PC 1958-1959-31 WHE~'S, The Cit~' 1:'1~,~,.~-~; Co,,~ssion of ~e CSt~ off ~e~ ~ ~c~$ved a Ve~i~ . '~tion from ~e prope~y o~er(s} of ce~ ~ p~ ~ed ~ ~e ~ of ~-~e~, Co~ of O~Ee, S~e of ~o~, descend ~ fo~o~: ~t 1, Trac~ No. 32~,,and fur~er d~cr~be~ as ~e ~r~s: ~r of Pla~ntia Avenue and West~rt Or~ve. Appli~n:: ~[gh:on O. Jaeger, )2~2 Ounas R~d. ~nta ~. ~l~forn~a, re~ests ~: ~e above proDer~ be reclassified fr~ C-1, NE[~BO~OOD C~.~CI~ (~n effec: .~s: 7, 1958) :o C 3, H~W CO~CI~, for a Se~ce Star,on. w~u~u~AS. The Cit~ P~S Co..~ssion did hold a Public Hea~ing at ~he Cit~ ~ ~ the Ci%~ of ~--~.~ upon ~d ~ ~ITI~ of ~S~0N N0. F-58-59-6 on ~e 4~h ~ of ~gust , 1958 , NOTI~ of w~ ~d ~blic He~g ~ d~ ~ven ~ re,red ~F ~w ~d ~e pro~slo~ of ~e ~ ~IOIP~ CODE. Section 9200; ~d WH~S. Said Commission. after due in~p. ec~ion: investigation and s~udies made b~ itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearings. does find and determine the following facts: t. This lot was given a C-3 U~e by a Variance which was voided by the Courts. 2. 11: was origina]ly considered as a suitable site for a Service Station and there It would be located next to C-I on the North and next to R-3 on the East. I~0W, T~0RE, BE IT EESOLV~ THAT T~ A~aB~IM CITY PLANNING COM]~ISSION H~BY RECOM~m~DS TO TItE CITY COUNCIL OF T~, CITY OF AI~AW~.IM THAT RECLASSIFICATION N0. F-58-59-6 B£ APPROVED, SUBJECT TO: -1- ]. The filing of Standard C-3 Deed Restrlctlons of the City of Anaheim limiting the use to a Service Station only. 2. The erection of a $ foot wail between lots ] and 2.. TI~ FOREGOING -RESOLUTION is signed and aoprov~d by me this 4th day of August, 1958. ' ~ISSiON STA~E OF C,.~LI~0RNIA ) v COUNTY OF 0P~ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, E.W. MUNGALL, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of ~aaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. ~D~ 3l, SERZ~ ]958-59 was passed and adopted at a Regular Meeting of the City ............ Planning Commissir,n of the City of Anaheim, held on the 4th daf of August , 19 58 bF the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: C0~ISSI0..~.S: Al]red, Dunces, Hapgood, Morris, Summers, Thompson and Mungal]. NOES: COMMISSI05rERS: None. IN WITNESS ~r~R~0F, I have hereunto ~ot my hand %_h~S_ Sth day of August, 1958. S~RET,~-RY AEAPLEIM CiTY~I~E~iNG C0~'[iSSION