PC 1954-1955-3 , A ~0L~ION OF'~E CITY P~G CO~SSION 0F ~E CI~ OF 1 ~, The City Plying C0~ssion of ~e City. of~e~ has received a '.Verified Petition from C; LOUISE ~TR~W, 706 North J~Ss'Street~ An~e~, C~iforn~ . Z as o~er,~ JOs~ C. TR~AW, .513 H~Pshire Avenue, ~e~, 'C~ifornia as Au~orize~ Ag~t' r'.eqUest~g pe~sSi°n ~t° erect a W0~ 'S CL~OUSE for the ~ssist~ce Lea~ S of An~e~ 0n a p~cel~ of re~ :p~op~ ~ocatea '°r~ge,' State of C~ifornia ~escribed as: ~ ' The westerly 122 feet 0f ~e Southerly 108 feet~' Pl ~ Tract No. 1054. The pr0Per~ is ~her describe~ as berg the not,east x corn~ of West Ve~ont Avenue ~d Sou~ L~oh 8~eet. ~e property is 6 presently zon~ as R-l, SINGLE F~LY R~ID~TIAL. ~, The City Planning Cohesion di~ hold a ~blic He~g at the City ~ H~ in ~'e City of ~ahe~, on ~esday, 8 HE~G ~e d~y given as req~red ~ law ~d the proviz,ions of ~e ~EIM ~I- CIP~ CODE, section:. 92~; ~d 9 ~, Said Co~missio~ ~ter :due inspection,; investigation ~d ~t~ies m~e · ,. .by i~sel~ ~d' ~ its beh~f: ~d ~e~ ~due :consideration of; ~ ~. 10 offere~ at said He~ing~ does find ~d deterge the following: 11 1. The Pr0P~rtY~ directly:.west :of SubjeC~ Property is zone~ R-2, ~ Re'sidenti~~- 'or possible income ProperS. 2. THe pr~per~ to'the~ south is zoned as C-l, Neighborhood Co~erci~ with a 1~ P.L. Zone,. ~ong. Vermont. A~nue lA 3. The property to the~n0rth~.i~ to be b~lt upon by Joseph Tr~aw wi~ a simgle f~i~ resid~ce. : ' 4. The proposed: bu~d~g to be ;erected w~l be residenti~ ~ ch~aCter. . 5. 'Of~s~r~t p~k~g' will~ be provided ~1; T~e providing o~:. off_Street p~king 'as req~red bY the ~.~ 19 :~ 2. T~ :inst~i~t?n Of curbs ' ~20. L~on S~r~et. R.. S.. S~S, Chai~ · ~E~ CI~ P~NING CO~SSION :; ~ ATT~T: ~B CO~ .OF O~GE ) ss. I, R. ~f. ~G~L, secretly of the City Plying Co~ission of the City of · ~8 An~e~, 'do hereby` certi~ that the forego~g R~OL~ION NO. 3 - S~I~ 1954-55, was .passed ~d adopted by a motion d~y made, seconded ~d c~ried at a Re~ ~ Meet~g O~ the City: Pl~ning.Oommission of the City of: An~e~, held on the 6~ d~ of ~y,: t954.- : - .: -. ...... ~0 IN WI~ESS' ~EOF, I have hero,to set ~ h~h d~ of J~y, 1954.