PC 1957-1958-92 RE! ,'?Ir2ION NO. 92 - S~RXES 1957, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY FLANNIN9 COMMISSION OF T~E CITY OF A~AHEIM ~aANTING V~ NO~ 852. ~S, The Ci~ Planning CommiSsion of ~he City of ~-~eim has. received a:Verified Petition from the 0~er[s) of a cer~ain parcel of re~ propert~ situated in.~he City of ~eim, Co~y 0f 0r~ge, S~ate of C~ifo~a, described as follows: The South ~ of the ~ ~ of the ~ ~ of the ~ ~ of Section 18, T~, R10W, ~ the R~ChO Los Coyotes,: 'City of ~ahe~, C°~ty 0f' Or--ge, S~t~ of C~l~orn~a~ ~r map: recorded h book 51, page 10 of Mis'cell~eous MaPs, ~ the~ office of the cowry recorder of sa~ co~t~. ~X~ ~he North 212.00 f~et there°f; ~d f=th~, descried as ~g 520 feet more or less SoUth of Or~ge~ on the West side o~. Broo~st. ~esent classifi~ion , R~. C~i'Ma~, O~, ~452 B~clay D=ive, G~den ~ove, Calf., request ~ission to erect ~d operate a Motel ~th sw{m~g pool~ store, bu~d~gs ~d coffee.shop. ~S, The Ol.t~ P]~ng Co~isston did :hold a ~bllc He.ins .at the: Ci~F ~1 in the City of ~eim', on.. Octo~r 21, 1957, 'NOTICES of w~ch s~d ~blic He~i~ were: dul~ given as required b~ .law ~d the provisions of':the ~IOIP~ CODE, Section 9200; ~d ~S, Sai~ Oo~ssion~ after due 'inspection,' i~es~iga~i0m ~ studies ~de b~ itself ~d tn i~s ~e~f ~d ~ter due Consid~rati0n~ o,f all evidence rep~.f~:'offered at said He~img, does'fin~ ~d~ determine %he following facts:. 1..The ~.:loca%ed on'~ major th0roug~e not '~ducive ~o 2. the street ~ detr~tal to other properties ~: the are~, with render,~g su~itted~ NOW, T~0~, BE IT ~SOL~ T~T T~ ~ CITY ~ING C0~SSION ~Y ~S V~ NO. 852 for .a Motel~ s~ore~ ~ co,fee, shop, .subject 1. The .~ed~g.~ the ~ty of ~e'~' of 20 feet along Brookh~rst :S~reet for w~g. :2.The erectipn, of the.bU~g. ~ conf~[ty with the render~g su~%ed. 3.. The 'set-back to ~ .as sh~ 115 feet from ~-.present center~e ~oo~b~st~ Street.. 4. ~eer~g re~ements ~0~0ING ~SOL~XON is. si~ed me ~is.:2~s:~(:day~ o'~ .: ~IM CITY ~ING C0~SSION ~TEST: STATE OF C~IF0~ ] C0~TY 0F' 0~GE ) ss. CITY 0F ~ ) i, R. W, ~, : Secreta~ of the City Pl-n~ing Co~ission of the City of ~eim, do hereby:, certi~ ~ the forego~g ~SOLUTION N0. 92 -S~IES 1957-58, was passed ~d adopted by a motion duly ~de, seconded ~d carried at an Adj'=ned Reeler Meeting of the City: Pl-nni:ng Co~ission held on the 21st day day of. October~ 1957A- IN'WI~SS ~0F, I have here~to set .s 21stday of O~ober, 1957. ANAHEIM CITY COMMISSION