Minutes-PC 1990/07/02 ,--~. ACTION AGENDA ,---,- REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JULY 2, 1990, AT 8:30 A.M. PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW PUBLIC ?TEARING (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) 8:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. MINUTES APPROVED: September 24, 1989 CUbL~fISSI0NER5 PRESENT: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELLYER, MC BURNEY, MESSE COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: HERBST A. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSONt AND CHAIRPERSON PRO TEMPOR$ Chairperson for 1990/91 - Phyllis Boydstun Chairperson Pro Tempore for 1990/91 - Chuck McBurney B. APPOINTMENT TO THE CDBGC Commissioner Glenn Hellyer was appointed to the CDBGC Committee. PROCEDURE TO EXPEDITE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS ~a~ C ,,: 1. The proponents in applications which era not contested will have five minutes to present their evidence. Additional time will be granted upon request if, in the opinion of the Commission, such additional time will produce evidence important tc the Commission's con~4deration. 2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten minutes to present his case unless additional time is requested and the complexity of the matter warrants. The Commission's considerations are not determined by the length of time a participant speaks, but rather by what he says. 3. Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commission in each hearing. Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting. 4. The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing is closed. 5. The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing if, in its opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. 6. All documents are presented to the Planning Commission for review in connection with any hearing, including photographs or other acceptable visual represe:itations of uon-documentary evidence, shall be retained by the Commission for the public record and shall be available for public inspections. ?. At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on items of interest which are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and/or agenda items. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. 0829b Page 1 ~. ~'~ ^. PUBLIC MEETING AT 10:00 A.M. to consider the following: la. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION P.rproved lb. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT-COMMERCIAL RECREATION ZONE Rec. Adoption lc. ESTABLISHMENT OF DESIGN GUIDELINES as amended An ordinance of the City of Anaheim amending various chapters, sections and subsections of Title 18 pertaining to the Commercial Recreation (C-R) Zone and other related provisions and a Negative Declaration as well as a resolution establishing Design Guidelines for the Commercial Recreation Area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOWZNG IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. ' OPPOSITION: 35 interested people present OPPOSITION CONCERNS: Concern about setbacks on West Street as it will cause a hardship on small parcels; concern about elimination of kitchenettes in the C-R Area; concern about size of monument signs and signage in general; concern regarding prohibited uses in the C-R Area. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Concern that travel trailer parks had not been addressed; changeable message sign allow~id by CUP only; there will be a 15 year period plus a one-year notification period for removal of pole signage. STAFF COMMENTS: Did not want kitchenettes in the C-R Area because they want to discourage permanent residency in hotels/motels; willing to increase sign height from 7 feet to 8 feet, including the berm; discussion of recreational vehicle park signage; ACTION: CEQA Negative Declaration - Approved lb and lc handled as one motion. Proposed Code Amendment in the C-R Area and Establishment of Design Guidelines - Approved With the following changes: 1) Increasing the sign height to eight (?) feet, including the berm, from sev3n (7) feet as noted in Attachmant "F" of she Addendum to Staff Recommendations; 2) Allowing kitchenettes in hotels and motels subject to a conditional use permit (CUP); and 3) Recreational vehicle park signage to be treated in the same manner as for hotels. VOTE: 6-1 (Herbst absent) -2- 7/2/90 ~, ~ 2a. CEOA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 2b. VARIANCE 4059 pproved 2c. _WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT ithdrawn 2d. