Minutes-PC 1992/05/18 (2) ACTION AGEND,0 MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 18, '992 AT 10:00 A.M. PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW PUBLIC HEARING (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) 10:00 A.M. 1:30 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: BOUAS, BRISTOL, HELLYER, MESSE, PERAZA, ZEMEL COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: HENNINGER PROCEDURE TO EXPEDITE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEI;RINGS 1. The proponents in applications which are not contested will have fNe minutes to present their evklence. Additional time will be granted upon request if, in the opinion of the Commission, such additional time will produce evklence Important to the Commission's conskleratlon. 2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be gNen ten minutes to present his case unless additional +;me is requested and the complexity of the matter warrants. The Commission's considerations are not determ'ned by the length of time a participant speaks, but rather by what he says. 3. Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed receNed by the Commission in each hearing. Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting. 4. The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing is rJOSed. 5. The Commission reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing H, in Rs opinion, the en:+s of falmess to all concerned will be served. 6. All documents ire presented to the Planning Commission for review in connection with any hearing, Including photographs or other acceptable visual representations of nan~documentary evidence, shall be retained by the Commission for the public record and shall be available for public inspections. 7. At the end of the scheduled hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on items of Interest which are wfthin the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and/or agenda items. Each speaker will be sllotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. PC920518.WP J 1a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1b. RECLASSIFICATION N0.91-92-18 1,. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT id. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N~. 3517 1 e. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 14672 OWNERS:WILUAM SHEA, C/0 Paul Kott, !Steve & Jul Ctdng) 504 N. State Cdlege Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92806 AGENT: ANDREW HOMES, 4400 MacArthur Bivd., #900, Newport Beach CA 92660 LOCATION: 842 South Knott Street. Property Is approximately 1.08 acres located on iha east skle of Knott Avenue and approximately 350 feet south of the centerline of Rome Avenue. To reclassify from RS-A-43,000 to RM-2400. To permft a 19-unft condominium complex wfth waiver of maximum structural height, mirlmum setback adjacent to single-family residential zones, and maximum lot coverage. To establish a 1-lot, 19-unft, RM-2400, air-space, condominium subdivision. Continued from the March 23 and Aprii 20, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION N0. Continued to June 15, 1992 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. ~' FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIOfd. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED ~ OFFICIAL MINUTES. ACTION: Continued to June 15, t~J2, in order for petftioner to redesign the praposed condominium complex and eliminate the proposed waivers of Code requirement. 5/18/92 Page 2 f~' ~i 2a. CEOA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 21 Continued to 2b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3228 (READVERTISED) 6/15/92 INITIATED 6Y: CITY OF ANAHEIM, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92803 OWNER: WOODCREST DEVELOPMENT, 17911 Mkchell Avanue, Irvine, CA 92714 LOCATION: Prooertv is approximately 3.9 acres located at the northeast comer of Weir Canvon Road and Canvon Vista Ddve. Pursuant to Code Section 18.03.091 the Planning Commission has inkiated a public gearing In order to conskler termination or modification of Condkional Use Permk No. 3228 that permks gasoine sales, auto repair, a car wash, a convenience market and a 10-unk, 6,700 square-foot, commercial retail center. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLi.OWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE COiJSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION• 18 OPFO~oTION CONCERNS: Joyce McGrath, representing the resklents, gave a Vugraph presentation; resklents do not want these types of uses near resklential; concern regarding noise and other environmental Impacts; have several convenience marts wkh gasoline vales and car washes in the general vicinky and they do not want anymore of these uses. PETITIONER COMMENTS: Petkioner asked for a continuance to June 15, 1992; they are agreeable to other alternatives. ACTION: Continued to June 15, 1992 for petkioner to submk a sound study. In addkion, the fdlowing motion was made: Commissioner Zemel offered a Motic~, secorxied by Commissioner Peraza and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Bristd voting No, and Commissioner Henninger absent) that the Anaheim City Planning Commission defer action on subject condkional use permk and does hereby direct the Cky Attorney to amend Code Section ta.03.092 to add an addkional finding which would authorize the Planning Commission to terminate or modky condkional use permks in the event that changing she condklons warrant further review of a condkional uss permk; and that this finding should only apply to those condklonal use permks in which a developer has not obtained the necessary permks required to commence construction. 