PC 1959-1960-126 .~_~OLUT'rON NO. 126~ S~RI~S,1959-60 / ~, the ~t~ Pla~g ~ss~on o~ the ~t7 of ~e~ has receded a '~erif~ed Petition f=om the o~er, ~e Be~ha Die=berger, 1591 Mable Street, ~e~, Ca~or~a, of ~ cer~n 9~cel o~ real pro~r~y descried ~: P~cel 1: ~e ~st ~40 ffee~ of the West 160 fee2 of ~e No=th 290.00 feet, ~e~ured ~he North ~ Wes~ l~s of the ~uth~s~ qu~e~ of ~ Not,east qu~er of ~he No=thwest quoter of ~ct~-on ~, ~p '4 South,. Range lO'West, in the ~o S~ 3u~ ~on de ~, ci~ of ~ei~, coun~ of Or~Ee, s~ate of ~l~for~a ~s per map recorded i~ book ~1, pa~e 10 of ~scellaneous Maps, ~ the offflce of the ~ty Recorde= of s~d co~2~. S~d l~d is included ~th~ the ~e~ sho~ on a map [ile4 ~n book 16, pa~e 2 of ~ecord of Surveys, ~n ~he office off the ~un$~ ~ecor~ of ~d co~. ~cel 2: ~e North 310.00 feet, measu=ed alo~ the ~st llne of the ~u~west the Northe~ quarter of the Nor~h~st qu=ter of Section 16, ~s~p 4 ~uth, West, in the Ran~o ~ ~u~ ~.~on de ~$a ~a, in the clt~ of ~e~, co~t~ of ~Ee, state of Ca~fp=~a, ~ pe~ map =eco=~d ~ ~ok 51, p~e 10 of ~sccll~eous ~aps, in ~he office of ~he county =ecorder of =~d ~d,~ the ~t 142.00 feet t~reof, measu=ed a~on~ the North l~ne off s~d ~uthwes~ quarter. ~ ~T ~he West 160.00 feet thereof, ~eas~ed a~onE the said North' llne. ~id l~d is sho~ ~ a map filed ~n ~ok 16, p~e 2 off Record of Surveys, in the orifice of ~e ~ty Recorder of sa~d co~. ~. ~e ~ty of ~e~ upon su~ Verified Peri,on of Speclal-Use'Pe~t No. 56 on the 7~h daw of Dec~r, 19~9, Notice of ~ich s~d ~b~c He=~E ~s ~1~ ~ven as req~ed by law ~d the provisions of the ~e~ ~-~c~p~ Code Sections 9200, ~ .~/~ s~d Co~slon, ~$er due i~pection, ~ves2i~a$1on, ~d stu~es made by itself ~dJ in its be~lf ~d afte= due co~ideratlon off a~ evidence ~d repo=ts offered ~ s~d hearing ~oes find ~ dete~e the forcing 1.~e subjec~ prope~y is presently zoned M-i, ~t M~ufacturlng ~$h a S0 foot P-L, ·~ng-L~p~g~ne ~ong Lo~a ~e ~e~ Mun~c~al.~ ~c~ion 9200.11 ~rov~des that ~y M-1 Use locaTc~_closer _. th~ 330 fee% from ~he e~erio= ~und~es of ~y pubic school site s~ll ~ subject ~o a Spe~-Use 3. ~e sub~e=~ pzo~r~ ~11 ~ 120 feet from ~ e~e=io= ~und=y of ~ School. 2. ~oles~e business, stozage b~l~gs 17. Food products m~ufact~e, fze~ vegetables and w~ehouse. ~d fret excited. 3. ~=craf'b [actory (no fo~d~y) 18. G~ge, public, that does a l~g~. ~oun~ of 4. Automobile paiut~g, when not in con- ~dy ~d fender ~rk ~p~nti~. nec~ion ~$h m~n g=age. Ail ps_~-t- 19. ~ment ~ufactu=e. -~g, s~ug ~d b~ing s~ll be con- 20. Ice ~d cold ~tor~e pl~. ~a~ed in a ~il~ng. 21. L~boratories, e~er~ental, moron plctu=e 7. Build4~g m.a$eri~ sto=age 7=d. 23. Mac~e ~op. 8. Cab~et shop or f~$ure m~u[act~e. 24. Ma,~facture of prefa~ica~ed builds. 10. Cle--i~ ~d d~ei~ pl~t; 26. ~ab=ica~on of product~ ma~ from plastics. 22. Dai~ pro~cts 'manufa~ure. _ receiv~ ~d t=~c[or~er ,~..,; ......... ..... . .... :: i~' .... - .... m, ':~ ! ~-/ . - ~d ~o ~:~o~: o~-..o~ve/~.~o- ~he --~on oF 1 ~. .. :._ . :~ ,. · .z~m.~e.c~e~e of;_:;b~e 'S~e~: · ~p~oved .st~d~d p~s. on ff~e ~. +h~.Off~ · ', ~b~e -. ~eets. = . · 4., =~t the~e :~ s p~ent oE.~.O0 ~= ~ont .~oot 5. ~e'{e~ect~on= o~'~:6-}foot'.