Minutes-PC 1993/01/25ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1993, AT 11:00 A.M. PP.EUMINARY PLAN REVIEW PUBLIC HEARING ('~UBUC TESTIMONY) 11:00 A.M. 1 :30 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: BOYDSTUN, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: NONE ONE VACANCY JULIE MAYER -SWORN IN AT BEGINNING OF PUBLIC HEARINGS STAFF PRESENT: Selma iviann, Greg Hast(ngs, Jonathan Borrego, Alfred Yalda, Melanie Adams, Eric Nicoll, Greg McCafferty, Bruce Freeman, Peggy Flanagan, Edfth Harris, Margarita Solorlo, Dick Mayer PROCEDURE TO EXPEDITE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. The proponents in applications which are not contested will gave five minutes to present their evidence. Additional time will be granted upon request if, In the opinion of the Commission, such addRional time will produce evklence Important to the Commission's conskJeration. 2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten minutes to present their case unless addRlonal time is requested and the complexity of the matter warrants. The Commission's consklerations are not determined by the length of time a participant speaks, but rather by what is saki. 3. Staff Reports are part of the evklence deemed received by the Commission in each hearing. Copies are availablA to the public prior to the meeting. 4. The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing is closed. 5. The Commission reserves the dght to deviate from the foregaing ff, in its opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. 6. All documents presented to the Planning Commission for review In connection with any hearing, including photographs or other acceptable visual representations or non-documentary evkfence, shall be retained by the Commission for the public record and shall be available for public inspections. 7. At the end of the scheduled headngs, members of the public will be allowed to speak on items of Interest which are within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, and/or agenda items. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. Anyone wishing to speak should fill out the forms available in the rear of the Council Chamber and submit them to staff prior to the meeting. ^, AC012593.wp 1a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1 b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3579 OWNER: CANYON ACRES RESIDENTIAL CENTER, Attn: Dan McOuaki, 233 S. Quintana Road, Anaheim, CA 92817 LOCATION: 233 South OulMana Road. Property is approximately 4.6 acres located on the west skis of a prNate access road from Quintana Road and approximately 300 feet south of the centerline of Arboretum Road. To exparxl a boarding and lodging home for 30 dependent children, induding an 880-square foot addrilon to a bunkhouse and a proposed 6,469 square-foot multi-purpose building. Continued from the January 11, 1993 Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. Continued to 2-8.93 Request of applicant to submri revised plans. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Has consklered downsizing the multi-purpose building by 1/3 and requested a continuance in order to make revised plans available to the neighbors and staff and added he Is looking for guklance from the Commission; aril that they want the best protect for the children. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Henninger -Hard to give guidance wrihout review of the final plans; feri the adNriy on this property has gotten as big as ri can get and still be in line wrih the neighbofiood; would like to see some agreement wrih the neighbors to give them the comfort they need that after this expansion the facility will bo at the maximum development, aril he envisioned that agreement as deed restrictions, and that is a pfirate matter between the petriloner and the neighbors. Boydstun - If more parking Is going to be needed, ri should be dose to the administrative offices and not by the neighbors; that the 24-hour dause in the previous proposal should be deleted and the hours should be set so the neighbors know there are no night meetings planned, etc.; ~~/ Page 2 1-25.93 e Ilghts should be down graded as much as possible, and N counseling is going to be Increased over what K is now, they should have an off-she place for that activity. Messe -Felt downsizing Is appropriate, and suggested the applicant look very carefully at the future of this use on this sfte; that he has been on the Commission for some time and has seen this applicant come in very often wkh new applications for expansions, but that maybe they have reached the maximum use of that property and any expansion has to be elsewhere. ACTION: Continued to 2-8-93 (At request of applicant to submk revised plans) VOTE: (5-0) Mayer abstained One Vacancy Page 3 ~,~ 1-25-93 2a. ~EOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved 2b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT (Deleted) Denied 2c. r=~NDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3575 Granted,in part 2d. TENTATNE TRACT MAP N0. 