Minutes-PC 1996/04/01~~ SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHE@M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1996 '~ 11:00 A.M. WORKSHOP PERTAINING 0 FINDINGS ~ 1;30 p,M. PUBLIC HEFuRiNGS BEGIN (PUBLIC TESTIMONY) a~ per; eosrwlCf~ eoYDSTUN, r3wsTd.. ffeaNtac>~, A~ESSE. ~~- COMMISSIOt~iS ABSBdr: fiMYER STAFF ppESgQT: Selma Mann Grog Hastings Cheryl Flores Deus Hemck Sean Gerber Alfred Yalda Natalie Meeks Edith Harris Margarita Sfllorio Elly Fernandes Deputy ^,ity Attorney Zoning Manager Associate Planner Aasodate Planner Aasodate planner fkindpal Transportation Planner Civil Engineer Planning Commission Support Supervisor Senior Secretary Senior Wont Processing Operator PROCEDURE TO D~f TE PI.AG ~ ~~ HEAf~N(~ 1. time will ben granted ppontirequest if, ii the opi~nioneof the ICommisafan, such addiptional tlmeiwill~produce evidence important to the Commission's consideration. 2. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each be gPren ten minutes to present their case unless additional time is requested and the complexity of aka, but rathe~what is sold. mission's considerations are not determined by the length of time a partidpant spe Y 3, Staff Reports are part of the evidence deemed received by the Con~misslon in each hearing. Copies are available to the public prior to the meeting. 4. The Commission will withho{d questions until the public hearing is dosed. 5. The Commission roserves the right to deviate from the foregoing h, in its opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. 6, c I docu aa~ptable vlaualtreprosentationso non~ocumentary evidece shall be retained by the Commission for theh,~ public record and shall be available for public inspections. 7. within the J~isdi son ofuthe Manning Commisalon, aned/oblagendaeftsmos~Each epeaksr will be allotted a mezimurn of five (5) minutes to speak. MIf160M1O1.WP 04-01-96 Page 1 APRIL 1, 1996 ~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA ,\ 1. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: A. a. ~E(iA EXEMPTION SECTION 15061 Ib1 (3) t+. rODE AMENDMENT NO„~¢9~ -City Initiated, City of Anaheim, Planning Department, 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 9803. Request to amend Chapters 18.04, 18.21, 18.22, 18.23, 18.24, 18.25, 18.28, 18.27, 18.31, 18.32, 18.34 and 18.35 of Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code pertaining to a new procedure for registration of Large Family Day Care Homes. A I Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Peraza (Chairwoman Mayer absens) and MOTION CARRIED that tha Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby accept staffs dete:minatipn ~totne poroject i~ which have the general rule that CEQA appl Y P I potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. f;ornmissioner Henninger offered a motion, seco~ tehatthe Commissioner Peraza (Chai-woman Mayer abse ) Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City CoancN the adoption of the draft ordinance attached to staff report dated AprN 1, 1996• Planning Commission requested that the fdlowing changes be made to the Large Family Day Care Home (LFDCH) F9gistratbn form: A. Add property owner's name; and B. Modify Subseetbn .080 to read as fellows: .080 The applicant shall obtain a City business license for a Largo Family Day Care Home, sl~~all provide a ropy of the State of Calffomia Day Care license to the City Planning Department and s'~.ali register said home with the City Planning Department on this form as approved by the City of Anaheim Planning Cammisslcn. Concurred w/staff Recommended adoption of the draft orlina.~ce to the City CouncN Delia Her, ick, Assistant Planner. She referred to the staff report and seated t~ proposes woe Amendment is for Large Famiy Day Care Home(s) (EPOCH). She stated the current process for a iFDCH is that they regr,;,-o the applicar>< to apply for a permit, f~'owing the request staff will maN letters to people within 300 felt of the property. The letter Informs people tf they find ore (1) of six (li) different things that they can then oppose the requested LFDCH. X4-01-96 Page 2 ANAHEI:IA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA APRIL 1, 1996 She stated that many times the LFDCH has already been In le b ythe City. Staff bthen spends a which people don't realize until they receh-e the notifk~tion ;ot of time going over issues which the City has no jurisdiction over She stated the puracse of the amendment is to make the rrocess better for large family day care operators and for City staff. C1nly one (1) form wou o~need to be fil~~ it was indicated by~Code more information and it would also address many p Enforcement that they haven't had any complaints on She operation of a L.FDCH. Verla Miller, representing