PC 1958-1959-121A RESOLUTfON OF THS CITY PY~ANNING CO1dYISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ isRA,H7['E't~ VAR~APFCH N0. 1QP~1 f4HEREAS, The City Plaani.ng Cnmmiasioa oY the C4ty of An~heim has receivsd s VeriYied Petitioa from tha O~uer(s) oP a aertain percal oP real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange. State oP Califoraia, de~aribed as folloxs: ~ercai 1. `L'~e ~# 1b2.78 fetst of kYc~ bieat haYf af t2sm Ytaath ba-if o€ tlle North t~alf of t~e Sarth~peat qnarter of tP~e 54uth~sfi qna-rtdt qf StCtio~a ld~ 1b~ms~p q Sonth, RRaqe Il biee4~ in *h~ &uucho Los Ce;v4es, Citp of ~,ns2ieim~ C~tsatq of tDraa$e ~ 5t~te o~ Gais~foeata. aaa sa~8 sectian 4e ~o~ osa a map recezded ir- Booh ~S~ Pm~e lY of ~ecallanecs~.s kag~e: ~ t~ aff3c~t o~ t2~a Coe~nty k4ecozGer ~f aa3d Co~a~ty. Fnx~eY 2. Th¢ 64ca8 15.OCt feat of tLe Hea't h~iF af t4ie tiarth mxlf of 4he Plort~ tsalf of ttae Nasth~cest s~u~ct~s o~ the 3ouih- keat que~tez of Section 14. 3baaehip 4 Sbttfih, ~asge 11 lqeet, ~uu tl~e Raacha ,Los Coyofiee. City of k~ha~.~, Countp af Qsrage. 9#Rte a;f Ca2.if~raia~ as ~a4A s~ctioa ia sho~att on a~mp r~ecasded ia ~ook S1~ Page 1i of De~sce23aneoua l4aps. secord~ coF Or~te CauntY. Califosnis~, ~d fusLh~r des~xibed aa ~0~3 ArnaQe Atremue. J~ck f~. In~xsera. 7042 Elraay;e Amesue, A~ahaiia. Calif .. Appli~at xequtata p~esais~i~ to o~erate a kihoi~saSe and Raix~fl iVuracry Ru~ibess mt the abnv~e address. WFllSRP'~IS, The City Planntag Commisslon did hold a Public Heasing nt the City Hall =z tha City af Anahaim~ on NOTIC~S of ahioh said Publio Flottriag were dul.y given as requBemi~x~rl~~e~~i~ie provisions oY the ANAHEIIi MUNICYT,'AL CUD$~ ~0otion 9200; t~d -1- --.._F..--~-~--~ ..--~-~-r.c-:~jrr-. ~ . WEIEREAS, Said Ca~,.:ssion~ nfter due ia.speation. i~. %~.Ligat4~k~`~'eLid studies made by !tself and in its tehalf and after due oonsideratfon of flil evideaae aud reporte ~fYered at,said Hearia~g, doos fiad aaid determine tha Yollor~ing Taots: i. fi3ta 4ub,#mct ~toper4~ ~e pr~eeatiy c1as~lfieQ e~ ~ A. kEi3I1DE3~'T7.AA~ A~iICt3~.'T'1!&1~. ~. xt ~s~ ~,ss~ntiy bei.ng uged a~ a gr3-aiesale ~uc~sy. 3. Z~~re ~,ffi 9n t~ae ~pxoyseL7 a a~lrz ~a~ay ~13.}.~ eet bac.k 1a5 £teE from Orange A~eneee ~itic a~caa~4w~fsa and ~.at)--ho~a~m ott 4he r~aa. ; ~ b. The~t alll ~ ader~untff psrking msrrail3abl~ 9.n frout of the @~e21is~. S. I4 a'_? x D~ ad~x~ ea7~p the raxni:l ~rsa ~o a uae pxc~c~nt3q asi th+e propasety. , ~ ,} NOW, TH.,~'REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMlIISSION ~ H~REBY ~g vpg,l,q~g ~{0. 3061 sabj~ct ~os 1 1. BaepuAtion of Street imprcavar~nt plana and 3aas~al2 aXi 3mpr~rements in accordsnc~ aith ap~gkoved stoadard pl~ne in 7~fX £i!e :ln fihe fl£fice of the Cttg ~n~ineer. 2. The dedicaetion 0o thr Citg of Anatae.ia~ of 4S feeE froa~ the CCALE3 11s~e of Qsaaga Ave~sua. 3, P~qmeat o€ ffi~.OQ p~r ~re~r~t foot far gtreet 13ghtin~ ~ur~oaes, 4. I3mi~at3on o£ anp ai$n ~t to eaceeC 3Q ~~~re feefi. TFIE FOREGOING RSSULUTION is signed and approvad by me this 1Sth c4ng of Beceraber~ 1,95~. ' / ,, ~, ~/,, ~ c "`-. ~~F_=___~ ~ CHAI ANAI~IM CYTY PI,ANpINfi COHlII~, ATTEST: ~c ~ ~ \i ~~~~,~titiz1.~~;_:-._ ~~n STCRE~1'ARY AIdAF3EI1i CITY ~~IN(i'CONMISSION I STA,TE OF CALIF'ORIvIA ) , , ~ COUNTY OF t~RAPiGT ) ss. I CITY OP' ANAHET6! ) T~ ~~~ ~un~~x1 Sea:etary of tha City Piemning Comaiesion o? Che City of Anaheim~ do h9reb~ certify that the foregoing ~tESOLUTION N0. - SERI~S 19~$ ~,~. was F~assed and adopLed by a motion duly made, seoonded and i~~~ried at ~~~~~ Regular Meeting of the Citq Plaaniag Commission held on the l~tk dap o ~c~mtt~r. IQ38. IN WI:TN$SS WHSRSOF. I have hereunto so~ay`~a\n~his dey of~"~' 13tEt }~~uaber. 1438. \ , '!~'~ ~'a~ l~I.t~l.^~4.~c ,-.oL.~~ ~ SSC TARY ANAHEIM GIT~~( LANNIN4 COIIifISSTON ~,•~ ..g.. C