PC 1960-1961-88- ~:1.. . " 'i'J. _ _ "i,y 'z~^x.~~ ._._....____'__" . .. _ t . .. . ' ~ y ~~ . P- ;OLUTION N0. R8 - SSRITsS ~9A~~ Y~ ,i ; ti~• A RESOLJTION OF THE CITYt'P~ANLVING CO1dMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM t~e~l!Ia0~3 VAtl1IAtlL13 AFB4. I~ _ P9FIEFiisAS. The City Planniag Cammission oP the City o? Anaheim has recaived 8 Verified Petition from tBe Owner.{g) oY a aerta3n parcel oY real property situated in the City of Anahein..County of Oraage. State ~Y CaliYornia, desaribed as Yo2lows: d9}.2 4601D ttrl9~~ Ite~ Si~aul#ac! #.~ t3se~ ~icala ts~ ~i£., ~O~aS~ t-€ {'~e~tc$r.,:L~IR~ tsf 1tua~3ttiw~ ~{aacx~~d.nw:fol,~a~ s~~. 7S.at3' of 3rtit 2~ m[ 3~a~t ~ 3~5, ~~o~ ~. se~eesged a~ ~9 Ss .~ af td3~c.~~s,~~oa<is ~f tkr t cb , Gm~i~'. aa~~ ~a~ 75.~° it7.~aa8 94, y3g~ ~q ~,~ ~qt t~' eRS4,~.ia~e AE ~a3.d ~{~ me~~~a~t si t l+ea 4a ~hs~ co~arse of JII... tl~o,,,,,_ .! ~...:.~ __ T.nt T~, 8R~8PYItiG ~M~ ~he~ ~Eh Z~5.C63• ~e t~~s S31AF14~ H. ~ a?.~1. ~'~rnod A~.. L~B ~aftc:h d5, ~ali¢. 1VHEREAS, Tho City Plannin~ Commission did hold a Public Hearing at the City fiall in the Citp oP Anaheim, on ~tp~r ~R~,g~ NOTICES of whiCr safd' Publia Hearing wQre duly givea as required by law and the provisions oP the ANAHTsI~d MUNICIPAI~ CODE~ Seation 9200; and wFIEREAS, Said Commission, after due iaspection, invest3gation and studies W~~~ ~~ ~~~~?? 4.+~? gn ita behalf and after due aonsideration of all evida~ice and reports offered at said Hearing, does 41nd and determine the following fact~:' 1. ~8'Q~x~' #xop~g4T 1is9 ~fea~elapeB i~-ttm ~ 51. ~B S-~'O~eit3~8 tizrs ~a~Fd 8~ F.-~. 7l~er~fus~ t&~ weriamce fra~4igf~ ,€a 3.nte~nds¢!! ta p~zz~i,K a a~l~ to s~b,}~~ ptop$aC*~r e~yYeA Qrp aenesc~~Sie~ IPra~~elf~a 3n cha aeac~ a~sao ~c.xass3.ficmYi~xi. ~. ~'a o~ratsiCioa io .t~sr ~titioa r~~ r~gLs.~$ed. NOYP, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING.CONQdISSIaN ~BY(~ABiT~ ~ i~. k~Jt~.'a &#! G~t~6.'$3q3 s~F ~Plk~&7~ ~33ItL~Ii1~ dmtG~ :~GTtdk~I t3F g~'1S. YARIl~~ ,~d,tj~Cit ~~ #h~ lo.llqa~ia~ et~diBiilS2 X. IIev~~Q~pa~rr~ 4au ~asao~t~y e~it4s p2~ns ~a~ata~d. Tt~s ¢'oreRo~ soffiitions i~ Comaa3 ~a br. a s~ee~asrYyC~res~eq~~~t~ to t~e u~+e ~+F tlme y-zopasty ia~ mtck^x ~ p~e~rvr tl~ safe4~ aau~ re~fu~ af ~ Cf~&zaas rof ,R:es~eim. THE FORFGOING RFSOLUTIOti is 3igned and approved by me this 3E¢l ~yr ~f ~9b8=rti34i?. ' .~~~iG`v`~iv~_ C~C CHAIRMAN ANAHfiIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIO ATTEST: l'~t '~tS~ Cal~ t$e! ~~$9~ tiiW~lfi~iiti# ~~d~i8 9~y ~~se Ea~lore~g efl~aa ~I ~_ _ `'-~ ~9~i ~~$S~~g2~~[8~oy ~iCe ~OCP~~ ~~ :,' ~~ ~^~'% r ti? ~~.:-:~'~'° - ° ~s.coaa~ t~as3s, .#~gail aar3 3m~mrres. . S~CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM4[ISSION ~s ~~~~ ~~ • STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~~~~~~~s; ~~~ COUNTY OF ORA,~iGT ) as. CITY OF•ANAHEIM ) . I, Secretarp of the Citg Planning Commission of the Citp oP Anah~~ ~~ certifp that the foFegoing RESULUTION N0. - SERIES 19 -, was passed and adopted by a motion duly made, secondod snd ~ried at a 6d 6'1 fiegular Meeting of the Citp Planning Coeimission held ou Lhe dsy. of 3+t'd f3cfole~a. 19b0. IN WITNESS i4HERE0F, I have hereuato set my hand this day oY 3rd ~C£Cbel, 1$54J. ~-,- ~v~"L..'~.~i..~a._.. ~~a...:..-~s:~.~ ~a..r,.,,, . SfiCf2ETARY ANAFI~SIM CITY PLANNING COl~iMISSION „i, ' ~ .. _ . --- - -- _-. ..~ i.:'.