PC 1984/11/26REGUL~R MEETING OP THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of l•he Anaheim Ctty Planning Cammis~ion was called to order by Chairman Herbst at 10:00 a.m., November 26, 1984, in the Co~ncil ChAmber, a quorum being preaent and the Commisaion reviewPd plnns of the items on today's agend~. RECRSS: 11:30 a.m. REC~t~VENED: 1:32 p.m. pRESENT Chairman: Herbet Commissioners: eouas, Bushore, Fry, King, La Claire, McBurney ADSENT; Commissioner: Nane ALSO PRESENT Annika 5antalahti Joe1 Pi ck Jack White Jay Titus Paul Singer Jay Taahiro Pat Whitaker GKeg Ha~tings Edith Narris Assistant nirector for Zoning Assiatant Director for Planning Assietant City Attorney Office Engtneer Tr.affic Engineer Asnociate Planner Neighborhood Restor.ati.on Specialist Aasociate Planner Planning Conunission Secretacy ANPROVAL OF MZNUTES: Commi~s.ioner King of.fered a motion, seconded by Commissioner La Claire and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners 8ouas and McBurney abstaining on the October 15th minutes and Commissioner Herbst abstaining on the October 29th minutes) that the minutes of the meetings of October 15 and October 29, 1984, be approved as submitted. ITEM N0. 1. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONAI~ USE PERMIT N0. 2619 PUBLIC EIEARING. OWt~ERS: SCONONY M08ILE OIL COMPANY~ INC., 17822 East 17th Street, Tustin, CA 92680, ATTN: H. C. ERICSAN AND MP.S. ANNE HBNNING PAULUS, East Lake Shore, E3ig Fork, Montana 59911. Property der~cribed as an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximbtely 0.63 acre, located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Rio Vista Street, and further described as 2800 East Lincdln Avenue (Mobil Oil). Request to permit convenience retail sales in an existing service station. Continued from the meetings of October 15, 29, November 14, 1984. ACTION: Commissioner McBurney offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bnuas and M~JTI.ON CARRIED thaL coneidFratian of the aforementioned matter be continued to the reguiarly-scheduled meeting of December 10, 1984, at the cequest of Che petitioner in order that he may submi~ revised plans anc~/or information pertaining to the closure of the existing driveways. 744 11/26/84 MINUTES, ANANEIM CITX PLANNING CbMMI5SI0N, NOVEMBER 26, 1984 84-745 ITEM N0. 2. EIK NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2614 PUHLIC HEARING. OWNER: LUCIGL~ M. PERRYMAN, 210 W. Vermont Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805. AGENT: EMBASSY PARK AEV~LOPMENT CUMPANY, 5480 Lincoln Avenue, Cypceas, CA 9063Q, ATTN: WILLIAM FIFIELD. Property described sA a cectangularly-shaped p~rcel oE land consisting of approximately 0.4 acce, 210 Weat Vermont Avenue. To permit a 36-unil• senior citizen's apartment complex. Continued from the meeting of October 15, 1984. ACTIUN; Commissioner La Claice offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner eouas and MO'I~ION CARRIED that conaideration oE the aforementionPd matter be continued to the regula~ly-scheduled meeting of January 7, 1985, in order for the ~etitioner to investigate the feasibility oE Alternative pro~vsals on subject praperty. ITEM N0. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT N0. 264 ANU GENERAL PLAN AMENqMENT N0. 187 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: RICHAi~U A. WALLACE, ~T AL, P.O. Box 11626, Santa Ana, CA 92711. AGENT: RUT~N ~ TUCKER, c/o James Moore and Scott Rogers, P.O. Dox 1950, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Property described As approximately 325 acres bounded on the north by the Bauer Ranch and Santa AnA Canyon Road, east by the irvine Compariy property, south by the Oak Hills Ranch, and west by the Anaheim Hills Development Corporation pcoperty and khe Bauec Ranch. Amendment to the Land Uae Element of the General Plan: Alternate pr~posals of ultimate land uses including, but not limited to Hillside Estate Density Residential, Hillside Low Density Residential, Hi,llside Medium Density Residential, General Commercial, and General Open Space. Continued from the meetings of October 29, and November 14, 1984. There was no one indicating their presence in opposition to subject re~uest and although the staff rEport was not read, it is referred to and made a part of the minutes. Jay Tashiro, Associate Planner, presented the staEf report to the Planning Commi~aion dated November 26, 1984, indicating the a~plicant proposPS ko develop a mix of housing densikies, neighborhood, commercial and school facilities on the 325 + acre~ with a maximum of up to 1,119 dwelling units, decreased from the ociginal proposed for 1~190; khat subject am~ndnient would skfll have the highesk residential acreage density of major General Plan Amendments in the C~nyon Area since the adoption of the Canyon Acea Gener~l Plan; however, it does not exceed the proposed density bpproved for the Oak Hills Ranch property. He stated the applicant submitted a letter indicating that if the subject Generel Plan Amendment is appr~ved by the Planning Con~mission and City Council, they have no objection ta ~nnexing into the City of Anaheim. Concerning traffic, he explained Bxhibit B wi~l have approximately the same traffic impact as originally propased on Exh~bit A. 11/26/$4 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOMj NOVBMBER 26, 1984 84-746 He painted out ^tiaff's concecna aftPr review of the Exhibit are: (1) the appropci.atenes. ~f increase in presently adopt~d Ge~eral Plrn dwe.ll~ng unit•s from 738 to 1,119, an inerease of 528t f2) ap~ropclatenes~ oE the pcopoaed density on a study area where approximately 1/4 of the slopes excEed 30~t (3) the proposed hlgh denaity of 11 dwelltng unita per acxe in propoaed in four plann.ing areas and Oak Hills Ranch and Bauer Ranch had one planni.ng area each with a deng~ty of 11 dwelling un.its per acr.es (4) of. the 1,119 dwelling unita prnposed with~n the atudy area, 877 dwelling unita (78~) are designated for hillside medium density resldenL.ia1 which is typically implemented by multiple-EAmily unitsj (5) the propased amendment indicates a reduction of Upprox~mately 58 acre~ of residentially designated arEas but maintains an increase of general o~en space area by approxirt~ately 24 acres; (6) approval of subject amendmenl• ~ay precipitate the requeat for i.ncreaae~ tn density for ~he remain~ng undeveloped areas in the hill and canyon Area. He stated the revised physical imE~act report indicates that Exhibit B will have a pastti.ve imp~ct to the City of ap~roxi.ma~ely $18,600. Fie stated if the Plannfng Commission and City Counc~l were tc approve the subject amendment with a maximum of 1,119 dwelling untts, approval ta not automat~cally guarar~teed for development of that number of units and under the General Plan designation, the number of developable units would range Erom zero up to 1,119 units with a total actual number of ~mplementable units tv be authori.zed by the City at the time o~ apptoval of planned community zoning or suhdivi.sion approvals. Jarod Ikeda, 1802 Cowan, consultant to the applicant (owners nf the Wallace Ranch) explained the planning Eor this proposal started about one year ago when the Oak ~iills Ranch planni.ng began For the 6C0 acres upstream Erom this property and alsa the Bauer Ranch planntng which was downstream from th~a property; that when those two properties started their plans, it became apparent that the development of the Wallace Ranch would need to be coordznated with those developments. He stated ~t was the intent to clearly plan that whole area in a coordinated tashion and eliminate any potenkial conflxcts in the future ot pos~ible fnfrastru~ture and public service not being pco,~erly coordinated. He stated the orx~inal plan was fo: 1,190 units and three ~ssues were raised by the Planning Commission, density, traffic and annexation; and tlie changes that have occurred aE a result of that meeti.ng consist.ed of reauution in khe over-a11 number of dwelling sni.r.s by 71 from 1,190 to 1,119; that the hillside low-density residential has been reduced from approximately 49.8 acres to 42 acres and the number of units reduced from 217 to 211; that none nf the planrting areas for the h~l~side low-density designation would exceed 5 dwellings per acre; that tn the hiliside medxum-density area, they have increased the acea from 6d.9 a~res to 79.2 acres which resulted F:om a reductton xn the commercial area by almost 1/2 which wa~ a net increase of 18 acres of hillside medium-de~s~ty cesidential; however, the n~mbec of unit~ was reduced fr~m 937 to 872 wh.ich resulted because of the reduct~on in the ptoposed denatties from two planning areas to 11 units per acre which was consistent with the highest densi.ttes, both in Oak Hills and the Bauec Ranch areas; khat the commercial area wa3 reduced from 32 acres to 25 acres ano the amount of open space reduced by 3 acres to cumpensate for addxtional adjustments ~n the r.esident~al area; however, almost 1/3 of the 325 acres would remain xn open space= and that the physical i~pact would be a pos~tive impact of $18,600 as compared with the current General Plan designatton wh~ch shows a negative xmpacts that the traff~c rema~ns the same and the ultimate development of this canch and the 0~': Hills Ranch and Bauer Ranch has 11/26l84 MYNU~~S, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 26. 1984 84-747 been planned for and anelysed by the traffic coneultant~ and it has been determined that Dased on s phased devylopment and e monitoring Nrogcam, that aa development occura in this particulAr Canyan and as impravements occur, including the Eaatern Corridoc, the ~raffic c~uld be handled. Concerning ennexation, he stated th~ ownera of the Wallac:e Ranch have been contacted and if the City ia dPSirouo of annexatior-, they ar~ willing to annex into rhe City and sign the n~cessary documenks and provide the fees ancl begin tho pcoceas f~r annExation u~on dpproval of thib General Plan Amendment. Roger Grable, Rutan and Tucker, 611 Anton, Costa Mesa, stated in view of the Commis~ion's concerna at the previoue meeting and atnce k1~e Cil•y had indicaf~d they would be wi].ling to init~ate the Annexation, ttiey feel comfortable in agreeing L•o becume a part of the City as a~art oE ttie process and that proces~ has alre~dy been etarted at the preaent timp. THE PUBLIC NEARING WAS CLOSED. Chairman Herb~t asked wha~ would happen if the Ea~tern Corridor d~esn't go througli into Orange. Mr. ikeda stated the ICU at the intFraection of Santa Ana Canyon Rond and Weir Canyon Rnad would be ~uat abovQ c~pa~ity. Westan Pringle, 265~ E. ChapmAn, Fullerton, tr~ffic ~onaultant, etated all the dffferent de~elopment that is anticipated in the area cannot be accommodated without the Eastern Corrid~~r oc eome other acterials tt~at Lhe position right now is that this is at the Gener.A1 Plan level and the Eastern Corridor is a part of the General ~lan and l-hey heve a~sumed it wi.ll be there; however, if the Eastecn Corridor ian't buil.t, then either another arterial would tiave to be built or the total development anticiNated in the area cou.id not be accommodated. Chairman Herbsl• stated he has some concer~s abouh the total amount of ~creage involved in the medium density areas because it appears to be so far above what has been approved in the past and ik apPears there could be a better mix. He stated he is eoncerned with the num:~r of homes that wi11 be built when compared with th~se built in the Anahei: Hills area and the density here is far h~avier. ' Mr. Ikeda stated they were loofcing at the market place and the median income fn the Anaheim Hills area is about ~28,000 and in looking at the potential buyiny power, the ~rice of housing has to be in the neighborhood of $135,000 and xt becomes very difficu~t to bui.ld single-family, detached homes in a hillside area at that pricej that the Genecal Plan ,tndicates the City wants to provide housing for the peopl~ who work in the Anaheim srea and in order to do that, the housing costs have ta be ~omewhat reasnnable; that hillside density is about 11 units ~er acre and they have demon~trated a number of examples where densities can be achieved beyond the 11 units per acre in a high quality menner; that the area is somewhat flatter than the Oak Hil~s property and that is why it is feasible to provide more housing in this acea. He staked because of the toroyraphy and the matket place, ~hey feel it is neceasary to have this kind of density. I1/26/84 MINUTES. ANAHBIM CI'rY PLANNING COMMI55ION, NOVEMBER 25, 1984 84-748 ChairmAn Herbst atated the dens~ties wece planned in the hilla and canyon area in the earlX '70's, but developeca were never able to achieve Chose numbers because of the nias~ive grading req~ired. He akated he wants to be sure the petitioner realizes that evEn iE th~s amendment is approved, .it doean't rea±ly mean they will be ab1N to get that kind of denaity. Mr. Ikeda responded they reali~ed that and eince tti~s is just a General Plan Amendment, therc+ will be future detAiled development plana that will have to come befoce the Commission and Council for rev.tew. Chairman Herb~t stated developer~ alwaya refPr to this kype of density and point out to the Planning Commission that khe General Plan says they can build a certain number af units; hawever, the Commiseion does refuse to approve some of those plans an~ make them revise them to provide a goo~ development and good living environment. Mr. ikeda stated they cleacly understand and that khey envisivn the Weir CAnyon to be devel~ped in a very high quality manner. Commis~ioner L~ Claire atated ~he would agcee with Chairrt~an Herbst And wanted to point out that when tlie plane do comE in with the tract map, they will be reviewed very closely by the Planning Cnmmission and she doubted if the developer would be able to get tfiese densities and also, it all depends on the Eastern Cocridor and access. She stated she tE happy with this Exhibt~ for the General Plan, bu~ she would like to know what kind of procedures have been initiated rEgarding annexation. Roger Grable responded they aubmitted a letter to the City indicating they understood the City desired to annex this prupecty, and they ~ndic~~ed their concurrence with that desire, assuming the plan is acceptable through this process and since then, the Cily has responded regarding timing and necessary do~uments they need to sign and havE sent thoae to them and they intend to have those completed and returned to the City, along with the fees, prior to the City Council heacing and their petition will be to the CiCy and the City will submit the applicati~n to LAFCO. Commissionec Buahore stated if thia is not approved, then annexation is not acceptable and asked what they would do then. Mr. Grable respon~ed if they d~ not have an acceptable plan, they would have to review their optxons at that point. Commxssioner Bushore stated he has no problem ~ith l•he property coming into the City, nor with ti~e developer not wanting to come to the City .if