Minutes-PC 1995/11/27• SUMMARY/ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF TiiE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1995 9:30 A.M. - PRESENTATION BY THE PLANNING CENTER RELATED TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES (PCS) NETWORK WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM - PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING WORK SESSION 1:30 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARINGS BEGIN (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) BOSTWtCK ~ BF~,STOL, HENNINGEI~ IiAAYEA ~ ABSENi; MESSE AND PERAZJI STAFF pRFSBJi: Selma Mann Greg Hastings Jonathan Borrego Sean Gerber Alfred Yalda ' Melanie Adams Margarita Solorio Elly Fernandes Deputy City Attorney Zoning Division Manager Senior Planner Associate Planner Prindpel Transportation Planner Associate Civil Engineer Senior Secretary Senior Word Processing Operator pRpC~ TO Dfi?EDt!E PLArYJING ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS t, The proponents in applicaUon~ ~ if~ in ~ ~ I in oo ~ a Qommisaion, leach addfpdonal Umeiwi~produce evidence Ume will be granted upo eq P important to the Commission's consideration. 2, In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be given ten minutes to presets their case unless additional Ume fa requested and the complexity of the matter warrants. The Commission's considerations are not determined by the length of time a partidpant speaks, but rather by what is said. 3. Staff Reports are part of tha evidence deemed received by the Commission in each hearing. Coplea are available to the public prior to the meeting. q, The Commission will withhold questions until the public hearing ie dosed. 5, The Commission reserves the dght to deviate from the foregoing it, in its opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. 5, Ali documerrts presented to the Planning Commission for review in ~nnecUon with any hearing, including photographs or other acceptable visual representations or non~ocumentary evidence, shall be retained by the Commission for the public record and shall bs available for public inspections. 7~ within the jurisdl sor-of the Plan Ing Commission, and%oblagenldaeitems~E.aohsapeaker will be ailottedea maximum of five (5) minutes to speak. MI951127.WP t ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA NOVEMBER 27, 1995 1. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDAj~ONS: A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 3794 -REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF Approved landscape FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS: Bob Mlckelson, 121 W. Rose Avenue, plans, as submitted Orange, CA 92667 requests review of final landscape plans for Conditional Use Permit No. 3794 (to pennft an automobile sales facgity). Property is located at 4530 E. La Palma Avenue. Continued ftom the November i3, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner. He stated there is a concern relative to the placement of the two palm trees and he asked the applicant if he could address that issue? Commissioner Henninger pointed out the staff report's recommendaton is that the Planning Commission approve the item as ft is, he then asked ff the staff report is being changed? Jonathan Borrego darfffed that the recommendation in the staff report says "to approve the final landscape plans subject to the relocation of two palm trees in ftont of the display area' and that would be consistent wfth the direction of the Planning Commission when the item was before them at the public hoaxing. He then stated since that was the recommendation by the Planning Commission, ff the Commission feels that the existing placement of the palm trees is satisfactory then staff wUl concur with that. ~ Commissioner Henningor asked the applicant if he can move two palm trees (n the display automobile area? Bob Mickelson, 121 W. Rose Avenue, Orange. He indicated he understood that they were to add two palm trees, but misunderstood that the palm trees vrere to go in ftont of the car display area. He stated the car display area Is very narrow, so instead of putting two palm trees there, they (nstailed three palm trees against the buUding and one palm tree in the wklened landscape area. Commissioner Boydstun stated that the Commission may have to do some rethinking on these type of properties and she indicated more landscaping was done than what the Commission asked relative to the setback, but she feels the way ft is now is acceptable. B. REQUES i TO DETERMINE CONFORMANCE WITH THE ANAHEIM Determined that the GENERAL PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE proposed lease is in F9R THE COUNTY OF ORANGE DRUG ABUSE COUNSELING substantial PR RA Requested by the County of Orange General Services conformance wfth the Agency, Attn: Ray Wsems, 14 Civic Center Plaza, Third Floor, Santa Anaheim General Plan Ana, CA 92701. Property is located at 1125 North Magndfa Avenue 11-27-95 Page 2 ANAHEIM CfTY PLANNING COMMISSION -ACTION AGENDA NOVEMBER 27, 1995 V C, reNnmONAL USE PERMIT NO 3795 PLANNING SECRETARY Granted REuUESTS NUNC PRO TUNC RESOLUTION: Request to correct Vote: 5.0 Condition No. 2 to read "that the hours of operation shall be Ilmfted ~ (Commissioners ftom 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (with the Messe and Peraza exception of a prayer service to be held Fridays from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 were absent) p.m.), and 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (except for office staff)". Property is located at 2101-2121 East Crescent Avenue and 708 North Valley Street, Unit S and T. NUNC PRO TUNC RESOLUTION N0. PC95-150 rONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOS 2660 and 3437 - REQUEST FOR D Temtinated . TERMINATON: David L Horowitz, Trustee, 4123 E. La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92807 requests termination of Condtional Use 200 Ste Vote: 5-0 , . 