14736 Approved OWNER: PINETREE VILLAGE, LIMITED, Three Point Drive, Brea, CA 92621 AGENT: WESMAC, INC., 3333 S. Brea Canyon Road, #219, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 LOCATION: 500 North Tustin Avenue. Property Is approximately 2.5 acres located at the northeast comer of Riverdale Avenue aril Tustin Avenue. To permk the conversion of an existing 40-unk apartment complex to a 40-unk condominium complex with waiver of minimum unk size. To establish a i-lot, 40-unk, RM-2400 condominium subdivision. Continued from the January 11, 1993 Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC93-10 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 1 person present Scott Norris (tenant), 500 N. Tustin OPPOSITION CONCERNS: Tenant In existing apartment complex dkl not want to relocate and transfer children to another schod, and dkl not think adequate parking could be provkled, and being in the construction business, he dkl not think he would want to purchase a condominium on this she. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Concerning Condkion No. 3 recommended on the tentative tract map -slated he talked wkh Melanie Adams in Engineering regarding the dedication and though that had been changed to 53 feet Instead of $5 feet. One of the main concerns was parking and this plan Increases parking, curcendy there are 84 spaces and that will be Increased to 90 spaces and will improve the qualky of parking wkh a single-car enclosed garage, !'' ~° .,~ carports, and 10 guest parking spaces. Page 4 1-25-93 `~~ ,, Responded to Chairman Henninger -upgrades proposed are completely cleaning and painting the interior, all new appliances, new plumbing, new lighting fixtures, new roof, each unit will have laundry hook-up facilfties either on the balconies of the upstairs units or attached to the unit. Regarding drainage -they are aware of problem and fixing the driveways and building the carports will eliminate part of the problem; aril that much of drainage problem created is by the slope which the City Is responsible for maintaining. Not sure which wooden fence was discussed, but they plan to do whatever is required to make this a marketable product; Regarding agreement with Housing -stated they have worked out a formula and price structure and signed the letter of understanding., and In fact, signed another copy Just before this meeting; and first sprinMers and landscaping will be fbced. Regarding relocation -Basically three categories of people would qualify for relocation assistance, those who have been there over 2 years, those at 80% of median adjusted Income would receive 1 month's rent, plus moving expenses and those who have been there 1 year would receve 50%, 6 months to 1 year, 25%, and less than 6 mos. -10%, plus it Is available to those who are over (i2 years old, and the handicapped. Also are trying to convert existing tenants Into buyers, and plan to offer incentives to those tenants, rather i~ ~:^. giving them relocation money. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Messe -asked that relocation benefits be reviewed for the benefit of the tenant available. STAFF COMMENTS: Planning -Recommended Condition Nos. 9, 10 and 11 be moved from the Conditional Use Permit to the Tentatve Tract approval because they irndve recorded documents and agreements with the Housing Division and should be recorded concurcently with the tract map. Condftion No.14 requiring landscaping adjacent to the freeway, should be prior to Building and Zoning Inspections, and recommended that they actually plant vines or other climb(ng materials prior to Issuance of build(ng permft. Engineering -Condftion No. 3 of the Tentative Tract Map should be modified to read 53 feet Instead of 55 feet. Code Enforcement -Did Inspect 3 unfts, 1 of which was occupied; seemed to be a drainage problem, planters on the west sWe were draining directly Into back yards of unfts facing Tustin Avenue; hdes had been made in retaining wails to allow drainage; wooden fence on Richfield Overpass is leaning and needs repair, and that embankment also has a drainage problem and that slope Is not being maintained which is the responsibility of the Cfty. Property appears to be well- maintained, but does need some facia upgrades. Housing -For potential low-Income buyers, there is a second mortgage assistance program wfth down payment assistance loans, etc. and 8 unfts are being