the plan is nat approved, but he .ts concerned about tl~e density and did not votF for the highpr density on ihe Oak Hills property because he did not like approval being tied to a eertain numbec ~f units, and he wuuld pcobably not vote for approvel of this request eitherj and that he felt theee higher denstties are drastically changing the Canydn Area. ACTION: Commissioner La Claire offered a motion, seconde~ by Commissioner Fry and MOTION CARRI~D that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find that after considering Draft Environmental Impact Report No. 264 for the pcoposed development of the Wallace Ranch and reviewing evfdence, both wr~tken and oral, presented to supplement Draft EIR No. 264, that EIR No. 264 is in complfance with t•he California Environmental 4uality Act and the City and 11/26/84 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING GOMMISSION, NOVEMBG~ 26, 1984 84-749 State CBQA Guidel.inest that econumic- soci~l and phyuical considecAtions make it infpasible to eliminate all the sign.tfiaant environmental impacts of the project which have been identified in EIR No. 264t that it will be necessary to complete planning and provids funding of a system of arterial highways having adequate c~pacity to fierve thia pcoject and ~ther futute developmenta in the reyion prior to approval of zoning the Ptoperty for develoPment; however, the benefits of the project hev~ been balanced aga.inst r_he unavo~dable environmentAl impacts and ~ureuant to pcovisions of Sect.ton I5093 of State CEQA Guidelines, tt~e occurrence of significant environmental effects identified in EIR No. 264 and as ~et Eorth above may be permitted w~thout further mitigation due to the following overriding consideratton¢: (1) the project will provide a balanced residential community t~ Etll a need for housing an incceaeing populations (2) the project ts compatible wtth surcounding land uses; and (3) mitigation mea~ures have been incorporated into the pro~ect to reduc~ the enviranmental impact to an acceptabl~ level; therefore, the Planning Commission recommends that the Gity Council certify Environmental Impa~t Report No. 264 fc~c the General Plan ot ti~e Wallace Ranch and adopt this Statement oF Overridiny Considecatians. Commissi~nec La Claire offered Resolution No. PC84-241 and moved far its passage~°adoption that the Anaheirn City Planning Commission does hereby rer.ommend to the City Council that General Plan Amendment No. 187 - Land Use Element Exhibit B be approved with part,tcular emphasis on the fact that this approval does not automatically guarantee the maximum of 1,119 dwelling units and the number would range from 0 to 1,119, with the actual number af implementable units to be authorized by the G'ity at the time of ~nproval of Planned Community Zoning ~nd subdivision approvals. On roll call, the f~regoing re~olutiun was passed by the following voke: AYES: BOUAS, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: BUSHORE AIISENT: NONE Commissioner I.a Claire offered a motton, seconded by Comm~sstoner Herbst and MOTION CARRIED (Commission~r Bushore voting no) that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that annexation of ~he Wallace Ranch property be processed through LAFCO as quickly as aossible because they feel it is very impurtant that this property he annexed into the City of Anaheim. ~ack White, Assistant City Attorney, presented the written right to appeal the Planning Gommission's decision within 22 days to the City Counc~.l. ITBM NU. 4. ~IR NEGATIVE DECLARATIO~ AND VARIANCE N0. 344U PUBLIC H~ARING• OWNERS: FANNIE AHRENS, 20332 Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, CA 92807. AGENT: OCEAN-WOOD GONSTRUCTION CORP., ATTN: DA~E WOOD~ 1680 Louise Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651. Property described as an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 2.34 acres, 6110 East Santa Ana Canyon Road. Watver of minimum lot wxdkh to establish a 9-lot, aingle-fam~lY subd.ivision. 11/26/64 MINUTBS. ANANEIM CITY PI~ANNING COMMISSIOU. NOVEMBF.R 26. 1984 84-750 Thece w~s no one indicetiny lheir pr~sence in oppos;tian to aubject requ~at and elthough the st~fE copoct waA not rea~, it is ceferred to nnd made a pert of khe minutes. Dale Woad, agent~ explained bocause of tha irregular shape oE aubje~t proper.ty And becausd of the access being provided to ~he adjacent proE~erty to the immediate west, r.hia proposa.l waa ceauced tn a y••l~~c ~ub:~lvision and the average lut area is 8800 aquare teet. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLO5ED. Responding to Commisaioner i.a C1Aire, Mr. Wood stated he has bcen working wikh Ci'y Rtaff on the horse ttail isaue. ACTIUN: commiasioner ~cing ofEered a motion, seconcied b~~ Commissioner BouAP and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion has rEVi,ewed the propasal. to entabliah a 9-l~t RS-720U(SC) 31ng.lr..-iamily ~ubdiviaion with waivec of minimum lAt width on a irregularly-~ha~ed parcel of .land consisting of approximately 2.34 acres, t,avirg aporoximatE Erontagea af 249 L~Pt on the soutt~ aide of Santa Ana Canyon Road and 1a0 feet on the north eide of Arboretum Road and further descrihed as 6110 East Santa Ana Canyon Raadj and does heceby approve the NegAtive Declaration upon finding that it has considered the t~egative Declaratton together with any comments rec~ived during the public rev~ew process and fucthec finding on the basta uf the Inittal Study and any commente~ recetved that l•here is „o substanttal evidence that the project w111 have a significant effect on the enviconment. i.ommis;ioner King offered Resolution No. PC84-2A2 and moved for its pas~+age and aaoption that ttie Anaheim City Planning Cammisaion dc~•~s hereby grant V~riance No. 344U on the basis that there are special :ircu~stAnces a~plicable to the properky such a8 size, ahape, ~opograPhy, loc~kion and surroundings whic'.~ do not apply to oth~r identically zoned pcoperty in the same vicintty; and that strict application of the Zoning Code dc~prives the proPerty of privileges enjoyed by other propertfes in the identical zone and classzfication in the vicinity and subject to interdepartmen'cal Comm~ttee recon~merd~r. ions. Un roll call, the foregoing resQlution was passe~ by the fo]lowing vote: AYES: SGUr~S, BUSHORE~ FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE~ MC SURNEY NOES: N~NE Af3~ENT: NUNE ITEM N0. 5. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATIOt1, GENERAL PLAN AMEND_MENT N0. 198, RECLASSIFICATIUN N0. 84-85-13 AND VARiANCB N~. 3442 UWNERS: DONALD M. & ALEENE E. WILEY, 1A811 N~a.t Ave., Tustin, CA 92680. AGENT: JAMES MO:iLER, 874 N. Batovia Stree~, Orange, CA 92668. Property dESCCibed as a rectangula:ly-shapec3 parcel oE land consisting of approximately 1.0 acse havi~g a front.age on the east side of Western Avenue, approximately 530 feet south of lhe center2ine of Lincoln Avenue. 11/26/84 MIN,,,_ UT~S. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION NOV~MBER 26 1984 84-751 Further analXsis by st~ff. indicatee that khe atudy acea is located in the yenecal area designated for Medium Denaity Reaidential on the Genecal Plan. This deaigr~ation is typicelly implemented by multiPle-femily r.esidentiAl lend uaes. It io Ataff's apinion thal the applicant'a praposal is in confarmance with the General Plan. 'Pherefore, the appl~cant has requeated that the subject artiendment be withdrawn. Th~re ti•as no one indicatiny t~iefr presence in oppositian to subject requeat and althaugh the ataff report was not cead, it is referred to and made a pAr*. of the minute~. Bill Uhl, arch.itect, explAiner3 they trted to Qeatgn this project with the aurrounding properties tn mind and located the carports on the south pro~ertx line tr act as a visual and acoustical bw:rier to the re~ide~itial property to the sauth and the waiver is needed because the property is ..arrow and noked there will be no windows factng the ~outh. He 3tatQd ti~ey lAVe also abked to have a tcash enclosure within tlie fronk aetback so the tr~sh crucKS would not have to go onto the narrow stte bPCauye it would be difficult Eor them to tucn around. THE PUBLIC HEA~ING WAS CLGSED. Commias.toner Bushore ascertained that the apartments r,p the east are single stary and that property is v~cy similar to subject proF.erty in size, shape, etc. anC aske~ what the hardship would be foc gr~~ntin~ the variance. Mr. Uhl stated r.he property t~ the east was developed in a different economic climate when land was much chPaPer. He added this site rigt~t now only haa access from Western and the property to the east has access also £r.om the north off t;,e alley ~nd this pcoject is providing an .~mergency accesa on.ly to the alley, for secvrity reaso~s. He explaine~ the driveway eaEement. is not on aubjPCt property and it does not have any rigt~ts to use ~hat eaaement. He statPd thece ace existing carports and garages on the eastern property line of subject property. Cencerning the 2U-~oot landscaped buffer required to the single-family residential area to the south, Mr. Uhl stated they put the carporfs there because they felt it would be a superior screen ovec the actual landscaped easeme~t and explained the carports will be enc;osed oi~ three si~es. C.hairman Herbst stated a few years ago, a few projects with this type of carport were approved adjace~~ to single-ian~~ly homes and after seeing them devsloped in the field, I~e would not vote for anothe~ one and that ia the reason for the Commiasion policy for a 20-foot buffer. He stated t~:~s would mean an 8-foot high wall or more backing right up to those peopl~'s backyards and he fe].t tt~ey deserve some kind of Qtotection. Mr. Uhl stated there is an exist.iny kree sccean :n the people's backyards and that was probably because they were up againet e cammercfal pzo~ect and also a two-story commercial project could be built on this property with very little concern w.hether or not they ace looking into someone's backyard. • stated they were tzying to design something that would be sensitive to tnoao residential propettiea and thouaht a mult±~le-fami~y residential project would 11/26/84 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY P~ANNING COMMI5SION, NQVEMBER 26,_1984 84-752 be better auited adjacent to the rear of single-family propertiosJ and if the people are not gceatly impacted at the preaent ti.me, it ia becau~e thie commerci.al property i~ currently being under utilized. i1e statpd the praject will block a lot of the n~~ise Che neighbors are pcesHntly getting from the ex~eting commercial pcojecr fcom the north. Ne added he thought screening wo~ld be cedundent on this side beceuae thore are fu~l matur~ trees on those properties and the neighbora would nat he able ko see any of their landacapin~. Commi.sa~oner La Claire st~ted she thought this would be the best use fot thts property and it i.s not auitable foc commerc~al us~ or aingle-famtly reaidential uae and ahe thought the developer t~ao t•rted to cons;der the neighbors and af.ford them Aome privacy. She stAted she ls ylAd to aee the car.~~rts ace gotny to be op~n ~nd ahe is not Coo concerned at~out the two stories. Mr. Uhl stated when a proje~t is built on the south property line, there ta concern it would l.imit the solar ~ccess to ttie praperties to Che north. He stated if h~ was li.ving in one of theQe restdential Properties, he would prefer to have a hi.gher than nor.mal wa11 than to have landscaping becauae even though tt provi~es a visual barrier, landscaping doe~ nothing to cut dawn ary of the noiae generaCed by the project. Commissioner La Claxre referred to the traah encl~sure and a~~ed if it would be possible to relocat~ the enclosure to the other side of the driveway. Mr.. Ut~l responded that would be possiblc and he thought it might be bettec suited c~ the other side and tt~e only reason ~t was up front Waa because of the tr~~cks having to cume onto the sil•e. Respondi~y to Commissioner King, Mr. Uhl statcd ~.hey did a number o£ schPmes bk~fore finally pres~_nting this plan and 1f they tried to move the gaGages, the units would be clo~er to the property line whi.~h t~P thought would ~mpact thP residents more than a garage. Commi.ssioner Bouas a9reed that the uni.ts wauld impact the reaidents more rhan the carports and Chairman Herbst disagreed and stated ones that were approved similat to this have been entxrely objectionable to t!e neighbors and ~he thought the entire project shouJ.d be reversed fQr a n~uch better pro~ect. He s~ate~ he realizes thete is a problem with thiF pcoperty, but m~ybe the uniks should be single-story. Mr. Uh: stated if the project was re~ecsed, there would ~robably be some setback pr.oblems. C~mmissioner eushore stated putting the catports on the property line wi.ll definitely have an impact on the resa).e value of thESe homes be~ause potent~al buyecs will look at that wall and it will probably kill the sale. He stated even though the property is zoned comr.ieccially, it is not suitabZe for comm~rc~a~ use or ~t woui~ have been developed already for commQrcial uses. He added the appropriate use for this propecty is probably apartments; however, there is no hardsi,~p on this part~cular pr~perty, except for economics, which the Planning Commi.ssion can not consider. 11/26/84 MINUTES. AN~HEIM CITY PLANNI NG_ COMMISSION. NOV£M~ER 26, 1984 __ 84-753 Mr. Uhl s~ated khe shape of the pr~perty and accese should be conaider.ed as hacdshipa. Commissi.oner Bu s hoce responded tl~e driveway easement ta not a hardshlp. Commiso~oner Ga Claire atat e d she did not know how many units could be developed if thia waa only o ne story. Mr. Ut~l responded ther dtd not conaider the project from a one-atory ~tan~point. Commissioner La Claire atat e d st~e underakands the conatra~nt~ on the property because of the stiape and slze and ahe is not opposed to two storiea nd etie under~tands the ras.identtsl neighborhood is at the ce~r; but that th~y would bp impacted moce from a comm~ccial development for whieh the property is 2oned, and she thought some ~,eople wauld prefer to have the cacs rather than peuple adjacent to their pr operty And ottier people would want unite closer to theic propecty with pack.ing furthec away. Mr. Uhl stated they have ha d aeveral projec~s .in Anah~im where they have had carpocts on thE property li ne and there has been no resistance. '~e atated he thought it is a matter ot p reference z-nd i~ a person likes privdcy, this will provide tt and it will ~ut any noise genecated from the complex 20 feet away from the pruperty line. Commisaionec k3ushore a~ked xf they have talked wtth the pcoperty owners to the south. Mr. Uhl responded t~ey have not. Commiusioner Bu~hur.e suggested they talk to the owners and ask them to indicate in writtng that lhey have no problem with the carports o n the praperty line. Jim Mullec, develo~er, ska t ed they butlt e 34-unit project on the cornec of Dale and Ball in Ariaheim in 1982, under tl~e --ame cundiktons and it has worked out very well. He stated t•e has had personal contack with some of the p~ap1Q on the other side to see if there were any complaints. He added the only other suita~le use for this property they could think of was an automottve center; how ver, they ace mainly apartment builders and have built a lot of apartments in Anahexrt: and they are all well-maintained. He clarified there was a project next ko the strip commercial center on tihe southeast corner of Ball an~t Dale in Anaheim a nd it is adjacent to single-family properties. Chairman Herbst stated the City C.ouncil just denied a request similtac to this and the c3eveloper has to c ome Uack in with single-story un~ts abutting a single-family residential acea and with the two-story units at least 50 feet away and he thought this d eveloper cnuld do the same thing by puttin~ ~ingle atories w~thin 5 fe~t of t t~e south property linP and then putting the two-stories on the other s ide. Mr. Uhl s~ated the site is only 134 feQt wide and the sekback requ~rement is 150 feet with Chairman Her bst pointing out Council has approved projects at 50 feet and this would mean r eldcatinc the carports away from the south property line. Cpmmissioner Fry po ~nted o~: he would prefer to have the carports on the property line rather t han another projact within S feet of the property line and Comm~sAfoner Boua s agceed. 