2660 and 3437 (CUP 2660- to permit an industrially related Permit No (Commissioners . two-story office complex; CUP 3437-to permit industrial-related office Messe and Peraza use). Property Is located at 4125, 4155-05 and 4175 E. La Palma were absent) Avenue. TERMINATION RESOLUTION N0. PC95-151 rONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 3066 - REQUEST F~ E Terminated . TERMINATION: IMA Reai Estate Management Inc., (Kenneth A. Campbell), 5500 Interstate North Parkway, Ste. 220, Atlanta, Georgia Vote: 5-0 30328-4662 requests termination of Conditional Use Perm ~h• 3l~ ion dio installation/office facility) o comply bil Messemand Peraza e ra permit a mo No. 12 of Resolution No. PC95-100 granted in connection with were absent) Conditional Use Permit No. 3782. Property address is 1000 N. Kraemer Place. TERMINATION RESOLUTION N0. PC95.152 ^ONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 3713 - REOUrcST FOR Terminated TERMINATION: Margaret MclBUghlin (Transfer Commercial Real Estate Services), 2115 W. Crescent Avenue, Ste. 201, Anaheim, CA Vote: 5-0 92801 requests termination of Conditional Use Permit No. 3713 (to (Commissioners permit a 4,542 square foot child day care facility). Property is located at Messe and Peraza 2101-2121 W. Crescent and 700-720 N. Valley Street. were absent) TERMINATION RESOLUTION N0. PC95-153 11-27-;?5 Page 3 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA NOVEMBER 27. 1995 ~} 2a. inn NEGATIVE D°CLARATION Withdrawn 2b. weNER OF CODE REQUIREMENT 2C, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3784 OWNER: JEFFREY GRADLOW, 10577 Wgkins Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024 AGENT: GENE MRCHELL, 624 S. Grand Avenue, X900, Los Angeles, CA 90017 LOCATION: ~$~ W~ Bell Road. Property Is approximately 1.36 acres located on the north side of Ball Road and approximately 130 feet west of the centerline of Gaymont DrNe. To permit an 80-foot high cellular communicatbns tower with waiver of minimum structural setback (deleted). Continued ftom the September 6, 16, October 2, 16 and 30, 1995 Planning Commission meetings. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None ACTION: Accepted request for withdrawal of Condftional Use Permft No. 3784. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Messe and Peraza absent) 11-27-95 Page 4 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA L.1 ~ rcne uFreTIVE DECLARATION 3b. `~:~M1'ER OF CODE REQUIREMENT (DELETED) 3c, CANDITION_OL rrSE PERMIT N0.3~ OWNER: LEMON PARTNERS, 1950 N. Lemon Street, Anaheim, CA, 92805 AGENT: HANAN STANLEY/SUNWEST METALS, INC., 1874 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805; JEFF FARANO, 2100 S. State Cdlege Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92605 LOCATION: 1150 North Lemon Strut,. Property is approximately 1.5 acres located on the east side of Lemon Street and located approximately 900 feet north of the centerline of La Palma Avenue. To permit a large collection and recyding facUfty with waNer of permitted roof signs (deleted) and minimum number of parking spaces (deleted). Continued from the October 2, 16, and 30, 1995 Planning Commission meetings. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC95.154 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None APPLICANTS COMMENTS: Approved No action Granted, in part Jeff Farano, 2100 S. State Cdlege, Anaheim. He stated he is present on behalf of the applicant, Hanan Stanley/Sunwest Metals, Inc. He explained they are requesting a conditional use permft for a recydii~ center (operating since 1981 off of Anaheim Boulevard) to be relocated to the proposed subject site and stated the relocation of the facility (s needed relative to the I-5 Freeway widening. He explained that the new facUity has a substantial building which will allow the owner to store recydable materials and he stated that the owner will have yew scales and new office buildings which wUl make it a better facUity than the existing facility. He stated ~atso He indicated t eyffwouldrtprefer redw°°d or~tcedar slatse to staffs recommendation of PVC type Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner. He commented that staff would be acceptable to the mentioned materials. CHAIRWOMAN MAYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. STAFF'S COMMENTS: Commissioner Boydstun indicated that Condition No. 9's wording needs to be corrected from'Anaheim Boulevard" and replaced with "Lemon Street. 