Minutes-PC 1991/01/28.,,~-: - h F'. ;i ~~ 7~„`; ~?U`~ ACTION AGENDA ~' ~~ lam. r~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1991 AT 10:00 A.M. PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW PUBLIC HEARING (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) 1000 A•,M. 1:30 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: HOURS, BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELLYER, HENNINGER MESSE, PERA2A PROCEDURE TO EXPEDITE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. The proponents in applications which are not contested will have five minutes to present their evidence. Additional time will be granted upon request if, in the opinion of the Commission, such additional time will produce evidence important to the Commission's consideration. 2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent wil]. each be given ten minutes to present hie case unless additional time is requested and the complerity of the matter warrants. The Commission's considerations are not determined by thc+ length of time a participant speaks, but rather by what he says„ 3. Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Commission in each hea:in;. Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting. 4. The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing is closed. 5. The Commission reserves tha right to deviate from the foregoing if, in its opinion, the ende~of fairness to all concerned will 3e served. 6. All documents are presented tr, the Planning Commission for review !n connection with any hearing, including photographs or other acceptable visual zapreaentations of non-documentary evidence, shall be retained by the Commission for the public rircord and shall be available for public inspections 7. At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on items of interest which are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and or agenda items. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. ,,'q~~ ;; ~, v ,~. ' ` ~~r ~~:, ~ ~ .. :14~'~ ~',: I Approved la. CE A DjFGATIVE DECLARATION Granted 1b. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0.316 Granted lc. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 90-91-20 ' Approved ld. jaAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Granted le. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3379 OWNERS WEST ANAHEIM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, Attn: John Hanshaw, Exe. Dir., DBA: Humana Hospital, 3033 W. Orange Ave., Anaheim, CA 92804 ' LOCATION: Property ie approximately 11.2 acres divided into three i parcels with the following descriptions: Parcel A is an irregularly shaved varcel of land coneistina of a roximately 9 2 acres located at the northwest corner of Beach Boulevard and orange Ave having avvroximate o to es of 945 fee o the orth s de of Oran a ve and ~frontaae of 145 feet on the west side of Beach Blvd.._ ith a maximum death of apvroximately 620 feet_a~d further_ w described as 3033 West Orange Ave.j Parcel B ie a ~rreaularly shaved varcel of land coneistina of proximately 1 47 acres located immediatelynorth of the Carbon Creek Channel which ie immediately adiacent Parcel Parcel C is an irregularly-shaved varcel of land coneistina of apvroximately 0 57 acres located immediately adiacent and north of Parcel A and ie further described as the Carbon Creek Channel. ~'` GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO 316: An amendment to the Land ~--~' Use Element of the General Plan proposing a redesignation of Parcels B and C from the existing designation of flood control channel and low-medium density residential to commercial professional. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 90-91-20: of Parcels B and C from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the Co (Commercial, Office) Zone. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3379:_ To permit the expansion of an existing hospital parking lot with waiver of minimum ~ aw,;;uer of parking spaces. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT RESOLUTION N0. PC91-08 RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION N0. PC91-09 ' CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. PC91-10 't ~, (see next page) i ICI i i .~ _2_ 1/28/91 _. 1 I A V. ` {, r i~i. __. i ~ti FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO HE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITIONS 1 OPPOSITION CONCERNSS Concerned if Humana Hospital is interested in adjacent property and if eo, what plans do they have for the property? Do they want to expand further west? Concerned someone is seeking access through their residential tract to these properties. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Request to expand the existing parking lot on Parcel A by covering the Carbon Creek Flood Control Channel (Parcel C); this would provide additional parking and provide access to Parcel H which would also provide additional parking; need zone change to cover the channel. In order to ~aaea opposition concerns, they are not interested in the parcel next to them] they arc certain they will not over burden the property. Met with adjacent mobile home park and they have an on-going relationship with them. The applicant submitted a letter from the mobile home park endorsing the proposal. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Discussion took place ae to how many beds were in the hospital and if they anticipated an increase in usage of those beds; parking appears t~ be dense. Concern expressed regarding a 2-story medical office building facing the west aide that shares parking with the hospital. Do not want a use that is severely under parked and do not know how to condition this request eo that the hospital grounds are parked sufficiently. Much of parking ie patient and visitor parking. STAFF COMMENTS: Alfred Yalda, Traffic Engineering, stated there should not be any problems with the parking and they feel comfortable with 2.8 spaces per bed. He stated the visiting hours would ba at the time when moat of the office staff would be going home, therefore, there would be more visitor parking available. ACTIONS CEQA Negative Declaration - Approved General Plan Amendment No. 316 - Granted Reclaaeification No. 90-91-20 - Granted Waiver of Code Requirement -Approved Conditional Uea Permit No. 3379 (Add condition authorizing the termination of the reciprocal parking agreement required by CUP 2473 when the new parking area is completed). (Add finding that there will be no detrimental effect to the flood control by the covering of the flood control croak). VOTES 7-0 ~~ -3- 1/28/91 2s. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLA AAR TION /~ 2b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2473 (gEADVERTISEDI ~~ i OWNEgs WEST ANAHEIM COMMONITY HOSPITAL, ATTNs John Hanehaw, DBA: ~~ HUMANA HOSPITAL, 3033 Weet Orange Ave., Anaheim, CA 92804 LOCATIONS Property ie aooroxlmately 9 2 scree loc ec' at the northwest corner of Orange Ave. and Beach Blvd. To amend the condi~ions of approval pertaining to a reciprocal parking requirement on the south eide~of Orange Ave. ~; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC91-11 ----------------------------------------- FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO HE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None DFTITIONER'S CoMMENTSs Correction on page 2, item no. 9 - should read 670 on-site parking spaces instead of 471. C I CEQA Negative Declaration - Approved Conditional Use Permit No. 2473 (Read.) - Granted (Correct page 2, item no. 9 to read 670 on-site parking spaces instead of 471 as proposed in their plane). V.~: 7-0 ~~°. 5r,.; .q yFf~N' 54t Yom, r~o ~.. .. ' i }.i . x,~? `~,: ' ~, ~~~ , s ~i~ r r ~. { L~~~ ~ ~ t'8- ~ :i~~ '. ~ ~ i4?~' .~ ~ . {"- Approved ~ - '~. Granted '~" JJ ~, ,. ~. i it '; ~;( r /^~ -4- 1/28/91 ,~~ ~. ,.r~. ` ~~: 3a. ~TEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 11 No Action 3b. VARIANCE N0. 4109 Granted OWNER: GRIMMWAY DEVELOPMENT LTD., 2411 E. Pacific Coset Hwy., II Ste. 300, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 I AGENT: FRANCHER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, 1322 Bell Ave., Ste. 1-H, Tustin, CA 92680 LOCATION: 810 North Euclid Street. Property is approximately 0.46 scree located approximately 240 -feet south of the centerline of Catalpa Drive. Waiver of permitted location of freestanding signs to retain a 5-foot high monument sign. VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO. PC91-12 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: The sign in its present configuration and location exceeds the minimum setback; the sign is situated 10 feet from the right-of-way located immediately to the south; this would more or lase -epresent an extension of Glenoaks Avenue across Euclid Street providing i access to this parcel and 2 other parcels at the back of the property or to the east; the sign is presently situated inside the engineering standard requirement of 7' X 50' eightline triangle; it ie noted on page 2 that Traffic Engineering would require moving the sign 4 feet; asked Commission to consider that the sign ie a brick planter and it would have to be torn down; Taco Hell ie willing to share the sign with the other parcels if they utilized the savings of using the existing monument; would consider moving the sign if a larger monument sign were available; Prefers to move the sign back and have the ability to build a taller sign. COMMISSION CONNECTS: If sign were larger, would applicant consider moving itY Standards in the CR zone have been set at B feet and they would want it to be to the standards ,that it should be; could waive the location and leave the sign where it is, but if the sign is going to be there, it ;.,~T cannot be any taller. Another option is that they not waive the location, -. allow them to move it back and build it to the 8-foot height. STAFF COMMENTS: Alfred Yalda, Traffic Engineering, stated anything beyond the 7 feet was o.k. cA TION: Categorical Exemption Close 11 (No Action) Variance No. 4109 - Granted (Add condition that there be no additional signs to serve ' these 3 lots within Parcel Map No. 90-281). ~~ Zt was also noted that Condition No. 1 regarding Engineering Standard No. 137 stands as is. VOTE: 7-0 I ~-. `~ r~~ 4a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION fPREtIIOUSLY APPROVED) 4b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3287 CREADVERTISED) OWNERS GRIMMWAY DEVELOPMENT LTD., 2411 E. Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 300, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 AGENTS FRANCHER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, 1322 Bell Ave., Ste. 1-H, Tustin, CA 92680 LOCATION: 810 North Euclid Street. Property ie approximately 0.46 acre located on the east aide of Euclid Street and approximately 240 feet south of the centerline of Catalpa Drive. Amendment to the conditions of approval pertaining to the maximum height of a freestanding sign. CONDITIONAL USE PEASdIT N0. PC91-13 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER COMMENTSS Will not neceesa~ily use the same configuration ae old eignj they will probably use something that is all internally illuminated. CTION: CEQA Negative Declaration (Previously Approved) - Approved i Conditional Uae Permit No. 3287 (Readvertised) - Granted (Granted se per page 2, no. 8 of staff report). Vo_TF: 7-0 -6- 1/28/91 ,._ ..., R '{ } +7„1 I r k~ i ~e r ^s Y y" l ~ ~ ~.. fj~"L ~ 1'. 4~h ~~ ': ~~~ t ~j V,~ 1 :~ ~;. jn s ^~»r;a~+• ~ '.;a~, ass i } Approved Granted '. i:'' ' L' .. T ;,~ t*', . ~~; ~: i i }~' . .~: ~~ # ~` iY. ~/b ' ; ~~ jj G ~. 5a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued Sb. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3378 t0 3/11/91 I /'~ t % OWNER: DAH'S Service Center, 519 W. Ball Rd., Anaheim, CA 92805 AGENTS Arthur H. Shipley, 1728 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach, CA 92663 LOCATIONS 519 W. Ball Rd. Property ie approximately .30 acres located at the northeast corner of Harbor Hlvd. and Ball Rd. To retain rental truck service as an accessory use to an existing service station. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Copy machine can be eliminated; non-working cars can be Bold= would be willing to move rental trucks to another location on the exception of 1 or 2; has recently purchased property from hie father; j father had language barrier and he is sure now that he owns the property j he can eliminate the problems; going to be dealing with Arco; Arco will ~ repair pampa and they can sell gas, therefore, they will not have a need ~~-- to sell care or copies; they now have only 5 pampa; due to I-5 widening, the City took 3 pampa. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Too many businesses on that one piece of property= care not working are parked on lot= storing care and working on them= selling care; size and shape of property not adequate for businesses; copy m~.:hine on premia~.a for public's usage; a truck ingreasing and egreeeinq does not move se fast ae a car and could impact traffic; can they move truck rental someplace else; had 5 citations in 1989 and 6 in 1990. STAFF COMMENTS: Hruce Freeman, Code Enforcement, stated this has been a ' continual problem for the past 3 years; applicant is here to bring his business into conformance. Mr. Hastings, Zoning Division Hanager, stated in fairness to the applicant, the City is looking into amending the zoning to bring it into conformance to the General Plan and the new CR zoning would prohibit the rental and display of vehicles on the property; t; everything on the property would be grandfathered in except for uses that are not permitted and the accessory use is one of them. CA TIONs Continued to 3/11/91 for applicant. to clean-up the station. _7_ 1/28/91 _._._. ____.. _---__..~_ --_.- ,._r,,, ~.: t ~ '~` . .. ~~i S~~~ 6a. CEOA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved 6b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Approved 6c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3376 Granted (2 yrs) OWNERS JAY RICHARD CARES, 847 S. East Street, Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 847 South Eaet St. Property is approximately 3.7 acres located approximately 591 feet south of the centerline of South Street. To retain the outdoor storage of chemicals with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC91-14 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO HE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 3 oPPOSiTIGN CONCERNS: only one person received a notice regarding thin 1 meeting; underneath flight pattern of helicopters for police and ~, therefore, could lose homes and their lives; have had some problems with chemical spills; there is a residential area adjoining this chemical plant and they get noxious smells; they were asked to evacuate at one time; safety of human lives is a factor; what ie the legal distance between ~ residential and a chemical plant; distance from schools could be a ~' problem; traffic ie already horrendous. PETITIONER'S COMMENTSS All conditions have been met except for ventilation of the facility and the Fire Department has given them a one-year extension. In