11/26/64 MINUTES~ AN~HEIM CITY_PI,~NNING COMMISSION. NQVEMBER 26. 1984 84-754 ACTION: Commissionec King offered a motion, seconded by Cornmiasioner Fry and MOTION CARRIEA that the Anaheim City Planning C~mmiasion has ceviewed the proposal to reclassify eubject propecl•y fcom the CL (Commerctal, Uimtted) Zone to tl~e RM-1200 (Re~idential, Multiplp-Family) Zone to construct a 24-un.it apactment complex with waivera of mdximum struccural heigh~ and min..mum landscaped aetback an A rectbngu.l~rly-ahaped parcel oC land consi~C~ng of approximately 0.89 acre having a frontage ~f ~ppcox~mately 134 feet on tt~e east side of Weatern Avenue and further deacr.ibed aR 134 South Western Avenues and does h~reby approve the Negative Declacation upon finding that it has conaidered the Negattve UUClaration together with uny commenta recetved during thP public review pr~~ces~ and further ~ind.ing on the basts of the Initiai Study and any comme,~~a received Chat ~n~re is no auhstanttal evidence that the project wtll have a significant cffect on l•he environment•. At the beginnin9 of the meeting Commisstoner La Claire offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner BouaR and MUTION CARRIGD that the request Eor Gener.91 Plan Amendment 196 be withdrawn on the basts that the study area is located in the genezal area deaignated for medium density reaident~al land uses on the General Plan tt~is denignation ia typicall~ implemented by multiple-famtly residential land uses; therefore, the applicant's propoa~l is in conformance wxth the ~neral Plan. Commtssionec King ot.fered kesolutton No. PC84-213 and moved £or its passage and acioptton that the Anaheim City Planning ~mmis3ion does hereby grant Reclassification No. 84-85-13 subject to Intecdepartmental C~mmittee recommendationb. On roll ca]1, the fo~eyoing resolutton wa~ passe~ by the following vo~e• AYBS: BOUAS, BUSHOltE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURN~Y NOES: NUNE ABB:NT: NONE Cammissianer Kin,r, offered Resolutlon N~. PCBa-244 and moved for its passage and adoption thal. the Anahefm City Planning Commission does t~ereby grant ' riance No. 3~~43 on the basis Chat there are speci.al circumstances applicable the property suc:h as si2e, sha~e~ topography, locatioa and surroundings which do not apply to othec identically zoned properky in the same vic~nity; and that strick ap~licat.tan of the Zoni~~g Code deprives the proper~y of privileges enjoyed by otf~er properties ~n tt-~e identtcai zone and classification in the vicinity and aubject tu Interdepartmental Committee recommendat~ons. On roll call, the f~regoing cesolution was pas~ed by the followxng vote: AYES: BOUA3~ FRY, KING, LA CLAIRE NOES: BUSHORE, HERBST, MC BURNEY ABSENT: NONE Jack Whi.t~, Assistant :ity Att~rney, presented the written right to appeal the Plann~.ng Commiss:~on's decl3ion within 22 days to the City Council. 11/26/84 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISS_I"V, NOVEMBER 26, 1984 84-755 ITEM N0. 6. EIR NEG~TIVE D~CLARATION, RECLASSIFICATION N0. 84-85-14. VARIANCE N0. 3A~3 ~ND WAIVER OP COUNCIL POLICY N0. S42 PUBLIC HEARING. ELMER ANp VIVI~N WE88Ek, 3020-0 Via Buena Viste Blvd., Laguna Nills~ CA 92653. AGENT: G6URGE H. PABST~ JR.~ 5150 E. PdC~f~C Co98t NighWay~ Suite 47U, Long Beach, CA 90804. Pcoperty is a rectangularly-ahaped parcel of land con~isting nf approximately 0.11 acre, 406 E. South Street. RS-7200 ~o the RM-1200. Wa~vers of maximum atructu~al height and pecmitted type ~f tenant packing spaces to construcl a 7-unit ~pArtment complex. There w~s riu one indicating theic presence in opposition to subject request and although the ataff repocC was not read, it is reEerred to ~nd mAde a part of the minutes. George Pabst, agEnt, expiained they plan to buil.d a 7-unit ~pactment complex with units being 905 square feet eacti and ttiat 208 oE the units will bE rented as affordable unit$. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSEU. Greg Hastings, Associate Plz+nner, explatned this matter wa~ not advertised as a low-income hous~ng project and staEE did not know it was to be An affocdable project. Annika Santalahti, Assi.stant Aicector for Zoning, stated the developer is not requesting a density bonus and if he is workir~y with the Housing Department on an affordable agreement, khat can be considered as b separate xs3ue. Mr. Pabst stated they are planning ko partict~ake tn a bond issue through the State and City of Anaheim and they would be required to provide 20B of the units as affordable. Fat Whitaker, H~using Restocatfon Specialis~, scatea in th~s case it is the State througti the CHFA Pr~gram, and tt~e developer has ag.Keed to 208 affordable under the State guidel~nes which z+re more restrictf~e tlian the City's. Concerning the request fer waivpr of Council Policy, Greg Hastings explained the Counci.l Policy requires that there nut be any use within 100 fee't of a railcoad track and anything within 600 feet ~rould have to be sound attenuated anc3 th~~y a~p E~roposing a unit within 95 feek of the raxlroad; however, it would be sound attenuated. Commissioner Bustiore stated he ttiought a conditton should be added pertaxn~nq to affordability because ~f a£fects his khinking on this project. .Tack White, Assistant City Atto~ney, explained thece is n~ request for a dens~ty bonus, so there would be no basis for the Commission to include ~hose provisions. Commiesioner Bushore stated one of the reasons he would be willing to vote for the approval of th~s project is because the petitioner has agreed to the affurdability. Ar.nika Santalahti stated the Council Policy states when 258 of the units are set aside as affordabie, the Commission may wish to grant the density~ or other ~vaivers; however, the bond issue only requxres 208 affordable, eo this doesn't fall within the Council Policy. 11/2b, 84 MINUTRS ~NAHEIM CITY PLAI~NING COMMI53ION NOVEMHER 26 1~84 ~6 Commiseioner Buahore stated the developer wants aifordabi~i.ty for the CHFA fin~ncing and he thouyht aince the pekitionet ie wi.lling,it b~ould be included. Con~~ss~oner La Clair~ stated she would look at thc project without ~he affotdability and the developer is not asking for dena~ty bonuse~, but is ~aking for a 3-atury ~roject. she aaked about the tandem parking. Paul Singer, Traffic Gnginee[, ~•cbted the t~ndem parking, other than whether it would be covered or uncover.ed, ia adequate and the aiza doea meet the minimum etandards. Commiesioner ~a Clairc. stated the ~ommisston just approved a sentor cttizen's project with all open spACes, so she did not see a problem with these being open. She stated it seems everything in the area is RM-1'l00 an~ with an elementary achool on onP side, she did nok scP Anything disturbing about thia project at ull. ACTIUN: Comm:~sioner La ~:aire offeced a motion, seconded by Commisstoner King and ~NO'AIO~.J .^.ARRIEU khet the Anaheim City P~anning Commission h~s reviewed the proposbl co ce:lasbify subject property from RS-7200 (Restdential, Single-E~amily) to tlie RM-1200 (Residential, M~ltiple-Family) Zone or a less intense zone ta construct a 7-unit apactment aomplex with waivera of max~r~~um structural height and permttted type of tenant apaces on a rectang~.ilarly-shaped parcel oE land consiattng of approximately 0.21 acre having a frontage ~f appcoximately 65 feet an the aouth side of Soukh Street and further de~cribed as 406 East South Street= an~ does herebv approve the Negative Declacation upon finding that it has considered the Nega~ive Daclaratton together with any comments received during the public review procesa and further finding on the bas~s of l•he initial Study and any comments received that there is no s~ibstantial evidence tl~at the project w~lll have a significant effect on the environment. Commissioner La Claire offered Res~lution No. PC84-245 and moved for its passage and adoption thac L•he Anaheim City Planning Commission doas hernby yrant Reclassification No. 84-85-14 subject to Interdepartmental Commzt,:ee recomm~ndations. She added the resoluf,ion foe the reclassification was based on the fact she felt thts would be a good use for che pco~ecty eensidering the surrounding land uses. On roll call, the fore~~oing resolul•ion was passed by the following vote: ,AYES: BOUAS, 9USHORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURN~Y NUES: NUNE ABSENT: NONE Regponding to Commissioner Bushorer Pat Whitaker said she did not know if there is a state mandate pertaining to affordable housing, but the petitioner hae agreed tc ~arki.cipate in the possibili.ty of the bond issue and he has already entered into a letter of undecstanding w:th the staf£ and aill enter into an agreement when this is approved. Mr. PaF~st stated if they do not get the bond financing, they might wish to go with ~he County pcoc~ram. 11/26/84 ~ 84-757 MINUTES ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION NnVEMBER 26. 1904 -- Commiasioner Duahore stat~d he tl~ought t•he ceatrtction ahould be inc.luded because the developec is willing to provide 2 aEfordable units and iF the Ctty doea have a plan that aeye how many unita has to be pcovided ~er yedr to meet ti.~s h~u~ing neod, this will help. Pat Whitaker atated thetr depactment does have a houatng plan ahich ape~'fie~ a certain number of untta, with Commiasioner Hushoce pointing out the petttionec has agreed to provide tw~ o£ those units. Commiastoner La Claire ~tated thia is a small project, otherwise, she would nocmally agree with Commi.Aaioner Buohore and noted the petttioner ~s noQW Asking f•oc any d~nsity bonuees and th~s is a smAll property with very ` unita. Commissionec La Claire offered Reaolution No. PC84-246 and moved fcr its passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Plann~ng Cort~mission does hereby grart Variance yo. 3443 on the basis that there are special circumstances applicabl~ to the pcopecty such ~s size- shape, to~ograpY~y, location and surroundinys which do not apply to other identically zoned property in the same vicinity; and that strict application ot the Zonin9 Code deprfves the property of privileges en~oyed by other properties in the ide~tt~aarking space classification in the vicinity and further po~nted out this tyP• P has been en~r$ubject toeinterdepactm~ental Comm~ttee recommendations~~ be a pcoblem, On roll call, the foregoing resolutfon was paased by the following vote AYES: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, NEk~ST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NUES: NUNE ABSENT: NONE Commissioner La Claire referred Lo the ~aivers pectainin~ to the so~nd attenuatio~ :or :esidential structures located within 100 feet of r~ilroad tracks and noted if this xs approved, tt does notWaa;ingt~h~SCQUnciltPolicy~to requicements in the other units and thiR is onl; ' a~low for conRtr:~ction of residential un.te 95 feet Erom the existing railroad tracke. She explained the sound attenuation requiremFnts would not be waived. Comm~ssioner La Claire offered n mot.ion, secon~.d by Commfssianer Ktng end MOTION CARRIED tt~at the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy recammend to the City Council that Council Policy No. 542 be waived p~rtaining to sound attenuatiio~ for resident~al str~~ctures located with~n 100 feet oE a railroad track, noting th~s would not be waiving any sound attenuation measuces for the units themselves, IZ'~M N0. 7. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND VARIANCE N0. 3441 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: CHARLES F. MASS AND VIVInN ELEENE MASS, 1185 Tropical Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91107. AGENT: CENTURY CAPITA'~ DEVELOPMENT CURP., 17581 Irvine Blvd., Suite 211, Tustin, CA 92680, ATTN: M. HUSSAINr HASHIMo sistinKAOF'approximately80t59eacre,~514c516uEastyS utheStreet 1 ~• land c 9 11/26/Q4 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 26 1984 04-750 Wa~vecs oE permitted enccoachment into aide yurda, permitten location of open parking spacea, ~aximum aikF coverage, m~ximum nutnb~r of bachelor unita, minimum f[ont landacaped aetback and mi.nlmum structural aetbACk to conatruct a 21-unit apartment complea. There were thcee persons tnd ating their p~e~ence in opPosition to eubject request and althouqh the st~~ f report was not read, it is reEerred to and made a ~art of the minutes. Bill Bigattl, 1758 Irvi ~: 9oulevard, Tuatin, explained they plan to construct a 21-un~t apartment cr~plex and they are planning private outdoor patioe for ~ach unit inatead of ~_he common landscaped areae. He st~ted he tt~ought there in an errar ~n the staff repork on Page 7-c, Paragraph 16, becau3e they are not asktng for a 24M increaoe nf the maximum site caverpge and explatned on the second floor of ~hi~ complex there wil' be 1a5U square £eet ot outdoor pr~vate pat~o which was included in the site coveragE calculutions. He srated the minimum front landacaped setback pertains to the ~outh property line foC a d:stance ~f 7 feet along Dakota Street. and compacing thta property wi.th adjacent parcels, it is apparent it i.s unique tn size and in order to get the ~acn3ity th~t that area is zoned for, there i.s no alternative but to request the waiver.s. Ri.ta AuEfrey explained she is a tenant at sub~ect property and c~~me to the meeting today hoping to aee Mr. Maes, the ownec, who haA apparently aold the property and the tenants have not been told anyttiing. She explai.ned she moved into this property in May from another property which was in the Redevelopment area where st~e had lived fnr 11 yeare and she was led to believe that she could b~ at this property for a lonQ time. She explained they found out about khe proposal because she works Eor the newspaper and saw the legal