PC 1951-1952-26 1 RESOLUTION N0. 26 --,. SERIES 1951-52 2. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY P~G C0~XSSXOH 0F ~ Ol~ 0F A~A~M ~ ~S, ~ro~ ~arker Fo~, 1~18 ~at Center.Street, A~eim, aa o~er of 5 ~t certain r~ property ait~t~ in the City ~f A~heim, Cowry of 0r~e,State ~ of Califo~ia, located at 1~18 ~st Center Street ~ ~e~cribe~ aa Lots 3 a~ ~ of~ 7 ~ezterly ~lf of ~t ~, ~he~ ~tension, for pe~ission to e~arge the ~blic 8 Dini~ ~om area b~ the ~ltion of a new buildi~ to the Present Rea=u~t on 9 the'propertF. Applic~t ~.-g~t~ a Varies in October, 1~5 bM the O~e 10 Oo~t~ Pla~lng Co.is.ion with .~ti~ caps=it2 ~ite~ to fift2 (~0) persons. 11 The property ~e .i~e been a--~ed to the City of A~e~; a~ 12 ~, the City Pla~ Co~i.sion did hold a ~blic ~ar~ at the CitF ~ 11 15 ~ t~ City of ~eim upon sai~ Application on ~ ~, 19~2, ~tice of which 8ai~ 14 ~bliC' hearl~ ~e ~ given as require~ bY law ~ City 0~e No. ~; 15 W~, eal~ Co.lesion, after ~ue inspection, investi~tion a~ a~ies 1~ ~e b~ itself ~ in its be~lf, ~ after due consideration of all evi~e~e a~ 17 report~ offere~ at eai~ h~ri~, ~oe~ f~ a~ dete~e the followi~ f~t~: 18 1:. There app~r to be ~. ~ept~io~l circ~stancea applicable to the Sub~ Propert~ other t~n the fact t~ a Res~u~nt alr~ exists on the pro 1~ petty ~ t~t while it is presentl~ Zone~ aa ~A, ~ai~ential ~ri~- t~l, it also carries a possible ~, General Co~ercial Classification 20 which pemit~ Re~tau~ts. 21 2. ~e gr~ti~ of this Vari~ce wo~ give the Applic~t the s~e property ri~ts e~oyed by 'ether~s in the ~e wichita. 3. ~e g~mtl~ of the Vari~e wo~ not ~vereel2 ~ffect other property ~ in the s~e vicinity, provide~ ~eq~te 0ff~treet Park~ Is provl~. 24 N~,' T~, BE. IT ~S0L~ t~t the City P~i~ Co~lssion recomme~ tc the City Co~cil of the City of A~'he~ t~t Application No. 163 for a Var~ce to 25 e~arge the present Re~ta~t be ~t~. subject to the follow~ co~ition~ 26 1.. T~t no ~il~i~ l,e e~ecte~ less t~ 60 feet from the center line of ~st Center ~treet. 27 2. T~t no buil~ exte~ more t~ 160 feet from the front property li~e. 28 3. ~t park~ be pe'~itte~ on the bal~ce of ~t 3 o~. ~. T~t ~ ~eq~te easement be grante~~ for a sewer line alo~ the 29 Center Street frontage. 30 1952.T~ F0~I~G ~0~TION is ~i~e~ and approved by me this 5th ~y of 51 52 AT~ST~ O~I~ ~ 0ITY P~ING O0~ISSI0~ ~EO~Y-~A~ CITY P~ING C0~ISSION COUNTY O~ 0~; ) 2 C~ O~ ~ ) ~. l, ~. ~. ~GALL, Secre~r~ of the O~t~ P~i~ Commiss~on of the C~t~ of 5 A~eim,' hereby certify t~t the fore~oi~ Reao~ution 6 a Re~r ~eet~ of the Cit~ Pl~tn~ Co~isa~on off the City of ~e~m, hel~. 7 on t~e ~th ~7 of ~y, 1~2, by the fo~lov~ ~ote of the members thereof~ 8 A~$: ~M~ISSZO~.: ~pgood, '~l~ke, Riutcel. 'Sch~her, S~ers, 9 ~o~.on a~ ~11. NOES= ~IS510~ None. 10 ~ ~I~SS ~F, I ~ve her~o set my 14 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 50