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 3301 ranted 2e. ;~NTATIVE TRACT' MAP NO 14130 ranted 2f. W_AIVER OF MINIM UM DISTANCE BETWEEN OIL WELLS & UNITS PProved ec.CC Apprvl. OWNER: BLASH MOMENY, 2082 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE, Irvine, CA 92715 AGENT: MICHAEL FRAZIER, AIA, 18200 Yorba Linda Blvd., #201, Yorba Linda, CA 92686 LOCATION: Property is approximately 'k ,_4 acres located on the northwest. terminus of Garland Circle and approximately 450 ft. west o_f the centerline of Bois eranc Wav To construct two dwelling units within the flood plain overlay zone to establish a 19-lot (18-unit) residential subdivision with waivers of required lot frontage and minimum distance between oil drilling sites and dwelling units, Continued from a June 18, 1990, Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC^0--159 ------------------------- _ ______ ------------------------ FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO HE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 3 people present OPPOSITION CONCERNS: Traffic; 100-foot setback from oil well; inadequate access in case of fire and for the maintenance by the oil company; safety of school children walking in the area; density; creates blind curve. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Traffic study was submitted which indicated no significant impact; other developmRnts in Yorba Linda & Placentia within 100 feet of oil wells; have to meet conditions of state; access for maintenance from Orchard; same setback for active and idle wells is required, unless well is capped; requested number of homes in flood zone not be specified until further research is done to determine the exact number. COMMISSION COMMENTS; Suggested speed bumps to restrict speed of traffic (developer agreed); requested stop sign where private street comes out (developer agreed); is there distinction between idle and active wells; concerned about opening cut de sac to a private road; construction traffic should be on Lakeview and Orchard and restricted from using Garland; concerns about parking since no parking allowed on streets (developer noted more spaces than required by code are proposed); STAFF COMMENTS: Engineering - flood zone boundaries determined by Building officials; street right of way would be 60 feet wide, but developed to private street standards and would be a public access. -3- 7/2/90 ,, t , ~l ~, ACTION: ~pproved.Mitigated Negative declaration with Mitigation Monitoring program Accepted applicant's request to withdraw Variance 4059 Granted waivers of Code requirement Granted Conditional Use Permit, subject to a. access to Orchard b. Stomp sign at the exit on Garland Circle c. Speed bumps d. Construction traffic restricted to Orchard Approved Tentative Tract No. 14130 Recommended City Council grant waiver o: policy pertaining to minimum distance between oil wells and structures. VOTE: 6 yes votes (Herbst absent] -4- 7/2/90 ~~... ,.rt ~ 3a. CEOA NEGATIVE llELLARATION 3b. VtAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT 3c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3284 3d. WAIVER OF COUNCIL POLICY N0. 543 OWNER: ISHAN INVESTMENT INTEREST, 5 Ringbit Road West, Rolling Hills, CA 90274. AGENT: TASB COMPANY, INC., Attic MIRE TALEB, 15935 San Miguel, La Mirada, CA 90b38. i LOCATION: 2225-229 East Lincoln Avenue. ?roperty is approxima~ely 0.95 acre on the north side of Lincoln Avenue approximately 490 feet west of the centerline of Paradise Lane. To permit a 54-unit "affordable" senior citizen apartment complex with waivers of minimum site area per dwelling unit and maximum structural height. Continued from the May 21, 1990, Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. __ nued to 30, 1990 -5- 7/2~) ~\ rr 4a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO 189 AND ADDENDUM PREV. CERT. and Mitigation_Monitoring Program 4b. SPECIFIC PLAN 90-02 4c. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NOS .~a266, 14267, 14268 and 14269 OWNER: ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Attn: Lisa Stipkovich, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 AGENT: LINCOLN PROPERTY COMPANY, 17011 Beach Blvd., Ste. 400, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 LOCATION: Property is approximately 23 68 acres boon ed by Cypress Strut to the north. Center Str Pt and Broadway to the soukh, Olive Street and Philadelphia Street to the west and the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe railroad right-of-way to the east (Downtown Anaheim) Pe4:itioner requests consideration and adoption of the Downtown Ana3?eim F~~t Center Street Development Specific Plan (Lincoln Village) including zoning and development standards; and, a utilities and services plan for 39G resiu~ntial dwelling units (single-family and ncaltipla-family); 6,600 sq. ft. of commercial uses (in a mixed commercial/residential use development); and 2.61 acres of public open space including a train station/community facilities. SPECIFIC PLAN RESOLUTION N0. PC 90-160 ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS RESOLUTION N0. PC90-161 -------------------------------- ------------------------ FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 1 person present PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Corrections to staff report: P• 5 - 22.2 should be on total line p. 8 - A (3) - variance of minimum garage dimensions should be deleted p. 8 - B (11)- should be changed from 8 to 18 P• 9 •- 5 - garages are 17' x 20', except for a small corner "notch" (architectural feature to improve entryway to units) and should be deleted p. 10 -7 - 4.2 parking spaces should be changed to 2.32 spaces par unit p. 11 -3 - deck treatma::* - s)~ould be deleted p. 11 -4 - 1.96 c+r _itA ec.