PC 1956-1957-116 RESOLUTION NO. 115 - SF. RII~S 1956-$7 A RESOLUTION OF TH~, CITY PLANNING COM~'IISS]ON OF THF.". C~ UP ANAI~IM ~ING VAR~ANC~ NO. 67'1 ~I1]REAS, The City Plannln~ Comm[~on of the City of Anaheim has received a ~ Verified ~etitton from H. J, BMLSI~, 3f56 Masbton Avenue, Lo,~g Beach, ~alifornia, as ~er of a certain parcel of real proper*y situated in the City of Anaheim, a County of Orange, State of California, described an follows~ 4 The ~ast sid~ of S~an~on Av~n~e. 1~3 feet North of Ball ~oad, 5 The applicant requests permission to erect an eight-unit Motel with Living Quarters, Laundry and Garage. 6 ~llBAE, The City Planning Co~issto~ did hold a I'ubltc Hearing at ~he City 7 Hall t. thc City of Anaheim, on Decembe~ 3rd, 1056, NOTIC6S of which said Public Hearing weze duly given as =equired by law mud the provisions of the ANAI~I~I 8 ~NIC'IYAL COD~, Sect/on 9200{ and 9 ~R~S, 9al~ Commission, after due inspectio., t.vesti~atio, a~ made by itself a~d tn its behalf ara after due consideration of all evidence 10 and reports offered as said Hearing, does find and determi=e the rollins 11 1. The uppltcant orlgt.ally requested reclussiftcmtton of the subject property to C-3, }~A~ CO~RCIAI. which was gramted by the Commission 12 in as much as a ~otel was proposed to be erected. 2. The City Coumcll at their Hearing on thc R~classtf/cation ~:equested 15 ~hat the applicant withdraw his petition for reclassification and file for a Variance for the s~e¢iftc use oi a Motel, 14 3. The granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to other pro- pc-ties in the area. 15 4. The question of the extension of the Service Road put in by the Su~tvid~r to the North wa8 Felt ~o be his responsibility to con- 16 ttnue through to Stanton Avenue for riff. image purposes, and not obltgatlon of the o~er of the subject property. 17 NOW, ~IUP~RE, ~ !T RESOLI~D ~l!T ~ AN}~E!M CITY P~I~ CO.~SIISSION 18 I~R~BY G~S VAR~C~ NO. 674. 19 ~t~ ~REGOI~ ~SO~TION is si~ed a~ approved by m~ thla 3rd dzy of December, 19~6. ~. 9. ~?~RS, Clmirman ' R.W. :gd~aLL~{cretary ~& A~}~IM CITY P~{IMI~ COMMISSION 25 STA~ OF O~FOP, NIA ) ~6 CITY O~ A~I~IM ) 27 . I, R. ~. ~N~,LI,, Seczetacy of the City Plannin~ Com~i~sio~ of the City : of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoi~i RESOLUTION N0. 116 - SqRI~S "~8 1056-S7. was paased amd adopted by a ~otlon duly made, secomded and at a Re~ula= Meeting of the City Plamning Commission. held o~ the Mrd day 29 ember, ~0 IN WI~S8 ~EO~, I have hereunto set my h~d day of December,