~ ~' to.the ~o~ ~e vote on ~e.: ~ ~o~ut~onc~ ns follows= -' A~: c~~r D~o~s~ ~ez~ ~pgoo~ N~qt' ~~ '.None. ~t -:C~I~S~ ~e~ .... --' '~ POP. EGOING P. ESOL~TION i,s si~ed, and' approved by ~ this 7~ ~7 of ~c~er, ' ] · 959. - IN ~..~OF~ r have heze~to set 'ny h~d;t~s ~h ~y.oE ~c~r, ~959Y flS.~i OLZiTIO[i IiO. 120. SFRIES 1959-60 J1 RSSOL~JTIOM ~8 'L~ CITY PL:aiNIlAG COYIl$SIC11( Ofi THH CIT1f OF ANAIIBIk ~~~ fBtANrItIC $?HCIAL 1JSII PFRMIT NO. 36 ~~~' ? ~~- z`-~,.~~ MHBRHAS. the City Plar~ia~ Coamassion of the City of Anaheia hss received a , ~i Yerif3ed Petitioa froa the otie~er, Nimnie 8ertha Dierberger. is91 ltabie 5treet. Ahahe3a. Califosnia. of s certain puc-ti o; seal properLy described aa: Pascel 1: 1he Yi~st 2411 feet of the We+~L 160 feet of t6e ATosth 290.00 feet. measured al a4 the North and West lina~ of the Sonttnnest quartez of the Hortheast quasLer ~f thc Northxeat quarter of 9ectfon yA. lbunship 4 9outh. Aaaae 10 plest. in the ttaaeho San Juan tq~on de Santa Aaa. cit~ oF Aaaluia, county of Aswga. atate of Califaraia as pes uap rtcosSed ia boot S1. page 10 of Niscellaoeoua Nspa, in the oEfice of tbe Countq Aecordee o£ eaid eountq. Safd laad is included Mithia the ~res :6o~vn on a map filed 3n boot 16, page~2 of Recard of Stirv~y~. ia the offica oF ttu Couatr Recorder of eai~d couatq. Parcel 2: 7ke North 510.00 feet. neast~red a),on6 the Baet liae cf the South~rest Quuter of the Hortheas4 Quarter of the Northtireat quuEer of Section 16~ :ownship 4 Sonth. Range 10 Weat. in the Raneho San Jnda C+3on Qt Su:ta Aaa. ia c6e .ity of Anahei~e. county of Oraage, state of Californi~~ ae per wap secorded ia book S1. page 10 of ~iacellaneoue Maps. !a the oEfice of the eouaty recosder of a~3d county, BRCBPT the 8a~t 14a.00 feet thereof". meaeured a7.oag tLe North liae oF seid Sou~hxest quarter, ALSO B%GRPT the ltlrst 100.00 feet thereof, aeadpzed •long the said.North liQe. ' Ss3d !s~ is aho~m in a map filed in book 16. page 2 oF R~cord of Survays. iu the office of the ~ounty Recordes of ~id couniy. WHRF~1$. the Citp Plaaaiag Coemfssion did holei a Pubiic Heariag ~t the City Hall in the Citq oE.Anaheim upoa au=H VeriEied Petition 9E S~C~A1-Use P~~tv~t No. S6 oa the 7th Qay of Deeembes, 1959. Notice of xhieh said Publie Hesring xas duly given aa reQuired by laa and th~: provisiona of the Anaheim Municipal Code Seciions 92Q0. und Wi!RRA e ..iA M~aew~ wR:C: ~w r~~ ~~i .` l !-.:, : C~ o~. .. dac .:;;.¢_ oa, i:vr.. .g:. cn. ~.:d s~u~es :~:Ga by iY~elf And ia its beluif aad afier due conefdera4ioa of all evideece ead reports off~ered at said heazins ~oes £iad ~cd determine !he IOlI01I~n$ fACt3: 1. '!he wb,~ect property is presenlly zoned N-I, Light Manufacturing xith a 50 foot P-L. Y~rtin~-LandaoapiagZoae a2.ong Loua Street. 2, 7be Anoheim lluaiaiy~i Code~ 9ectioa 9200.11 psoviQe$ that sny M-1 Use iocated cloaer tt-an 338 fett fran the exterior bouaQaries of anq publie achool aite sL~~li be sab,~eet to a Speeial-Use Peraft. 3. 'me eab,~ect property wi11 be 22Q feet from the extarios bouadarq of Lour School. lK~II• ~.'H&RBPORE^ SE IT AES~,VHD 1Y~14T ~ ANAf~IM CITY FtANtilMfi CCIQ~fISSION f~RIIBY Gd2ANTS SPBCtAL-p98 PBRIQIT if0. S6 TU PE~tMIT CHiiTAYN INDil31RIAL USBS IN LIEt; OP RBQUITt1AlHFJ'T I'flR SPt~CIAL-U3H P~RMIT. SU~JHCT T`J SHIlI& AAsTRIC?SD TO THH PO~.I.