PC 1958-1959-119 119 - SERIES 1950-59 IO THE CITY COUNCIL Ot' THE CITY OF ~I'IAHEI~ THAT RECLA$SIFICAII3N NO, F--58-5~-~2 BE A PI%q~OVED. Petition from th. prcper~y o~n~r(s) of cerlain rea]. property situated in the City of Anaheim, County oi Ozan(:e, State of Califo~nia, de$cr!?ed as follo~'s~ Cit, of Anahein, Cou~ v of Ozance, ~tate cI Call~rnia, as ~er map made ~y illlam Ha~al and filed in the ef~ice et the {cunt} reccrder of Los An?les Cou~t%,, California EXCEPT the follo~-inc thezeof Ee~tnninv at the Northwest corner of %he easterly 10 acres of l~t 13 of Anaheim E×tea~ion, as per map ..¥ ill!am Han~l and filed in thi 9trice Gl the county recorder of L~s Angeles COun%y~ California, ,sine a point in the center of Santa Ann Street as sho~n on said m~p ~henc~ seutherl>, parallel ~ilh the easterly line of said lot, a distance of 1,55zl 09 feet, more or Less, ~o a point 1~ the center o~ South Stz'eet as shown on said )nap thenc~ ~.'~sterlx alont the cent~.r o~ said South Street, a distance 526.60 feet, more or les~, to the '~,~st~:17 line o( the ~est~rly 20 acres o~ the ~astert'/ 3~ acres ,cf told lot !3 thence nertnerl' ~aral!el '~lth the easterl, line ?( said lo~ t3~ a dlsta:,ce ~f 17:L.75 fe~t to a pol,~t theqce easterly parallel ~tth the southerl} line o~ said lot 13, a distance of 516.50 feet to a point 10.00 ieet ~esterl¥ from the easterl~ line of ~ald ,ester!v 2~ acres o!' the easterly 30 acre~, thence northerl,, pPrallel ~.tth the e~$terl? line of ~aid lot, a distanco of 14'7 .C5 feet to a point ip the center of said Santa Ann Street thence easterly alon~ th~ center llne of said Santa Ann Street, a distance of I0.00 feet to the point of .eqinntn~. ,~50 E>~PT that portion thereof descri:.ed as fellers. F~ginnln~ at the point o( inter:ectton o~ the center line of Santa Aaa Street ~lth the North eztenaton o( the wearer1) ..':undar¥ of the west 20 acres o( the east 30 acres of lot 13 of maid "Anaheim Extenslon," as said Santa Ann Street is shmvn on a map filed in cook 26 page ll et Record of Surveys, i~: the o~ftce of the county recorder of said Orange County, said point ,:sing distant along said coulter lin~ North 74° 32' 05~ East 1665 51 feet from the point of intersection o~ said center line with the center line of South East Stzeet aa sha, n on said zap thence continuing along said center line of Santa Ann Street, North 74~ 32" 05" East 95 O0 feet: thence perallel with the westerly ~#~ ::eundar¥ of said ~'esterlv 20 acres, South 15° ;~!" 15" East 194.75 ~eet~ thence parallel with the aforementioned center line of Santa Ann Street, South 74° 3~' 05" ~est 95.00 feet to a point in the ~'esterlv '~oundary of said 20-a~re percel~ thence along said :,oundar¥, North 15°'~.2' 15" ~est 194.75 feet to the point O{ eginning. ALSO EICHPT 124/14~.35 interest thereto in the ~ollowln~ descri~.ed land, Beginning at a point 260.00 feet southerly along the east lin- and ~6.00 feet wosterXy from the east liue parallel with the North line of the ~est 20 acres of the East 30 acres of lot 13 of Anaheim Extension, as per map made ¥ bllliam Hame1 and filed in the of the county recorder o~ Los Angeles County, California; thence southerl~ parallel with the said East line 15.00 (eot, thence westerly parallel wtt.h the said north line, 15.00 £oet: thence northerly parallel with the said oas'; line, 15.00 f~et. thence easterly parallel ~ith the north line to the point of .:egtnninO, e reclassified from R-O, RB$ID£NTIAL-SUDURBAN to R.I, SINGL£..r~iILY RES.~DENTIAE. P~J~C-EL 1. All that certain real property situated in the Rancho San Juan) Cajon do Santa Ann, City of Anahe)m, County ~ Oxangs~ State of ~allfornia, do:~crI as ~ollows~ :)eglnntng at a point on the ~esterly line of Ici 16 el Anah~dm Extension as sho~n on a map made v ~',tlliam Hamel, and filed in the offt.:e the county recorder of Los Angeles County, California, said point '..sing 5.1P_5 chains southerly from the north,'est corner o~ said Ici; and thence North ?.':? East 9.755 chains, thence South 157 East 15.375 chains~ thence South 74~.° most ~.755 chatns~ and thence North 15!° vest 15.275 chains to t~ , point of ~eginntng_ -1- P.~C~L 2. The north ~ ncr'es o~ the northwest 10 acres o~ Lot 16 of Anaheim H:<tenslon= in the H~ncho San Juan CaJon de Santa Ann, City of Anaheim, County o~ C'ran~e, State of Callfornis, ~s per map made y ~llliam ~mei, and filed in the o~ice c~ the county recorder of Los Angeles County, California, descri:e~ am fo1]o~s; Heginnlnp at the northwest corner of said Lo% lb, thence along the North line of said Lot North 74~ 30' Bast 9.7~5 chalns~ thence South l~~ ~0' 5.12~ chmins~ thence South 74* 30' ~:,est 9.755 chains to the Yest line of said tot. ~6: thence alon9 'the same North 15* 30' ~egt f.12!