunk dciving. He stated khia woul.d be bcinginy in 75 more people who have drug probleme and ].9 to 49 juvenilea, and noted cight now the juvenll es aGe senk to Gilber.t becauso they cannot be h~ndled tn the r.egul.az schoo].a; khaC the~e will be fencea around the schoo~, and asked if the comm~soioners have been r_o a Nla~e wher.e they Ace brinyiny in chil.dr.en who don'r. want to be thece. He atated he has thr.ee teenagers and l•wo pre-schoolers in Hroadway pre-sch~ol and he knowe how emotional teenagera can bej that he is emotiona] and ts mnd and does not think ik is ri.yht to put r.hta kind of f.aci]ity ~n a resi.~~nttal ar.eai that khe Pactlity would be bocdered by apar.tmen~s, by a cace facitity for the elder]y and by school.Dt and thak when fhe hospttal ~r.igtnaJly went in, it was basically for, people who needed a minor surger.y and not somethtnq ]i.ke this which w.ill bring in .15~ dr.ug dependent people. He stated he does not want them r.here. Timothy K. ittchards, 1.U209 Mt]Ja Avenue, Montc]Air, ataked t~is daughter is also a member of the achool. because he wotks hece i.n Or.ange County and he telt any deciston made nok only a£fects the peoplz ~f Anaheim, but it affecY.s people who ].ive in Irvine, Cas~a Mesa, Huntington Beach, etc. who live and work in r.his area and have theic chilciren cared for. at this school. He ~ubmitted a]etter fcom his wife and hi.mselE since they di.d not want t~ sign a petition because they did not want to invalidat:p it. Dolores ~dwar.d Quadrus, 7.505 E. ec~adway, ~kated he has bePn a resident af Anaheim Lor the ].ast 47 yeacs and a taxpayer and asked wtiy the doctoc di.d not put this facility in hi_s own front yard in Los Angeles County, oc Pasadena, because rhey have enough of thcae type f~3~ilfties hece. He asked if we want to have a situation hece like t,appenad in Chino and have a drug addtct come over and aommit mass muKdec. Ms. Bliss stat~d they hear., honor and under.stand the concerns of the par.ents and citizens and that i~ the same kind of th~ing that ta always hear.d when thece is a proposal to treak people who are in trouble ar.d who are in pain; that some of us have teenagecs also and mAny of us wor[y about our kids and no one is unique tn that and everyone wh~~ loves th~ir, childr.en is concerned about khem; that khe parents oF the chi.ldren who ace coming to ~his fact]ity or the other facil~ttes owned by Dr. Lewis share thoae c~nce~ns equall.y; that they haven't always been success£ul as parenta and the failures of kheir children are a witneas, in pact, to that and that is why famil.y therspy is a tremendously important pact af the treatmer~t progcams that she ts v~xy sorry Mr. Wegner went only to Pasadena facilttyy khat she has not been there, but has been many times to the Col.dwater facility and i~ ts so close to th:.s proposal as ta be almost a car.bon cop~~ ot the kype of neighboz'haod and if any thi~ng, the homes ~n Coldwater Canyon might be highec in value, but that is probabl.y because they are i.n Lus Angeles County ~n a ver.y desirable part of the San Fernando Val.~Py. Ms. Bliss refecred to the comments from the opposition about the elementacy school and stated she was a teacher and Mc. Lamb and Dr. Lewts have spent considerable time with the princ~pal of the school, and with the woman at the District offiee in chacge of drug education, and it ia tl~eir ~ntention xo help 6/25/84 MINUT~S. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI~N, JUNE 25, 1984 84-387 prov~de education or ro aasist r.,he education~] efforr_a of both of Anaheim'e achoo~. dis~ricr.s in helping pcevenr. r.he very klnd a~ rhing th~y treak. Me. 8]ias atated the oppasition referr.ed ~o the facr, r.hat hher~ are o~h~r. hKeatment facilir.iea avail.able, bu~ the facr. te ~har. ther.e are nowher.e near enoughs ~har, ohe is a memb~r of th~ Boar~ of Or.ange Coun~y Healfh Planning Ccuncil. and ~s very con~cioua of wha~ the numbers aret thar. r.he 9 beda ~~ BreA and the beda at Phoentx House ace intended For the lower. income people, whaGeas, this is intended pr.imazily for. the mtddle class adolescents, and wi.th all these beda, there -~till would not be enough room to touch ~he number of pe~ple who ar.e drug dependent, nof bacause *.hey are violen~ criminala, no*. because they have cecocds oL theff ur r.ape or. motorcycle qangs, etc., bu~ are nctionl. dKOp-outs who are jus~ hanginy ar.ourid on a~~eet corners, ai.~r.ing a~. home i.n fr~nt of a televisi.on, dotng har.m ~o !hemsel~~es And ~heir. famities, and n~r. r_~, ~:he public ah lar.ge. She added the pucpoae ot ~his faciliry is ~o bring th~- back {nto being ~arr.tcipating members of ~he aammuni.kyt thar. ~he aecurity measucea that Dr. Lew1o and staf.f pr.opuse ar.e ~o whatever s~andarda wi]1 mo~r_ satisfy the needs of the neighboct~oods and r.he City oE Anaheim's C~dec, er.c. She st.~ted if khe cir.y wanred a 20-foof Eence, Dc. Gewis would be happy to bui:d a 20-fook Eence, bur. 20-foot fences ar.e no~ acceptAble in ~he c~.ty. 5he eta+~ed there is n~ baKbed wire pr.oposed. THE PU9LIC HEARING WAS CL()SEU. Ur.. Lewis ar.ared their clients or pA*_ienr.a are kida be~ween ages of l2 and 17; ~hat their uaual drug of choice is marijuana, ~he next is usua]]y a]cohol, thicd is cocaine, i~ they havt *..o r.he moncy ~u do thar.; a_hat -:hey are treated for 30 to 40 dayet ~hat ic: is in an envir.onment: that is as close to a home environment as they car. make i~ and still mainr_ain a hospita] ae~ktng; Fhat the,y would propose r.o stact our_ wi~i~ a 20-bed unit and increase ir, r.o 49 beds wit:h another uniL; tr~at each unit wi]] have a tr.eakmen* team made up of a psych.ia~rist with a fami.)y practice person usually as a c~nsultant, nursing staff, social worker, prima~y therapi.st who usually has a Master's Degrees oc ace Psychol.ogista, and a physica3 n~edical staff. He stated fhe kids are testec~ and examiaed when they come in, so hhat a program uf exercise can be establ.ished that wi.1.l buil.d up whatever defici.encieA they have; ~'~h ~hey have basketbaal. and swimminq ~u burn off energy and teach them sume ~t~inga they probabl.y don't know: ~het tha~ tr.eatment r~eam is tn charge of the trear.ment and when r.he main par.t of the family goes hame ak 7 oc 8 o'c]ock a~ ntghh, then thece is ttie ~~sual nursi~ng staff. He stated ther.e will be ptenty of staff thece, Dr. Lewis sf.ated the neighbors' tenor is one al.most from "One flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" kind of r_hing and that is not what they will have; hhat it i.s a family in a waxd and these are mic~dl.e class kids who have gotten involve~ in drugs; that he can empar,hize with many of the pacents hecause he has a 9-year ol.d son and on one occasion whil.e his son and friend were waiting far him ko pick them up from Little League practice, one of the junior high schoo]. kids came over from next dooc and offeced them what -:hey called 'dust." He s~ated he got concerned and tal.ked to Mr. Merriman, the principal, and they pu*_ togethec an educational. program. 6/25/84 MINU'f~S. ANAHEiM CITY PLANNING COMM.SSION. JUNE 25, 196~~ 84-388 He atated he nn~ Bcent hand delive~Ad 35 invi.tationa r.o the open hou~A to any neighbor within 300 feot. Dr. Lewig stnted hiia 9-year. ol.d son comea to work with him now r.har achoo~ ia out for the summer tor, a couple of days ~ week beeauae he li.keA to play baske~ball and awim wlth the kida and hia ~on ie with thone patients ~tx hour.o a day. He stated when the kida come in on drugn, you wauld be talking to a chemica] but once they are detox~d which usually takes 4 t.o 6 days, they star.F. to get some oE that stuff out oE the sysr.em and ar.e ceslly BCer.ed b~cAUBe they have been using a chemical. as tt~ei~ psychological defenae mechanism for ~[obably fouc yeaza oE their life. He state~ on the aver,~ge, the kids t~ave their fir.et encountec witt, c]KUgs aC age 8, and that ts not from a pusher., bur. is usually fcom their pacent'8 l.iyuac cabinet or. medicine ~abinet or, from their. older brot:her. or. sistec oc older, bcother oz sister.'s besh fciend. He akated that is usua.ily their. Eirat conr.act and nor when they st:ar.t usir.g it conaistentlyl F.hat the kida com.tnq to khe tioeptc:ai began using dr.ugs cc~nEisl:entl.y at age ]l-l/2 and ar.e identifted a~d brougt~r. in For tceatment at age 15-1/2. He stared when those kids are detoxi~i.ed, rhey ar.e usual]y xeally scared and hAVe to be tauyht how to tnteract aguin and restor.e their self-confidence and self-eateem. Fle ~tat:ed rigl~t now they have at ]east 10 childr.en from Orange County in eikhec Pasadena o~ Co]dwater. Or. Lewia stated they skacted the program with 16 peopl.e at Coldwaker and he now haa 35 in thac: hospital, as w~ll as .i.5 young adu]t~ end ther.e a~e 3] kids at Pauadena and 14 young adults. He stated they yet the bul.k of their r.eferrals frum either out-patient dePartments or from pAr.ents. He stated he ha.~ been Able to grow because he provides ~ qood ~ecvice to the parent's and family' ~ needs. Commissioner F~y rePerr.ed to a report prepared in t982 or 1983 regarding this same subject and asked if Ur. Lewl.s kn~~ the esti.mated number of young people who need this kinc3 of help. Dr. Lewis zeplied he did not r.emember the exact number,but ~hey did pcovide *_hat number to the state. Ms. Bl{ss stated in this community a:one, tt is many thousands. Ar. Lewxs statec~ t.his hospital. won't begin to touch the need. He stated the hosp~tal ta ~iok the end of the drug probl.em tn Or.ange County, and this intPnsive care Ea~cility will on]y be taking those kids who have lost their ability to function and the r.eal answer to the problem is to wock backwards through education, etc. He stated substance abuse among adolescenta is a majoe epidemic in this country. Commx~sione~ Fry asked if Dr. Lewis tracks some thpue young peopl.e once they leave the facilf_ty. Dr. Lew~s cesponded the cuce rate is difficult to track because they don't .look at total abstinence, but moce at how well they are functi.oning, whether or n~t they can get a job, etc. He stated two out-patient departments who zefer the clients intu the hospita2. watch them after they are referr.ed back for a petiod of six months to a year; and tha~ t~ey have aome people who have been out for one yeac and abou: b58 have tatally abstained after one yeac, and another gr.oup may be using a li.ttle btt, but are still nb1Q to ~o ko work oc school. He stated Coldwatec Canyo~i is a teaching f~cility for UCLA and khey ace planning to do a five-year. study to l.onk at the cl.ients aftec five yea~s. 6/25/84 M INUT~6. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNXNG COMMISSION. JUNG 25, 1984 84-389 commieaioner McBurney aeked how much freedom rhe pati.en~~ have outai do *he w acde, on the groundr~, ~tc., and whekher. or not they hAVe trPedom to como and q o ak will.. Dr. Lewis s~ated the warda ace lock~d, not becaune of a ny cr.~2ed behavtot, but because wikh adol.eacenta, one oF the keye ia c:he abilt~y to d efine ].tmits, and elao it dtscour.ages their fr.iend~ and becauae of t:he patient's Klghta, especl.a7.l.y the young adu].ta havE accese to phone~, ete~ He a dded th~y do bR much as they can to discour.age visira from fciends becau~e A friend could dr.~p aometh.tng off and if they know thal: I:he war.d is locked, they ar.e not yoing to be abl.e tu have the acceas. Ne atated when hhe ktd s ar.e o utei.de, staEf ta with them And they ar.e not r.unning ar.ound Eree anc3 hhey would be engaged i.n whatevec activity is r~cheduled and i.f ther.e ace 6 or 8 paktenke outside, there would be tw~ staff inernbera wlch chem. He ~tated they have a guarr) on duty 24-houcs a day. c:ommisaioner ~ushoce cefecred to the picLur.es submitted showin+3 Buil ding "B" w hich a neighboc identiEted as War.d 'H' and stared r.hat would Ue the E~~nt p act and Ur. Lewis stat:ed thAt wtll not be a war.d, and Buildi.ng 'B" ~wil] be u sed Eor ancillory sor.ts of things, such as admitc:ing, businea~ oE[i ce, o ~t-pr,tienta in the even.ing~, family therapy, ekc. He added they w i]1 be buying the praperty. Commisai~ner Bush~ce refe~ced r.o the 3ubatanees to be r.rear.ea menttor.ed as heroin, merljuana, cocAtne, and a3cohol, and usl:ed iE they wt]1 be t ceating anyone uatny PCP. Dr. Lewis replted there has been a lot of khings that have occur~ed wi~h PCP a buaers and ~hey have nok seen any o£ that to dar.e and if ir is the feeltng of the community and the Commisstoners that they do not want PCP abuse rA tceated the[e, then they won't d~ it. Fie srated ther.e ar.e some people who t'.nk they are buying ma~ijuana and ik has been cut with a]itt:].e b1.t of PCP, but iE they know aomebody who is a habttual PC~ user or i.ntoxicated wi.th PCP, r_t-zey will not bring them to this hospital. Commissioner Bushore a~ked why this site was chosen because ~t has been available for some time now and ik is zoned ^orunercial 1~mitEd and stts back off the street and is not reall.y good for commercial. because the fron~ of c:he hosp~tal has been cut up and poctions of the land sol.d. Dr. Lewis stated within a week after he Eo4:~d khis facility~ he mad e an offet on tt because there are very rew sites where he would have the abil ~ty to put in the zecreati.o~al. kinda of faciliti.es that ki.ds need; that an adult alcoholtc can have a volleyball court, kelevis~on set, ciga~ettes a nd coffee, but teenagers need exercise because of their energy and especially ~n detoxification. He stated if they had to purchase a property and b~il.d the facility, i.t woul.d not be feastb~e, but this was a med-surg hospita 1, so the cost to b~~ng it u~ to 1984 standards is nor. much comparatively. Cortunissioner Bushore asked if other facilities we[e found tn Orang e County. Dr. Lewis repl.ied tt~ey found very fe.~ other faciliti.ea tt~at were ei ther already l~censed or that wece licensable at a reasonable cost and t hey have been l.ook~.ng 2-1/2 years. 6/25/8~ MINUTES~ ANAHEtM_CITY_PLANNING COMMISSIQN, JUNE 25, 1984 64-390 Reaponding !