~iIN3 USH3: ~ 1. Any nae permt4ted in Ltte "^..~2^ 2one. 16. Frnit or aut packing doure. ' Z, pAoieaaie busineas, stazage buiidinga 19. Fc,od proilucta manuEaeture„ fresh vegetabies j a~! narehouae. ~nd f:uit ezcepted. ' 3. Aircraft fnctorq (no foundpry) 18, (iarage, public, thaR doea a lu~e ao~ount of I 4, Autoeobile paiatiag~ xhen not in con- body ~ttd feader Mork aa~Q painting. aectioa rrith main garage. A21 paint- 19. ~iacc+eat namnfuture., ~ ing, aieading and batins ebal! be eon- 20. Ice awd eold storase piant. !~ tained ia a bnifdina, 21. Laboratories. eapesi0ental. motion picture ~ 5. Bakcr~. and testin;. 6. Botll~ag p1~tnL, 22. Lan~edrp. 7. B~eildias ~~tesisl atorase ~ard. 13. Nachine shop. ,{ ',I 8. Cobine4 shop or furnitnre menufactnse. 24. i(wufactmra of prefabricded buildiegr. ~' I 9. Carpet clriaing planl. 23. liotioa picttire stnGioa. -J 10. C2eaaia}~ aad dyeing plaat. 2C. Pabrfcation of prodncts aa~]e fr^+n piastiea. " !i. Creomery. 27, Reblie Ot~lity searoica qa:d~ or eletitricai 22. Dais~ pzodacta mannfaetnre. recei~ing aaQ, tranafozner atatioas. 13. Dnriag. freig~tiag or truetis~ qar4. aa. PebricstiQn of paodgcte made from rubbas. o= tesisinal. 29. Sheet Netal 'hop. 14. Eleetric os nean sign ataaniactnse. 30. 3hoe aaeufaclare. iS. leed Rad Ene2 yard. - 31. 1lextile ~aaofeesusR. i~.. .:+•:.: ,•.c•i.+:.;a ~;~~~a~",:..~~.s~:, = 32. Bleetronic laboratosies and pi~nts. 33. 1YucE repairin~ aod ov~er6aulin~, -1- ., ,~_ - ---- _ , ,~ II i~~ ' `' ~ . _~ ~ ~ ,,~.t,~~:,F;: - _ , f ~.,,.,.; ~e .~,,J;t~t,,; AI~ID F[At17iHR. proviAed that aone of the sbove uses of 4h¢ psoperty ahall be fonnd to bs oDnosious or offeaaive dua to the ewist~ioa of odor, du~t. anoke. ~ae~ noiae. or vibratioa; ALSO. 1. 2hat <:2 feet fraa the centerlin~ of Loata S~:sa: ~~ditatrd to the City oi Ansheim. 2. lriat 30 feet fsoa the canterli~e of Mable Stseet bc deCieated to the Citq of Anaheim. 3. Prepue street ~saprovemcat pleas and iaatail a11 improvamenta in ~ccordaaee with appsovrQ staadard plans on file ia thc offica ai' Lhe City megineer on both Loara and ltaDle :treets. 4. lhat th~re be a Dayment of 52.00 per froat foot for atreet '_ighting purpasea oa both Losra aad 16ab1e 3treets. S. ~e erection oi a 6 foot Kall aext to the Pairwont School propcaty., ~e vote on the ahove reeolntioa ~aas ae foilows: AYBS: COtU3ISSI0NHN3: DnHois~ (7auer. Hapgood, adauerhsn. llorri~~ Su~mera, mungall. NObSt Cdi@~dSSIONFIt3: None. ABSEDIT: COA~iI3SIdi~R+.RS3 All~~ed. 2939. ~ PORBGOItiG RIISQLl1T'.IOAI ia sign2d and approv~ed by me this 7th day of Uecember. ~/ / 4..i ~~~~>.' 1//`1~2C ~ ~ -: _~.Y' CHAIRMAN ANAHHIk CITY YLAtiNIAIG Ca19~iI3 ~ f. W..°:: SBCRIlTARY ANAHRIM CITY' PIANNINQ CCpWI3SI0N STATH OP CALIPORtiTA ) COUNPY Ol' ORAFiGS ) ss. CIT1f OP AlIAHBilt ) I. R. W. MUNGALL, Secretasy of the City Piaaning Comwi.oaion of the Citq of Arwhefa~ do hereby cert3fy that tLe foregoing Reaolution No. 126 - Seriva 1959-60 was pasaed snd adopted 6~ a motion daly osade. secoaded and carried et s R~gular Meetiag of the City Plaaning Co~eiasi~a heid oa Lhs 7th day of Deeenber. 1939. IN VlITNH.4S NHERSOP~ I havr herGUnto eet my haad thia 7th da' of December. 1959.' SHCRBTARY AkAHBIM CITY PLAAII~IING CaAWIBSION 'y_