PC 1959-1960-99>'{Z~' ~ESOLUTION NO. 99 SEEiES - - 9-60 it..i~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0F ANAHEIM :i{,~ G~nn+.~.nn Vn~ianae No. 1'165' WHE~AS, The C;it~ PLanning Co~ission of the Cit~ of ~eim has received a Verified Petition l, rom tho Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real property situated in the 0ity of An~oim, County of Orange, State of C,.~lifornia, described as follows: Lo~ 78~ Trac~ 2332. ~RIIN PRIC~, 2642 Greenbrier, Anaheim, California, as Applicant. WHEREAS, The City Planning Commission did hold a ~blic ~earing at the 0it~ Hall in ~he 0it~ of An~eim, on Novomhor 2, 1959 N01IOES of whioh said ~bltc Hearing were duly given as required b~ law and the p~ovisions of tho ~A~EIM }~NICIP~ CODE, Section 92001 and made b~ itself an~ iff its behalf and after due consideration of al! evidence and reports offorod at said Hoaring, doos find and dogormine tho following ~: 1. This swiping pool will be Jocated entirely in the rear yard. Y'i;:~:j.:: 2. This lot keys the lot to the south but the present o~ner has 'no objection to the locatin~ of a ~:~ wall alon9 ~he rear of ~h~ lo~ as ~heSr ~ara~e adjoins ~he sub~ec~ proper~y. ,~ij. 3. There 5s presen~l~'a pa~5o on ~he ~es~ por~5on of ~he subjec~ proper~y. ~'~:~:*~r' 4.~Spo01mueharea.space as possSble 5s re~uos~ed on accoun~ of ~he one door fram ~he L~v~n~ room ~o ~hs NOW, THE~F0~, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ~AHEIM CITY PL~NIN~ C0~ISSION HEREBY Grants Variance No. 1165, with the stipulation that the pool be located no% neare~ %han 5 f~. ~o ~he oasg proper~y line. THE F0~GOIN~ ~SOLUTION ts signed ~ud approved by me this 2nd day or Nov. ~ 1959. OHAI~ ANAHEIM CITY ~NIN~ C0~~. ~}- STATE OF CALIFO~IA~p/ ~.~:' COUNTY O~ O~NGE ) ss. ~- CITY OF ~AHEIM ) fi: I; R.W. ~NGALL, Secretar~ of the City Planning Co~ission of the ~ 0it~ of ~aheim, do horeb~ certify ~hat the foregoing RES0~UTION N0. 99 - SERIES ~.., 195~60, was passed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and carried at ['~ a Regular Meeting of the City Planning Co~issionlheld ~he 2nd ~,} da~ of November, 1959. ~/ I~ ~I~g88 ~0~, I lmvo horoun~o sog m~han~ ~h~ 2nd 0ay of ~ovember~ 1959 ~: BECRET~Y AN~EIM CI,~['PL~NING CO~ISSION .'