advertisement. . Marie Munson, 514 E. South ~treet, stated she has lived ak this ~roperty for a lung time and these awners had not told them anything. She stated they have pift up wikh a lot of problems from the neighbors and have taken core of the property for tht: owner. Chairmau Herbet explained th~~ Planning Commission knows nothing about L•he sale of the property and there is nothing they can do sbout the owner not telling the tenants his plans. Cummissioner Bushore suggested the tQnants r..ontact the petiti.oner after the meetinq and find out the plans, with Chairman Herbst explaining the petitione~ has sZent qui~te a bit of money having p~ans prP~~ared so he will probab~y know the answers. R. L. Kilingsworth stated he is anothec tenant who has been living on ti~~s property for 31 years an~ did not know what was gotng on until he saw the sign posted in ftont of the ptopecty. He explained thece ~is a school next dooc to the proper*_y and asked if this would be a place for bacheloc apartments. Greg Hast~.ngs, Asso~iate Planner, explainec3 6 haeheloc units are proposed ~n this complex. Mrs Biyatti explz ~his is not tA be a bachelor complex with only 6 units propoeed an,d the dnCe will be two-bedroom un~.tc and they have been designed, hopeful.ly, for young families and each unit has a priv~te pat~o where childcen could play. MINUTES, ANAiIEIM CITY PL~NNING COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 26 L 1984 84-759 9`HE PUBLIC NEARING WAS 1:1,OSED. Commissioner La Cla~ce stated it ap~eArs [or the moet part that requeat,,d waivers are technical. She etated she aympakhizea with the people liv~ng ~n the property and felt they should have heen Cold the plz-nst however, she did not think the pro~ect will be harmEul to unyone. AC:TION: Commieaiuner La C1Atre offered a mottan, seconded by Com~ni~aioner Bouas and MOTIUN CARRIED that the Anai~~im City Plannin4 Commission has revi~wed the proposal to construc~ a 21-unit apartment complex w~th waivers of ~+ermitted encroachment into side yard3, m~ximurt~ site coverage, max~mum number o£ bachelor unttc, minimum front yacd setback and m.intmum structural setback on an irreyularly-shaped parcel of land consiating of approximt+te~,y 0.59 ~cre having approximate frontagea of J20 feet on the aouth ~ic~e of South Street and 8 feet on the north ~ide ot Dakota Street and further descr.ibed as 514-516 Bast South Street; and does hereby approve the i,egative Declaratton upon finding that it has coneidered the Negative Decl~.ation tagether with a: comments rer.etved during the publi~ review process and further find~ng on the basia of the Initial Study and any comments received that th~re i.s no substantial evidence that khe project will have a sfgnificant effect ~r~ the environment. Commfssioner La Claire o~fered Resolution No. PC84-247 end moved Eor ita passage and adoption that the Anaheim City Planning Cummiss.ton does hereby grant VariAnce No. 3441 on k.he basis that the waivecs requested are minima' znd on the basis that there are special cl~rcumstances applicable to the property such as size, shape, topography, location And surroundinqs whtch do not apply to other identically zoned property in the same vtcinity; and that strict applicati~n oE the Zoning Code deprives the property of priv:legea enjoyed by other properties in the identical zone and classiftcattor~ in the vicinity and subject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendattons. Greg Ha~tings asked that Condition N~. 12 ~n Yage 7-b be corrected to show the perpetual pasement agreernent should be with the owner cf the property to the east ~nstead of the west as shown .in the staff r~port. Respondiny to ~hairman Herbst, Mr. Bigatti explained 'hey do have a tentative agreement with thP ownec to the east and if this pro~eck is appr~~ved, they will c~et the ~,greement. Chairman Herbat pointed out that it will have to be submitted :.o the C~[ty Attorney's Office tor approval and recorded ~n the Oran9e County Recorder's Ufftce. Gn roll call, the toregoing resolutiun was passed by the fo ~winq vote: AYES: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HEP.BST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NUES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Jack Whtte, Assistant Ci~y Attarney, presented the written right to appeal ~he Plannxng CommisRtan's decision within 22 days to the City Counr.il: RECESS: 3:Q5 p.m. RECqNVENE: 3:15 p.in. 11/26/84 MINUTES~ ANANBIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, NUVEMHER 26r 1984 84-760 IT~M Np. 8. EIR NEGATIVE D~CLARA'fI~'~~PREVIOUSLY APPROV~D~, WAIVER OF CpDE REQUIREMENT AND CONDITIdNAL USE PERMIT N0. 2607 (READV~RTISED) PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: ANANEIM CITY S~N00~ DLSTRICT~ 090 ~. Olive ~treet~ Anahei.m, CA 928U5. Ar,~NT: GNINLSE BAPmIST CFiURCH, 1275 E. HroadwAy, Anaheim, CA 92805, ATTN: ANllY CHEUNG. PCOpeCty desC[ibed as an lrregula[ly-Ahaped parcel of .land constating of approximately 1.6 acren located at the southeast corner of Broadw~y and Olive 5treex, 412 East Braadway Street. To construct A church faci]ity with waiver of minimum l~ndscaped setback. The.:e was no one indic~ting tt,eir presence tn opposition to ~ubject request and although the staLf report was not read, it is referred to and made a part of Che minuhcs. Chacles Beck, 1544ti Redhill, Tustin, explAtn-d they are no longer proposing to utilize the small oft-Rite park~ng lot at ~_he corner af Melrose and Hroadway. Greg Hastings exp.lained l•hey have excess Farking spacea so that ct~ange wi11 not affect the prnposal. THE PUBLIC F;L•'ARING WAS CLOSED. Jay Titus, Off.ice Engineer, stated a condition was inadvertently left out regar.ding the relocation of ~he ex.isting street facillties to theic ultimate location at such time the City Engirieer feels it would be necessary and that should be added to Conditian No. 2 which requirey addiCional dedication of Broadway and Ulive Streets. Paul Singer, Tcaffic Engineer, explatned the widentng af Broadway is to take place wt~en the Re~.:velopment Agency widens the streets and ti,at Olive Street will have to widened prior to ~~ccupancy because of t~~e left-turn lane r~quirement. Mr. Beck stated they have no objection to the widenxng a~ Olive Street and no ob;ecti~n to ::he dedicat.ton of Broadway .~t this tim~; bu'. they pl~n ta come ~ back with a revised maoter pl.an to r.onstruct th~ sr.nctuasy i.n about 3 to 5 ~ year~ and would want h ~ widen Broaa:~..~+ at that tima. Mr. 5inger explained Broadway will probably be widened in about 3 years and he thought all the widening could take ;~J3ce Rt the same time. .iay Titus stated they would recommQ~ that the condition require th~ relocatzon upon demand of the City ;,gin~:er a~~a that the pekttioner could post a bond untfl it is required. He explained the bo~d amount c~uld te determined. It was noted the negative declaration was pr.eviou~ly apptoved. ACTION: Cc,mmissioner King oFfered a motion, seaondE~d by Commissioner Bouas and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant waiver of Code requirement on the basis of the proposed widenzng of Broadway and fucther on the basis that thQr~: are special circumstances applir.able to the pc~perty such as si2e, shape, topography, location and surround~ngs which do not agply to other i~entically zo~ed property in the same vicinity; and 11/26/84 MINUTCS, ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 2~,6y,_,1984 _ 84-761, that atrict ap~lice~ion of the Zon.tng Code deprives the propecty of privilegea enjoy~d by ather propertiQe in the identical zone and claeaification in khe vic~nity. Comm~asioner King offezed Resolution No. PC84-2A8 and moved f~r ita paasage ar.d adoption that the Anahe~m City Planning Comm.is3~on doea heceby grant Conditional Uae Permit No. 2607 pursuant to Anaheim llunicipal Code Sectton 18.03.Q30.030 through 18.03.03U.035 and subject to tnterdepartmental Committee recommendations inclu~ing the mod~fica~ion to Candit+ ~ r.equirtng th~~ relocat~on oE the existing street facilities to thei. ~te locAtion, and the postiny ot a bond ko guurantee aaid installati~n. Un coll call, the Eoregoing resolut.ton was p~ssed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HER85T~ KING, LA CLAIR~, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE Af3SEN'P: NONE ITEM NU. 9. EItt IJEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIR~MENT ANA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2637 PUBLIC H~ARING. UWNERS: S'PEWART, GRGEN ASSOCTATES, INC., 2914, 330-]tn Avenue S.F1., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P014, ATTN: Kacl Meader. Property desccibed as an ircegularl.y-sh~aped parcel of land consisting of approximately 27.11 acres locuted at the southeast cr,rner of Ltncoln Avenue and State College eoulevard, 221U East Lincoln A~enue (East Anahe~m Center). To pecmit a drive-through rPstaurant with an outdoor play area wtth waiver nf minimum number of park~ng ~~paces. There was no ^ne indicatinq their presence ~Ln opposition to subject request and although the staff report was not read, it fs reEerred to and made a part of the minutes. Karl Meader, agent, explained a new parking study has k+een submitted and expla~ned at this ~ime, they do nat anticipate any moce restaurants in the center. THE PU9LIC HEAI~ING V1AS CLOSED. Responding ro Comrnissioner Bushore, Mr. Nleader explained they have 50,000 square feet left to be leasQd and that one 40~000-square foot freestanding buzlding is proposed near the post office and a 5,000-square foot pad to be located north of the post office and that the 40,000-square foot building, t~upefully, will be lea~ed to a retaxl opecat~on sucl, as an Angels or Ole's and that the 5,000 square foot buildtng is suitable for a tires, battery and accessories operat~~n. ACTTON: Commissioner K~ng offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner F'ry and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Comm~ssion has reviewed the proposal to permit a drive-through restaurant with an autdo~c play area with wa~ver of minimum numbes of ~arkinc~ ~peces on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consist:ing of appcoximatiely 27„11 acres located at the southeast cotneC 11/26/84 MINUTES~ ANAHEIM CITY_PLANNING COMMISSIOtJ, NOVEMHER 26y 1984 _ 84-_E2 of Ltncoln Avenue and State College Boulevard and fucther deacribed as 221U Ee~at Li~coln Avenuet and does hereby approve the Negative Declaratton upon f.inding that it hae considered the Negative ~eclAration togeC~,.~r with any comments received ~luring the pub.lir.. review procees and further finding on the basis of the Initial Study and a~y commenta recelved th~C there iR no s~batantial evidence th~t kt~e project will have a aignificank effect on the enviconment. Commisatoner King aEfered a motion, s~conaea by Commiasioner Fcy and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion does t~ereby grant waiver ot ~ode requicement on the basia that r.t~P parking waiver will not ca-~se an increase in tr~fEic congestion in khe immediate vicinity nor adver.se].y effect ~ny adjoining land uses and granting of the parking watver undec the ~onditions impoaed, if any, will not be detr~mental to the pear.e, health, saEety and general welfare of the citizens of the Ci,ty of Anaheim. Cammisaioner K~ny offered Resolution No. PC84-1~49 and moved for its passAge and adoption that the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commw3S~O~1f~OP3 hereby grant Conditional Use Permit No. 2637 purauant to Anaheim Municipal Code Sect~on 18.03.U30.03U through 1~.U3.030.035 and auhject to Interdepartmental Committe~ recommendations. On roll call, the forego.ing resclution was passed by the following vote; AYES: E~Ol3AS, HUSNORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BUKNEY NOh,i : NUNE ABSENT: NONE TT~M N0. 10. F.iK NEGATIVE DFCLARATION~ WAIVER OF CUilE REQUTREMENT AND CONDITIONAL US~: PERMIT N0. 2640 PURLIC HEARItiG. OWNERS: REDONDO INVESTMENT COMPANY, 296 Redondo Ave., Long Beach, CA 90803, ATTN: C. ROBE:tT LANGSLET. Property described as an icregulacly-shaped parcel of land conaisting of appr~ximately 6.6 acres located at the southwestecly corner of Santa Ana (:anyon Road and Fe,irmont Boulevard, 6358 East Santa Ana Canyon Road. To ~.ermit on-sale beer and wine in a proposed restaurant with wuiver of minimum i~uml,~~ of parking spaces. There was no one indicating their presence in oppositton to subject request and although the staff report was not read, it is refecred to and made a part of the minutes. Christopher BeliA, Redondo Investment Company, explair~ed they were before the Commiseion Apptoximately 2 manths ago for permitb foc the sale of beet and wine in two restaurants x~ th~s same center, but those werF in the opposite buildings and thf.s will be the only restaucant in thia build.ing. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Ed Campellone, manager of the propased faciZity, explained th~s w~ll be a barbecue restaurar,t. 11/26/84 MINUTES, ANrHEJM CITY P~ANNING COMMISSION, NOVEMBEk 26. 1984 84-763 Chairman Herba4 asked if any oLher usea are betn9 cona~dered for thet property where the proposed bank is planned because they ~re running out of par.king spaces. Mr. B~lla statud they are limxked to a eavings and loA~ f~ciltty or. bank in thqt facilit:• because that ty what they have ptopose~ to the County of Orange in their :ease of th~ adobe s~ructure and that the tennnt of that building will have ':o be reApo~iatble for the datly opentng and clo~ing of ~he adobe structure. He stated they have no ~lano for any fukure resta~irants in this centec. Commisstoner La Claire c~laciEied that the Commtssion's concern is the parking and any fuCure uses will be closely reviewed; however, she thought the property could tiandle this uae. Greg Hastings pointEd out the two previous restaurant approvals were restrict.ed to houra of operation and asked ~f the CommtsKion wished to tnclude hours of opecation in this approval. ACTION: Commiss~oner King offeced a motton- 3econded by Commisstoner ~ry and MOTIAPI CARRIED tha: the Aneheitn Ctty Planning Commission has rQVtewed the proposal to petmtt on-sale beer ar~d wine in a pc~posed cestaurant with waiver of minimuin number of p~rking spaces on an icregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 6.6 acres loc~ted pt the ~outheasterly corner of Santa Ar.a Canyon Road and Fairmont Boulevard and fucther described a° 6358 East Santa Ana C,anyon Road; and does heceby apprave the Negative Declaratton upon finding that it has considered the Negative peclar.atiun together with eny comments received during the public review pr~cess and further fir~ding on the basis of the in;tial Study and any comments received that there ts no substantial evidence that khe project will have a s~gnificant effect on the en~~ironment. Commissioner Ying offered a motion, secondzd by Commissioner Fry and MOTI~N CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does nereby grant waiver of Code req~irement on the basis that the park~ng waivec will not cause an inccease in traffic congestion in the immediate vicinity nor adversely affect uny adjotnxng land uses and granting of the parking waiver under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the r.itizens of the City of Anaheim. Comm~ssioner King offered Resolution No. PC89-2S0 and moved for ita passage and adoption that thE Anahei.m City Plann~ng Commission does hereby grant Conditional Use Petmit No. 2640 pursUant to Anah~im Munic~pal Code Sections ?8.03.U30.030 throuyh 1~.03.030.035 and subject to Interdepartmental Committep recommeridations incl!