1 t -27-95 Page 5 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ~~ ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Took no action on the Waiver of Code Requirement on the basis that the waterers were dcleted fdlowing public rwtiflcation. Granted, in part, Conditional Use Permit No. 3785 with the following changes to conditions: Modified Condition Nos. 2 and 9 to read as fellows: 2. That the petitioner shall utp(ze PVC or wood type slats on all perimeter fencing. 9. That prior to Issuance of a bugding pemtft, the legal property owner shall irrevocably offer to dedicate an easement 45 feet from the centerline of Lemon Street. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Messe and Peraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy Clay Attorney, presented the 22~day appeal rights. 11-27-95 Page 6 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA ~) ••~•,• ~~°^"TIVS DEcr eRATION Approved ~' ....n.~e nr rnnF REQUIREMENT Approved Granted 4c. OO~:DIT ONAL USE PERMIT N0.3796 OWNER: ORANGE COUNTY BUDDHIST CHURCH, 909 South Date Street, Anaheim, CA 92804 AGENT: ARCHITECTS DESIGN CONSORTIUM, 1920 E. Katella, #-5, Orange, CA 92667 LOCATION: a.,a 3VYI11 y to Meet (Oran,. e~nty Buddhist h r h Property is approximately 2.1 acres located on the west side of pale Street and located approximately 218 feet north of the centerline of Ball Road: To construct a 2,752-square foot chapel and a634-square foot family wafting room in conjunction wfth an existing church with waNer of (a) ~1lnm um number of instftutional uses adjacent to a residential boundary, and (b) of parking spaces. Continued from the October 16, 1995 Planning Commission meeting. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC95-15~_- -~ FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None APPLICANTS COMMENTS: Steven Prothero, Archftects Design Consortium, 1920 E. Katella Avenue, Orange. He indicated at the previous meeting about a month ago, ranee ~ the sto ge shed to be upgraded and he stated relative to the code waNdr. i) The appea rkin issue, the the church has since skied the storage shed wfth fiber glass; and 2) The pa 9 Commission asked the applicant to take a look at the parking utilization during the peak period (11:00 a.m. on Sunday). He stated they have submitted a revised traffic study relatNe to the parking issue. He explained the proposed mini-chapel Is an addition to the sanctuary and that ft is proposed primarily as a secondary sanctuary to handle smaller groups of people, that the large sanctuary may be inappropriate for. He stated the applicant wishes to maintain the opportunty to use both facilfties simultaneously. He explained the reasons being that after the 10:00 a.m. service, at 11:00 a.m. the main sanctuary often breaks up into indNidual groups for Sunday Scholl and also two different language groups (Japanese & English) and he stated the Japanese group would then have the opportunity to meet In the mini-chapel rather than meeting in a dassroom. He stated those are the main simultaneous uses and they do not anticipate more traffic being generated for both facilfties and used simultaneously. 11-27-95 Page 7 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ,~'-I~~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA it ma contribute to addiional parking, approximately two trips ~~ He stated the sacred ash depos ory Y. . per day, but in most cases ft would be in conjunction wfth another church meeting, therefore, they feel it would be noncontributory to the parking demand. They also feel the famay wafting area' the support area for the sanctuary would also be noncontributory to the parking demand. He explained the results of the park~n sty 9~ ftom 120 on 0 ober 2~3; 124 on October 291120 on 10;00 am: 11:00 a.m., the used pa 9 fined on those days separate functions occurred November 5; and 130 on November 12.' He expla ~ out +hat the current parking at ?he subject which pushed the parking to a maximum. He po facility provides for a maximum of 123 and the church now realizes they are pushing the IimfG Therefore, they wUl start scheduling )udk:lous functions at different times to alleviate some of the parking problems. He stated the staff report indk;ates 138 parking spaces are requi eel ih~ mould add Ot additkxial reviewed the site plan and the study determined that by restriPP 9• Y ricin s ces short of parking spaces, making the total to 133. He indicated they would then be 5 pa 9 Pa being in full compliance, but feels it would go a long way to mftigating the chapN addition. CHAIRWOMAN MAYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING... STAFF'S COMMENTS: Jonathan Bonego, Senior Planner. He explained ff the request is approved today, that Condftion No. ti wore n~ covee white. eH ~othat could iprobablty be stric en and alsot hat Condition pain g Pa No. 2 should be deleted altogether. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Approved Waiver of Code Requirement as fellows: Waver (a) was approved, as proposed; and, scant indicated they WaNer (b) was approved for 133 spaces because the appl rkin s ces. were going to re-stripe the parking lot to provide 10 additional pa 9 Pa Granted Condftional Use Permit No. 3796 with the fdlowing changes to conditions: Modffied Condition No. 1 to read as fellow: 1, That building permits and final approval shall be obtained for the patio cover attached to the west elevation of the classroom buAding. Deleted 'onditlon No. 2 VOTE: 5-0 ((:ommissioners Messe and Peraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 11-27-95 Page 8 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ~~ 5a. rFQ.s GATEGORIGAL EXEMPTION GL9SS 11 5b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 3805 OWNER: HAROLD H. NGUYEN AND MINH B. DINH, 9675 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92641 AGENT: -PAUL KOTT, 1225 W. Linton Ave., Anaheim, CA 92805 Continued to December 11, 1995 LOCATION: 24..^0 W Uncoln Avenue. (Gentle DeMistrv) Property is approximately 0.19 acre located at the southwest comer of Lincoln Avenue and GAbert Street. To permit a 21-foot high, 48-square foot freestanding sign in the CO Zone. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None `~ ACTION: Continued subject request to the December 11, 1995 Planning Commission meeting in order for Planning Department and City Traffic and Transportation Division staff to meet with the petitioner to explore sign design altematlves. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Messe and Peraza absent) ~~ 11-27-95 Page 9 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA NOVEMBER 27,1995 ~, r_Fne NECATIV_ E DECLARATION 6b. GONDITrnuer' nsF aERMIT N0.3806 OWNER: PACIFlC BELL, 300 N. 3rd Street, Rm. 338, Burbank, CA 91502; PACIFlC BELL, Attn: P.L Hampton, 3848 Seventh Ave., Rm. 120, San Diego, CA 92103 AGENT: THE PLANNING CENTER, Attn: Marie Luna, 1300 Dove Street, Ste. 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 LOCATION: X72 East La Palma Avenue (Pacific Bell Mobile Serviced. Property is approximately 2.7 acres situated approximately 644 feet south of La Palma Avenue, abutting the Santa Ana River, having a ftoniage of approximately 20 feet (access easement) on the south skis of La Palma Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately 869 feet, and being located approximately 1,920 feet west of the centerline of Imperial Highway. To permit an approximately 38-foot high roof-mounted cellular communications antenna. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC95-156 Approved Granted i~ FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None AGENTS COMMENTS: Marie Luna, The Planning Center, 1300 Dove Street, Newport Beach, representing Pacific Bell. She stated she is present requesting approval of Conditional Use Permit 3806, for a wireless communication iadllty comprised of a •oof-top mounted antenna which would be on an existing buUding belonging to Pacific Bell. She stated the antenna would be placed on the back skis of the roof so i< would not be visible ftom the street. CHAIRWOMAN MAYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. STAFF'S COMMENTS: Chairwoman Mayer asked for dariflcation relative to the 9' triangular top-haY and asked ff it is horizontal or vertical? . Michael Flynn, Protect Manager. He stated the wonting'top-haY is a definition of aroof-mounted antenna structure and he exprained it would be a swcture going up with three arms seFsrating the antennas 9' feet. ~, Chairwoman Mayer asked ff the arms are horizontal? Mk:haei Flynn darffied the arm: are horizontal. 11-77-95 Page 10 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CRIf PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA ~} Commissioner Bristd asked ff the equipment wql be placed on top of the roof? Marla Luna stated the BTS units wqf be right up against the side of the bugding, between the chain link fence and the landscape area. Commissioner Henninger asked ff it would be on ground level. Marie Luna said "yes". Alfred Yalda, Principal Transportation Planner. He commented relative to the presentation made this morning on the Issue of installing the antennas on City traffic signals. He stated before that is a he is~c~ncemed that the cellularaMennas would distract mo~toristsTat the inteumeCti~ gar because ACTION: Approved NegaWe Declaration Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 3806 VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Masse and Peraza absent) Seima Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the ?2•day appeal rights. 11-27-95 Page 11 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA v 7a. ~EOA NEGATII~'E DECLARATION I Granted 7b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N .3808 OWNER: LOEWEN GROUP, 4126 Narland Avenue, Bucnaby Brhish Columbia, Canada SG358 AGEi~: DONALD W. MATTHEWS, x301 Teas Road, Conroe, Texas 77303 LOCATION: 2 0 h Manchester Ave*ueO~e~t~ A7.0 acrCes locat~~ed one Funeral Home). Prope-ty is app Y the southwest side of Manchester Avenue. To permit a second floor addition to the existing mausoleSam. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLU110N N0. Pr' S~~5'7 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None AGENTS STATEMENT: ~~ Donald Matthews, Loewen Group, 4126 Norland Avenue, Bucnaby Bdtish Cotumbla, Canada. He explained the proposed second floor addition and he stated that their intent is to beautify the abbey and carry on the historic tradition of the structure. They Intend to use materials and styling that will enhance the nature of the building, as well as provkJe additional income to support the maintenance of the facility. CHAIRWOMAN MAYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. STAFF'S COMMENTS: Commissioner Boydstun asked relative to the phasing of the project, ff one year to complete would be a problem? Mr. Matthews. He explained they are now in the process of doing part of the refurbishing, since they have been permitted to do so and that currently they are refurbishing the abbey, fbcing repairs, redoing the electrical, and also redoing the roads throughout the entire cemetery. He pointed out that the staff report states the first phase is to refurbish the existing building, but in his opinion, that it is not the first phase because he feels ft is their responsibility to refurbish for the current property owners. He then explained that the building is arranged in a three phase program, 1) that one end of the building, 7,000 square feet., (visitation and crypt areas) is the first phase; 2) 13,000 square feat, second phase and 3) the remairxler of the square footage, third phase. 11-27-95 Page 12 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ~~ He noted tt~t the nature of the financing avaAable in the market place allows them to give the highest quality product to the community at a r~sonable price wh~h is how the phasing concept was originated by. He Hxplained that the beginning of ~~ threep would ~ developed wfth would start within 12-24 months and then the final part, p 96-120 months, roughly, it would be a 10-year project. Commissioner Henninger asked how do you ensure an~ter each phase, You'll have a finished looking product? Mr. Matthews stated that the abbey separates the two buildings into two different parts and that the about half of the bu ding todbe seen atghe~same timereach segmeint csin be developed ands appear to be a finished product. Commissioner Henninger asked ff it cvould be a problem to come back before each phase and bring architectural rendings before the Commission as a Report and Recommendation item. Mr. Matthews indicated that staff has had a chants to revU~n- the front elevation which breaks down the phasing. Commissioner Henninger asked staff ff they feel they have enough plan? Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner. Stated they do have plans showing the front elevation which is divided up into different phases and that he feels that would suffice, providing that the word(np be added, reiterating the point that tt needs to tie in architecturally to the existing building.' ;~ Commissioner Henninger asked that the condition stating that they fellow the plans submitted isn't sufficient? Jonathan Borrego. Stated generally h would be, but In this case staff would like the wording added to reiterate it. He stated, however, staff would support ff the Planning Commission desired the applicant to bring each phase as a Report and Recommendation item because there isn't real concise detail in the elevations presented relatNe * :he colors and materials. Commissioner Bristd asked ff there were any proposed addftional signag9? Jonathan Borrego. He stated ~~e doesn't believe any addftionai signs are a part of their application packet. Commissioner Boydstun asked the applicant when they are finished with the project do they anticipate changing the signage? Mr. Matthews stela ~ they don't have a problem submitting detailed archftecturals after each phase. He also pointed out, the signage that they use for their cemeteries are~not f d~u~~ men sigrage is simply to make sure that families know where the property they are attending a service. He stated it would not be a good Ume to get lost and he feels he has a responsil,ility in trying to keep their signage options open. He stated currently they have not received a response from Caltrans relative to the discussion of the walls being raised in front of the subject building, but ff so,'.neir current signage would be eliminated. 11-27-95 Pz~e 13 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA 'drat if there are any signage Commissioner Boydstun asked what ff a t~nditlon was added, stating ~~ changes that the applicant would corns back before the Commission under the Report and Recommendation Item' and she stated the applicant would not have to come back for a CUP? Mr. Matthews responded, 'that would not be a problem.' ACTION: Approved Negative Dedaratbn Granted Condftional Use Permit No. 3808 with the fdlowing addati conditions: That prior to the construction of each phase, the applk~M shall submft detaged archftectural plans showing consistency with thFi existing archkecture and a finished look to each pha~ by ~? P~ n~ 9 ~mmt~onl~na Report Department for review and spp and Recommendation item. That any added signage shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission as a Report and Recommendation item. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Masse and Peraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22•day appeal rights. 