~ chaln~ to the point of eginnin~. ~XCEPT a strip of 1;nd 12 feet wide along the meat line of saic premises fez road purposes. PARC:.L 3. The easterly hal! of the northerly 20 acres of Lot 15 of Anaheim fxtension, in the Cit~. of Anaheim Count), of Orange, State of California~ as shown on a map [;mde v !illiam Hemal, eno flleo !n the ~f£tce ,f the county recorder of Los Angeles County, California, said 2C acres einc descri~.e~ as fol~s~ Beclnnin~ ~t ~he northwest corner of Let 15 ~a]d Anaheim ~×tension? and thence No~th 74~*. East alone the cen~er line of South Street 24.53 chains to ~he northeast corner of sa{d Lot ]5~ thence ~outh 15~~ East 8.1.S chains- thence South 74~° l.est 24.~3 chains to the easterly l~ne of Hast Street, a~d thence North 14~~ ~est 8.16 chains to the poi~t of ~.eginnfng RHSfRVING the no~herly 24 3/4 feet fez the souther]y half of South Street ALSO RE$ER¥I~Ki a richt of way for a ditch to 'the south portion of said lot I~, -e reclassified fro~ R-O, R~SIDENTIAL SUbURbAN, and H-A, RESIDBNTIAL- AGRICULTURAL to R-l, SINGL~-FA~IL.y REEIDE~IAL. The appl].cants, ALVIN S. ~ARNETT, 1516, Hast Santa Ann Street, Anaheim, Cal~fornia, and P. J. ':,~ZISEL et al, 1459 North Fuilerton Road, La Ha.:ra, California, Char]es B. Frank, 4~ West ~nter Street, Anmheim, California, es Authorized Agent request that the suoJect properties :e reclas~tfied from R-O R~SIDE~I~-$UBURBM; to R-l, SINC~E-N~ILY RESIDE~IAL. W~Rf~, .the City Plannin9 Co~iss~on did hold a Pu.,lic Hearing at the Cith Hall An the C~ty of ~mheim upon said VERIfieD PETITION of R~ASSIFICATION NO. on the 15th day of ~ce~;er, 19~, N~ICE of which enid ~;lic Hearing was duly given aa re,ired by law and the provt~ion~ of the ~A~ ~ICIPAL ~DE, Section 9200; and ~REA8, Said Co~imsion, after due ~pectton, Investigation and studies ~de by itself and in its ~half, and after due ~on~ideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hear~ngs, deem find and determine the foll~i~9 facts: 1. ~e Barnett pro~rty t~ pzeeently cla~tfied as R-O~S~DE~I~ S~URB~ and adjoins Tract No. 1959 on ~he seat which contains 60-foot frontage lots containing approximately 64~ s~are feet of area. 2. If placed tn R-I the subject property (Barnett) would have ~o have 70-foot frontage wJth 7~0 ~are feet in the lotm, therefore, it would oe on gradia~ fxom the tract to the east. ~. The Weiss] property is presently classified as R-O, RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN with the Vermont 8tree~ 10 acres as R-A~ RES]DE~IAL-AGRI~L~RAL. 4. The property on the ea~ter]y 10 acres on South Street adjoins Tract No. 12~ on the $outh, which tract Contains frontage of 63 feet with ]et areas of approxiamtely 63~ s~are feet and the west 10 acres o~ South street adjoins Tract No. ~5 which contains lots with 60-foot frontages and ~sre footaoes of approximately 6000 s~are feet. N~, T~R~ORE, BB IT RHSOLVED T~T T~ ~A~IM CIT~ ~NG ~ISSION R~NDS TO ~B CITY ~CIE O~ T~ CITY O~ ~IM T~T ~ASSIP~CATION be approved ~or reclassification ~rom R-O,'~ZSID~IAL SUB~B~ to ~-1 R~SID~I~ w~th no lots to be under 70-~oot ~rontage or to contai~ less than ~ o~ 7200 z~aze ~ee% snd mlso ~ubJect to~ -2- 1. The dedication of 32 feet from the center line of south street to the Ci~y of Anaheim. 2. The dedication of 32 feet from the center line of Santa Aha Street to the City of Anaheim 3. The dedication of 33 feet from the center line of Vermont Avenue to the City of Anaheim. 4. Prepare stree~ improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City ~ngineer. 5. The~ay~ent of $2.00 pa: foot for street lighting purposes. 6~ a 90 day time limit fo~ the completion of a~'o~,e.requir~ments. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 15th day of December, 1958. CRAIRMA~' ANA~I~ .-~ITY FLAN~NO ~ION COUNTY C~ ORANGE ) ss. crry o~ A~m~z~ ) I, R. ~. 14UNGALL, Secretary of the City Planning C~..~tasion of the City of Anaheima do hereby certify that t~ forgoing ~LWI~ ~, 119-~S 19~-59 was passed and ads.ed at ~ edJ~med ~1~ ~eting of the City Pla~lng ~isston of t~ City of.~a~ia, ~ld on ~ ISth day of.~cember, 19~. ~SSI~ Allred, GauoF, ~orr~s, S~erS, ~on ~ngall. ~l~l~Ss ~uerhan. ~ ~ISSl~S: ~o18, ~pgood, IN W~E~ W~ECF, ~'~unto set ~ hand this l~h day of ~ce~r, 19~.