•,o Commiasionor Buehore, Dc. Lewie Arated they r.ecaive about 5~ cour,t roEe~rala. He atated their referrel.s now come from a lot of diffetenr. out-patient facilities nround the valley and in Pasadene. Ne stAted if a peceon brought kheic son ln for treatmenr., he woul.d accep t him 's a patient aa long na he was disfuncti~ndl enaugh to meet the cciter.iA for hoapitalization. CommiaeionQr. Hush~re clacified that aome of th4 pAtienks r_hnt may be co;ai.ng to this fnciliCy mAy not be detoxified. ReAponding ta Commissioner Bushor.e, Dr.. Lewia stated the y diacoucaqe vislr.or,a other ttian the fami.ly, but patient's r. ighr.o ~re a ma jor f saue and eometimes vis.it~ra do come inr.o the ward, And r.eaponded ~he number. of visttora at one t~me is limited. Dr. Lewis explr~.ined to Commieatoner. Buahore r.hur. befoce a putient is allowed out~ the tr.eatment team says th~ pecaon needs ta teave a n d go vtatt thei.r family ko seH h~w they er.e yotng to do in the famil.y envi ronmenh. He atated they di.d not yet pasaes tor the weekcnd, etc. He staked they only leave to go wtfh etaft to sortie sort oE functi.on, educattonal meeF.i.ng or, ro ths hame for. the weekend so they can be evaluated. He stated a patte n t only ]eaves by himaelf when he is discharged. Ur. Lew:ls since the.: are adnlescents, if they are not go i ng with r.heir par.enLe, they have cu leave with a]ega] guardian, Etc. Commisaf.oner Bushoce r.efer.red to the bacbed wire shown a t r.he PaEadena faciliry. U~. Lewia stated the back of the Pasadena fac i lity may have barbed wire, but he did not know thar. a~id i.hak thts faci.lity wil ]. not have bar.bed wi~ce oc bura on the wtndows because he wants tt to be a~ amily aetting. Commisaioner Bushore asked i.f a licEnse tor. an acute fac i lity ~equires that the door.e be locked, etc. Dr. Lewis stated you can have an acut~ psychiatcic l.icense and not have locked doors, be~aus~~ once you lock doors, it becomes an issue with the Fire Depa~tnient, et , Commissionec Bushore asked if a person can sign themselv es into this factlity and leave after three d~ys. Dr.. Lewie stated that is no t the case at thi~ facility. He stated they du nok want to become and won' t become an 'open door" facility. He stated they evaluate each pakient as they come in and the aver.age stay is somewhere above ].9 days. Commissioner FSUShoce stated he believed Dr. Lewts has pr o ven that he knows what he is doing and if he was looking upon this based u pon his expecience, expl.aining he was responsible in khe C~ty of Anaheim for f~nding a s.fte for. the Optimist Youth Home for tcoubl.ed youths 12 through ' 7, maybe truents, maybe crime, parental pcoblems, dcugs, etc. and there is one right in the middle of a r,~sidenttal area. He stated he was responsi ble foc helpi.ng them alao in other communities tu find a].ocation. Also, mos t recently, he was respons~bl~e for hel.pi.ng relocate the Sa~vation Acrny Men's Rehabil.itatton Center Co Anaheim from Santa Ana so he wel.l aware oP the need for this type facility. He stated he is concerned about this locatton and he knows how long the search has been and realizes that the site is ideal f or thxs particular operation ~n many aspects, but he see~ the nursery schoo 1 cight adjacent, Casa b/25/84 MINUTES. ANANEIM CITY PLANN:NG CUMMISSI~N~_JUNE 25,__19B4 84-391 Bonita righ~. ad~acent and many ~i.meo he han aeen rhaae cQSiden~s welking up and down the s~cee~:s, and in addf.tior~, Loaca Flement:ary SCh00) is right ~her.e and ~hr~t alao hAS the RUP pcogram foc hhe pr.e-seh~olera, and eAirmon*. pr.ivate school. cight around khe cocner, with khe p]Ayground rig-^r, acrusa Fhe Rkree~ from l~~aca Elementary School. Ne sr.Ate~ he thinke aha*_ Or., Lewi~ is doing is g~eat and he r.eul.izes this is A for.mer, hospita], bu~ knowing from his expertonce in aookiny tor ~ir_es E~r. othec uc~ea, and looking a~ ~his from A pr.ofexsional. standpoinr., even though evecything meets the criteria, I~e wou]d have to say wir.h r.hoae achools and the senia~ cir_izen cetir.emen-: facili.ry, ir. is not a good ]ocation. He st,Ated he tht,~ks {t is a, Eine program and if they csn f.1nd ~nor.her. sir.e in the Ciryo ui Anah~i.m more sui.table, ik wou]d get M s vo~e, bu~ rio~ on thts partlcul.ac site. Dr. Lewta ~~:ared cost in health care roday is a major. issue and one of ~he points of costs is wha~. i.t would takP to br.tng the facili.r.y up ta s*.anciardo. Commissioner Buahore stated he underor.ands r.hat but he cannor. equate in h1s own mind just on~ par.ienc, no matter how trusted he ia, ~~ating some of ~he dcug abusers ar.e real cons and can convince you t.ha~ ~hey ar.e the kind of people you can trust and they can tur.n and c9o exactly what you khought they wouJ.d nevec do, and he cannot take ~he chance khat jusk one per.son {n ~h~f area coul.d be subjecred r.o Any type of abuse, even ver.bal abuse, especia]ly aince khere a re so many chil.dr.en ar.ound ther.e. He sta*_ed thi~ ~ype of unik is goiny to attcact friends of these people who are yoing to want ~u go out and get high with r.hem tlgain, and may even ~ry to ge~ ~hem ou* of there and wil] have to study the nei~ghborhood and fiyure out some way ko possibly *ake their fr.iend out uf kher kie g*.a~ed he khouytit i.t is a beautiful si~~, but ir ts just thE wrong l.~car.ion beiny foo close to ~hcee schoo]s and the r.etir.emen+: home, as well ac khe single-family residences. Commissioner La Claire stated she can und~.rstand the concezn of the ci.tizens; and thar_ everyone is concerne~ about the drug problem in this coun~ry and are concerned about our youth and what can happen to them. She sta~ed she is very familiac with this kind of hospital and is very fami].iar wt~ti *.he kind of r.ceatmenr. that it pcovides; and that she i.~ extreme~.y concecned and has a]o*. of education in this f~eld. She statea ~she would have no doubt that r.hts hospital. woul.d be run with r.he utmost care and she would not mind living ner.* door or even in r_he parkiny lot because she knows what goes on i.n these hospir_al.s. S he s*_ated khis is an adolescent c~re waxd foc kids ]ike a]l of our kids, and, i.n fact, some of Nhem miaht be our kids in a few yeacs; and that the danger is not t,: kids that wil]. be in khis hospital bu~ fhe ceal. danger is the ktds that are not in khe hospital dnd are wtth our. kids in rhe schools. She stated she is not concecned abour_ the kf.ds getting ou*.; thr~t these are average kids who have gotten into trouble in school and have been givEn drugs by some~ne else and gotten starr_ed and they pr~bably came from the same kind of homes r.hese neighbors live in. She stated i~ is her personal feelfng that these kids are not going to be a concetn to the people in the 6/25/84 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMZSSION, JUNE 25, 1984 a4-392 neighborhood. She ekar.ed the one pr.oblem she does have with r.his locdtion is chak it ehoul.d have a black wall. fance between it: and the nu~sery achool and khere shou~.d be screening and tt should be ecreened from r.he nelghbor.hood completely. She akar.ed she undecekanda the n~~ighbor.'s feara end maybe the sepa~~kion of ~he ddy achool would be a good iden. Commisatoner La Claice stated she does not want tu lose this hosptr.a] to our. neighborhoodJ and that she ahe does not want to l08@ ~t to Anaheim because it 1o needed ver.y much. She stated she doPS take an unp~pu]ar stance on the Commisaion at times, but nhe would .like to cee r.hie fact.ltty tn this areA. Commiesioner Her,bat stated the Commiasion hac heard about a lot of thingR, bur. nothing about the security. He asked what i.s planned because of the common ~riveways and per.king lots. Dr. Lewis stated khe Pol.ice Depar.tment drew up a security pl.an and par.t of that tncl.uded some lock boxes and they wanted the 24-houc aecur..ity guard and kh~y wtl] follow thetr recommendattons fncluding the 1~ghti.ng. He stated the bl.ock wA].Xs between the hosp[r.al and pr.e-school will nor. be a pr.obl.emt r.nar. he talked with Revecend Stone a~ the chu~ch and because of che way the par.ktng pl.an ia aet up, they will have somE~ ~hared ~acking wtth the chur.ch and because they have some cecovering grou~s that meet at the church, the pastor was more comforkab~e wiCh this hospital than some of the other neighbors and thece seemed to be a spirtt of ccoperarion. He stated it wil.l be difficul~ to separat~ them tcom khe church becauae of rne ahared parking on eome daya. Commi.ssioner Her.bsk stated he is concer.ned because there ts ~eally no separation; that ther.e is nothing to r.eal.ly akap the kids from ~usr, walki.ng out. Dr. Lewib stated the wa~ds ar.e ].ocked and when rhe ktds leave the wards, they are supervised and have etatf wi.th them. t~e added thece te pcesent.ty a six-fo~~t wall around the entire property. Comm~ssioner Herbst pointed out he is concecned about the ar.ea frcm the tnaide out to the driveway, and the parking lot, and asked how ik would be d{vided. Ms. Bliss sta~ed part of the Police secur~ty pl.an included a r.o]ling gate. Commissioner Herbsr staked the Commission does not have the Police repork. Ms. Bliss explained thece is a aecurity gar.e at khe fcont entry which ts a rolling gate. Greg Hastings, Assistant Planne~, stated the recommended condittons include the Police Department's recommendatinns. Chairwoman Bouas Asked if the patients can have kheic own cac at the facility, with Dr. Lewts r.esponding they cannot keep their car, at the faci.ltty. He explatned the other fac~lities do have a~rt+aller. similar recreat~onal arPa and ak both sites, tt-ere is a combi.nation basketLall a~d volleyball couct and ~ pool, and they will have a picnic area with bar.becues. Ms. Bliss pointed out the six-Foot high block wal.l and the locatiun of the proposed gate. Gceq Hast~ngs s:ated apparently thece is a block wall. existing adjacen~ to the s~ngle fam~ly hor~~es, and the pcopecty line to the east is backed up with b/25/84 MINUTBS. ANANEIM _C_ITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN, JUNE 25. 1984 84-393 apachmenk cecpoctR And on the noc~h ther.e is e 4 to 5 foot high wall. on the aide of the project and he thought the~e wa~ aome kalk dbuut pukting in a fence separating the day cace center, as we]l. as the church er~a. Ms. B~iss pointed out the l.acation of the proposed gate and khe exisriny 6-fook high block wal.]. and explained it was rheir intent, iE the owner so desired, to provide a block wall al.ong the cea~ of both rhP pr.operttes~ however, there are two problems which they wi]1. ceaolve in whatever mannec ts moat expedttious for the community and the city. She atated the Pol~ce wanted the security guard to have a cleac view al.l the w~y aroundt that the Pol.tce asked that the security guar.d be given a c1.eaG l.ine of si.ghk {.nto the adjacent proper.ties which mean~ cha~nltnk fence, however, they wou]d be happy to nrovide a b~ock wall f~r that visual aeparation. She atated r.he other difficulty ie that Casa Bonita has hheir tr.ash picked up at fhe cear of their property and there is not enouyh coom Qn the.ic pcemiaes any placE elae for th~ traah haulec to come in and get the tr.ash, so whar_ever fence is buil.t on thQir, premises, needs the kind of ~nclosuce that wil..l be gated on their ~ide so they wil.l. have access to their tcash. Ka~en English, Anaheim Police Departmenr, potnted out thetr ~~*ention cegarding the locatton of the gate. Paul. Singec, Traffic E~ngineer, stafeu in ordsr to make the par.king wock for. khe church and khis Lacility and the day care center, and ao thak tt-,e entir~e property will wor.k frori a cicculation and acces~ skandpoinr., khe entire acea should be free to b~ circuiated uponj that the secutity r.he Police Depactment and the nei9hbors wil] need is to segregate the acea where the pari.ents wt1.1 be. He pointed out they wtll be beh.ind the E~nc~ 8epararing the open area and the docmitories fcom the rest ~f the circulatton on the site. Commiasioner La Clai.re stated thar p.tan makes a lot of aen~c and it means that the pat~ents at any one time will be 100 feet fcom Che day care center. Dr. Lewia expl.ained the procedure if one of the kids leave; that fir.st a sr.aEf per~on woul.d go out and look for them; second, the parent:s are called since rhey uaual.ly go immed~lately home ho~ing to talk r.hetr par.ents into letting them s~ay home by telling them how bad ~hey have been tceated, etc., and the procedure is to also ler the Pallce know just in case somethtng were to happen to the child. Comm~esioner, Bushore stated with 49 beds and an average stay of 3Q days, he woula like to know khe max~mum number that would be tzeated on a yeaKly basis, and iridicated he thought it would be about 40U to 500 patients a year. Dr. Lewis stated foc the Rext two years, they will~ unly have 20 beds since they have to bu.ll.d the facility for the othec 29. He stated with the male/female ratios, thece would ~robably be about l6 or 17 k:tds. Commissioner La Cla~re stated she wou,ld like Ld have a compromise and asked Dr. Lewis to stipul.ate to only havfng 20 patients in the hosp~.tal for khe first year, then see how it goes for the community and see if it does cause ttny tcemendous problems and she thought the community will fi.nd that they do not even know that it is thece. She state~ 1E the permi.t was approved for one 6/25/84 MINUTES. ANAHEZM CITY_PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25, 1984 84-394 year, the pe~itioner could come back a~d r.eapply and i.f r.he~e hAVe been nr problems, Cnmmie~ton cou~d deny the r.equRa~. Dc. L~wis atated i.n Ocange CounGy there ar.e ver.y few sit:est that it will take $1.68,000 to bring this site up to 1.984 atandazdst that in this County thece might be one other site fhut is even appropriace for. thi8 type facilit.y. Comm~ssioner Bu~hore potnted ouh a].ok of money would be ]osk on a one-year pertod if the Commisaton dtd nol: yr.ant it aqain ~n ~r~e year, wi.th only a maximum of 'l0 kid~. Dc. Lewis etated r.ha~ would be a problem. He atar.ed far every onQ of rhoae 5UU signaturea, thero ~r~ probabl.y 6U00 mor.e stgnatures in Urange Caunky o~ people who have had di.fficulty wtth substance abuae who wou]d appear a~ thts meeting and apeak in favoc of ~.he request. Cainmi.asi~ner Her.bat suggested An cight-£oot hi.gh block wall all the way around the E~roper.ty, except acrass the acces~. He skoted the only wAy he could vote for anything li~e this i,s with moce secur.ir.y. Commissioner Bushor.e sr.ated Dr. Lewis has not satd r.haF. he would b~ willi.ng h.o go along with the suggestions, putting in all the improvements, etc., on a one-year basis, knawin9 r.hat he wil.l. have to re-apply and all there people will be notified again. He stated when it c~men up again, all these netghbors w~ll be nottFied again and if they come ouc i.n Eorce like r_hts again and if there have been problems an~ rher.e aze even ~ne ~r twa Police ceports, i.r coul.d ~ut this right down the tubes, Dr. Lewis stated the state will. nor. issue the licenAe without the Ctty's aCproval., and wi~l not issue tiie license for a shor.t ker.m bafiis. Commissioner, Bushare asked whar. •acute psychiatric car.e' is. Dr. Lewis stated a subatance abusec is never treared tn a chroni.c fa~i7ity such as Camarillo, oc some portions of Nurwalk, and acuke iE gener.all.y de£ined as something between 35 and 6U days and pusaibly as long as aix months, but that is no~ normal. ~ommissioner La Claire stated acute care is foc a pecson who has been very depr.essed foc sever.al. weeks and r.hey go to an acute faci).ity because {t 4s a temporary situatiQn and a chconic situation is w~~ere ~omebody is hospttalized £oc years, so the acute cenkec is fot someone who is less diaabled. Chaxcwoman Bouas indica~ed concern that this factlt.ty coUld be changed fo~ older p~opl.e, etc. Dr. Lpwis gkaked the state probably would not approve anythiny except foc adolescents; thak a Eacility at Weste~n was just gcanted a certificate of need for geriatric psychiatric ca~e so the adolesaent ts the only area where the sta~e will considec ltcenses. Chairwoman Bouaa pointed out the state ha~ recently g~anted a license for an acute cace fa~ility foc adolescents in Anaheim at Anaheim Memoc~al Hospita.l. Commissioner Bushore stated acute to hxm means that tt~e situation has reached a puint whece the person needs some fask professional help. He stated he realixes thece ace wor.se people walk~ng the streets, but havtng 99 in one place cou~d be a problem, because only one out of tt,e 49 could be a threat. 6/25/84 MJNUTES. ANnHtxM CITY PLANNINr, COMMISSION, JUN~ 25, _19_84 _________ a4-395 ~~~ ~ddEd he atill. did not think i.t fs the righr. location. He stt~ted he th~uyht maybe I~e coul.d vot~ foc it foc one yeor., but did nor. think that would be doing the petitioner. a favoc. He star.ed it wou.ld not wor.k wi.