PC 1958-1959-235 OLUTION NO. 23b - SERIES A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT RECLASSIFICATION NO, l;-bU-!)9-~! be Approved , WItEREAS, Tho City Planning Commission of tho City of fnahoim has received a Verified Petition from tho property owner(s) of certain leal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californlq, described as follows: .md filed in Lbo lte,,'rdo.r"s Offi line ;f sa~,t I ,t., 3'1B.'/5 feou; 'th,m~.e S(*uLhcrly parol, lel t,. l:he Westerly ].]ne of said 1.~t~ 562 foe-[; 'them:o Westerly p;~r,dlel '~.(, the Northerly line of said lot~ 378.7[5 feet; thence ]'he dppli.;an't, ROM INVESTMENT (]0., 2120 Ma].lul Dr., Anaheim~ Calif{,rnia, as ~ner, Ted Fish, 123,1 }!. Center S't., a~, Au'tl-,orized A[len'r request that the subjec't property be reclansified fr.)m R-A, RESIDENTIAl AGR]CULTURAL~ 't( R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. WHEREAS, The City Planning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said VERIFIED PETITION of RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-~')-97 on tho 25th day of May , 19 59, NOTICE of which said Public Hearing was duly given as required by law and %ho provisions of the ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and WHEREAS, Said Commission, after duo inspection, investigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearings, does find and determine the following facts: 1. This property has been {;onsidered previously and recommended for R-3. 2. It is situated next ti, a Trailer Park and Union Hall on the east and R-3 anc, M-1 on the west. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION HEREBY RECOMMENDS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT RECLASSIF~CATION NO. F- 58-59-97 ce approved for reclassification from R=A, RESIDENTIAL AGRi[CULTURAL, to R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, .~ubJ~.:t ~o:. -1- 2. l).~:~,p,~:v(, ,,;'l. vee[ ]mp.rovemer~'L plans and 3. ]'ayr[mnt ()1 $2.00 pc,.[ f'~'~)n'~ ~o(,t [,)~ s'~i'ee'~ lighL.i, rm ~1. I~].'~v:i(l(`dedJ(:ated easement %o southe~'ly ~. The filing of Standard R-3 Deed Rostrt,;~tons. (). Thai tiny clwol]~nc on p.r,-,pez'ty at th~:~ I'l{l[*thwosL .().['ll(~I' ~,e [}m:it~d '1;o oilr~ {;'t,()z'y in hoJ(lht~. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signud and approved by me this 25't,h day of May, 1959. c~{A'IR~L~N ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ,C0~{MISSION SECRETARY ANAHEI~CI/Y PLANNING COM~{ISSION STATE 0F CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY 0F ORANGE ) ss. CITY 0F ANAHEIM ) I, R.W. MUNGALL~ Secretary of tho City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing RESOLUTION NO. ~{)~X~FA~( 235 - SERIES 1958-59 was passed and adopted at ar: Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission of tho City of Anaheim, held on the 25th day of May , 19 59 by the following vote of %he members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred~ DuBois, Hapoo()d, ~aue~han~ Morris, Summe£s) Thompson, Mungall. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. t~is h day of May, 1959. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto se 25t 'CO-- SION -2- A RESOLUTION OF ~E OIlY PId~NII~ OOtlt~ISSIOl~ OF ~E CITY OF ~S, 2he ~ity Plying Co~ission'or the City of ~el~ ha~ received a Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real property situated ~ in tbs City of ~eim~ 0ounty of 0r~ge, State of 0alifornia, deso~ihed as follows~ P~ 1. ~t portAon' ~ the ~,~h h~f of ~he no~t~es~ quoter of ~he sea,beast quoter of Section 27, ~sh~p 4 ~u~h, R~ge 10 West, p~$1y ~ the R~cho ~s ~laa~ ~d Page 10 of ~scellaneous ~pe, &n the Office of the County Aeco~de~ of sa~d ~gi~ing at the ~orthwest co~nef of s~d south half~ thence ~uth OO 42~ 47" east ~0.00 ~eet along the ~eat li~e of s~d aou~h ~lf to the t~e pot~t of begl.ni~; thence ~uth 8~ 38~' 07" east 300,00 feet parallel to the ~rth line of ~id ~ath halfl thence ~orih' Oo 42t 47" ~ea~ 2~.00 