PC 1960-1961-107(.. .---~----. -----•- . .'s~.r~r;h~~.l`,;. .,~~~ta.h, ~-t~fc. ~et,iS'°~.r~4:..~,.., ... . ~' '~ ~' ~Y . . i ~S'~~ .'`~kt.-. 4. , ~ °SOLUTION N0. wt17~ - SERIES 9g~y, l.k ~~~,~~~y~y,,, f . f A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COLIKISSIOP~ OF THE CITX OF ANAHEIM ,~ RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF ANAHE2;d THAT RECLASSIFICATION NO fs3'S•hS~36 A~t t~AAT."1Y313 ` WHEREAS, The City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has received ~ a Verified Petition from the property owner(s) of cerL~sia real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Al3 ttut cartaf~a iand aituut~al 3ss e.3~~ ~t~t~ af ~3foraio~ Cauaty of C~ar~e, t;i$y eaf Az~sbeim~ tE~~ati~d: ~ 2'~ sa~rt~ 3~~ f~~4 of 6~a eas~t ~if o~' tta~ e~sR h~al~' af x3ae su~rtlawe#4 gaestet of tlta stos'E~.~est qwartrr~ csf ~c~ir~¢a 1.4. '~'o~d+~i, d Sda~h, ~~e ll ~~sS. ~.D.B.•~ d9. , ~:t~~~'IP33 "Y1'iEttliE~~t~ tts~ am~th c55 g~~t ~a colsvctqed 3o Ctr~ StatC~ at CmaSfasain Dy dRa3 seaarQ+~d ,juiq X2, T6:5 3r ~k 3~~~0, page Zttg af 4ft`icial l:acarQa. ~ i. Aaa~t i LpCr.AIIL~ ~thl"+'+'3CtlaTiUR? 7057~ ASOnrao JS~aa '~nrb~. C$lfforai.a WHEREAS, The City Planning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the City FIall in the City of Anaheim upon said VERIFIED PETITION of RECLASSIRICATION Public ~a~3ng8mas duly g~~endas requ~~~b~~* law~andd~he provisionswofc heaid ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and WHEREAS, Said Corr:mission, a?ter due inspection, investigation and studies made by itself and 3n its bahal.. ~nd aYter due consideration of a21 avi3ence and reports offered at said Hearings, does find and determine the following facts: 1. Th~ peti4,ior-,~r seqea~s4s rrclasrlifita2~Son fs~m -1 Jt t+a G-3 Sox ~CVa1o3~nC af s bou23ag elley with $aaiGe~Mnl cof'te~ sho~ ~x[cl cocl~tafl.2 1mun~c. ~, Adaguata procr~.s~oa. 3,a c~a+9a for pur~i~g, ° 3. 7taq ~aopc+ye~ d~srElapa~n! planu pra~fdar i'or a 8~ tt. lat9aas~d aFea. 7f~r srquiarc! +aettx~ck #abd 3.andsc~~a~d araa ~laug ttpfa pastictt aE Li.acala Aa~. is ?33 ft. 4. 2hC ~nya~x~ co~ft~ 32~a~ az~d cmck4all lms~+e wi21 be sep~c~4ad, inci~c~ta! to 42ax pr~ea~; ~e~c a? ~ber 3sui1c13,Ag a~nct ~tcca~aiE+l$ ~saip~ fz+~~z 4h~ '~stdl.n~ area. 5. 9t~r ~u.xraund,ing mx~a ~tas be~a daq~sl,apirsg k'c~r ca~rciat uaea. 6. E~ ott~ a~~:Qasted ist a~.nsas3tio~ 4~ ~ize ~~i2ian. NOW~ THEREiORE~ BE LT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONiMISSIOfl HEFi~BY RECOMMENDS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT R~CI,ASSIFICATION N0. F- bfl~"31-3~, 'r3' H!~$`e'Rt~VBL~ P!'~l C-3, ~FE.AS~Y C~'sSd~H'~.`1AS.. -1- `~'I 2. i~cv~3a~~s,~ in a~ccardar~¢r 4ritk~ i~n ~ s~EDm~$ af 33 €t. fx+o~r ~ ~~erstffid a'1fih tYte exsepBiom tls9R a~ aelaf~m ::,. .,; ~. 8zm D~~~ ~46~q rignt-sf •~-y 2i.~ o€ .L.~aeaia Ave. t~ ~sravicfi~~9: ' ~ d~s~T#ax~ ~E m~Cstat l.~ravamenta y~lar~ ~ t~a datrta2tati~a~ nf a~2Y improe~s~ant~ Ya ~ Keeq~r~ce w~£4h ~appae~efl statd~rd ~iea~ oa ~'~..ia i.sa o~'fiea of City i?agf.ne~rr. ~ s. B~nae~t r,ff $a.oC~ per Fxa~t foot €cc st.,,tigt,ti~g ~uxpeiaes. ~ 6. Nir~tq ~q tS~x :lisoi#atiom ote Yte~ 2~ 3a ~ T~ Y~GitPGt~t19~ L~s'3iTx~is ar~t Enas~act to Ds a~ces~ms I property ga~ orQer to gre,A~;zv~e tlte ~aafm4p aad ~ri€ars oPerthe~C~itta to t3ssr a8e oE the ; ~ts o~ Attt~h~rim, ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is sigtted and approved by me this lyt~ ~~ p~r ~go~t~ li~5d. CHAIRRIAN ANpHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: f, ,/~ Z ' ( ~ o ~. S CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNYNG COMMISSFON STATE OF CAI,IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Secretary ~f the City Planr.iag Commission oY the City . of Anaheim, ~~~~pipY that the foregoing RESOLUTION N0. ?~ ~n~ Pl~~d~as passed and adopted at a Regular Mee~~~~~S~~e'ci'Ly'~BftI~S. g ommission of the,C±ty of A.II8h91P1~ held on t?