PC 1958-1959-251A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING CO~MISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAH~I~ t~tNh"Y'dKi3 YaiRiti!~"~: P7'J. allg Wfi~:RTsAS, The Citp Plt~nning Commission of the City of Anaheim has raceived a Ve*ified Petitlon from the Owner(s) af a oaxcain garcei oP rool proporty situated 1n t1~e City of Anaheim. County of Orange. Stata of Cnlifornia. doacribed as folloas: A~3 4: at =e!s~~m.~ resY pz~,gesty s.~g~rat~si iA 4lue al~aatc~ ot Cali.go~s~io~ 4,ourzty of Oza~ge. Git~r o! ~ab~iea, Armera:nd ~a frrYlazars: '~aS gmrtim~~ nf ihe ~, ~seheaoc quasrea~ a~ 8M~ ~atPsoe~~g r~urrasg~r Ai ~'ectioa l~d~ 3inorrsDi~ ~A '1~4~. tisss,~t 11 Ka&2. ~. ~3. 3. ~~7., !m ttae Rsec~Ds Zo~ Caqo~~a. ae ~1'.eryn an m~y s?ctise~d i~a ~ok 51.. Pa~~ 1~ vf 3~~3aceilasteo~s ra~,~~ xe~ords~ of tF:at~ge Ceur~Cr~ C~-3lie~uia, ~acs~~~ ~ fa~21aa4e ~e~~act~ as a~ul~t c~ :!~e 9o~x~ Yira~ a~F satd aflx~~~~e quaxt~~ of see~io~ a.~o~ ~.s.atnag SC~iTff! 840 35' 3~6" vre~3 fllb4+.~3 t~~x fec~ t2~ aoss4l~a~t c~ra~,sr af sai.d as~s4J~a~t qr~a8tori the.c~a ~ortt~ C~ !6• Si'° iaea8 3~O.Qd :art 4ce Yh~ santlutwt8~riy Iir~a af sand Qeacs~ba~9 ~a~ F~arc+e2 5~ i~ the dx~d to t3~e rncaeaga ~onnt> Flo~sd C~matrai t~,s4ric~t raea~rded ~s ~lov~a+aBer BIo 143~ 9p ~Dm9~ 4A44~~ l~es~s 449 pQ' t,tf$3~3a2 :~aen^daj 4h~em~e yo~~i~ bT~ 4b' 31" steco@ 3.51.3A fee~ a-Zaag ~d ~oaslt~astariff tism= tl~nca ~omth Otl i.~~ 32~ ~t 3il~.r~ fea-t ta ~aid s¢u~3i lir~, tde~ee ~rth 6C~ 3S• 38" ~~sd 14fi.3~ femt t~ 4he ~aMaC af be~ir.se.~e-g. P~31 tka~t etKtaie~ Aasx mitnnt~t ias eha Sta~~d~ af C:al.i~osn~~, Ceuatqr ef ;;~asn~+e, ~fty of A~ahsi.m. Q~scriDcd aa folioas: TtsaA gcic4ima~ af tha ~ta~.i~ ?~~2c ~f +kAe l+JOrkt~aaaY quartsz oF gcc+lr,~ 1~, tcr~a+~Saiy 4~oat~~ ~,axigr :2 i~m,~t, fln th~ fi~ac.2~ Lac ::oyat~s, na sii~ on a m¢~ ~r~cr~cdeB iw 8oot S2, ta~~ 31 04 t4taceliar~~as;x N~ro~ ~cas~a of ~rr.c~c ^oaa8y. ~Cal9foz~ie-, 8~scrit~a~ ao fo].Ecma: FAe~in~i.ng ~Z s go.Snt o~ ~a sosa3F~ if.as of ~a.id morkta~t ~ta~skas a~f !~ctiaa Z4, dA~t~st sco~lfii 69a 53• 3g" ~+c~t 1309.33 f~aC Srena ttup banBAca~t eara~r af ~ld me~.riheast ~ax4m~r= Zbettce ~a4A 0~ 16' Si" w~$t 303.Eb ~eet tat t~ ~ihcn~tm~lq lA»~ bi ia~ deacs3teed 0~ &'~sc~rl 9~8 3~ LiHa ~a~t'rc~ fi~ @Ese ~zaa~~ c:~~eRr rsaoa co~ti~t t~~az~c~ reG~rrYed a~ ~1ov~aber 97 tQi'R ~w M..k A~H~A r'~. .twa~ ..{ r,RF~w7..~ ~J.~. AT.~~~~ •w~ . ~ ... ~ _._~ .~.~ .. . .. ~.r~~.1. . . ~ ~~ v..~ ~...~rr .~rrv~.rw~ . ~.r i • 11~w ~I ~JO~~IJ. ~'aet a8cs~ ~aid ~sa'@l~a~s»caly If~me ta th¢ ~aet 2i~ of land Arscxfbad 4a tba daad~ta Aay , A2fc~~k ~mbic ~ru9 trf~es secna~T~il. cr,a ,j~,iq 19, i944 in 6l~cak 1~b3~ &s~a 233 ~f ~f4'8c9~.1 Racu~dsy~ tga~2ce aoru2h ~ 33° Sb" ~sat x~i .Tl. ~~aet Sa tls~ a~ath~ceet aosaes of said laad eF rym~.so~ bmia~ a pQ3m~ ~a t~ aon4~ s~~ ~::;u ~cvrihea~ quas8es= 4~maca uor~: 64~ 3S° 38°' ~am4 i~p.