provided urxler that program. Recommended condition requiring a drainage plan to be included wfth the landscape plan. Recommended a Condftion be added requiring washer & dryer hookups to be fully Page 5 i-25.93 ~, enclosed and screened from view. Engineering -Wasn't sure what is causing drainage problem, I.e. sprinklers related to irtigatlon, or ftom the roof, and asked fl Community Development would be reviewing that drainage plan, indicating concern about the coordination. Mr. Nicdl responded they would be looking to the Engineering Department's expertise relating to that drainage plan. Chairman Henninger suggested that the Planning Department coordinate that review of the drainage plan between Engineering and the l?uliding Department. ACTION: Approved Negative Declararlon Waiver of Code Requirement was deleted Granted Conditional Use Permit, in part, waiver being denied on the basis that k was deleted subsequent to advertisement, and subject to Interdepartmental Committee Recommendations, moving Condftion Nos. 9, 10 and 11 ftom the conditional use permit to the tentative tract map; adding conditions requiring review and approval of drainage plans to be coordinated by the Planning Department between the Engineering Department and 9uAoing DNislon; and that the fence shall be repaired, and the building brought Into conformance; Condiion No. 3 mradf(red to read 55 feet Instead of 53 feet; and CondRion No. 1 modified to require planting of Ivy or other climbing plants prior to Issuance of bonding permits, and then be included as a part of Condition No. 13, rather than No. 14. Approved TentatNe Tract Map. VOTE: (5-1) Mayer abstained One Vacancy Page 6 ~~ 1-25-93 3a. r`EOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION I Continued to 3b. WAIVER OF CODE REOUIREMEHT 2.8-93. 3c. rONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3581 OWNER: HUTTON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, 201 E. Sandpointe, Ste. 300, Santa Ana, CA 92707-8707 AGENT: REEVES ASSOC. ARCHITECTS, INC., Attn: Lawrence C. Reeves, 417 South Hill Strset, Ste. 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90013 LOCATION: A~~5 E Sarrta Ana Canvon Road Property Is approximately 3.34 acres located on the north skle of Santa Ana Canyon Road and approximately 1050 feet west of the centerline of Weir Canyon Road. To permri an automotNe repair facility Including the retail sale and Installation of automobile parts and accessories wrih waNers of minimum setback adjacent to a freeway, permrited freestanding sign, permrited wall signs and permrited roof-mounted equipment. Continued from the January 11, 1993 Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOS!T!^":: 1 person spoke !n oF,~osrilon 4 letters of opposition received Chris Van Gorder, Sr. Vice President, Anaheim Memorial Hosprial Responsible for Anaheim Memorial Medical Plaza at 8201 Santa Ara Canyon Road, Immediately west of proposed Pep Boys (presented 3 letters of opposrilon) OPPOSITION CONCERNS: Would never have purchased the property and developed their medical plaza ri they had known there would be an auto repair and Installation facllriy (noting a hotel was proposed for the she when they purchased the property for the medical plaza) and that this srie Is located in the Scenic Corridor and their concerns are parking, safety & crime, unsafe, unhealthy conditions wrih storage of dismanfied vehicles and used oil on the parking tot draining Into sewer from P` -ole working on vehicles In parking lot; have reciprxal parking agreement and we , concerned about autos needing repair being parked in front of their medical offices. Presented photographs of Pep Boys on Harbor nearest Anaheim Memorial Hospriai showing work being done on vehicles in parking lot, a Pep Boys Page 7 1-25.93 '~ ..~ ,-. employee working on a vehicle in parking lot, trash & debris, such as rags and automobile parts, and fluids spilling onto parking lot. Roof-mounted equipment being proposed and the hospital built a large service yard on the ground floor for their equipment. PETITIOPIER'S COMMENTS: This will be company-owned aril company-staffed company, exclusNely retail sales of automotNe parts, 11 service bays and they will install hems they sell and do light duty repairs, tune- ups, install tires, batteries, etc., no engine or transmission removal, no auto body work, no work would be done outside, no work in parking lot, anything taken off an automobile would be stored inskie building, autos not allowed to park in lot overnight will provide 35 new jobs concerned about environment, dedicated to recycling used oil picked up by licensed vendor for recycling; project meets parking & landscaping requirements roof-mounted equipment is covered Signs are