5/18/92 Page 3 f~ i 3a. CEQA NEGATitIE DECLi~RATION Approved 3b. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0.329 Granted INITIATED BY: CITY OF ANAHEIM, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92803 LOCATION: Thy ~a+msnt of the su¢Ject orimarv arterial hiahwav (Anaheim Rnidavardl nronnsad for deletion Is located between La Palma Avenue and Lemon St~@gt A Cfty-Inftiated amerNment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan deleting a segment of Anaheim Boulevard, a Primary Arterial Highway, between L.a Pelmet Avenue and Lemon Street. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT RESOLUTION N0. PC92~64 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: Nora One concerned IndNidual STAFF COMMENTS: Kevin Carrigan, Redevelopment, explained to Mr. Lopez, representing the America Legion in Anaheim, as to what the plans were for the property adjacent to their parcel located at 936 N. Lemon. ACTION: CEQA Negative Declaration -Approved General Plan Amendment No. 329 VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Henninger absent) 5/18/92 Page 4 (~ .J 4a. CEOA NEGATIVE' DECLARATION 4b. RECLASSIFIC`iiilON N0.91-92-13 4c. WAIVER ~'-F CODE REQUIREMENT 4d. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3494 4e. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14611 (READVERTISED) Continued to (READVERTISED) 6/15/92 (READVERTISED) (READVERTISED) (READVERTISED) OWNERS: NEWPORT PACIFIC REALTY & INVESTMENT, 4400 MacArthur Boulevard. Ste. 900, Newport Beach, CA 92660 LOCATION: 2861-2863 West Lincoln Avenue (eel Air Manorl. Property is approximately 1.8 acres located on the north side of Lincon Avenue and approximately 300 feet east of the centedlne of Bel Air Street. Reclassffy from RM-1200 to RM-240G Zone. To permft the conversion of an existing 65-unft "deck-type' apartment complex to a 65-unft, 'affordable', 'deck-type', condominium complex with waiver of minimum building she area per dwelling unft and required elevators. To establish a 1-lot, 65-unft, RM-2400, air-space, condominium subdNlsion. Continued from the March 23, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLIJTiON NO. - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: B Opposed; 1 in favor OPPOSITION CONCERNS: Two ind(vkluals Indicated ft would be dftflcuit to relocate; one was a 26 year dd disabled vet; his concern was relocation to another place that had handicap amenfties and that he would not qualffy to purchase one of the unfts. PETITIONER'S COMMENT:: AI Marshall, Newport Pacllic Realty, gave a sikle presentation. COMMISSION COMMENTS/STAFF COMMENTS: 100% higher than maximum condominium density permftted by Code; lacks physical suftabilfty and amenftles; does not include adequate storage area; may set a precedence for owners of high density apartment complexes to seek long term relief of maintenance costs by selling unfts to others. Eric Nicdl, Housing Development Manager, stated a lot of the slkles that were shown today were not fully represented on the plans they receNed; they would have liked to see those In a blue Ilne drawing submitted to them. They think the RM-2400 zone is adegauate to facilitate the development of affordable condominiums; 5/18/92 Page 5 the 1C0% density bonus is a blt of a stretch as far as ownership housing goes; their major concem Is ~"~ that in 50% of the units that are not sale restricted, that they become owner Investor units and that participation in a cohesive association may not occur, hopefully all of these improvements that were shown today could be Incorporated; he was not sure N engineers looked to see B the deck structure could accommodate the Improvements that have been recommended; another concem was displacemem cf existig tenants; there Is no guarantee that these tenants could achieve home ownership within the project. Would want to add 2 conditions; one concerning relocation benefits, i.e., fl the aroJect were approved, the existing tenants would receive first, last and security deposlt assistance by the developer as well as actual moving costs; this fs something that the local government Is required to do under any project and the developer should be bound to those requirements. They would also like to Incorporate their design comments that they received from their architect as a condltion of approval that those be Incorporated and a continued design review process take place; thsy do concur wlth Planning Department's recommende'lon that the density may set a precedence aril that almost any apartment project wthin the City could convert causing mass displacement. Masse -Certain CC&Rs in recent developments like this ~ eve had clauses in lt which prohibit Iftigatlon against the developer unless 100% or the owners agree to that Ilftigatlon and asked H there was any way to prohblt that from being fn the CC&Rs. Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, stated they may wish to revise the condltlon for the maintenance convenant approval and review to add to that review of the CC&Rs to be recorded concurrenty wlth the final map; in that way the City Attorney's Office would have an opportunity to review lt and see that there were no provisions in the CC&Rs that would make lt unduly difficult for the association to inltiate any Iltfgation or perform any other activltles. There are some provisions that are being Inserted by some developers that are to protect themselves from any •ctivltfos against them by the assocation. ACTION: Continued to June 15, 1992; applicant to submit revised plans; coordinate wfth hot:aing; reconfigure gate so guests can access without going through the gate; meet with Public Works- Engineering to pull together final conditions of approval. 5/18/92 .~ Page 6 ~~. 5a. CEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved 5b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3506 Granted for 5 years (To expire 5/18/97) OWNER: VINEYARD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, 5340 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, CA :32807 AGENT: PHIL SCHWARTZE, 27132.8 Paseo Espada, Ste. 1222, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 LOCATION: ~.~nn•5240 East_L Palma Avenue. Property is approximately 23 acres located on the south skle of La Palma Avenue approximately 141 feet west of the centerline of Brasher Street. To permft a school (Preschool-12) in addftlon to a previously approved church. Continued from the March 23, April 6, April 20, and May 4, 1992 Planning Con.mission meetings. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC92-65 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. - OPPOSITION: 1Opposed 2 In Favar _i OPPOSITION CONCERNS: Has a day care business across from this location and felt ft could be detrimental to his business. IN FAVOR: More church related child care facilfties needed; goad altemathre to traditional child care facilfties. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Phil Schwartze gave a brief history of the church and now they would like to add a day care center. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Scholl not an appropriate use wfthin an industrial area; other industrial uses could be established by right on adjacent Industrial properties which could be hazardous to the students; the proposed hours of schod operation would result in traffic being generated during peak traffic hours; location of play area is a major concern. STAFF COMMENTS: Alfred Yaida, TrafFlc Engineering, explained they may need to establish ~ 25 mph schod zone, thereby, substantially rec:ucing the permitted speed limit wfthin the area during times In which children are present. 5,- : ?; 92 Fag` Alfred Yalda, recommends the fdlowing condftions: A pedestrian traffic signal will be warranted at the interesection of La Palma and Brasher, they want the applicant to bond for k, so in 2 to 3 years from now, k they have a student crossing the street, they want them to cross k safely, therefore, a a flashing shhod traffic signal would be warranted. Concern regarding the speed Ilmk; •_ orally people drive down La Palma at speeds ranging between 40 arxf 51 mph and, therefore, they may require them to Install a flashing yellow Tight on the top of the 25mph shhod zone sign and will ask them to bond for that as well. Addftional traffic will be generated; need to figure the percentage of accumulated traffic that would be generated by this project. It should be approximately $80,000 to $90,000; and Should be approximately 120 days aker approval of this project to be pakl to the City and bonded. Jonathan Borcego, Senior Planner, stated these condkions should be tied to commencement of activfty because there are no building permks involved and that ft especially relates to the mkigation monftoring program attached to the staff report. Mr. Yalda indicated that would be floe wkh him. Masse -Have not seen traffic study yet. Mr. Yalda - Dkl not complete the traffic study, so dkl not put in the exact language. Also, would Ilke applicant to Increase the number of parking spaces previously approved. Mr. Schwartze -The parking is an agreement that they made wfth the Traffic Engineer, originally they were not allowed to show the parking which they use under the Edison Ilne which amounts to several hundred spaces; they have worked out some arcangements to do that; addftionally they worked out an arcangement wkh their neighbor to the west which Is Bank of America; they will be working off weak hours to handle the twice a year seminar they hold. Ali condkions are acceptable to them and are willing to do their share. Zemel - 25mph zone may be a problem on La Palma wfth traffic backing