~ding an additional condition that the hours of operation shall be limited t~ 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 5:00 o.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Satu:d~y and closed ori Sundays. On roll call, the fore~oing resolu~ion was Fassed by the following vote: AY.ES: BOUASi BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BU~NEY NCES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 11/26/84 MINUT~ E3 ~1-NI-HEIM CITY Pi.ANNING COMMTSSIUN, NOVF.ME3ER__26. 1984 ___84'764 tT6M N0. 11. EIR NEGATIVE DECGARATION, WAIVER OF CODE RBQUIREMENT AND CONDITIONAL U&E P~FtMZT N0._ 2E 39 PUBLIC kl£PRING. UWNBRS: BRC70KHURST fiTREET ASSOCIATES, ATTN: TNOMAS L. XAST ANL~ kICHARU TNOMAS, 455 E. A[tQxia Blvd., T.ong 9each, CA 9080~. AI;E:NT: CY CONFOR'PZ, P.O~ Box 5546, Mission Hills, CA y1345. Propecty descr.ibed e~a a c~ctangularly-shaped parcel of land coneisting of ~pproximately 0.76 acre, 1237 South Fir~~khur~t Street. Tu permit an uutomotive s~,-vicr, center with w~iver of maximum struclural hQi9ht adjacent to singl.e-f.~mily zoning. There wece twelve peraons indicating their ~-esence in opposition to subjecr request and although the st.aEf reporl• was r-uC cesd, it is ceferred to and made a part ot the m~nutes. Richar~ Thomaa, 12Q 38th StreEt, Manhatten E3each, explained this stte is c,utte srrall for commErcial develor:ment nnd they have h~d a diEf icult time securing a suitable tenont. He atated the site is be:twcen a pcivate school anC a bar and the wall in che raar of tl~e building will be factng the private school and it wi:il be a soltd wall wtthuut any openingb. He r~tated there Are two c~sidential hamea on the west and a 6-foot blocfc wall wtth a 10-fo~~t landscaoed buffer te ~roposed betw~en thfs development anc] the residenttal area. He stated thp operator of the a~:tamotive center had indicated there will be 8 to 10 cars per duy worked on and 8U8 of the wock is brakes and front-en~~ ali.~nment~, so there w~uld not be engines cunning all day putting pallution ~n the air. He addE~d there will be no body work, patnting or welding done on these premises and all work will be dane inside tt~e bui.lding. He stated they have talked to the neighbora tn the rear and ko the operator of the pre•-school. He statFd the waiver is ceqt!ested because of the length of the lot wh.ich is 115 fee~ and both the bar and private schoo: have 10-fook ~etb~cks. Tom Yost, 31?1 Yellowt~iil Drive, Los Alam.itos, explained they have mnved the building t~ t}ie south proper.+.y line and there will be no openfngs in that wal.l adjacent to tt~e residential ar.ea and they have agreed ta conatruct a 6-foot hiqh block wall Along that pco~erty line and to provide 10 feet of landscaEing with trees. He added Chere will be no body work, painting or sanding done on the premises. Responding to Chairman Herbst~he explained t~ere are 4 bays, but there would not be 4 different tenants and there would be approx~mately 6 employees and the houca of operation w~ll be .fcom 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and the facility wi.ll be closed on Sundays. Denise Kocek, 1241 S. Hrookhurst, owner/teacher of *_he eelaira Hontessori School, stated they have been serv:ing thls communiky for 15 years. Shp ceferred to an incident reported on television not long ago of a school being evacuated beGause of texic fum~s escapi;rtg from a dry cleaning operatton acroRs the street and pointed out it did make some of the children very i11 and it was found the fum~s had been escaping from that facility for the last 2 yea:g. Sh~ a~ked who is resp~nsibie ~or th~s type of lnc~dent, the school ~istzict, the corForatien manufacturing the chemical, the Ctty who isaued the permi.ta to allow these incompatible uses, etc. She stated they have been told the noise and fumes are not really tha~t bad and there is smo~ everywhere 11/26/8d MINUT~~, ANAHEI!' GITY PLANNING CQMMISSION._tiOVE~1~ER 26~ 1984 84-765 elready. She added she did not think th~ sma~ ehoul~ be increa~ed and the incident she refecred t~ earlier should be avoided ar,d we should start cleAning up the enviconment with preventivR ~ctiona by not polluting in the firat place and ahe would encoucage the Commiasion not to issue thls conditional uoQ permi.t foc an automobile cQnter in thie location. She read a ~etition aigned by the pbr~nts of. th~ ch~ldren ~t the school and preaented it to the Commie~ion for the file. Chairman Herbst pointed auk in response to a couple of comments made by M~. Kocek that this i~ not a request for a zone chnnge, but ~or a conditionel use permit Co pe~mit this use which is an allowable usp tn the CO 2one. Denn~s Pcaw, 12206 Moviu~ Drive, Gacden Grove, referr~d to Pacagraph ~G of the staff report regarding the findings the Comm~saton must make betore gr~nt~ng thia us~ And atated he would not agree thak (c) and (d) exists that thia is a 4-bay facility wiCh double doors wh~ch means he could acaommodate 16 autom~biles at one t9me And with 26 park~ng apaces availnble, there could be 36 vehicles on-site and he did n~t thxnk they would only work on 8 Co 10 vEhiclea a day. He atated between the houts of 7;30 ~nd 8:30 a17 the parents ace dropping off. thefr chtldren and that is when thie fa~iltty would have ita heavieet traEfic congestion and the same thi,g i.s true agatn in the evening and he thought it would be very detrimental not only to the adults, but to the childcen and increase the chances of Accidents happening betMeen thasQ rush hours. He a~ded he felt th~ t~uainess w~u'.d work on 100 to 20U vehicles per day and that people will be comin,y in and out to get estitnatea on their cars, etc. Michael Busk.irk, 1021 Hearth Lane, stated his ~roperky is dtcectly to the rear of subject property and he understanda the facility will artually be 20 f~~at above their propecty's elevation and he does not look forward to getting up in the morninq and looking at a b~ilding instead of th~ sur, Cise and felt it will make a s.igniEicanr d.itference in his property value and quality of life. Ne stated the petitioner has indicted that approximately 808 af the husiness will be done on brakes and front end alignments which means there will he asbestos dust from the brakes which is mace dangecous than pollutions from other sources. Walter Motley, 2U03 Figwood, Anaheim, stated they chose th~a particular school because they felt it was a nice enviconment and would be safes that he has oeen in tl~e automotive buainess for 25 years and did not agree with the i~umber of vehicles that would be worked on on this sm~ll pi~ce of property and repairing 8 to 10 cars per day wtth 6 to 12 employFes with an average per order of $30 woul~ not make a prof~t and they would not be ~n business for very long. He stated in his experience they have never turned down any type of work which they felt they had a mer.hanic to do. He atated therp will be a great deal of kox~c fumes, not only fcom the exhaust, and he dtd not think it should be that close to a school. He stated also there are acc~dents in th~s businese with the mechanics road testing vehicles ana walls have been torn down, etc. and there is a wall against the playground of this achool and also the engines wxll be reotved ~n the driveway prior to being turned in to be worked on to see what the problem ts. He stated he thought there w~ll be a great deal of noise and pollution and danger ~f vehicles going through the wall and there would be a lot of congestion. 11/26/84 MINUTES,r ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, NUVEMSGR 26, 1984 84-7 56 John Roetman, 341 N. Pine, Arang~, alated hia concern ie with t;~e noise that w~.ll be gen~rated by the mechanicR using aic impACt wrenches, etc. He stated he Was also cancerned abnut flamable solvents. He atated he could noh think aE any achoal in the Anahe.im School Distcict wtth thts type facility that cloae and he d.id not aee the dtffecence between a private scho~l and a publi.c echool and felt the privAte sch~o.l deaerves the same proCection. Mc. Yoat state~ there are 4 double bays and in all probabllil•y the fr~nt bay will constst of officN and watting rootns, eo there will be a maxirnum of 8 ca r s oc up to 16 And the proposed tenant tndtcates 8 to 10 cars per. day is accurate. Ne s~bted the aouth wa11 of the buildinq whi.cli i~ adjacent to the ochool ia not exactly adjacr.nt to the stcucture, but to the parking lot. He stated the number of cacs that will be coming to thi~ facility pe[ day would be far less than the number oE cars comi.ng and gai.ny ko the ~~re-achool. tie Added they t~AVe had pcoposals [or other ~~sea that would he fac heavi.er wtth traPfic auch as a drive-through reataurank, convenience ~tore, etc. TNE PU6LiC HEARING WA5 CGOSED. Chairman Nerbst stated if the p1~nA are gatng to be changed, he would like t o sse those change~ and referced to the commenta regarding ofEtces and wai.t~ng cooms. Mr. Yost state~ he was not sure they are talking about changi.ng the plans and they were asked to aubmit theoe pla~ts as a f.oot print and the confiyura~~on aE tF~e building would not change whatsoever and the dtffFrencP would be that the tenant may require a w~iting room, off~ce ecea or rest roo m and t:hat wouid eliminate part of the bay i.n the fcont, cloEest to nr~okhurst, from being uaed for automobiles. Gr.e~ Nastings expla~ned that if the office was counted, parking would be reduce~. Chairman (ierbat stated ik appears one parking space ts proposed i~ the landscaped setba~h. Commi.sEioner Sushore stated his concern is the multiple autamobile uses r.n t he property because the other automotive centers which have been approved in *~ _ C.ity i~ accordance wiCh the packing standacds have not worked out ~ecause thece are cacs st~cked up on the park~ng lot waittng to be repa~red and the r e has to be employee parking and ~paces needed f~r vehicles waiting for parts o,~e or two days, etc. He stated if there were less bays with more parking proposed and one tenant, he thought the use could be contcolled and ~t woul d be a proper us2 for the property, but in this present configuration, it's just too r~uch ~se on this sxze property. Comm~csioner La Claire stated she is concerned about the noise; however ~he Montessori School could have been allowed in an area where it should not ha v e been because it is a school on a major street tn a cnmmercial area and now, r~hen another commercial use comes along, the school does not like it becaus~e ft is not compati~ble. She stated ahe is not necessarily concerned about th e noise because it is far enough away from the schoole but she is concerned about the noise for the resident~ because that is where the~e people live. She asked what kind of secur~ty is proposed, Mr. Yost responded there wi.11 be wrought iron sliding gates to secure the property. Paul Singer, Traffic Engine~r, stated gateG would have to be lli 26/84 MINUTES~ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN. N4VBI~HF.R 26, 19(34 _ 84-767 set back at ler~st 40 feet mi.nimurt~ fcom the property li.ne so carR would not have to atop on the otreet t o open th~ gate. Mr. Thomas atated they will do whatever ia r.eyuiredr that the oporator of the facili.ty indtcates that any cars will be storpd innide the facilify at night and furthec p~.tnted o~t all work wil.l be donQ inside the building. Rex King, 18131 Perando Circ le, Villa Park, atated they currently operate 6 Amecican Automotive Centers, the closesk one be.ing in Garden Grove and fur.ther explained l•hey do abut restdential areas in maat of tho~e facili.ties. tle explained the ai~r compresaor is a 5 horsepower 80 gallon piece af equipment ~nd will be loctlted inaide t he building. ReAponding to Commi.sst~ner Buahore, Mr. King stated the thcust of the ir busineRS is tune-upa, brakes and front-end work and minor automotive w ork such as alternetors, generakors, etc. and Chere will be no engine overhaulin g at thie faciltty. Commiastoner 9u~hore asked a bout t.he ssecond uae an the pcoperty. Mr. ~(ing stated they are tak~ng up 3 b~ys and it depends on the configuration of the affice and waiting cooms wh e ther or not Chey will let~se the whale building and a compatible use would be a n upholstery shop, etc. He atated they would do an average of 8 to 10 vehicles per d ay and a good da,y would bA up to 15 on A Saturday and t.he average ticket is ~+bout .;lOS. tie steted tliey will not be grinding or sanding on the brake work and would be mer~:ly taki.ng oId asbestos off ex.isting bcak~a and curcently moat ot the new oara are using aemi-metallic material and that any turni~g wauld be ~n lhe hrake lath. ye sta~ed they would like to be an officia 1~mog centQr. He atated all the cars are equipped wi.th catalyt.tc convertecs a n d the tune-up i.a no more than a peraon would do i.n their own garage. Commi.ssioner McBurney asked why it is necessary tu have a 16-1/2 fooc high building. Mr. Y.ing responded the structure door is 2U feet by 13 feet in ordec to accommodate a l.if t and the 16 feet is probably to accommodate hydraulic lifts. He respon ded t o Cammissionec Bu~hore ~hat 708 of their work dops not require liftso ~ommissioner eushore stated some of the 16-1/2 high area could be moved much closer to the front where the offices and wa~ting rooms are be.iny pcoposed and the off~tces and waiting ro~m mov ed to the rear. Mc. King stated they do not r~eeci the hi.gh roof for storage rooms, cestrooms and off~ces, but they would need some amount over 13 f eet in the working area, but they could prrbably work w~th the use as propos ed Uy ~ommissianer Bushore. Commissioner BushorP state d he thought that woul~ put the noise fur.ther away and el~minate some of the height wai.ver. Cha:[rman Herbst stated he did not think there is any commerc ial bu ildi.ng in town with iess height. Mr. King stated they have never had compla~nts and the impact wrenches would always be used i.nsi.de the building anc3 the noise would be out towacd the bar and Brookhurst. Chai.rman Herbst stated the average commercial bul.ld:ing i.s 20 feet htgh. Mr. King stated the builder is goi.ng to build to the building standards for commercial buildings. Mr. Thamas explatned they would not want to pl.ace a bui,ldi.ng on the property that would be so single purpose that if the market 11/26/84 MINUTES. ANAHEIM ~ITY Pf,ANNII~G CUMMISSION, NOVEM9ER 26, .1984 84-768 plt-ce changed, they would be left with a highly atngle pur~ose9 building enc~ this butlding coul.d be convected