PC 1955-1956-180 ~, The City Pla~ng Co~ssion of the City of ~e~ ~s received ~ a Ver~ied Petition from ~T~ C. ~ 827 South W~nut Street~ ~he~A~ C~i- for~ as o~er of a certain p~cel of real p~perty sit,ted ~ the City of ~ ~he~ Co~ty of Orange~ State of C~or~a~ described as follows: ~ A portion of ~t 12~ ~ahe~ Investment Tract~ begi~ng at a point in the centerline of W~nut Street dist~t 4~.01 feet South of the 5 centerline intersection of W~nut Street a~ Crone Avenue; thence Wester~ p~el ~th the centerline of Crone Avenue 3~.00 feet; 6 thence at right angles Norther~ ~0.O0 feet; thence ~sterly p~a- ~el ~th said centerline of Crone Avenue 3~.83 feet to the center- ~ line of W~nut Street~'. thence Souther~ ~ong said centerline ~0.00 feet to the po~t of begi~ng. The prope~y is f~her described 8 as 12lO Chateau Avenue. The property is present~ class~ied as R-l~ ~SINGLE F~LY ~E~. 9 ~S~ The City Pla~ng Co~ssion did ~ld a Public Hearing at the lO City ~ in the City of ~~ on ~y 7, 1956, NOTIC~ of w~ch said Public Hearing were dS given as req~red ~ law ~d the provisio~ of the A~,~ 11 ~EC~ ~DE~ Section 92~ a~ 12 ~, Said ~ssion, ~ter due inspection, investigation ~ studie: ~de ~ itse~ and in its be~ ~d ~ter due consideration of ~ 1 e~dence and 13 repo~s offered at said He~ing, does find and dete~ne the follo~ facts: 14 1. The prope~y is large ~th a ~me of such size t~t is too l~ge for the average f~. 18 2. There is a need for Pre~c~ol Day N~series in the City due ~ the large n~ber of mothers ~rki~. 16 3~ The subject prope~y is ac~ss the street from a ~me for the Aged a~ ne~ the Luther~ Home. 17 4. The ~ti~ of the V~i~ce shoed ~t be detr~ent~ to other p~pe~ies in the area~ 18 NOW, T~E, BE IT ~OLV~ T~T TI~ ~E CI~ P~NG ~ESSION 19 NO. 538. 20 T~ ~RE~ING ~L~ON is signed a~ approved ~ me t~s 7thdayof ~ M~. 1~56. 21 2~ A~ ~~: ~~'~t~' "~~ ~ ~~~~' . . . , ~~ CI~ P~NG ~SSION 26 STf, OF ) 27 CI~ OF ~~ ) 28 I~ R. W. I~G~ Secreta~ of the City Pla~ng Co~ssion of the City of ~he~ do here~ cert~ t~t the forego~g ~SOL~ION NO. 180 - S~IES 29 1955-56, was passed and a~pted ~ a ~tion d~y ~de, seco~ed ~ c~ried at a Re~ Meeting of the City Pl~ng Co~ssion of the City of ~he~ held 50 on the 7th ~y of May, 1956. 51 1956. IN ~T~S ~F~ I ~ve here~to set ~ ha~~ ~7th day of M~ R. W. M~T.T.~S~reta~ ~~ CI~ P~~CO].~SSIO~