~-e:ed s?iould be changed to 2.1 (constructi~~u urawa,~gs actually show 2.1) Commission is revie~r~uy; .<;ace pa~,~,.: in Specific Plan (not constructio.c) p. 12 -3 - deck treatment - sha::d be deleted Approved Approved Rec.Approval (Approved -6- 7/2/90 r-~ ~~ 1. Specific Plan incorporates 23.68 ac. which is smaller part of Urban Design Plan far entire downtown which includes 250 ac. To be urban village concept which spans from heavy commercial on the west from Harbor to Anaheim Blvd.; a transitional area incorporating community use, civic center uses, commercial uses and some residential uses from Anaheim to Olive; and then predomina..~ly residential - all tied together by significant open space and common space, particularly a pedestrian open space spine along Center Street - through the Lincoln Village project and then through the Roll project, all the way to Harbor. 2. Amenities in downtown area including major traffic infrastructure, street improvements, significant capital into undergrounding utilities, sewers and storm drains, significant street scope. 3. Parcel adjacent to Anaheim Memorial M;•.~?r, and near 600-space parking structure. considered transitional block from the higher density area into the lower density residential area; contains residential and retail/commercial uses and is most intense development area at 44 units per acre, but is less than 104 of the total area of the Specific Plan. 4. Parcel 14 N - 2-story apartments over deck parking at 35.1 units per acre - is buffered from single-family residential by major arterial (Lincoln), as well as townhomes to the south, and is below density allowed by current Code - townhomes at 18 units per acre, less than allowed in RM-3000 Zone (ownership units at request of that neighborhood). 5. Parcel 22 - "for sale" single-family and paired homes - 4.75 units per ac*e for single-family and 8.39 per acre for paired homes - well below current Code requirements. Provide higtaer quality of living - forced developer to face units onto Cypress - statement of intent to integrate project into that neighborhood and be a catalyst to get some of the neighborhoods to the north to revitalize. 6. Amenities include - architectural materials on 4 sides, file roof, specific finishing materials. 7. Variances with ezisting development standards: a. garage dimensions - some areas due to architectural treatment on corner to provide better entry to unit and open it up more, loss of 4-1/2 sq.ft. of usable area, but adds to livability of unit - ~:ffects 27 units of the 77 total. b. site coverage - deviate:; 54, but that does not include prs:vate open space of 37,000 sq. ft., including pool area, as wel: as open space area along Atchison. c. driveway & setbacks - at 8 feet which occurs in a cul de sac area, but there is additional adjacent parking available cor gu?sts close to unit. _7_ 7/2/90 ,~ '"`. d. 18-foot long driveway - in paired homes, but additional 1 foot provided because of recessed garage door - with garage door opener. e. minimum street width - majority of anajor streets are private streets at 36 feet wide and are primary entrances on Sabrina, Chartes, Pauline and smaller streets, cul de sacs anft dead-end streets at 25 feet wide; however, no street parking allowed which would be strictly controlled through both association CC6Rs and "no parking" signs posted. 36-foot side streets would have sidewalks on both sides, meeting City standards for private streets. No sidewalks proposed on 25-foot wide streets, but those are very short streets. Center Street improvements include a very significantly landscaped street with a double row of trees on either side e sidewalk, enhanced landscape setbacks and landscape medians. f, front yard setback - in some cases only 6 feet -footprint of building actually 9'8" from the public open space which is additional five feet of median - overhang on the building, dimensions of second story different than first story - total of 14'8" landscaped setback, including median, close to 15 feet traditionally required. g. minimum site coverage - at 55~ overall for townhomes - 409. required - asked Commission to consider open space in front yard similar to a courtyard. additional recreational space is part of Specific Plan where relocated train station will be locsted which will become child care center and an urban park which is 1.8 acres. h. recreationlleisure area - 50~ of units conform - if courtyards considered would be additional 200 feet of usable open space, in addition to adjacent park & recreation facilities. i. parking - original criteria developed by the Agency and consultants was 2.125 parking spaces per unit, and this particular project would be 2.325, exceeding the Agency's original proposal, but less than City requirements. Special consideration was given and Agency approved less trying to encourage people to walk to work. (all units will have a minimum of two spaces). Developer required to offer people who work in project area .First priority to own or rant units. 