to ~ cetail use ~nd stlll meet p~rkiny re~uirements, etc. Mr. King presented a~endering of the tacility in Garden Grove. Commissioner McE~urney stated he t}~ought thin use would aever~.ly impact this small property becAUae it ~s a heavy use And will bother the n~~tghbars and maybe it would be a different situation if the echool was nut alrc~ady there. Commissioner La Cla.ire stated ehe was concerned et~out the neighbors anc~ ahe would not want to live next door with those impact wrenchea, ev~n though it looks like ~t would be a beautiful project and she dtd not think Fcee enterpcise should do its awn thing At the expene~ of the netqhbors and even though it ts facing the other way, she thought it would be a real impact on the neighborhood. Cha.irman Herbet stated the property will be surrounded by ~ block wall and the sound will not go toward the t~omes because it does nat go around corners. He stated thece are a lok of othec use3 wiiich could be established on this property without gotng thcough this procesB becAUae it is commercially zo~ed property. He stated t~e did not think this use would impact the schoo]. with noiae and the traffic impact would be lesa with this use than wtth many other usQS that could go onto the property by right. lie pointed out the facility wi.ll be closed at night and on Sundays And thoge things can be controlled becauae xt w.ill be wfth a conditional uae permit and i.f the condittons are not met and the us~ bothers the netghbors, the permit can be revoked; hnwever, there would be no such control on uses that could go in without a condittonal use permit. Commis~ioner King pointed out Che Ccmmission must make certatn fi.ndings in ~~rder to approve this permi.t and one is that Ch~ use will not be detrimental to tlie peace, health, safety and gPneral welfare of the citizena of the Ctty of F~nahe~.m. Cha~rman Hecbst statEd therP cauld be a commercial project with traff.ic in and out unttl after midnight and there would be mare fumes than fcom this use and all work wil] be done inside the bu~~ding and if conditions are not complied with, the: permit can be revoked. Responding t~ CoR~missioner Bushore, Greg Hastings expla.ined the Code does not mention whether or not the parking spaces in front of the bays can be counted, but the Traff~c Eng.inee: dtd review the plans and he agreed they ire usable. Paul Singer staked thxs use cannot be treated any differently than any other bus~ness that has the r:igt~t to pack in front of thetr own facility and every servicQ station he has evec used does park the cars ir~ tundem with the vehicles being worked on inside the building. Commis~ionec Aushore stated there do~s not seem to be any agreement to changE the plana and have L•he offices and waiting room in the rear and in its pcesent configurati~on, he coulc~ nc~t support the request. Cht~irman Herbst asked if ~here will be 3 or 4 bays with offices. Mr. Ktng stated the configurat.ion could be with 3 bays for service and 1 bay to be used for offices, waxting r.oom, storage and restrooms. 9e stated they have a floor plan which showr~ 3 bays with o£fices and that wauld be ~nternal and the external configuration of the buildxng would not be chanqed. I1/26/84 MINUTES, AN~HFZM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, NOVFMHER 26j 1984 84-769 Mr. K~ng stet~d they were trytng to meet the parking r~quirementa and tri~d to pcovide as much perY..ing As ~oasihlP, but thoy have n~ intentt~n of adding officea and tncreaa.ing the aize of the butld~ng cnd any offlr.~s wou.id be with~n the prenent configurntion of the building. Ne ataked final drawings have riat bden done and the cendecing is of their Garden Gruve tacility. Mr. Thomas atat~d they huve talked to the neighbors ana~ khe opecator of the echool hAS been opposed Erom the beginning and one of the property ownera to the cear had not mnde u~, his rnind and thc othpr property owner indir.ated he did not o~poae the project. Irv Landrey, 10122 Hearth Lane, stated tht~ project would be di~eck.ly behind his home and he was pteviously in favor af thta pcoject• nnd felt he wou.ld rather have Ctiis than a restaucant oc other type of buainesa, but his btg conr.erna are noise and ct~emical pollutioni hawpver, if thie buAtness moves out, he was concetned the opecaring hours could al.so be ctianged. He ~stated the biggQSt co~cern is pollution and the presenk operalor has eatd they will not bP uaing chemicals t.o c.lean carburetors, but that could change within a yeac also. He stated he was foc the ~~ro~ect until he r~tarted hear.i.ng the oppoaitxon at today's meeting and t~e has now changed his mind. He At~~ted he thougnt the noise could be heard and they d~ get a lot of notse already Erom erookhurst and he also thought tt~e achool would be impacted. He ;:t~ted the pel•iL•ioner did approach him and aft~r hearing a11 the r~rgumentn today, he would have to go against the request. Greg Hastinys cesponded to Commissioner BQUar~ that. n dry c:leaning operAtion could go into this property without coming before the Commisr~ton. Commiss.taner McBurney ~tated before the cars are tuned up, they would p~llute the air and the clean.ing establishment would have a ftlterinq syr~tem and everything would be contAined within the buildiny, but there is no filtering system in an automot~ve center. 11CTION: Commissioner eushoce ofEered a matian, secnndcd by Commissioner McBurney and MOTION CARkIED (Commiss~oners La Claire and K~ng voting no) that the Anahefm City Planning Commission ha~ re~~iewed the praposal ta permit an automotive serv~ce centier wtth waiver of maximum structural height adjacent to aingle-fan~ily zoning on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisttng of approx~mately 0.76 acre hav~ng a Erontage of approximately 100 feek on the west side of Brookhur~t and furthec described as 1237 South BrookhursE Street; and do~a heceby approve the Negative Aeclarat~on upon finding that it has considered the Negative Declaration together w~th any comments xeceived during the public rev~ew proces~ and further finding on the basis of the Initial Study and any comments rece~ved that thece is no substa~ntial evidence that the project ai11 have a aigniEicant effect on the environment. Commissioner 9ushore ~ffered a motion, seconded by Commisstone~ McBurney and MOTION CARRIEA (Commisetoners He:bst, Fry and Bouas voking no) that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny waiver of Code requt-.'ement on the basis that there are no ~pectal ciccumstances applicable to thE property such as size, shape, topography, locat~on and aurroundings which do noc apply to other identically zoned property in the same vic~nityt and that strict appl.ication of the Zon~ng Code will not deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the icient~cal zone and class~fication ~n the vxcin:[ty. 11/26/84 MINU'PES. AN~NBI~ CITY PLANNING COMMISBION, NOVEMBER 26, 1984 84-770 Commissionec B~sharo offered Reaolution Na. PC84-251 and moved for ite passage a~d a~option that thQ Anahetm City Plenning Comm~saion does hereby deny Cond~tionel Uee Pecmit No. 2639 on the basis that the uae will adveraely aEf~ct tt~e adjo~niny land uaes ~nd yrowth And develapment oE the Area and the s~ze and sha~e of Che atte are not adequate to allow full d~velopmont of khe proposed uae in a mannec nGt detrtmental to the areA nc~r the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citizens and granting of the permit will be detrimental to the peace, he~lkh, aefety and generA: wetfare of the citizens of AnahQim becau~e of noise and pollutton. Oi~ roll call, the Eocegoing reaoluti~n waa passed by th~ following vote: AYES: dUSHORE~ KING~ LA CLAIRE, MC BU~NEY NOGS: a0UA5, PRY, t~ERBST A~SENT: NONE Jack Wh.tte, Aasistant City Attorney, preaented the wr~tten right to appeal the Planning Commission's decieion within 22 days ta the City Counc~l. C~mmisstonec Bu~hore explatned if t.he petitioner had presented a perma~ent of plai~s w.tth the oif~ce acea to f.he rear of the bui.lding and reduc~ng the heigt+t, wlth adeyuate parkiny spacea, and 3 bays and a mascimum of 4 lifts, wo~a.ld have eupported the project. ITEM N0. 12. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CQDE REQCTREMENT AND CONDIxIONAL USE PERMI'i' NU. 2638 set he PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: NATHAN aGINT5, ET AL, c/o ESTHF.R CASCLE, ATTORNEY, 3481 Las Sonbra Drive, Los Angeles, CA 900b8. AGENT; ED MIXON, ANNEX R.V. INC., 2025 S. Manchestec Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802. Property deacribed as an ircegularly-shaped parcel of land consieting of approximately 3 acres lacated aou4h and west of the sour.hwest cor~ec of Ball Road and Anaheim Boulevard, 1221 South Anaheim Boulevard. To permit a re~creational vehi.cle sales and repair facil.ity wxth waivers of minimum landscaped setback (deleted), required fence height and location (deleted) and max~mum ~ence he~ght. There were two persons indicating ~hetr presence in oppositton to subject request and aithough L•he staf`f report was not read, ir is referred ta and made a pact of the mxnutes. Commissfoner 8ushore stated althoug~ he has no legal con£lict of inter.est, he is a lease holder of pronerty owned by the same pcoperty owner and would not take pact in this hear9ng or vote on the matter. Comnissionec Bust~Are left the Chamber Council. Bd Mixon, ~gent, was present to answer any questions. Theodore Klix, 154 W. H~11 Avenue, stated he ~s not entirely against this request, but was concerned ahout what would happen to ~he neighbochood; that at the prer~ent time the water from the aprinklers at the temporary bank ace 11/26/84 MINUTES. ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION. NOVEMBBR 26. 1984 ___ ,84-771 leit on over night ~nd CAUB@ problems and if thia facility hae to add m~~ce landacaping and do more wateringr ik could be rnoce harmful to the attee~ts. He AtatQd he cuuld he~r the impact wrenche$ when the gervice atation was .'~n opeeat~on and w.ia concern~d that iE the rear doors ~re left oFen on thtA ~acility, he would be able to hear. the impact wrenches trom this opera,tion. He added he would like to see somethtng cleveloped on thi~ prop~rty, hc~wever. Chairman Herbst pointed out. thia ia a reque~t Eor a c~nditional use {~ermit and if it does crea~e problPma for the neighborhoad, the pecmit can be reyoked. Gearge WalCon stated t~e lives cight acras~ the street from Mcbo~ald's at the cc~rnec of Hall and Iris and he would want ko see a nice facility ga into thtR property and he d~d not want it to look like a dump and did not want~ Any block walls. Mr. Mixon statpd they have an exi~ting facility at 2U25 5. Manchester end they wiah to reloc~te to a more accessible are~s that. the renaic Hork they do iR pr~marily on the interior of the recreatt~nal vehicles and the wors: cundition they would have would be the veh~cles for sale along Anshetm Boulevard wh~ch would be washed causing more water. He atated he undecstanda the bank ta moving. He el•ated they will repaic and refurbi~h the buildi,ng on the extertor and any repaics on the vehicles will be done tnstde lhe facility. He stated there are no doors a~her than the load~ng and unloading doors s~ the rear and the area to the weat would only be used for loading and unloading and not normally be left open. He explained the repaxr faciiity would be on th4 south stde of the property. THE PUBLIC F:~ARING WAS GLUSED. Commissioner. King stated he would not like a slatt~d fence and Would prefer a concrete wa21 because this ia a bui~iness ac~a. Mr. Mixon s~ated their primacy concern is with secucity; that there ~s another reczeationa~. veh~cle facility ta the south ana they have a fenced ~rpa f~r their vehicles and a slatted fenr_e does present a clean appearance and the ~ tence will not be all the way down to the street. Commissioner King stated hhe plans Rhow the fence to the street line. Mr. Mixon responded that ia on the alley side and that is Go do awf; with vandalism. Paul Sinaer, Traffic Engineer, explained the fence cannot be but thcee feet high adjacent to the street in arder to see trafftc and no fence can be placed within 8 feet of the riyht-of-way line on An~hQ~m Hou.levard. The locatton of the existing fence and the proposed fence were discussed. Jerry McComber explained the location of the fence and stat~d the plans show the fence to the street, but accordtng to the Traffic Engin~er, it needs to be back 8 feet in ocdec to providp visi.bility for the alley. Mr. Mixon stated thQre is a~ existing fence about 2 feet high which r~~ns acrosa the property beyond the sidewalk. Paul Singer stated the street ~s going to be widened and in order to provide visibility for the driveways and the alley, a pie-shaped p~ece of property has to be left not fenced 8 feet deep and 50 feet long. 11/26/84 MINUT~S, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIaSION, NOVEMBER 1G, 1984 84-772 Commieaiuner Mc9urney aeked if the ~wners of th~ vehicle~ will De etaying ovRrn.ight on the prope[ty ahtle thoir veh.iclea are being repaiced. Mr. Nixon ceapUnded normally they would not encourage people t~ stay ovPrnight, but khere ie publl.c packing throughout the whole area and there ~re vehiclea which do stay overn~ght, but they do not encouxage people to stay overnight ut tlieir factlity. Cha~rmAn Herbst atated he would not vute for the project tE tf~ey ~ntend to put slatted fencing along An~heim Boulevacd. Mr. M~xon stated originally thcy anly w~nted elats in the area where they would be storing the vehicles and wanted to have open ctiainl.ink fencing for vtsibility in the rest of the ~cea. Commisaioner La Claire stated with cars P~rked in that area, tcaEEtc wi,ll nnt be able to s~e to get out of the dr~veway. Paul Singer staked thece has kn be a 3-foot landscaped setback behin~ the property line and ~ny fenc~ a dri.ver cannot oee ovec from the car, constitutes a hazar.d, and he has been recommending that a~~ie-shaped piece be matntained on etther si.cic of the dr~veway. Chairman Herbst suggested the pie-ah~ped area be landscnped wi-~ low ,hrubber.y or ground cover. ACTION: Commi.es~oner K.ing offered a motton, secondEd by ~~f~. ~=s~ort~r fry and MUTION CARkIED (Commissioner i3uehore absent? ~ that the A, ;-~ '- : i;~_I r•lanning Commission has reviewed the propusal to pecmit a r.ecreAt~~tr-~ v~_yw~;r?e sal~s and repr~ir facility with waivera of maximum fence heigh~ ~_~~ xrreyularly-shaped parcel of l.and coneict~.ng of approx~~{- ':• 3 ac-tes lacated south and west of the southwest corner af Be11 Road ar~- ~-~,~l+e~;r Boulevard and fucther describec~ as 1221 S. Anaheim eoulevardt and do~ =~~*etr;- approve the Negative DNClaration upon findtny that it has constderw:. `w•~~ '+egative Declaration to9ether with any comments receiv~d dut~ng ~~~-~ ~*~~x~~lic ceview process and further finding on the basis of the Inir_ik.=~"~~ay ~~nd any comments receivsd that there is no substantial evidence that Ctr~ :~~°~-:7rt~~:t will have a significant effect on the environment. G:eg Hastings potnted out none of the waivers originally ^!