PC 1956-1957-6 RBSOLUTION 'NO. 6 - SRRI~S 1956-$7 A RE. SOLUTION OF 1~I~ CITY PLANNING CON~iISSION OP TH~ C~ O~ ANA}~IM G~ING VARIANC~ NO. ~R~AS~ ~e Cfty Planning Commission of the City of A~ah~[~ h~s received ~. Verified Petit{on from VaT~NS OF FOreIGN WARS OF ~.~ UNITED STATES OF AM~RI~, 106 North Philadel~i~ia Street, An~helm, California, as Applicants, I~Y 5 1023 Liberty Lane, Anaheim, California, as Authorized Agent of a celtain parcel 4 California, described as follows: 5 That portion of Lot 39 of Anaheim ~XtensioD, f~rther described as mt the Nor.~hwes~erly corner of sald Lot 39; ~hence Southerly along the 6 Westerly line ~hereof 235 fee~, more or less; thenc~ ~as~erly as me~sured. righ~ singles from said Westerly llne 2~7.O2 feet; ~hence'Northerl~ along ~ line parallel wt~h said Westerly line of Lo~ 39 to a point in.the Northerly Ii~e' of Lot 39, said point .be~ distant 257 feet, more or Less, from ~he 8 Northwes~ corner of said Lot 39; thence Westerly 257 feet, more or less, to the point. 'Rxcepting therefrom the Northerly 50 feet and the Westerly 9 33 fee%, which is used for stree~ purpo&es. The property is further des- cribed as the Soutll~ corner of'West 'La P~lm~ Avenue and North West S%reet. The ~pplican~s reques~ permission to erect a t-~ildtng to be us'ed for Offices ~i 'and A~sembly Hall. ~ ~S, ~e City Planning Commission did hold a Public lle~ring at the.City .Hall in She City of Anaheim, on july 16, 1956, NOTICES of which s~td Public Hear- 15 ~g were duly given as required by l~w and the provisions of the AN~IM ~NICIPAI ~P~, Section 9200; ~d ~AS, S~td Commissien, after due inspection, ~vestigation ~d studies . 1~ mst%~ .by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of ali evidence and reports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine the following facts: !. ~e subject property is o~ed by the City of An~eim a~ contains 17 t~ reservoirs for water a~d a drainage ditch go~s through the propezty, which represents an unusual condition on the .proper'ry. ~8], 2. ~e proposed use for an assembly hall and offices, w~th ~ attrac- 19[~ ~ive building represents a good use of the ~roperty. ~W, ~E~MO~, BE IT ~SOL~D ~T ~E A~IM CI~ PM~I~ CO~gilSSION 20 1~BY G~S VARIANCE NO. ~88 SUBJECT ~: 21 t. The. deering to the City 0f Anahe~ of 20 feet along Wes~ La Palms Avenue 'and 2 feet along North West Street for street widening. 22 2. ~e installation of curbs and gutters along both s~reets. 3. ~e installation of improved off-s~reei parking on the proper~y. ~ ~GOINO ~SO~TION ts signed and approved by me this '16~h day of July, 24 19~6. 25 ' R.S. Su~ks, Chairman 26 . A~IM CI~ P~NNING CO~ISSION ~9 ANA~IM CI~ P~ING~ISSION 50 STA~ OF ~LI~ORNIA ) COU~ OF O~N~ ) 51 C~ O~ A~ ) ? ~ I, R. W, ~UNGALL, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of i) Anaheim, do. hereby .certify that the'foregoing P~SOLUTION NO. 6 - SBRIES 1956-57, ;"' 2 was passed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and carried at a Regular :: Meeting of the City Planning. Commission o~ the. City of Anaheim, held on the 16th "".~ ~ of' July, 1956. ':::~"~ '45 IN ~SS ~OP, I have hereunto set .mY~~~h s 6th day of July~ 21056... '".~' 6 ' "R.: W'. ~N~LL, Spcr~tary' ~' Am~IM C~ P~~ CO~SSION ~: 10 ~ ,. 11 ~. q -~ ~ ,16 .1 . 29