PC 1960-1961-75 P~' 9~U~XON NO. 7b - ~ 196~ _1 A l~Onl.~XOl~ ~, ~e City PI~-~ ~asion of ~e Ci~ of ~e~ ~ ~eeived a Verified Peri,ion from ~o ~or(s) of a eo~ ~eel of ~ p~po~ 3it~te~ ~ ~e City of ~e~, Co~ty of Or.e. All that certain land situated in the City of Anahe~, descried as ~oll~s~ ~e South hal~ of the ~ast half of the Me,beast ~artef of the Eort~est ~arter ~ce~tin9 the~e~ the So~th ~$ ~eet. Also excepting ~he~[rom the Bast ~0 fee~ o~ 2he Morth S9.16 feet of the South 572. l$[cct. ~TITIO~R~ Victor ~. 6r~er, 1~$2 M~o~ Ave., ~ntc ~a, Calif. WREI~SAS, The City pl~.md-_~ Commission did hold a Public Nearing at the City ~all in the City of Anaheim, on September 19, 1960,1[021~ of which said P~bllc ~Iearlng vere duly given as re,aired b~ lay and the provisions of the MUI~ICIPAL CODE, Section g~O0; WREI~EAS. Said Commission. after due inspection, Investigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said Hearing, does find and determine the relieving facts: 1. The subject property is located on an aX~Cerial highway and is part of an area developing for multiple family aah non-residential uses. 2. Tbs proposed use appears to be compatible with existing uses and consistent with development trends in thc area. NOW, T~L~ORE, BE IT 9.ESOLV~,D $1~T $~ ~ CITY ~G ~By G~S S~CI~ USE ~T NO. 82 TO 0~ A PRIVATE S~I~ ~, ~E~ TO T~ Pog~ C~ITIONS: 1. Intorde~r~ntal Co~ttee retirements: s. ~dicate ~5 fe~t from ceoterline (n~ exist. 20'). b. ~epare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in office of C~ty Engineer. c. Pa~ont of $2.00 ~r front foot for street lighting purposes. 2. Adequate off-street perking to be pr~ided on the subject pro~y. parking permitted. 3. Subject pro~rty to ~ enclosed with · masqn~,wall at spch o veAo ~ 2aMes T~ FO~OIN~ ~OL~XON is sided ~ app~e~ b~ me ~ce on eou=txng p=opertme=. Septem~e r~ 1960. C~ ~ CI~ ~G CO~SSI~ The forogo[ng conditions a~e found to ~ a n~~~~h~ u~e.of the~rty' ~ C ~pgood, ~rcoux, ~un~a!l S~ OF ~0~ ) ~Tz CO~I~ Morris. CO~Y OF O~E ) C~ OF ~ ) l, Richard Reese, Seeret~ of ~e City P~ Cohesion of Clt~ of ~eim, do hereby eertl~ ~t ~e foregol~ ~OLUtlON ~0. 1~0%1. vas paused ~d adopted b7 a motion d~ ~e, seconded ~ o~le~ at a Re~l~ Meeting of ~e Clt~ Planning Cohesion held on the 19th da~ or Septe~z, 1960. IN WIT~SS ~OF. I ~ve bare.to set ~ ~ ~s 19th ~ of Septo~cr, 1~0. - - ----- - - . ~ yti -: ,, s . ....,. e iv__- ~ - . `~:i u a ~•n:t r r ,.;.,,_ -. `=; r.,', ~ ~~ _ .., ..!...~ . . ,.. ~ -' t ~OLUTIQN N0. %5__ - SERITS.i9Ef `~~ ,~~ A RESOI,UTION OR TH8 CITY Pl~ANNII3G COMMISuION OF THS CITY OF ANAHTIH mRM1i9fTT~C ~F~YAF. ~E F~! lAb. ~e -PHEREAS, The Citq Planning Commission of the Citp of Anaheim has received ` a Verified Petition irom the Owner(s) of a aertain parael ot real propertp situated.: ~ in the C1ty of Anaheim. Countq of Orange, State of California, dosaribed as follo~s: `' d33 #~~ ca~sr~sin 2aad ~it~aat+~d 3~- ~s ~t;p o€ ~aatceSas~ d~acrdbad ~r falla~s~ :~l~~ S~ttlh ~EF ~ Rtu~ ~L iraiYf a# iAe Hs~rttaaaat quastor o~ t4~a lffaatl~t ~Sartar ~ ~C'~.~Qt1 ~~{3. :+~f SQE~ ~ IMy ~~~$e ~;~ E~Ct~L~Ea~yt tla~L~i4i~~~om !