PC 1955-1956-31 RESOLUTION N0,' ~l. SERIES 1~55-56 A EESO~.UTION OF T~E CITY PLAN~i~G COMMISSION 0~ T~ CI~ O~ ~ 1 ~, ~e City Pl~n~g Oo~ission of the City of ~eim ~s received ~ a Verified Petition f~m ~ O~G~, 500 South ~nut Street. ~aheim, ~ 2 0mltfo~ia, as o~er of a ceftin parcel of r~ property sit~t~ in the 0iff  A~teim, Cowry of 0~nge, S~ate of Oalifo~im, described as follows: , ~ts 78 a~ 79 of Trot No. 2402 ~d furtl~r describ~ as the ~ 4 corner of ~clid Avers a~ 0r~e Avenue. ~ 5 ~e applicant requests ps.lesion to erect a~ ope~te a se~ice station .~ on the above describ~ property. ~e property is presently classifi~ 7 ~, ~e City PI~ Co~i~sion did ~ld a ~bltc H~r~g ~t the City ~l in the City of ~aheim, on Septe~er 6, 1955, NOTI~S of which said ~blic 8 Hearing were duly given as required by law ~d the p~visions of the ~.~;ICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; ~d ~ W~. Said Commission, after due inspection, investtgatiom and st~ie~ ~ 10 ~de by itself and tn its be~lf and ~ter due consideration of ~1 evidence ~, r~orts offered ~t s~id ~G, does find ~d de~e~ine the follo~ng fact~: ~ 1. The applicant origt~lly request~ ~ ~classfftcatio= a~ this 12 denie~ by the City Co~cil wit~ut predjudice, who requested t~t the applicant file for a Variance. 1~ 2. ~clid Avenue ~s been desi~ted ~= a ~Jor ~treet which will car~ hea~ traffic. lA 3. ~e applic~t is t~i~ these lot~ from a Single Family' Subdivision a~ ap~rently believe~ t~t it will not be detr~ent~ to the ~ub- ~T G~T$ V~N~ N0. 410 S~OT ~: 17 ~ 1. ~e installation o~ full street i~rovements on ~c!td Avenue with 18 curbs set at 41 feet from the centerline of ~clid Avenue. 2. ~e ~stallation of ~11 street i~rovements on O~nge Avenue w~th ~ 19 curbs set at 20 feet from the centerline of 0r~e Avenue. 20 ~ ~ING ~S0~ION tz ~i~ed a~ ~oprnva~ 17 mn tb~e 6th day of ~ September, 1955. ~R~ CITY P~RIG CO~ISS ION 26 CITY 0ff ~IM ) 28 I, R. W. }~$AI,T,, Secret~ of the Oi~y Pl~g Oo~=i=ston of the City of 29 ~eim, ~o hereby certify t~t %he foregoing ~SO~I017 NO. 31 - SERI~ 195~-~6, ~ passe~ a~ ~opte~ b~ ~ motion ~uly m~e, ~eoon~ea ~n~ carrie~ mt the ReUalar ~O Meeting of the City PI~C Co~ission of ~he 0i~y of An~eim, hel~ on ~he 6th a~y of September, 19~. IN WI~SS W~O~, I ~ve hereto set my ~~th day of September, ~2