-:h only 20 kide with thar. kind of inveatment with no guArentees at khe end of the year.. Cnmmisaioner. La Clai.r.e s~at~d this is rea).ly a hacd problem, but Ahe r.eall.y under.stands the$e factlities and ahe has abaolutely no fear hhar. c:his ia a dangec. ACTION: Commissioner La Claire offered a mokion, seconded by Commfssioner. Bushor,e and MU'PION CARkIEU that. the Anaheim Ctty Planning Conuntssion hae r.eviewed r.he pro~os~1 to pecmi.t a 49-bed paychiatr.ic hospir.a] fur. adolescent chemical dependencies wi.th wai.v~r. oE minimum number of packing Ap~-ces ~n an ircegular.ly-~liaped paccel of land conatEr_ing of appcoximakely 2.5 acr.es, having a Lron~age of Appraximately 80 feet an the aoutt~ side of 6r.oadway, and further described as 1GG0 and 1664 Weat BroadwAy; and doea her.eby appxove the Negative Decl.aration upon Pinding thar. it has conaider.ed the NegAti.ve Der_lar.at:~on together with any comments ceceived during khe public review proceas And further. findi.ng an the basis of khe Inir~a] Study and any comments received that there ts no subatantia] evidence that the pr.ojecr. wi.ll t~ave a significant effecr on I:he enviconment. Comm~saioner, Bushore tnd~cated he had seconded the mokton and voted in favor of tt~e Negative beclacakton since he did not believe ther,e ar.e any sensitive enviconmental. issues at stake. He added he is foc the progr.am, but thts is just the wcon9 location and wihh the right 1.ocation he wou~d vate i.n favor. of the request. Commissioner La Claire offered a mokion, seconded by Commissionec Fr.y and MoTION CARRIED khat the Anaheim r,tty Planning does heceby grant waivec of eode requicemEnt on the basis that the use will not cequire the numbec of par.king space~ cEquiced by cnde and on khe basis that the par.king wafver w~.l.] not cause an .increase tn traftic conqestion tn the immediate vicinity nor adver~sely affect any adjoining land uses and gr.anting of the par.king waiver under the conditions ttnposed, if any, r+il.l not be detr.imenta.l to the peace, heal~tt~, safety and yenecal w~lfare oP the cit.i.zens of the Ct~y of Anahetm. Commissioner LA Clatre of[ered Resolutton No. PC84-121. and moved f.or its passage aitd adoption that the Anaheim City P~anning Commission does heceby grant Conditi.onal Use Pecmtt tio. 2579, pursuank ko Anaheim MunicipaJ. Code Section thtough 18.03.030.C35, and subject to the stipul.ation of the pet~tionet to provide a 8-foot high block wal.l on the east, west and south propeKty l.ines, and subject to Interdepactmental Committee Recommendattons. Prior to vot;[ng on the above cesolutton, Commissionec eushore asked if a time li.mxt is being proposed. Cornmissioner Herbst po~nted out tha cesolution should also include the cequirements of the Police Department. Greg Hasstings pointed out Condition No. 11 should be amended to incl.ude the requirements for the eight-foot high black wall and chain l.ink fencing. 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. JUNE 25~1~d4 84-396 On roll. ca~l., the f~regoing xeao.lution was passed by the f.ol)owiny vo~e; AYES: FRY~ HERBST~ KING~ LA CLAIRE NOES: BOUAS~ ~USHO~E ANp MC pURNBY A95EN7': NONC Jack White claKified that it wes not the Commisalon's intent to l.im~lt the number of ~atienr.s, nor. kn l.i.mtt the time oL t:he pecmit. Gommisatoner Herbst noted this is a condit.ional use pecmit and if ther.e are pcoblema oc the conditions ar.e not met, the permi.t can be r.evoked. Jack White, Asstetant City Attorney, preaent:ed the written right to appea7 the Plann~ng Commission's deciston witt~in 22 days to Che Ci.ty Council. RECESS: 4:].0 p.m. RECONV~NE; 4;20 p.m. ITEM NU. ].1.. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVE~R 0[' CODE REQUIREMFNT ANJ CONUITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2562 PUBLIC HEARING. UWNBRS: EQUITEC 80 REAL ESTATE INVESTORS, I550 East Katella AVenue, Anahe~m, CA 92805. AGENT: ShAWN COMM(7N, 18(l22 Cowan, ~204, Irvtne, CA 92714. Propecty ia described as a ~ectangularl.y-shaped parcel of land conststing of approxtmately 1.~.9 acres ].ocated at the southwest aor.ner of Pacifico Avcnue and State Coll.ege Doul.evar.d, 1971 South State Col.lege Boulevatd (Home and Business Computec Center). To permit r.etail sal.eE of computers and office fur.niture in the ML 2one w~th waivec of rninimum number of parktng spaces. There was no one indicating their presenr.e in opposikion to subject request and al.though the staff report was not read, ~t is refer.red to and made a part of the minutes. Ri.ck Ray, agent, explainPd they se~l computers ma:tnly to businesses. THE PUBLIC H~ARING WAS CLOSEb. Commissxoner. Bushore asked if this business license was received through the mail. Mr. Ray responded he tt~ought it was. ACTION: Commisaioner Herbst offered a motton, seconded by Commissioner Ki~g and MOTION CARFIED, that the Anahei~m City Planning Commiasion has ~eviewed thp pcoposa~ to permit reta~l sales of computers and office furniture in the ML Zone with wai~ver of minimum number of park~ng apaces on a rectar,gularl.y-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 18.9 acres located at the southwest cocner of Paciftco Avenue and State College Boulevard and further desccibed as 1971 Soutt~ SLate College Houlevard; and doe~ hereby approve the yegative Declaration upon finding th~t it has considered khe Negattve Declaratipn together with any commenta received during khe public ~ev:Lew ~cocesa and fucther ftnd:[ng on the basi.s of the Initial Study and any comments received 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSIUN, JUNE_25~_1984 84-397 that there ia no subatentiAl evidence that the pro~ect will have a aignificant effect on the envlronment. Commiseioner Herbst c ered a motion, seconded by Commiasioner Fry end MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Conuniasiun doee hereby grant waiver of Code cequirement on the basis that the parking waivec will not cauee An increASe in tcaffic con~estion Ln the immediate vicin~ty nor adversely aPfect any adjoining land uaes and granting of the parking wuiver under the conditions imposed, if Any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citizenE of the City of Anaheim. Cor.imisaioner Herbst offered Resolution No. PC84~122 and moved for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion does hereby grant Conditional Use ~ermit No. 2562 pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code Sections through 18.03.U30.035 and subject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendations: On roll call, the foregoing reaolution was pas~ed by the following vote; AYES: dOUAS, BUSHORE~ FRY~ HERBST~ KING, I.A CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NO~E ABS6NT: NONE Jack White, Assistant City AtLorney, presented the written right to appeal th~ Planning Commission's decision within 22 days to the City Council. ITEM NU. 12 EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CODE REQUTREMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2577. PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: LA JOLLA ASSUCIATES, 1436 N. Hundley St[eet, Anaheim, CA 92806. AGENT: AUTOMnTIVE PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS, INC., ATTN: GAR~TH W. NEUMAN, 62U S. Flower Street, Burbank, CA 91502. Property described ~s an icregulacly-sha~ed parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.31 acre, having a frontage of approximately 70 feet on the west side of Hundley Street, %.nd further described as 1464 North Hundley Stceet. Request to permit an automobile repair facility with incidental retail sales of automobile parts and accessories with waivec of minimum number of parking spaces. ACTION: Commiasioner King offered ~ motlan, secondzd by Commissioner Fry and MOTION CARRIE~`, that consideration o£ the above-mentioned matter be c~ntinued to the regularly-scl~eduled meeCing r,L July 9, 1984, at the request of the staff in order for the applicant to submit revised floor plans. ITEM N0. 13. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL U5E PERMIT N0. 2587. PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: ANAHEIM BUSINESS CENTER COMPANY, c/~ Eric Marten, E'0 Newport Center Drive, ;1455, Newpoct Beach, ~~A 92660. AGENT: STEPHEN FOSS, 1340 N. Blue Gum Street, Anaheim, CA 92806. :ropert;~ described as a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land cansisting of approxiriately 6,4 acre located at the northeast corner of Via Martens and Blue r•,um Street, 1340 N. Blue Gum Street (Needham's Gym). 6~25/84 MINUTES, AN~l~E1M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25, 1984 84-398 To retain an expAnsion to an exiating athletic and body-buil.ding gym. Thera was no one indicatiny thetr, pr.esence in ~ppoaition to subject r.equeat and although the staff repo~t was not r.ead, it is r.eferred to and made a pact of khQ minutes. Stephen ~osa, agent, waa pcesenr, to anewer any que~ttons. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSEU. Commiasioner Bushore asked the pet~tloner, to ati.pulate r.hat th~ proPosed offices would not have any exteriur entcances and would only be used in conjunc~ton with the gymnasium, which he dtd. Jack White, Assiatant r_i~y Attor.ney, explatned pur.suant to Anah~~im Municipal Code Secti.on ].B.OG.050.02555, the Pl.anning Dir.ectoc 4as detecmined that the number oE par~,ing spaces as shown on r.t~e paKking demand study are sufficlent to meet the neecis of the use tn questton since r.he~p ts no par.kinq requiremenks sper.ifical~y for gymnastums c~nr_aintny over. 4,OU0 aquare feet. ACTION: Commisstoner King oEfered a moti~n, seconded by Commi$si.oner Her.bst and MUTION CARP.IED, that r.he Anahei.m City PJ.anniny Commisston ~~aP r.evtewed the pcoposa.l to retain an expansion of an existing ath.letic and body-buildtny qym on a rectangu~a~ly-ahAped par.cel of ]and consi.sting of a~proxim?tely 0.4 acre located at the northeast cornec of. Via Mar.tens and elue Gum ~treek, 1.340 North B~ue Gum Streett and does heceby approve the Nzgative Uecl.ar.aki~n upon ftnding khat it has considered r.he Negative Dec]arat.ion together. with any commenrs rece2ved during th~ publtc review pcacese and further findtng on r.he baois of the Inxtial Study and any comments received th~t there is no substantta] evidence that the pcoject will have a signi.ficant effec~ on the environment. Commzsstoner King offer.ed Resolution No. PC84-123 and moved for its ~assage and adoption that the Anahei.m Ctty Planning Commisston does hereby yr.ant Condir.tonal. Use P~r.mit No. 25~7, pursuant to Anahefm Code Section~ hhrough 18.U3.U30.035 and subject to Inkerdepar.hmental Commir.tee recommendations includtng a condition that khere sh~l.l be no exter.ior entrances to the offices and that r.he offices will. be used on]y ~n conjunctton with the gymnasium activities. On roll ca~l, the focegoing zesolution was passed y the fol~owing vote; AYES: BOU~S, BUSEIOHE, FRY, HERBST, KI~JG, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE IT~M N0. 14. EIR NEGATIVE DECLAI2ATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2589 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: ROY D. TAYLOR, 711 West Impecial Highway, Brea, CA 9'16Z1. AGENT: GLENWOOD HOUSE, INC., 913 East Walnut, Pul.lerton, CA 9263]., .ATTENTION: PATRICIA A. TOLLBY. Propecty described as a[ectangular.ly-shaped parcel. of land consisting of approxiroatel.y 0.34 acre having a frontage of appGOximately lZ9 feet on the north side of Victor Avenue, and further describAd at 523 West Victor Avenue. 6/25/84 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING CUMMISSION~ JUNE 25, 1.984 84-399 To per.mit a~5-bed cesident~al alcoho] detoxificat:ton center in an extstiny sinyle-family residence. ACTION; Comm~eatonec K~ng ofEeted a motion, seconded by Commiastoner. Ery and MOTION CARRIED, that conoidexation o~ khe above-menttoned mattec be continued to F.he regul.ar.ly-schedu1ed meettng of July 9, 1984, in ocder to readverttae the property descr.iption. ITEM N0. 15. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CUAE KEQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 259U PUBLZC HEARING. OWNERS; ATHANASIOS NICK 6 EEE'IE A. FUSKARIS, ]7.2 Calle D~a7. Dcive, Anaheim, CA 92807. Propecty described as a cectangu].arly-stiAped parcel of land consist~ng of approximately 0.84 acre located at the nor.thweat cornec of La Yalma Avenue and Lakeview Av~nue, 44'17 E. La I~alma Avenue (Primc Burger.). To permit on-sal.e beer and w.lne in an existing dr.ive-through r.estaur.ant with waiver, of mi.nimum number of. parking spaces. Ther.e was na one indlcating their presence ~n o~position to aubject request and although the staft report was not rsad, ik is referred to and made a park of. the minutes. Commissioner McBucney declared a conflict of inte~est as defined by Anahetm City E~l.ann~no Comrnisston Resolution No. PC75-].57 adopting a Confltct of Int~cest Code for th~ Planning Comm~sston and Government: Code Secti.on 3625, et se~t., in that. he has a fi.nancial inr.erest i.n r.he outcome of thts devel.opment and pursuant to the provi.sion~ of the above Codes, decl.ar.ed to the Chatrwoman that he was witt~drawing fr.om the hearing in connectton with Condi.tiona] Use Permit No. 7.590, and would not take park in etther the discussion or khe voting thexeon and had not discussed this matter. wifh any membec of the F~l.anning Commi~sion. Thereupon Commisstoner Mceur.ney left the Counct] Ct~Amber. John Uorcis, agent, 20U22 Royal Oak Cou~t, Yorba Linda, explained they ar.e proNosiny the appcoval to sell beer and wine in an existtng restaucant and the waiver of patking requirements fo~ khe tnduskKial medical clinic. THE PU6LIC HEARItJG WAS CLOSED. Comm~ssioner. Bushore asked iF alcohol.ic beverage sales have evec been allo~;ed undec a conditional. use pe~mtt tn a drive-through restautant.. Chaicwoman k3ouas cesponded ~hak one was granted Ear Angelo's on State Coll.ege Boulevacd and she thought there had been some probl.ems with that establishmenr_. Comm~ssioner Bushare stated he thought there was one for a drive-thr.ough an Dale and Lincn.in. Annika Santalahti, Aesiskant Director foK Zon~ng, stated Angel.o's ia the only one she can cecall, but it is ~ossibl.e theKe was another one. Mr. Doz~is stated they have the drive-through approved and ~taff has recommended thAt the drive-through not be used ~or the sale of beEr and w~ne. 6/25/84 MZNUTES, ANAHEIM CITY_ PLANNING CQMMISSION, JUN_E 25_, 1984 _ 84-400 Annika Santalaht~ atated ahe r.ecal~s one requeat some time ago wher.e they did atipul.ate to the sale of beer and wine to ait-down customers anly. Mt. Uortis shated this testaurant wil] ser.ve br.eakfast, l.unch and dinner. ACTION: Commisstoner King offered a motion, seconded by Commiesioner. Fry and MOTION CARRIED, khat the Anaheim Ctty ~lanning Commisaion has reviewed the p~opoeal to permit on-sal.e beer and wine in an existing drive-th~ough ~estaucant with waiver of minimum number of parking apaces on a recr.angula~~y-ahaped parce]. o~ land conaisting of appcoximatel.y 0.84 acre located at the nor.thwesk cor.ner of La Palma Avenue and Lakevtew Avenue and fucther described as 44~7 E. La Palma AvenueJ and does her.eby approvc~ the Negative Decl.ar.akion upon ftnding that it has considered the Negative Declar.at.ion together, with any comments ceceived during the public r.eview process and furrher f~nding on the basts of the Initial Study and any comments received that ther.e tc no aubstant.tAl evidence that the pruject wi.l~ have a s~gnif tcant effect on r.he envtronment. Comm~ssioner Ktng oEfeced a motton, seconded by Commisoionec Fr.y and MOTION CARRLED (Commisstoner Bushore voting no), that khe Anaheim Ctry Pl.anning Comm~sston does heceby granr wa.iver, of Code requirement on the bast~ tha1: the paKkiny waiver w~l..l not cause an .increase in tcafEtc congesti.on in the immediate victni.ty nor adverseJ.y affect any adjofniny l.and uses and granting of tl~e parking waiver under the conditions imposed, if any, wtl.l not be detcimental to the ~ea~e, hea.lth, safety and gener.al. welfare of the citi2ens of the City of Anaheim. Commi.ssioner Kfng offered a resolution thar. the Anahei.m Ci.ty Planntng Commissinn does heteby grant Conditional. Use PeKmit No. 2590. Commissioner Bushore stated orig~nall.y the permit was approved as an offtce buiJ.d~ng wi.th a drive-thcouqh ceRtaur.ant next door and then the applicant came back and wanted several uses for the office and the Commission ~ras not able to approve that re9~est, so thNy have now decided to make it into an ~ndustcial, medicaJ. clinic which will. inccease the par.kfng cequirementa over the o£fice. He expl.ained the wai.vez ~s now necessttated with khe addition of beer ar~d wine and