11-27-95 Page 14 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA Approved ~ re~e ucrsTlVE DECLARATION App~yacl, in part 6b. ~ONDITIONA USE PERMIT N0.3807 Granted, in part 8c. OWNER: NEWPORT FEDB~ ~: ~Ga~ry Elder, 4425 Jamboree Road, #250, Newport LOCATION: ; 4QQ ° st ^ Palma Avenue. Property is a~:+roximately 2.1 acres landlocked between La Palma Avenue and the Riverskle (91) Freeway, having a maximum wkith of 269 feet and a maximum depth of 425 feet, located east of 3364 East La Palma Avenue (Concourse Fowling Alley) and arxessed by and south of 3356- 3360 East La Palma Avenue. To permft an outdoor rdler-hockey facpiry induding a 150 square foot freestanding freeway oriented sign, a 1,800-square foot accessory building for uses inducting a snack stand, player locker and meeting rooms, restrooms, merchandise repair shop ~~ encroachments into required yards areaes~y oriented signs and (b) pe CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REROLUTION N0. PC95-158 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: ~ None AGENT'S COMMENTS: Gary Elder, Newport Federal, 4425 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. He spoke relative to staffs recommendation proposing that the sign be'single-face', with the copy' parallel with the freeway frontage. He stated he has a concern because when a sign runs parallel to the freeway, You can nbecause while driving onstheaftfeeway~ the would have to I ek to the rlgMto see th~S ous He explained the project !s a40,000-square foot facility and is not a buiding. The waiver is based on the new representation for the area and the Commission is requesting a freestanding freeway 10 ppp square feed nd he also Wolfed tlhey do othave anyowalis to mount~the sign on~Ner for the He stated the sign criteria on the plan was taken from the Northeast Specific Plan drawing and indicated their land is approximately 6 feet below the freeway. He is concerned because the height of the sign at 12 feet would allow 4 to 6 feet actual exposure. He statr;.d with this height limit that is being proposed, the sign would not be very visible for motorists. 11-27-95 Page 15 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA `~'} He spoke relative to the eight (fi) parking spaces recommended by staff to be eliminated and be cornerted to landscape. He indicated they would like to keep the parking spacx3s rather than cornerting it Into landscape, they would rather have too much parking than not enough. CHAIRWOMAN MAYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. STAFF'S COMMENTS: Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager He stated staff would still recommend the eight (13) parking spacers to be landscaped, only because it is part of the new project However, relative to the heavy line shovm on the plan, on the north skis of that line is an existing parking area and ff any of those parking spaces would be removed that that parking area would be affected because of the circulation. He also noted relative to the sign that staff recognizes there is a need for identity, but stated staff doesn't feel the sign needs to be a fteestanding sign facing north and south, but if there was a wsldsign~whichps thertreason for staffs recommmendatlon of the sign~be ng paral~ to lobe fteeway. a Commissioner Boydstun agreed that ff the applicant is permitted to put a pole sign up, that ft wN~~a be more appropriate for the sign to be in ftont of you rather than having to look av6~ y:,in~ shoulder. Greg Hastings stated ff the sign needs to be higher to be seen from the f~a way, staff would be in agreement ~~_.; Commissioner Henninger stated the monument sign was designed for cases where buildings had a imaginetabuAding with wallVS a oundrit, at he subJectusite and work wfthin that thag hesfeols an u agreement could be reached. Mr. Elder expressed that he would be in agreement with having two signs and explained the signs would need to ba up about 25-30 feet. Commissioner Henninger asked staff if that would be allowed. Greg Hastings explained two wall signs would be allowed, but two freestanding signs would not be slowed. Mr. Eider stated they don't need two signs, but they are just trying to go song with the specific plan. Greg Hastings pointed out that he believes coming from the west, going east on the fteeway, there is a large median and from his personal observation, you could barely see the top of the bowling alley roof. He felt a large sign would need to be required for eastbound traffic on the 91 Freeway. He indicated ft was staffs understanding the Purpose was to capture the traffic going westbound. Commissioner Henninger asked the applicant if one sign facing east would be sufficient. Mr. Elder responded "probably yes, as long as the height was adequate". 11-27-95 ~._ Page 16 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PWNNING COMMISSION -. ACTION AGENDA ~~ Commissioner Henninger stated it would be consistent with the concept of treating >< as ff a bugding was there..He also stated it wUl be condffioned that ff the use goes away. the sign would need to be taken down. ' Mr. Elder asked what ff the subject site becomes a retaU facUU:~/t Commissbner Henninger stated they would need to put a sign on the wall of the building. Mr. Eider was in agreement. Greg Hastings stated they would request that the applicant provide staff 'a line of site from the freeway", staff wUl then determine the height of the sign. Commissioner Henninger asked ff eight (8) parking spaces were stUl needed? Mr. Eider responded according to the code requirements they don't need the spaces, but since