Large Family Day Care Homes. a ~~H tShehexplained bY~state laws Enforcement has ever boon out on a complaint regard ng LFD~H have to have a low profile and cannot have any signs Indicating the subject use on their property. She asked about the reference which pertains to 'not having any other sinflar facilities within ~e 22) did requirek600 fee but they~reduced it to 300 feet. She noted the state regulations R but staff has discussed it and Della Herrick responded that 600 feet was ftom an dd ordinance, recommends it remain 600 feet. She explained that they don't waM day care facilities next door to ~ ulatehthat portion of the regulat on and the statelwouldtnot takte precuedence over he Ck~s to eg Ordlrl?.i1Ce. Chalmian Messe stated he though 600 feet was reasonable because it's a more intense use for neighbofioods. Commissioner Peraza agreed. Debbie Goodwin, 1730 S. Stoneman Street, Anaheim, CA 92802• Stated she called other cfties to find out what their requirements were and she found that Buena Park has no regulation; Garden Grove has no regu~al~^: Fullerton -300 feet; Brea -300 feet; Irvine - no regulation (conform with state); and Santa Ana - no regulation (conform with state). Commissioner Bostwick asked ff the City is silent, would it go back to stare regulations? Della Herrick responded "yes'. 04-01-96 Page 3 APRIL 1, 1996 ~IANAHEtM CITY PLANf!iING COMMISSION - SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA J B. a. "DDENDUM TO EIR N0.266 (PREVIOUSLY CERTIFlED) Approved b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 2651 -RETROACTIVE APP~~ x t ION OF TIME TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS_~F (To expire 2-26-97) AP R V L: Anaheim Land Associates, 450 Newport Center DrNe, Suite 304, Newport Beach, CA 92660-7640, requests a retroacWe extension of time to expire Febniary 26,1997 for Conditional Use Permit No. 2651 (to perrnft an 11-story, 128 foot high hotel with on-sale alcoholic beverages and acx;essory uses and a 12 and 15-story, 182 foot and 220 foot, 6 inch high commercial office complex). This petition was originally approved on Febniary 26, 1985• Property is located at 2400 E. Katella Avenue. ACTION: Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Boydstun (Chairwoman Mayer absent) and MOTION CARRIED that the ~ dog hereby fln.~i g Commission has reviewed the proposal that the previously certified Addendum to EIR No. 266 is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for CondRbnal Use Permit No. 2651. Commissioner Henninger offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristd (Chaiwoman Mayer absent) and MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve aone-year extension of time (to expire February 26, 1997) for Conditional Use Permit No. 2651 subject to the fdlowing provisions: (a) That all new parking spaces shall comply with the minimum parking space dimension requirements in effect on the date of building permit issuance. (b) That tio^; ten (10) or feWe ~contia eas shallkbe separated located in the new open pa g by a minimum forty eight (48) square foot landscaped planter, having a minimum five (5) foot dimensions and containing at least one (1) tree per planter. (c) That all roof-mounted equipment, ground-mounted antennas and mechanicalJutiliry equipment are required to be screened per Ordinance No. 5391 adopted on October 12, 1993. 04-01-96 Page 4 APRIL 1, 1996 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA ~_ ~. rONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO 1978 -PLANNING I Grarded C. COMMISSION SECRETARY REQUESTS NUNC PRO TUNC ~ RESOLUTION: Request, due to derkx~l error to correct the meeting is located at 4426 So~ut Beach Boulevard (paclfl~c lnn Property Motel). NUNC PRO TUNC RESOLUTION N0. PC~- 04-01-96 Page 5 APRIL 1, 1996 ( ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - $IUMMARY ACTION AGENDA \_ 2a. CFOA NEGATIVE DECLARAT1QN 2b WAIVER OF ~nnF aFnUiREMENT 2c. COONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3616 (READVERTI5ED) OWNER: ROBERT DALE ZANTOS & ANITA MARIE ZANTOS, 3100 E. Coronado St., Anaheim, CA 92806 AGENT: MARTIN FRAZIER, 2100 Southeast Main Street #100, Irvine, CA 92714 LOCATION: 1190 North Kraemer Boulevard. Property is approximately 1.94 acres located at the southeast comer of Coronado Street and Kraemer Boulevard, hav(ng approximate frontages of 310 feet on the south side of Coronado Street and 215 feet on the east side of Kraemer Boulevard. To pemtit accessory service and outdoor display of marine vehicles and to construct a 2,100 square foot mezzanine in conjunction with a previously approved marine vehicle manufacturing and retail sales facility wfth waNer of permitted encroachments Into a required setback area. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. pC9f~33 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None OWNER'S STATEMENT: Approved Approved Approved request, as readvertised, for 2 years (To expire 41-98) Bob Zantos, 3100 E. Coronado Street, Anaheim. He explained that three (3) years ago they bought property at 1190 N. Kraemer Boulevard which they have since rehabNitated. The subject request is for a condftionel use permft to service ~ for~sen-icing water raft vehicles. ~e~ He explained that the space would be a temporary He explained that they can store about sbcteen (16) vehicles in four spaces as the watercrafts are about 3-1 /2' x 8'. He stated they are planning to move across the street in hopes to resolve the space Issue. Mr. Zantos stated people from all over Southern California, including Orange County, have come to the subject facility to buy personal watercrafts. He explained that the subject business is generating money for the City, as the average cost for a watercraft veh~doe~lsl a4p~proxlmately $7,000, Last year, they sdd 300 watercrafts and this year they expect THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. 04-Ot-96 Page 6 APRIL 1, 1996 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA ~' STAFF'S COMMENTS: Cheryl Flores, Associate Planner. Stated ff the subject hem is approved, staff would request to include Conditions Nos. 1, 2 and 3 from prfor Resdution No. PC9.~-88 thereby having all corxiftlons pertaining to the subject property under one resolution. Commissioner Bristd asked for darffication relative to staff s requests regarding Condition No. 2. Cheryl Flores, Associate Planner. Stated the conditlon under the prior resolution is for outdoor display of marine vehides and that the requested space is only for a service area wh~ernet toebye~n park vehides that are there for service. She stated K is not considered by the appl outdoor display area. Chairman Meese stated he was by the she on Saturday and it dkJ not app rfoeclarificatio~t were parked in the spaces were there for service and he asked the appl Mr. Zantos stated the vehides parked in the spaces are not there for sale, but for service. He explained when a new watercraft vehide is sold, the buyer has a free ten (10) hour check-up, where they can bring the vehide back at a taotebretibme ands n~ Thervehides that are for sale are Therefore, some of the vehides wUl appea under the covered area and also are located inskie the facility. Chairman Mel sstece areatl He asked if the customersecould bring thle veh c es for service - requested pa 9 Pa directly to the other skis of the building? Mr. Zantos responded they have large trucks and forMiKs on the other skis of the binding in tF~iat areathHe stated he~ ealipzesiit isnt thebperfect sdution but it ids temporary until theye able to move across the street. Commissioner Bostwick referred to Item No. 1 on the preceding conditional use permft and asked ofr'jet skis tthat aret beingtbuil~ for fouir(4) passengers would be described as aed~e new type Mr. Zantos explained the product 11ne they sell is manufactured by a company who doesn't make andftwatercraftssand stated,Pnrhis op nionr the wording oathe~proeposedecondiNon s acceptable. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Approved Waiver of Code Requirement Approved CUP 3616, as readvertised. Added the fdlowing conditions from Resolution No. PC93-8f3 in order to have a complete set of conditions in the newly adopted resolution: 1. That the retak sales activities associated wfth subject use shall be inckiental to the manufacturing of marine vehide accessories, and the sale of marine vehides shall be limited to 'Jet ski" type vehides only and shall ~ include boats. 04-01-96 'Pa'ge 7 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA APRIL ~~ ~~ ~_.. 2. That there shall be no outdoor display of marine vehicles and/or accessories at any time unless such items are under a roof; and, ff so- displayed under a roof, not more than two (2) vehicles shall be displayed unless the Zoning Code is amended to specffically permit othen+vise. That the storage, use or dispensing of hazardous materials In quantities in excess of those specffled in Unfform BuUding Code, Tables 9-A and 9B, shall comply wfth Unfform Fire Code, Article 80. VOTE: 6-0 (Chairwoman Mayer absent) DISCUSSION TiME: 12 Minutes Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. 04-01-96 Page S APRIL 1, 1996 ( ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA \__ . ~EQ_e NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved 3a. ed 3b. WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT ~rant~ed 3c. ,¢QNDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.3836 OWNER: 3130 MIRALOMA AVENUE, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, c/o Mark R. Poochigian, D.0. Management, 5000 Birch Street, East, Bugding #510, Newport Beach, CA 92660 AGENT: MARTIN FRAZIER, 2100 Southeast Main St.