~e dsy o: by the PolZowing vote oP the members thereoP: i7t~t p~¢p~Y ' 1~ i+YES: COMMISSIONERS: , ; '~t~~~a~, ~8,rcoa~, tAC~rsfa. I~+~aX2. Suamess. I3apgond. NOES: COhIMISSIONERS: ~ t7oiiS. ~ aBSENT: COMMISSIONERS: AIlsed. ~ IN WITNESS 44HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 17t~ day of QcCObas~ S4e~3. ' . ., • SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMI~SI5SI0 ~' ~ .~ ` ~ , I ...... a I iY -'l- 'ESOLUTION NO. 107 - SERIES 196~ %~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING CONMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECONNENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT RECLASSIFICATION NO. 60-61-36 BH GP.A~I~HD. WHEREAS, The City P1snntng Commission of the City of Anaheim has received a Verified Petition from the property owner(s) of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of 0range, State of California, described as follows: All that certain land situated in the State of California, County of Orange, City of Anaheim, described: The north 396 feet of the east half of the east half of the northwest quarter of tbs northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 4 South, Range i1 west, S.B.B. & M. ~XC~PTINGIH]~FROM the north 66 feet as conveyed to the State of California by deed recorded July 12, 1955 in Book 3134, page 285 of Official Records. Owner: LOCKNIL~ CC~PORATION 7051 Monroe Buena Park, California WHEREAS, The City Pl-nning Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said VERIFIED PETITION of RECLASSIFICATION NO. F- 60-61-36 on the 17th day of October , 1960 , NOTICE of which said Public Hearing was duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ANAHEIM NUNICIPAL CODE, Section 9200; and WHEREAS, Said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and studt~s made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearings, does find and determine the following facts: 1. The petitioner requests reclassification from ~-A to C-3 for development of a bowling alley with incidental coffee shop and cocktail lounge. 2. Adequate provision is made for parking. 3. We proposed development plans provide for a 25 ft. landscaped area. The required setback and landscaped area along this portion of Lincoln Ave. is 35 ft. 4. The proposed coffee shop and cocktail lounge will be separated, incidental to the primary use of the building and accessible only from the bo~ing area. 5. The surrounding area has been developing for commercial uses. 6. No one appeared in opposition to the petition. NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONNI$SION HEREBY REC0~[ENDS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0F ANANEIN THAT RECLASSIFICATION NO. F- 60-61-36, BHAPP~OV]~) FOR C-3, 117.AVY C(IW~CIAL. -1- 1. Development in accordance with plans prcsented with the exception that a miamum setback of 35 ft. from plnnned highway ri§ht-of-w~y line of Lincoln Ave. be provided. 2. Preparation of stree~ improvements plans and the installation of all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of City En§ineer. 3. Payment of $2.00 per front foot for st. lighting purposes. 4. Ninety day time limitation on Items 2 and 3. Tw~ FOP, EGOING CONDITIONS are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use of the property in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the Citizells of Anaheim. THE FOREGOING RESOLu~Iui~ zs signcd aun'l approved by mc this 17th day of October, 1960. ~H~.iP_'L'I{ ;XIAHEI.~,i CiTY ?L'uN,.~iNG COI,~tIS~ ATTEST: S~C~T~Y ~I;,~ CITY P~NNi~G C0YTilSSi01? ' STA~E OF C~IPO~IA ) CO~TY O~ OF~4GE ) ss. CITY OF I, RICHARD It~, Secretary of tho City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing P~SOLUTION NO. ]~ 107, 1960-6~vas passed and adopted at a Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on the 17th day of October , 1%0 by the following vote of ~he members thereof: AYES: CONNISSI0~¥ERS: , Gauer, Marcoux, ~orris, Mungall, Summers, Hapgood. NOES: COMNISSi0NERS: None. ABSENT: C0~NISSIONERS: Allred. IN WITNESS WI~0F, I have h~rcunto set my hand this 17=h day of October, 1960. o~-~E-,::x~ ~I.t CiTY PL;d~EING C0~.IISSION -2-