PC 1957-1958-53 _~ ,r,UTION NO. 53 - SERIES 1957-:" ' A RESOLUTION OF TI~E CITY PLANNING C0~ISSION OF T~E CITY OF ANAI/EIM REC0?/MENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAMEIM THAT RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-57-5~-3 ~E..~ppROVED. ~S, The City Pla~ing Commission of the City of Anaheim has received a Verified Petition from the property owner(s) of cer%ain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: See attached sheet. The applicants, JOHN G. BRANDES, ELIZABETH A. and ROBERT ~ALI~CE GORDON, 216 South M~nchester Aveneue, Anaheim, California, as Owners, JOHN G. BRA~, as Authorized Agent, request that the property covered by the above description be reclassified from C-2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL to M-l, LIGHT MANUFACIVJXINC-. The property is further described as being located mt 216-222 South Manchester Avenue, Anaheim, California. WHEREAS, The City PlAnning Commission did hold a Public Nearing at the City Hall in the Ci%y of Anaheim upon said VERIFIED PETITION of RECLASSIFICATION NO. F- $7-$8-$ on the Szd day of September , 1957 , NOTICE of which said Public Hearing was duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and WHEREAS, Said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and studies mTde by itse!fand in its behalf, ~..ud after due consideration of all evidence and repor~.s offered at said Hearings, does find and determine the following facts: 1. The property across the street is presently classi£ied as ~-l. 2. The property is, however, surrounded by C-2, GeLerai Commer~ial, zoned property. 3. There is a church located directly south of the subject property, ffno did not oppose the reclassification~ provided that there was no noise created on Sundays or evenings. 4. With contro~ of the time of operation there should be nothing detrimental to other properties in the area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT TRE ANASEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION HEREBY EECOMM~/~DS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-3 ~EAPI~.,0V~D SUB~CTTO: 1. The filing of Deed Restrictions covering the tyme of buildings to De erected on the property. --~. L~C~L D~//~ION Reclassification F--$7-$$-3 l~arcel 1 - Lot ~ of B~gets A~ti~ ~o ~e~, as sh~ on a ~p recorded ~ Book 3, ~es 2 ~d 3 of M~cel~eo~ Recor~ ~ the Office of the Co~t~ Recorder ~s ~eles County, ~liforn~. ~xce~ the Nort~rl~ 80 feet thereof. ~cel 2 - T~ por~i~ of ~ ~ of Boegets Addition to ~e~, as sho~ on a ~p recorded ~ Book 3, ~es 2 ~d 3 of M~cell~eo~ Recor~ ~ the Office of the ~ty Recorder of L~ ~geles Co~ty, Cal~o~, as des~i~d ~low: at the ~terse~ion of the NOrtherly l~e of said lot with the c~ve c~ve South- ~ster17 ~v~g a radi~ of 8040 fe~ on the Northe~terl7 I~e of the 80 fo~ strip of l~d des~i~d ~ deed fr~ J~es M. S~th ~d wife, to the State of ~lifo~, recorded ~ Book 764, ~e 152 of Offic~l Recor~ of ~e Cowry, ~l~orn~; th~ce North 74° 21· 24" ~ast, 5~.61 feet alon~ sa~ Northerly l~e of ~t F to a po~t S 740 21~ 24" West, 81 feet fr~ the Northe~terly corner thereof; th~ce So~he~terly a po~t ~ the Northerly l~e of West ~o~d~y, 80 feet wide, as described ~ deed to the City of ~e~, receded ~ Book 250, Pa~e 275 of Dee~ of said ~ge Co~ty~ dist~t there~ S 74® 21~ 24" West 80~00 feet from the ~terly l~e of said Lot th~ce S 74o 21~ 24" West 1.68 feet ~ said Nort~rly s~reet I~e to said=ye ~v~ a radi~ of 8040 feet, the c~ter of ~ich ~s S 46° 29~ 21" West from po~t; thence Nort~sterly 107.46 feet alon~ said c~ve, through ~ ~gle of ~ 45~ 57" to the Do~t of ~n~g. 2. Clearing with the Smog Control District on noise level that cannot be exceeded. T,ME FOEEGOINC. RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 3rd day of September, 1957. CNAIRNAN 'ANAHEIM CITY FLANNING C0~ISSION ATTEST: ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY P~ING COMMISSION STATE 0F C~IF0~ ) ~ y' C0~TY 0F 0~GE ) ss. CITY 0F ~IM ) I, R.W. MUNGALL, Secretary of the City Pl.~ng Commiss~n of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify %hat the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. ~$~SERIES 1957-5S was passed and adopted at a Regular Meeting of the City P!~ing Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on the Srd day of September, 1~57 by the following vo~e of the members thereof: AVES: COMMISSIONERS: DuBOIS, HAPGOOD, MAUERHAN, MORRIS, SUMMERS, THOMPSON, and NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: G~LIER. IN WITNESS W~EREOF, I have hereunto set m~h~ 3rd day of September, 1957. -2-