PC 1959-1960-131 T" '0LUTION NO. 131 - SERIES A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIN~ COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0P AI~AHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0FANAHEIM T~AT RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-61 he Anoroved WHEREAS. The City Planning Jommission of the City of Anaheim has received a Verified Petition from the prcoerty owner(s) of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County o.' Orange. S%a%e of California, described as follows: The Easterly 10 acres of tha~ portion of bots z and ~ o~ Tract ~o. 71, as shown on a map recorded in hook 10, page 22 of Miscellan~ous Map~~, records o£ 0ran§, County, Ca,if., described as follows: Beginning at the intersection o~ the Westerly p~olongatio~i o~ the S. line of said lot 5 with the center line o~ a 60' road along the W. side Of said gets 4 & 5, as shown on said map, commonly known as Placentia Avenue; thence Southerly 215.4~' aiong said cent~,r line to the NW corner of land described as Parcel 1 in an agreement recorded Dec. 28, 1926 in Book 694~ page 8 o~ Deeds; thence Easteriy Il70.10' parallel with the S. line o~ said Lot 5; thence N. paraIlel with the center iine of s~id road to the Southeasterl¥'~a~ of laod described'as Parcei 1 in the'deed to PaIm Bros. InG, recorded on Sept. i4, I959 in book ~879, page 286 of OfficiaI Records; thence S. 49e 08' 15" W. aiong said Southeasteriy line tp the beginnin9 of a tangent cuzve therein concave Northwesterly having a radius of IO00.O0 ; thence Southwesteriy along said cbrve through a central angle of 41° 06' 25" a distanc~ o~ 717.45' to a tangent iine therein; thence N. 89~ 45' 20" W. 416.35' along the S. iine of said land o~ Paim Bros. Inc., and its WesterIy p~oiongation to thc S. W. corn,~.r :;f Fractionai Sec. 24, T4S, ~IOW~ in the'Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Aha, as shown on a ~oap recorded in book 51, page 10 of Miscelianeous Maps~ records o~ Orange County, Caiif.; thence Southerly 323.05 ' to the point of beginning, and further described as the easte41y lO acres of the 15 acres at the southeast corner of Placentia and Kateila Aven~. The appiicant, M. E. BIVENS, 433 W. Center St., Anahe±m, Caiif., requests that the subject property be reclassified from M-i, LIGHT NbkNUFACTURING, to M-2~ HEAVY H~NUFACTURING. WHEREAS. The City P~-~ing Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said VERIFIED PETITION of RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-40-6! on the 7th day of D~.ccmber , 19 59, NOTICE of which said Public Hearing was duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ANAHEIM MUNICIPA~ CODE, Section 9200; and WHEREAS, Said Commission. after due inspection, investigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered a% said Hearings, does find and determine the following facts: 1. This property is to be used ~or a plant manufacturing die castings presently located in the Los An~eies area which suppIies parts to other piants located in Anahrim. 2. ~{r. ~urcoch and mr. Mungali visited the present piant in Los An?Ies and in their opinion, it ~ouId 4~e suitaSle at this location. 3. The f~ont five acres of their property on Piacentia Ave. wii1 remain as M-I, LIGHT MANU- FACTURING. NOW, THE~E~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLYING COMMISSION HEREBY RE¢0MMENDS TO T~]~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~AHEIM THAT RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-59-60-61 be aDproved for reclassification from M-1, LIGHT MANUFAC~ING? to M-2, HF. AVY MAN~ACT~ING, with a 50 ft. P-L, ~ARKING-LANDSCAPING ZON~, along Katella Ave. and subject to: -1- 1. The dedication to tho City of Anaheim of 60 ft. f~om the centerline of Katella Ave. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and install ali improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the Office of the City Engineer. 3. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 4. That a 90 day time limit be set for the accomplishment of the above conditions. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 7th day of Dec., 1959. STATE OF CALIFORNIA'~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, t~. W. MUNGALL, Secretar? of the City Pl~mning Commission of the City of An~_beim, do hereb~ certif~ that the foregoing ~SOLUTION N0. ~ 1~1 - S~RI~S . 1~59-60 was passed ~d adopted at a Re~lar Meeting of the Pl~in~ Co~ission of the Cit~ of ~eim, held on ~he 7th day of Dec. , 19 59 b~ the following vo~e of the members thereof: · ~ ': NOES: C0~ISSI0~: None. _% .:. IN WIT~SS ~0F. I ~ve here~o se~ ~ h~d this 7th day of ~c., 1959.