•eet #100, Irvine, CA 92714 LOCATION: Property is approximately 1.5 acres located at the nortlmeast comer of Coronado Street and Kraemer Boulevard. To permit a 22,861 square foot buUding induding a 1,568 square foot mezzanine for retail sales/service and warehouse storage of marine vehides, trailers, parts and accessories with outdoor display with waiver of minimum structural setback and yard requirements. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RESOLUTION N0. PC96-34 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION. OPPOSITION: None APPLICANTS STATEMENT: Bob Zantos, owner of the subject property. He gave background information relative to the subJecK business and stated the firm was founded in 1978. They have had several different locations being Santa Ana, Anaheim, back to SF~nta Ana, and Orange. For the past three (3) years they've been located in Anaheim, when they moved to Anaheim they had 64 employees and currently them are 160 employees. He stated the purpose of the expansion is because they need more manufacturing space, the customers are demanding more parts per day and their sales have expanded. Also, they need a larger showroom for Sea Doo West. Chaimman MAsse asked ff they're going to take parts across Coronado Street? Mr. Zantos responded they wculd not be shipping parts bacme hafn~dise ~ rts anted i~ a very strnhaell shipping department is basically for purchase of accessary /Pa part of their business. 04-01-96 Page 9 APRIL 1, 1996 ANAHEIM CITY pLANNINfa COMMISSION - SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA ~• - THE PUBLIC : JEARING WAS CLOSED. STAFF'S COMMENTS: Gay Forbes, Community Development Department, Economic Development Manager. She stated the subject business is the type of business they're trying to attract to the City of Anaheim. She ~ to ~ g~ ul be doser. toi$25 million a year than 320 mplkxry bring to the City and she Pl Greg Hastings, Zoning Divisbn Manager. He referred to the staff report and indicated staff would recommend a change to Conditkm Nos. 6 and 7. It Indicates that the saki conditions be in 'Arior~to flnalPnsrpection' because h pertai si to he skewalk and driveway nstalla fon.~ to read P Ralph Hastings, Architect. He referred to the staff report, Condi~in Nsotalls foe he to the outdoor storage area and he darffied that they will be using eight (8) pa 9 outdoor/screened storage of watercrafts, twt the staff report indicates 'a maximum of eight (8) vehides to be stored'. Commissioner Messe asked ff he is referring to the property behind the fence? Ralph Hasting responded "yes'. Greg Hastings stated he believos K was staffs original Intent to read 'eight (8) parking stalls' and he agreed with the requested change. ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration Approved WaNer of Code Requirement Granted Conditional llse Permit No. 3838 with the fdlowing changes to conditions: Modified Condftion Nos. 2, 6, 23 and 25 to read as fellows: . That outdoor watercraft display shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) vehldes ad~acgnt to the main entrance and a maximum of eight (8) parking stalls for outdoor/screened storage of marine vehldes along the north building elevation as shown on Exhibit No. 1. Outdoor display or storage of marine vehldes shall not be permitted in the drop-otf lanes on the south skJe of Building 'B'. 6. That prbr to building and zoning inspections, sidewalk and driveway approach Improvements shall be constructed per Cfty Standard. 23. That prkx to issuance of a building perrnft, or within a period of one (1) year from the date of this resolution, whichever occurs first, Conditbn Nos. 9, 16, 17, 19, _and 20 above-mentioned, shall be 04-01-96 Page 10 APRIL 1, 1996 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - SUMMARY ACTION AGENDA ~~s complied with. E;ctensions for further time to complete said conditions may be granted in accordance with Secticn 18.03.080 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 25. That prior to final building and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22 and 24, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. VOTE: 6-0 (Chairwoman Mayer absent) DISCUSSION TIME: 9 Minutes Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 2:10 P.M., TO MONDAY, APR" 15, 1995 AT 10:30 A.M., FOR A PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP PERTAINING TO REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMISSION OPERATIONS AND PROCEDURES Respectfully submitted, ~~ EII Fernandes, Senior Word Processing Operator Y Planning Department 04-01-96 Page 11