PC 1960-1961-35~ ~ . __-__._ ------ -- _ .,_-.:.,i .x,:. ~ • .., _ . ~ , . ~.,~ a,~y ~,4`'~ "~i'~-` u .~ ?L,,,.c:, - ~ ~r"': SOLUTION N0. ~r - SSIRIBS 1Sr"~-62 ~;s~~,~;... .~:. .'v';~'S:;i~, ~~1;3::,, . , A RF.SOLUTION OF TE~3 CITY PLANNZNG COYMISSION OF TAE CITY OF ANAf~IM GS'sAl~'3R1C YA6t3ti~~ ~4,. 1278. , WHEREAS. The Citp Plaaning Commission of the Citp of Anaheim has received a Verified Petition from the Owuer(9) of a oertain parael af real proparty situated ~ in the City of Anaheim~ County o! Orau~e, Stata of CaliYarnia~ described as folloRS: 'iAe lEoxtt~ ~48 i~t vf tt~t tlort~ 10 aGtsA oi° tb~e l~eatls 15 acz~c 9f t'ha Esf~t~h~t di tlse 3lorthe~st qvaster Qf tltr ~mti~st ~n~ster ot aectioa ~7~ 7~45, H10i4, 5.8.8, ~~. 14~UEPf13~E3 tPuc 1~t 6#oeL 4M3~ROt. ,~5~ 2. 1in tmdtvidad +xu-faourtl~ ' ieetenst io aac! !o !ba ~epS~tg Ffant l4cated ~n tl~e Joasth~a~tt corn~r tha foli.ew~ipig . e~eaexi0sd ~arc~rtvs Ttas 1~~stP~ lU acre~ at tlie i:ortb 19 aer+~~ of tlse 8~~0# tAae I~E~ ~f idr 1t~.~ M Ss¢tion ~:'ls TdS, F~.~i,t, 5.8.B. &!y. EXCi~PYID~~ tMrsiroa tf~ F6osCa+ 348 tQet. ' Ap~iCBRt+ t7~e!'f~ CdotOS Hotelss .IpG.~ 9412 l~oyaZ Faaa~• Dlvd.~ Gasden Grovs~ Ca1if. WHEREAS. The City Plenniag Commissioa did hold a Publia Hearing at the City Hall in the Cixq of Anaheim. on ~at x~ 196tk~ NOTICES af ahiah said • Public Heariag were dulp given as required by lav and the provisiens of t~e ANAHfiIH MUNICIPAL CODE,• Seotion 9200; aad W[~REAS, Said Co~ission~ after due iaspeotioa~ investigatiou and studies made by itself and in its behalf and after due aonsideration of sll evidence and reports offered at said Heariag, does Yind and determine the Pollowing faots: I. iAis pzop~~t S~ ccK+$isteAti rr~th oetebll.had n~es in t0o DfmpeyQs,nd atea. ~. 7hmr~ esa tfo oppo~stioa te tt~ :•eays~+st, NOW, TFiEF?Z'ROR~. BP IT RBSOLVSD THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMIIISSION I~EREBY ~d1i7TS VtlR21t-~ J~t?. 3;3i6y 5ttd~fl~T '~t9 I~: F+DbLCJrIY~iC C~DIZI~I8r 1. l~av~laip~ent onbst~st'+t1rt11y ir~ co~sfaz~cs ~rilk plans svtxaitted. 2. Intardepartme~ttal ~aittee sa~ppis~tte: a, f~adi+csts 60 ~ot fro~ cecttorlisM af Nazbos and Katei.~d' exTiat.~ b. t'raper~ ~~rast sstpraar~nt plaaei aad snatsls sl~ ssq~ror~+ania sra accosa.mee witA ~ralred sleadard ~isqa acn ~ila in nffits oi GSty 6a~gie~ers oA Dnih str~sts. c. lPaya~at Af ~2~00 per fractt taut far ~ptsoet light~ on batd rls~eats. Tbe fa~wpoing caaditi~s•aza fcu~M to bs a~asary presaQnieite to tAs uee vf tbe pze~s~rty ~m ord+~r ta ~srsesa~r '!tw seF~ttt~ ~uu! xalf~so ~f iM t~tl~sen~ ot Aaabat~-. THE FORTs(iOIN RSSJLUTION is signed aad appraved by me L is ~~~ ~~ ~¢ Av~aet~ 19dU. CHAIRMAi~i A'dAHfiIM CITY E'LANNIN4 COMIdISSION ATTEST: CY+ xall ts21 tAm foxa~oing seooluticutaras ps~scd by !ha tollaeSs~ vota~ A1~EE, l~~ISSIQDtES3~ Allrad, i3uHois, G~s, . ~.. ~ ~ ,,,,t~:. ~, ~, JI~'coqs, tfewrtea~~ ~tin- SECRETARY A:IRHEIM CITY PLANNIN(i~ CO1~AfISSIOfi ~512 a~d 5ne~f~tss. t~Ss ~~IESIF~PSr IYwte. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) AElSE'~1'ft f~~AY5SIC8~2,50 1~pgb~d eiqd D~vrAiS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I' &!