feet parallel to the ~st line o~ ~atd soll~h half ~o the no~th line of said so~th half, ~heace so~ 38~ 07" eaet 4~0.00 ~eet ~o~ said no~th linel' thence so~th ~ ~2t 47" ~t 439.02 (ee~ paz~tlel to t~ ~est line of ~id eouth ~lf to line p~slleX ~lth a~d gi.t~t 221.00 feet ~ec~ured at ~ight ~le. northe~l~ south llnp of said northwest q~,~a=te~ of the southeast qu~te~ of ~d seci~.ou ~tth 8~ 38t 14" wea~ 450.00 feet along s~id parallel l,tne~ thence north ~, 42 200.04 feet p~allel to the ~st 1t~ of ~td south ~lf to a lt~e Parellal ~tth ~d dlataat 239.00 feet~ ~ea~red at ri~t ~lea southerly from the north line of sou~h halfl thence north 8~ 38t 0~' ~st 3~.00 feet alo~ ~id parallel line the ~st line of said so~th ahlfl then~ no~/:h 0o 42e 47' ~st 39.~0 feet to the t~ue ~otnt of begl~ug. ~PTI~ ~R~ all o~1. gas, ~e~als ~d hT~oca:bon ~ubst~ces belo~ a depth of ~00 feet from the sutface~ ~ithout the righ~ of au:face entry theteof~ heretofore feserved !~ deeds of record. P~L 2. ~e ~aat 4~0.00 feet of t~t pogtion o~ the south half of the uotth~eat quarter of the southeast quoter of section ~, ~a~p 4 ~u~, ~auge 10 ~est, partly City of ~e~, County of Or.ge, grate of ~ltfornta, ~s ~ald section t~ ~ on map teco.tded t~ ~ok ~1, Page 10 of ~cell~eous M, aps, Au the Office of the ~uuty Recorder of said Co~ty, described as follows:~ a li~e parallel ~tth lind ~st~t 221,00 tee'~ measured Begi~mi~g the tight ~gles northerly fro~ S~ ~uth lt~e of ~aid ~outh half with the west line of Lot 24 of ~sCt NO. 3127, aS ~o~ on a ~p recorded t~ Book 9,t, Page~ 48 ~d 4~. ~ltfor~a. W~S, I~e 0ity Pla~ing Oo~is~ion did hold a ~blio Hearing at the Oit~ ~all in the 0it~ of An~eim, on ~ N0~[CES ~f which said ~blie ~r~. were dul~ given as requlred~ Aaw ~d the provisions of the ~NIOIP~ CODE,, Section 9200~ and -1- ~' ' ' "" ~ ,' '~' ' ::4:~- ~" ":' ~~~ '~ ~. ~ , ..~..~ ~ ~O~OINO ~SO~U~XON is ~igned ~d approved bY · : STAT~ OF d~IFO~Ii ) dO~2Y OF O~OE' ) Z, R, ~'~~ Seo~eta~ of t~e alt7 Pl~nt~ do~tssion of.the dtt7 of ~et~i do"~eb~ oe~tifF~ tg'at 'the fo~egoing ~SOLU~ZO~ 1~1 ~ ~ ~aS passed ~d ~dopt~ B~ ~':motio~ dul~ a Re~lar Meogtng of the dlty PlAnning dO~isslon held o~ the 2nd . ~ .~N.' l . .......;. . .. . . . ., ' ~r4A!'~''trt- A ~ ' r ~ . . ~ .~ ~l _ '~~.. f ! WFIEP,EA5, Safd Cos ~sion, aPter due inspootion, iri• "~Ligat~' <~ s*udies ¢ade by itsalY and ia its (~ha1+P asi3 after due aone+dbz~at3o.~oY ull evtdenua and reports oifered at said HeZ~ring~ does find and determine the, Pollo~ring Yacts: ~. `~~ ~~b,~a~ pae~ety li~~ ~~c~e41y iaa Ex~mt m~ een m~xistiag 'CraS~l~s ~~k. ~. Ifi ~~ p~a1A~~d ~a ~saa tAl~a B~c~i ~~a e~c ~rs~Aar spaceo~ ts ~co~sede~e avesaoigSst ~~ ~~' ~~.ti tsmif~r$. ' 3. ~fi Qoea r~! a~e~r t~Q 4~t g~~t~ng a~' ~riim ~pea3a.! fiT~ Pesa.it ~aid be Qetxi.~wta-~. tt4 ~#~aa ps~r!£~~ 3,~a tLi~ e~ea~t. ,, NOVP, THEfiEFOP.F, BE IT RIs'SOLV~D THAT TFiE ANAHSIB[ CITY PLANNING COMAfISSION ~ HB.:REBY ti~'ttR r S~Cx.i,~. tTa'"~ ~'S~J&~'~`' H0. 3?. istb,~~~! '~t ~ A. '~ ~44aati+~ ~€ b~ ~~c~ ta 4lse i.i¢y ~,~z~Y-+e3m Eraa~ t3se ~KSa3ax 1~ e!' ~rb~rr e~.~d(. ~ ~. ~~~6iPt $R~$4"~ ~E~-R~V~AtBAY p~?~ElS Atl4 3Ek8t~~S. 4-1-x ~tdWC~L'A~8 ~fri iCCO~'dilitl~ M~~?l 1 ' ~sp,prova4 a4aea~datd pls~ag in tFse ~7ffic~ a$ 8hm ~t~g ~~ima~r. ~ ~, T~e ~ays~~at raf ~2.OD pes gscta~ f'out fos agrQe~ 1~~-`.:A:.g purpm~~e. TdiE POREQOEN4 R~SOLUTION is signed an~ ap~ravEd bq me :his ~~ap q~ J~~ g4S9. GHpzgMAN pNAHTsI?d CITY PLA:QNIHG C0~[ISSION ATTEST : ySCRETARY ANAHEIS CITY Pl~ANNINd CO~ISSION STATZ OF CA7,IFORt7IA ) COUNT% OF ORfl.N(iS ) 8s. CITY OF ANP.f~IM ) Io Soorotary of tha Qity Planning Comruission of the City of Anaheim,~Eo~e tifp that tFxe fo;•egoiag R~SSOLUTION N0. - SB~RI~S 19 was passed and 8dopte~ by a motion dulp made. seconded an8 cl~Sed at 8~g ~$ Regular Meoting oP th~ City P~anaing Commission held on the ~ day of ~u~. 143~. IFF WYSNESS WHTREON. T ktave hereunto Set my hand Lhis ~ daq of ~~~+ ~~sQ. SE~RESARY ANAHEIM CITY P:~AT1NINa COllYISSIQN ^2-