PC 1957-1958-258 °~0LU~ION~, __ NO. 258 - sE~rk~_ ~$?_~, - A I~0LUTION 01~ ~ CI~ ~~ ~ION 0F · 0. ~-~51 n~ ~, ~e C~y P~ Co~on of ~e C~y of ~e~ ~ rece~ed a Ve~f~ed Petition fro= ~e proper~y o~er(s) T~ N ~ of the W ~ of the N~ of the ~ off the ~ of Section 24, T4S, ~1~, S.8.B. 2 ~. ~ f=t~= de~r~d as 8032 B~ of sa~ ~ree~ ~terly fr~ St~ton A~. Wi~REAS, The City P~u~ Comfl$sion did hold a Public Reart~ at ~he City Hall in the City of Anahe/~ upon said VERIFr~ PETITION of I~CL~SSIFICATION NO. F-$7-$8-$1 on ~he 5~h d~y of ~ay , 19 $$, NOTICE of w~.tch Public ftear/n~ was duly ~ven a~ required by law and the provisions c~' the AK~IM ]/UNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and W/~REAS, Sa~d Comm~ssion, after due inspec%lon, ~nvestiga~ion and studies made by itself and /~ its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and repor%$ offered at ~a~d Hear/~s$, does f/nd and de%ermine the follow~uS fac%s: 1. The property to the Nest is classified as C-3, Heav~ Commercial. 2. The property to the Eas~ is cl~sified as C-l, Ne~hloorhood Commercial. 3. The applicant desires to use The proper~y for a Rest Home, an R-3 Use, a~d will a~ain file a reclassification if at a later date he desires ~o use the property for a more intensive use. NOW, TH~0P.E, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANA~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION HEREBY P. EC0~HE~DS TO THE CITY COL~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANA~IM THAT RECLASSIFICATION · 0. ~-}7-~$-51 ~E Ai~PROV~ FO~ R-3, ~%'LTIPLE FAMILY R~SIDENTiAL, SUBJECT TO: -1- 1o The deedinE to the City of Anaheim of 53 feet £i~, the centerli~e of Bail Roa~l f~ ~reet ~en~g. 2. ,~o~nts ~ req~ ~ t~ City ~eet of the City of ~nxhe~ !'--~. FO?~GOIN~ RESOLUT/OE i.~ reigned and approved by m~ t-~.~z 5th day of May, 1958. I. R.W. MUNG~T~., Secretary o.* the City Pl~-fng ',.omm~ssion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify %hat the foregoing EESOLUTION NO. ~ was passed and adopted at a Regular UeettS~of ~he City Pl.~--!mg Commission of the City of }m~eim, held on the, 5th day of May , 1958 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COR~iSSi0~: Al!red, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerh~n, Norris, Su~ers, Thompson and Mungall. NOES: COMkI$SIONEES: None. a~a~=: C~iSSzU~P~S: i~one. IN WiT~ESS ~'~EOi, I ~ave hereunto set _~,.~~ 5th day of ~y, 1958. -2-