h is already parking they would like to use them. Commissioner Bostwick asked ff the chain Zink fence wUl be taken out between the subject facUffy a~md Fry's Electronics propertyt Mr. Elder pointed out to the plan on the Chamber wall, he stated that on the northernmost part of the property, they wUl have access to Fry's Electronics parking lot; and Fry's Electronics would also have access into their. parking lot. Commissioner Bostwick asked relative to that additional parking, is there really a need for the eight (8) parking spaces? Mr. Elder explained they have access to Fry's Electronics parking lot, but he is not aware of Fry's Electronics parking demand and he would want to be ~ cured that the subject facUity has adequate parking spaces. Further discussion followed between the Commission and Mr. Elder relative to the eight (8) parking _ spaces. Commissioner Bristol asked ff the opening of the parking area between the subject facility and Fry's Electronics is going to be permanent. Mr. Elder responded 'yes'. Commissioner Bristd indicated that that area has had problems in the past and he stated he has a concern with Juveniles going Into the huge parking area. Mr. Elder stated they would be willing to provide a gate, but ri would be a joint situation between them and Fry's Electronics. He suggested that when Fry's Electronics closes that the gate also be ci~~d. Commissioner Henninger asked what time security is proposed to be on site. Planning Commissioners agreed that security needs to be on site, 8:00 p.m. to closing. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Apvoved WaNer of Code Requirement, in part: WaNer (a) was approved and Waiver (b) rk~ des i ces on the south~eastlskJe longer necessary because the eight (8) pa ng pa of the drNe aisle (four (4) of which encroach Into the required 30-foot wkie landscaped setback area) wUl be cornerted to landscaping. Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 3807, in part, with the fdlowing changes to conditions: 11-27-95 Page 17 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA NOVEMBER 27, 1995 Modified Condition No. 6 to read as fellows: 6. That a uniformed security guard shall be presets from 6:00 p.m. to dosing. Added the fdiowing conditions of approval: That final sign plans showing asingle-faced sign facing either east or south and visible to westbound traffic on the 91 Freeway shall be submitted to the Zoning DNislon of the Planning Department for review and approval by the Planning.Commission as a Report and Recommendation item. That access into Fry's Electronics shall be gated and said gates shall be dosed wfthin an hour of Fry's dosing time. That the eight (8) parking spaces located on the~southeast side of the drNe aisle shall be cornerted to landscaping. VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Masse and Peraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 11-27-95 Page 18 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA ~_~ ga, ~~~- MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) 9b. CONDITIONAL-USE PERMIT N0. _3570 (READVERTISED) OWNER: DIXCO CHEMICALS, Attn: Michael Aguilar, 847 S. Fast St., Anaheim, CA 92805 Approved Approved amendment to conditions of approval (To expire 12-1498) LOCATION: 847 South East Street. Property is approximately 3.7 acres located on the west side of East Street, and approximately • 591 feet south of the centerline of South Street. Petftioner requests to amend or delete a condition of approval pertaining to the limitation of time to retain the outdoor storage of chem(cals. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC95-159 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None APPLICANTS COMMENTS: Michael Aguilar, Dixco Chemicals, 847 S. East Street, Anaheim. He is requesting that the time limitation be deleted since they have operated in the past wfth no problems. He is requesting that the subject ftem be approved. CHAIRWOMAN MAYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. STAFF'S COMMENTS: Commissioner Henninger indicated he agrees wfth staffs recommendation for the subject request to be approved for an addftional three (3) years. ACTION: adequate totserve as the ~equiredpernionmeintal doc mentaton fortsubject request. Approved request to amend the conditions of approval of Condftionat Use Permft No. 3570. Amended Condition No. 1 of Resolution No. PC92-151 to read as follows: 11-27-95 Page 19 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM Cf 7Y PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA f ~ `-' ~ ears from the date of this 1. That subject petition shall expire three (3) y resdution (on December 14, X998) uni°ss additional time is granted by the Planning Commission or City Council in connection with a public hearing' VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Masse and Peraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. ~.. 