~~uested wi.ll be necessury because the fence is to be relocated. Commisstonec King offered Resalutton No. PC84-252 aacd mc••-~d for ita pas~a~e and adoption that the Anahezm City ~lannxng Commissio~ ~es he•-~by grant Condi.t~o~al Use Permit No. 2638, zn part, pursuant c;; An3he~m ~tun~c;pal Code Section 18.0:3.030.030 through deny~n~~ wai.vers (a), (b) and (c) on the basis the petitioner stipulaked to conforro to C.ode cequirements. Mr. Mixon stated they are in agrPement with all khe conditton~ ~xcept a few. Chairman Herbst offered a motinn, seconded by Comrnisaioner King and MOTIO:' CARRIED (Commissioner Bushore absent) tha~ the }lnahetm City Plann~ng Commission docs hereby deny waxvec (a), lb) and (c) on the bas~s that the petitiaR~er stipulated to confarm r_o Code requirements. Mr. Mixon etated Condition No. 3 requirea the driveways be designed to accammodate 10-foot radiua curb returns and they plan to use ex~sti~ng driveways which are 10 feet; howevec, the properties d~rectly across the street do not have 10-foot returns. ll/26/Ad MINUTES, ANAH~IM CiTY T.~I,IINNI G COMMISSION, NOVdMBER 26. 1984__ 8'-773 Paul S.inger stated ~.h~ btreet. haa to be widene~i an~ the entiGe curb, gutter and aidownik w~ll l,AVe to be set bACk in order to acr.ommodate the widening o: Anahei~~ a~uYuvdrd, so th~ a~~licant hae to widen the street. Jay T.itus, Of~icE Eng~neer, Eucthec explalned Anahe.tm BoulevArd, s~uth ot ball Raad, has nat ~4en +~id~n~d, ~ut the are~ through the parce2 where the service atation is locate~ r~as b~~n WidenedJ that fcom that point sonth, it has to be widened b,y th~s petxtioner and that ~s one of the condikions and requires the relocation ~i thp aid~w3lk, curb and guttet t~ the ultimate location (Condition t~o. 21. Chatcman }[er.b~t st~tera thAr. will be inc~uded as a condition and if L-he petitionec ha~ ~ groblem with the actton, he can talk to the City Enginee[ and then with the City Council. Mr. M~izon referred to the canditton requiring ttie inetallation ~f street l~gkiks and eCated it appear~ ~treet l~ghts ate existing and Jay Titus explatned ~h~s aonditian was included at the request oE the Utilities Deparhment and tl~~ peti~ionee can work with that department regard~ng that cond~tion. Mr. Mxxon reEarred to the requirernent for fire ~pcinklers and stated they do not plan La change the bu.ilding and were tnotructed origina~ly that as long as they uae the building as is, the tire spcinklers would not have to be cequiced and none oE the o!her use~ tn the area have spr~nklers. Annika SanCalat~ti stated very recently the Pire Departmen has b~_en requestinq tnis type condition and it is based on a changa oi use in the building and the petxtionec will need to talk to the ~ire Ch.ief or Nire Marshall about this condition. Mr. Mixon referced ta Condit,ion No. 14 regacding access £rom subject property to the commercially zoned residential propE~rty to thp south and explained they had installed a sliding gate whece the fencing connects to the buildi.ng for the purpose of mov~ng veh~c.les in and out to eliminate bringing them around and entPring on Anaheim Aoulevard. Paul Singer stated he has no problem aith that request, but does not want any access on Iris Street, but it does not make any difference in the alley. Gceg Hastings stated if thp g~te was installEd, the traf£ic would empty i.nto a resxdent~al area althouah that residential ~rea is zoned commeccially. Fie etated that is a private alley and an easement would be requ~red. Cortunissioner King added he would want a condition added restricking overri{ght sleeping facilities for Ghoae waiting for cepatrs. Mt. Mixun stated khey would agree and they do not encourage that even thaugh they know it happens in the area and in some othec repair fac~lities; however, they would have a problem controllinq it with an open g~rking lot on the propetty. 11/26/84 MINU1'E~, Aif~HETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~ NOVEMBBR 26, 1964 . 84-774 Chairman Hocbst clerified there would be no cheinltnk fence withtn 50 foet of Anahe~m Boulevard and the ~ence will be a block wAll dealgned .ir~ the sdme manner as the one along Anat.e~m goulovard ~nd that access co the Aasement will be vecifted by the City Atto:ney's Office. Gn roll call, tFie forego~ng cesolution was passed by the Eol.lowing vote: AYES: BOUAS~ FRY~ NERBST, KING~ LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE ABSENT: F3USHORE Jack Wh~tE, Asaistant City Attorney, preaented the written rtght tn appeal the Planning Commisaion'~ dec.taion within 22 days to the City Council. Cvmmissioner Bushore returned to the Counci.l Chambr.r. ITEM NU. 13. EIR CATEGORICAL E?(EMP'1`ION-Ci,ASS 11 AND VARIANCE N0. 3444 PUBLIC HEARING. OWNERS: BRITISH MOTOtt CAR llISTRIBUTOR5, LTU.~ 901 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109. A4~EN'P: CAMT, INC., DBA ANAF~EIM TOYOTA, 1601 S. Anah~im alvd., Anaheim, CA 92805, AT'PN: JAMES E. CROWLEY. Property described as an irr~gularly-sha~e~ patcel of land conatsttng of apptoxirnately 3 acres, 16U1 South Anahei.m Boulevard lAnaheim Toyota). Waivers of maximum he~ght of a fla~~~ing sign and maximum area of a freestanding sign to c~nstruct ran el~_ctconic freestanding sign. There was no one ~nclACating their presence in opposi,tio~ to subject request and although the staff ~epart was not read, it is ref.ecred to and made a pac~ of. the minutes. James Crowley, agent, explained L•hey wish to instAll ar`electronic message center sign bec.,~se ~t is almost .impossible to enter l•heir factlity and this would ~llow the~~ to qive tnsttucti..as ~n how to get to the facil:ity and also the Haster Street ovecpass has ~mpaired the visibiltty of the nocthbc,und traff~c and they would like to enjoy the same type visibiiity the GMC dealer has; that the trees impair the visibility for the southbound traffic; that this .is a S00-sguare Eoor sign; but all of it will not be used at one time and the bottom porttor~ will be uaed for the date, time and temperature and the ~ther t;wo lines will 5e directions on I~ow to get to the facility and civic and autamotxve messages. Mr. Crowley referced to the condition in the staff report ~equiring that the ex~st~~g sxgn be taken down previous to installing the new ~agn and sta'ced he would like to indicate that that wouJ.d be done at the same time. He skated a condition requires that all electcical utilittes be underground and they would l~ke to have approximately 1/3 of the ut~lities ove ~T~ead because CheX have an exiating overherid facility. Chairman fierbst stated that request would have to be handled by the Ut~lities Department. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. 11/26/89 84-77F MSNUTES ANMHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, NOVEMBER_26~ 1984 ,_„ _ C'iaicman Hecbet atrted the petitionec refecred to the GMC aign down the etreet, however, tF'.s aign is largF', although at the oame heighL. Mr. Crowley etated rh^ u~ze of the eign was bastcally detecmined from the flaging atudy they did. Chr.irman Herbat atated the pcoblem t~e has with thi~ request is that fukure useca will wanr. to have the same size und heighC and he thought the squace Eoot.age of this s:yn sl~au~d be kep~ the a.~me as the GMC: sign. Commisstoner E3ushore atated in tiis opini.on this is the ~ame thing the Planning Comm:iseion did for GMC and it may be the aame hei~ht;, but looking at the previous appcovals, the Pacific Inlend E3ank property was allowed two signs in~tead ot one and also at a higher elevation and a re~~der board atgn wao also allowed at CALCpMP adjacent to the freewAy. Commissioner Kiny atat~:cl thp Commisston app~~ved two 49-foot htgh, 582-square Eoot signs at 505 N. Euclid. Commisstoner eushare atated the ''~mmi~a~on allowed a height waiver for the Cruasroada business center alony the aouth side of the Lreeway a* about Magnolia and he rsally does not like to grant sign w~tvers, but in *_hxs cdse, o~hers have been permitted. He skated in respons~ to Commissioner La Clatre that this p[operty is down in a hoJ.e on one aide because oE the overpass. It was noted the Planning Director oc t~is authorized ceprprentative has determ~ned that the proposed project falls within the definition of Categor~cal Exemprions, Class ].1, as defined in the Stak.e Environmental Impack Repott Guid~elines anei is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requtrement to prep ,re :n ~.IR. ACTIOh~: :.ummissione~ K.ing offered Resolutton Nu. PC84-253 and moved for its passa~e and adoption thac the Anaheim ~ity Pla:ni.ng Commisston does heceby ~ran*. Variance No. 3444 on the basis that ttiece are special ciccumstances apFlicable to the property such as size~ shape, topography, location and suttound.tngs which do not apply to cther identically zoned property xn the same ~'±cin~t)~; and Chat etrict application of the Zoning Code deprives the propert~+ of ~~rivile~es enjoyed by other propecLi~es in the identic~il zone and classifi,cation in the vic~nity and subject to Interdepartmental Committee recommendations. On roll call, the foregoing resolution wns passed by the foll~wing vote: AYES: BOUASr BUSHORE, FRY~ HERBST, KING, MC BURNE;Y NOES • NOtvE ABS~NT: LA CLAIRE Ann~ka Santalahti explained Condition No. 5 cequires the existing signs to be cemoved prior to final building and zoning ~nspec:.ions which should be no pCOblem since the exiating sign is to be remove~ when the new sign is installed. 11/26/84 MINUTBS, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN, NOVBMHER 26,_1984 _ 84-776 ITEM N0. 14. GtR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND CONDITIONAL US~ PERMIT Nh. 2635 PUBLI' HEARING. OWNERS: COUNTY OF ORA.NGE, GSA/REAL ESTATE DIVISION, P.O. BoX 4106, Santa Ana, CA 92702, ATTN: THOMA3 tiOSPER, PROpERTY MANAGEMENT SECTION. AGENT: WCS INTERNATIONAL, 32~0 E. F[onl•era St[eet, Annheim, CA 92806 AND ORANGE COUN^~Y 5TEEL SALVAGE, INC., 3200 E. Fruntr~ra StreeF., Anahei,m, CA 92E06. Proper.ty deacribed as e rectangularly-ahaped parcel ot land conaisr.ing oi approximately 5 acres located appcoximately 200 feet south of the centerl~ne of Frontera Stceet and approximately 170U feet east of the centerline of Glasse].1 Street. To ppr.m.it temporary outdoor atorage of ~crap ateel. 7'h~:Ke was n~ one ~ndicat~ng their presence in o~posttton to subject request ai~d although the staff repoct was not read, i.t is refecred to an~ made a part oE the mi.nutec. Phi.lip Anthony, agent, explainFd they hav~ yotten approval from the County 8oard of Supervisors for a t~mporary permit subject to the approval by the Ctty of Anahetm to have accese and surfacz use of the County lots behind che frant part of the recycling center. [ie expla~ned this r.~ill be a temporary use and aill allow them access to help move materialg through the cecycltng process. He expla:ned the County permit is very lim.tted and that no conatcuctton would be permitked on ttie property ar~3 there would t~e no permanent access or permanent uses oc improvements on the praperty and it is for temporary starage and movement of materials in the operakion of the recycling center. He stated the County's permit can be cancelled wtth a day°~ notice. THE PUt~I,IC H£ARING WAS CLOSED. Responding to Commissioner Bushore, Mr. Anthony explained about 1/2 of the mate:ials they shced is ears (or 5U0 tona) and 1/2 (or 500 tons) is sheet metal consisting of washinq machines, dryers, etc. He explained the material is actually s~rted several timcs and the ferrous (ateel and iron) are taken out first, and then thece is addittona.l processin5 to uncover the non-ferrous materials whi.ch :tiiclude copper, silver, etc. and it is all resold. He explained the art:tcle mentioned in the Reg9.ster referred to materia]s that are left over after a cac has been cecycled, for example, and there is 3ome question as to where that material should be dumped and that is a S:ate-wide problPm and the State Department of Health has given a variance saying it is ~kay to dump thi.s stuff in the regular dumps which has been go.ing c,n for a long time. Cotm~issioner Bushoce asked if the Orange County Water Board would be tn conjuncti~on with this uge and if they ure aware of ik and Mr. Anthony answered they are. Commiss'.oner 3ushare stated if thp County cannot sell the land at the price th~y are ask;ing, would they be hap~~y to keep th:[s use there foc a long t~me. Mr. Anthony stated khe County is due to take the ~roperty to pub~ic auction early next yeat and the pet~tioner hopes to buy it and hopes to come back to the City of An~hei.m for approval foc a permanent permik. He added if the County does not exceed in selling the property, the petitioner might ask to 11/26/84 MxNU'rES, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION. NOVEMBER 26, 1984 84-777 co~tinue the u~e, but if it is sold, even the few rtiontha involved wauld be ~f help to the pekittoner because oE the changea that are going on r~ght n~w. He ex~la~ned thece are still some changea bei.ng made to mnke the internal flow oE the mateciais moce etEicient and they do have to finish the otreet improvements. Mr. Anthony suggested the City's use perm.it be granted on the name baois ~s the County's so tt can be cancellod et any t~me. Jack Whtte, Aasistant Ctty Atl•orney, explnined the permit can be gcanted with a specific time 1im~t. Commissioner La Cldire staLed the origina.l use permit prohibited the storage ~£ materiAls above the fence height and the scceening ta not as gaod as they thougt~t it would be and asked if provtsions could be made to screen the area. Mr. Anthony stated they have been workiny on that problem and havtng addit~onal space will help with the pilea of matertals and they think the tree sikuatton .ts gett'.ng betkect tiowever, thecc are Aome old plantings which ace not doing very well, but the new plar~tings tn front of the new loks and in the back on the riverha~k are Acacia trees and wxll eventually fill ~n and be 2~ to 3U feet h~gh. He stated he has talked to ~he owner, Mr. Adnms, about the pos:;ibility of putting in some ].arger trees and he i~ very aqreeable to that. and is apparently evaluating it and thinking in terms of Bucalyptus or Sycamore trees, subject to the City's statif approval. Commissioner K.iny stated there is a conditton which prohibtts storage at a height that would be visible from any public cight-of-way. Mr. Anthony state~ the County lots are entirely .in the reac behind the existing recycl'ng center. Jack Wh~te ~tated this pcoperty is within the Redevelopmenk Praject area and if this is approved by the Planntng Commi~sion, it will be necessary for the applir.ant Lo obta.in the approval of the Redevelopmenl- Agency as tu conformance of the propo~ed use with the Redevelopment plan. He bdded it is his undecstanding that the RedevelopmenC Commtssi.on reviewed this use at their last meettng last week and felt they d~d not have sufftci~nt tnformation to i~?ke a recomme~datton to the agency, but tt needs to be presented to the Agency for approval. Commissioner Bushore stated