up. Mr. Yalda -They are moving the play yard further back from La Palma; the best soluklon is to not have a schod in that area at all. If 40 students start crossing La Palma, then the traffic signal will be warranted. Masse -Changing profile of Industrial area k we allow this; agrees wkh proponents, but does not feel this is the right land use for this lot; k they had asked originally for this schod, he would have voted against the whole project. ACTION: CEQA Mftlgated Negative Declaration -Approved Condftional use Permft No. 3506 -Granted for 5 years; (subject to termination; may apply for an extension) Applicant to bond for traffic signals as stipulated; relocate the recreation field further away from la Palma to the south in a she plan that would be provided to the Planning Department; and no children riding bicycles. VOTE: 5-1 (Commissioner Masse NO and Commissioner Henninger absent) ~ 5/18/92 Page 8 6a, cFnq CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-0LASS 11 I No Action 6b. VARIANCE N0.4179 Granted OWNER: DESANTELS COMPANY, 125 Lakeview Drive, Woodskle, CA 94062 AGENT: INNOVATIVE GRAPHICS, INC., Attn: Scott Angotti, 833 N. Elm Street, Orange, CA 92668 LOCATION: 2809 East Lincdn Avenue. Property is approximately 2.17 acres located north and east of the northeast comer of Lincdn Avenue and Rio Vista Street. WaNer of permitted location of freestanding signs to construct a 25- foot high, 279 square-foot, freestanding sign. ,_~ Continued from the May 4, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO. PC92-66 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AC.ION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Revised the proposed plan to incorporate a landscape planter area into the base of the sign. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS: Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner, stated their was a condition he would like to add to the resdution guaranteeing the maintenance of the landdscaping once h is put in, I.e., an Irrigation system and maintained in accordance with the plans. Masse -Trying to do away with the prdfferation of r.!gns; the sign currently being used on the property is terrible; k was his understanding that the applicant was stipulating to offering that sign. Applicant -They are going around to the other tenants on the she; the hdd aut is the gentleman that owns the sign (Rio Vista Liquor Store) owns a 20-foot strip from his store up to where that sign is located; he has refused to go onto the Alpha Beta sign or to make any concessions to remove his sign; the real estate people are talking to the tenants that are err this other sign and so far they have received good response; they need more invdvement before that can happen; they hope once the sign is Inst~~led that the gentleman at the liquor store sees that leaving the unsightly sign up is rkficulous; they have onered him the top panel on the tenant portion. Masse -Would you offer to take the sign out for the tenant? Applicant -That is not a problem; they have addressed that with him already. Apparently there is an ongoing battle with American Stores and he hdds a long grudge. 5/18/92 Page 9 ACTION: CEQA Categorical Exemption - Bass 11 (No Action) Variance No. 4179 - Granted (Add condition regarding irrigation aril maintenance of landscaping as specified by Jonathan Borrego) VOTE: 4-0 (Commissioners Bouas and Peraza abstained and Commissioner Henninger absent) 5/18/92 `/ Page 10 7a. CEQA NEGATI`/E DECLARATION Continued 7b. RECLASSIFICATION N0.91-92-19 to 6/15/92 OWNER: THE FLUOR FAMILY TRUST, 4521 Perham Road, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 AGENT: CECIL C. WRIGHT, 265 S. Antra Drive, Ste. 2q5, Orange, CA 92668 LOCATION: 1320-1382 Auto Center Drive. Property is approximately 7.98 acres located at the southwest comer of Auto Center Drive (formerly Taft Avenue) and Sanderson Avenue. To reclassify ftom the ML to CL Zone and to construct a 2-story, 50,000 square foot, medical office building. Continued from the May 4, 1992 Planning Comn-Jsslon meeting. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION N0. - FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. ACTION: Continued to 6/15/92, In order for petitioner to complete the required traffic study, and the City Traffic and Transportation Manager to review subject study. ~/ 5/18/92 Page 11 Ba. CEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued 8b. RE LASSIFICATION N0.91-92-20 to 6/15/92 8c. VARIANCE N0. 4181 8d. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14641 8e. SPECIMEN TREE REMOVAL PERMIT N0. 