PC 1957-1958-64 W~, The City ?~-~-~g Co~ssion of ~he CI~y of ~-~eim ~-~ received a Verified Petition ~m ~e prope~y o~er(s) of ce~ ~ ~e City of ~e~, Co~mty of 0~e, S~te of ~fo~, described ~ force: (See at~a~ed sheet for ~ ~s~iption) The appli~t, ~s. Dorr~ jo~s~, 6~ Mo~ta~ Avenue, ~rly H~I~, ~orn~, ~ ~er, ~ry S. A~er, 6399 W~sh~e ~e~d, Author~ed ~ent, :equ~t that the subje~ pro~y Nd~h~ho~ C~erc~l to M-2, Hea~/ M~fa~g. w~AS, The City Pl"~n~mE Comm~ssion did hold a Public Hearing at the City w~ l in the City of Anaheim upon said VERIFIED PETITION cf RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-5~-55-~ on the 16th day of September , 1957 , N0.~.CE of which said Public Hearing was duly given as required by law and the provisiors of the AN~E. LH MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and W~EAS, Said Co~*ssion, after due inspection, investigation and studl~s made bF itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearings, does find and determine the following facts: 1. The property was reclassified to C-i, Neighborhood COmmercial, and was given two years to develop. Tb-L~ period is about to elapse. 2. The Riverside F~eeway has ~cquired all of the frontage on Pl~centia Avenue ~ud mos: o~ the ~rontage on ~press $. The property is not suitable now for C-1 use, but could be used for low cost housing, however, it wou/d appear to be best suited for a clean, light iud~t :ia1 use. 4. The applicant intended :o file for M--1 rathe: th~ M-2. NOW, TE~2~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C0~$SION NEZdgBY P~C0~S TO THE CITY COUNCIL 02 THE CITY OF ANANEIM THAT RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-57-$8-~ be approved, sub~ect to: -1- MAIN STREET AY FIFTI~ SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA · KIMBKRLY ~-SS~I * Z~NITH 562J J~ly 23, 1.9.57 Please be advised that the lard vootod in DOER23 jOHNSON, a married woman, i8 described u follouw= All that certain 1L~ sitmated in the 3~ate ~f California, Oomnty of Orange, described as .'~-at portion of Lots Four, Fiv~ and Six of So~th Placentia Tract No. 2, as shown sa a Map recorded in Book 5, page ~2 of ](iocellaneom8 P~ps, .r~cords of Orange County, Ce~eo~ia, described as Begi~ning a% a point in the'center line of the ~treet ex~efldlng along the the poL~ of intersection of said line ~lth th~ N ~r~h®rly line or %~e Westerly ex~.ension thereof, of said L~t Four, ~aid ~oint 'of beEinn. L-~ LbeLu;, at the point of intersectio~ of Mid center 1Lne of ~ald s~reet with the Northerly llne, or ~ne Westerly ex~ension ~hereof, of that ~ertaln 7.~-acre parcel of 1And described in a deed recorded Apr4~l 5th, 1912 .in Book 201, page 19~ of 4~.g ~lor~ ~e We3~rly ~ of sA~ L~ts 2o~r, Five &m~ S~x of sai~ Trac% ~22.13 fee~; thence Easterly, parallel with the ~o~therly line of said Lot S~x, 1362o61 feet ~o a p~int in the center lime of the street extending along the E~s~erly side of sal~ Lot $~, as sh~ ~ sai~ nap, w~ich point is 3~O.92 feet '~ ~r~herly frc~ ~n angle point 4~ ~ center line of sai~ street; thence $~.,~erly along the center !i~e of sa~ s~reet, 3~O.~2 feet t~ said angle point in said cente~ ~e; thence ~t~osterly along .the confer lime o£ said street, 3~.~9 feet to ~ae most. Easterly corner of ~ ?.3~-acre parcel; thence We~ along t~e Nor~ line of sai~ ?..~-acre parcel ~.~ feet ~ ~he point of begimn~ngo Excepting, therefrom the Westerly ~0 feet *as herotofore excepte~ an~ reserve~ for road .~-poses°# Also excepting ~herefr~n that ~rtion ~onve~ to the StAte of Call,or, iA by ~-.ed ~ated A~gust l~th, 1~ &nd rec~r~ed Octob,r page 3?2 o£ Official Robert L. Ke!chner, Tit~e Officer $ubdivisi~ Department' ' · /Jr A REV/~W BY TF~ PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE C/~Y COUNCIL AT SUCH A TIM~ AS A SPECIFIC US]~ IS INDICA/~ PCR THE Pi~0~Y. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 16th day of September, 1957. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C0 ~Tr_ SSION ATTE~~ SEC TA Y CITY m mI C0 aSSI0 STATE 0F C~IFO~ ) C0~TY 0F 0~GE ) ss. CITY 0F ~ ) I, R. W. MUNC~r_r~, Secretar~ of the City Planning CommiSSiOn of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. ~ERIES 1957--58 was passed ~d adopted a~ ~ Adjoined ' Re~lar Meeti~ of the City Planning Co~ssion of the Ci~T of ~-beim, held on ~he 16th day ,f-;ept~r , 19 57 by the following vote of the members thereof: A~S: C0~SSI0~: D~o~, Hapgood, Mauer~, Morro, ~,~mmers, Thompson ~d M~ga11. NOES: C0~SSI0~: N~e ~S~T: C0~SSI0~: None IN WITNESS WNRREOF, I have hereunto set mF hand this 16th day of September, 1957.