reference to Condition No. 20, no storage is permitted on the docks except for incoming materials from vendors and then it ie removed within 4-6 hours or immediately; according to the Uniform Fire Code, Condition No. 16 should read 4" instead of a 6" minimum regarding the resistance of the chemical coating to be applied to the Interior of the warehouse area; no serious spills in the past 10 yearn. The helicopter's flight path is northwest which means it ie coming in over its own property and landing on its own pad, therefore, it misses their property by about 100 feet; under the regulations of the AQMD, they must ,.,x be within 1,000 feet of their own property line and any school; if schools J are further, then they do not have to report it; the safety of human life is why they have complied with all the agency regulations and have been inspected by every agency including the FBZ and the bomb squad. } COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Fire Department and Code Enforcement will be continually monitoring this facility to insure that things will be done ae they should be= in the previous public hearing, the applicant stipulated that he was a broker/sales agency and distributor and not a manufacturer and, therefore, there are no chemicals boinq mixed on the site; applicant has been very responsive over the 60-day period in getting everyone `J pointed in the right direction. -g- 1/28/91 STAFF COMMENTS: According to the Fire Department spokesperson, the Fire Department has Dixco on a monthly inspection schedule at the present time; conditions are greatly improved= the Fire Department requests a condition ,~ that the loading dock be segregated for chemicals so that the chemicals being shipped out or coming in are not being stored; it was clarified that Condition No. 16 should read 6" and not 4" above the floor as stated by the petitioner. Bruce Freeman„ Code Enforcement, requested that the ground areas be asphalt or ce:aent coated and also an epoxy lamination be put over the top of that= outs:lde storage and washing of drama ie permitted in certain areas and thoi:e areas have to be contained ae well; all outdoor storage to be sight-screianed and shall not exceed the height of the fence= they do meet with the requirements of their department] was advised in a memo dated Decembe:c 28, 1990, that an area on the NE aide of the property was still dirt am3 dose not know if it was corrected or not. ACTION: CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration - Approved Waiver of Code Requirement - Approved Conditional Dee Permit No. 3376 - Granted for 2 years (with annual review thereafter) To come back as a public hearing due to concern of the neighbors. Regarding Condition No. 21 - add to verbiage, "to the satisfaction of the Fire Department." Add condition that states all outdoor storage and/or ~1. vehicular parking areas shall be paved or resealed to the ~-' satisfaction of Code Enforcement. Per Fire Department: Add condition that the loac',.ng dock be segregated fix chemicals eo that the chemicals being shipped out or coming in are not being stored. VOT s 7-0 -9- 1/28/91 i~ ___ .,}+r '~ti~~: .~. ,,t,_ 3z. ' `;,,~1: ,1';rS C ~;.. 'Si'd^. r~r~,,i i i 7. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ii; A. VARIANCE No. 3527 - REQUEST FOR A RETROACTIVE EXTENSION OF Approved ~ TIME TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - Gerald R. Buahore, owner, requests a retroactive approval for a one-year extension ~ of time. Property located at 381 South Henning Way. ~ B. V CE 3 - EX ENSIGN OF I COM LY WI H CO TZONS Approved OF APPROVAL - Elias D. oriedo, requests approval for a one-year extension of time. Property located at 277 North Coffman Stree . C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 350 - REQUEST FOR TERMINATION: Granted Milton J. Tesar, requests termination of Conditional Use Permi No. 350. Property is located at 1769 W. Broadway. Termination Resolution No. _~C91=15 D. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 848 AND VARIANCE NO. 3491 REQUEST FOR TERMINATION: Dale I. Sellon, request termination of Conditional Use Permit No. 848 and Variatsce No. 3491. Property ie located at 324 S. Brookhurst St. Termination Resolution No. PC91-16 ~, E. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3354 - REQUEST FOR NUNC PRO TUNC `-~ RESOLUTION - To correct legal description contained in Resolution PC 90-280. Termination Resolution No. PC91-1'C F. REQUEST TO INITIATE RECLASSIFICATION PROCEEDINGS FOR THE nanas`RTIES LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF HARBOR BOULEVARD AnrU ORANGEWOOD AVENUE AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HARBOR BOULEVARD AND BALL ROAD. PARCEL A - Property description ie 2041 - 2083 South Harbor B1vd.T PARCEL H - Property description ie 120 South Harbor Blvd. and 333-521 West Hall Rd. G. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3370 - REVIEW OF REVISED PLANS Adjourned to February 4, 1991, at 3:00 p.m. to the Planning Commission Work Seeaion. r -10- 1/28/91 Granted Granted Approved Approved ~'~