92-02 OWNER: M.Y. PELANCONI ESTATE, C/0 BERNARDO M. YORBA, EXECUTOR, 300 S. Harbor Blvd., Ste. 912, Anaheim, CA 92805 AGENT: MORGAN DEVELOPMENT INC., Attn: Max Morgan, Preskfent, 20341 Levine Avernus, Ste. D-3, Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 LOCATION: 5540 East Santa Ana Canvon Road. Property Is approximately 12.38 acres located on the south skis of Santa Ana Canyon Road and also having frontage on the north skis of Avenkfa MargarRa and approximately 1,211 feet east of the centerline of Royal Oak Road. To reclassify from the RS-A-43000 (SC) to RS-5000 (SC) Zone. Waiver of required lot frontage and required location and odentation of buildings To establish a 40-lot RS-5000 (SC) and RS-A-43,000 (SC) single-family resident'~al subdivision (including the construction of 38 single-family residences). To remove 75 specimen trees. Continued from the May 4, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. RECLASSIFICATION RESOLUTION N0. VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO. - FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 13 opposed OPPOSITION CONCERNS: Concern was expressed regarding slope slippage and rodent population; there Is a natural habitat for certain species and concern was expressed as to what will happen fi this natural habftat Is disturbed. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: A presentation was given by Max Morgan, of Morgan Development Inc. at the exhibit board explaining In detail the subject request. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Planning Commission to defer action until inconsistencies have been resdved between the findings of the certHfed arbotfst and the specimen tree removal plan. ACTION: Continued to June 15, 1992 In order for petittonar to discuss aril work out lnconsis2encles r `" between the letter from the certified arborist and the specimen tree removal. wti,> 5/18/92 Page 12 ~~ ACTION: Continued to June 15, 1992 in order for petkioner to discuss and work out inconsistencies between the letter from the certified artx)nst ana [ne specimen tree removal. 9a. CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION•CLASS 11 No Action 9b. VARIANCE N0.4178 (READVERTISED) Granted OWNER: ALPHA BETA COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORP., Attn: David Pine, 248 Palm DrNe, Arcadia, CA 91007 AGENT: INNOVATIVE GRAPHICS, INC., 833 N Elm Street, Orange, CA 92888 LOCATION: 460 S. Anaheim Hilis Road. Property is approximately 2.9 acre located on the northeast comer of Nohl Ranch Road and Canyon Rim Road. WaNer of permkted type of freestanding signage and permitted location of freestanding signs to construct a 6-foot high, 60 square-foot, shopping center klentHicatlon sign and to retain a 6-foot high, 60 square foot, shopping center klentf8catlon sign. Continued from the May 4, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. VARIANCE RESOLUTION N0. PC92-67 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None COMMISSION COMMENTS: Pointed out illumination of signs prohibked between the hours of mklnight ~ and 6:30 p.m. STAFF COMMENTS: Traffic Engineering noted reconstruction of driveway is recommended. Petkloner agreed to accept that condkion now, b~:E would have to review k wkh the owner. ACTION: CEC~A Categodcal Exemption -Class 11 (No Action) Variance No. 4178 -Granted VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Henninger absent) ~' 5/18/92 Page 13 i 10a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION I Approved lob. VARIANCE N0.4182 Granted OWNER: ELSIE MENUEY, 27681 Via Turing, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 AGENT: BLASH MOMENY, 27762 Pebble Beach, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 LOCATION: 2260 West Orange Avenue. Property is approximately 0.9 acres located on the south side of Orange Avenue and approximately 715 feet west of the centerline of Brookhurst Street. WaNer of required lot frontage, minimum building site area, minimum building she v.•idth and required location and orientation of single-family structures, to construct 8single-family detached resklences. VARIANCE RESOLUTION N0. PC92 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 16 people present I OPPOSITION CONCERNS:Setbacks not adequate, lot sizas significantly reduced, Increased pedestrian and vehlclar traffic, precedent setting, flooding on Orange Avenue, overcrowded schods PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Felt waivers were necessary due to size of property and other land uses in the area and also because of the adjacent apartment complex, making this sfte less desirable for single-family homes. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Wanted to see the houses staggered on the lots. STAFF COMMENTS: Planning Department staff explained the placement of the houses on the Tots could be reviewed by the Commission at fire time the TentatNe Tract Map is submitted; and that houses on RS7200 lots could be 10 feet apart. ACTION: CEOA NegatNe Declaration -Approved Variance No. 4182 -Granted VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Henninger absent) 5/18/92 Page 14 /"'' 11a. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved 11b. RECLASSIFICATION N0. 91-92-21 Granted 11c. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Nc ".,:lion 11d. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14698 Approved CWNER: HELEN JOSEPHINE STUECKLE, 700 Juniper Place, Anaheim, CA 92805 AGENT: MARILYN UEKHUS, 700 Juniper Place, Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: Subject property consists of approximately 3.97 acres boundod by Water Street to the north, Anaheim Boulevard to the east, Stueckle Street to the south and Lemon Street to the west (excluding the parcel located on the northeast comer of StuecMa Street and Lemon Street and the parcel located on the northwest comer of StuecMe Street and Anaheim Boulevard). To reclassify a portion of the property from the CH and CG Zones to the CL Zone. To establish a 7-lot, commercial/resklentlal subdivision wfth waiver of required street improvements RECLASSIFICATION RESOLLiTION N0. PC92~69 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: NONE PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Explained there is no change in land use and no development proposed; that they dkl not vtant to make street Improvements on Lemon Street Just to accommodate tenants, and would make street Improvements when lot is developed COMMISSION COMMENTS: Lot No. 4 is designated on the General Plan for low medium density resklential and they are proposing CL and ft does face other resklentlal property and he dkl not think ft should be changed to commercial. (Patftloner pointed out that property is currently zoned comercial. ) Hellyer - dk! not want to gNe wrong message to potential buyers that the parcel should be used for retal! commercial uses. Messe - concerned whether commerical designation would be consistent wfth the General Plan. STAFF COMMENTS: Planning -explained any type retail use could go in and that anything in 3 or more unfts would require a condftlonal use permft; that the finding could possibly be made that ft is consistent wfth the General Plan since ft is not clear how far back the commerical designatlot~ gees; that CH Commercial is a more Intense commercial zone than CL; that Commission would have the opportunity to see a plan before the reclassfflcatlon was approved and that they do not have that opportunity right 5/18/92 Page 15 '/ now. ACTION: CEQA Negative Declaration -Approved Reclassification No. 91-92-21 -Granted Waiver of Code Requirement - No Action TentatNe Tract Map No. 14698 -Approved, subject to condftions as recommended. (A motion to approve the tentative tract map was offered, but died due to lack of a second to approve the tract map wfth the condkion as requested by the applicant regarding the street Improvements.) VOTE: 6-0 {Commissioner Henninger absent) 5/18/92 Page 16 ,+-, 12. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3453 -REQUEST FOR 120 DAY Approved RETROACTIVE EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLY WITH (To expire CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Philip Schwarze (P.R.S. Group), 9/23/92) requests a 120-day retroactive extension of time to comply wfth condftions of approval for Condftional Use Permit No. 3453 (to construct a 205, 685 square-foot Industrial park) which expired on January 23, 1992 and ff approved, to expire May 23, 1992. Property is located at 2890 E. La Palma Avenue. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3476 -REQUEST FOR 90 DAY Approved RETROACTIVE EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Hahmerica Inc., requests for a 90-day retroactive extension of time to comply wfth condftions of approval far Condftional Use Permit No. 3476. (to permft motorcycle sales in conjunction with an existing motorcycle repair facilfty wfth waivers of minimum number of parking spaces and permtted encroachments into required yards) which expired on April 13, 1992 and ff approved, to expire July 13, 1992. Property is located 616 E. Ball Road. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3146 -REQUEST FOR ONE-YEAR Approved RETROACTIVE EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Trinity Lutheran Church, requests a one-year retroactNe extension of time to comply wfth condftions of approval for Conditional Use Permft No. 3146 (to permft a 9,925 square foot addftlon to an existing church wfth waNer of minimum number of parking spaces and maximum structural height) which expired on Apri124, 1992 and ff approved, to expire April 24, 1993. Property fs located at 4101 E. Nohl Ranch Road. Approved VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NOS. 13511. 13513. 13515. 13516, 1.3517, 13518. 13533. 1353413540. 13541 AND 13987 -REQUEST FOR ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Baldwin Company requests aone-year extension of time to comply wfth condftions of approval for Vesting Tentative Tract Map Nos. 13511, 13513, 13515, 13516, 13517, 13518, 13533, 13540, 13541 and 13987, to expire on June 19, 1992 and ff approved, to expire June 19,1993. Property is located at The Summit of Anaheim Hills Specific Plan (SP88-2) (Development Areas 101 and 105). PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT PERTAINING TO SPECIAL EVENTS PERMITS AND TEMPORARY SIGNS. FLAGS. AND BANNERS. VARIANCE N0. 4109 -REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING TO ,CONSIDER TERMINATION OR MODIFICATION: Requests for public hearing to consider termination or modification of Variance No. 4109 (to waive permitted location of freestanding signs to retain a 5-foot high monument sign). Property is located at 810 North Eucl(d Street. Approved Approved 5/18/92 Page 17