in cantormance with recommendations East side of property Includes addRlonal parking not shown on the plan because there is a water easement on which nothing can be built. Do not Dave a specHic user for the east skis, but do not anticipate requesting any parking waivers. Asked iF the matter could be deckled today without a continuance due to the long distance the applicant has to travel. Apologized for the problems portrayed in the photographs submitted of the Harbor she; that they have vendors who take the trash away. Explained batteries are completely recyclable and they charge a tee when tt Is purchased which is refunded when they bring in the old core; and they receNe used oil from their customers. Want to turn the building eastward so bays are not facing Santa Ana Canyon Road. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Messe - Concerned about signs, and did not think the large monument sign is necessary in the medlsn in the extension of Roosevelt Road (Staff explained the only sign permitted would be the shopping center Identiflcation sign approved by a variz ice end that the overall sign program was approved prior to all the parce~,zation and there was no coordination between the property owners); the summary presented by staff of the signage was reviewed; could not vote on this wkhout seeing final plans, especially wfth the circulation and signage problems. Asked about roof-mounted equipment. (Architect explained the air conditioning equipment would be hkiden from view and could not be seen from the top of the adjacent building or from any residential area; that the screening is at a height of 31 feet and the hospital is 35 feet.) Boydstun - concerned about maintenance of the lot and that she has seen the problems at their Fullerton store wfth people working on their cars in the lot, and suggested a eondftlon that they would have to be responsible for the maintenance and H there are Code Enforcement problems, they would have to pay for tt and then if h Isn't working, the permit can be revoked. Henninger -asked where the sign facing east, towards the parking lot would be seen (agent explained that sign would be seen from tfto interior of the lot; wanted to see revised plans wfth a change in the circulation for the load(ng dock. Page 8 1-25-93 _.i Suggested that the operations concerns be worked out today aril then maybe the petftioner could take care of the rest of the Issues at the next hearing; that based on what the Commission has seen from the photographs submitted, they do not want the same thing to happen at this she. Asked if they receive used oil (agent explained they accept oil from their customers only) and Chairman Henninger asked H they would participate In California' pilot program to receive up to 5 gallons of used oU from any customer, not only their customers. (Applicant agreed). Suggested a condtion that Code EMorcement Inspect the property periodically and that the applicant would pay for those inspections.) Taft -asked how they ponce the parking lot to prevent people from working on their vehicles. (agent explained they post signs and the Service Manager and Sales Manager have someone go out and tour the lot periodically throughout the day; but that occasionally a customer might need to install a set of new windshield wipers and that is difficult for them to prohibit, and explained their policy is to have the vehicle brought Into the service bay, no matter how minor the installation may be. Agreed to accept a condition imposing a fine H that happens.) Mayer - Questioned M the wording on the signs tells the patrons that work should not be performed in the parking lot. (Applicant responded they would be willing to add any Code Section numbers to their signs which prohibit working on automobiles in the parking lot.). Asked ff, as an industry, they have any public awareness programs to inform the customers that h is unhealthy for them to work on their vehicles on the parking lot. (Agent explained they have a magazine which is distributed to every emaloyee quarterly and which is available to the public In their wafting areas and the winter Issue did talk about waste oil; that they are very concerned and do recycle and try to make the public aware.) Boydstun - Suggested a sign next to the rash register warning customers not to work In the lot. (agent agreed) STAFF COMMENTS: Traffic Engineering -proposed truck delivery not practical for this site and needs to be redesigned Planning - Concerned about any future development anticipated on the site, retail pad was shown Uut no information about proposed use is provided, preliminary calculations indicated they could build approximately 5500 sq. ft. of addkionat retail area and still meet parking