PC 1959-1960-61~.-~, , - --- ~;:~< , s '~ r ~ . G:;r;~.f:`.: ~ ~ ~ . . r" ` A RBSOLUTYON OF THE CITY PLANNING,CGMAIISSSON OF TAE CITY OF ANAHfiIM ;. ri:': („e~p Varian~~ Ne lifl0 _ WF~REAS, The Citq Pianaiag Commissioa of Lhe Citq oP Anaheim has r•eceived '/: a Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a oertain parcel of real property situated ;i,i:~~ in Lhe City of Aaaheim. County oP Oraage. State of California, des¢ribed as follors: :1:"'.'. ' ' ' . , ; `,... ;~, sr;=~. ,~~: FATtC+'~. it That po'~~ien of the irtasL ~'.1~ acraa o[ tAa ?lartb haLf mt th~ liort~ne~9$ ' qwrt~ssr of tl~e tdaztheast, Q-earter of Secl~oa :~1~ 3n Y~rnoAip 4 Sout~~ Aanye 11. t~es4, ia ttie RancM;~ao Goyates. aa oAaern on a a~sp th~zaoi reeorded !n boak 91. page 7~ et seq., IRiscella~eoue Ltapa, recards af said Orengs Coau~tY. dascribed as follaara: Beqinnlag a! e poirrt in the l~eet line of tlu~ Nartiieast quartar of seiQ +ection ,7,~, Irald po~m~ }aaing 3Z8.90 fe~t South oF ths NmrtMoest cornor thereof~ thenca °ontinn3ng ButtLh aioag tAo l~aast lino of iBaid tQor#heasL quartQr 1G9.4!' feet to ~Ehe 4~orttiwest corner of land :.omayed to Chsr2s~s 8. ldllluh9~ i ef,ugle man, bq dQed racard+ed Auqu~t ~4, 14~8~ ia Dook 2691' pagm x30, ~ffi~iei R~.curdas thence SoutA 84° 99' 11" @aat aioeg tt~ ~os~h lina oS seri~d Ia-~d ~ onvoy~d to :.`har2es t?. ldul2ins, a ai.ngle ~ara, 398.'11 faet to tM Kortheaet c.ornea ttaezeQf ~ thasae North 0° l;t~ ~5' Eost 1u5.4C~ feet ta !Ap ~ot~t)~sast co~r-tar ef t4te lar-d cat9vsyred to Fred S. !6-:~lurrey anY! ~,i~e, 6y deed. socordeid 3~mly ~3, 7~9d8. in bobk 1674, page 81, (3fflcial se~ords> is~. t1~e Of4'i~e of ~he GotmLy Reamrator af ~a#d ~)r~ge Countq! tAenca North 89° 59` 42" t~ast 358.7~ gn~t almng t~e SauRtt li~-a of s~id ~Ic~ta7ray lsed and !!ie 4tester~*f eXtensian thereof' to the point of bQgiranirig. ;>,, f+ARCBL ,3z .~n undividec3 one-fourtb interoat !n and to a pt~p4ng plant site dstrcsiAed aa follarrss ...~~~,rr:L^.~.^.ji 3« 2~?{Y~t Sl; 'C.F'~„'' p~'.wi'~ ~~:3^ of th~ !~.^.•: :er.l~c;rd to zf.~~ R~ ~••~~~rr.~.~ ~:1A .~. aif~e;, ~ daed recordR@ July 23,,1948, in boak 169R, page 6S, Offir.ial Records, fn tau ~f'f ce o! t~s ~ou~-ty t~cardsr' of ssid Orang~ CountY: said point }~e3ng Sauth Qo 12• 3I5" q~aet ib4.419 fa~ fraat tttis Hart-rweet tornor thereaf~ thenaa Last 36.OQ feet to the ttsfe point of be~inning3 then:•-e Nvr4h S faats tha+nca $aat iQ feeti th~ace Sautd 1C f~ets thanae F~es4 20 foet anQ theneQ Narth 5 fert ta tho true point of bsginniag. rtLFREU J. and VERihA YINCEI'tZ, 10072 S. Dal~e S`treat~ Analfsim, Galifarnia, as Applfcant. ~: ~ I ~; . ~ ; WAEREAS. The Citp P2anniag Commissioa did hold a Public Heariag at the I City Aall in the City oP ~naneim. oa NOTICES of whioh said Publio Hearing were duly given as reqt~e~]A8Ml,~~~-e provisions oY the ANAAEIlI MUNICIPAL CODB. Seotioa 9200; aad I'i . + , -1- ,i~, Y , ?'~OLUTION NO. ~ - SERIES A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PI.~NNINO COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Grantinq Variance No. 1150 W~EREAS, The City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has received a Verified Petition from the Owner(s) of a certain parcel cf real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as followS: PARCEL 1~ That portion of the West 5.13 acres of the North half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section.24, in Township 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Las Coyotes, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 51, page 7, et seq., Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County~ described as follows: Beginning at a point in the West line of the Northeast quarter of said Section 