PC 1956-1957-111 RESOLUTION NO. 111 - SERIES 1956-$7 A RF. SOI3JTION OF THM CITY PLANNING COMHISSION OF THE CiTY OF ANAH~.I~,.' GRANTING VARIANCE NO. ! [~H~RBA$, The City Plamning Commtssiom of the City of Anahelm'ms received 2 Verified Petition from HARRY A. AND AGNES B. iFaPER. 4~.F South Ohio Street, Anaheim, California, ms O~mers of a certain parcel of real property situated ~ in the City of Anaheim, Coun*.y of Orange, State of California. described as fo llow~: ~ot I~, B~ock ^ of Tract No. 2~$ m:d further describe~ a~ the 5 address. 6 The appiicants request pe~ission ~o erect a ~hree bedroom D~EI,I,ING and ~SR~S, Thc City Pl~ing Com~ission did held ~ h~b3ic ~earing at ~he Hall in She City of Au~hei~ on December 3. ]956, NOTICES of which amid ~bllc 8 Hearing were duly g~vcm ~s re~u~red by ].mw ~nd the provis~ons of the ANimiSt ~NICIPAL CODE, Section 9~00: and 9 W~AS, Said, Commlssto~, after due inspection, investi.~'atiou and ~tudies [0 made by &~seif mhd in its behalf and after due co~mider~tion of al~ evidence ~1 ~d reports offered in zaid Hearing, does find and de~e~ne the following facts: 1. The ptoper~y is a~ the Northeas$ corner of lVezt S~ta Aha mhd ~ ~;~h Ohio S~reets. 2, There i~ a small dwell'rig at the rear of tee lot that faces ,~a~a 13 t, na Street, 3. The Southern P~ctfic Railroad ~racks rl~r~ pas/ fha property on 14 Aha S~reet. 4. ~ new dwel~n~ on ~he fron~ of the lo~ ~ill improve ~be appearance 15 [)hio Street. 16 ~)N, /}IERE~R~, ~ IT RESOLVED ~AT ~ ANAHEI~ CITY PL.A~/N~ O3~[ISSION }IE~MY GPANTS VARIANCE NO. 6~8. 17 ~ ~OR.PC~1'5~ K~SO~TIOM is Mt~ed a~d approved by ~e this 3rd day of 18 December., 1956, 19 .... ,,,.~., CITY ~ik~ CO~iSSiC)N A. W. ~N~ALL,~cre~arv~ -- 2~ A~I~ CITY P~~ 24 STA~ O~ ~.l. IFO~ ) '~INTY 0P ORANGB ) 25 CITY OM ANAHFIM ) Anaheim, do hereby certify tho~ the fore~o~mg RPSOLUTION NO. ~.11 - SPRIE~ ]956- 27 57, %v~s passed and adopted by a mo~ion duJy made, seconded and~rr.[ed a~ ~ Regular M~m~ of the City Plannin~ Commission, held on khe 3rd day of December, 29 1956,IN wrFN~SS WI~OF, 1 have hereunto set my Ilan~~r~r~ day of December, ANA~IM OITY P~~CO~HISSION