PC 1956-1957-255 '~IO~ ~0. 255 - ~ 1956. A ~$0~.UTION 0F T~iE CITY PT~G COM~[ISSION 0F T~ CITY 0F AN~.!u i~EC0~ar~NDI. NG TO T~ CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY 0F Ar~ T~ t~CI~SIFICATION NO. F-56--57-79 B~ APPRO%,~u W~iEREA$, The City pl.~ng Co~ssion of Lhe City of ~-~eim has receiveu a Verified Petit~ca from %he property owner(s) of cer~ r~ proper%~ si%~%ed ~ ~e Cl%F of~e~, Co~%y of 0~ge. S~%e of ~fo~a. ~escrihed as follow: P~cel 1 - Co~enc~g at a po~t 25 feet Southerly ~he Nor=herly ~u~ry !~e ~ 6S feet Westerly of ~d me~ured at ri~h~ ~les ~o Zhe ~=erl7 ~y 1Lne of tP~t cert~ p~cel of I~ defLned ~ follow: The Sou~h 10.23 a~es of The fondu descried tr=ct c~nc~ mT ~e Northe~t corner of Lo: 11 of An~he~R~ension ~s sh~ on z Map of S~:'ey m~e byWi!i~ H~el filed Office of =he Co=.=7 Recorder of Los ~geles Count~, ~iifo~, s~ c~ncin~ poLn~ ~ ~he ~tersec=ion of the cenTerl~e of ~n=er S~eet ~ =he East l~e of Section 11, T4S, R10W ~d r~g :hence E~terly ~loz~g the centerl~e of Cen:er S~reet 7.69~ cha~s, thenc~ ~u=her!y ~allel wi~h the Westerly 1L~e of sz~ Lot !1, 6.25 ~a~s, thence Westerly p~le! with center S~eet 8 c~s To The Westerly lhe of sa~ Lot 11, thence Southerly ~Iong The Westerly l~e of said ~= 8.86 c~s, thence Easterl~ parallel with C~ter S~reet 11.49 c~ins ~o the Sucti~ l~e ~ thence North along said Section l~e. ~.67 c~s =o She po~t of ~g~g. ?~cel 2 - Lot 94, Tract Nb. 1565 in ~he City of ~he~, Count~ of Or,ge, S~==e of Calif~ as ~r ~p recor- ded ~ ~ok 49, ~ges 20 =o 24 ~cl~sive of ~scell~eous M~ps ~ the Office of the Co~t~ R corder of s~id Co~tT, ~d further descried ~ i940 ~ast center Street. The applicants, T~ A. ~d ~ M. T~, 8511 Placent~ Avenue, C. ~ SM~H, 10835 San~a Monica ~le~d, ~s Angeles, Californ~, ~ 0~ers, C. B. ~, 506 Los ~geles Street, ~e~, ~ Agent, request their Dro~r~ies for C-3, ~%~ C~C~ ~ee Att. Sheet--S, ~e City Pl~nnq~ Co~sSion did hold a ~blic He~ at City U~l in tho Cigy of Snaheim upon said ~F~ ~ITION N0. F-5~57_79 on ~e 17th ~y of J~e , 1957 ~0TICE of w~ch ~blic Hearing.s ~y ~ven as required by law ~d ~ provisio~ of the ~ Mo~ICIP~ CODE, Sec%ion 9200: ~d WHEREAS, Said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and stud/es made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered a% said Hearings, does find and determine 'the following fac%s: 1. The properties being located at the intersection of two major highways is not suitable for residentia/ use. 2. There s.re Service Stations on the two of the other corners. 3. Wi:h suitable Deed Res:rlc~ions for the C-i, N~IGHBOKHOOD C0~V~CL~Lz~ne, there should be nothing detrimental ~o other properties in the ~rea. NOW, TH]~0RE, BE IT .RESOLVED THAT T~ ANAHEIM CITY PL~IN~ COMMISSION HF2IEBY I{EC0M~$ TO TP~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A/~A~IM THAT P~ECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-79 ~API~OVHD F~R C-3 0NTHAT POKTION O~TH~ PROP~RTIES SHOWN ON TH~ ~MkP ACCO~DINGTOTH~ACCO~PANYING I~TITIONAND C-1 ON THE BAIANCE OF TH~ PROP~TI~S SUBJECT TO: -1- CONTINUATION OF REQUEST: ~ to permit the erection o£ a Service Station at the Southwest corner of An~heim-01ive Road ~ South Placentia Avenue an~ that the balance of the property be reclassified to C-1, N~I~RCRHOOD COmmeRCIAl. The property is l~esentl¥ classi~d as R-A, Pd~SI- D~.N~L AGRICULTURAL and R-i, SINGI~ FAMILY P~SID~.NTIAL. 1. The deeding of 20 feet to the City of Anaheim along P/acentia Avenue for street widening. 2. The filing of Stsndard Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim for C-l, N~ IGHBORROOD CONtW~RCIAL. 3. Engineer ing Requirements. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 17th day of June, 1957. CHAIR~ ANANEIN CITY PLANNING C0~MISSION ATTEST: SECRETARY ANANEIM CITY P~ING C0.~NISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Ss. CITY 0FANANEIM ) I, R. W. MUNGALL Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify %hat the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. ~ 255 - SERI~S 1956-57 was passed and adopted at an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on the 17th day of 3une , 1957 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COM~ISSIONF~: Dubois, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, ~nompson, and Mungall. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. IN WITNESS WFfEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ~his 17th day of June, 1957. SECRETARY ANA~EIM CITY PLANNING C0~:,iIS$ION -2-