600 inquiries have already been received from people who wor;c in the area. Walking to wcrk would mitigate traffic congestion and air quality impacts. Variance is very small for this unique situation. Legal to indicate a preference but cannot make it exclusive. Idea encouraged by AQIYID and Agency has received positive comments from other government entities. -8- 7/2/90 ~1 ~ Parcel 4D - apartment site with commercial uses - exceeds City requirements - this site was driving force for Specific Plan because there is no zone in the City which permits residential and retail/commercial uses on same site. 6000 sq.ft. of retail, no alcoholic beverages allowed without CUP, located next to Anaheim Memorial Manor and parking structure. j. deck treatment - calculated incorrectly, actually exceeds Code requirements with 63.5 landscaped coverage on the deck. Developer required to spend $3.88 per sq.ft. on landscaping, compared to $2.00 per sq. ft. normally spent. k. parking - 2.1 spaces per unit on site and criteria approved by Ag~ncy was 2.125; however, additional parking can be accommodated in structure owned by the Agency. Lease Agreement with Agency possible. 1. private storage area - 144 sq. ft. washer/dryer area available which could be considered as storage area - staff does not think 144 sq. ft. is totally adequate and has asked developer to continue working with them to find a way to provide some additional storage space in the garages. Parcel 14N - 2-story over deck parking apartment site. a. slightly below density requirements of RM 1200 Zone. b. meets deck treatment requirements at 65~. c. parking slightly exceeds the Agency's requirements. d. storage area - basically the same as above with washer/dryer area or storage option. e. private common/open space -486 sq. ft. per unit - 250 sf required. Developer is providing trash containers below ground and providing trash chutes. PETITIONER RESPONSES TO COMMISSION COMMENTS: - Tandem parking spaces less desirable - Agreed to provide lease agreement guaranteeing spaces in parking structure to bring parking up to Code requirements. - Greatest parking variance occurs in area closest to parking structure. - Developer requested option of revising plans to provide 18-foot long driveway, or eliminatinoJ one unit if plans cannot be revised to provide a minimum of 18 feet. - Spaces in parking structure could be assigned - with agreement and there would be minimal charge. - Maintenance trucks would haul trash container to the street for pick up once a week. - Objected to statements regarding quality of-life and felt they have been very sensitive to that issue - City does not have many developments offering a child care center and 2-acre park. - Less than .10~ of total project is at higher density,. - Not adding traffic to Parcel 22, but number of people par unit will be less. -9- 7/2/90 '~~1 STAFF COMMENTS: Traffic Engineer Olive to be widened to 60-foot ultimate right of way, 42 feet curb to curb. adequate to provide one travel lane in each direction with center left turn lane median between Lincoln and Center. Residents can access their driveways from center turn lane and be able to back out of the driveway the way they are currently doing and there will be no parking allowed on Olive Street. Re parking - City Council has authorized 2.25 spaces per unit about two years ago which is a slight reduction from current Code - entire project was based on that Code - reduction warranted because of proximity to a major employment center and it is anticipated a lot of employees will walk to work. Entire project is a Specific Plan and addresses conditions dealing with th particular plan without concern about precedent or any other project which does not have a Specific Plan with specific studies conducted. Developer did not propose tandem spaces and that could provide more spaces. Variance is really very small. Fence heights - site distance requirements are per Engineering Standard 137 in all locatio:~s. Any parking shortage would be for guests, not residents, and could be accommodated off site within 1/2 block in structure or available public parking areas. Would not recommend similar arrangement or variance in other areas, but this is a unique area. Did not think parking would overflow into =esidential areas. Some streets do not meet minimum requirements of the city. Fire Dept. - requires 20-wide street. Study indicated width of Olive Street is adequate to handle traffic. Study was done for more intense project than this. Study conducted about 3 years ago and updated in April 1990. (opposition felt study conducted 3 years ago would not have considered