requirements; ff they shift the buliding, might lose some parking spaces and Commission might want to prohibit any further development of the she; ail fteestanding signs permitted in the Scenic Corridor are will mounted shopping center klentfflcatlon signs and can be 20 sq. ft. Since this is one parcel of land, if there was going to be more than one tenant In that buliding, a CUP would ba required. Attorney: Explained a condition could be Imposed making K the applicant's responsibility that no work is done in the lot and there are Code Enforcement procedures and a course of action to take iF there are violations, but would not want a tailored procedure for Irxfivlduai uses. Agreed that Code Enforcement inspections at the applicant's expense would be acceptable, or that the conditional use permit could have a time Ilmit so ft would expire and h would be the Page 9 1-25-93 applicant's responsibtliry to see that the condftions are met. (Applicant preferred not to have a time Ilmft Imposed on tha permit, but would agree to quarterly or semi-annual Inspedions.) Code Enforcement -Experience hes been that automotive uses create problems, with repair on vehides being done in the parking lot, storage of parts (battery cores, etc.), and suggested weekly Inspections the first two months after they open which would give Pep Boys an opportunity to establish a program for monftorlng the parking lot and H good management practices are Implemented in the beginning, there should not be a problem. The current fee for inspections is $53.00 and that fee is effectNe unttl August 17, 1993. Planning -Advised that revised plans would have to be submitted by Friday of this week. Also, suggested a line of site drawirva from the office building indicating angles to the roof-mounted equipment area; meet wfth Traffic Engineering and redesign truck docks; add some kind of woad treatment on the rear of building facing the freeway and landscaping to eliminate graffiti. ACTION: Continued to 2.8-93 VOTE: Ail ayes One vacancy Page 10 ,`~ 1-25-93 OWNER: PRESLEY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, ATTN: AI Uman, 19 CORPORATE PLAZA, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOCATION: Tentative Tract Mau No 12898. Development Area $yf The Hiahlanda at Anaheim Hills Suecittc Plen (SP87-il. Property is approximately 4.86 acres located north and west of the northwest comer of Sunset Ridge Road and Serrano Avenue. Petkioner requests review and approval of a final she plan for previously-approved TentatNe Tract Map No. 12698 to construct a 52- unk condominium complex. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COh1MISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None Joe Boyle, agent, was present to answer any questions. ACTION: Approved ttnai ske plan. 70-day appeal. VOTE: Ail ayes One Vacancy Page 11 1-25-93 5a. rEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION I Denied 5b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT Denied 5c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO._ 3563 Dented OWNER: M.E. JOHNSON, 1214 W. Katella, Anaheim, CA 92802 AGENT: Robert W. Kent, 16315 Oaktree Clyde, Chino H(Ils, CA 91709 LOCATION: 511 520 South Manchester Avenue and 500-520 South Walnut Street Property Is approximately 2.1 acres located at the southwest comer of Manchester Avenue and Santa Ana Street. To retain an auto repair, towing and dismantling facilky Qnduding the storage and retail sale of used auto parts) and a proposed 768-square foot office building and a shop canopy wkh waNer of required Improvement of parking and outdoor storage area, maximum structural height adJaceM to resklential zones, minimum structural setback, Improvement of required setback areas and permkted encroachments into required yards. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. P -11 ------------------------------------------------------------ FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: NONE PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Ali Elyaszadeh, 9064 Cdumbine Avenue, Fountain Valley, 92807, agent, was present. Business has been at this location for maybe 30 years; applicant has owned station for about 6 yrs. and wishes to retain auto salvage and related repairs, the way k is now. For past two years, business has been half dosed because they could not get state license because he has to have an 01.62 letter from the Cky of Anaheim aril the Cky has not gNen him the OLfi2 letter; and that the Cky dki give that OL62 letter to the landlord and sub-lessee many times in the past, unt(I two years ago. The license has been renewed as a recyder and he has that license and he has had the license renewed as a laxly shop and repair facilky. He stated