~ ~ ~~~ Seoretary of +che City Plnnning Commissioa of the City oP Anaheim~ do~-bereby ae~tify that the foreguiag RESOLUTION N0. - SERIES ~ `; 1~-~l, was passed and adopted b,y a motion duly made. seaoaded and ca~ied at ~, E a Regular MeetinR of the (:ity °9:~ne's^.g CommSs~ion held on the lit ..' d8y of ~Uats 2964. IN ~9iTNESS YVHERTsOi~. I have herewito set my 1~°•? this !tt day of ~i~ 1~1~ .,..-.- .,~1~~ -~. ~ •~~` _ <i-.~i~ ~ l~ SECRSTARY AD'~1HEI3I CITY YiANNING C010[ISSION ~ l :'*~'-' O-UTION NO. 85 - SERIES 19~ .... !61__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PL~NIND O0~I~0N 0F 2HE CITY OF ~AHEIM G~TING VARI~ NO. 1278. ~S, The C~ty P~ning Co~s~on o~ the C~ty of ~e~m ha~ received in th~ City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: .Parcel 1. The North 3~8 ~eet o~ the North 10 ~cres of the North 15 acres o~ the Hast hsl~ of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Sectio~ 27, T~S, S.B.B. ~ ~. HXCH~IN~ the West ~ ~eet thereo~. Parcel 2. A~ u~divided o~e-fourth interest in and to the pumping plant located in t~east corner u~on the following described~property: The North lO acres of the North 15 acres o~ the HW of the of the ~' o~ Section 27, T4S, RiOW, S.B,B. ~ M. HX~PTING therefrom the North 348 feet. Applicant: Du~y Motor Hotels, Inc., 9412 Royal Palm Blvd,., Garden Grove, Calif. W~S, The City Pla~ing Co,lesion did hold a Public Hearing at the City Hall 'in the City of An~eim, on Aulust 1, 1960, NOTICES of which said ~blic Hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ~EIM ~NIOIP~ CODE, Section 9200; and ~S, Said Commission, after due inspection, investigation ~d studies made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. This proposal is conzistent with established uses i~ the Disneylsnd eras. 2. There was no oppositic~ to the request. NOW, TME~FO~, BE IT ~SOLVED 2HAT THE ~ANEIM CITY PLANING CO~ISSION N~BY G~NTS VARI~CH NO. 1278, SU~H~ TO TI-~ POLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Development substantially in conformance with plsns submitted 2. Interdepartmental Co~ittee retirements: e. Dedicate 60 feet ~rom ce~terli~e of Harbor end Bell (~0' exist.) h. Prepare street improvement plane and install all improvements i~ accordance with wpproved standard plans on file in office o~ City En~inee~~ o~ both streets. Tho foro~o~n~ condS~5ons are found ~o be a necossary proroquSsi~o ~o ~h~ use of property in order to preserve the safeZy and welfare of the Citizens of Anaheim. T~ FORGOING ~SOLUTION is signed and approved bM me this 1st day of August, 1960. C~I~ AN~EIM CItY PLANING C0~IS~ ATTEST: On roll call the foregoing resolution was passed by the following vo~ 9all and S~mers. SEO~T~Y ~EIM CITY PLANING CO~ISSION NOHS: CO~ISSIONHRS: None. STATE OF O~IFO~IA ) ABSHNT: CO~ISSION~RS: Hapgood end Morris. COUNTY OF O~GE ) ss. I, Richard Reese, Secretary of the Cit~ Planing Oo~ission of the City of ~eim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ~SOLUTION NO. 35 - SERIES 1960-61, was passed and adopted bM a motion dul~ made, seconded and carried at a Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission held on the let dam of August, 1960. IN WITNESS W~E~OF, I have hereunto set mM hand this let dam of August, 1960.