11-27-95 Page 20 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA l _,% 10a. CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION I Approved Approved expansion 10b. GONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3253 (READVERTISED) PETITIONER: FR~MEN~ADEE PPARTNERS 380 Crow Canyon PlaceR#120, San Roman, CA 94583 LOCATfON: °~"`-°g75 ~M LL Palma Avenue. (Imperial Promenade). Property is approximately 4.4 acres located north and west of the northwest comer of La Palma Avenue and Imperial Highway, having approximate frontages of 60 feet on the north side of La Palma Avenue, snd 708 feet on the west side of Imperial Highway. Planning Commission consideration of a request to increase the total floor area of fast f~+od uses ftom 14,000 square feet (as previously permitted) to 15,300 square feet, to permit one new fast food restaurant with seating for 10 or less customers within the ress~~.urant. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PG95-160 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None PETITIONER'S COMMENTS: Richard Debeikes Jr., Imperial Promenade Partners, ~ts3~ Crow Canyon Place #120, San Roman, CA 94583. He gave a general overview of the subjeci request and stated they are making progress and appreciates all the help given from staff. He Indicated that hopefully, after the first of the year they will be bringing before the Commission an integrated intemat signing program rel owners land parking structure. He also stated they have been exploring between the two property the Redevncin mo try go bring in a manjor bookstore oe ues cestoreorsomeithing akin to trhat to /make off-site pa 9 it more in line with an entertainment cent6r. Emily Iseminger, representing 'Juice Stop". She stated this would be their 2nd location in Northam Orange County and their 27th tocatfon overall. CHAIRWOMAN MAYER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. i 1-27-95 Page 21 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACTION AGENDA ~_.~ STAFF'S COMMENTS: Commissioner Henninger asked what will be served at the proposed shop? Ms. Iseminger she explained the concept has been around for approximately 15 Years in various different forms, but within the last four years ft has become more speciNc. She explained that they take non-tat yogurt, sherbert and fresh fruits and they are blended with Ice and fruit juice into a 24 ounce drink or so-called "smoothie". She stated the customer can choose two ingredients as calcium, ginseng, bee pollen, etc., to be added to the drink. Commissioner Henninger asked what amcesso~ear ~ and ~ eXPla need ~ rythl 9th ere ~y some healthy snacks as fat-free popco either low-fat or no fat and is very health oriented. She stated they sell 'Juice Stop' t-shirts and travel mugs. Commissioner Henninger asked ff they do any other food preparation? Ms. Iseminger responded 'no". Commissioner Bristol asked ff there is outskfe seating in any of the other locations? Ms. Iseminger stated In some locations where they're in a s. popping center the developers have built a "common food court which the developer maintains shares outso ~em,premises. She also indicated they do not charge sales tax because ft is a 'cold, to go' type 4~. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Approved expansion of fast food uses for Conditional Use Permft No. 3253 wfth the following changes to conditions: Modified Condftion Nos. 1 and 3 to read as fellows: "1. That the proposed juice bar located in Space No. 135 shall be operated consistent wfth the testimony provkJed at the November 27, 1995 Planning Commission public hearing and shalt operate no later than 7:00 p.m. and that no more than ten (10) customer seats shall be available at any given time. 11-27-95 Page 22 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - ACYION AGENDA NOVEMBER 27, 1995 ~~ 3. The total area of restaurant uses shall not exceed 24,877 square feet and shall be limited to the fdlow(ng: Jules bar- Fast food Fast food Restaurants with table Reataurards witlt outdoor Specs #135 - (10 stomer seats or restaurants - (10 customer seats or restaurants (11 customer seats service 1 1 seating cu less) 1.300 s.f. total less) 1 12 sf. more) 4 2 s.f or sf. total 7.354 s.f. total total ~ (8 spaces per (8 spaces per (5.5 spaces per 1000 s.f. required) (5.5 spaces per (16 spaces per 1000 s.f. d) i t00~Ors~f.) req 1000 s.f. required) 1000 s.i. required) re requ Restaurants requiring less parking may be substituted for restaurants requiring more parking (f.e., a restaurant with table service may occupy space entfded for a fast food restaurant with 11 customer seats or more)." VOTE: 5.0 (Commissioners Meese and Peraza absent) Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. ,~ Commissioner Boydstun requested that a discussion pertaininci to the issuance of home occupation permfts to resklences on commercial lots be agendized. MEETING ADJGURNED AT 2:55 P.M., TO THE DECEMBER 11, 1995 PLANNING COMMISSION MORNING 1NORK SESSION AT 8:30 A.M., FOR A TOUR TO THE DISNEY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. Respectfully submitted, Elly Fernandes, Senior Word Prc^essing Operator Planning Department 11-27-95 Page 23 {+' ~ r ~' :i ~ ~ 1LyY` J' "r ,~ 3 v',~ - ~ T q i .yL ~i,, f '1 V~ - ~ ~ 4 .Hl ~' 7~ h' N' y - ~°44v ~F°~a .; t '1'~ /sl ~'7~ ~ ~ ~, llr3~. h S'~ 4 4t ~ 1 ~.~1 } • ~ ~ 1 ri .a 4~ C~ r'2H i1s~l ~S '~T' J~ ~v ~.a? ,1 A• .Ali ~ tai ~td~} ~._F r }; ! ,, y, 1 V fF J`T' ~. ?` , { ~ 'd. S4 ~ t yr~ _ J A1V„~ _ Y 1 rti t 1 < 4~'~' 1: _ f ,~ US _ ' ~~/j ~ :' _ s?r ^1 k r. -' ~~ '1' _. d ~ /_~ %: . .._. ....,...._.. .. .. . ,ir ..