about fwo months ago he was arrested on a warrant from the Cky Attorney, handcuffed and taken to Jail for not having the license. He explained he now has to go to court on that matter of not having the license. If he has the license he could be making some money and could Invest k in the business and Improve k more. Has not been dismantling cars, except Page 12 1-25.93 ~~ those which have been left in the yard. Landlord or ha will do whatever is required, but needs the OL62 letter to prevent him from going to Jail. The permitted use on this property is truck terminal and related repairs and he has asked staff ff they really want to see this business gone, he will bring back the trucking company and related repair In order to survNe, noting he has 7 years lease left. That would mean big rigs going in and out and that is more noise pollution, more smog and more otl, etc. and that would allow diesel fuel, which they don't have right now. He asked to be allowed to run this business for two years COMMISSION COMMENTS: Henninger - concerned about ernironmental Issues aril contamination of the soil aril asked staff to continue with that process, regardless of this action. (Planning staff noted Orange County Health Agency Is lead agency, but Ciry staff will assist and provide them wfth the soils study report.) Asked ff cars shown in aerial photograph are Impound ^ars, or H they are being dismantled. No wrecking yard was ever permitted on this site by the Zoning or by CUP, and the Ciry was not aware that there Naas a wrecking yard there, and at the previous public hearing, it was dear that we dkl not believe that was an appropriate location. (Applicant - OL 62 letter was gNen previously and according to that ft is zoned for dismantling and he Invested the money Into this business because the Ciry had previously gNen the license and that OL62 letter). Wanted to see a review of CUP 1052, originally granted in 1968 and conskler modfflcatlon of that permft.) Staff noted that CUP had final action by the Ciry Council. Messe -asked to see an OL62 letter. (Staff explained that is a DMV form asking fire City what the Zoning is on a property and h does not fulflli the Ciry requirements.) Did not think the Intensffication of usos could be permitted on this property; upon inspection today, there was flukl coming from one driveway on the Walnut slue there are dismanting facllfties, etc. aril this is not the right area and he would not be in favor of granting this CUP. Suggested denial of this request, and then recommend that the City Council asked the Planning Commission to review the dd CUP. STAFF COMMENTS: Code Enforcement - No business license on file for 521 S. Manchester (Petitioner - this is one property and address Is adually 520 S. Walnut, no record this property has been subdNided, one owner/one property; dNkied by a fence that was there when he purchased property. He opened gate on Manchester and will dose it when this Issue has been resdved.) No business license for 500 S. Walnut, dismantling not licensed by state; last Inspedion showed property in worse shape than when they started, cars were stacked, aerial map taken in 1974 shows storage racks not there, building not there, etc. cars In photograph do not appear to be dismantled with engines missing, etc, but the ones on the site now do appear to be dismantled. Violations are on the while property. Planning -Contaminated soil was lound in a strip in the center of the property, probably dust north of this property, but the environmental assessment affects the whole property and further investigation may reveal more contamination. (Applicant indicated the contaminated soil Is not on his portion of the site and that he has ben checked by the Health Department and fire Department and in the six years he has Page 13 1-25-93 ~..,! .-~ been operating there, there has not been any contamination thsre and he is running a dean operation.) Traffic Engineer - Dkl traffic cdlision analysis and it indicated accklents are taking place because people slow down or stop to make turns into driveway. cdlision diagram Is within 50 feet of intersection. Recommended dosing the drveway. Attorney -wasn't sure what matter was before the court on March 2, and certainly continuances are a possibility but there is nothing she could say to guarantee that that would happen. Explained since the final action on the dd CUP was taken by the City Council, they would have to take the action, and they could refer the matter to an Independent hearing officer. ACTION: Denied Negative Dedaretion Denied waiver of Code Requirement. Denied CUP request Recommended CC advise the Planning Commission to review CUP 1052, originally granted on this property, aril then make recommerxiatlons to the Cfty Council regarding revocation or modification to that CUP. VOTE: 6 yes votes Advised petitioner If this matter is appealed to the City Counctl that all the leasehdders and property owners be Irndved. Page 14 ~ 1-25-93 ~. 