this will really be the thtrd conditional use permzt on the propecty ar,d there was sufficient information f:~r thp Redevelopment Commxssion to recommend appraval of those unes. Jack White stated each applicat.ton is different. Wr. Anthony expla~ned they d~? not know this was goi~g to the Redevelopment Commisnion and were not present. Jack White staked a condition should be added requi.ring that the use permit will not be effective u~til following ~ppcoval by the Anaheim Redevelo[~ment Agency. Commissioner La Claire stated she did not ge, an 4nswer to her quest~on regard~ng the landscaping. Mr. Anthony res~onded when they widen the streEt, they will put ~n curbs And guttere and new landscap~ng wtll be provided, in add.it~on lo the la:ger ~rees hF mentioned earYier, and it will all be started very soon. Commissioner. La Claire stated she thought this would be a g~od use for the property, but ehe was concerned abnuk the impact ~n the water source; however, 11/26/84 MINUTES, ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION1 NOVF.MBER 26, 19a4 __84w778 th~ County is not concerned, but when the pPtitioner wanta a~ermanent permik~ ahe would like to have a re~ort sa the Commisaion can know for sure that the roateri~ls will be dinpoaed oE in a manner that wi.ll n~t hArm che water ~upply. Comm~ss~oner Bu~hore reforred to Dean Sherer's memo which referA to the Redevelopment Commi~sion and not the Agency. Jack W1ii.te explained the use was consideced last week by the Redeveloptnent Commia8ton and they d~ld nok recommend approval of it becauae they felt tliey did not have suffici.ent informatton upon which to mAke the findinga requircd undec l•he Redevelopment plan to allow this as a minoc deviakion to th~ uses pecmitted in the project acea and the ~ltimate deciston i~as tu be made by the Agency and not the Commiasion ~ l•he Agency being the ftve mem~ere of the Ciky Cauncil. ACTIUN: Commi.e.stoner King oEfered a muti:~ri, aeconded by Commisatoner Fry and MO'TI0:1 CARRIED thak the Anahei.m City Plr~nni.ng Commiscion has reviewed the ~roposal to pecmit temporary outdoor storage of. acrap steel on a rectangularly-~shaped parcel of land conatsting of approximately 5 acres located approximately 200 feet south of the centerline of Frontera Street and approximately 170U feek east of the cente~line of Glaasell Street; and doea hereby approve the Negative Declacation upon finding thAC it has considered the Negative Declaration together with any comments ceceived during the publi.c review process and further finding on the basis of khe Initial Study anc9 any r.omments ceceived that there .is no substantiol evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. Commissioner King offeeed Resolution No. PC84-254 and mo~ed for its passage and adoption that the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission does hereby g[ant Cond:lti~nal Use Pecmit No. 2635 pursut~nt to Anaheim Municipal Code Sectfon ].8.U3.U3U.030 thGOUgh 18.03.030.(l35 for a period of one yenr and subject to Interdepartmental Commitkee recommendations including an additional condttion requiring approval by the Redevelopment Agency and including the applicant's stipulations regarding land~scaping. Un roll call, the faregoi.ng reso?utton Nas passed by tfie tollowi.ng vote: AYES: BOUAS, BU~iiORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NUES: NONE A[3SENT : NON E ITEM N0. 15. EIR NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PREVTOUSLY APPROVED) AND CONAI'PIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2263 (REAAVERTISED) PUBLIC HEARING - T1ME EXTENSION. OWNERS; MELVILLE J. McLean, 3A09 Micaloma Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92896. AGENT: BEDARA AUTOMOTIVE INC., 1310 Miller Street, Anahei.m, CA 92807. Property de~cribed as an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.92 acre, 1310 N. Miller Street (Bedard Automotive). Approval of time extension or deletion of Condition No. 5 ~f Resolution No. PC81-205. There was no one indicati.ng thei.r presence in opposition to subject request and although the staff report was not read, it is refecred to and made a part of the minutes. 11/26/84 MINUT~S ANANEIM CITY PL~NNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 26 1984 84-779 It wes noted the pet~t~oner was not present. TNE E~UBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Comm~ssionet BuahocQ stated he want by the pr.operl•y and would suggeat that the matte[ be conttnued .in order £or :he other CommiAaionecs to review the stte and in arder far tho ~etttioner to be preaent to Answer c~uestions. ACTIAN: Carnmissioner BushorE o~fered a motion, seconded by Commisaioner King and MATIUN CARHIEn (Chaicman Herbst voting no) that consideration of the aforementi,oned mattec be continued to the reyulecly-scheduled meeting af December 10, 1984, in order Eor the petitionec ko be presant and for khe Comm:lssioners to r~view the site. ITEM_ N0. 16• kEPUR'PS AND RECOMMF.NDATIONS: A. EtECLASSIFICA2'ION N0. 81-82-13 and CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2292 - Request Erom Jim Bianco foc an extenaion of time on pcope[ty located on the south side of Ccescent Avanue, approximately 330 feet west of the centerlina of ecookh~cst St. ACTION: Commissioner Kinq ofEered a motion, seconded by Comm~asioner Pry and MOTION CARRIED (CornmlASioner 8uahore abstaining) ihat the Anaheim City Planning Comm~ssion does hereby grant a one-year extenatan of ttme for FteclasEification No. B1-82-13 and Conditional Use Permit No. 2292 to expire or- March 8, 1986. B. CONDiTIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2:339 - Request from Juanita Sanchez for termination ~f Cond~tional Use Permit No. 2339. Property locat~d at 1086 t~orth State College eoulevard, Un~t F3. ACTION: Commissioner Y..ing offered Resolutton No. PC84-255 and move~ for its passage and adoption that the Anahetm City Planning Commi.sston does hereby terminate Conditional Use Permit No. 2339. On roll call, the foregoing resolutton was passed by the following vote: AYES: BOUAS~ BUSHORE, PRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: NONE A$SENT: NONE C. RECQMMENDED CODE AMENDMENT - Repealing Suhsection 0.50 of Section 18.U5.085 pertain~ng to permitted days ~f display for temporary display of flag~ .nd banners in residential zones. ACTION: Commtsaioner K~ng offered a motion, seconded !~y Commissioner Fry and MOTION CARRIED (Commtssioner Bushore vottng no) that the Anaha~m City Plannxng Commisaion does hereby recommend to the City Council that the draft ordinac.ce be ad~pked repealing Subsect~ion .050 of Seat~.an 18.05.085 of the Anahcxm Municipal Code pertain~ng to permS.tted days of dtsplay for temporary display of flags and bannecs in residenti.al zones. 11/26/89 MINUTES ANAHEIM CITY PLANN.ING COMMIS5ION NUVEMBBR 26 1984 4-780 D. PROPOSED ORpINANGE AMENUING TITLE 18 'ZnNING' - Pertatntng to thA Development of Sen.tor Cttizene' Apactment Projecte. Annika Santalaht~ ntated the StatQ eatabJ.ished new regulnttons pert~ininy to lowec min~mum age cequirement to 55 yeara an~ also allowing other occup~nts Co be dnyone oE any age and that the pecking requi.r~mente were a concNrri. Cha~rmAn Herbat etp~4d he thougtit tl~e Code should reflect the preaent apartment complex r~tondards for thoae complexes 150 unita or more because wit! a peraon uf age 55 ~na another person of any aye, there woulu pto:~ably be two vehicl ~. He staked it is hacd for hi.m ta b~lieve th~ State could mandate khat up to 150 uni.tH the age li.nit is 62 and `.hen for thoae complexes over 150 uniks, the m.tnimum age is 55. Jack White suggested the Commiaeion make th~ cecommendation to thP City Council that the park~ng requirHments be increased. Con;missioner La Clatre stated sche Eelt th~ recommendat~lpn should t~P thst the parki.ng requirements ahould be di.fferent if the age cestriction ia 55 instead oE 62, and so it could still remain the sane until the compl~x reaches 150 units and then the parktng requirementa should be the same as apartment complexes requirementa. Annika 5antalahti explaxned that would mean 2.5 spACes fc~r a two-bedroam unit anc~ 2 spaGes for a bachelor un~t. Jack Whi.te ~tated the Einding oL the Supreme Courl• ~dB@ is that any ceatriction that is pl~ce~ on the occupan~y of the property is unenforceable if the restrict~on of the ~ccup5ncy is to a qrebter extent than the criteria setforth and requires more than one of the occupants to be a senior cit~zen and establishe~c the aye of lhe seni~or cit:lzen to be greater than 62 years of age in projecte less than 150 units and 53 years oE age and projects of 150 units or more. Chairman Herbst stated the parking the Commission has been previously dxscussi~ng in other senior citizen's prujects is not a~plicable in projecke over 150 uiits. Jack White stated he would have no problem with l•he parking as pro~osed for projects less than 150 units and if the pr~ject has 150 units or more, the standard would be the sa,ne as the current p~rki.nq standards. Chairman Herbat asked i~ the property owner can restr~ct the age to 62 and Jack White ex~lained he could not do that and he thought the logical way to handle this would be to say ~f the project 1s 150 units oc less, the parking standards would be less, buk ~n projecte with 150 or more units becauae the age limit wi.ll be dcopped to 55, more people would be driv~[ng because oE lower age, so more parking would be requ:red. Commi.r~si.oner Fry asked if this will have any bear~ng on thp type of faci,lity that was ap~roved t;wo weeka ago in the Canyon area because he aould not want to hinder developments such as that. It was noted thi,s would not have a beari~ng an that type facility. 11/26/84 MTNUTE~, ANAHEIM CITX PL~N NING COMMISSION. NOVEMBF.R 26. 1984 _ 84-781 Ann~ka Santalahti st ated the ~DBUN ~f ~pen or covered apace~ was di.~cussed with the S enior Citizen Commissi.on and thetr Eeeling wAS that thR s~acea would app ro(~r.intely he opon. She asked if the Cnmmissian wes canstdecing thbt when the ~~nil count ia incceASed, dt l~aat one of the spaces shuuld we cov ~red. She r~eponded to Chairman Herbgt that the ~an~oc Citizen Comm i aston had no apinlons ~bout the age limit of 55 and they d~d go along w i th aCafE's recommendation. Ctiairman Necbst eta t ed per hapa lhe Gommiseton could suggest that i.f the Council doea have n problem with the proposal, another meeting could be echeduled with the P lanning Commi.~aton and ~enicrc Citizen Commissian to review thts matter. Annika S~ntalahti s t ated stuff will inEocm ttic~ Senior Cittzen Commiesion and asked agnin i.f s tafE should [ecommend that there be at leant o~e covPced space tn th e~arkinq requi.rements. She c:xplained the ceason ~he Senior :.itizen Comm i seton was not .in Eavor oE coveced spaces was because the ..endency was th ey become assigned spaces and tn mAny instances are used for atorage. ACTION: Commisc~ion er La ClAire offered a m~tion, seconded by Commis~i.oner McBurney end MOTIOt~ CARRIED that the Anahei.m City Planning Commissi.on does hEr~-by recommend to the City Counctl tliat they approve the proposed ordina n ce with a change in the park.ing cequ:.rements in projects of 150 uni tA or more and the Commissxon recommenda that the park.ing requi.cements remain the same as they Are for atandard ap~ctment projects. Annika Santalahti a sked t hE Commission if they want to make a recommpndation rega rding covered or open apaces. Jack White explatned the proposed ordinance stated tt~e spaces ~an be ei.hher covered or open and that gfves the developer the option, and it alsu cequires the Epaces not be assigned. Commisaioner La Cla ire ciarified any projecls over 150 anits would comply with the regular apartment Qroject atandacds. E. PROPOSED__ORGINANCL AM~NDING TITLE 19 'ZnNING' - Pertain~ng to helistops and heliports. ACTION: Commission er ~ry offered a motion, seconded by Commlasioner Bouas ~nd MOTION CAFtRiED that the Anaheim City Planning Comniasion does h~reby recomme:nc~ t hat the City Council adopt the proposed ordtnance pertaining to heli s tops and heliports. F, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 11765 - Request by Robert Michelson for an extension of time on propert y located on Mar~ta Lane, Kellogg Dri.ve and Oca~gethocpe Avenu e. ACTIUN: Gommissio~ner Ki.ng offered a motion, seconded by Commi~ssioner Bouas and MOTION CA.RRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve ~ one-yea~c extension of. time for Tentative Tract No. 11766 to expice November 15, 1985. 11/26/84 MINUTES. AN~HEIM_C_YTY PL~NNING COMM[IBSZON, NOVEMBFR 26. 19A4___ 84-782 G. RECLASSIFICATION N0. 84-85-11 - NUNC PRO TUNC RESOLUTION AGTIpN,; C~~mmiasionec ~cy offered Reaolutton No. PCB~i-255 end moved foc its passaga and adopt~on that the Anahei,m City Planning Commission doea horeby gxant a nunc pro tunc ceaol.ution amendiny Resol.ution No. PC84-220 ln connection with Reclass~ficat f an No. 84-85-11. On roll call, the foregning r eaolution was passed by the following vote: AYBS; BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BUI2NRY NOES: NONE A BSENT: NONF OTHER DISCUSSION; 1. Commi~ssioner Bushore stuted h e_an r~o longer attend the Park and Recreatton me~tir~go and L•here .ib a meet i ng on Wednesday. Commiasioner La Claire Atated she has served on the Commis s tont howevec, she did not think it is necessary for a Planniny Commissioner t a be pres~nt at every meet.ing and suggested the CQmmission he notified when t here is something pertaining to land use. Commiseioner Fry stAted when he was chairman of the Parks and Recceation Camm~.ssion, a Planni.ng Commisatoner attended, but tt waA on a drop-i.n b~sis and ~f 3otnething came up, a Commis~ioner was requested to be present at the meeting. C~mm~sa.oner La Claire augge sted a d+fferenf •nning Comm~ssioner attend a meEt:ing each montr.~; thezefore only ha~xn~~ ' end one meeting every 7 ~nonths. ~ornmissa.: ner qushore stR~ed at 4u~~ ••~` time he ts on a committee which t~rohibi~ts rim E•om attiendi ! the Parlcs ~~:reation meetings. A~TlON: C~ra~;issf<~~ry~ La Clnire ~ffered a motion, seconded by Commissioner [~ry a~d MOTION ~l.,...IEU that the Anaheim City Planning Commissi4n recommends thac: tt~e City Council approv e that the Planning Commissioners attend the Park and ReccGation Commiscion me etxngs on a rotation basis starting in January, 1985, ana that the Pl.anning Commission member be an ex-officio member attending for i.nforr~ational purposes only and not voting on any issues. Chaisman Eierbst offered a motion. seconded by Co:nmisstoner K~ng and 40TION CARRIEU thati if th~ foregoing suggestion is not acceptable to City Council and i~ ~s acceptable that n o Planning Commissioner attend, that the Park and ltecreat~on m~nutes be provi ded for the Planning Commtssion's information. ADJOURNMENT: Thece being no fu rthec business, the meeti.ng was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respect€ully submitted, f r ~ /~ ~~ L./ ~~~ T Edith L. Harris, Secretary Anaheim City Planning Comr.iissi.on ELH : lm 0092m 11/i6~94