the whole Lincoln project). PLANNING STAFF: Requested standard condition pertaining to Mitigation Monitoring Program requiring the developer to be responsible for costs associated to ensure implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the EIR. OPPOSITION: Felt Redevelopment Agency is being given preferential treatment - homes will be for sale to taxpayers on smaller streets, with limited parking, and driveways not long enough to accommodate two vehicles. Also being allowed to move older homes into his neighborhood and many lots not adequate to accommodate them. Has property on Olive which was zoned RM-1200 and has been rezoned to RS-5000 which he has accepted, but no parking is avai]able on Cypress and he has to back out onto a major thoroughfare to get in and out of Y.his driveway. Major concerns discussed constantly about traffic and safety, but suddenly not a concern because it is Redevelopment requesting it. Felt Commission does not listen to neighbors when they sneak out in opposition at the public hearings. -10- 7/2/90 1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: Messe - Felt tandem parking spaces would bring parking closer to meeting Code requirements. - Concerned about 350 parking spaces proposed and 750 required. - maximum fence height in front setback limited to 3 feet for traffic visibility. - would support request if lease agreement is provided for spaces in parking structure bringing the parking in conformance with Code. - Did not feel comfortable approving something that is substandard. Feldhaus Preferred seeing revised Specific Plan document before taking any action because of the number of changes required as noted today. Felt if there was something the Commission did not underste.nd they were voting on, it would be too late. Hellyer Remembered discussions by Mayor Huntez regarding density, quality of life and growth management and he envisioned this area for single-family development. That the Commission holds other developers to the line on Codes and here is another City agency requesting all kinds of exceptions. Noted half of the housing units in Anaheim are rentals. Boydstun Concerning about parking. Suggested eliminating the one unit with the short driveway in order to provide additional parking or eliminating one-half of the paired housing unit. (developer agreed to consider). (Petitioner responded that area meets the code requirements for parking.) Bouas Question school situation. (Pe*_itionei' responded they are also concerned about schools for the entire central Anaheim area and offered school district up to $4 million to assist in providing a site somewhere in central Anaheim to serve not only this project, but the entire downtown area. ACTION: Approved EIR No. i89 VOTE: 5-1 (Hellyer voting no with Mitigation Monitoring Program Herbst absent) Approved Specific Plan (as amended) Parking spaces to code to be leased from Center Street garage eliminating 18-f t. driveways ar eliminating units VOTE: 4-2 (Feldhaus & Hellyer - no) Approved Tentative Tracts VOTE 4-2 (Fe1dY.uas & Hellyer-na) -11- 7/2/90 '"1 5a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 5b. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 312 5c. RECLASSIFICATION N0. 90-91-01 5d. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT 5e. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3299 :ti,~ OWNER: OMP, Attn: MASSOUD MONSHIZADEFI, 1524 Victoria Way, Placentia, CA 92670 AGENT: MASSOUD MONSHIZADEH, 1524 Victoria Way, Placentia, CA 92670 LOCATION: 1575 West Katella Ave. Property is approximately 2.2 acres located on the north side of Katella Avenue and being located approximately 314 ft. east of the centerline of Carnelian. Petitioner requests an amendment to the Land Use Element of the General Plan proposing a redesignation from the existing Commercial Professional designation to Low-Medium Density Residential. CL to RM-2400 To permit a 40-unit condominium complex with waivers of maximum structural height, minimum recreational/leisure area, required landscape buffer adjacent to single-family residences and minimum distance between building. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT RESOLUTION N0. PC 90-162 RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION N0. PC 90-1;i3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC90-164 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 1 interested person present Owner of property to the rear - zoned for single family an would like it rezoned to RM-2400 so the developer can purchase it. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Waiver d deleted by revised plans, revised for 40 for sale units, trash location moved to rear. Proposing 577 sri, ft. of open space, 88~ of required; landscaping conforms with plans approved by Council. Wall is proposed and 2 feet of landscaping and they did meet with neighbor to the rear an they agreed with plan. Additional landscaping planned in other areas. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Messe asked about 28-foot wide private street and the requi~sment for sidewalks. Large rectangular property - no hardship to justify approval of variance. When RM-2400 zone was amended to allow condominiums, he felt there would need to be very good reasons for granting waivers. Approved Approved Granted Denied Denied -12- 7/2/90 _ _ . _, ;~ _ >~ -~ ~,~. b:cBurney - landscaped setback reduced from 4'8" to 2'8". Felt landscape area appears to be all asphalt and completely covered. (Developer explained landscaping met previous code, but does not meet recent !II revision for 750 sq. ft.) STAFF COiyII~fENTS: Revised plans showing deletion of waiver d have not been reviewed by staff. Engineering - recommended 28=foot wide private street with sidewalks on both sides. Plan did not meet City Deputy City Engineer's approval. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Approved GPA for additional property to low median density designation Approved Reclassification to RM-2400 (Discuss RM-2400 would allow apartments, but would have to be single story) Denied waivers (Vote: 5:1 Feldhaus voted no) Denied CUP (Voce 5:1, Feldhaus voted no -felt the Commission has just created a double standard with the previous project just approved) -13- 7/2/90 - /.`, /per 6a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECrARATION 6b. RECLASSIFICATION NO 9 -91-03 6c. WAIV~F CODE REOiiruFg{E~ 6d. C NDIT~NAL USE PERMIT NO 3~nn OWNER: VICTOR C. HIGHFILL JR., 719 North East Street, Anaheim, CA 92805 AGENT: AHMAD JILANSHI, 2030 E. 4th St., 1104, Santa Ana, CA 92705 LOCATION: 719, 729 Nor h East crr a Property is approximately 0.74 acre located on the west side of East Street and being located approximately 210 ft. north of the cez~erline of Wilhelmina St. RS-7200 to RM-2400. To permit a 10-unit condominium building with waivers of maximum structural height (deleted) maximum lot coverage (granted) RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION N0. pC 90_1~- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. X90-166 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: 10-unit, 1 & 2-story condominium project COMMISSION COMMENTS; Messe suggested condition be placed in CC&Rs t~ maintain permanent landscapinq. STAFF COMMENTS: Traffic Engineering - requested condition be added requiring trash pick up and delivery to be on site, so the plans would have t.o be modified; I5 feet required for trash trucks to get under the building area Planning - Explained Condition 15 was to make sure there is no visual intrusion from patio and the screen was proposed to be landscaping. Landscaped has to be maintained to always provide that visual block. Engineering modified conditions 2 and 15. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Granted Reclassification Grafted Waiver b, waiver a was deleted Granted CUP, in part, with modifications to conditions VOTE; 5 yes votes Herbst absent Feldhaus - Conflict of Interest -14- 7/2/90 ranted ranted, pt. ranted, in part w _ .. . ~~ ~ f 7a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 7b. WAIVER OF CODE REOUIREMENT 7c. Q,ONDZTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3298 OWNER: ANAHEIM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, 1111 W. LaPalma Ave., Anaheim, CA 92803 AGENT: TAYLOR AND ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, 4 Upper Newport Plaza, #100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 LOCATION: 1111 Flest La Palma Ave. Property is approximately 11.0 acres located at the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue and West Street. To permit a 37,200 sq. ft. expansion of Anaheim Memorial Hospital with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC 90-167 MOTION REQUESTING TRAFFIC ENGINEERING STAFF TO REVIEW CODE REQUIREMENT FOR PARKING SPACES AT HOSPITAL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY~OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 1 person present 1 phone call OPPOSITION CONCERNS: Parking on residential streets, noise of people coming into area during night at shift changes; entrance off West Street to the church parking lot is directly across from neighbor's condominium, visitors to the hospital park on West; traffic is bad when shift changes and the noise is right across from their bedroom and living rooms. Felt problems have been caused with approval of variances and did not want to see it get worse. Wanted to see existing Codes enforced rather than waivers being granted. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Expansion is to remove some of the functions of the hospital and allow existing uses to grow and provide better health care to the patients. Doctor's spaces are a political issue, hope to remedy the situation, spaces will not have names, a certain number will be designate3 for doctors and that will be monitored closely. By reorientation of entrance and restriping parking lot, will be more efficient and add a number of parking spaces. Corrected information and explained they are licensed for 240 beds, not 254. Thought Anaheim's method of calculating parking for hospitals is duplicated and too severe. Could be neighborhood parking on West, not hospital employees. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Messe - Doctor's parking lot not fully utilized; realize they have to be close. Questioned employee access on West Street; asked Traffic Engineering to review City's requirements for pproved ranted -15- 7/2/90 ,~ hospital parking, .maybe Codes are a little off and should be changed. Boydstun felt main entrance on Laguna would pull traffic that way and t help the traffic situation on West Street. Noted 101 spaces are being added with this proposal. (Opposition did not feel that is sufficient). Hellyer suggested limiting the number of doctor's parking spaces to possibly 30, with the rest for the employees. (Petitioner did not like to restrict the number and felt removing names and restriping will alleviate that problem; explained existing doctor's parking area will be eliminated with this change; names and signs specifying a certain space for a certain doctor will be removed and no doctor will be promised a certain space; certain number would be designated, but may have to be expanded.) Feldhaus - suggested doctor's parking in the 118 visitors spaces on the West Street side and moving the visitor's parking to the other side. (Petitioner agreed to give that suggestion consideration). STAFF COtyAfENTS: Traffic Engineering - requested a condition be added requiring Laguna Street plans be modified to allow installation of traffic signal in the future if required. Cannot control employees, would prefer them to use La Palma, but if it is closer to use West, they will use West. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Approved parking waiver Granted CUP, with added conditions Requested Traffic Engineering staff to review City's parking requirements for hospital to determine. (Traffic Engineering staff explained codes are based on previous studies and there is no exact number and each request should be reviewed individually; and believed in this case, the code is very excessive. Agreed to review codes.) VOTE: 5 yes votes Herbst absent Bouas abstained -16- 7/2/90 ,-~ 8a. CATEGORICAL EXE~lFT.~'LASS 1 8b. WAIVER OF CODE REJUIREMENT Deleted 8c. CONDITIONAL USE P$RMIT N0. 3296 Granted, in part OWNER: REI.TH PEPPER & PAUL NODZAK, 817 N. Lemon St., Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 817 North Lemon St. Property is approximately 0.25 acre located on the west side of Lemon Street and approximately 190 feet north of the centerline of North Street. To permit a bed and breakfast minimum rear yard setback permitted encroachment into requnred yards maximum structural height minimum sideyard setback establishment with waivers of (deleted) (deleted) (deleted) (deleted) CONDITIONAL USE PERMTT RESOLUTION N0. PC 90-168 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMAR3E OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITION PRESENTED WIT& 22 SIGNATURES IN FAVOR OF PROJECT. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Have spent last 4-1/2 years restoring & repairing interior of structure; have met with neighbors to discuss plans and taken their concerns into consideration; concerns of privacy alleviated with unit above the garage having no windows to the south; sent letter to neighbors before public notices were mailed; submitted proposal to Central Citg Neighborhood Council and they approved it; submitted petition with 22 signatures of people in favor. Referred to Condition No. 2, page 6, and stated he wanted a circular driveway; property is two lots ,across front and house is in the middle of the two lots and did not t)7in7c circular driveway would be a concern. COYAlISSION COMMENTS: McBurney liked the plans and was glad to see waivers deleted Messe - corrected :staff report, page 2, (59 should be 590) McBurney, Messe &:Bcauas agreed circular drive would be much better since lot is wide enwugh to accommodate it. Feldhaus questioned handicap access and petitioner indicated there would be no problem complying if that is a requirement and it could be done through the rAar entrance. ACTION: Graa~tedi CUP, in part, deleting Condition No. 2 to permit a circular drive and modifying Condition No. 6 wai~v~rs were deleted by revised plans. VOTE: 6 ye,g vo yes Herbst. absent -17- 7/2/90 ;~~ ' --~ ~, 9a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 9b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT 9c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3290 OWNER: HOPRINS DEVELOPMENT, 13 Corporate Plaza, Ste. 200, Newport Beach, CA 92660 AGENT: CHARLES PATINO, 8391 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92646 LOCATION: 2804-16 West Lincoln Ave. Property is approximately 0.94 acre located west and south of the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Dale Avenue. To permit a commercial retail center with waiver of minimum distance between freestanding signs. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC90-169 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Revised plans to reflect changes from IDC meeting were submitted. ACTION: Negative Declaration Granted Waiver Granted CUP Granted VOTE: 6 yes votes Herbst absent anted anted -18- 7/2/90 '"~ •"~ 10 a. CATEGORICAL EXEMPT- raga 11 (READVERTISED) lOb. VARIANCE NO '~R51 (READVERTI ED) OWNER: BUTTON DEVELOPMENT CO., INC, 201 E. Sandpointe, #300, Santa Ana, CA 92707 LOCATION: Prooerty is a~oroximately 19 7 acres located at the northwest corner of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Weir Canyon Road• To amend conditions of approval pertaining to a freestanding sign. VARIANCE RESOLUTION N0. PC 90-174 ------------------------ FOLLOWING I5 A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE- CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETT_TIONER'S COMMENTS: Request is for channel letters for the hospital name on the Santa Ana Canyon Road sign. Conditions of agreement was that they could one or the other and not both and preference was to stay on the monument sign. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Messe asked that different types of plants of varying heights be planted in the planter just completed to bleak up the look. Felt sign is needed so hospital can be recognized. Feldhaus - felt the sign should read "hospital" instead of "East Anaheim Urgent Care Center" Hellyer - Only problem was with the way it was done, one thing approved and then somebody added copy and it was done in bad faith and now Commission is being asked to accept it; did not like message that sends to others in the community. ACTION: Granted Variance VOTE: 4-2 (Bouas and McBurney abstained) (Bouas explained she has close ties with Anaheim Memorial Hospital and would be prejudiced. -19- 7/2/90 11. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ,--~ --, Terminated A, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO on Wallaam Goodman, requests terminationEOf ConditRonalTUse Permit No. 901 for property located at 716 Webster St. RESOLUTION N0. PC 90-171 B, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO ~i~2 RETROACTIVE EXTEN ION F TIME,- Reverend Father Cornel Avaramescu, requests extension of time to comply with conditions of approval for property located at 555 S. Walnut. Approved to 6-19-91. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 2324 DELETION OR AMENDMENT TO A CONDITION OF APPROVAL PERTAINING TO SI NA E• William A, Rec. Denial Torresala, Pan Pacific Hotel, request: deletion or amendment to a condition of approval pertaining to signage for property located at 1701 S. West Street. Continued from April 9, and May 7, 1990, Planning Commission meetings. D, RECLASSIFICATION NO 79 80 21 TERMI*TATION - William B. Pearce, Hunt Enterprises, Inc., requests termination of Reclassification No. 79-80-21 for property located at s/s of Wilken Way and east of Harbor Blvd. RESOLUTION N0. PC 90-172 E. VARIANCE N0. 3964 - RETROACTIVE EXTENSION OF TIME, _ Wallaam Goodman, requests retroactive extension of time to comply with conditions of approval for property located at 716 Webster St. F• ONDITI NAL SE PERMIT NO 2o4n RETROA TIVE EXTENSION F TIME. - Harvey Owens, (OSCAR'S) extension o. time to comply with canditionssofeapprovale for property located at 1160 N. Kraemer Blvd. G• CONDITIONAL UGF PERMIT NO. 3096 - RETROACTIVE EXTENSION OF TIME• REVIEW OF LANDSCAPE PLANS AND WAIVnR OF CO T?Tf IL POLICY NO. 542 _ James Ragheamer, requests retroactive extension of time to comply with conditions of approval; Review of Landscape Plans; and Waiver of Council Policy No. 542 for property located at 3601 West Ball Rd. -20- 7/2/90 Terminated Approved to 7-5-91. Approved to 6-2-91 Approved to 11-21-90 ;a,.. ~ ~, /~ H. SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 90-01 - REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SLOPE SETBACK (TITLE 17 - SECTION 17.06.110) - Trammel Crow, requests waiver of slope setback for property located at the southwest corner of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Roosevelt Road (Anaheim Hills Festival). I CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 219R - REOUEST FOR TERMINATION David V. Adams, agent, has requested termination of Conditional Use Permit No. 2198 on property located at 131 West Ratella Ave. RESOLUTION N0. PC 90-172 J. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2713 - REVIEW OF REVISED PLANS IN ORDER TO DETERMINE SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE - Louis P. Drapac requests review of revised plans in order to determine substantial conformance for property located at the northwest corner of State College Blvd. and Orangewood Ave. R. RECLASSIFICATION NO 87-88-29 - EXTENSION OF TIME - Jon D. Dye, DMST Development, Inc., requests extension of time to comply with conditions of approval for property located at 207 and 211 Coffman. -21- 7/2/90 Approved Terminated Approved Continued to 7-17-90.