6a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Continued 6b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT to 2-6.93 sc. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3583 6d. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 6e. C^uror^ue~ i icF ar:aurT N0. 3148 - READVERTISED TO AMEND PREVIOUSLY APPROVED EXHIBITS OWNER: TAYLOR BUS SERVICE, INC., 18618 Teller Avenue, #210, Irvine, CA 92715 AGENT: TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL POOL, INC., Attn: Steve Metzger, 7170 E. Bandini Blvd., #085, Commerce, CA 90040 LOCATION: 1880 South Lewis Street. Property is approximately 1.8 acres located on the east skle of Lewis Street and approximately 315 feet north of the centerline of Gene Autry Way. To permk rental and outdoor storage of semi-truck trailers, minor maintenance/repair and use of a modular ofFlce building wfth waiver of minimum landscape requirements and required parking lot landscaping. To amend previously approved exhibits for Condftional Use Permit No. 3148 to delete the subject parcel from the exhibfts approved for an adjacent bus storage terminal. Continued from the January i 1, 1993 Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL JSE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. Page 15 ~ 1-25.93 r-. 7a. GEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 7b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT 7c. rONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3584 OWNER: DAY, SHANKLE & SHAW ASSOCIATES, 1150 North Richfield, Anaheim, CA 92807 AGENT: COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATES INSURANCE CO., Ralph H. Elbem Jr., President. Care of :Martin Co.'s, P.O. Box 15532, Santa Ana, CA 92705 LOCATION: 4226 East La Palma Avenue. Property is approximately 4.33 acres located at the southeast comer of La Palma Avenue e~ Richfield Road. To permk an industrially-related office use (commercial Insurance and bonding company) wkh waiver of waiver of minimum number of parkirg spaces. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. P •12 Approved Granted Granted FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Approved NegatNe Declaration Granted waiver Granted Condkional Use Permk No. 3584. 22 day appeal. VOTE: All ayes (One Vacancy) Page 16 1-25-93 U 8a. ~EQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved 8b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3582 Granted OWNER: WEIR PARTNERS LTD., 2910 Red HIII Avenue, Ste. 110, Costa Mesa, CA 92826 AGENT: AJIT S. BRAR DVM, 5350 La Fiesta, Yorba Linda, CA 92687 LOCATION: 7 1 W it n R .Property Is approximately 11.9 acres located at the southwest comer of Weir Canyon Road and Serrano Avenue. To permN an animal hospital with grooming servicos. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC 83-13 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFi-iC~4L MINUTES. OPPOSITION: 1 PERSON PRESENT Yon Louie, 961 S: Lone Pine Lane, husband of adjacent business owner. OPPOSITION CONCERNS: 1. Not needed in the community, East Hills Animal Hospital is 3 blocks from this ske, at the comer of Santa Ana Canyon and Weir Canyon; 2. concerned about odors, noise and cleanliness for patrons to his wNe's optometrist's office in the same center which needs a clean professional environment; 3. considerable noise from animals getting shots, or when they come a 4 of the anesthesia; 4. that he visNed the area where this veterinarian currently has his office and noticed a strong odor 5. neighbors indicated they had problems with strong odors in the back alley 6. one adjacent tenant Indicated a problem wflh animal waste in the alley where they walked the dogs and after the doctor was asked to take care of the problem, sometimes K would take several days. PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Dr. Behar explained need for two animal hospitals in the area because ft is a growing community; will take appropriate measures so this site wiil not have odor or noise problems; use is regulated by Department of Consumer Affairs; plan to see four or five animals per day, 50% are dogs and 50% are cats; separate air condNioning for this unit and special exhaust fans to take away odors in some areas; selected this unit because N is on the end, 3 other practices In Anaheim Hills area, all located in smaller centers. Do not plan to board animals. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Masse: Asked ff there Is any extra precaution taken regarding ound proofing the wail adjacent to the optometrist; (applicant explained there Is an existing wall, b~ he would be willing to put in another wail, N required r'.nd agreed to construct adouble-studded, fully Insulated wall, the full height and length of the unft). Page 17 1-25.93 _, ,~ STAFF COMMENTS: Staff report (Paragraph No. 15) indicates no code vitiations on the property, but that there are two outstanding vitiations pertaining to screening of roof-mounted equipment and directing Ilghts away from adjacent properties. ACTION: Approved Negative Oedaration Granted CUP 3582 -subject to proposed condftions, plus an addftional condition requiring that a second wall be constructed for soundproofing. VOTE: Ail ayes One Vacancy Page 18 ~ 1-25.93 9a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION I Approved 9b. CONDITIONAL U' :: PERMIT N0.358~ Granted OWNER: ANAHEIM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, 1111 W. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, CA 92803 AGENT: ROCHIJN f3ARAN, 10980 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024 L9CATION: 1111 West La Palma Avenue Property Is approximately 11.0 acres located at the northwest comer of La Prima Avenue and West Street. To permft a 3,503-square foot addition to an existing hospital complex to establish a 8,862 square•foot dialysis center. CONDITIONAL JSE PERi:11T RESOLIITION N0. P -14 FOLLONIING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL MINUTES. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: WIIIing to phase the construction and ft is critical to move fonNard with this project. Rick Savely, Archftect -pointed out right now the she Is fenced and when ft is removed, that will take care oT parking problem;. construction of dialysis unft would be between March Ist arxJ March I5, occupancy scheduled for March 15th. Proaosing to Iimft the construction site area. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Messe: noted the property was posted and the notice appeared in the newspaper, and he felt that is adequate. (Peraza and Taft agreed) Henninger -asked how may parking spaces are available on tho sfte curren0y); referred to environmental Impact analysis discussed in paragraph 17 of the staff report and stated ff the hospital has any future plans for further expansion, the Commission would like to see the master plan so they can address the cumulative Impacts (Hospital representative Myma Allen stated they do not have any other construction protects planned). STAFF COMMENTS: Planning -Responding to question whether condominium developmera at the comer of Lodge and West Street was notified of hearing, that the applicant submitted a 300-foot radius listing, b~~t ft appears from the Assessor's Parcel Number list that the Individual condo owners were not notified. Page 19 1-25-93 _i ,-. Aitomey -the matter can be continued and new notices mailed so the condominium owners wnl ~ have an opportunity to review the project or there Is a provision fn the Government Code which Indicates that a decision wpl not be made imralki by virtue of the notice. Traffic Engineer -Noted there ere approxtmately 880 parking spaces available at this time, but during construction, the workers would need parking spaces; concerned about existing parking wfth two different construction projects going on, 9096 of parking spaces ware oxupied during the study; recommended they provkle 900 parking stalls at all times, regardless of any instruction. (Applicant responded 1029 harking spaces are Tequired, as part of the global complex, and this pro)ect will odd 23 spac.~rs) ACTION: Approved NegatNe Dedaretlon Granted CUP 3585, subject to additional corxtitlon that a minimum of 900 spaces shall be provkled at all times. VOTE: All ayes One vacancy Page 20 ~ 1 ~5-93 ^- 10 . REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1883. VARIANCE N0.2349 Approved AND 4085 - REQUEST FOR TERMINATION: Dsvkl C. Cdlins request for termination of Condkional Use Pertnk No. 1883, Variance No. 2349 and 4085. Property is located on 1514 West Broadway. TERMINATION RESOLUTION N0. P -1 VOTE: 4-0 (Tak & Mayer) absent B. S~ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3208 - REQUEST FOR TERMINATION: Approved DwIgM Belden, Savl Ranch Associate requests termination of Condklonal Use Permk No. 3206 (to pernk the construction of a Commercial Centsr, an automotive repair center, a freestanding restaurant wkh on-premise sale and consumption of alcohdic beverages and entertainment, adrive-throagh restaurant and a service stat!on). Property is located at 1 001 to 1100 Pullman Street, Savi Ranch. TERMINATION RESOLUTION NO. PC 93-16 VOTE: 4-0 (Tak & Mayer) absent ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Page 21 t~ 1-25.93