he would not vote tn favor of it because he was ~pposed to tt from the start and the office is obviousl.y not yoiny to wo~k and he is adamantl.y oRnr,sed to the sal.e of beer and wine in the industrial ar.ea because it just ta~:~,es i.t a little too convenient. Jack Whi.te, Assistant City Atkorney, expla~ined Paragraph .l7 in the staff report is a miatake and should not have been inc]uded. Un toll call, the foregoing resolut~on FAILED TO CARRY with a tie vote: AyES: FR.Y~ KING~ LA CLAIRE NOES: BOUAS~ BUSHORE, H~RBST ABSENT: MCBURNFY Mr. Doccis explained he has a lettFr fcom the Anaheim Hill.s medi.cal. group inclicating that most of thei.c cli~nts are i.n the industrial. area and presented the letter for khe file. 6/25/84 MINUTES. ANAHFIM__CIT_Y pLANNING COMMISSION. JUNE 25, 1.984 84-401 Commias~onec Nerbat atated he tiaa n~ problem ~~ir.h hhA medi.cul. cl.inic, but he doea have a pcoLlem wtth beer and wine eales tn t.hR indusrcial. area. ~dc. Dorrts pointed out Knowlwood ta hhe eaat and Bessie Wa1.18 to the west, both have beer And wine. Camrnissioner Herbc~t pointed o~~t thosc~ ar.e nor. drive-througli restaur.ante. Commiesioner. La Claire stAtQd she knowe that no beer. and wine can bE sol.d through the drive-th~ough window and she did not think thete ls any mare chrance of anyone taking the bePr and wi.ne out of r.he bui.lding than t:her.e would be L•r.om thE sandwtch ahops which have been approved in r.he aurrounding area and ther.e have been a lot appr.oved alr.eady and this situati.on doeE not aeetn to be any diffecenk than a regular aandwich ahc~p. JacF, Wt~tte, Aasistant: Cir.y Attocney, exFlAined aince ther.e is a ti.e vote and in thi~ case Commissioner. McBurney has dec]Ar,ed a conf.lict of i.nter.et~t, the option of continuing thia mAttEC ko r_he next. meet:ing doea not appl.y b~ca~~ze hhe compoeition r~I the C~mmiseion w.il.l not be any different ar. rhe next meetiny un]ess someone tA abaent. tie explatned r_he Code al:ows the Commi~ai.on, by motton, to r.e~er thts rnattec to the City Council wi~hour. recommendatian, unless some~ne chooses to change khetr vote o~ oEfer. a new cP~oiuxion. ACTION: Commiasinnec Fry offer.ed a mot~on, aeconded by Commissi.aner King and I~OT10N CARRIED, fhat the Anaheim City P.lanni«~ Co~nmi~stun does her.eby refer this matter. to the City Coun~~1 without fo~ma] r.ecommendation due to the hte wze. Jack White explained this matter will aur.omatically 5e ceviewed by khe City Co~~ncil. at a publ.tc hearing and notice of the time and date wtll be fozwarded tn ~:he same manner as tuday's hcaring. Commissiuner McBucney retucned to thp Council Chamber ar. 4:45 p.m. Mr. Dorcis asked if khe packing watvec Eor the mPdical cl.inie has been a~pr~ved and it was explained the whole mattec will be acted an by City Cuu ~il sine~ the waiver foc packing was pact of the cond~ttonal uae permit wnich waa not grantecl due to r..he tie vote. ITEM N0. 16. ~IR NEGATIVE DLCLARATION, RECLASSIFICATION N0. 83-84-33__AND CONDTTIONAI. USE PERMIT N0. 2582 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: A7'GANTTC RICHFIELD COMPANY, 300 W. Glenodks Boulevard, Gl.endale, CA 91202, ATTN: E. L. Keil. b C. T. Fulke~son. Propert,y described a~ an irreyu.lacly-shaped parcel of ].and consisting of approximately 0.2 acre, 111 No:th Gi.lbert Avenue (Par.cet A) and an ircegul.azl.y-shaped parcel of land consistiny of appcoximately U.5 .:re locateci at the northwest cflcner of Li.ncol.n Avenue and Gilbert Sr_reet, 2401 West Lincoln Avenue. RS-A-43,000 ko CL or a less intense zone to permi.t a convenience market with gasoline sales and off-sale ~f beer and wi.ne. 6/2S/89 MINUT_ES, ANAHE 2M CIT._____Y PLANNING COMMI58ION, JUNE 25, ] 984 ~4-402 Thece was no one indic~ting thei~ prasence in opposition r~ subjoct requcut. and a].though tt~e staff reporr_ wes not read, it ia ceEecr.ed to and made a pact af the minuk~s _ Wallace R. Davi~s, ac:tocney, 540 Nor,th Golden Cir.cle Dri.ve, explained regar.ding the reclesaification that t,he sur.roundtng pru~er.ty 1c owned by Ar.lan~ic Richf ield and they wish to add a portion of the pcop~cty to ti;e servi ce st.~tion in ord~r to make it mor.e uaaUt~: nnd improve the parki.ng sir.uation. Fie st~ ted some of th~ benefita to the City will be tha~ thei r company wil l pay thei.r shace ~f tr.ee planting fees alony Gi.lbect and l.incoln and r.hei.r fair sher:~ of the treffic cignal a~sessment fee, dedicati.on betwpen 32 r_o 40 feer. of property for th~ wid~ning of Gi~bert, cur.bs and gutr.er.s, sewers and drai.nage wi.ll be instmlied, nnd str.ec~t ]ighring and r.hey plan to demolish t~e existing se~vice statton and pump islands and const.ruct a conveni.ence market wit'~ self-service gasol.ine ~ales and 91Qo beer and winer r.hat t_ne building will be 216U squar.e feek wtth a sales acea ot 123~ sque~e feet and 930 squar.e feet devoted t_o storage, cool er, restrooms and ~ffi^es. He st.at:ed -:her.e wi l l be two purt-p islands which wtl) be coveced by a canopy. Mr. Uavis stated the A.M. l~.M. market opecations thr.ouyh out southern California have been very succerbful and were accepteo i.n other cities and ther.e arQ sevezal in Oranye Counc.1 and several ir "naheim, one at South S*r.eet and 5tAr.e College and one at [ial l Roud and West S~ .eet and one ar. Imperia] Higt~w~y and La Palma Avenue~ Earl heil, P.U_ Box 4915, Canyon Lake, Calif~rnia, stated that they have no prublem campl.yiny with the'1'r~ffic Enginerr.'s recoramendatton to close the driveway nearest the intersection on Gi.lbert, bu': fee] closing rhe o,~e on Linc~ln would mul.e it ~amost ~.mpossi.ble to get into ~he site because it ~+i]] create a situatioo of a per.son driving z~ight .tnto a b]ock wa.i] with~ut r.nangir.~ the confiyuration of tt~e twildiny and hF d~d noi. see r_he benefit. of closing that d riveway. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSCD. Jack White stuted there are r_hcee recommended minor changeF to the proposed conditions as fo]'.uws: No~ 3, the last: line ei,~ul.d read ' ~'inal. Parcel Map No. 84-248'. No. J6 second line shaul.d rear~ '~,pproval. and recordatton of Final Map No. a4-248, now penr~ing" and No. ] 9 four. th l i ne shoul d ~ead •whichever occurs first, Conc3ition Noa. 1, 2, 3, 16 and 1?". Mr. Davis stated he would agree to tho~e recommended changes. Commissioner Herlast stated the Traf.fic EngineFr. does not wati~ 1.he dr.iveways that. c1.osE to the i.ntersection and hete the pec.i.tioner has t:t~e ~~pportunity to comply and asked why they a:e saying it can not be done. Mr. Keil st.ate~ he has s~bmitted p]ana wifh the drS.veway open and hE did not say they coul.d not cl.ose ~tj that he hus na~] conversations with the Traffic E~gineer about this becauee th~s wAS tw~ ~accels of property and they we~e to move t!~e drivPwey north of Gzlbect to z-ccortunod~te both pr.operties, then that is the reason the pl.an w~~ Rubmitted th~s way. He Etated to ^commodate khe cequest, they wo~xl.d have ~o ~ove the bu ilding. 6/25/84 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY ~LANNING COM_MI58I0_N_1 JUNE 25_,__]984 84-403 Commisai~ner. Hecbat otAked t:he Cammtssi~:~n and City Tr.~~fic ~ngi.n~er ere tryi.ng ko mAke it safer Eor. the dciving public ~nd wikh the constr.uarion of a new facility, the pe~itionec haa a chance to do that. He sr.ar.ed he tA in Eavo- t reconatruction of the building, but is not. in favoc of r.he beer. and wine application becuuoe he doe~ not think the sa]e of be~~ and gasoline go together. He sr.ar.oG thie is probably one of r.h!~ few convenience mar.kets wi.th the sale of yanoline he woul.d vor.e Eoc because it is going to be complel.ply rebu~lt. Commisaianer. Bushore asked tE the r.eclnssificatton o~ Poction A is t:o enlar.ge the atte tn accommudate tt~e Factl.tty. He st~ted he ~OP.S apprecia~.e that becpuae i.n the past ther.e have been some sitea whtch the ~ommi.ssion di.d nor. teel wece adequate. He atated the attor.ney's approach r.egar.ding bPne£its to the Clty was unique ~nd he had come up wir.h A fPw beneEi.ts on his own: (]) by increa~ing sales ot beer. and wi.ne, State and F~der.al r.ax~s wil] be tncreased, (2) in~urance compantes will. yet higher pr.emtums due r.o hhe M gh volume ut ac~tdente cr.ear,ed by the sale of beer and wi.ne, l3) there will be mor.e a.l.coholics an~ associ~ted famil.y and soci.a] pzoblems, (4) al.coholi.c related accidents, deaths and innocenr. bodi~y tnjucies, (5) moce tr.aE£ic deahhs ot al.cohol.tcs and those people whu have t,een dciving and the lnnocent victims a~sociated wir.h thur, tr.auma and emokton anu (6) ther.e will be mor.e r.ecyc]able cans and bottlec ao the poor. can get out and pi.ck the~n up and gatn hhe added needed income. t!e stated ~he oil cornpanieo hAVe the r~ght to ask for. the sale uf beer. and wine, but he i.s taktng a:~t~ongec and stronae~ skand against tt. Mr. Gavts stated if Commissioner FSUShor.e or Che Commiesioner.s ace sinaerely interested in the pcoblems with al.cohol, rhey should do someth{ng about the City of Anaheim sel.l.inS beer in the Anaheim Stadfum because they sel] more beer in r.har_ stadium r.han any other ciky in the nar.ton. Commiesioner F3u~shor.e star.ed he is not against dr.tnking, but the way the fans perfocm at tt,~~ Anahe~m Stadium, he is opposed to the aale at the Stadtum because it is a tremendous pcoblem and there is a terrtbte social p~oblem and unforr.unar.ely dollars are put before the emotton And trauma pcoblems they cause. He stated 'ne cemembers the Atlankic Richfield Company coming befor.e the Commission and anothec attocney saying they only want t.h~ee of rhese facilities in Anaheim and khere has been one aftec another and he does nok l.ike fox peokle to 3ay ane thing and then d~ somethin9 els~. Mr. Davis respoi-ded to Chairwoman Bouas that he w4ald not be willing t~ have the facility without the sale of beec and wine. Responding to Commissionec La C.laire, M~. Davis stated he tho.:ght that_ bekween 10 `0 128 of the gross sales of the mini-market would tae from the ~al.e ~f beec and wine and that fs enough of an economic margi.n that it wou;d not be f~ir to the operator to have the min.i-markek without r.he sale of beer and wine. Other A.M. P.M. markets with t:he sa].e of beec and wine were discussed. Commissioner La Claire stated she would not vote for the sale of beec and wine i.n a gasol.ine statiun especially since this s~~e ~.s cight around the cocner fzom Savanna Higt~ School and especially since she knows the peopl.e who wo=k at the faci.ltty at: La Palma and imperial and kids do go .in there and do not have 6/25/84 MINUTES. ANAHEYM CITY pLRNNING COMMISS I ON, JU NE 25, 1984 84-404 to e~ways ahow kheir I.D. She etahed t he Plann.tng Commissionec she r,eplaced, Mel. Gauec, elways vated againat the sale of beer, and wtne or eny alcoholic bevecagea i.n the vicinity of a school. a nd ~hat his wiadom ta b~coming moce apparent evecy~ay. She akar.ed eve~y t tmo an Ar]anttc RichLield r.epresenr.attve becomes befor.e r:he ~l.anning Commission she gets the feeli.ng that they just do n~f ceal.ly car.e ond that they want to get thr.ough tl:ia hearing and on to the City Council wher.e khe:y rhink they can yet a poeitive vot:e and she wantvd th~tn to know she r.eaente that athitudc. S h e otated ~hPr.e usec~ hu br, a real good wocking rel.attonahip between At.l.antic Richfield and the City, but i_r. ie not ther.e any more. Commieatoner Her.bst stated he .is in favor oE r.he application without h;~e sate uf beer and wine but he would like to see cevi.sed p]ans cloaing he dri.veway, pointing out there are ser.vice atatto n s whece the dr.ivewsays have been c~osed And they do work and reEerred ho a Texaco sc:ation in Santa Ana Canyon whece gasol ine is ser.viced ak the back witt~ tho but ldtng facj ~~g r_he corner.. Mc. Uavia stated they ar.e not asktrig for. .i continuance to r.evt~e pJ.ans. He stated he has run inko this befare and they used an engineer who used to wock wirh the City and there is a detinite diEfecence in opinton ah~ut closing the dr.ivewaya and this is Amer.ica and they can present thetc op~~~ions. Commiasioner Herbst stated the Comm'rs ioner,s ar.e land pl.anners and khe Tcaffic Engineec has r.epeatedl.y stated r.h.is is detrimenr.al to the health and caEe*y to the community and t~e i~ opposed to it. He skar.ed aga~n he wan~:s to see revised pla~s. Mc. Uavis atated on many occasions th e y have agreed with the City a~d TrafEtc Engineer and the Tr.affic En~~i.neec has ayreed with ~hem. Paul Singer, Tr~f.fic En~ineer, stated he has been very con ststent in r.ecom:nending the cloaing of ~iriveways that ace close to the cor~e r s. He stated it took htm several years to convince both the Planning Cortunission and Ctty Council tFiat ther.e is~ a prob7.em that can be resol.ved by cl.osing those driveways on an indivic?ual. basis as condi.tional use Qer.mits oc vacia~c e s are requested. He stated he ha, tried to go ver~+ soPtly and has compcomised ~long the way in ocder to get to the point r.~day where everyon~ f.ina~ly xe c ogn~zes there is a prablem. He akated he did compromise in the pASt because he coul.d not get any drivewayb closed. He stated the servi.ce ~taticro site can be designed wir.h only two driveways, one ^n each strE^t and r.hat several opecators of these sexvice stations have staxed those designs are to L•heiz adv antage. He stated the publtc that i~s drivxng the skr.eets does not speak fo r itself, and rhat he i.s the only spokesperson for the drivec on the street: that i~:: exposed to potpn*ial hazard. Chairwoman Bouas asked Mr. DavSs i£ he would be willing to cl.ose ttie driveways. Mc. Davis res~onded if the Commission is bar.gaining, he wou13 say they would close the driveways, if th E Commission will appcove the applicatton as requeste~i. Cornmissionec Aushoce stak~a he did not hear anyone saying the Commission ts barya~ning and Commiss±oner HF~ast ha s asked foc revised plans showing the driveways closed. 6/25/Ei4 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING_COMMISSIOh, JUNE 25, 1984 84-405 Jack Whi.te, Asaiatant CiCy Aktocney, atakad hhe ap~licant is enr.tr.~Qa t~ t~ dectaton on the app~icat~on ne submitted and Commisaton cannot force I~tm r.o submtt revisad pl.ana against hia will.. He atahed the Planning Commiasion can approve hi~ p]Ans as Kequeoted or deny them or. approve tlie r.equest subject to whatever conditions they fee] t-ze nece~Hary for. khe protectt~n of the public's heal.th, sa£~ty and gon~ral wel.fa~a and thoE~ conditiona could ~include the clo~ucH oE the dciveways oc the restriction ther.e will. be no ac-1e of beer And wine and the Kequirement that r.evised plans be submitted beEor.e buiJding pecmita ar.e ieaued, but che Commisbion si.mply cAnnot cont.inue this for r.evised pl.ans wt~en the appl icAnr. t.ndicAtes I~e ia nut wi.ll.ing to ~rovide them. CnmmisAinner Her.bst stated he was in favor of the project, but if the applicant is n~' wtlling to submi, revised p.l.ans, he is opposed to th~ wnole project. He s~ated mosk appl.icants will. r~ubmit: r.evi.sed plane if they want the pro~uct approved. ACTION: Commissi~onec Hecbst offered a motton, seconded by Commisatoner. Fr.y and MOTiUN CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commissi.on has r.evi.ewed the proposal to reclassify Portion A of aubject ~ropecty f•.om the RS--A-43,000 (Kes~.dential., Ayricultuzall Zon~ to hhe C[, (Commeccial, Limit:ed) Zone and Portion A being an iccegularly-shaped shaped parce] of land consisttng of app~-~~ i.mately 0.2 acrPS, liavi.nc~ appc~ximar.e Er.ontage of l2 feet on the nochh sid~ uf Lincoln Avenue and further, descr.ibed as lll. Nar.th Gtlbert Avenue ai~d further. ko permi.t a convenience market witt~ gasoline sales and a]so beer and wine on Por.tion B whtch is an i.rregular`•i-sl~aped par.cet of land consisting of approximat~l.y 0.5 acr.es l.ocated at the nurthwest cornec ~f Ltncoln Ave:-ue and Gtlber~ Street and further. described as 2401. W. Ltncoln Avenue; and does heceby appt~ove tt~e Negati.ve Declaration upon finding that it has considered the Negative Declaratton toger_her, wi~~ any cortanenr.s ceceived dur.i.ng the public review proc:e~s and fucther findinq on the b~ats af r.he Ini.tial. Skudy and any comments received thar ther.e is no subatanttal evidence r.hat the project wtl.l have a si~~nificant effect on the envirc~nment. Co^unissione~ Herbst ofEered Resolution No. ~C84-124 and moved for its passage and adoption that r.he Anahei.m City P].anning Commission dues hereby ar.ant Reclassifi.cation Na. 83-84-33 subjech ko Inte~department.a] Committee recommendations: On roll call, the foregoing resol.ution was passed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS~ BUSliORE, FRY~ HERBST~ KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONF ABSENT: NUNE C~mmissionec Herbst uffered Resolution No. PC84-125 and moved for ~ts passage and adoption that the Anaheim City P.Lanning Conmi.ssion d~es hereby deny Condit~onal Use Pcar.mit No. 2582 ~n the basis thar. the applicant is not willing to submit revi.sed plans closing 'he driveway on Lincoln and denying the sal.e of beer and w~ne o•~ the basis that it coul.d cause a dangerous situation for the driving pubitc and on the basia that the propose~ use would be detrimental. to the peace~ health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6/25/84 MINUTES.,~ PyANBIM CITY PLANNING COMMISS10Nj JU~E 25. 