PC 1957-1958-99 ~z0LUTION NO. 99 - SERIES 1957-57 :~ A RESOLUTION 0P THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF T~E CITY OF RECOMMENDING TO T~ CITY C0~CIL 0~ T~ CITY OF ~IM T~ ~SS~IC~ION N0. ~57-58-18 ~ ~0~ WHEREAS, The City Plnn~ing Commission of the City of Anaheim has received a Verified Petition from the property owner(s) of certain real proper~y situated in the City of ~n~eim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: The West 11 acres o£ the South half oflthe South half oF the Southwest quarter oF Section 1, T4~, EI0W, S.B.B. & M. and Further described as the NB corner of North Pl=centia Avenue and East La Palina Avenue. The applioant~ Arthur B. and M~rl G. Wilmsen, 102S No. Placenti= Ave., Anaheim, California, as owners, request that the above property be reclassified as C-i, Neighborhood Commercial, except n parcel at the corner described as: Beg~uing at the ~ corner oF the gW~ o£ Section 1, T4S~ RiON, S.B.B. & M. and r~nuing thence North along the section line 200 Feet; thence ~ast 200 Feet, thence So,,th 200 Feet to the quarter section line; thence West along the qus_rter section line 200~eet to the point oF beginning. Bxcept that part deeded for roadway purposes along the South and West sides.~ This property is presently classified as C-i, Neighborhood Commercial, and it is requested that this be reclassified to C-$ to perm£t a Service Station. WI~EREAS, The City Planning Commission did hold a Public Hearing a~ the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said VERIFIED PETITION of RECLASSIFICATION NO. F- 5T-58-18 on ~he 21st day of October , 19 57 , NOTICE of which said ~%blic Hearing was duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ANANEIMMUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and W~EEEAS, Said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and studies made by itself -n~ in ~+ .~s bc~!f, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearings, does find and de%ermine the following facts: 1. Due to the residential development to the Bast there is a need for a Neighborhood Shopping Center in this are%. 2, This pro.hetty L~ located o~ two ~a~m thoroughfares. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT TNE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION HEREBY RECOMMENDS TO TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAREIM THAT RECLASSZFICATION NO. ]~- $7~58-15 BE APPROVED SUB3~CT TO: -1- ~. The deeding of 50 feet from the centerline of North Placeutia and East La Palina Arenas ~o:'the City of Amahein for street widening. 2. The fil/n§ of the Sta~ard C-1 Deed Restrictions S6 the City of Anaheim. 3. The improvements as per ~ngineering Requirements to go in when the pro~rty is develo~d. T~ FOREGOING I~-~0LUTION is signed and approved by me th/s 21st day of October, 1957. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY FI/NNING 00NNISSION ATTEST SECRET~RY ANAHEIM CITY ~ING C0~!SSI0~ STATE 0F C~IF0~ ) C0~TY 0F 0~GE ) ss. CITY 0F ~IM ) I, R. W. MUN~L, Secretar~ of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. ~-^%EEIES ....... 1957--58 was passed and adopted at an Adjourned Regular Meetin~of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on the 21st day of October , 19 57 by the foll0~lng vote of the members thereof: AYES: C01IMISSION]~S: Allred, DuBois, Hap§cod, Mauerb~n, Morris, Snm~::~., Thompson and Mungall. NOES: C01~IISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: C0~PIISSIONERS: None. IN WITNESS WHEEEOF, I have hereunmo set m~ banals ....... t day of October, 1957. i SECEET SION