~8 ~tb 4~3 feq#• Al~s~ ~sx+~op~ti~g ~aaralCs^~ t~ ~+t~4. 2i~ i'+aet of ~e iQo~t# 84.26 fsa~t o~ tt~n Sont~; ~72.lbg~e~~• ~TIT~f~tt ~ic~or ~. ~savtos~ 3~39C€ ~ewpctst Aae.y Santa Rna~, Galgf. ~9EIEREd1S. The City Plaaaing Coamission did hold a Publio F:earing at Lhe City Hall in the Citp of Anaheim, on ~~r XgR 1g~6Q~NOTICES of mhioh said Publia Hearing were duly given as required bp law and the provisions oY the APtAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, Seation 9200; and VCHEREAS, Said Commission~ after due inspeation, investigation and stuclles made by itself aad in its behalf and after due oonsideration of all evidenae arid reports offered at said Hearing. does Yind and determine the following Yaats: ~. 7I~ nab,S~~ P~'+P~3' ia la~riced an aa m~Feti~l b~5boe~aY and is part mP an area A~vsle~4c~g ~os ~tipla faa~lq acui nar*ra~3daat#a2 ~es, ~.~._ _r..~ ..~,_.e~.. ..~.r ~.,~...,a .~la1+ ~~~ 3Ri ~VOma flsm ij7pO~Z8 T~P iqC ~caagi~ai+~~om ifs~,ea w~aa~+~ry~viw~r w.. + r...,..~-~. d~11~1~'l't '~2l~0 ~tl f.~0 1kY8~~ NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PI,ANNINa COMMISSION. ~BY G~1TS S~k1~•tAL E~S~E ~Fi~T 1BP• @~.?~ C~RAT~ ~- ~YA2~E 6~1-tL RU~~ 5"~~Ti~:T 7~ YI~I~ ~CCiL~Lt~9331AQ t7f~tiI2'~~s Y~. ~ptat~~przYmantal ~c~maittee s~~~t~ a. .Dadi~al4 4~ tgst fxao C+ente:Yfs9e (a~ eafieity ~'~+ b. i+s~el~ars s~m~t d~xc~t P~ +~a~E '~~u-t~I1 a12 ~nt~a ~e~ ~casd~c,e ~rl,t& appxavat! 13~dard 'Px~ ott #lile-. in 0!'~ice1 t~f G'~tY .~S~+ex• ~. . Faq~etrk a~ 82.F~Q p~ #~aic ~c~rt 'tor s~tos~ Xig4~ting ~ea. 2. ~,g~9~ s~~«~t#x,eat paz~ic.i~g ta bs ~u~ride.d an t~a sak-~vct : t~psr~ty. 'Ao ~aa-ats~as4, ,. , p~-si~i~' Da~itt~d. 3. Snb~eat tti be ~~sl~d ~eftl~ a ~ cr~all. te t~1~~ ae a~ rlasidu al T~OINa RESOLUTION is signed~~~@@~~ ~101~~ ~~, ~~~ T~~~~R• ' . 1.9~lt cl.~p, af ~$~9T} l~w .~%L2~~-u.~i~`~ G~: ~ . CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PI,ANNING COMMI 1: ~ ~o f~,~q0i,~ ~+orn~ition~et ~ i~un~d t0 !~o +~ ~fataas4ty p~+ere~a~tte ~to ~'hm t~r .of . ~Y' ATTEST o 3b :Ott'~bs t0 wpsose,a~r tiw stf~ty a~d ~Tf.sr~ of tl~e .Citiu~~rt ~af ~iai. ` ~.Y4t~! 4at $A~ ObO~-B fiB8~4Y1ttit~f. ~6 MS ,~mlls~taa ---~--_ ~..,- ~..:.r..-. ~+., ',. ,;.::.~r''.~,.'. .. ~:..c•._ AY~Bi i:L~tIS~&I+~$I~'i~- -117,rAds:.~~~~ fix01i~Y'y SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY P7~ANNIN(i COM![ISSION ~jp~ppd9 ~,arc~c, ~arig+~il~ ~~e~s ~` ~i:l i :f k , ~ ~ : .. ~ STATE OF CA~IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGTs ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~Sr ~ne. ~a CC~iISSTtl~El~ ~orri~, I. ~~~ Seoretary oP the Citq P2aaniag Commission oP the City of Anah~~he~y certify that the foregoing RESOLUTION N0. ~y - SERIES 19,_ ~~ , was passed and adopted by a motion duly made, seconded and o'9~ried at aa~ Regular Meeting of the City Plaaning Commission held on the day of Z~ ~' SsptlmJker, 15~60,. IN YVITNESS VPHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~ day of ~ ~ 6+~et~- • l~y -~•-_ - -..~:,re~.C.~.C _.C~ arca_.v..._. _ '^` ``--...~`••.,,.~~y'~5~. `4'...+C.. SRCRETARY ANAHEIid CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ %;~ i'" ..': i