PC 1956-1957-235 P~ESOLUTION NO. 235 ~ SEKI~S 1956-57 A P.~SOLUTION OF T}~ CiTY PLANNING COM~ISSION OF THE CITY OP ANAHEIM ~_-__~ GT~ANTING VARiANC~ NO. 751. 1 WHERe. AS, The City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has received a ~ /~RIPI~D PETITION from J. F. and ~-UGENIA [,l~Y SNYDRR, ,"642 Cypress Street, Anaheim, ~alif~rnia, as Owners of a certain pa=~l of real property situated in the. City of 5 ~naheim, County of O~nge, State of California, described as fo!lows: 4 Begirming at a point 475..25 feet North of the Southwest cuner of said Lot 4 and running thence Northerly along the West line of said lot 120 feet; thence 5 Rastezly parallel with the North line of said lot to a point which .is distant 215 feet Easterly measured along said parallel line or the extension thereof, from the centerline of Cypress Avenue; thence Southerly parallel with the 6 West line of said Lot 4, 120 feet; thence Westerly along a line para!lel to 7 the Northerly lilte of said iot 4 to the point of bg~nning and described further as 764). Cypress Street. 8 The a~plfcants request permission to cut off one lot from the above parcel. 9 .~S, The, City Planning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the City 10 {ali in the Cit7 ,of Anaheim, on.~a¥ 20, 1957 NCTIC~$ of which ssit Public Hearin~ ~ere duly ~iven as. required by law and the provisions of the ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL 11 ;OD~, Section 9~00; and lg. W~R~AS, Said Commission., after due inspection, investigation add studies ~ade by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and 15 :eports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 14 l. The parcel is 1).0 feet wide by 215 feet deep. 2. There is a single family dwelling on the property at present. 15 3. It'.is desired to erect another sinEle family dwelling on the parcel cu~ off. 16 4. The propert~ is presently classified as R-A, R~.SID~.NTIAL AGRICULTURAL. 5. The 'lots will have 12,900 square feet each. 17 NOW, T~FOR~ m:. IT RESOLVED THAT TH~ ANAH~I~ CITY PLANNING CO~94ISSION ~',~EBY GRANTS VARIANCE NO.. 751 SUBJECT TO: 18 19 1. The installation of curbs, and gutters along Cypress Street.. 2. The .in~tallation of sidewalks at'such a time as they are put in by other ~0 property owners on the street. ~l 1957.THB I~C~ING RF~OLUTION is signed and approved by me this 20th day of May, 2~ -- R. ~1 SUFPiF~S, Chairman- ANAHRIM CiTY PLANNING CON,MISSION 24 25 26 R. W-. MUNCALL, Secretary %NAHRIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 27 ~fAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) 28 :OUN~Y OP 0RANCh' ) ss. ~ITY OP ANAHEIM ) 29 I, R. W. MUNGALL, .Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of ~0 lnaheim, do hereby certify that the forego/nj RBSOLUTION NO. 235 - SER~S I956-57 las passed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and carried at an Adjourned '~I {egular Meeting of the City Planning Commission held on the 20th day of May, 1957. 5p~ IN WITNP-SS WHiP. EOF, I have he,unto set my hand this 20th day of May, 1957. R. W. MUN~ALL, Secretary .... ANAHBIM CITY PLANNING C0~ISSION