PC 1960-1961-49 · ~.SOLUTION NO. 49 . - SERIES A RESOLUTION OF THE 0ITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM WHEREAS Tho City Planning Commisalon of tho City of Anahotm has roceivod a Verified Petition from thc Owner(s) of a certain parcel of real prope~,ty situated in the City of Anahoim, County of Orange, Stat,~ of Oalifornia, desorib~d as follows: (See at~ached legal description) The Applicant: Tietz CoHstructton ComPany~ ,. 11900 Gilbert St. Garden Grove, California" WHER~S, The City Planning Commission did hold a ~blic Hearing at City Hall in the ~ity of Anaheim, on August 15, 1960 NOTICES of which said ~bltc Hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of the ~AHEIM ~NIOIP~ 00DE, Section 9200; and ~ER~S, Said Commission, after due inspection,~ investigation and studies made by itsel~ and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence ~d reports offered at said Hearing, does find and dotermine the following facts: 1. ~e proposed development is part of an overall plan of development by the applicant. 2. ~e proposed uses.are compatible with established uses in the Disneyland area. NOW, TH~EF0~, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ~AHEIM CITY PLANNING C0~ISSION NE~B~ V~I~ NO. 1286, for a Motel and Restaurant, with on-sale liquor and Banquet Room facilities, subjec~ to the following conditions: 1. Plans presented, ~i*h 20 ~ landscaping along Katella Ave. and along proposed s~. 2. Interdepartmental Co~ittee requirements: a.' Record Subdivision map in accordance with plot plan submitted, OR b. Dedicate 60 feet from centerline of Katella. (exist. 40'). c. Prepare st. improvement plans & insta$1 all improvements in acccrd~nce with approved standard plans on file in office of Cxty d, Payment ct $2.00 pe~ front foot for street lighting purposes. e. Provide for disposition of drainage by recordation of a subdivision map or recorded dr aina~e approval. 19~0. 2~ FOREGOING ~SOLUTION is signed and approved by me this l~th da~ o~ Aagaa~. CHAI~ ~AHEIM OITY PL~NIN~ OO~XSSION ~e foregoing conditions are found to be a necessary prerequisite to the use ATTEST: of the. p~operty in order to preserve the safety and welfare of ~he Cif~ens of ~a~e~. . by the ~ollowin¢ vote= $EC~Y AN~EIM CITY PLANNING CO~ISSION A~S: CO~ISSION~S:Allred, DuBhis, Gauer, Hapgoud, Marcoux, Morris, Mungal!, Summers. STATE OF C~IF0~IA ) NO~S: CO~ISSION~S: None COUNTY O~ 0~NGE ) ss. ~S~T:CO~ISSIO~S: Mauerhan. CITY 0F ~A~IM ) I, RI~ R~SB, Secreta~,M of %he City Pla~ing Co.lesion of the City of ~aheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ~SOLUZION N0. 49 S~IE$ 1~0~1, was p.~ssed and ad,pied b~ a motion duly made, seconded and carried a Regular Meeting of the City Planning Co.lesion held on %he 15th day of August, 1960. IN WITNESS WHE~0F, I have hereunto set my hand this 15th day of August, 1960~ . SEC~T~Y ~A~IM CITY PL~NIN~ C0~IS~0N ,' ~ 1~~~ ~ ~: ~ ~~~~ A.fAIN STAEET AT FIFPH, SAHTA ANA, CALIFORNIA • KIb(DEALY 7•8892 • ZENITH 562I ~3.1 ~Sa.t cmrt,ain l.and aituatasd in tha Btn4.e of Californi~, Caunty of CAxaa~ym~ dmecxibmd an followo: T~ ~ortian af thc No~theRak avartor of thm FTorthwast qu.artnx ai f6ection z7, 'Sawn~hip ~4,,;~ou#h~ ~uge 1~ waoi, in tho Rwcho San d+~-~ Ca~,jon d~ 8+tnta A.n~.,, +ns shoWtt ~ a x~sp recoaded ia hook 31, pa~oa 10 wf 3biiacellanooum ~po, r~corde of Orange Coua4y~ t.^9,I11ort1lge dsvczibod ae Sallowat Bopinning at tha North qmrtar cosner oS esid sea2ioa 27, said corn~r alao b~si~ ths~ eanLor lina intereac4ion ei PC~t~]As Aveaus a.ad kiazbor Bw~tlmvaurd~ theace m.lon~ oaid c~ntez lia~ of Katella Avorzae Bouth ~9° °S4~ ~k0" ~doak b56. 66 famt to tbr,i trno paint ot bagf,nning~ aaid last naonQio~ed pof~n4 beara Aiosth 89• S~° 40" Fa~mt 1985. 98 finet from tho cetttms liaw lntmraection of suid ~atoila A~ osu~ aad Woet Sirest; 4hoace P.~nth 1° 21~ ~7" ~SSt 34I~.06 foct; tlycacu Atorth SQ' ~4~ ~0" E:aet 26b. $2 ioatj thenca ~oath 1° ZO' 45" ~et 43T. 10 fm~t; t3~once ~aih 89° 34~ 40" ~ebx 567.76 i~ot ta th.Q hmainaiag of a curvm coxscavo to 4h~ Plarth0aslt~ t~euce l~eot~rly ~nd Nmrth~rly s~loug aaid curvs hnv'a~ a ~ra.di~c of ~40, 00 f~ot~ thromgh a de14~ an~l~ oi 88° g3~ 31"~ a diatnnca o4 61. 94 fa~tj Lheace Idorth 1• tl 4901 ~PoeB ~7. 14 fest 40 t~ 6~ginni~g ot a cnrvo coc-cavo La th~n ~oathwostt Lh~aco I~iortis~erly aloug omid eur~o, ~-ving a radinm oi 465. 30 ieot, through a delta a.nglo of 22• 04~ 90"~ a dists.ace a£ 179. ty 4eet to ttaa beginnipg ad a reveraa ~+~w~+ conca.ve to th~ NQrt~eeat; 4~+once PTort~earl7r aloxip~ said currm bav~ a radiue of ~65. 30 fmat~ thraa;h a dmY4a angle of 22• 04~ ~60" ~ dietance af 140. 76 foetj t~aaeo Pior~ 89° 5^4° 40" ~aat 24I. 38 4amt~ t~acm North 1° Z1' 17°' 19est 3~.OS Asot te~ eaid c~ator li~u~ oi ~atoll~ Avenuo~ theacm Pdorth ~q• 34~ ~40" d~ae4 160. 04 foet to th~ galnt of lasogiaaing. p~.Cs,Gw-/~/ ~,. ~ ~`'r.yt.e~ / ~' Z ~~ ~r ~~ .,._ ______._~. __`_._____.__ ~.. ___. , ..._ .. _ _ .. _... . _. . ' ~ t. ,, , ' ~~~