1984 ,,,_ __ b4-406 Un ~oll. call, khe foc~yoing r.eaolu~:ian wea padaed by the Eoll.owi.ng vote: AYFS: BOUA5~ BUSHORE~ FRX~ HBRBST~ KYNG~ LA CLAIR~~ MC BURNEY NOES: NONE AHSENT; NONE Jack Whita, Asaist~nr. City Attorney, sl:ated since the Commiesion yr.~nted the ceclasoification, but dentQd the condit.tonA1 ~se per.mit, he w~uld cecommend that Condition No. 2 be del.ettd from the reclasslfi.car.ion. Con~missiuner tlerbat offer.ed a motion, aecunc~e~ by Commis~+ioner Fry and MO'PIpN CAR1t1ED, that Condition No. 2 of Reclasatiication No. Q3-84-33 be deleted. Jack Wt~ite, Assistant Ctt:y Attocney, presented the writ.r.en r.i,yht r.o appeal the Pl.anni.ng Commission's decision within 22 days r.o tl-~e C{r.y Co~ncil. ITEM N0. l7. EIR NEGA'PIVE UECLARATIUN AND RECI..ASSIFICATIUN N0. 7].-72-44 ,~R~:VISIUN N0. 2) PUBI,IC HEA}tIN~. OWNERS: TN;XACO, ANAtIEIM HILLS, IN~., c/o GUNSTON NALL COMPANY, 38U S. Anahpim Hi])s Road, Anahe~m, CA 92a07, ATTN: GEO[tGE MASON. AGENZ': SALKIN ENGINEERJ.NG CO}tP., 7.215 ~. Cha~man AvenuN, Ocange, CA 92666. ATTN: GBORGE KERNS. ~roper.ky lPor.r_ton A) descri.bed as an irr.egularly-sh~tped pazcel of land consisting oC approximatel.y 675 acreo genecaily located i.n the Santa Ana Cany~n south of Santa Ana Canyon Road bekween Anaheim Hi])s Road and Wetr Canyon Road (Anaheim Nilla P]Anned Communir.y)s and (Port:on B) ~n icreguJ.arly-shaped paccel of land canstating of approximately 5.4 acr.er, havi~g a£conkage of approxtmar.ely 430 feer. on the sour.heasr side of Serrano Avenue approximatel.y l25 feet northeast of r.tie center.line of Hidden Canyon Road. Thece was no one indicating their presence in apposittcn to aubject r.equest and although the skaf~ -:epo~t was not read, ik is r.efer.red to and made a part of. the mi.nuke3. George Kerns, Salkin Engineering, Agenr., wa~ present t.o anawer any yuesti.nns. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Jack Whike, Assi.stant City Attorney, er.platned r.t~is item ~s a recommendatian ko the City CounaiJ and ,: motion woul.d be appcopriate, rather than a r.esol.uti.on as indicated in the sta~f cepoct. ACTION: Comm~ssioner Herbst offered a motion, seconded by Commissionec Fry and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City P~anntng Commiasion has ceviewed the propnsal to arnend City Counc~l r.esolution No. 72R-208 to amend the Zoning Elem~nt o;E the Planned ~'~mmuni.ty for Anaheim Hills (Portion A), an irregul.arl.y-shaped parcel of land consiating of appcoximately 675 acres generally located i.n thz Santa Ana Canyon, south af Santa Ana Canyon Road between Anaheim Hil.ls Road and Weir Canyon Road, extending southerly to approaimakel;~ the Santa Ana mounka~rrs, separating the cities of Anaheim and Orang~ and furthec described as Anahei.m Hills ~l.anned Community; and also ko per.mit a 9-lot. 7-unit RS-HS-10,000(SC) single-fami.ly zoned subdiviston on an 6/35/84 84-407 MINUTESI_ ANAHE2M C.'TY,, PLANNING COMMISSION JUN~ 25 ].984 irr.ogu.larl.y-shaped paccel of land consisting ~f approximately 5.4 acr.ea, hav~ng a fcontage ot appr.oxirtiatel.y 430 fecr. on r.he ~3~~utheasl: side of Serrano Avenue approx~mately 125 Eeek no[thea~~ uf t:he centec'ine of Nidden CanYon Road; and does heceby appr.ove the Negative Declar.ation u~:~n findi.ng I:hat it hae considered the Negative Oec)arar.ton t.ogether wir.h any coiomenrs rece.ived during ~he Fubl.ic r.eview pGOCess and fur.ther finding on r_he basta af r.he Initial Study and any comments ceceived r.hat ther.e ts no subatflntial evidence that the pcojFCt wi]l have a significant efEect on the environment. Commisstonec He~bst oEfered a motton, neco~~ded by Commi~sioner Fry and MOTION CAI•tRIED that the Anahetm Cir.y PlAnntng Comminsion doea hereby r.ecommend to the c:ity Counci~l. that City Council Re~olut:ton No. 72R-208 be amended to amend the zoning desi.gnation f.or a 5.4 ~~ rtite destgnaked as Por.tton is near, th~ inker~e~ tor~ of Serrano Road and Nidden Canyon Road r.o cnnstruct a 9-]ot, 7-unit, RS-HS-lU,~OUI~C) aing.le famtly zone subdi.vi.sion. Greg Hasr.ings, Asolstant P.tanner, r.esponded r.o Commissi~ner Nzrbst that r,her will be a tentative tracr. mAp request on a fur.ur.e Planning Commissian agenda. ye star.ed since khis is a planned communi.ty, Code requi.res that the City Council and the Plannin~ Commissi.on will have a chance to look ar. t.he final speciEic plans. I`PEM NU. 18. NEGATIVE DECLARATION, GENERAL PLAN AMENUMENT__NU. 197, RECLASSIFICATION N0. 83-84-34 VARIANCF N0. 3406~ REC~UES'~ EOR REMOVAL OF SPECIMEN TREES AND RG UEST ~UR CITY COUNCIL TO 1tEVIEW 1.8C dnd ].8~ PUBLIC HEARIt.~. UWNERS: JUN NISHINU, D.U.S. b MARCIA J. NISHINQ, 1780 N. Winlock, ~cange, CA 92665. AGEN'I': P.B.I. DEVBLOPMENT CORPORATION, 2010 "C" South Eastwood, Santa Ana, CA 927U5. AGENT: P. e• I. DEVELOFMENT CORPORATION, 2U10 'C' South Eastwood, Sanr_a Ana, CA 91705. Pcoperty is app~oxtmatety l.8 acr.es at the no~theast curnec of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Pinney D~t~'e~ GPA REUUEST: (1) ^.`o considec an amer~dment ro ~:he land use elemenf Lrom the current ~iiJ.l.side Low Density Resi.dent~al desfgnation Lo an altecnative use inciudi.r.g b~:~ not l.imi.ted tu Commeccta] Profeseiona], 6(2) to coneider a cevision ta ~xhibit No. 7 of t~~e Santa Ana Canyon Road Access Potnt Study (Circulation Element). kECLASSIFICATIUN kEQUEST: I2S-A- 43,000 to C0. `lARIANC~ REUUEST: Waiver of minimum landsca~~d buit.ding setback ko constcuct a 35-foot high, 2-stocy commercial office buS.l.ding. RE~UEST FOR SPECIMEN TREE REMOVAL: Request foc app-'ova]. fnc thz remova] of one (11 specimen tree. Thece were appzoximate].y thirty-four pecsnns indtcating their pres~:n~e tn opposi.tion to subjecr ~equest and although the stafE repoct was not cead, it is ceferced to and made a pact of the minutes. David Noi.se, 2UlU `C' South Eastwood, Santa Ana, agent, stated in 197~~ the City Counc~l denied Tentative Tract No. 10223 wh~ch proposed 6].ota on the basis that the site was not physically suitable and that the density and 6/25/84 MIN~'~'ES, ANAN~IM C~TY PLANNZNG COMMISSION, JUNF 25, l9_84___ ~4-408 design of the development was tnappropriat~t *hat Sbn~a Ana Canyon Road has a traffic coun~ nf 17,4UU vehtcle rKips per day :~r~d the propec~y r~o~e not r.eally lend itaelf to reai~enr..id] uses and it ts t.hetr oplnion thar. {r_ ceally lends ir.oe)f to commercial usea. Nc stbted ~he property ar, ~he pr~aenr_ time is unsigl~t;.y wir.h auandonea vehiclea, tcash, ei.~, Ne s*.a*.ed ~he Tref[ic Eriq~neer will not al).ow accesa ofE l~inney Dcive which 7iml.ts ~he developmenh of the property s{nce tt is an ~,~d-ahAped parcel. (long and naccowY He ska~ed kt~ey~ feel. r~ r.eaidentia] ly cleat9ned otfice buildin,y would be *.he bea~ use. He statNd the roof would be cedac ah~ke and r.he exteri_or wuuld have a residenkit~l ]ook and r.hey would r.etain As many ~rees as poantGle. Georqe Riley, acchikecr., lU9U t~'erguson Road, Sebasti~l, Californ~~, s~a~ed ~he project will only cr.eare .~.SU tr.affic krips per day, so ~h~y ~id ~~.~~ rhink i~ woul.d imp~cr, r.he area very much. Eie stated ~he unusut~l sh~pe of ~he property c;r.ea*_ed c~ome real. design problema And in analyzing ~.he ci~.uation, th~y fel~ ~t~e onl.y use would be nan-mecltca] oEfice uses. Jerxy Gratl.e, l13 Orange Ntl] i,ane, Anahetm, s~A~ed he telt i~. would be pr.ope~ r.o enr.~r. in~:o the r.ecord ;;s•: there were a]ot more people pr.ec~ent in oppositton, but some had to ]eave due ~o ~he ler~g~hy mee~ing. He presen-:ed pe~itions containiny 1.29 siynat~lrea of pcopecty ownecs who ar.e opposed ~o ~his develnpmen~. He s~ated hix nei.ghbors on Ur.ange Hi.ll s~l;l have not r.eceivec~ notices oi' thi.s hearing. He sta~~~d he has Iived ~he.e fuc aix~een years and has always thoughr Fut~j, cr. pr.operty belonged ro ~he Cir.y of Anaheim foc a highway. He st~Ced the people have a]or of pPide in khts area and do no~ feel n commercia] develupment right in khe middte ox ~he residenttal area is proper. tie added one of the ceasons hP moved ~o Anaheim was because 1~ was known foK loks of yood ~.hings, includiry zonins~, anJ he moved i.n~o ~hta hnme because i.t was Loned f~r, lr~~-densi*y residential uses. He stated *he propertX is quite smal.l, but *i~ia proF•~aa] la no~ for a smal.; developmenr and has 2].,OOU squace fee*. of subr_errAnr: ~ garage wtth two floocs of office space contatning 25,314 square feek and ',t. wou~d be 35 fee~ high. He asked if tha~ heigh*_ calculation did inclu~e the high gabled co~fs. Greg Hasttngs, Aesxstan~ Flanner, respond~d the hetght included -:he uppermost cable of the roof . Lar.ry Co]].i~s, 1.24 S. Orange Hill. L,~ne, Anahetm, staked he lives wikhtn 250 feet of the property and expl3ined ±hey havt~ been r.esidents in the area for seven or eight ycars anci re£ecced to ~'PL•r~r he had submitked explatntng hts opposition. He srated he objec*s ~o ~he i~~cr.eased t~affic flow with the numerous small children playing ir~ the acea. He sta~ed they want to keep the residenti.al characr_er of the neighbochood and they do not have commercia] enterprises now and do nor. want to see the pKeceden!: seF now foc commerctal usQS. He ~*_~ted he al~o opposes ~lie requesr_ because i*_ has a patenkial impact on th~ir propecties in the ar.ea. He stated he used *.o work for the Recr.eation Uepartment in r_he City of Oakland and he has a rtrong inte~est as a paren* and taxpayer in what the City of Anaheim is doing for. it~ citizens and just down the ahr.eet ar Pinney and Gerda Urive, thece are two elementary schools and a fine lacge pacY, and he has watched ~he City of Anaheim gradualJ.y add to and :lmpKOVe that park and cecreational faciliky; that the school.s have a lo~: of chi]dren and one of the schaols is in operation year cound so ther.e ls a lot of pedestrian traffic foc small childcen. He stated there is a fire atation on Pinn~:y Drive which was converted !:~ a recreation facil.ity which me~,ns ther.e 6/25/84 MINUTES,_ ANAHEIM CITY ~I,ANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25,_19_84_ 84-409 ace chil.d~Qn tn khe area even when s~hool is nat in ReaRton. Ne ~tdted they ar.e a1HO concerned about rhe henvy trafEic in r.he nrea nnd would r.equoah tha Commi.s~i.on to aet a precedent UE not allow~ng commeccial propertlea fo develop in thls ~cea. Jack Canway~ 5318 Ger.da, Anahe~m, ar.at:ed other people preaent in uppooikion ]ive on the hillj r.hbt his proper.ty is riqht behind Rubject pro~erty and t.h~ building will. be l.U feet f~~~m hia property ]ine. tle atated he could appr.eciate khe neighbo~' concecna, but. the people on Gerda ~hou]d be given more consideration. H~ atar.ed the pro~er.ty hag a lor. of tcash on ir_ now and ia dn eye~ose and th+~•~ is a 20 Lo 3U-foot wide can~ls rhat. they would like r.o have the propeK~y 1~~dscape~ with apackl ing founr.~ina, er.c., bi~t r.eal izP hhar. can't b~ done; tha~ a 35-foot high bull.ding wtll. be 45 feet hi.gh on hie side because h.is prop~ ty is 12 Eeet below yradet rhbt the develaper and r~rc!~itect ahowed hi.m ~:he ~~ans and assuced hi.m r.he building may nor be aeen because oE rhe proper.ty Jc~~del. He stated he is in EAVOr oE somet.htng being dor~e with r.his pooc piec~ of pcoperty, bur. he do~:s nor_ wAnt a lar.ge butlding, but i.a open-minded if s~~neone can demonr~tr.a+~~ to him thar. somer.hiny can be wor.ked out. Ne star.ed he would r.equest that iti the Commi.s~ton i~ consideri.ng an affirmar_ive vor_e, that hhPy delay r.he action i.n or.der Eor. htm and hi.s nelgt~bore to wack wtl:h t.he developer. Mont Connell, 5250 Gerda Urive, sr.ated he l~as been ther.e foc ei.ghteen years and if r.his build.tng does go tn, ir. wtll teally affect t~tm bec~use hi.s property is abou~ l5 feet bel.ow yrade level, so the buflding would ceally be 5U f.eet high and he did not, think it would be r.tyhr because when he purchased the property, that wa~ a gceenbelt acea. He stated r.he City purt~ the street sweeEsec on the pcoper.ky and the abandonecl aar.~ have been r.eported And will be r.emoved. He stated he has school children who walk ac:ross that sr_r.eet and h~ woul.d not want to see anymore tcaf.fic added and he did not wanr to see ~inymor.e buildings. Ne atated thta is a r.esir3ential area and he ~e happy wi.th his ~roperty and he does not wanL• to see this butldi.ng thece. Malcol.m Magnon, 5"l45 E. Gecda, Anaheim, stated his pcoperr.y is wir_hln 10 or 15 feet of this pcoposed bu~l.ding and he has ti:hree small. chiidren and thA tr.aff': situation in the acea ~s yuite crucial and it is already a ha2acd to get into the property because the~e is un].y one entcance and th:s pr~~asal wi~l. be adding o~e~- 200 r_ra~fic trips tn the morning when the chi]dren ~rill be o:~ r.he r.oad. ile stated r.hia wf,J.l al.so take away Erom the beauttful rural area and limit t.heir access to their propezties. He stated thece are two year. round schools in the area and he Eelt the Ghildcen shoula be taken tn~o consi8eration and tt~ey feel there are enough commerciaJ. uses i~ the An~~hetm Ha.lls acea already and they would like to keep Chts a relattvely sec].uded a~ea. John Beisnec, 141 Orange Hill Lane, stated thece is an elementar.y a~d junior high scno~l in l•he a:ea and he has t~o chil.d~en who use that streer_ to go to school and go past Pinnsy Dri~ve and thece is on]y one croas-walk t. get to the schoolj that when he bought the proper.ty, he knew the area was genezally zoned tesidPntiially and when subject property was purchased, tt was zoned resi~dpntia~ly and the City h~s kepr it residential a~id it is khr.ee kEnths oE a milE before the first commercial devel~pmen~ and that ts r_he •~utomobile club which is a two-story building wtth a red roof whtch tara.lly obl~terates any view for the people behind it. 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION .IUNE_25, 1984 8A-4]0 Roge~ Robbina, 5339 ~ruAtl Ridge Tecr.ace, Anahei.m, ~~:aked the insue b~fore fhe Planning Commi~~ton is whether or no~: ~hi.s variance, if approved, would be tht~ h~ghest and best use o: this properr.y and for. r.he sur.counding area ~+nd ik is the feel.ing of r.,he people thar it is n~r_ in hheir bear. interes*. nr.