PC 1958-1959-144 RE: 'JTION N0.~44 - S],~...IES ]q58-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNINO CONMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~p~.c. gLal~-U~e-~Pe~i._t_~.O~4 _ . ~D~EAS, The City Planning Commission of the City of An.helm has recetv-d a Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain parco1 of real property situated in ~he City of Anahe£m, County ef 0raage, State of California, described as S PARCEL 1. Commencing at a point 31.40 chains West of the Nouthwest corner of the "Mary C. Thomas Tract," as shown on a map recorded in book 5~ page 168 of Miscella~leous Records of Los Angeles County, California; running thence West 16.62 chains; thence North 14° East ~ 53.65 chains to the S~u~h line of the "Travis Tract," as shown on a map recorded in boo9 5, page 120 of ~iscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence Ea&t 3.~9 chains~ thence South 52.02 chains to the beginning, containing 52.3 acres, more or less. PARCSL 2. Beginning at a point 8.50 chains S~th and 44.01 chains North 89 3/4~ West of the Northeast corner of Lot 5 of the Glassell and Chapman Tract, as shown on a map recorded in book 5~ page 408 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California; running thence South ~3.79 chains~ more or less, to the North line of theW. ockhar% Iract,"as shown on a map recorded in bock 4, ~ge 512 of Mtscellaneeuc Records of Los Angeles County~ California; thence Easterly al..ng the North line of said tract, 4.20 c~ains~ more or less~ to the West line of land conveyed to Peter Schmitz by deed recorded in book 88, p~e 313 cf Deeds, records of Los Angles County, California; thence North alone said West line 3~.80 nhafns to a point in the South llne nf said Glassell ~nd Chapman Tract extended Westerly; %hence North 8g~~ ~ast along said South line 2 chains, more or less, to th~- Southwest co~ne~ of Lot 8 of said Glassell and Chapman Tract; th~nce North 2~~ West 1.95 chains; thence North 10° East 3.57 chain~; thence North ~ West 3.~ ~hatns; thence Westerly 6.80 chains to 'the beginning, containing 20 acres, s, ore or less, and further descriDed as East ~nd cf Oran?wood West of Santa Aha River, /he prope~'ty is presently classified ~-1, LIGHT MANUFACTURe. ~IILLER HANSEN SAND & GRAVEL INC., 14292 ~arZ Les Drive, Santa Aaa, California, as Acplicant. W~REAS, The City Pl~.-~ng Commission did hold a Public Hoaring at the City ~all in the City of Anaheim, on January 19, 1958 NOTICES of which said Public Hearing were duly given as required by law and the provis!ons of the ,%NA}mIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and .__Wtt~._ S, Said Co~,~ sion, aftor due inspection, iw }' ,igatiou and studies made by itself and In its b~ehal.* and after due considtratio~f all evidence ~d roport~ offered at said Henri,, does fin~ ~d dens,ins the following fao~s: 1. The subject property is presently zoned as ~-1, LI~ ~A~. 2. The applicant prope~s to lease the property, ~e=ove the tep-~oil, remeve t~ sand lay,:¢ d~n to silt, then replace the to~il and use a~icult~al 3. ~otests were =eceived f=~ all ~o~rty ~ner~ in the ~ea against the proposed use o~ the ~ope~ty, w~ch could 1~ the pro~rty (60 ac~s) 20 ft. bel~ the s~rounding ~o~les. 4. ~e pro~rty should ~ ko~ ~o;;, the u~* zoned, n~ely, ~nu~acturing. 5. It i~ expected that the propo~.ed Non, h-South freeway may go t~u a ~ortion of this pro~rty. 6. No evidence was ~esented at the hearin9 to sh~ that this prope~y had access t~u ~angewood Avenue, w~ch ~y he only a private easement and is a roa~ay not suitable for hea~ trucklnp. 7. The~e are irrigation lines ~der tMs roadway that could ne rupt~ed hy heavy truc~. NOW, 2~EFORE, BE IT RESO~,VED 2~AT T~E ANAHEIM CITY PI.I~NIN~ 00M~ISSION h~EBY Denies Special-Use-Permit No. 24. TEE F01iE~0ING RE~0LUTION is signed and approved by me this 19th day of January, 1959. ~/7[ E/.j/~ff~.~._~ ~p.F ¢~ATRMAN ANAHEIM CITY ~fN~ C0~S~0~ CITY 0F ~IM ) I. R.W. ~ Socr~ of ~o Ci%~ Pls~ning Cohesion of %he City of ~eim, do hereby certify ~% the foregoi~ ~0LUTION 1~%9, was passed ~d adopted bW a motion duly a n Adjoined Reg~l~ Meeti~ of the City Pi~ C~lssion held on tbs 19th da~ of January, 1959. IN WIT~SS ~0F, I ~ve heretic ~~ this iPthday of Janua~, 1959.