~a ~Qe~K to tbe pd~a$ aE bargit~esg. T'~e A~iiaatt 9AY ~A. Fs dSA.~15L P. CraU~d.~, 3~Jb? ~omt t~r~~e ~#wrer_w~. 1lr~ae#u. ~at~fornit. WHEREAS, The City Planning Commisslon did hold a Publie Hearing at tho City Hall in the City oP Anahaim, oa NOTICES of which said Pub13o Hearing were duly given as requL~bt ph~Fg~a~'$!~d tha provisions aY the AAIAfiFsIH MUNICYPAI, COD~. Seotion 9200; and ~1- i ... --; ~~ ~ ~ ~ WFIF;REAS, Sa1d Com~ slan, aftar due inspection, in~ tigat4on and 3tudles made by itself and in its bdhalP nnd aftor duo considoration of all evidFnco and reports oPPered e,t said Haaring, cico:, Lind and da'Cormino tho Polloroxing 2'acts: 3. xii~e appii~o.nt ix ttaa aeesaar uf c~xia~iderab2a acreag~ on Osaaa~2 Avenuac beteoeen Stsa2ae Av-errnrnm ~aud 1~a~Ktetn Avear~a. 2, t~e dee3rea ta cuY thi9 scrat~gc fnto aevera2 parcels and ms~~x !n t~raictwellinge aad plmcc oae ara each af th~ Rara ,parcel~ ae aho~v on t;~e Rrcord pf Surveq. 3. ~e h~ouama to br. mavsd b~~c base~s approved by the Citq Caiuacil su~,}ect to 4me ~raatiag of Y-se i~t ~ptit. ~. Yhc house8 ar~ to b~ lacsCQd ou t~~cs~ lot~ i:z susb a posi.tions 4h~tt at sa:a~ fdtnre date a staeet rx~~ bE ru~ dmm 't+eteceen tlaQGe lot~ i~r acceas to the rres of the psm~ert;Qr, NOW, TH~REFORE, BE IS RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEI~ CITY PI,AIdNING COJAMISSION ~EBY (~NN15 V/iRIAt~CE id0. 11i5~ st:b,~~C# Yo; 3. 'Ihe ds~dication o~ 4K feet Yo the City of ,4nahe:t~ from t~~e cent~s lins o£ Ora~ge ,l~o~. 2. Prapstse otreet improve~ent pla~s aaA iastalY all impravementa in accurdar.ce with ap~sove~ mtnudard plnxia aa fiie in th~ o£fice of khe c:iiy IItt~ineer. 3. Fayment of ~2,G0 par fsor.4 foat for etree# ligh~in~ purpo~,~, ~. SuUject to appr~val hy the F.iood Contro.l Uistrict, rci~ ruttBuViciii ~~uLVi.iuiv is Signod and approved uy Wa t,`,1~ ,_ 13th 8ay c+f Jua~, 1939. _~~~ f..~; (;~`: ' r' (4., ~'1. ,~/ l ! ,~ CHAERMAN ANAHEI~! CITY 2'I,APiNING COMiSISSION /'" j/ A S$ST s ~~r ~ ~.~~'C, '~.-~.~,~_~~. ;~ SECIiETARY AtiAHElkt `CIT` PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION STATE OF CAT,IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG& ) ss. CITY OF IiNAFIEEAt ) ~ I, Socratarw oY the City Plnnning Cowmission of Lhe ~ City ot Anah~tn,~'d~'~i~~ cortiPy that Lhe foregoing RESOLUTION N0. - SERIES I 19~b 39, rvas passed and adopted by a motion duly mude, secondad end c~~~ie~ at ~ a Hegular d6eeting oP the City Planning Lommission hold on the i a&y~'~1avza~~2 i3tn j Juae, 1939, IN WITNESS WHEREO£. Y httva horeunto ae h d this duy oP / 13th ,juae, 1959, . ~ ~ ~i ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIdI I PLAfiNINc} COk11ISSI0N -2-