24, said point being 328.90 feet South of the NorthwesZ corner thereof; thence continuing South.along the West line of said Northeast quarter 165.41 feet to the Northwest corner of land conveyed to Charles E. Mullins, a single man, by deed recorded August 24, 19~8, in book 1691, page 250, Offitial Recgrds; thence South 89° 59' 11"' East along the North line of said land conveyed to Charles E. Mullins, a single ma~, 338.71 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thenc~ North 0o 12' 35" East 165.46 feet to the Southeast corner of the land'conveyed to Fred E. McMurray and wife, by deed recorded July 23, 1948, in book 1674, p-- Official Records, in the Office of the .County Recorder of said Orange County; North 89° 59' 42" West 338.71 feet along the South line of said MpMurray J the Westerly extension thereof to the point of beginning. PARCEL 2: An undivided one-fourth interest in and to a pumping plant size described as follows: B~ginning at a point in the West line of the land coHveyed to Fred E. McMurray and wife, by deed recorded July 23, 1948, in book 1674, page 81, Official Records, in ........ the. Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, said point being South 0~ 12' 35" West 164.40 feet from the Northwest corner thereof; thence East 36.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 5 feet; thence Hast 10 feet; thence South lO.feet~ thence West 10 feet and thence North 5 feet to the true point of beginning. ALFRED J. and VERDA VINCENZ, 10072 S. Dale Street, Anaheim, California, as Applicant. WHEREAS, The City Planning Commission did hold a'Public Hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, on September 21,, 1959 NOTICES of which Said Public Hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and WHENFAS, Said Co/salon, after, due inspection, i~stigation and studies made by itself and in its~half and after due conSideration~of~ all evidence and. reports offered at said Nearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. The property 5.~ presently classified as R-A, R~SID£NTI~L~AGRICULTURAL, whi~.h permits one dwelling per acre. 2.' The subject property consists of one and one quarter (1~) acres with an existing dwelling the rear of which is located 98 ft. from the rear lo% line. The is 165 ft. by 338 ft. ih depth. 3. It is proposed'to locate the d~elling 2o be moved in 93 ft. from the center line of Dale Ave. 4. The house to be moved in contains 1144 sq. ft. and was built as a student project by'Fullerton Junior College. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT TI4E ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C0~9~ISSION HEREBY Granms Variance No. 1150 subject to: 1. The dedication to the City of Anaheim of 45 ft. from the centerline of Dale Ave. 2 Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvemenzs in accordance with approved plans on file in the Office of the City Engineer. 3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for 'street lighting purposes. The vote on the above Resolution. '" AYES: CO~ISSIONMRS: Allred, DuBois, Gauer, Hapgood, Mauerhan, Morris, Summers, Mungall. NOES: CON~ISSION~RS: None. ABSENT: CON~ISSION~RS: Thompson T~ FORE~0IN~ RESOLUTION.is si~ed and approved by me this 2is2 day of'SDptember, 1959. STATE OF C~I'FO~IA )' COUNTY OF 01~AN~E ) se. CITY OF ~AHEIM ) Z, R.W. MUNGALL, Seereta~ of'the City Pla~nin~ Co~ission of the City of ~eim, do hereby certify that the fore~oin~ RES0~UTZON NO.' 61 - S~IES 1959-60, was passed ~d adopted by a motion duly made~' seconded. ~d carried at an Adjourned Regular Nearing of the City Planning Co~isSi'on held on the 21 day of Se~tember;?I959. ~;h~s 21st day' of ~t~mber~L'Z959 IN WIT~SS W~LEE, EOF, I have here~to ao~Dy~ .