PC 1956-1957-87 A RBSOLUTION OF THB CITY PI~NNING CO~MISSION OF THZ.' CITY OF ~__ .... GRANTING V^.RIANCI~ NO. 650 ~BT~BAS, The City Planning Co~issfon of the Cf~ of Anaheim has received 2 ~ Verified Petition fro~ ALT~ A, DI~TSCH, 817 No~th SabOn[ Street, Califo=n~a, ~a O~er of a certa[~ parcel of real p=operty situated in the 3 of Anaheim, County of Orange, S~ate of Ca[ifo=n~a, described as 4 Lot 23, Bloc~ A, of Tract No. 530 and is located at 817 North Sabi=a Street The applicant ~equests per~lssion to continue to use the ~ea~ buildi=~ on 5 lot as ~o Apa~ents. 6 WI~AS, The City Plannin~ Oo~tssion did hold a ~ublic Hearln8 at the City llal! in the Cit~ of Anaheim, on November 5, lr,56, N~ICES of ~hich said Public 7 }tea~taZ were dul~ ~iven as required by la~ and the provisions of the ~NICIPAL CODE, Section ~200~ and 8 ~R~S, Said Co~m[ssios, after d~e ~nspection, ~svest~atAon and studies 9 ~ade by Itself and in its behalf and afte~ due consideration of all evidence and reports offfered a~ said Hearing, do~s find and determine the followin~ 1. The property is presently classified as 11 2. Th~ ~ea~ un~ has been ~sed for two f~l~es fo~ some ti~e. ~. A new dwelling has been bu~l~ on the fron~ of the lot improving the 12 appearance of the street. 4. The granting of the variance will ~ot be detri~ental to other 13 properties tn the area. ~RBBY G~I~S VA~IA~2 NO. 6SO. 15 ~fl PO~I~ RBSOLUTION ts sf~ned and approved by ae this Sth daF of 16 November, 19~6. 18 Am~)4 C~TY ~N~ CO~xSS~o~ . W. ~LL, ~retarv- ' ~Y OF O~NaE ) a5 CITY OF ANA~Ila ) ~4 I, R, W, R~I~ALL~ Secretary of the City Pia~i~ Commiss~n o~ the City ~nahe~ do hereby certify that the ~o~eRoin~ ~SOLI~XON NO, 87 - SiRiES a5 ~as ~assed a=d adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and carried at a ~eetin~ of the City P1anni~S Co~ission, held on %he Sth day of November, i9S6. a6 IN WiT~5S ~REO~, I have hereunto set ~y hand~~ day of November 50 51