~1 is no~ f•he highesr and best uae. He s~a~~.ec] the use ia not comp~tible with ~he l.ow-dEnsity reatdenr.ial nt~~u~e cf this acea. Eie staked they hAVe ~ver 17,000 traffi.c r.r.ips per day i.n r.he areat and augyeated fhat since subjec~. property is a r.raahy acea, the ownera sho~ald clean ir up. Ne s~ated m~~^y ~hough~. *.ha~ wan City-owned propecty. He ata~ed ~he t~aEfic pcoblein would be incceASed by buil.ding a stcuckure auch as ~.his becauae of fhe cl.oseness ~.o ~he intecaection, and d~ivewayr~, and al.so because of ~he schools. He sta~ed i*. should not be granted becauae the view of the Santa Ana Canyon ~owar.da hhe Pacific ocean waul.d be obetructed with the 35-foah high building and i~ would reduce the beauty of the area. Ne s*_at.~d an i.dea] use of rhe propcr.ty would be a pack o~ a yreenbelt. area wi.*.h sidewalks fo~ ~ogging, erc. Hp stated }he two schools a[e just around the cor.ner anc: t~ would no~ be *o *.he chi.ldr.en's besf inte~ear to have addittonal tcaffic. ~+e 8ta*_ed ~he highesr. and best _. -~ fr.om the humeowners' srandpoink ~s definir.ely no~ ~his use And r.ef~ ~ed ~o ~he petitions containtng 129 stgnatucea of peo~le Who say 'nc". He stahed it is their Eeel~ng ~:hat: rh{~ would not be good planning, gaud 2oning ~~.r. good r.eal estate and ik will bring no beneft~ to ~he Ci~.y of Anahei.m- nor ro the citizens. C. E. Taylo[, 5338 Gerda, Anaheim, a~~~ed he agreed wikh al] the nega~ive elemenr_s referced to by hts nei.ghbors; however., he would di.scues `he decr.ease in their. proper.r_y values; ~_har t~e bought his ho;ne l7 years ago and th~y wece refer.red t.o as celestlal Home~, and it he was looking r.o buy ~her.e now and looked at Loks ]*_hr.ough 7 which would be bclow `his 35-£00~ high build;n~, he woul.d try to y~t khe price~ ~iown because of ~hat building and ~ha~ would establish the sales price of similar homes in ~:he k~ac~; and even though his proper.ty is no~ direc*.l.y below that building, it cou]d eventua']y affect him. kie stated hhe main thing he wisheB to diacuss ta thQ traffic hazard; ~ha~ when he moved thete, San~_a Ana Canyon R~a~i was the old Riverside Fceeway and ~here was no tr.af£ic signa] at Pinney Drtve ar~ ~~nta Ana Canyor. Road anc3 poin*ed out there ar.e a 10* ot accidPn*_s a* c~~at location. He sr.a~ed this pc~posal. indicates that ueginning at L~`. a3 and continuing th~ough Lots ]2, ll. and ]0 (indicating this does affc•ct cuc~ent residents on Gerda DC~VP.~ fnctudi.ng himself?, there wi1J be a decel.eration lane anc~ ne was concerned tha~ someone could be dr~nking and dr~ving or due to some mechantcal fa~lure of ~he vehi~le, he cculd have *heir vehicle in his back yazd and potnted out that is true for h:Ls neiyhbocs al.so. He stated he is al.so concerned about addittona] 7.xghr_ing with this ~ievelopment and thought *.hat could create additiona] problems. He stated he 1~as nated a lot of transienr_s ~n ~he area and ~hough*. the underground parking garaye would be a good place : them r.o sl.eep at night which could lead tc additional pxoblems and also some of the school ch.tldten could use that ga~age foc smoking, efc. Mr. Taylot stated wh~~~ he bought F,is house it was known as r_he Celesttal. Homes and referred ko an advertisement stating, "it is heavenly living in Orange County,' He ~tated since then, thEy have had +:o put up w;'h a park and the fr:eway, buk one of the re3sons they moved r_o that atea w~s beceuse the1 had lxved in aparr_ments in the centecs of ci~fes and did n~r want to have anything 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25, 1964 84^al.l moce ro do with any busi.nesa aection or. hi.gh denaity area and he resents the facc that eomeone fr.om anor.her c~ty comPS in ond buya prr~per.r.y r.o make a proEit and Louls up hta dream~. Ne ar.ated a lor, oE people in oppoaition had to l.eave due to the length of ~t~e meeting which he r.egce~ted. He r.eEerzec] ~o Page 14-f of r.he ataff cepari. concerning the Trafftc Enginee~'s comments ceyatding hhe deceierahion ]an~, he added he w<.,uld agree completely with ~:he Traffic En~inee~. Br~ndo Aver~, 5237 Shady Glen Lane, ~~atea he was cunce~ned AbOUt ~aEe*.y and refer.red to thE uphil.l exir. westbound onto San*.a Ana Canyon Road and expl~i.ned th~~ wou]d be just west of anohher inclir~e, an ~raffic going weskbaund would not seP tr.sffic leauing the building. Ne sta~eo any ~raffic ]eaving the buildi.ng eastbound woul.d have tn cr.oss the tct,Eftc to m~.ke a lef*. tuzn a~ Pinncy which t~e ~hought would create a•'.~a[Eic haaard. Mer.lias Clar.k, 5349 G. Guata Ridye, Anat~eim, star.ed she has lived in Orange County 2.i year.s and had lived in one ho~~~e for 16-1/2 year~ wh{ch had orange qroves and it was a nice p1acE ~o tatse hec ~hildr.en; howevec, rhe ar.ea s*_arted to develo~ and i*_ became very di._agreeable, so she moved to Anaheim Hil.ls, pcimar.ily 5ecauae of the ~rees •.~~d openness and she r.eally r.c~~en~s someone ~r.yiny r.o take [r.om her envi.ronment. Eor rheic own proft~. Mc. Notse statec'. ~he owner. has triec ~o develop this pr.operty with wha~ he r_houghc would be the best poxsibl.e ~.;e and the nicest txpe o_ deve]opment to put in *_here. He sFated the proper.~y is un~ightly and is a ftre hazar.d witY~ a~andoned vehtcle~ and possibly ~~ople al.eepinq in th~: drainage di*ch. He sta~ed the projecr_ pruposed a~tll be a ver.y beautiful r.er~iden~ia] office type stcuctur.e w;lr.h an abundance of Jand~caping~ ber.rt;s and beautiful ~r.ees and wi11 be a tremendcub asset to *.he C9r.y of Anahei.m and the immediar.e neighborhuod. Geutiye kiley, aKChitPcr_, s~ated chey wil7 no*- have Access off P{nn~y D~i.vP a~ al.l so any chxldcen in the area would not be afFected by rh'.s faciltky. He star.ed the~e a~ll be no li~hts seen by the netghburs ~o ~.ne nocth and fhe neighbors to the south wil..l be 300 r.o 400 feet h~ghec because of r.he embankmenr_. Fle refecced to the si~e lines whi~h indica*.e *_hat people in thetr. backya[ds in r.he homes to ~he nor.th could not see the buildtng, 3o they are not trying to impact their neighbors at a).l. THE PUBL7C !iEARING WA5 r_LOSED. Commissioner Her.bst stated he wuul.d agr.ee wikh ~he opposi~ion tha*_ ~t,i.s is not a suitable bu~:ding for this sir_e; r.haL ~n 1977 the Planniny Commission r.ecommended that this proper.ty he dave~oped res?den~ia]1~~ and when ~he tcact map came ir,, i~t was denied becaur~ of the opposition. He sta`ed the proper*_y oanec has the right ho devel.op `'e propecty ~nd right now the p*operty has a reaolution of intent to RS-72t coning, bac the neigi~~urs opposed that request an~ the access was to Pinney, Uut tl~e maxtmum number of ~~ehic'~.es would have been approximately 5U v~tiicles and r_his pruj~~t coul.d put he~ween 400 and 500 vehic:e~, in ~he area per day. He stated he is not in favor of thP commeccia: use and is a~.il.l in favor of a resxdent~al. usF of some type and rhE neighbors wilJ. h~ve to compromise somewhere to make it work. He added eve-~ if he was in favor of commercial use, this project is far t.oo dense arid the building is *_oo big whi~ch means ther.e will be too much traffic added to the area. 6/25/84 MINIIT~S, ANAHEI~ l' I:ITY PLANNING COMMTSSiON, JUNF. 25. 1984 _ ____ 84-4) 2 Commiasioner La Cl.aire oter.ed ahe remembec~; r.he nei~~hbocs' oppositton And ahe r~alixes Fve~ybody wants a par.k everywhere, bur. ~ha~. i~ juQt imposaible becauae tt~ece is not ~nough money and thar, mcst par.ks are ~lonat~d by ~he d~!ve].opers when they develop l.ar.ge pi.er.es of property. She ntated ~he would not wtlnt this pcoject ~he way it is now because it i.s r.oo dense and too big end would cauae too many pcoblems. She stated home~ would have childr.en with a lot of acrivt~.y, and a smal.l commercial office development would not have acttvi.r_y at nj.ghr, but, this particular deve]opmen~ ia overbui.ldtng the pcopecr.y. She asked if the neiyhbor.s wou].d like ~o see ~hree smAl] single-story low-densi.ty affice butldings which would be open fKnm 8:00 ~a 5:U0 devel.oped on ~hAt pr.operr.y as opposed to stx cinnlP-tamily homes. Commiesioner Bushore sra~ed he would not auppo ~ng un*.tl he sees fhe p].ans. Commisaionec I,a Cl.aire cl.arified r.he re ~s Eoc a Gener.al H1an Amendment and it is hacd r.o vo~:e for if a*. r.his ~.~. ber~ause ir_ {.~ too soon and she did not r_h~nk the Genera] Plan designar.ton should be amended ah *.hi.~ r_ime. ACTION: C~~mmir,sioner La Clai.r.e offered a mohion, neconded by Commissioner. McBurney and MOTiON CARRIED, tha~ ~h~ Anahei.m City Planning Commtsston has revi.ewed ~he proposal to chanye ~he curr~nt hillside, loN-densiky r.esiden~ial dealgnar.ion r.u commerci.al., professtonal ori ~he Gener.a] P1an and *.o recl~~ssi.fy subject property from ~he RS-A-43,OOQ (Residen~tal./Agr.icu.lr_ural, Sceni.c C~rridor Ov~rlay) Zone to the CO(SC) (Commer.cia.l, Office and Professional, Scenic CUCCtOJC Over.aay) Zone to COI1SkCUCf a 35-foor high, 2-sr,ocy commer.cia] office buildiny wirh wai.ver of minimum landscaped building se~back on a irrequlacly-shaped par.cel of l.and consi.a~ing of appr.oxtmately 2.0 acres located on the nort:heast cor.ner o£ Santa Ana Canyon Road and Pinney Dr.ive; and doe~ hereby approv~ fhe Nega*.ive Decl.aca~'un up~n finding tha~ it has consideced the Neqati.ve De~lacati~n t:~ye~~~ier with any comments r.PCeived during the ~ubl~c review process and Pu~ther findi,~g on the bas~s of khe In~~tal Study anc~ any cornmenr_s r.eceived that there is no subsranttal Nvidence ~ha*. the project will have a significant effecr, on hhe environmen~. Commissi..ner La Claire offered Resol.ution No. PC84-126 and moved far its paasage and adoptinn that *_he Anaheim C~r_y P7.anning Commissi.on does heceby der~y Ceneral Plan Amendment No. 1.97 on the basis tt~a~ the change is not apptopriate at r_his time. ~n rol.l call, the foregoing resolution was passed t,y fhe follawing v~te: AYES: BOUAS; BUSHORE, FRY, HERBS , KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NUES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Cammissionec La Claire offered Resoluti.on No. PC84-1.27 and noved for it~ passage and adoptton that r.he Anahe{m Ci~•1 Planniny c:ommi.ssion does hereby dPny Reclassificatton N~. 83-84-:34 on the basis ttiat GPA 197 was denied. On roll cali, th~ foregoing resoluticn was passed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS, BUSHURE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONC ABSENT: NUNE 6/25/R4 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PLhNNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25, 198A 84-41.3 Commie~ioner La Clair.e ofEa[ed Reaoaution Nc~. PC84-128 und moved Eoc its passage snd adopt~nn ~haf the Anahei.m City rJdnntnq Commtauion does heceby deny Vac~ance No. 3A08 on the basia that there ace no specLa~ c~rcumatances agplicnble to the proper,ty auch as aize, shupe, t~pagraphy, location and sucroundinga which do not apply ko ot.her identically zon~~ ~~copor.ty in the same vicin~kyi dnd that skrict bpplicAr.ton of the 2oning Code does not deprive the propetty oE privil.eges enjoyed by oth~r properties in the identlcAl. zone And cl.assificaklon in thQ v~ctnity~ On roll call, the foregoing resolution was paseed by ~he followir.g vote: AYES: ~OUAS, BUSHOR~, fiRY, HERHST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABSEN'P: NONE Commisstoner La Cla.ire offeced a motion, seconded by Comm~ssioner. Fr.y an~t MOTION CARRIED, thAt the r.equest for. r.etnn~al of apecimen trees is hPreby denied on the bbsis that the General Pl.~n Amendmenr_, Eteclasstficatton And Vaciance wpre deniedr thereby sl.~minating r_he need for t!~e removal aE the ~tees. It was noted khat the request for City Council "ev~eW oE items ]8-c, G ~,nd e wuu.id not be nPcessar.y atnce they weze dented. Jack White, A~sistant City Attocney, pr.esenked thP wr.i.tten r.i.ght to appeAl the E~lanning Commi~sion's decision wirhin 22 days to the Ci.ty Council. RECE5S: 6:00 p.m. kECONVENF: 6:05 p.m. ITEM NQ. ?9. EIR NEGATIVE D~CLARATION1 RFCLAS~IFI_CATION N0. 83-84-35 ,1ND VARIANCE NU. 3409. PUBLIC HEARING, OWNERS: DAVID S. AND MARION GRAFF COLLINS, 1U77 West Bal] Road, Anaheim, CA 92802. pcoperty described as an i.cregul.acl.y-shaped paccel. uf land cunsisting of approximatel.y 0.69 actp located at the norkheast cor.ner of Bal.l Road and Fl.or.e Str.eet, 1.077 W. Bal.l ctoad and 942, 946 and 952 South Flore Stree,t. F?5-7200 to CR. Waivers of mit~imum numt,er of park~ng SpacPS, maxtmum stcur~~,ira1 hei.ght, minimum structucal setback and maximum wal.l. height r.o pecmit a 1''-unit 'bed ~nd breakfast" motel. There was c~ne person tndicating her presence in opposition to subject request and althouc,h the staff was not read, it is referred to and made a par.t of the minutes. David S. Collins, Agent, expl~:lned he is proposing to convert four (4) houses to a bed and breakfast inn a~id there will be some modifications to the exi.sting structur.es and some small. additions and some demolition. Greg Hast~nys, Assistant Planner, stated staff does not regard tk~is as a bed and br.eakfast inn alt~.ough it was adver.tised as a bed and breakfast motelj and that bed and bzeakfast is just descKiptiv~ of the type of motel and wasn't meant to imply that this falls cnder th~ Bed and Br~akfast Ordinance. 6/25/64 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNT,NG COMMI~SIO~, JUNE 25, .1984 84-4J4 Mr. Co~~ins ah~ted the property is in the residenri.Al zone now and is conti~, un to res~dential-zoned pro~eKtyt that th~ key to the whole idea is to make i~: as re~:..~leiitial. iR character r~s they can and that it wil] be call.ed •Th~ Cottages", and they ace going to try to matnr.ain the cotr.age idea and maintain khN appearance uf the praper.ty almost ac ir. is now. Bab Wible~ CP Ar.chitecta, ].426 N. Bucton Pl.ace, Anaheim, potnked out the propoaal on r.he pl.ana ext~ibir.ed as Mc. Coll.ins explsined r.he pr.oject. Mr. Col.l.~nn ,~tated they pl.an r.o replace the 6-foot wooden fence r.hc~r. gaes diaganal.ly to Bal.l. Road wlth a 6-fout t~t~h block wal.l and exr.end it in borT~ direr~tons and c7ose oCf r.he entrance on Ball Road except for. ,~n emer.gency gate. He pointed out ~he varioua modtficati.ons and chanyes thar. wil.l be made to thE extst:ing str~.etuces and exp]Atned eome bathR wi17 be addec~ and a]mosr. al] will t~e l.itr.le ~~Id-on addirions r_o r.he exr.erior af the k~utldings. He stated breakfast w~i~.l be ser.ved only to the reaidentc and not to the gene~a] public. He atated ~:hey will. elimi~ate Rome driveways whir.ti wi.ll make access safec. Concer.~ning a sign, he expl.ained they do not want a big rotattng neon sign but do need a s~.yn that peop;e can fi.nd so ir: haa to be a llttle l.arger. than the standard bed and breakfnsr, eize, and fel.t a monument-typa sign on the coGner next to the f~unt~al.n would be approprinte. Comm~ssioner Fry left the meeting at 6:1U p.m. and did not r.etur.n. Regar.ding khe zone chang~, Mr. Coll.ins poi.nr_ed out r.hat the boundar.y betweEn the commer.Cial r.ecrear.ton zone and the single-family residenti.al zone is thei.c back fence and there ia a 3-story moCel beh~.nd thar tence. Concer.ning par.k~ny, he stated r.hey are proposing 22 par.ktng spaces with ]7 ren~al uni.ts; and that Coce requices more park;ing because of r.he dining zoom and confecence room Lac~lictes, but they will not be needed becaur~e ~hey do not i.ntend t~ serve mea.ls to anyone other than gueats and the confecence room wi11 be used by auests. Regarding the conditions, Mr. Collins stated there is a trafftc si.gnal at~eady at the cocnec and he d~d not understand why they have to pay for unE~, bu*. wil.l compl.y. Ife referred to Condit.ion ~6 r.egardin5 rhe undecgrounc3 utilities and stated that the four bui~l.aings ace now served by ovechead wires and he has talked wi.th the Electrical Diviston and determined ~hat he could petir.ion for a waiver of that requir.ement. Regarding Condition ~8 pertaintng to gates, he stated khey do not plan to have any ~ates. Mr. Collins atated he di.d visit with h~is neighbors and pcesented a petttton signed by almost a~1. of the nexghbors in f~vor of the project and potnred out thar_ he has some ~wner°s signatures fcom Cap~an Street. Mr. Col.l.ins skated 'ne and his wife and thetr proposed operator have ~ttended conferences pertaini.ng to the oper.ati.on of bed and breakfast inns. Ba[bara Van, 13 Whikewood Way, i~cvine, pxoposed mar.ager of r.he inn, explained the main house w:[1? conta~n the common area, such as the dini~ng/living area, check-in area and an area for the cesident manager's quarters and the night clerk. She exp~a:ined khey are planning to provi.de country hospitality in a hom~-li.ke setting with a iot of pecsr~nal attent~on and beautiful ac;,ommodations and khere will be a feeling of being a guest in someone's h~me. 6/25/84 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI3SION JUNE 25 1984 84-4].5 Mr. CoJ.ll.ns preaenr.ed el.evationa And e compoeir.e photo of their propoaed projec~. Jack.e nankle, GenecA.l Manayec of the Bes~ Wester.n Srar.dusC Mor.e.l, 1057 W. aall Road, Anaheim, explained the Chamber. of Commer.ce hae just r.hia weeK pu* our, bome of fhe besr, adver.r_laing they have e~er done which sayA fhAf Anaheim has rooma= th~t sh~ ts not protea~ing a 17-unir, motel or, hoepitalir.y i.nn but is asking the P~anning Commisnion ~0 look vecy hard af allowing one more ha~el., one m~re rezoning, witt~ nothing ~o ptevent ic from becominq anor.her lUU-room hotel in the future. She poinked ou~ ~he ho~:el buatness has been otf in Sou*.hecn Ca1.1Eor.nta 27a this year. and their. Besk Wester.