PC 1955-1956-2041 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ~2 ~ 13 14 15 16 17 38 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3C Sl ~a< , , _ .,. ,__ >>.... . _ ~ '~ ° E~;, ,`r~,m ~`. ~~ ` ItSSOIAPfION fR). 204 - SHR_~;, .lySS«56 ~~ ~~'n r '! . '~ ------~ - • ~i ~ RESOWfION OF THB CI7'X P1ANtYING Nd~lTSSIQN OF 1HE CETY OP. ANAHEIM ', GRAN'fIidO A SPBCIAL IISH PFRMIT ' I t~t~AS~ z3ie ~ity Yisaaiag commiBSios~ of the Cify oi Aaal~eim hes reeeived ' at R~uea4 that a Snecial Use Pesmit be ~zaated fram DONALD D. WLLIS of IV/W ~«T+.:...C '"~+ w~~~ ~.~..~.v°v-::Or~ C» v:Sv'v:~ ~ "w :..~"^t.w~ ."..5iiivrau'a.~ oo vwucsa vi 'o C@Y= ~~~ taia parce~ o€ reul propertq sitaated in the Citq o£ Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of Califorriia~ described as feilovtas Loi:s 102~ 103 and 104 of Tract No. 2659. . 'tbe~ agpliaauta requeat permiae3a~ ~~ 2'-vFia2Y'3C~ e 81P'+~i9itiya@~ FUc~i ~ nad as aoon as practical, a Coasmuaity C1ub House. Thie 3s an unclssaiFied use aad sub3ect to Rev~iew. • , Alf~,RHl13. The Citq 1~2asmina Commiesion did h41d a Public FIeasinR at the Citq Hall ia the , City a~ ;Anah~im, on Ja~tse 4~ 1956, NOTI(:S3 of oPhich said Public H~aring t~ere duly givea aa re¢luired by laa and the provieioma of the ANA}PSIM DftiNICIPAL.C~B~ Sectioa 9200; and ' T~f1RREAS~ Said C.rmnissioa, after due inspsction~ issvestigation aad m~tttiies made by itse3f and im :,ts >behalf aad af ter .due cs~ttsirieratioa of all evideiace aad r~ports offered et said Heariag, does find ead determine the foilowing facta; 1. The pmper~ty owners are sequesting permission to uae the lotis being oo:~~ ~=;,tha .•~,y~es Ee: :~,° ~~°.~. 2. 1'his use~ a striaaning pool and clubhouse facilitieo shouid nat be dttrimeatai to 4he area. ~.L°1„°.90 ':~:13~°P.,~•P:?~ E° r': :'..°,.~..^,:::°D 'Ii'u'ai i"rNR AT'viT~TIfFA CI'iY i'?L~iavi~ii~ia L""vru~n'auaZvi~ I~REBY G1iA14T5 A 5P8CIAL USH PP1tMIT 'iV USB L(Yl'S 102~ 103~ AAID 104 IN TRACT N0, 2659 POIi A SWIMMY*Il~ POOL ~AND CLIIB HOIJSE S9j~ ACCESSORY BVILITINGS ~ SiIBJBG'r 1q: Y. "'Y~cting a 6 foot Masoar; vrall aurround€ng Ehaae fac~Iitiea. 2. :i..~~e faciiities ahnil nat be rented out to 8nq othera aot living in Ts,aet:Nc.'2639. ' TH~ FORP.QOIN3 1tt3SQLUTION is ffiiga~d and approved bq rae this 4th dsp ef June, 1936. A. 5. SUlrIIdHRS ~ Cht~irA~ AAiA&i~IM CITY PIAtlNING COINMI3SION ATTEST: R. W. MiJfi~ALL, Secseterq ANAHf3IM CITY PYANAIING C~4dISSION ~TATB OF CALSFORATIA ) COUNPY OP ORANGE ) ss. CY1R OP ANAHEIM ) • T~ R. W. MUNGALL. Secrctasy of the Ci4q P1aan3ng Qamm3saioa of the City of Aasheim~ 4a herebq.eertify 2hat the foregoin~ RBSOUTfIAW N0. 204 - 3ERIE3 1935-56. wa~ pa~aed aod ~dopted by a motion duiy made~ aeconded aad carricd st d~eguisr ldeetin~ of the Cifi~ Planaiag Coimnission of the C3ty of Anshefm~ held on the 4th of Juae~ 1936. ' YH 4+RTNH3S ~TfieREOF~ I have hereunto se4 my hand 4hi.s 4th day of June, 1936. R. ~t. Ni~NGAI.L, 5ecretary AIdAHHYM CITi' PIAIdNING COA9lYS9ICN _._ _ __ ~`:'. ~ ..~