PC 1952-1953-19 WHEREAS, The 0ity Planning 0ommission of the City of Anaheim-has received a petition from' the propert~ c,wner(m) of certain real property situated in the 0ity cf ~_heim, 0ounty ef .Orange, State of 0alifornia, described as follows: The l(~ of' the ~ of Lot 9, _a,~h~:hn ~xtension, known as 1522 - 1540 F~st Center Street; requesting permi~sion to ~ivi~e the frontage ly!ug along ~ast Center Street into three (3)parcels, 60 feet by 150 feetl ?6.56. feet by 150 feets a~ 130 Ceet by 150 feet. ~he ?6.%6-foot lot would contain an existing Single ~amil7 Dwellt__~g. The owner is Mrs. Lena Bastian', 1528 F~..st 0enter Street, a-_4 the property, ia presently zone~ ~-A, Residential-Agricul- rural. WHEEEA$, ~he Cit~ planning Oommissien did ~ld m ~blic ~i~) mt the ~it~ ~il in the Gi~y ef ~eim upon smi~ Petition on New~te~ 3~ NOTIOES 'of which said ~bltc Eearir~(~) were d~y given required by 1mw and the provisions of ~ ~0IP~ 00DE, Section 9200; ~, Said 0o~ission, ~fter due inspection, investigation a~ StOics ~e by i~self ~ in i~s be~lf, ~ after due consideration of all evidence m~ re- por~s Offere~ at said He~ri~(~),. does find and determine the followi~ facts: 1. ~re are e~ti0~ circ~a~ce applic~ble ~o the Subject P~pert~ One (1) Acre ~quir~ent per ~t of t~ ~A Zone ~ establish~ to dl~co~e in- discr~i~te ~tti~ ~ of lots t~t might integers with ~e street' p~ use of the 1~. 2.Se ~t~ of the V~ will pe~it the A~ltc~t to 'eco--micall~ ~ivt~e her ~ ~ ~co~---e wi~ a proposed pl~ for the ~. ] ~ ~e g~ti~ of the V~O~ ~ not be detr~ental to t~ p~lic welfare or to other properties in the N0~, T~, B~ iT ~S0~ t~t the ~IM.OI~ P~G ~ISSION recom- me~ to ~he Oit~ 0o~cil of the 0ity of 4~e~ t~t V~ ~PLICATION N0. 175 be g~nted (~ , subject to the followl~ r~uir~ents~ 1, ~e ~iCa~ion to the City of A~ahe~ of a strip ~0~ ~.Center Street to ~low for the ~t~e wi~e~ of ~st 0enter Street to a width of 50 feet from t~ center line off the street tc the'property. 2. An~ l~uil~inge erected'on these lots to hmve a set-~mck bas~l on the future' width ~. Dedication 'to' the City of Amaheim Of a 40-foot strip along the rear of this mcremge i to pe~it the ~tenelon o~ ~ filt~ of a ~co~ of Om~, ~owi~' the ~i~8ion of the Subject Property. Tt~ 'FOEEGOIN~ RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me %his 3rd ~ of, Nowember, , sTATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY O~ ORANGE I! Rer ~, MUN~A~L! Secretaryof the 0ity P~nnin~ Commission of the City of Anaheim, ~o hereby certify tlu~ the foregoing RE~LUTI0~ ~. 19 - S~RL~ 1~Z-53 was pasSe~r a~ a~opte~ ~t ~ Regular Meeting of the City Planning ~mmission of the 0ity of Anaheim,'held on the 3~ day of ~ove~er, 1952 ~y the 'following ~te ef the me. ers thereof: AYES:. ~MM[SSIONERS: Gmuer, NaPgoo~, ~l~ke, Riuteel, Summers, Thompso~ an~ E WI~SS ~RE02 I;h~ve hereunto set my h~ this 3r~da,v e~ ~ovem~er, 1952.