~~ Hoke1 Managemen~ t~:lls khem with ]5 Deat Wester.n Notels tn So. e.al.iforn~a ~hat thpic business in down by 47g. David Co~lins stated the bed and bceakfast marke~ i~ a unique mar.ket and ~her.e are over 2UU bed and 'ur.eakfast ~nna tn No. ~a]iforni~ wi.kh ~bout l/lOth of r.har number in So. Cali£ornia and they feel r.her.e ts coom foc them *.o meet that par.ticul.ar unique m~r.ket in Anahpim wit~~ only one ohher being approved in Anaheim on WaJ.nu~. THE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. Cammissiunec Bush~~e ataked he '.s genutnel.y im~ressed wi~:h rhe peti*_ion signed by r.he neighbors. Ke asked if hhere is a probtem n~w wirh people comtng nor.~h on Wesr Stree~ and crossing eal.l. Road to Floce. Mr. Colli~s responded ~hey ha~e had thak problem since ntsi~eyland opened. Mc. ~ushor.e atated now ther.e ~s also a p~oblem becau3e Delaney's employees ace packtng on the sr.ree*.. He stated he feels the City needa to take a clo~e look ar the commerci.a] cecreation area because +.her~ are natural bounda~ips rhat have moved. He suggested that maybe Fl.ore Stceet ahould become a exit on~y ~o khe sou*.h to prevent khe t[vff~~ fcom going into that neighborhood with a cu]-de-sac or something similar at the end and the~ ~he guests ar_ rhi.s mo~el could exit onto Fl.ore 5r_reet and go south. t~e stated with some revistons he thoughr. r_his projec*. makes a lot of sense and it doen buffe~ some of the neighbors from ~he hraffic noise. He stated r.he pr.oject does show some mer.it and r.he pe~ittoner has done some unique th~ngs with ~t. Mr. Co~lxns stated tha~ traftic l,as been a].l.eviaked somewhar wihh the posting of a sign that it is not a nc~ough street. Thec~ was a brief d~scussion regarding *.he r_raffic situation and Commtssioner 6ushore's suggesr.ed changes. Conce~ning the commenks r.egarding the number of motel or i~o*_el cooms, Commissicier Bushoce stated thts is a free entecp~ise system and whi~e the Commission may disagree with many af the apPl.icants, they do have the right to make the cequest. Chairwoman 6ouas stated uaing the bed and breakfast t~r_le has to be straightened out. Comm~ssi~ner Bushore s+;ated it is a motel because ~t does not meet the bed and breakfast o~dinance. Mr. Collir.s stated they used the term bed and breakfast because it signifies the cc,aracter of the opecat~on. Chairwoman Bouas stated she did not think it coul.d be advertised as a bed and bceakfast inn. Jaak White stated the pet~tioner can advertise the motel in any way he like~ but tha~ the Commiseion is not reviewiny it as a bed and bceakfast xnn with~n khe meaning of that tecm in the Zon~ng Code. S/25/84 MINUTES. ANAFIEIM CITY PGANNING COMMISSZON, JUNE 25L 1.984 84-41.6 Commtseionec euahoce stated his onl.y concer,n would be thnr. if the proper.ty ia r.ezoned the- eom~one elae coul,d purchaee it in the futur.e and change thA whale character, bur. ho fel.t thie may be the perfeck. type buF~c~., eapeci.al.ly ainae the neighbars ar.e all in favor af ::he r.eques::. Commiasioner. Herbst stated he did nok li.ke khe i.dea of cezoning these four lota becauae i.h would be n Ancroachment ~nto the r.eaidentinl area. Ne atar.ed iE the cammerctal recreatfoii ]ina ta moved over complete]y, then he might be i: favor., Lut he would not be tn favor. of enr.roachi.ng lor,-by-lot. Commie~ioner Herbsr_ ~tated bed and breaY,fast inns are allawed i.n a ~esidenr.ial acea because of theic r.esidenttal. atmoapt~eKC, buh, that thi.a t~ a r.equeot Eor r.ezon.ing to commer.cial.-r.ecceationa~ and he could not j~st "spot zane" f~ur ~copect~es. Commisaioner Bushore auggested ~ conditional. use pe~mik ,: tho~'t changi.ng the zone. Jack White, Assisr.ant Cir.y Attorney, stated motels ar,e not a canditional uae i.n the RS-7200 zone an~ r.hat the unclasoified uae section of the Code which says that any u~e which is nor expr.essly permitted or con~itional.ly perrt~ttted i.n a zone that la permitted oc condittona]ly permirr.ed in anothec zone can be a condikional use in the for,:~er. zone, bas~d upon a finding by the Pl.anning Director thAr, that use is compatible with u~es permir.r.ed in the zone and the queskion would be whet.her or nor. the Planntng Director would find that a motel. i.a compattb.le with r.he usea permitr.ed in the ~~5-7200 zone and the uses permitted .in that zone are si.ngl.e-famt]y res.idences. tte star.ed he thoughr_ that wou]d he a difficuly decioi.on for r_he Planniny Director to make. Commissianer Herbst_ atated maybe sr.aff reclassification of the whol.e area with that they do back-up to r.he CR zone. shou:d muke a study of that area foc a gener.a] plan amendment, cecognizing Commi.s~tonec Bushare stated he did ~ot whole area to CR. Commissiunex Herbst support it either, but thak it would a think t~e could vote for r.ezoning of the responded he is nok saying he wou]d least gtve people in the acea a vofce. Commiseione[ Bushore stated he aupports the co:~cept of what he sees before htm in this pcoject and also he sees a way of cu*.ting nff khe tcaffic on ~loce Stree~. Commicsionec McBurney atated he thought it woul.d a infri.ngement ~n the res:~dential zone and tf he lived thece, he would probabl.y want t.he propecty rezoned too so that he could develop i~ commercially in the f~ture. Eie :ctar.ed he fe.lt this is defi.nitel.y spot zoning and he could not suppor.t it even he dues like the project. Commi3si~ner La Claire ytated there may be a possibility that everyone in the acea would want to go for a reclassification because they may be interested in increasing their property value and getting out of the traffic area. Dav:ld Col.lir~s stated he thought it would be a very difficult siLUation to try to recl.assify the entire acea; that he recognizes the concern about spot zoning, iE it was for some other use. He stateci they ace probably gai.ng to invest a quacter of a mt,l].~on doZJ.acs and they expect that this concept will wock and he doss not plan to ever sell the property be~ause he fel.t that cocnec is a very valuable pi~eee of landt and thak they feel the bed and breakfast idea is a good us~ and wi7.1 be a good use for quite some time, unless the rest of the region, cZeaz ovet to Walnut Street, does undezgo ,najor development. MzNU7'GS ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSIQN JUNE 25 1.984 8~'417 CommisaioneK Bushocn stated fhat unfortunately th~ p-'oject does nat. m~et either. the bud ond breakfaat or ~notel code. MG. Co] lina stat~d r..ech~icaa ]y i~ is a motel but ir wi7.1 have hhe bad and breakfast inn flavor. Commiaetonec Buahure stated he has been asking for. a atud,y at the commercial-recceation acea [or abaut one year becauae it has exp~nded beyond its scope and ther.e Are aceas 1:hat sh~u.ld re cNZ~ned. Ne ar.r~~ed r_hah commorcial.-recroationa.l usea have extended beynnd Vermont already and theAe neighboro were not opposed to the r.equeat. Comm.issiuneK Hecbst atated he could nor, vor.e for this unless the whole acea ta included and suggeated denying r.he pcujecr. no the petihtoner, can take it on -:o City Council since they have held tong publi.c hear.ings reyarding the bed and breakfast cnncept and may have a different attitude about it. Co:nmissionet Bushor.e bsked the Tr.affic Engineer. if ir. makes sense r.o clo:~e ofE Ploce Str.eet traveling nocth and mal:ing it an exit on~y for. the neighbors. Paul Sirige~ stated r,ha~ w~u]d add tcaffic to Ver.mont and he is tr.ying ho keep from pur_ti.ny in a tr.a[fic signal ar. Bu.l.l and West Sr_ceets and hia recommendation would be to leave it r.he way it ir because rtie atxeet doesn'F. have enougl~ tr.affir, to matl:ec and tt~e residenr_s have never comp]ained. ACTIUN: Commtssioner Bushoce offer.ed a motion, seconded by Comm~ssioner King and MOTIUN CARRIEU (Commiseionec Fcy absenk), thah. t.he Anahei.m Ctty Planning Commi.ssion has ceviewed the propasal to r.eclassify subjecr pcopesty f.rom the RS-7200 (Residenti.al, 5ingle-Fami.7.y) Zone to r,he CR (Commercial , Recreation) 'Lone t~ per.m~.t a 17-unit bed and br.eakfasr. motel wi~.h waivec of mi.nimum number of parking spaces, maximum structucal height, ninimum structur.al ser.back and max~muin wall height on an icregulacly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately U.69 acre .l.ocar_ed at r.he norh`~east corner of Ball Rnad and Plore S~reet and f urther descr ~bed as ].077 W. Ba~.l Road and 942, 946 and 952 South F].ore Stceet; and does tze~eby approve the Negattve Declacatton upon findtng r_hat it has considered the Negative Dec~.aratiur~ ~ugekher with any comments received dur ing the publ ic reviPw process and fucther f inding on r.he basi.s of the initial. Study and any eomments ceeeived thak thece is no aubstantial evidence that the pcoject will have a significant effPCr on t.he envtronment. Commis~3lonec Bushore of f eced Itesol ur.ton and moved Cor ~ts passage and adopti.on thaL• tne Anaheim City FlAnning Commtssion does hereby granr. Reclassificar.tnn No. 83-84-35 on the basis that the project makes sense foc tht~ parti.cular property and r.hat xhere are adequate cont.r.ola because of the size of thi.s property. On roll cal]., the foregcing reaolutior. FAILED TO CARRY by the followi.ng vate: AYES : BUSHORE, KING NOES: BOUAS, HERBST• LA CLAIRE, MCBURNEY ABSENT: FRY 6/25/84 _ .. ... .....w, MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISS7UN, JUNE 25, .198A __ ~4-418 Commisaioner HQ[bat offer.od Reaolution No. PC84-1.29 And moved Eac ir_8 pAasage and Adopt~on hhat hhu Anahetm City P~anning Commioeion d~~es he~eby deny Reclaaoification No. 83-84-35 an tne b~sis ~t would be ccnaidered "epot zoning" with commer.ci.a] recr.eationel uaea in a residenhial ar.ea. On col.l ca]l., th~e foregoing cesolution was pasaed by the t'.ollowing vote: AYES: BOUAS~ HEItBST~ LA CLAIRB, MC t3URNEX NOES: BUSHORE~ KING ABSENT: ERY Commisaioner Herbst offeced Resolution No. PC84-1.30 and mov~ed f~r. ifs passaqe and adopti.on ~ha~ the Anahe~m C;ity Plunn~ng Commission doea heceby deny waiver (a) on the basis that the parking variance wi]1 cause an in~~reaae in the traffic congestton tn the immediate area and adversel.y Atfe~-t Adjoining land uses and woul.d be detrimenh~l to the ~et~ce, health, Rafety e~nd genera.l welfare of the cittzena o~ the ~tty of Anaheim 3nd denying waf.veca {b) (c) and (d) on the basis that thece ar.e no cpecia] circumstancts applicable to the proper*.y auch as aize, ahape, topogcAphy, location or surroundings whlch do no~ apply to othec identically zoned pcopecr,ies in the vicinity and s~r,ict applicatton of r.he zoning code does not: deprive the properhy of privil.egc~s enjoye~i by other proper*_ies in identica.l. zoning cl.assificatton in the vicinity and alxo on the baats r.har. r_he r.ecl.assiEication per.mir_r.ing r.his use wa3 denied. On roll c~ll., the foreyoing cesol.ution was passed by the foll~:~wing vo*.e: AYES: BUUA:, HERBS'i', LA CLAIRE~ MC BUk2NEY NOES: 13USHORE~ KING ABSENT: FRY Jack Whi~e, Assistanr. Cir.y Atkocney, presented the a~ritten rig~ht ro appeal r_he Planning Commission's dec~sion wih_hin 22 days t~ the City Counr.il. Mt:. Collins ask~ed if they could subTi.r an appl.ica~ion foc a coiidittonal uae per.mit fo= a bed and break£ast xnn on this si~e. Gseg Ha$tinc~E~ stated neither. the ~R Zone nor the FS-7200 zone allow CUPs foc bed and bceakfast inns. Jack White staked the suggestion was to fil.e an appli.cati.on fo~ a conditional use permit f-oc a motel in the current RS-7200 ~one and the only way that could be done is if the Planni.ng D~rectoc was wil.ling to detecmine that mohels ace similar to ac compatible wi*_h singl.e-family residences and he had doubts that the Planning Dicectoc would be able to make ~k~at determinatian; how~vec, ~_he aQpl.icant should contact tt, Pl.anning Depaztment if he wishes r.o pursue tha*_ proposal.. Reapond~~ig to Mr. Cnlli~ns, Greg Hastings s*_ar_ed the bed and b~e•akfast inn on Walnut Street was in Chs RS-A-43,000 Zone. Mc. Collins potnted ou~ tha~ pcoperty is sucrounded by RS-7200 Zoning and thah wou].d be constdered 'spot zvning' which i~ not allowed. 6/25/84 MINUTE5, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25~ 1.984 84-41.9 Commi.se~oner. Nerbat poin*.ed our_ r.hat stKUC~ure had aome ACCh~feCfUCd~ va]ue ~s a hisCorical aite whfch was one of the reasons Eor r.he Approva). Cummissioner Buat~oce etated a new ordinance wae A]so adop~ed as a ce~ul.t of hhat ceques~. ITEM NQ. 20. EIR NBGATIVC U~CL.~4.RATION TND VARIANCE N0. 341Q PUBLZC H;ARZNG. OWNER3: RONALD C. R48INSON AND ELEANOR A. ROBINSON~ 6l4 South Anr,hony Stree*_, Anahefm, CA 928U4. Property descr.i.bed as a rec~angulariy-ahaped par.cel of ]and conoiFting oE spprnxi.ma~el.y O.A6 acre, 732 Nocth ~;as'.: Street. Waiver of maximum str.uc*.urA1 height to cons~cuct a nine uni~ npar.r_menr, complex. ~'hece wer.e approximately ten peo~le indic~*i.ng theic presence i.n oppoeftion to subject request and alr.houyh the staff zepor.t was not Kead, ir, is r.efecred to and made a par.t of ~he minukes. Edward C:arver, agent, ]757] Brand~ Lane, Tus~in, was pre~sen~ to answer any queations. D. Edward (~uadros, stated he bought t-is pzoper.r_y about .l7 years ago and i~ has al.waye been a single-family restdencer *.hat abou*. 