PC 1959-1960-284"_"___ . . _~ ` ___ ~ . ~'r~ _ . . F; ;)LUTION P0. 28!1 - SSRITsS1955 ~':1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PI,ANNINti COYd1ISSI0N OF TFi$ CITY OF ANAHEINI 8itA1TTSlliG Y/{RIAi~B ~1. !?,x$ PJHERfiAS. Tha City Plaaniag Commiasioa of the City oP Anaheim has receivad - a Verified PeCitioa from Lhe Or-ner(s) of a aertaia parcel oP real property situated in the City of Ansheim, Couatp of Orarage, State o! CaliPoraia. described as follows: a,st ex ~[ ~r,~c= ~. ~~i. ~~ t~ ca,a~s!• ot a~e. stete ef C~lEfozsila, ~. pa= ~s~ ses~sded ta boa~t Srl. Pa~ey 9. .W aa~II i9, of D~iuceilm~ons Dletgs. ~a t6e :afflee of t8ie eo~atp tacot~: oE sai8 c~alY. C. D. /~f I~4. t. ~88. 2I1~R ,)1sdi~3t Ia.. An~eim, CaLf~a~r83a. a~s applica~ta. WE~REAu, The City Plazu?ing Commission did hold a Pub19.o FTeariag at the CiLy Hall in tl~e City oP Anaheim. oa ~ apv Yqap tQOTICBS of mhich said Public Hearing were duly given as requ red bq lav aad the provisioas of the ANAHSIM 1dUNICIPAI, CODS, Seotion 9200; aad wAEREAG, Said Commission, after due iaspection.' investigatioa aad studies mado by itself and ia fts behalf aad after due considex~8.t.f~n of all evidonoe aad reports offered at said Hearing, does fiad and determiae the idllorvittg feats: a. A~idcacts zeGlaeea~eQ pcrml~ae~au to esirre ZS• r~as yard ectDaet ac9~eaeag9 to ~esaiit 4• eacs+DAC~aaeuS 3~'a0 sY~id s+ear pns$. 2„ ll~tte ~at rao,~as~e.3a ~Le a~~~nco o~ait~ lhis trmxloaca. S70r . TI~I~ORE. B:. I: I'usS07~Vr~ iiikT ~I,o ~AIInIii. C-TY rLAirTiIi~IG COiuiISSiON HERESx ~A1t?A YARS~7~E8 if0. 2233. ~teD3eet ta ti~e f~i;to~tng e~r~dit3aas: 1. DevelopmaaR 3fi ~ctoida~eee ldtio q1A~ p~traatt~6i. ,,~~.;., ;tlaivea of ~i.cleo~lir se4ni~ureats: Otq ro31 raal2 t~e fns`gaiog at~atni$aa ~ pa8sr~ S~ tLe PaLLosdt~g vro#et . ATias: c7olira~,aiai~la~: A].ir~ra, ~. td~~cc~mrs. ~tanerhao. ~osr3~. ~agrlt ~ suu~ear. ~e t~li~Ep~t~: ImanQ. A@58RPs CO~i~SiCl~tse Datioia amd cisuer. ~ ~' THS FOREGOING R18SOLUTION is 9lgned and approv d~y.1ue,:~his T_~ ~ f...; .. y~~ ~~' 34~at, 2960. Aj` `1'`: y~ :' . , . . . t~ ,~ .J` -(.. CHA AS~L4FIEEM CITY PLANNIN(i C031MISSION ATTSST: _... _ -,~._ ... . . ~~ - . ' c F.. ~.t°e.t~t:. . 'Y~e....c•::CG_'+e.'~l .. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PAAIiNINfi CQ1~lISS3:OP STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANaE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHBIM ) ~ I. Secr.etarq of the CiLp Plann~.ng Commiss.oa c: ;,~a City of Anahei$~~ReF~certifp Lhat the foregoiag RESOI,UTION N0. - SBRI£S 19 -., was passeQ attd adopted by a motioa duly made, seconded aad oe~d at a S9 bp Regular Meetiag of +che Citq Planniag Comctissioxi held on the dap oY ~tb Jaat.. ~9~6fl.. IN WST;r',SS WHEREOF, I Lavo hereunto set my hettd this dap of . 30t1e Jana. 196Q. ~~~ ......_.._,_ . . _ -......~,r .~w.~.t.~. ~~ ~.'c~ `~_~~~:-.f'~.c1.. a- 5SCASTARY ANAAEIM CITY PLANNINfi CO)tl[ISSION a:,i _ ~ • €'7