4-]/2 years ago apartments wece a~proved on Nor.th Stre~t. and the pr.nject was nat developed ~:he way i-: was proposed. H~ preaented pho*.oyraphs taken at noon today ~nowing cars parked on the sidewal.ks and s*_ated that apar.tmen~ compl.ex had plans to provide underground parkiny which was not dane. He s*_ated he opposes thia r.equest because it woul.d be `SpOt zoning`, He stated anythi.ng can go on behind their. backs and he is opposed because *_t-is arna is r~lready congea~ed and Eaat Stceet is an ar*_erial highway and putting that many more pe~ple i.n fhe asea will have an envi.conmental i.mpact on their propertiea. He ara~ted there are Apar*_tnents and motel.s right beh~nd Uisneyland that are becomi.ng cun-~down and a]so the one that was just buxlt A-l./2 years ago on Nor¢h St~eet is a].r.eady getfing run down. He stateci he has been a taxpayer i~ Anahe:[m for 47 year.s and has seen a great deal of devetapment going on and s*_ated he is oppused to "spot zoni.ng" fcr these apartmenta and he has opposed *_h~rn befoze. Mike 5kajem, ?24 N. Bush, Anaheim, stated he just found out abouh this yesterday and a group of homeowners got togethe~ and aigned a petiti.on cequesting +:hat no moce apartments be grant.ed in this area. He stated if a two-story apar*_ment unit is constcucted, the peop]e across the str.eer. wir_h a swimming pooJ. will have no privacy, He star_ed al.so the traffic pa~tern in this area on East Street going toward La Palma is reall.y bad and thts projec*_ would create Tore trafffc adding to the exisring tcaffi.c problem. He stated he bougnt his home to g~t away from apurtments and on Bush Sr.r~ct khere are aparrmenta alcHady and r_here is not enough parking, so those tr~nan':s Qack an the street and it is dangecous for the chil.dren playi.ng i.n *.he acea. He stated ther.e will be no place for the childcen from this complex to play and there wil.l be no place foc the tenants to park. He poin*_ed out no parking is allowed on East Street. He stated he is a member of th~ t3eighborhood Watah and does not like to see stcange cac~ in the ne~ghborhood or even strange c~cs parked ~n khe neighbochood. He pcesented a list of people who were no*. notified of this hearing and stated the heacing was suppos~d to be hel.d at 1:30 p.m. and ~t i.s now 7:00 p.m. and suggested if such hearings are *_o be hel.d, they should be la~cer so people who have to work can attend. 6/25/84 M1I~UT~:Sr ANhNEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25, 1984 &4-420 ~ulius Nelaon, 716 N. Rose Street, Anaheim, etatQd his home backa up to tt~e homea an the wcuk eid~ of East Stceet and about 3 years ago t.here wa~ a request for rezoning foc an aparkment on the weat aide of East 5treet am9 he was nor.ified of that heering and at that time khe neighbors shc~wed up anmA~se and the request was dented. Ne atated if this ir approved, he did not know haw the Commission couxd deny the same request to anyone plae on Eflat Street. Ne sLated he loaked at the plans and it calls for nine unila with 18 parking spuceaJ and stated that would be Cine as long as the units were orcupicd by a single-family, but in the houseR on the street Coday and thr~uyhout the entire heighborhoo~, there xs i~o such thing as a single-family ~ecupency of a single-fumily home and there Ace four or iive adults ACC0~6 the stceet. tr~m him with ak lea~t 7 vehicles and if they can not park an Gast Street, they will be parkiny in his ne~ghborhood ~reati~g problems Eor him. He ~tated the owners of the praperty are not Fr~m the area and are trying to convert thi.s into a money-making pro~ect and he objects to rhat. Commisaioner Herbst stated thio property i~ already zoned for a~~rtments an~ there is no reyueat for zezoning. Greg tiastings stated the ma~ority of tl~e prc~pecty on Chat side of the street i.s under a cesolution ~f intent to the FM-1.7.U0 2one and it has been zoned t:hat wny since 196b. Anni.ka San~alahti sta:ed in Nraccice wikh the one-sto~y height limitations, it is ~robably f~ir.ly sa[e '.~~ as~ume that about one-•nalf the number of units could be c~nstr~ctec3 witt~~out wafvers under the Code. Victoria Gomez, 735 N. easr„ rt;ated she is concerned because there is a pre~schaol about L-wn blocks from subjec~ property and they do not want more cars or strangers in tr~e area; and that right behind hec home there is a rental proper.Cy and Che tenants move about every other month and they do not want ko have more stranyers coming in and out of theic neighbarho~d and they want thelr homes to be their dream h~mes. CacCie Beeuon, 1'l19 E. Wilhelmina Street, atas:ed subject property is abo~~t two luta away from her property and several years ayc thiq same praperty, along with other lots, was clenied a cequest foc apactments and also the request to construct an all~y from La Palma to Wilhelmina Street which would hr~ve gone right through her bedroom, was denied. She stated this property is 27U feet deep and if one apartment is allowed, there will be more cequests for apartments on the north and south side of tt~is pro~erty and that she would propose it stay K-1. Annika Santalahti explained the property is currently zoned 1~M-120Q which does permit apartments; that the zoning was approved for that particulax area in 1968 and there were conditions including dedication for street frantage and payment of fees and she believed the zoning for this particular property was finalized to RM-120U i.n 1978. Commiesioner HusnoKe stared the petitioner's request is for two stories within 150 feet of single-family zoned property and all the rest of the requests would be allowed by righ~. G/25/84 MINUTES, AN~tIFIM CITY PW-NNING COMMISSION, JUNE 25, 19H4 84-421 D. Ska~em, 'l24 N. 8w~h, sr.ated ahe i.s e r,QCent homeownec ~nd ahe usea Nocth Street ~o nake a left on E~at Street r.o ger. to wock ~nd r.het ar.rect ln the morning an~ .ln the evening ia r.ercible and ahe was concecned about th~ traffic. 5he pointed out her daugh~er is bused ro 5outh ~uni~~r. High School and the bus stop Wae dangerous And was moved. She at~ted r.he~e are about 4 or. 5 familiee khat Jive together in Apartments dawn r.he atr.eetj and r.hat r.here are cacs ~l.waya doubl.e-packed on Bush 5t~eet and she feit if this ia appr.oved, r.he cacs will be parking ln hec neiyhborhood and ~he did not. r_hink that was faic. Don Datley, ].21.6 E. Wiahelmina, Anaheim, or.ar.ed ther.e i~ no queotion r.he property owner has the r.tyhr. to develop his propecty and r.he only r.hing the opposikion is ~equeatirg ts to k~ep the heighr. )i.mttation cestricted and give r_hem a break .ins~ead uf 'spot zoning'. Mr.. Cat~vec atar.ed the ~pposir.i.on hAS Pxpcessed concern abour, th~~ number of cacs that will be par.ked and he thoughr this is z- r.eault oE r.he affluent society we have today; that: in r.he area where he 1ivE~~, there Ace a lot of cars and he could not even peck in fr.or~t. of his hQUSe at tlmes. Ne stated t:here was concern about a r.wo-stocy building becauae people mighr_ be looking inta ~ swimming pool and pointed our_ r.he sleepfng quar.te~s will be on the south side where the two-ar.ary ~ortion will be and on the nocth sicle wher.e the two-s~ories will be located, is the ]iving and din~nq r.oom area, but they are set back about l.0 fe~~ from che pdge of the balcony and r_he property to r.he north is agxicul.turaJ and theGe c~ce no huildings on r_hat pr.opecty ar. ail. He stat~d the owner sh~wed the plans to r_;~e neighbors und ia concerned about input fcom concetned neighbocs and stated f.hey are providing all the ~equi.red parking. `PHE PU6LIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Com~ricsioner E3ushore s~ated this would not be 'apot zoni.ng' because the pc~perty is a2c~eady zoned RM-1200 and the only thing r_he applieant ta cequesting ~ls ~ermission to build two stortes within 1.50 feet of sing7e-fami.ly property lines and that no decision has been made on this as yet. He sr_ated the neighbors have been here since ].:30, but the CommiosionErs have been here since 10:00 a.m. and thar. everyone has the right r.o requesk whatever ~hey like on their property. He referred to photogcaphs submitted with cacs parked on the sidewalk and s~ated that particular. property wa~ devel_oped in accordance with plans appcoved. He stated the Planni.ng Commission voted for. denial of apartmer~ks with~n 150 feet o£ s:.i~gl.E-family and he did not know what khey woul.d do with this rEquest today, but he will vor.e ayainst it. He stated r.he F~etitioner can put in as many units as he wanr.s as long as they are one story and meet the other Codes. Responding to Comm~ssionec La Claire, G~eg Ha3tings stated the 150-foot ].imi.tation is measured in all directians adjar.ent to RS-7200 on the nocth, south anci east and, in addition, there is some RS-7200 to the west across East 5t~eet. He expl,ai.nryd the reaolution of intent app]ies to the property to the north and south, but not across East Stcee~. Commissioner McBucney stated 6 units were approved fot this prapecty with a waiver for a block w~l.l and ik was pointed out that was ca].culated under different standarda. Commissioner McBurnPy stated since h~ has been on the 6/25/84 MINUTBS, ANAHBxM CITY P~ANNINC COMMISSION JUNF 25, ).984 84-422 ~..,,.t.~~._.: ~...~~.._.___ Camml.eoion, e~~ery time thera t~a~ been a~oquear. an r.hia ar.ce~f, the Commi.eaion has had the seme oppooikin~ rege~cding tr.Affic and ttie impact of more people tn the Ar.oa. He atated he i~ o~~poaed to 2 etoriea on thQ property no~ only for the vi.sual affect, bur, for the tcafff.c and star,~d he cou')d not justlfy appcoval of a hardship. Commisetoner Norbat asked i~E r.he per.ic:i.onar would like ta reviae ~:he p]ane and Commtssioner Dushor.o point:ed out r,he ~ro~~~rty i~ surrounded by Ringle-femily and r.he peti.tioner can not have 'l-atury untca and that i~ all he i,a r~sking tor, ao h.here is no re~son tor. r.evision. Comm~aaioner La C1air~ askerl if r.hin is deni.ed, wil.l r.he pekihfonec still have the aix units which have been appcoved. Annika Santalahf.t ~esponded he would no< have r.har_ privilege and would have to butld under curr.enr. Codem and would ti~ve to r.~acr_ivar.e the request.. Commi.R~taner Her.bst: ctated he w.~uld ~ike to conr.inue r.he mahr.er because r.here may be sottse m~nor rhinys that cuuld be donet and atet~d he t.hought he would onl.y be able to pu~: 5-aingle ~trry unit:s qn the praper.~.y. Mr.. Car.ve~ Asked if the sr.cuctur.es wou.i.d have r,a be lS0 f.eet from a.ll sidea and explpined as he under.st:ood it, reguirement.a were l50 Eeer. fr.om th~ eaat and wesk eides bpcause everything else would be RM-1200 Zon~ng ~~nd complying wir.h the ].50 faot aer.back tn every di.r~ction woul.d mean tney woul.d n~t, be abl.e r.o build any 2-stc~r.y units, r_ommissi.aner eushur.e st:ated the problem is r.hah. the propecry direct]y tn the north Is zuned RS-7200 and r.he same goef. Eoc khe property t.o the south. Annika Santa.lahr.i ~star.ed in ~>cact.tce if r.his proper.ty is 263 fe~r. deep, the l.-atacy height li,miiAtion far. the east: and west takes car.e of I.he whole ~,iece of propecty. Sti~ stt~ked r_her.e ace somp xanes which x:,fy tf a proper.ty is undPr ceaolutlon of ~ntent ko a higher density, then the h~:ight wai.ver te~ na~ pertinent. CommissioneK Herbst staCed hE would like to s~~e thc petit~oner ~ake a conkinuanc:e and work wir.h statE to cevise the plan::~ and he felr_ t:here may be a w~y he could cevise them and eliminate r,he 2 etor+es or wh~tever and riot. have to pay for another var~anc~. Annika Sanr.al.aht.i stated the Code read~ f.f r.he a~jacent proper.ty is RS-A-43,OQU and approved Euc bnothec use, khe ].-sr_ory hetght ].imitation dc~es not appl.y, but that this property ia zoned RS-7100 and the pcoperty to the south h~s a resol.ution of intent, ~o in practi.ce he cannot build 2 stoctes without a vari.ance anywhere on the property. ACTIDN: ~ammissio.ner ~sushure offeced a motion, seconded by Co-nmisstoner. McSutney and MOTIU.N CA~RIED (Commis~ioner Fry absent), that the Anahetm City Planning Commis~~om ha~a reviewed tne pcopooa.l to constr.uct a 9-untt apactment compl.ex with a wai.ver af maxi.mum stcuctural he~qht on a~ectangu.l.arly-ahaped parcel of land con~fsting of appcox~matel.y 0.43 acre, hav~ng a frontage of app~oximately 75 f~et on the weat side of East Stre~t and furk,he~ deaccibed as 732 Noctt~ East StceeL•t and does heceby approve t~e Neyative Dec,laz'ation upon finding that it has consider.ed khe Negative Dec3aration togethec aith any commends ceceived ducing the pub~.ic reviea proeess and further f~.nd~ng nn the basis of the Inikial. Study and any comments received tizat the~ce is no substanti~al. evi~dence that the pro~ect wil,l have a s~gnificant effect on the ~envicanment. 6/25/84 MINUTES, AN1~liEIM CITY PW-NNING COMMISbION, JUNr: 2`.'~, 1984 f34-423 Chairwoman Bouas etated ohe fel.t hhe neiyhbor's cancern i.s with the number. of people coming into the area with eeveraa fami].i.es ].iving in one unlt and having a lnt of vehicles, er.c. Commisotoner Huahor.e offer.ed Resoluti.on No. PC84-].31 and mov~d f.or ite paseagP and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Commioeion does h~r.eby deny Vatience No. 3410 c:~ r.he bas~o that r.here are no special ciccumstenceo aPplicabl.e to the ~roper.ty such as size, shape, topogr.aphy, lacarion and au~coundings which do no~. appJy to other identically zoned pzoper.ty ~n r.he s~me vicinityt and r.hat str.ict applicatton ot Che Zcning Cod~ does not deprivP Fhe propa~ty of pri.vi.leger enjoyed by othet prc~pert'.es in the identical ;;one and c].asr~ificati.on in r.he vicinity. On rull re17, the Eorego+.ny reaolut_i.on was passed ~~y the following vate: AYES: BUUAS~ BUSHORC, HERBST, KING, l..A C~AIRE, MC BURNEY NOLS: NONE A85BNT: FRY Jack White, Assistanr. '~ity Ar.r.orn~y, prefienr.ed r.he wrtr.h.en ~ight r.o sappeal the Planning Commiasion'~ .~ecisic~n wirhi.n 22 duys to Che City Council. ITEM NU. 2l. ENV._~~~~~~f~~NTAL IMPACT KEPURT NU. 223 (PREVIOUSLY (;ERTIFIEU) AND VAFtIANCE N0. 3391' `;'.?~T:v'~RTISED): PUBLIC HEARING. ~°=~tt3R::. ~vAHMINGTUN HOMSS, 309U L~ul.lman ~treec, c:oota Mesa, CA 92626. AGEN':~ =!~'!~..:; ~ ASSOC:IATES, l50 'A" Paular.ino Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, ATT-•. ~i~+ ~~~'~vENSON. Property describecl as an irregularly-shaped paccel. af l.ar~,: .~ ,;~ ~~-~ ~ ng of approxima"_ely G.96 acres on r.he wesr side of Wil).owbro~k ~•.- ,~jc~F~'•oximar.el.y 255 feet nort.h uf the centeXline of Chapman Avenue. Request r.o aneu-~. ,~r+:~~.n conditionR of Pl.ann~ng Commission Resol.ution No. PCBa-73 pert~ :::~: ~T.: t c, reyuir.ed i.na~al.lati.on of n private stceet. There was no a~-~t ~:n~dicati.ng thei~r presence ~n oppositton to subject cequest and althouyh rh~: ~taft ce;.o~t was not cead, it t~ refe~~ed r.o and made a pazt ~f the minur.-~.~. ACTIOta: C~mn~i~-~::oner Kfng offered Resolution No. PC84-132 and moved for its passage ac;~ ac!w.~+:ton ~~at the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby amend cert~3~ r c,~ndit~ :~s oi Planning Comm~asion Resol.ution N0. PC84-73 pectaini.ng tv requir.:d installation of a private sfceet. On -'ol.l. c~11, the foregoing resolution w~s passed by the fol.lowi.ng vote: AYES: BOUAS~ BUSHORE~ FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABSENT': PRY 6/25/84 MINUTES. ANAH~IM CITY FL~NNING COMMISSION, JUNF, 25~ 1984_ 84-axa ITEM N0.22. REPOR7'S AND RECOMMENDATIONS: `~ A. CONDITIONAL USE PE~tMIT NO. 2090_ - Requeat ~ram Harvey Owen for an extenaion of time foc ConditionaJ. Uae Permf.t No. 2U90, praperty deacribed as 1160 N. Kr.eemer Bou.levar.d. ACTION; Commiseioner. King offe~ed a motion, seconded by Commtssioner Herb~t and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Fry abaenr.), r.hat the ~nahe,tm City planning Commiasion doea heceby gran~ a r.Qtcoach~ve one-year. exr.ension of time for Conditional Use ~~rmit No. 2090 ro expir.e on June 2, 1985. B, NUNC PktO Z'UNC OF RESOLUTION NO. P~84-61 - Requeat for emendment of Pl.anning Comm~seion Resolution No. PC84-61. perhatn~ng to Condttiona] Use Permit No. 254.1, prapecr.y is appzoximatel.y 37.2 acr.es at the sour_hwest cocnec of Santa Anb C~nyon R~ad And Weir Canyan Road. ACTION: Cammisai.onet King offered Resolutian No. PC84-]33 and moved for itc~ passage and adop~:ion that the Anaheim City Planntn~3 Commission does hereby grant a nunc pro tunc resal.utton in connectton with Cond7r.tonal Use Perm~t No. 254] correcttng staff prror.~. On roll cal.]., the foregoi.ng resolution was pas~ed by the foilawing vore: AYES: BOUAS~ BUSNORE~ NERBST, KING, LA CLAYft~~ MC D~RNEY NOES: NUNE ABSENT: FRY ADJOU~tNMENT; There b~ing no further bu~sinese, Commirsioner. King offeced a motion, seconded by Commi.ssi~onec La Claire and MOTION CARRIED (Commisaioner Fry absent) that Che meettng be ad~ourned. The meeting was adjoucned ar. 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, f'J ~~' ~' ' • Ed:[th L. Hacris, 5ecretary Anaheim City Plannxng Commission ELH:Im 0052m 6/25/84